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Green River Montessori School Field Trip Permission Form

Field trips may be occasionally planned by foot or by vehicle. Adequate and legal adult child ratios are maintained at all times; safety procedures are practiced; experienced adults are in charge; and a safe and legal mode of transportation is used. Teachers make every effort to advise parents beforehand through posted notices and newsletters. Based on this information, please sign the following: ___YES, I give my permission for my child(ren) to participate in participate in planned outings ___ NO, I do not wish for my child to participate in any field trips

Parent Handbook & Emergency Procedures

Washington State child care regulations state that we must have parent verification confirming that families have reviewed and received a copy of our Emergency Plan and a Parent Handbook. Please sign the below statement so that we may keep your childs rile update and with State Compliance. ___ YES, I have received and reviewed a copy of Green River Montessori Schools Emergency Plan and a Parent Handbook. I am also aware of the Full Disaster Plan located in each Classroom Emergency Book. This information is available for my review any time. ___ NO, I have not received the above information

Child(ren)s Name(s):



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