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Reflection This is quite possibly the worst paper I have ever written.

I was not aware when I chose my figured world that I would be using it throughout the semester for every assignment, otherwise I probably would have chosen something completely different. This subject was very difficult for me to discuss because it is not something I give much thought to honestly. I had difficulty finding information that did not come from the seventies or eighties. I also had difficulty finding ways to use all of my sources in my paper because I felt like only some of the sources and articles I read were helpful. My paper felt choppy and awkward to me, like there was little to no natural flow. I do not usually have a difficult time writing, words tend to come pretty naturally to me but this paper really threw me for a loop. Much of the paper felt ( and I think sounds) forced and unnatural, which is not a style I typically use to refer to my work as. I had difficulty using APA format as well because I have always been told to use MLA. I really appreciate your having us use the format that our respective majors would use because it is more relevant than a generic format. But Ive never used APA so while working on the paper I had a hard time breaking out of MLA, causing me to have to revise re-write much of the formatting I had done. Meeting with you to find more sources and ways to find more sources helped me feel more confident about my ability to complete the assignment, but at some point while I was writing I realized that I had no idea what I was really talking about and how to focus my paper. My paper often felt disconnected and scatter brained to me because I expanded my topic so much in order to make the word count and to keep from repeating myself. My original topic was just concerning the liability issues that come along with commercial driving and how companies handle the financial and insurance burdens that come along with it, but I had to include the effects of shiftwork on them in order to find enough information that I wouldnt simply be telling stories. To be honest, I hate that my name is on this paper because it is not work that Im proud of. Its a topic I had little interest in and I had a difficult time finding an authentic voice to give to the paper. I feel like my paper is disconnected and sloppy, with no real focus. If the information was solid but the tone was off I would be less uneasy and if my tone and flow was where it usually is but my information was subpar I would feel better. But alas neither of those things are true and it is for those reasons dear Ashlyn, that I ask you to be merciful and kind when you read this, because I have never struggled so much with a paper in my life. I have, however, learned that I do not handle a challenge well.

Carrie Arnold

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