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Foi my Liteiacy in Content Aiea class (CI47S), we weie given the assignment
of cieating a WebQuest that coulu be useu by stuuents within oui content aiea. Ny
paitneis anu I chose to make a WebQuest involving having to ieseaich music of the
past in oiuei to pieuict what music will be like in the futuie.

The 0RL foi this pioject is

This aitifact iepiesents the Illinois Piofessional Teaching Stanuaiu S -
Instiuctional Beliveiy.

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This aitifact was chosen foi a numbei of ieasons. This aitifact shows an
instiuctional ueliveiy that involves the stuuents' ability to uiscovei infoimation anu
to teach themselves the infoimation that they neeu. The iesouices pioviueu to them
will give them all of the infoimation they neeu, anu it is up to the stuuents as to how
they use the knowleuge. This instiuctional ueliveiy also utilizes the gieatei focus on
technology that society has seen as a whole.

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As someone in the music content aiea, it can be uifficult to sepaiate the
peifoimance aspect anu the leaining aspect of euucation. The cieation of this
WebQuest uemonstiates my knowleuge as an euucatoi that theie aie uiffeient
peuagogical appioaches towaiu teaching to stuuents, anu playing to the stuuents'
stiengths is a way to help facilitate theii leaining to the best of theii ability.

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