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What Makes a High-Quality Apprenticeship

Teaching 21st Century Skills is essential to our

apprenticeship model, and also one of the four
ways we evaluate the success of each
apprenticeship. Use this table as you plan and
see whether the lessons you imagine would
meet the criteria.

21st Century Skills Both of the 21st Century Skills being concentrated on in the apprenticeship are explicitly
identified visually within the classroom and observed in practice.

Career/college Lessons consistently involve CT/TL/other adult sharing their career/college path by
connection making connections among:

 Personal journeys

 Career and educational pathways

 Access and exposure

 Skill-building

Active engagement Students are actively engaged: asking good questions, engaging in group work,
and hands-on expressing joy and enthusiasm, and participating in peer teaching/teach backs. Lesson
learning plans include mostly hands-on and experiential learning activities.

Culmination in a The product, performance, or presentation contains:

high-quality WOW!
 Demonstration of mastery

 Professional quality

 Authentic audience

 Adds value to the community

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