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The Promotion of Economic Growth is used to make people conform and support the system in places like the

U.S.A. and Europe In America people value economic growth which is not a good thing. Economic growth means more technology, specialization, and alienation. People encourage economic growth because they are poor and exploited by the system which overworks and underpays them. People would not be so enthusiastic of economic growth if most of the wealth was not possessed by only a few people compared to most of the population. Economic growth promotes materialism over spiritual aspects of life. People would not be so enthusiastic of economic growth if the rich did not steal all of their money which happened in the financial crisis of 2008. The encouragement of economic growth and having a good economy is used to invade and oppress other peoples and cultures who are considered poor and have a bad economy. They are considered to have a bad economy compared to industrialized economies and those supporting industrialized economies claim that non industrialized economies are poor economies and bad. Those who do not have the same cultures, industry, and economy as western economies such as the U.S.A. and Europe are considered inferior and in a poor condition. Economic growth is used to make people conform and support the current system which is not a good thing but is a wicked thing, especially considering all the oppression, exploitation, alienation, and spiritual despair which is involved. The happiest countries in the world are not those which seek to maximize gross domestic product but those which are most spiritually fulfilled.

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