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CAT Exam 2014 Preparation and its Exam Pattern Common Admission Test or CAT 2014 is the way

to take admission in the top college of India for MBA education and management studies It is only possi!le" when you will get high scoring percentile Common Admission test # CAT e$amination 201% A good rank in CAT 2014 e$am opens doors to enter in the !est colleges like IIM&s" M'I" IMT" etc for studding the Master Business Administration (MBA) This entrance e$am held e*ery year in India" !ut this e$am is *ery tough according as competition +nly a foolproof preparation can !e successes in this entrance e$am I want to gi*e some preparation tips in my article ,irstly I want to say something that students who want to apply- they understand the e$am pattern properly CAT 2014 will follow the same e$am patter like pre*ious year papers It is an online computer !ased test on two topics The topics are .uantitati*e A!ility" 'ata Interpretation" /er!al A!ility" and 0ogical 1easoning /er!al a!ility 2uestions ha*e some 3nglish 2uestions to check your 3nglish a!ility The time is e2ually gi*en to the candidates for each topic Total time for this e$am is 144 min 5egati*e marking is also considered If you will gi*e 4 wrong answers" then you will loss 1 marks from correct answers 6ou can set their speed to sol*e the 2uestions as re2uirement 7ome other preparation tips should !e remem!ered !y you at the time of preparation Analysis to yourself 8 make their weeks points into your strength points Collect the good and !eneficial preparation material such as modal papers" reasoning !ooks" pre*ious year papers" etc A !est coaching institute will help more and more in your preparation" !ecause it will gi*e to you shortcuts to sol*e the 2uestions 8 remo*e your confusions time to time 7tudy Time management is necessary in cracking the e$am 6ou should di*ide the e$am sylla!us in se*eral time periods By which you will not feel !ored If you are doing your graduation" you can prepare for CAT 2014 from this time It will more !eneficial for you Appro$ 10 9ours study is re2uired e*ery day" if you want to do one year preparation from any coaching center 6ou should collect the pre*ious year papers After sol*ing these papers you can check the answers with the help of answer keys Source : SiliconIndia Blogs

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