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Q 1) What do you understand by waveguide modes? What are dominant modes?

Ans :- // give the definition of Waveguide

A waveguide: it can be define as is a special form of transmission line consisting of a hollow, metal tube. // draw diagram if needed

Modes: certain field patterns that can propagate independently There are two types of modes that the waveguide can support : 1) TM mode // long form 2) TE mode // long form // explain TM magnetic lines are entirely transverse to the direction of popogation of EM wave. Electric field has a component in that direction. // same TE mode Again the popogation modes for both TE and TM are designated by two subscripts TEmn TM mn m// explain no fo half cycle variation in the wider direction n// ---//-- narrow direction m // explain different TE and TM mode in the rectangualar wave guide 1) m=0 n= 0 no variation so cant exist 2) m= 1 n=0 // explain exists and simplest // write all the higher exists

Same for magnetic 1) 2) 3) 4) M=0 N=0 // not exists M=0 n1 // not exists M1 n0 // not exits (all the componets vanishes) M1 n1 all field componets exists valid hs lowest cutoff freq called dominant mode. Non existence of TEM mode

Will not popogate in waveguide because certain boundary condition apply Electric field must be orthogonal to the conductor in order to exixts at the surface of that conductor magnetic field must not be orthogonal to the surface of the waveguide in order to satisfy tese boundry condition wave guide gives rise to TE and TM mode TEM violates boundry conditions magnetic field is not parallel to the surface and does not occure in waveguide

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