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Abbey Fletcher

linear narrative
Fools gold has a beginning, middle and end solving to find lost treasure in the sea.

Shrek is a linear because he finds the princess and take her back to the village.

Non-Linear narrative
Inception is full of flashbacks.

The note book tells a story and so has flashbacks all the way through.

How I met your mother has flashbacks in every episode.

Lost is an American TV series that has flashbacks frequently in most episodes.

500 days of summer is a very realistic film.

Easy A is also a realistic film.

World war Z would never happen.

2012 would also never happen.

Open ending
Donnie Darko is an open ended film.

Unknown is also open ended.

Closed ending
Wild child has a closed ending because everything gets resolved at the end.

Chasing mavericks is closed ending because he finds his real dad in the end.

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