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Ingredients: 1 pint, vodka 2 teaspoons, anise seed /cucharadita de semillas de anis 4 cardamon pods /cuhcharadita de cardamomo 1/2 teaspoon,

ground coriander /cilantro molido 1--2/3 cups, sugar syrup /almibar de azucar 2 teaspoons, crumbled wormwood (dried) Ajenjo seco 1/2 teaspoon, fennel seed /semillas de hinojo 1 teaspoon, marjoram /mejorana 2 teaspoons, chopped angelica root /raiz de angelica cortada Procedure: Place vodka in large jar with tight fitting lid. Add wormwood and shake well; st eep 48 hrs and strain out. Crush seeds and pods in mortar. Add them and all rema ining spices to vodka and steep in a warm place 1 week. Filter and sweeten. (The sugar syrup mentioned above is your standard simple syrup.) rmenting, then filt er it. Pour it into bottles, putting two raisins into each bottle. After a few d ays, it should be good to drink. ough several layers of cheesecloth. Squeeze dry , then add more water and squeeze again. Add water to make about 2 gallons, heat , and dissolve in sugars. Bring to boil, add citroid juices, and boil stirring f requently (to avoid excessive sugar carmelization) for about 30 minutes. Pour in to fermenter containing 2 + gallons cold water carefully (to avoid hot stuff on cold glass) and add more water to make about 5 gallons. Pitch. Ferment. Bottle. Drink. and serendipity: I'd hate to try and reproduce it exactly. But I think th ere's good info in the recipe, which can be applied to other at

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