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56;'*F4*:D)>''GGrowing up I gained a certain perception of automotive technician for being a challenging technical experience while also providing helpful role in society." (Reinventing ASE, Joshua Gute) I take pride in my job. ' H<'?*&@6*##'5#'D&)5*64*>''76'9<'25*3=')$*:*'&:*'9&6<'5##%*#A'&6=')"'9*')$*<'&:*' 9"#)3<'9<'4"?":@*:#'&6=')$*5:'B*$&85":>''GThe largest reason for turnover is the highs and lows of commission based wages, there also is a lot of under qualified people who have failed to keep up with the technological advances of a this rapid changing industry."(Reinventing ASE, Joshua Gute) This example gives a glimpse of the issues I deal with everyday. Due to the document link no longer being available on Moodle that included my work shopping comments, I cannot provide explicit textual examples from marginal and endnote commentary. From recollection, I used several of the comments that pointed toward finding more source examples to make stronger arguments. There were also several comments to go more in depth on geographical locations of places referenced. I chose to not provide much more detail in these areas because I did not feel it was relevant to the topic being discussed. Pay attention to the structure of how a dealership is run. I think all consumers should know more about this industry since we spend a large portion of our life depending on vehicles. This is a business trying to make money not a place where customer service is valued. Also notice that as technology improves typical employees that enter into this field cannot or don't keep up with advancement. This creates a huge need for technicians since certain qualifications are becoming much more prevalent. I feel this an issue in many industries today as qualifications go up not everyone is capable of rising to the new level of standards.' '

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