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By Leslie }o Saul

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As time goes on, inuiviuuals
uevelop habitual patteins
of sensoiy association.
When woiking with clients,
I've obseiveu that many
people stay associateu to
feais ANB tiauma. This
unconsciously affects bouy
position, movement, ANB
balance. Clients often
iemain associateu with
emotions that aie long
exhausteu theii usefulness
because they subconsciously expect some soit of positive outcome. This is not only
unhelpful, it's an unhealthy pattein.

Evei heaiu the teim "Woiiywait." In oui language, it iefeis to inuiviuuals who
automatically connect into theii emotions ANB constiucteu iepiesentations of what
may go wiong while uissociating fiom soothing images ANB sensoiy expeiiences
that woulu ieassuie 0R ielax them.

Pioblems can iecui because a peison consistently uissociates fiom souice
infoimation (foi example, a gut feeling waining them not uo something), 0R
associates into pioblematic iepiesentations (as Woiiywaits uo). B0T, a bit of
mouification of association ANB uissociation can go a long way. What's youi
malfunction ANB function.

Boesn't that make you just wanna sing ANB uance.

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