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Thanksgiving Characters

Enlarged, these darling characters can be used in

bulletin board displays. You might like to make one
of them poster board size and attach it to your
classroom door. A word of Welcome
would be all you would need to
greet parents during parent-
teacher conferences.
Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 87
These characters can also be used in a
flannel board story about Thanksgiving.
Cut out and color each illustration. Glue
a square of flannel to the back of the
picture and apply to the board as you
tell the story of the pilgrims.
November Idea Book
Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 88
The pilgrims gave thanks to God
for their many blessings.
With the help of the Indians, the
pilgrims built strong houses.
During the long voyage on the
Mayflower, a baby was born to
the Hopkins family and appropri-
ately named Oceanus.
November Idea Book
Squanto helped the
pilgrims with the planting,
fishing and hunting. He
became a very good
At harvest time, there
were more than enough
fruits and vegetables to
store for the winter.
Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 89
November Idea Book
The Mayflower
On September 6, 1620,
the Mayflower set sail
alone with 102 people
Teachers Friend, a Scholastic Company 90
November Idea Book

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