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Difference between King and emperor A king rules a kingdom. And emperor rules an empire.

Japan used to be several kingdoms. When the kingdoms were united, it became an Empire. The same with Greece, Rome and Egypt. They incorporated several kingdoms into their own, and thus became empires. Technically, the queen of England is an Empress that rules the Bristish Empire. Difference between a web and net
The Internet is the large container, and the Web is a part within the container. It is common in daily conversation to abbreviate them as the "Net" and the "Web", and then swap the words interchangeably. But to be technically precise, the Net is the restaurant, and the Web is the most popular dish on the menu. Difference between a doctor and vet

By definition a veterinarian is a type of doctor. While veterinarians (DVM) and medical doctors (MD) are very different they are both types of doctors. If you are asking what the differences in responsibility are between MDs and DVMs are it is mostly in the the species of patient they see. MDs see humans DVMs see animals (while there are specializations any DVM is legally permitted to treat any species beside man).

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