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Preparation of a Formatted Technical Work for the Final Project UniKL BMI

First Author Name1, Second Author Name1 & Third Author Name2
Section of Electronics Technolo ! " Section of Electrical Technolo ! Uni#ersiti K$ala L$mp$r British Mala!sian Instit$te Abstract: %ll man$scripts m$st incl$de a &rief &$t informati#e a&stract 'itho$t reference to the main te(t) It sho$ld not e(ceed 1** 'ords and sho$ld descri&e the scope+ h!pothesis or rationale for the 'ork and the main findin s) Both common and scientific names sho$ld &e incl$ded, the a$thorities are not i#en if the! appear in the title) -eferences to the literat$re and mathematical s!m&ols.e/$ations sho$ld not &e incl$ded) %&stract m$st incl$de follo'in sections0 Problem statement: This section sho$ld incl$de ans'ers of the /$estions0 Wh! 'as research needed1 What 'as the conte(t of the 'ork1 Introd$ce the pro&lem or pro#ide &ack ro$nd for 'hat !o$ 'ill address Approach: What did !o$ do and ho' did !o$ o a&o$t sol#in or makin pro ress on the pro&lem) 2escri&e the method of research+ st$d!+ or anal!sis applied to the pro&lem) Results: What res$lts did !o$ et1 State 'hat !o$ fo$nd and relate it to the pro&lem) S$mmari3e the major res$lts in n$m&ers, a#oid #a $e+ hand 'a#in res$lts s$ch as 4#er! small5 or 4si nificant5 Conclusions/Recommendations0 What are the implications of !o$r ans'er1 State the rele#ance+ implications+ or si nificance of the res$lts or concl$sions+ to the &$siness) Si nificance of 'ork is often implied &! the recommendations or implications for f$t$re 'ork) e!"ords: Ke! 'ords 6789: sho$ld &e pro#ided &elo' the %&stract to assist 'ith inde(in of the article) These sho$ld not d$plicate ke! 'ords from the title

1#$ %NTR&'(CT%&N This section sho$ld incl$de s$fficient &ack ro$nd information to set the 'ork in conte(t) The aims of the man$script sho$ld &e clearl! stated) The introd$ction sho$ld not contain either findin s or concl$sions) 2#$ )AT*R%A+S AN' )*T,&'S This sho$ld &e concise &$t pro#ide s$fficient detail to allo' the 'ork to &e repeated &! others) -#$ R*S(+TS -es$lts sho$ld &e presented in a lo ical se/$ence in the te(t+ ta&les and fi $res, repetiti#e presentation of the same data in different forms sho$ld &e a#oided) The res$lts sho$ld not contain material appropriate to the disc$ssion) Tables: Sho$ld &e self8contained and complement+ &$t not d$plicate+ information contained in the te(t) Ta&les sho$ld &e n$m&ered consec$ti#el! in %ra&ic n$merals) Each ta&le sho$ld &e presented on a separate pa e 'ith a comprehensi#e &$t concise le end a&o#e the ta&le) Ta&les 1

sho$ld &e do$&le8spaced and #ertical lines sho$ld not &e $sed to separate col$mns) ;ol$mn headin s sho$ld &e &rief+ 'ith $nits of meas$rement in parentheses, all a&&re#iations sho$ld &e defined in footnotes) The ta&le and its le end.footnotes sho$ld &e $nderstanda&le 'itho$t reference to the te(t)
Ta&le 1 Material properties for components of F;8;B<% ;omponent 6ppm.=;: Silicon die Solder &$mp 6P&@*Sn1*: Bi;TE ceramic s$&strate Underfill Poisson ratio *)"? *)79 *)7*

E 6<Pa: 171)9* "?)7* >9)7*

;TE ")>* "A)9* 1A)** -efer to Ta&le "

Fi.ures: Cnl! scientificall! necessar! ill$strations sho$ld &e incl$ded) %ll ill$strations 6line dra'in s and photo raphs: are classified as fi $res) Fi $res sho$ld &e cited in consec$ti#e order in the te(t) Fi $res sho$ld &e si3ed to fit 'ithin the col$mn 6>" mm: or the f$ll te(t 'idth 61?1 mm:) Line fi $res sho$ld &e s$pplied as sharp+ &lack and 'hite raphs or dia rams+ dra'n professionall! or 'ith a comp$ter raphics packa e, letterin sho$ld &e incl$ded) Photo raphs sho$ld &e s$pplied as sharp+ loss!+ &lack and

'hite photo raphic prints and m$st &e $nmo$nted) <raphics sho$ld &e s$pplied as hi h resol$tion 6at least 7** d)p)i): electronic files+ sa#ed as )eps or )tif format) % hi h resol$tion print8o$t m$st also &e pro#ided) 2i ital ima es s$pplied onl! as lo'8resol$tion print8o$ts cannot &e $sed) 2o not p$t &orders aro$nd !o$r fi $res) Colour /i.ures: ;olo$r photo raphs sho$ld &e s$&mitted as ood /$alit!+ loss! colo$r prints) Fi.ure le.ends: Le ends sho$ld &e self8e(planator! and t!ped on a separate sheet) The le end sho$ld incorporate definitions of an! s!m&ols $sed and all a&&re#iations and $nits of meas$rement sho$ld &e e(plained so that the fi $re and its le end is $nderstanda&le 'itho$t reference to the te(t) 6Pro#ide a letter statin cop!ri ht a$thori3ation if fi $res ha#e &een reprod$ced from another so$rce): Fi $re a(is la&els are often a so$rce of conf$sion) Tr! to $se 'ords rather than s!m&ols) %s an e(ample+ 'rite the /$antit! DMa neti3ation+D or DMa neti3ation+ M+D not j$st DM)D P$t $nits in parentheses) 2o not la&el a(es onl! 'ith $nits) %s in Fi ) 1+ 'rite DMa neti3ation 6k%.m:D or DMa neti3ation 6k%Em81:+D not j$st Dk%.m)D 2o not la&el a(es 'ith a ratio of /$antities and $nits) For e(ample+ 'rite DTemperat$re 6K:+D not DTemperat$re.K)D Fi $re la&els sho$ld &e le i&le+ appro(imatel! >8 to 1*8point t!pe

mm+ e(cept 'here the n$m&er &e ins the sentence) When the n$m&er does not refer to a $nit meas$rement+ it is spelt o$t+ e(cept 'here the n$m&er is reater than nine) Use onl! standard a&&re#iations) The 'ord GFi $reH sho$ld &e shortened to Fi ) $nless startin a sentence) )ath and *1uations: Use either the Microsoft E/$ation Editor or the MathT!pe commercial add8on for MS Word for all math o&jects in !o$r paper 6Insert I E/$ation or MathT!pe E/$ation:) DFloat o#er te(tD sho$ld not &e selected) F$m&er e/$ations consec$ti#el! 'ith e/$ation n$m&ers in parentheses fl$sh 'ith the ri ht mar in+ as in 61:) Be s$re that the s!m&ols in !o$r e/$ation ha#e &een defined &efore the e/$ation appears or immediatel! follo'in )
J 7E A " I F = I B = I C = A I A1 + AI A " + I A* = Z1 + Z "


2#$ '%SC(SS%&N This sho$ld consider the res$lts in relation to an! h!potheses ad#anced in the Introd$ction and place the st$d! in the conte(t of other 'ork) Cnl! in e(ceptional cases sho$ld the -es$lts and 2isc$ssion sections &e com&ined) 3#$ C&NC+(S%&N 4hat are the implications o/ !our ans"er5 Is it oin to chan e the 'orld 6$nlikel!:+ &e a si nificant D'inD+ &e a nice hack+ or simpl! ser#e as a road si n indicatin that this path is a 'aste of time 6all of the pre#io$s res$lts are $sef$l:) Are !our results .eneral, potentiall! .enerali6able, or speci/ic to a particular case5 R*F*R*NC*S Bi&lio raphic references in the te(t appear like J1+"+9+KL+ $sin s/$are &race in s$perscript) -eferences sho$ld &e n$m&ered consec$ti#el!+ 'ith st!le0

Fi ) 1 Ma neti3ation as a f$nction of applied field) 6Fote that DFi )D is a&&re#iated and there is a period after the fi $re n$m&er follo'ed &! t'o spaces):

J1L M) F) F$ller+ E) F) F$chs+ and K) M) -oesler+ DInfl$ence of harmonics on po'er distri&$tion s!stem protection+D IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery+ #ol) 7+ pp) 9A@899?+ 1@>>) J"L -) M) Nidmar) 61@@"+ %$ ):) Cn the $se of atmospheric plasmas as electroma netic reflectors) IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science. JCnlineL) 21 !"+ pp) >?K8>>*) %#aila&le0 http0..''')halc!on)com.p$&.jo$rnals."1ps*78#idmar

Abbre0iation and units: SI $nits 6metre+ kilo ram etc):+ as o$tlined in the latest edition of Units+ S!m&ols and %&&re#iations0 % <$ide for Medical and Scientific Editors and %$thors 6-o!al Societ! of Medicine Press+ London:+ sho$ld &e $sed 'here#er possi&le) Statistics and meas$rements sho$ld al'a!s &e i#en in fi $res, that is+ 1* "


J7L <) C) Oo$n + DS!nthetic str$ct$re of ind$strial plastics+D in Plastics+ "nd ed)+ #ol) 7+ M) Peters+ Ed) Fe' Oork0 Mc<ra'8 Bill+ 1@KA+ pp) 198KA)

;onference Proceedin
JAL M) L) %l/$eres and M) ;) Praca+ DThe Bra3ilian po'er s!stem and the challen e of the %ma3on transmission+D in Proc. 1##1 IEEE Power En$ineerin$ Society Transmission an% Distri&'tion Con(erence+ pp) 71987"*)

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