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Philosophy of teaching

I believe that as a teacher, I have specific roles and responsibilities that will enable me to facilitate and incorporate a positive and inclusive learning environment within my classroom. 1 Provide a safe and positive learning environment that promotes !""#$%!&"# for each students diverse background, experiences, interests, and skills 2 Treat each student respect and dignity, remembering that each one has promise and potential. 3 Implement MEANINGFUL and !""#$%!&#' learning activities that address the learning outcomes. 4 Evaluate different !"#$%&%'()*+!") of the students and thus utilize a variety of instructional methods to address them. 5 Challenge students to take risks, think critically, problem solve, self assess, and learn to challenge themselves beyond their conceived boundaries. 6- Collaborate with parents of students keeping them informed of their childs progress, along with any steps of intervention needed, and working with them to meet the needs of the student. 7 Collaborate with other educators in the school or community to continue to enhance learning practices, environment, and create a network of support. 8 Regularly ('#)*'+!#,!-' the teaching methods being utilized in the classroom and make the necessary changes needed for grown in teaching method and styles. !

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