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English-Language Arts Content Standards

Adopted by the California State Board of Education Dece ber 1!!"# California Depart ent of Education

English-Language Arts Content Standards for CA Public Schools Page $ of 64

A Message from the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
%ith the adoption of these English-language arts content standards in 1!!"# California set forth for the first ti e a unifor and specific &ision of 'hat students should (no' and be able to do in this sub)ect area* +eflecting a strong consensus a ong educators# these standards establish high e,pectations for all students* -hey e body our collecti&e hope that all students beco e effecti&e language users so that they can succeed acade ically# pursue higher education# find challenging and re'arding 'or(# participate in our de ocracy as infor ed citi.ens# appreciate and contribute to our culture# and pursue their o'n goals and interests throughout their li&es* Standards create a vision of a comprehensive language arts program. Before the creation of content standards# school refor efforts 'ere guided by the desire to i pro&e student achie&e ent 'ithout agree ent as to the content of that achie&e ent* -hese standards set forth the content that students need to ac/uire by grade le&el* At e&ery grade le&el the standards co&er reading# 'riting# 'ritten and oral English language con&entions# and listening and spea(ing* 0rade by grade# the standards create a &ision of a balanced and co prehensi&e language arts progra * Knowledge acquisition is a part of literacy development. +eading# 'riting# listening# and spea(ing are related processes# 'hich should be nurtured 'ithin a rich core curriculu * Literacy co petencies are the gate'ays to (no'ledge across the disciplines* Prior (no'ledge is the strongest predictor of a student1s ability to a(e inferences about te,t# and 'riting about content helps students ac/uire (no'ledge* -hus# literacy and the ac/uisition of (no'ledge are ine,tricably connected* Educators should ta(e e&ery opportunity to lin( reading and 'riting to other core curricula# including history# social science# athe atics# science# and the &isual and perfor ing arts# to help students achie&e success in all areas* Standards are central to literacy reforms. -he standards continue to ser&e as the centerpiece of language arts refor in California* -hey continue to pro&ide a focus for the de&elop ent of docu ents such as the Reading/Language Arts Framework and literacy handboo(s2 criteria used for the selection of te,tboo(s2 the language arts portions of tests used in state assess ents; and an array of professional de&elop ent acti&ities* 3ust as the standards dri&e nu erous state'ide initiati&es# they are also being used e,tensi&ely throughout California as teachers and ad inistrators strengthen local progra s and create school'ide literacy progra s to eet the needs of all students* Standards describe what, not how, to teach. Standards-based education aintains California1s tradition of respect for local control of schools* -o help students achie&e at high le&els# local school officials# literacy and library leaders# and teachers-in collaboration 'ith fa ilies and co unity partners-are encouraged to continue using these standards to e&aluate and i ple ent the best and ost po'erful practices* -hese standards pro&ide a ple roo for the inno&ation# creati&ity# and reflection essential to teaching and learning* Standards help to ensure equity and access for all. -he di&ersity of California1s students presents both opportunities and challenges for instruction* Language and literacy gro'th begins before children enter school as they learn to co unicate# listen to stories# loo( at boo(s# and play 'ith other children* Students co e to school 'ith a 'ide &ariety of abilities and interests# as 'ell as &arying proficiency in English and other languages* -he &ision guiding these standards is that all students ust ha&e the opportunities# resources# ti e# and support needed to achie&e astery* Literacy is a gate'ay s(ill# opening a 'orld of possibilities to students* 4ur goal is to ensure that e&ery student graduating fro high school is prepared to transition successfully to postsecondary education and careers* -hese standards represent our co it ent to e,cellence for all children* +5-6 E* 0+EE7# President California State Board of Education 3AC8 49C477ELL State Superintendent of Public :nstruction

Adopted by the California State Board of Education Dece ber 1!!"# California Depart ent of Education

English-Language Arts Content Standards for CA Public Schools Page ; of 64

-he English-Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e represents a strong consensus on the s(ills# (no'ledge# and abilities that all students should be able to aster in language arts at specific grade le&els during 1; years in the California public school syste * Each standard describes the content students need to aster by the end of each grade le&el <(indergarten through grade eight= or cluster of grade le&els <grades nine and ten and grades ele&en and t'el&e=* :n accordance 'ith Education Code Section 6>6>;# as added by Asse bly Bill $6? <Chapter !"?# Statutes of 1!!?=# the Leroy 0reene California Assess ent of Acade ic Achie&e ent Act# there 'ill be perfor ance standards that @define &arious le&els of co petence at each grade le&el AandB gauge the degree to 'hich a student has et the content standards*@ -he assess ent of student astery of these standards is scheduled for no later than $>>1* -he Reading/Language Arts and English as a Second Language Framework <forthco ing= 'ill align the curriculu and instructional progra to the English-Language Arts Content Standards% -he fra e'or( 'ill ser&e as a guide for teachers# ad inistrators# parents# and other support personnel on 'hen to introduce (no'ledge and ho' to sustain the practice of s(ills leading all students to astery* :t 'ill also pro&ide 'ays in 'hich to assess and onitor student progress2 design syste atic support and inter&ention progra s2 and encourage parent in&ol&e ent* :n addition# the fra e'or( 'ill identify instructional and student resources2 pro ote professional de&elop ent2 and suggest strategies for i pro&ing co unication bet'een school# ho e# and co unity* Cinally# the fra e'or( 'ill address the deli&ery of content-rich curriculu to specialneeds students# especially English language learners# students 'ith disabilities# and learners at ris( of failure* An Essential Discipline -he ability to co unicate 'ellto read# 'rite# listen# and spea(-runs to the core of hu an e,perience* Language s(ills are essential tools not only because they ser&e as the necessary basis for further learning and career de&elop ent but also because they enable the hu an spirit to be enriched# foster responsible citi.enship# and preser&e the collecti&e e ory of a nation* Students 'ho read 'ell learn the te po and structure of language early in their de&elop ent* -hey aster &ocabulary# &ariance in e,pression# and organi.ation and s(ill in arshaling e&idence to support an idea* 7ational :nstitutes of 6ealth studies indicate that students 'ho are behind in reading in grade three ha&e only a 1$ to $> percent chance of e&er catching up*

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English-Language Arts Content Standards for CA Public Schools Page 4 of 64 luent !eaders and S"illed #riters Students ust read a broad &ariety of /uality te,ts to de&elop proficiency in# and deri&e pleasure fro # the act of reading* Students ust also ha&e e,perience in a broad range of 'riting applications# fro the poetic to the technical* Dusicians cannot co pose concertos <or play those co posed by others= 'ithout first learning the scales and practicing the as 'ell as reading and playing the usic of the great co posers 'ho ha&e sur&i&ed the test of ti e* -he sa e is true of young readers and 'riters and their relationships 'ith the great 'riters 'ho ha&e preceded the * +eading and 'riting technical aterials# oreo&er# are critical life s(ills* Participation in society - filling out for s# &oting# understanding the daily ne'spaper - re/uires solid reading and 'riting co petencies* Si ilarly# ost )obs de and the abilities to read and 'rite 'ell* Collegiate and technical courses generally re/uire a high le&el of proficiency in both abilities* :n an e ergency# reading and 'riting 'ith speed and accuracy ay literally ean the difference bet'een life and death* +eading and 'riting offer the po'er to infor and to enlighten as 'ell as to bridge ti e and place* Cor e,a ple# interpreting and creating literary te,ts help students to understand the people 'ho ha&e li&ed before the and to participate in# and contribute to# a co on literary heritage* -hrough literature# oreo&er# students e,perience the uni/ue history of the 5nited States in an i ediate 'ay and encounter any cultures that e,ist both 'ithin and beyond this nation1s borders* -hrough reading and 'riting students ay share perspecti&es on enduring /uestions# understand and learn ho' to i part essential infor ation# and e&en obtain a gli pse of hu an oti&ation* +eading and 'riting offer inco parable e,periences of shared conflict# 'isdo # understanding# and beauty* :n selecting both literary and infor ational te,ts for re/uired reading and in gi&ing 'riting assign ents <as 'ell as in helping students choose their o'n reading and 'riting e,periences=# local go&erning boards# schools# and teachers should ta(e ad&antage of e&ery opportunity to lin( that reading and 'riting to other core curricula# including history# social science# athe atics# and science* By understanding and creating literary and technical 'riting# students e,plore the interrelationships of their o'n e,istence 'ith those of others* Students need to read and 'rite often# particularly in their early acade ic careers* +eading and 'riting so ething of literary or technical substance in all disciplines# e&ery day# both in and out of school# are the principal goals of these standards* Confident Spea"ers and $houghtful Listeners Spea(ing and listening s(ills ha&e ne&er been ore i portant* Dost A ericans no' tal( for a li&ing at least part of the ti e* -he abilities to e,press ideas cogently and to

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English-Language Arts Content Standards for CA Public Schools Page ? of 64 construct &alid and truthful argu ents are as i portant to spea(ing 'ell as to 'riting 'ell* 6oning the ability to e,press defensible reflections about literature 'ill ensure co prehension and understanding* 7ot long ago listening and spea(ing occupied central places in the curriculu # but only a fe' schools ha&e aintained this tradition* -he ti e has co e to restore it* English Learners 7early $? percent of children in California enter school at &arious ages 'ith pri ary languages other than English* -he standards in this docu ent ha&e been designed to encourage the highest achie&e ent of e&ery student* 7o student is incapable of reaching the * -he standards ust not be altered for English language learners# because doing so 'ould deny these students the opportunity to reach the * +ather# local education authorities ust sei.e this chance to align speciali.ed education progra s for English language learners 'ith the standards so that all children in California are 'or(ing to'ard the sa e goal* Ad inistrators ust also 'or( &ery hard to deli&er the appropriate support that English language learners 'ill need to the standards* A Comprehensi%e S&nerg& +eading# 'riting# listening# and spea(ing are not dise bodied s(ills* Each e,ists in conte,t and in relation to the others* -hese s(ills ust not be taught independently of one another* +ather# they need to be de&eloped in the conte,t of a rich# substanti&e core curriculu that is geared not only to'ard achie&ing these standards per se but also to'ard applying language arts s(ills to achie&e success in other curricular areas* -he good ne's is that reading# 'riting# listening# and spea(ing are s(ills that in&ariably i pro&e 'ith study and practice* Dastery of these standards 'ill ensure that children in California enter the 'orlds of higher education and the 'or(place ar ed 'ith the tools they need to be literate# confident co unicators* 'rgani(ation of $his Document -his docu ent is organi.ed by grade le&el# beginning 'ith (indergarten* A glossary at the bac( of the boo( pro&ides definitions of ter s used* Cull infor ation on publications cited is found in @Selected +eferences*@ eet

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Article I.)indergarten
*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students (no' about letters# 'ords# and sounds* -hey apply this (no'ledge to read si ple sentences* Conce&ts About Print 1*1 :dentify the front co&er# bac( co&er# and title page of a boo(* 1*$ Collo' 'ords fro left to right and fro top to botto on the printed page* 1*; 5nderstand that printed aterials pro&ide infor ation* 1*4 +ecogni.e that sentences in print are ade up of separate 'ords* 1*? Distinguish letters fro 'ords* 1*6 +ecogni.e and na e all uppercase and lo'ercase letters of the alphabet* Phonemic Awareness 1*" -rac( < o&e se/uentially fro sound to sound= and represent the nu ber# sa enessEdifference# and order of t'o and three isolated phone es Ae*g*# /f s th/ /' d '/ B* 1*F -rac( < o&e se/uentially fro sound to sound= and represent changes in si ple syllables and 'ords 'ith t'o and three sounds as one sound is added# substituted# o itted# shifted# or repeated e*g*# &o'el-consonant# consonant-&o'el# or consonant-&o'el-consonant=* 1*! Blend &o'el-consonant sounds orally to a(e 'ords or syllables* 1*1> :dentify and produce rhy ing 'ords in response to an oral pro pt* 1*11 Distinguish orally stated one-syllable 'ords and separate into beginning or ending sounds* 1*1$ -rac( auditorily each 'ord in a sentence and each syllable in a 'ord* 1*1; Count the nu ber of sounds in syllables and syllables in 'ords* (ecoding and )ord Recognition 1*14 Datch all consonant and short-&o'el sounds to appropriate letters* 1*1? +ead si ple one-syllable and high-fre/uency 'ords <i*e*# sight 'ords=* 1*16 5nderstand that as letters of 'ords change# so do the sounds <i*e*# the alphabetic principle=* *ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*1" :dentify and sort co on 'ords in basic categories <e*g*# colors# shapes# foods=* 1*1F Describe co on ob)ects and e&ents in both general and specific language* ..+ !eading Comprehension Students identify the basic facts and ideas in 'hat they ha&e read# heard# or &ie'ed* -hey use co prehension strategies <e*g*# generating and responding to /uestions# co paring ne' infor ation to 'hat is already (no'n=* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e <California Depart ent of Education# $>>$= illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 Locate the title# table of contents# na e of author# and na e of illustrator* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*$ 5se pictures and conte,t to a(e predictions about story content* $*; Connect to life e,periences the infor ation and e&ents in te,ts* $*4 +etell fa iliar stories* $*? As( and ans'er /uestions about essential ele ents of a te,t* /.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis

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Students listen and respond to stories based on 'ell-(no'n characters# the es# plots# and settings* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* /arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*1 Distinguish fantasy fro realistic te,t* ;*$ :dentify types of e&eryday print aterials <e*g*# storyboo(s# poe s# ne'spapers# signs# labels=* ;*; :dentify characters# settings# and i portant e&ents*

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite 'ords and brief sentences that are legible* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 5se letters and phonetically spelled 'ords to 'rite about e,periences# stories# people# ob)ects# or e&ents* 1*$ %rite consonant-&o'el-consonant 'ords <i*e*# de onstrate the alphabetic principle=* 1*; %rite by o&ing fro left to right and fro top to botto * Penmanshi& 1*4 %rite uppercase and lo'ercase letters of the alphabet independently# attending to the for proper spacing of the letters*


#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills* *.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions*

Sentence Structure 1*1 +ecogni.e and use co plete# coherent sentences 'hen spea(ing* S&elling 1*$ Spell independently by using pre-phonetic (no'ledge# sounds of the alphabet# and (no'ledge of letter na es*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Students listen and respond to oral co unication* -hey spea( in clear and coherent sentences*

Com&rehension 1*1 5nderstand and follo' one-and t'o-step oral directions* 1*$ Share infor ation and ideas# spea(ing audibly in co plete# coherent sentences* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2

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Students deli&er brief recitations and oral presentations about fa iliar e,periences or interests# de onstrating co and of the organi.ation and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the listening and spea(ing strategies of (indergarten outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 Describe people# places# things <e*g*# si.e# color# shape=# locations# and actions* $*$ +ecite short poe s# rhy es# and songs* $*; +elate an e,perience or creati&e story in a logical se/uence*

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1rade 'ne
*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students understand the basic features of reading* -hey select letter patterns and (no' ho' to translate the into spo(en language by using phonics# syllabication# and 'ord parts* -hey apply this (no'ledge to achie&e fluent oral and silent reading* Conce&ts About Print 1*1 Datch oral 'ords to printed 'ords* 1*$ :dentify the title and author of a reading selection* 1*; :dentify letters# 'ords# and sentences* Phonemic Awareness 1*4 Distinguish initial# edial# and final sounds in single-syllable 'ords* 1*? Distinguish long-and short-&o'el sounds in orally stated single-syllable 'ords Ae*g*# bit/biteB* 1*6 Create and state a series of rhy ing 'ords# including consonant blends* 1*" Add# delete# or change target sounds to change 'ords Ae*g*# change cow to how; &an to anB* 1*F Blend t'o to four phone es into 'ords Ae*g*# /c/ a/ t/ H cat2 /f/ l/ a/ t/ H flatB* 1*! Seg ent single-syllable 'ords into their co ponents Ae*g*# /c/ a/ t/ H cat2 /s/ &/ l/ a/ t/ H splat2 /r/ i/ ch/ H richB* (ecoding and )ord Recognition 1*1> 0enerate the sounds fro all the letters and letter patterns# including consonant blends and longand short-&o'el patterns <i*e*# phonogra s=# and blend those sounds into 'ords* 1*11 +ead co on# irregular sight 'ords Ae*g*# the ha$e said come gi$e ofB* 1*1$ 5se (no'ledge of &o'el digraphs and r- controlled letter-sound associations to read 'ords* 1*1; +ead co pound 'ords and contractions* 1*14 +ead inflectional for s Ae*g*# -s -ed -ingB and root 'ords Ae*g*# look looked lookingB* 1*1? +ead co on 'ord fa ilies Ae*g*# -ite -ateB* 1*16 +ead aloud 'ith fluency in a anner that sounds li(e natural speech* *ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*1" Classify grade-appropriate categories of 'ords <e*g*# concrete collections of ani als# foods# toys=* ..+ !eading Comprehension Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey dra' upon a &ariety of co prehension strategies as needed <e*g*# generating and responding to essential /uestions# a(ing predictions# co paring infor ation fro se&eral sources=* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition to their regular school reading# by grade four# students read one-half illion 'ords annually# including a good representation of grade-le&el-appropriate narrati&e and e,pository te,t <e*g*# classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# online infor ation=* :n grade one# students begin to a(e progress to'ard this goal* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 :dentify te,t that uses se/uence or other logical order* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*$ +espond to who what when where and how /uestions* $*; Collo' one-step 'ritten instructions* $*4 5se conte,t to resol&e a biguities about 'ord and sentence eanings* $*? Confir predictions about 'hat 'ill happen ne,t in a te,t by identifying (ey 'ords <i*e*# signpost

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$*6 $*" 'ords=* +elate prior (no'ledge to te,tual infor ation* +etell the central ideas of si ple e,pository or narrati&e passages*

/.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to a 'ide &ariety of significant 'or(s of children1s literature* -hey distinguish bet'een the structural features of the te,t and the literary ter s or ele ents <e*g*# the e# plot# setting# characters=* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* /arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*1 :dentify and describe the ele ents of plot# setting# and character<s= in a story# as 'ell as the story1s beginning# iddle# and ending* ;*$ Describe the roles of authors and illustrators and their contributions to print aterials* ;*; +ecollect# tal(# and 'rite about boo(s read during the school year*

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite clear and coherent sentences and paragraphs that de&elop a central idea* -heir 'riting sho's they consider the audience and purpose* Students progress through the stages of the 'riting process <e*g*# pre'riting# drafting# re&ising# editing successi&e &ersions=* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 Select a focus 'hen 'riting* 1*$ 5se descripti&e 'ords 'hen 'riting* Penmanshi& 1*; Print legibly and space letters# 'ords# and sentences appropriately* ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students 'rite co positions that describe and e,plain fa iliar ob)ects# e&ents# and e,periences* Student 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the drafting# research# and organi.ational strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>* 5sing the 'riting strategies of grade one outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 %rite brief narrati&es <e*g*# fictional# autobiographical= describing an e,perience* $*$ %rite brief e,pository descriptions of a real ob)ect# person# place# or e&ent# using sensory details*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills*

*.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions appropriate to this grade le&el*

Sentence Structure 1*1 %rite and spea( in co plete# coherent sentences*

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#rammar 1*$ :dentify and correctly use singular and plural nouns* 1*; :dentify and correctly use contractions <e*g*# isn2t aren2t can2t won2t3 and singular possessi&e pronouns <e*g*# m+/ mine his/ her hers +our/s3 in 'riting and spea(ing* Punctuation 1*4 Distinguish bet'een declarati&e# e,cla atory# and interrogati&e sentences* 1*? 5se a period# e,cla ation point# or /uestion ar( at the end of sentences* 1*6 5se (no'ledge of the basic rules of punctuation and capitali.ation 'hen 'riting* Ca&itali1ation 1*" Capitali.e the first 'ord of a sentence# na es of people# and the pronoun ,% S&elling 1*F Spell three-and four-letter short-&o'el 'ords and grade-le&el-appropriate sight 'ords correctly*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Students listen critically and respond appropriately to oral co unication* -hey spea( in a anner that guides the listener to understand i portant ideas by using proper phrasing# pitch# and odulation* Com&rehension 1*1 Listen attenti&ely* 1*$ As( /uestions for clarification and understanding* 1*; 0i&e# restate# and follo' si ple t'o-step directions* 0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*4 Stay on the topic 'hen spea(ing* 1*? 5se descripti&e 'ords 'hen spea(ing about people# places# things# and e&ents* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er brief recitations and oral presentations about fa iliar e,periences or interests that are organi.ed around a coherent thesis state ent* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the spea(ing strategies of grade one outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 +ecite poe s# rhy es# songs# and stories* $*$ +etell stories using basic story gra ar and relating the se/uence of story e&ents by ans'ering who what when where wh+ and how /uestions* $*; +elate an i portant life e&ent or personal e,perience in a si ple se/uence* $*4 Pro&ide descriptions 'ith careful attention to sensory detail*

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1rade $3o
*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students understand the basic features of reading* -hey select letter patterns and (no' ho' to translate the into spo(en language by using phonics# syllabication# and 'ord parts* -hey apply this (no'ledge to achie&e fluent oral and silent reading* (ecoding and )ord Recognition 1*1 +ecogni.e and use (no'ledge of spelling patterns <e*g*# diphthongs# special &o'el spellings= 'hen reading* 1*$ Apply (no'ledge of basic syllabication rules 'hen reading <e*g*# &o'el-consonant-&o'el A H su/ perB2 &o'el-consonantEconsonant-&o'el AH su&/ &erB* 1*; Decode t'o-syllable nonsense 'ords and regular ultisyllable 'ords* 1*4 +ecogni.e co on abbre&iations Ae*g*# 4an% Sun% -r% St%B* 1*? :dentify and correctly use regular plurals Ae*g*# -s -es -iesB and irregular plurals Ae*g*# fl+/ flies wife/ wi$esB* 1*6 +ead aloud fluently and accurately and 'ith appropriate intonation and e,pression* *ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*" 5nderstand and e,plain co on antony s and synony s* 1*F 5se (no'ledge of indi&idual 'ords in un(no'n co pound 'ords to predict their 1*! 8no' the eaning of si ple prefi,es and suffi,es Ae*g*# o$er- un- -ing -l+B* 1*1> :dentify si ple ultiple- eaning 'ords* ..+ !eading Comprehension Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey dra' upon a &ariety of co prehension strategies as needed <e*g*# generating and responding to essential /uestions# a(ing predictions# co paring infor ation fro se&eral sources=* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition to their regular school reading# by grade four# students read one-half illion 'ords annually# including a good representation of grade-le&el-appropriate narrati&e and e,pository te,t <e*g*# classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# online infor ation=* :n grade t'o# students continue to a(e progress to'ard this goal* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 5se titles# tables of contents# and chapter headings to locate infor ation in e,pository te,t* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*$ State the purpose in reading <i* e*# tell 'hat infor ation is sought=* $*; 5se (no'ledge of the author1s purpose< s= to co prehend infor ational te,t* $*4 As( clarifying /uestions about essential te,tual ele ents of e,position Ae*g*# wh+ what if howB* $*? +estate facts and details in the te,t to clarify and organi.e ideas* $*6 +ecogni.e cause-and-effect relationships in a te,t* $*" :nterpret infor ation fro diagra s# charts# and graphs* $*F Collo' t'o-step 'ritten instructions* /.+. Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to a 'ide &ariety of significant 'or(s of children1s literature* -hey distinguish bet'een the structural features of the te,t and the literary ter s or ele ents <e*g*# the e# plot# setting# characters=* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students*


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English-Language Arts Content Standards for CA Public Schools Page 1; of 64

/arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*1 Co pare and contrast plots# settings# and characters presented by different authors* ;*$ 0enerate alternati&e endings to plots and identify the reason or reasons for# and the i pact of# the alternati&es* ;*; Co pare and contrast different &ersions of the sa e stories that reflect different cultures* ;*4 :dentify the use of rhyth # rhy e# and alliteration in poetry*

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite clear and coherent sentences and paragraphs that de&elop a central idea* -heir 'riting sho's they consider the audience and purpose* Students progress through the stages of the 'riting process <e*g*# pre'riting# drafting# re&ising# editing successi&e &ersions=* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 0roup related ideas and

aintain a consistent focus*

Penmanshi& 1*$ Create readable docu ents 'ith legible hand'riting* Research 1*; 5nderstand the purposes of &arious reference

aterials <e*g*# dictionary# thesaurus# atlas=*

E$aluation and Re$ision 1*4 +e&ise original drafts to i pro&e se/uence and pro&ide ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2

ore descripti&e detail*

Students 'rite co positions that describe and e,plain fa iliar ob)ects# e&ents# and e,periences* Student 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the drafting# research# and organi.ational strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>* 5sing the 'riting strategies of grade t'o outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 %rite brief narrati&es based on their e,periencesG a* b* $*$ Do&e through a logical se/uence of e&ents* Describe the setting# characters# ob)ects# and e&ents in detail*

%rite a friendly letter co plete 'ith the date# salutation# body# closing# and signature*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills* *.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions appropriate to this grade le&el*

Sentence Structure 1*1 Distinguish bet'een co plete and inco plete sentences* 1*$ +ecogni.e and use the correct 'ord order in 'ritten sentences*

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#rammar 1*; :dentify and correctly use &arious parts of speech# including nouns and &erbs# in 'riting and spea(ing* Punctuation 1*4 5se co as in the greeting and closure of a letter and 'ith dates and ite s in a series* 1*? 5se /uotation ar(s correctly* Ca&itali1ation 1*6 Capitali.e all proper nouns# 'ords at the beginning of sentences and greetings# of the 'ee(# and titles and initials of people*

onths and days

S&elling 1*" Spell fre/uently used# irregular 'ords correctly <e*g*# was were sa+s said who what wh+3% 1*F Spell basic short-&o'el# long-&o'el# r- controlled# and consonant-blend patterns correctly*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Students listen critically and respond appropriately to oral co unication* -hey spea( in a anner that guides the listener to understand i portant ideas by using proper phrasing# pitch# and odulation* Com&rehension 1*1 Deter ine the purpose or purposes of listening <e*g*# to obtain infor ation# to sol&e proble s# for en)oy ent=* 1*$ As( for clarification and e,planation of stories and ideas* 1*; Paraphrase infor ation that has been shared orally by others* 1*4 0i&e and follo' three-and four-step oral directions* 0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*? 4rgani.e presentations to aintain a clear focus* 1*6 Spea( clearly and at an appropriate pace for the type of co report to class=* 1*" +ecount e,periences in a logical se/uence* 1*F +etell stories# including characters# setting# and plot* 1*! +eport on a topic 'ith supporti&e facts and details* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er brief recitations and oral presentations about fa iliar e,periences or interests that are organi.ed around a coherent thesis state ent* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the spea(ing strategies of grade t'o outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 +ecount e,periences or present storiesG a* b* $*$ Do&e through a logical se/uence of e&ents* Describe story ele ents <e*g*# characters# plot# setting=* se&eral sources of infor ation*

unication <e*g*# infor al discussion#

+eport on a topic 'ith facts and details# dra'ing fro

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English-Language Arts Content Standards for CA Public Schools Page 1? of 64 1!ADE $4!EE

*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students understand the basic features of reading* -hey select letter patterns and (no' ho' to translate the into spo(en language by using phonics# syllabication# and 'ord parts* -hey apply this (no'ledge to achie&e fluent oral and silent reading* (ecoding and )ord Recognition 1*1 8no' and use co ple, 'ord fa ilies 'hen reading Ae*g*# -ight5 to decode unfa iliar 'ords* 1*$ Decode regular ultisyllabic 'ords* 1*; +ead aloud narrati&e and e,pository te,t fluently and accurately and 'ith appropriate pacing# intonation# and e,pression* *ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*4 5se (no'ledge of antony s# synony s# ho ophones# and ho ographs to deter ine the eanings of 'ords* 1*? De onstrate (no'ledge of le&els of specificity a ong grade-appropriate 'ords and e,plain the i portance of these relations Ae*g*# dog/ mammal/ animal/ li$ing thingsB* 1*6 5se sentence and 'ord conte,t to find the eaning of un(no'n 'ords* 1*" 5se a dictionary to learn the eaning and other features of un(no'n 'ords* 1*F 5se (no'ledge of prefi,es Ae*g*# un- re- &re- bi- mis- dis-B and suffi,es Ae*g*# -er -est -fulB to deter ine the eaning of 'ords* ..+ !eading Comprehension Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey dra' upon a &ariety of co prehension strategies as needed <e*g*# generating and responding to essential /uestions# a(ing predictions# co paring infor ation fro se&eral sources=* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition to their regular school reading# by grade four# students read one-half illion 'ords annually# including a good representation of grade-le&el-appropriate narrati&e and e,pository te,t <e*g*# classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# online infor ation=* :n grade three# students a(e substantial progress to'ard this goal* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 5se titles# tables of contents# chapter headings# glossaries# and inde,es to locate infor ation in te,t* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*$ As( /uestions and support ans'ers by connecting prior (no'ledge 'ith literal infor ation found in# and inferred fro # the te,t* $*; De onstrate co prehension by identifying ans'ers in the te,t* $*4 +ecall a)or points in the te,t and a(e and odify predictions about forthco ing infor ation* $*? Distinguish the ain idea and supporting details in e,pository te,t* $*6 E,tract appropriate and significant infor ation fro the te,t# including proble s and solutions* $*" Collo' si ple ultiple-step 'ritten instructions <e*g*# ho' to asse ble a product or play a board ga e=* /.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to a 'ide &ariety of significant 'or(s of children1s literature* -hey distinguish bet'een the structural features of the te,t and literary ter s or ele ents <e*g*# the e# plot# setting# characters=* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students*

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Structural Features of Literature ;*1 Distinguish co on for s of literature <e*g*# poetry# dra a# fiction# nonfiction=* /arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*$ Co prehend basic plots of classic fairy tales# yths# fol(tales# legends# and fables fro around the 'orld* ;*; Deter ine 'hat characters are li(e by 'hat they say or do and by ho' the author or illustrator portrays the * ;*4 Deter ine the underlying the e or author1s essage in fiction and nonfiction te,t* ;*? +ecogni.e the si ilarities of sounds in 'ords and rhyth ic patterns <e*g*# alliteration# ono atopoeia= in a selection* ;*6 :dentify the spea(er or narrator in a selection*

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite clear and coherent sentences and paragraphs that de&elop a central idea* -heir 'riting sho's they consider the audience and purpose* Students progress through the stages of the 'riting process <e*g*# pre'riting# drafting# re&ising# editing successi&e &ersions=* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 Create a single paragraphG a* b* De&elop a topic sentence* :nclude si ple supporting facts and details*

Penmanshi& 1*$ %rite legibly in cursi&e or )oined italic# allo'ing 'ord and 'ords in a sentence*

argins and correct spacing bet'een letters in a

Research 1*; 5nderstand the structure and organi.ation of &arious reference thesaurus# atlas# encyclopedia=*

aterials <e*g*# dictionary#

E$aluation and Re$ision 1*4 +e&ise drafts to i pro&e the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric* ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students 'rite co positions that describe and e,plain fa iliar ob)ects# e&ents# and e,periences* Student 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the drafting# research# and organi.ational strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>* 5sing the 'riting strategies of grade three outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG


%rite narrati&esG a* b* c* Pro&ide a conte,t 'ithin 'hich an action ta(es place* :nclude 'ell-chosen details to de&elop the plot* Pro&ide insight into 'hy the selected incident is e orable*


%rite descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified i pressions of people# places# things# or e,periences*

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$*; %rite personal and for al letters# than(-you notes# and in&itationsG a* Sho' a'areness of the (no'ledge and interests of the audience and establish a purpose and conte,t* b* :nclude the date# proper salutation# body# closing# and signature*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills* *.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions appropriate to this grade le&el*

Sentence Structure 1*1 5nderstand and be able to use co plete and correct declarati&e# interrogati&e# i perati&e# and e,cla atory sentences in 'riting and spea(ing* #rammar 1*$ :dentify sub)ects and &erbs that are in agree ent and identify and use pronouns# ad)ecti&es# co pound 'ords# and articles correctly in 'riting and spea(ing* 1*; :dentify and use past# present# and future &erb tenses properly in 'riting and spea(ing* 1*4 :dentify and use sub)ects and &erbs correctly in spea(ing and 'riting si ple sentences* Punctuation 1*? Punctuate dates# city and state# and titles of boo(s correctly* 1*6 5se co as in dates# locations# and addresses and for ite s in a series* Ca&itali1ation 1*" Capitali.e geographical na es# holidays# historical periods# and special e&ents correctly* S&elling 1*F Spell correctly one-syllable 'ords that ha&e blends# contractions# co pounds# orthographic patterns <e*g*#A6uB consonant doubling# changing the ending of a 'ord fro A-yB to A-iesB 'hen for ing the plural=# and co on ho ophones Ae*g*# hair-hareB* 1*! Arrange 'ords in alphabetic order*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Students listen critically and respond appropriately to oral co unication* -hey spea( in a anner that guides the listener to understand i portant ideas by using proper phrasing# pitch# and odulation* Com&rehension 1*1 +etell# paraphrase# and e,plain 'hat has been said by a spea(er* 1*$ Connect and relate prior e,periences# insights# and ideas to those of a spea(er* 1*; +espond to /uestions 'ith appropriate elaboration* 1*4 :dentify the usical ele ents of literary language <e*g*# rhy es# repeated sounds# instances of ono atopoeia=*

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0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*? 4rgani.e ideas chronologically or around a)or points of infor ation* 1*6 Pro&ide a beginning# a iddle# and an end# including concrete details that de&elop a central idea* 1*" 5se clear and specific &ocabulary to co unicate ideas and establish the tone* 1*F Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props <e*g*# ob)ects# pictures# charts=* 1*! +ead prose and poetry aloud 'ith fluency# rhyth # and pace# using appropriate intonation and &ocal patterns to e phasi.e i portant passages of the te,t being read* Anal+sis and E$aluation of 0ral and -edia Communications 1*1> Co pare ideas and points of &ie' e,pressed in broadcast and print 1*11 Distinguish bet'een the spea(er1s opinions and &erifiable facts* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er brief recitations and oral presentations about fa iliar e,periences or interests that are organi.ed around a coherent thesis state ent* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the spea(ing strategies of grade three outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 Da(e brief narrati&e presentationsG a* b* c* $*$ $*; Pro&ide a conte,t for an incident that is the sub)ect of the presentation* Pro&ide insight into 'hy the selected incident is e orable* :nclude 'ell-chosen details to de&elop character# setting# and plot*


Plan and present dra atic interpretations of e,periences# stories# poe s# or plays 'ith clear diction# pitch# te po# and tone* Da(e descripti&e presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified i pressions of people# places# things# or e,periences*

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0rade Cour
*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students understand the basic features of reading* -hey select letter patterns and (no' ho' to translate the into spo(en language by using phonics# syllabication# and 'ord parts* -hey apply this (no'ledge to achie&e fluent oral and silent reading* )ord Recognition 1*1 +ead narrati&e and e,pository te,t aloud 'ith grade-appropriate fluency and accuracy and 'ith appropriate pacing# intonation# and e,pression* *ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*$ Apply (no'ledge of 'ord origins# deri&ations# synony s# antony s# and idio s to deter ine the eaning of 'ords and phrases* 1*; 5se (no'ledge of root 'ords to deter ine the eaning of un(no'n 'ords 'ithin a passage* 1*4 8no' co on roots and affi,es deri&ed fro 0ree( and Latin and use this (no'ledge to analy.e the eaning of co ple, 'ords Ae*g*# internationalB* 1*? 5se a thesaurus to deter ine related 'ords and concepts* 1*6 Distinguish and interpret 'ords 'ith ultiple eanings* ..+ !eading Comprehension Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey dra' upon a &ariety of co prehension strategies as needed <e*g*# generating and responding to essential /uestions# a(ing predictions# co paring infor ation fro se&eral sources=* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition to their regular school reading# students read one-half illion 'ords annually# including a good representation of grade-le&el-appropriate narrati&e and e,pository te,t <e*g*# classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# online infor ation=* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 :dentify structural patterns found in infor ational te,t <e*g*# co pare and contrast# cause and effect# se/uential or chronological order# proposition and support= to strengthen co prehension* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*$ 5se appropriate strategies 'hen reading for different purposes <e*g*# full co prehension# location of infor ation# personal en)oy ent=* $*; Da(e and confir predictions about te,t by using prior (no'ledge and ideas presented in the te,t itself# including illustrations# titles# topic sentences# i portant 'ords# and foreshado'ing clues* $*4 E&aluate ne' infor ation and hypotheses by testing the against (no'n infor ation and ideas* $*? Co pare and contrast infor ation on the sa e topic after reading se&eral passages or articles* $*6 Distinguish bet'een cause and effect and bet'een fact and opinion in e,pository te,t* $*" Collo' ultiple-step instructions in a basic technical anual <e*g*# ho' to use co puter co ands or &ideo ga es=* /.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to a 'ide &ariety of significant 'or(s of children1s literature* -hey distinguish bet'een the structural features of the te,t and the literary ter s or ele ents <e*g*# the e# plot# setting# characters=* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students*

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Structural Features of Literature ;*1 Describe the structural differences of &arious i aginati&e for s of literature# including fantasies# fables# yths# legends# and fairy tales* /arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*$ :dentify the ain e&ents of the plot# their causes# and the influence of each e&ent on future actions* ;*; 5se (no'ledge of the situation and setting and of a character1s traits and oti&ations to deter ine the causes for that character1s actions* ;*4 Co pare and contrast tales fro different cultures by tracing the e,ploits of one character type and de&elop theories to account for si ilar tales in di&erse cultures <e*g*# tric(ster tales=* ;*? Define figurati&e language <e*g*# si ile# etaphor# hyperbole# personification= and identify its use in literary 'or(s*

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite clear# coherent sentences and paragraphs that de&elop a central idea* -heir 'riting sho's they consider the audience and purpose* Students progress through the stages of the 'riting process <e*g*# pre'riting# drafting# re&ising# editing successi&e &ersions=* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 Select a focus# an organi.ational structure# and a point of &ie' based upon purpose# audience# length# and for at re/uire ents* 1*$ Create ultiple-paragraph co positionsG a* b* c* d* e* Pro&ide an introductory paragraph* Establish and support a central idea 'ith a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph* :nclude supporting paragraphs 'ith si ple facts# details# and e,planations* Conclude 'ith a paragraph that su the points* 5se correct indention*


5se traditional structures for con&eying infor ation <e*g*# chronological order# cause and effect# si ilarity and difference# posing and ans'ering a /uestion=*

Penmanshi& 1*4 %rite fluidly and legibly in cursi&e or )oined italic* Research and "echnolog+ 1*? Iuote or paraphrase infor ation sources# citing the appropriately* 1*6 Locate infor ation in reference te,ts by using organi.ational features <e*g*# prefaces# appendi,es=* 1*" 5se &arious reference aterials <e*g*# dictionary# thesaurus# card catalog# encyclopedia# online infor ation= as an aid to 'riting* 1*F 5nderstand the organi.ation of al anacs# ne'spapers# and periodicals and ho' to use those print aterials* 1*! De onstrate basic (eyboarding s(ills and fa iliarity 'ith co puter ter inology <e*g*# cursor# soft'are# e ory# dis( dri&e# hard dri&e=* E$aluation and Re$ision 1*1> Edit and re&ise selected drafts to i pro&e coherence and progression by adding# deleting# consolidating# and rearranging te,t* ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2

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Students 'rite co positions that describe and e,plain fa iliar ob)ects# e&ents# and e,periences* Student 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the drafting# research# and organi.ational strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>* 5sing the 'riting strategies of grade four outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 %rite narrati&esG a* b* c* d* $*$ +elate ideas# obser&ations# or recollections of an e&ent or e,perience* Pro&ide a conte,t to enable the reader to i agine the 'orld of the e&ent or e,perience* 5se concrete sensory details* Pro&ide insight into 'hy the selected e&ent or e,perience is e orable*

%rite responses to literatureG a* b* De onstrate an understanding of the literary 'or(* Support )udg ents through references to both the te,t and prior (no'ledge*


%rite infor ation reportsG a* b* c* Cra e a central /uestion about an issue or situation* :nclude facts and details for focus* Dra' fro ore than one source of infor ation <e*g*# spea(ers# boo(s# ne'spapers# other edia sources=* aries that contain the ain ideas of the reading selection and the ost significant


%rite su details*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills* *.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions appropriate to this grade le&el*

Sentence Structure 1*1 5se si ple and co pound sentences in 'riting and spea(ing* 1*$ Co bine short# related sentences 'ith appositi&es# participial phrases# ad)ecti&es# ad-&erbs# and prepositional phrases* #rammar 1*; :dentify and use regular and irregular &erbs# ad&erbs# prepositions# and coordinating con)unctions in 'riting and spea(ing* Punctuation 1*4 5se parentheses# co as in direct /uotations# and apostrophes in the possessi&e case of nouns and in contractions* 1*? 5se underlining# /uotation ar(s# or italics to identify titles of docu ents* Ca&itali1ation 1*6 Capitali.e na es of aga.ines# ne'spapers# 'or(s of art# and the first 'ord in /uotations 'hen appropriate*

usical co positions# organi.ations#

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S&elling 1*" Spell correctly roots# inflections# suffi,es and prefi,es# and syllable constructions*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Students listen critically and respond appropriately to oral co unication* -hey spea( in a anner that guides the listener to understand i portant ideas by using proper phrasing# pitch# and odulation* Com&rehension 1*1 As( thoughtful /uestions and respond to rele&ant /uestions 'ith appropriate elaboration in oral settings* 1*$ Su ari.e a)or ideas and supporting e&idence presented in spo(en essages and for al presentations* 1*; :dentify ho' language usages <e*g*# sayings# e,pressions= reflect regions and cultures* 1*4 0i&e precise directions and instructions* 0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*? Present effecti&e introductions and conclusions that guide and infor the listener1s understanding of i portant ideas and e&idence* 1*6 5se traditional structures for con&eying infor ation <e*g*# cause and effect# si ilarity and difference# posing and ans'ering a /uestion=* 1*" E phasi.e points in 'ays that help the listener or &ie'er to follo' i portant ideas and concepts* 1*F 5se details# e,a ples# anecdotes# or e,periences to e,plain or clarify infor ation* 1*! 5se &olu e# pitch# phrasing# pace# odulation# and gestures appropriately to enhance eaning* Anal+sis and E$aluation of 0ral -edia Communication 1*1> E&aluate the role of the edia in focusing attention on e&ents and in for ing opinions on issues* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er brief recitations and oral presentations about fa iliar e,periences or interests that are organi.ed around a coherent thesis state ent* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the spea(ing strategies of grade four outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 Da(e narrati&e presentationsG a* b* c* +elate ideas# obser&ations# or recollections about an e&ent or e,perience* Pro&ide a conte,t that enables the listener to i agine the circu stances of the e&ent or e,perience* Pro&ide insight into 'hy the selected e&ent or e,perience is e orable*

$*$ Da(e infor ational presentationsG a* b* c* Cra e a (ey /uestion* :nclude facts and details that help listeners to focus* :ncorporate ore than one source of infor ation <e*g*# spea(ers# boo(s# ne'spapers# tele&ision or radio reports=* ain ideas of the e&ent or article and


Deli&er oral su aries of articles and boo(s that contain the the ost significant details*

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$*4 +ecite brief poe s <i*e*# t'o or three solilo/uies# or dra atic dialogues# using clear diction# te po# &olu e# and phrasing*

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1rade i%e
*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students use their (no'ledge of 'ord origins and 'ord relationships# as 'ell as historical and literary conte,t clues# to deter ine the eaning of speciali.ed &ocabulary and to understand the precise eaning of grade-le&el-appropriate 'ords* )ord Recognition 1*1 +ead aloud narrati&e and e,pository te,t fluently and accurately and 'ith appropriate pacing# intonation# and e,pression* *ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*$ 5se 'ord origins to deter ine the eaning of un(no'n 'ords* 1*; 5nderstand and e,plain fre/uently used synony s# antony s# and ho ographs* 1*4 8no' abstract# deri&ed roots and affi,es fro 0ree( and Latin and use this (no'ledge to analy.e the eaning of co ple, 'ords <e*g*# contro$ersial3% 1*? 5nderstand and e,plain the figurati&e and etaphorical use of 'ords in conte,t* ..+ !eading Comprehension 0 ocus on Informational Materials2 Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey describe and connect the essential ideas# argu ents# and perspecti&es of the te,t by using their (no'ledge of te,t structure# organi.ation# and purpose* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition# by grade eight# students read one illion 'ords annually on their o'n# including a good representation of grade-le&el-appropriate narrati&e and e,pository te,t <e*g*# classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# online infor ation=* :n grade fi&e# students a(e progress to'ard this goal* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 5nderstand ho' te,t features <e*g*# for at# graphics# se/uence# diagra s# illustrations# charts# aps= a(e infor ation accessible and usable* $*$ Analy.e te,t that is organi.ed in se/uential or chronological order* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*; Discern ain ideas and concepts presented in te,ts# identifying and assessing e&idence that supports those ideas* $*4 Dra' inferences# conclusions# or generali.ations about te,t and support the 'ith te,tual e&idence and prior (no'ledge* E.&ositor+ Criti6ue $*? Distinguish facts# supported inferences# and opinions in te,t* /.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to historically or culturally significant 'or(s of literature* -hey begin to find 'ays to clarify the ideas and a(e connections bet'een literary 'or(s* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* Structural Features of Literature ;*1 :dentify and analy.e the characteristics of poetry# dra a# fiction# and nonfiction and e,plain the appropriateness of the literary for s chosen by an author for a specific purpose*

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/arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*$ :dentify the ain proble or conflict of the plot and e,plain ho' it is resol&ed* ;*; Contrast the actions# oti&es <e*g*# loyalty# selfishness# conscientiousness=# and appearances of characters in a 'or( of fiction and discuss the i portance of the contrasts to the plot or the e* ;*4 5nderstand that theme refers to the eaning or oral of a selection and recogni.e the es <'hether i plied or stated directly= in sa ple 'or(s* ;*? Describe the function and effect of co on literary de&ices <e*g*# i agery# etaphor# sy bolis =* Literar+ Criticism ;*6 E&aluate the eaning of archetypal patterns and sy bols that are found in yth and tradition by using literature fro different eras and cultures* ;*" E&aluate the author1s use of &arious techni/ues <e*g*# appeal of characters in a picture boo(# logic and credibility of plots and settings# use of figurati&e language= to influence readers1 perspecti&es*

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite clear# coherent# and focused essays* -he 'riting e,hibits the students1 a'areness of the audience and purpose* Essays contain for al introductions# supporting e&idence# and conclusions* Students progress through the stages of the 'riting process as needed* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 Create ultiple-paragraph narrati&e co positionsG a* b* c* 1*$ Establish and de&elop a situation or plot* Describe the setting* Present an ending* ultiple-paragraph e,pository co positionsG Establish a topic# i portant ideas# or e&ents in se/uence or chronological order* Pro&ide details and transitional e,pressions that lin( one paragraph to another in a clear line of thought* 4ffer a concluding paragraph that su i portant ideas and details*

Create a* b* c*

Research and "echnolog+ 1*; 5se organi.ational features of printed te,t <e*g*# citations# end notes# bibliographic references= to locate rele&ant infor ation* 1*4 Create si ple docu ents by using electronic edia and e ploying organi.ational features <e*g*# pass'ords# entry and pull-do'n enus# 'ord searches# a thesaurus# spell chec(s=* 1*? 5se a thesaurus to identify alternati&e 'ord choices and eanings* E$aluation and Re$ision 1*6 Edit and re&ise anuscripts to i pro&e the eaning and focus of 'riting by adding# deleting# consolidating# clarifying# and rearranging 'ords and sentences* ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students 'rite narrati&e# e,pository# persuasi&e# and descripti&e te,ts of at least ?>> to ">> 'ords in each genre* Student 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the research# organi.ational# and drafting strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>* 5sing the 'riting strategies of grade fi&e outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 %rite narrati&esG

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a* b* $*$ Establish a plot# point of &ie'# setting# and conflict* Sho'# rather than tell# the e&ents of the story*

%rite responses to literatureG a* b* c* De onstrate an understanding of a literary 'or(* Support )udg ents through references to the te,t and to prior (no'ledge* De&elop interpretations that e,hibit careful reading and understanding*


%rite research reports about i portant ideas# issues# or e&ents by using the follo'ing guidelinesG a* b* c* Cra e /uestions that direct the in&estigation* Establish a controlling idea or topic* De&elop the topic 'ith si ple facts# details# e,a ples# and e,planations*


%rite persuasi&e letters or co positionsG a* b* c* d* State a clear position in support of a proposal* Support a position 'ith rele&ant e&idence* Collo' a si ple organi.ational pattern* Address reader concerns*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills* *.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions appropriate to this grade le&el*

Sentence Structure 1*1 :dentify and correctly use prepositional phrases# appositi&es# and independent and dependent clauses2 use transitions and con)unctions to connect ideas* #rammar 1*$ :dentify and correctly use &erbs that are often and pronouns*

isused <e*g*# lie/ la+ sit/ set rise/ raise3


Punctuation 1*; 5se a colon to separate hours and inutes and to introduce a list2 use /uotation ar(s around the e,act 'ords of a spea(er and titles of poe s# songs# short stories# and so forth* Ca&itali1ation 1*4 5se correct capitali.ation* S&elling 1*? Spell roots# suffi,es# prefi,es# contractions# and syllable constructions correctly*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies

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Students deli&er focused# coherent presentations that con&ey ideas clearly and relate to the bac(ground and interests of the audience* -hey e&aluate the content of oral co unication* Com&rehension 1*1 As( /uestions that see( infor ation not already discussed* 1*$ :nterpret a spea(er1s &erbal and non&erbal essages# purposes# and perspecti&es* 1*; Da(e inferences or dra' conclusions based on an oral report* 0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*4 Select a focus# organi.ational structure# and point of &ie' for an oral presentation* 1*? Clarify and support spo(en ideas 'ith e&idence and e,a ples* 1*6 Engage the audience 'ith appropriate &erbal cues# facial e,pressions# and gestures* Anal+sis and E$aluation of 0ral and -edia Communications 1*" :dentify# analy.e# and criti/ue persuasi&e techni/ues <e*g*# pro ises# dares# flattery# glittering generalities=2 identify logical fallacies used in oral presentations and edia essages* 1*F Analy.e edia as sources for infor ation# entertain ent# persuasion# interpretation of e&ents# and trans ission of culture* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er 'ell-organi.ed for al presentations e ploying traditional rhetorical strategies <e*g*# narration# e,position# persuasion# description=* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the spea(ing strategies of grade fi&e outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 Deli&er narrati&e presentationsG a* b* $*$ Establish a situation# plot# point of &ie'# and setting 'ith descripti&e 'ords and phrases* Sho'# rather than tell# the listener 'hat happens* eansG

Deli&er infor ati&e presentations about an i portant idea# issue# or e&ent by the follo'ing a* b* c* Cra e /uestions to direct the in&estigation* Establish a controlling idea or topic* De&elop the topic 'ith si ple facts# details# e,a ples# and e,planations*


Deli&er oral responses to literatureG a* b* c* Su ari.e significant e&ents and details*

Articulate an understanding of se&eral ideas or i ages co unicated by the literary 'or(* 5se e,a ples or te,tual e&idence fro the 'or( to support conclusions*

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0rade Si,
*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students use their (no'ledge of 'ord origins and 'ord relationships# as 'ell as historical and literary conte,t clues# to deter ine the eaning of speciali.ed &ocabulary and to understand the precise eaning of grade-le&el-appropriate 'ords* )ord Recognition 1*1 +ead aloud narrati&e and e,pository te,t fluently and accurately and 'ith appropriate pacing# intonation# and e,pression* *ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*$ :dentify and interpret figurati&e language and 'ords 'ith ultiple eanings* 1*; +ecogni.e the origins and eanings of fre/uently used foreign 'ords in English and use these 'ords accurately in spea(ing and 'riting* 1*4 Donitor e,pository te,t for un(no'n 'ords or 'ords 'ith no&el eanings by using 'ord# sentence# and paragraph clues to deter ine eaning* 1*? 5nderstand and e,plain @shades of eaning@ in related 'ords <e*g*# softl+ and 6uietl+3% ..+ !eading Comprehension 0 ocus on Informational Materials2 Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey describe and connect the essential ideas# argu ents# and perspecti&es of the te,t by using their (no'ledge of te,t structure# organi.ation# and purpose* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition# by grade eight# students read one illion 'ords annually on their o'n# including a good representation of grade-le&el-appropriate narrati&e and e,pository te,t <e*g*# classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# online infor ation=* :n grade si,# students continue to a(e progress to'ard this goal* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 :dentify the structural features of popular edia <e*g*# ne'spapers# aga.ines# online infor ation= and use the features to obtain infor ation* $*$ Analy.e te,t that uses the co pare-and-contrast organi.ational pattern* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*; Connect and clarify ain ideas by identifying their relationships to other sources and related topics* $*4 $*? Clarify an understanding of te,ts by creating outlines# logical notes# su aries# or reports* Collo' ultiple-step instructions for preparing applications <e*g*# for a public library card# ban( sa&ings account# sports club# league e bership=*

E.&ositor+ Criti6ue $*6 Deter ine the ade/uacy and appropriateness of the e&idence for an author1s conclusions* $*" Da(e reasonable assertions about a te,t through accurate# supporting citations* $*F 7ote instances of unsupported inferences# fallacious reasoning# persuasion# and propaganda in te,t* /.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to historically or culturally significant 'or(s of literature that reflect and enhance their studies of history and social science* -hey clarify the ideas and connect the to other literary 'or(s* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students*

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Structural Features of Literature ;*1 :dentify the for s of fiction and describe the a)or characteristics of each for *

/arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*$ Analy.e the effect of the /ualities of the character <e*g*# courage or co'ardice# a bition or la.iness= on the plot and the resolution of the conflict* ;*; Analy.e the influence of setting on the proble and its resolution* ;*4 Define ho' tone or eaning is con&eyed in poetry through 'ord choice# figurati&e language# sentence structure# line length# punctuation# rhyth # repetition# and rhy e* ;*? :dentify the spea(er and recogni.e the difference bet'een first-and third-person narration <e*g*# autobiography co pared 'ith biography=* ;*6 :dentify and analy.e features of the es con&eyed through characters# actions# and i ages* ;*" E,plain the effects of co on literary de&ices <e*g*# sy bolis # i agery# etaphor= in a &ariety of fictional and nonfictional te,ts* Literar+ Criticism ;*F Criti/ue the credibility of characteri.ation and the degree to 'hich a plot is contri&ed or realistic <e*g*# co pare use of fact and fantasy in historical fiction=*

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite clear# coherent# and focused essays* -he 'riting e,hibits students1 a'areness of the audience and purpose* Essays contain for al introductions# supporting e&idence# and conclusions* Students progress through the stages of the 'riting process as needed* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 Choose the for of 'riting <e*g*# personal letter# letter to the editor# re&ie'# poe # report# narrati&e= that best suits the intended purpose* 1*$ Create ultiple-paragraph e,pository co positionsG a* b* c* 1*; Engage the interest of the reader and state a clear purpose* De&elop the topic 'ith supporting details and precise &erbs# nouns# and ad)ecti&es to paint a &isual i age in the ind of the reader* Conclude 'ith a detailed su ary lin(ed to the purpose of the co position*

5se a &ariety of effecti&e and coherent organi.ational patterns# including co parison and contrast2 organi.ation by categories2 and arrange ent by spatial order# order of i portance# or cli actic order*

Research and "echnolog+ 1*4 5se organi.ational features of electronic te,t <e*g*# bulletin boards# databases# (ey'ord searches# e- ail addresses= to locate infor ation* 1*? Co pose docu ents 'ith appropriate for atting by using 'ord-processing s(ills and principles of design <e*g*# argins# tabs# spacing# colu ns# page orientation=* E$aluation and Re$ision 1*6 +e&ise 'riting to i pro&e the organi.ation and consistency of ideas 'ithin and bet'een paragraphs* ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students 'rite narrati&e# e,pository# persuasi&e# and descripti&e te,ts of at least ?>> to ">> 'ords in each genre* Student 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the research# organi.ational# and drafting strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>*

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5sing the 'riting strategies of grade si, outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 %rite narrati&esG a* b* c* Establish and de&elop a plot and setting and present a point of &ie' that is appropriate to the stories* :nclude sensory details and concrete language to de&elop plot and character* 5se a range of narrati&e de&ices <e*g*# dialogue# suspense=*

$*$ %rite e,pository co positions <e*g*# description# e,planation# co parison and contrast# proble and solution=G a* b* c* d* $*; State the thesis or purpose* E,plain the situation* Collo' an organi.ational pattern appropriate to the type of co position* 4ffer persuasi&e e&idence to &alidate argu ents and conclusions as needed*

%rite research reportsG a* b* c* Pose rele&ant /uestions 'ith a scope narro' enough to be thoroughly co&ered* Support the ain idea or ideas 'ith facts# details# e,a ples# and e,planations fro ultiple authoritati&e sources <e*g*# spea(ers# periodicals# online infor ation searches=* :nclude a bibliography*


%rite responses to literatureG a* b* c* De&elop an interpretation e,hibiting careful reading# understanding# and insight* 4rgani.e the interpretation around se&eral clear ideas# pre ises# or i ages* De&elop and )ustify the interpretation through sustained use of e,a ples and te,tual e&idence*


%rite persuasi&e co positionsG a* b* c* State a clear position on a proposition or proposal* Support the position 'ith organi.ed and rele&ant e&idence* Anticipate and address reader concerns and counterargu ents*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills* *.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions appropriate to this grade le&el*

Sentence Structure 1*1 5se si ple# co pound# and co pound-co ple, sentences2 use effecti&e coordination and subordination of ideas to e,press co plete thoughts* #rammar 1*$ :dentify and properly use indefinite pronouns and present perfect# past perfect# and future perfect &erb tenses2 ensure that &erbs agree 'ith co pound sub)ects*

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Punctuation 1*; 5se colons after the salutation in business letters# se icolons to connect independent clauses# and co as 'hen lin(ing t'o clauses 'ith a con)unction in co pound sentences* Ca&itali1ation 1*4 5se correct capitali.ation* S&elling 1*? Spell fre/uently

isspelled 'ords correctly <e*g*# their the+2re there3%

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Students deli&er focused# coherent presentations that con&ey ideas clearly and relate to the bac(ground and interests of the audience* -hey e&aluate the content of oral co unication* Com&rehension 1*1 +elate the spea(er1s &erbal co unication <e*g*# 'ord choice# pitch# feeling# tone= to the non&erbal essage <e*g*# posture# gesture=* 1*$ :dentify the tone# ood# and e otion con&eyed in the oral co unication* 1*; +estate and e,ecute ultiple-step oral instructions and directions*

0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*4 Select a focus# an organi.ational structure# and a point of &ie'# atching the purpose# essage# occasion# and &ocal odulation to the audience* 1*? E phasi.e salient points to assist the listener in follo'ing the ain ideas and concepts* 1*6 Support opinions 'ith detailed e&idence and 'ith &isual or edia displays that use appropriate technology* 1*" 5se effecti&e rate# &olu e# pitch# and tone and align non&erbal ele ents to sustain audience interest and attention* Anal+sis and E$aluation of 0ral and -edia Communications 1*F Analy.e the use of rhetorical de&ices <e*g*# cadence# repetiti&e patterns# use of ono atopoeia= for intent and effect* 1*! :dentify persuasi&e and propaganda techni/ues used in tele&ision and identify false and isleading infor ation* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er 'ell-organi.ed for al presentations e ploying traditional rhetorical strategies <e*g*# narration# e,position# persuasion# description=* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the spea(ing strategies of grade si, outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 Deli&er narrati&e presentationsG a* b* c* $*$ Establish a conte,t# plot# and point of &ie'* :nclude sensory details and concrete language to de&elop the plot and character* 5se a range of narrati&e de&ices <e*g*# dialogue# tension# or suspense=*

Deli&er infor ati&e presentationsG

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a* b* Pose rele&ant /uestions sufficiently li ited in scope to be co pletely and thoroughly ans'ered* De&elop the topic 'ith facts# details# e,a ples# and e,planations fro authoritati&e sources <e*g*# spea(ers# periodicals# online infor ation=* ultiple


Deli&er oral responses to literatureG a* b* c* De&elop an interpretation e,hibiting careful reading# understanding# and insight* 4rgani.e the selected interpretation around se&eral clear ideas# pre ises# or i ages* De&elop and )ustify the selected interpretation through sustained use of e,a ples and te,tual e&idence*


Deli&er persuasi&e presentationsG a* b* c* d* Pro&ide a clear state ent of the position* :nclude rele&ant e&idence* 4ffer a logical se/uence of infor ation* Engage the listener and foster acceptance of the proposition or proposal*


Deli&er presentations on proble s and solutionsG a* b* -heori.e on the causes and effects of each proble the defined proble and at least one solution* and establish connections bet'een and the proposed

4ffer persuasi&e e&idence to &alidate the definition of the proble solutions*

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0rade Se&en
*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students use their (no'ledge of 'ord origins and 'ord relationships# as 'ell as historical and literary conte,t clues# to deter ine the eaning of speciali.ed &ocabulary and to understand the precise eaning of grade-le&el-appropriate 'ords* *ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*1 :dentify idio s# analogies# etaphors# and si iles in prose and poetry* 1*$ 5se (no'ledge of 0ree(# Latin# and Anglo-Sa,on roots and affi,es to understand content-area &ocabulary* 1*; Clarify 'ord eanings through the use of definition# e,a ple# restate ent# or contrast* ..+ !eading Comprehension 0 ocus on Informational Materials2 Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey describe and connect the essential ideas# argu ents# and perspecti&es of the te,t by using their (no'ledge of te,t structure# organi.ation# and purpose* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition# by grade eight# students read one illion 'ords annually on their o'n# including a good representation of grade-le&el-appropriate narrati&e and e,pository te,t <e*g*# classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# online infor ation=* :n grade se&en# students a(e substantial progress to'ard this goal* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 5nderstand and analy.e the differences in structure and purpose bet'een &arious categories of infor ational aterials <e*g*# te,tboo(s# ne'spapers# instructional anuals# signs=* $*$ Locate infor ation by using a &ariety of consu er# 'or(place# and public docu ents* $*; Analy.e te,t that uses the cause-and-effect organi.ational pattern* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*4 :dentify and trace the de&elop ent of an author1s argu ent# point of &ie'# or perspecti&e in te,t* $*? 5nderstand and e,plain the use of a si ple echanical de&ice by follo'ing technical directions* E.&ositor+ Criti6ue $*6 Assess the ade/uacy# accuracy# and appropriateness of the author1s e&idence to support clai s and assertions# noting instances of bias and stereotyping* /.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to historically or culturally significant 'or(s of literature that reflect and enhance their studies of history and social science* -hey clarify the ideas and connect the to other literary 'or(s* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* Structural Features of Literature ;*1 Articulate the e,pressed purposes and characteristics of different for s of prose <e*g*# short story# no&el# no&ella# essay=* /arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*$ :dentify e&ents that ad&ance the plot and deter ine ho' each e&ent e,plains past or present action<s= or foreshado's future action<s=* ;*; Analy.e characteri.ation as delineated through a character1s thoughts# 'ords# speech patterns# and actions2 the narrator1s description2 and the thoughts# 'ords# and actions of other characters*

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;*4 ;*? :dentify and analy.e recurring the es across 'or(s <e*g*# the &alue of bra&ery# loyalty# and friendship2 the effects of loneliness=* Contrast points of &ie' <e*g*# first and third person# li ited and o niscient# sub)ecti&e and ob)ecti&e= in narrati&e te,t and e,plain ho' they affect the o&erall the e of the 'or(*

Literar+ Criticism ;*6 Analy.e a range of responses to a literary 'or( and deter ine the e,tent to 'hich the literary ele ents in the 'or( shaped those responses*

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite clear# coherent# and focused essays* -he 'riting e,hibits students1 a'areness of the audience and purpose* Essays contain for al introductions# supporting e&idence# and conclusions* Students progress through the stages of the 'riting process as needed* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 Create an organi.ational structure that balances all aspects of the co position and uses effecti&e transitions bet'een sentences to unify i portant ideas* 1*$ Support all state ents and clai s 'ith anecdotes# descriptions# facts and statistics# and specific e,a ples* 1*; 5se strategies of note ta(ing# outlining# and su to i pose structure on co position drafts* Research and "echnolog+ 1*4 :dentify topics2 as( and e&aluate /uestions2 and de&elop ideas leading to in/uiry# in&estigation# and research* 1*? 0i&e credit for both /uoted and paraphrased infor ation in a bibliography by using a consistent and sanctioned for at and ethodology for citations* 1*6 Create docu ents by using 'ord-processing s(ills and publishing progra s2 de&elop si ple databases and spreadsheets to anage infor ation and prepare reports* E$aluation and Re$ision 1*" +e&ise 'riting to i pro&e organi.ation and 'ord choice after chec(ing the logic of the ideas and the precision of the &ocabulary* ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students 'rite narrati&e# e,pository# persuasi&e# and descripti&e te,ts of at least ?>> to ">> 'ords in each genre* -he 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the research# organi.ational# and drafting strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>* 5sing the 'riting strategies of grade se&en outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 %rite fictional or autobiographical narrati&esG a* b* c* De&elop a standard plot line <ha&ing a beginning# conflict# rising action# cli a,# and denoue ent= and point of &ie'* De&elop co ple, a)or and inor characters and a definite setting* 5se a range of appropriate strategies <e*g*# dialogue2 suspense2 na ing of specific narrati&e action# including o&e ent# gestures# and e,pressions=*


%rite responses to literatureG a* De&elop interpretations e,hibiting careful reading# understanding# and insight*

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b* c* 4rgani.e interpretations around se&eral clear ideas# pre ises# or i ages fro 'or(* 3ustify interpretations through sustained use of e,a ples and te,tual e&idence* the literary

$*; %rite research reportsG a* b* c* Pose rele&ant and tightly dra'n /uestions about the topic* Con&ey clear and accurate perspecti&es on the sub)ect* :nclude e&idence co piled through the for al research process <e*g*# use of a card catalog# Reader2s #uide to Periodical Literature a co puter catalog# ne'spapers# dictionaries=* d* Docu ent reference sources by eans of footnotes and a bibliography* aga.ines#

$*4 %rite persuasi&e co positionsG a* b* c* $*? %rite su a* b* c* State a clear position or perspecti&e in support of a proposition or proposal* Describe the points in support of the proposition# e ploying 'ell-articulated e&idence* Anticipate and address reader concerns and counterargu ents* aries of reading :nclude the aterialsG ain ideas and ost significant details*

5se the student1s o'n 'ords# e,cept for /uotations* +eflect underlying eaning# not )ust the superficial details*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills* *.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions appropriate to the grade le&el*

Sentence Structure 1*1 Place odifiers properly and use the acti&e &oice* #rammar 1*$ :dentify and use infiniti&es and participles and a(e clear references bet'een pronouns and antecedents* 1*; :dentify all parts of speech and types and structure of sentences* 1*4 De onstrate the echanics of 'riting <e*g*# /uotation ar(s# co as at end of dependent clauses= and appropriate English usage <e*g*# pronoun reference=* Punctuation 1*? :dentify hyphens# dashes# brac(ets# and se icolons and use the Ca&itali1ation 1*6 5se correct capitali.ation* correctly*

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S&elling 1*" Spell deri&ati&es correctly by applying the spellings of bases and affi,es*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Deli&er focused# coherent presentations that con&ey ideas clearly and relate to the bac(ground and interests of the audience* Students e&aluate the content of oral co unication* Com&rehension 1*1 As( probing /uestions to elicit infor ation# including e&idence to support the spea(er1s clai s and conclusions* 1*$ Deter ine the spea(er1s attitude to'ard the sub)ect* 1*; +espond to persuasi&e essages 'ith /uestions# challenges# or affir ations* 0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*4 4rgani.e infor ation to achie&e particular purposes and to appeal to the bac(ground and interests of the audience* 1*? Arrange supporting details# reasons# descriptions# and e,a ples effecti&ely and persuasi&ely in relation to the audience* 1*6 5se spea(ing techni/ues# including &oice odulation# inflection# te po# enunciation# and eye contact# for effecti&e presentations* Anal+sis and E$aluation of 0ral and -edia Communications 1*" Pro&ide constructi&e feedbac( to spea(ers concerning the coherence and logic of a speech1s content and deli&ery and its o&erall i pact upon the listener* 1*F Analy.e the effect on the &ie'er of i ages# te,t# and sound in electronic )ournalis 2 identify the techni/ues used to achie&e the effects in each instance studied* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er 'ell-organi.ed for al presentations e ploying traditional rhetorical strategies <e*g*# narration# e,position# persuasion# description=* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the spea(ing strategies of grade se&en outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 Deli&er narrati&e presentationsG a* b* c* Establish a conte,t# standard plot line <ha&ing a beginning# conflict# rising action# cli a,# and denoue ent=# and point of &ie'* Describe co ple, a)or and inor characters and a definite setting* o&e ent# gestures# e,pressions=* 5se a range of appropriate strategies# including dialogue# suspense# and na ing of specific narrati&e action <e*g*# $*$ Deli&er oral su a* b* c*

aries of articles and boo(sG ain ideas of the e&ent or article and the ost significant details* sources*

:nclude the

5se the student1s o'n 'ords# e,cept for

aterial /uoted fro

Con&ey a co prehensi&e understanding of sources# not )ust superficial details*

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$*; Deli&er research presentationsG a* b* c* Pose rele&ant and concise /uestions about the topic* Con&ey clear and accurate perspecti&es on the sub)ect* :nclude e&idence generated through the for al research process <e*g*# use of a card catalog# Reader2s #uide to Periodical Literature co puter databases# ne'spapers# dictionaries=* d* $*4 Cite reference sources appropriately* aga.ines#

Deli&er persuasi&e presentationsG a* b* State a clear position or perspecti&e in support of an argu ent or proposal* Describe the points in support of the argu ent and e ploy 'ell-articulated e&idence*

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0rade Eight
*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students use their (no'ledge of 'ord origins and 'ord relationships# as 'ell as historical and literary conte,t clues# to deter ine the eaning of speciali.ed &ocabulary and to understand the precise eaning of grade-le&el-appropriate 'ords* *ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*1 Analy.e idio s# analogies# etaphors# and si iles to infer the literal and figurati&e eanings of phrases* 1*$ 5nderstand the ost i portant points in the history of English language and use co on 'ord origins to deter ine the historical influences on English 'ord eanings* 1*; 5se 'ord eanings 'ithin the appropriate conte,t and sho' ability to &erify those eanings by definition# restate ent# e,a ple# co parison# or contrast* ..+ !eading Comprehension 0 ocus on Informational Materials2 Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey describe and connect the essential ideas# argu ents# and perspecti&es of the te,t by using their (no'ledge of te,t structure# organi.ation# and purpose* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition# students read one illion 'ords annually on their o'n# including a good representation of narrati&e and e,pository te,t <e*g*# classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# online infor ation=* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 Co pare and contrast the features and ele ents of consu er aterials to gain eaning fro docu ents <e*g*# 'arranties# contracts# product infor ation# instruction anuals=* $*$ Analy.e te,t that uses proposition and support patterns* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*; Cind si ilarities and differences bet'een te,ts in the treat ent# scope# or organi.ation of ideas* $*4 Co pare the original te,t to a su ary to deter ine 'hether the su ary accurately captures the ain ideas# includes critical details# and con&eys the underlying eaning* $*? 5nderstand and e,plain the use of a co ple, echanical de&ice by follo'ing technical directions* $*6 5se infor ation fro a &ariety of consu er# 'or(place# and public docu ents to e,plain a situation or decision and to sol&e a proble * E.&ositor+ Criti6ue $*" E&aluate the unity# coherence# logic# internal consistency# and structural patterns of te,t* /.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to historically or culturally significant 'or(s of literature that reflect and enhance their studies of history and social science* -hey clarify the ideas and connect the to other literary 'or(s* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* Structural Features of Literature ;*1 Deter ine and articulate the relationship bet'een the purposes and characteristics of different for s of poetry <e*g*# ballad# lyric# couplet# epic# elegy# ode# sonnet=* /arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*$ E&aluate the structural ele ents of the plot <e*g*# subplots# parallel episodes# cli a,=# the plot1s

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;*; ;*4 ;*? ;*6 de&elop ent# and the 'ay in 'hich conflicts are <or are not= addressed and resol&ed* Co pare and contrast oti&ations and reactions of literary characters fro different historical eras confronting si ilar situations or conflicts* Analy.e the rele&ance of the setting <e*g*# place# ti e# custo s= to the ood# tone# and eaning of the te,t* :dentify and analy.e recurring the es <e*g*# good &ersus e&il= across traditional and conte porary 'or(s* :dentify significant literary de&ices <e*g*# etaphor# sy bolis # dialect# irony= that define a 'riter1s style and use those ele ents to interpret the 'or(*

Literar+ Criticism ;*" Analy.e a 'or( of literature# sho'ing ho' it reflects the heritage# traditions# attitudes# and beliefs of its author* <Biographical approach=

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite clear# coherent# and focused essays* -he 'riting e,hibits students1 a'areness of audience and purpose* Essays contain for al introductions# supporting e&idence# and conclusions* Students progress through the stages of the 'riting process as needed* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 Create co positions that establish a controlling i pression# ha&e a coherent thesis# and end 'ith a clear and 'ell-supported conclusion* 1*$ Establish coherence 'ithin and a ong paragraphs through effecti&e transitions# parallel structures# and si ilar 'riting techni/ues* 1*; Support theses or conclusions 'ith analogies# paraphrases# /uotations# opinions fro authorities# co parisons# and si ilar de&ices* Research and "echnolog+ 1*4 Plan and conduct ultiple-step infor ation searches by using co puter net'or(s and 1*? Achie&e an effecti&e balance bet'een researched infor ation and original ideas*

ode s*

E$aluation and Re$ision 1*6 +e&ise 'riting for 'ord choice2 appropriate organi.ation2 consistent point of &ie'2 and transitions bet'een paragraphs# passages# and ideas* ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students 'rite narrati&e# e,pository# persuasi&e# and descripti&e essays of at least ?>> to ">> 'ords in each genre* Student 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the research# organi.ational# and drafting strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>* 5sing the 'riting strategies of grade eight outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 %rite biographies# autobiographies# short stories# or narrati&esG a* b* c* +elate a clear# coherent incident# e&ent# or situation by using 'ell-chosen details* +e&eal the significance of# or the 'riter1s attitude about# the sub)ect* E ploy narrati&e and descripti&e strategies <e*g*# rele&ant dialogue# specific action# physical description# bac(ground description# co parison or contrast of characters=* $*$ %rite responses to literatureG

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a* b* c* d* E,hibit careful reading and insight in their interpretations* Connect the student1s o'n responses to the 'riter1s techni/ues and to specific te,tual references* Dra' supported inferences about the effects of a literary 'or( on its audience* Support )udg ents through references to the te,t# other 'or(s# other authors# or to personal (no'ledge* $*; %rite research reportsG a* b* c* d* $*4 Define a thesis* +ecord i portant ideas# concepts# and direct /uotations fro significant infor ation sources and paraphrase and su ari.e all perspecti&es on the topic# as appropriate* 5se a &ariety of pri ary and secondary sources and distinguish the nature and &alue of each* 4rgani.e and display infor ation on charts# aps# and graphs*

%rite persuasi&e co positionsG a* b* c* :nclude a 'ell-defined thesis <i*e*# one that a(es a clear and (no'ledgeable )udg ent=* Present detailed e&idence# e,a ples# and reasoning to support argu ents# differentiating bet'een facts and opinion* Pro&ide details# reasons# and e,a ples# arranging the effecti&ely by anticipating and ans'ering reader concerns and counterargu ents*


%rite docu ents related to career de&elop ent# including si ple business letters and )ob applicationsG a* b* Present infor ation purposefully and succinctly and eet the needs of the intended audience* Collo' the con&entional for at for the type of docu ent <e*g*# letter of in/uiry# e orandu =*


%rite technical docu entsG a* :dentify the se/uence of acti&ities needed to design a syste # operate a tool# or e,plain the byla's of an organi.ation* b* c* :nclude all the factors and &ariables that need to be considered* 5se for atting techni/ues <e*g*# headings# differing fonts= to aid co prehension*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills* *.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions appropriate to this grade le&el*

Sentence Structure 1*1 5se correct and &aried sentence types and sentence openings to present a li&ely and effecti&e

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1*$ 1*; personal style* :dentify and use parallelis # including si ilar gra atical for s# in all 'ritten discourse to present ite s in a series and ite s )u,taposed for e phasis* 5se subordination# coordination# apposition# and other de&ices to indicate clearly the relationship bet'een ideas*

#rammar 1*4 Edit 'ritten

anuscripts to ensure that correct gra

ar is used*

Punctuation and Ca&itali1ation 1*? 5se correct punctuation and capitali.ation* S&elling 1*6 5se correct spelling con&entions*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Students deli&er focused# coherent presentations that con&ey ideas clearly and relate to the bac(ground and interests of the audience* -hey e&aluate the content of oral co unication* Com&rehension 1*1 Analy.e oral interpretations of literature# including language choice and deli&ery# and the effect of the interpretations on the listener* 1*$ Paraphrase a spea(er1s purpose and point of &ie' and as( rele&ant /uestions concerning the spea(er1s content# deli&ery# and purpose* 0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*; 4rgani.e infor ation to achie&e particular purposes by atching the essage# &ocabulary# &oice odulation# e,pression# and tone to the audience and purpose* 1*4 Prepare a speech outline based upon a chosen pattern of organi.ation# 'hich generally includes an introduction2 transitions# pre&ie's# and su aries2 a logically de&eloped body2 and an effecti&e conclusion* 1*? 5se precise language# action &erbs# sensory details# appropriate and colorful odifiers# and the acti&e rather than the passi&e &oice in 'ays that enli&en oral presentations* 1*6 5se appropriate gra ar# 'ord choice# enunciation# and pace during for al presentations* 1*" 5se audience feedbac( <e*g*# &erbal and non&erbal cues=G a* b* +econsider and odify the organi.ational structure or plan* eaning*

+earrange 'ords and sentences to clarify the

Anal+sis and E$aluation of 0ral and -edia Communications 1*F E&aluate the credibility of a spea(er <e*g*# hidden agendas# slanted or biased aterial=* 1*! :nterpret and e&aluate the &arious 'ays in 'hich &isual i age a(ers <e*g*# graphic artists# illustrators# ne's photographers= co unicate infor ation and affect i pressions and opinions* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er 'ell-organi.ed for al presentations e ploying traditional rhetorical strategies <e*g*# narration# e,position# persuasion# description=* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the spea(ing strategies of grade eight outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG

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$*1 Deli&er narrati&e presentations <e*g*# biographical# autobiographical=G a* b* c* +elate a clear# coherent incident# e&ent# or situation by using 'ell-chosen details* +e&eal the significance of# and the sub)ect1s attitude about# the incident# e&ent# or situation* E ploy narrati&e and descripti&e strategies <e*g*# rele&ant dialogue# specific action# physical description# bac(ground description# co parison or contrast of characters=* $*$ Deli&er oral responses to literatureG a* b* c* d* :nterpret a reading and pro&ide insight* Connect the students1 o'n responses to the 'riter1s techni/ues and to specific te,tual references* Dra' supported inferences about the effects of a literary 'or( on its audience* Support )udg ents through references to the te,t# other 'or(s# other authors# or personal (no'ledge* $*; Deli&er research presentationsG a* b* Define a thesis* +ecord i portant ideas# concepts# and direct /uotations fro sources and paraphrase and su appropriate* c* d* $*4 5se a &ariety of pri ary and secondary sources and distinguish the nature and &alue of each* 4rgani.e and record infor ation on charts# aps# and graphs* significant infor ation ari.e all rele&ant perspecti&es on the topic# as

Deli&er persuasi&e presentationsG a* b* c* d* :nclude a 'ell-defined thesis <i*e*# one that Differentiate fact fro and reasoning* Anticipate and ans'er listener concerns and counterargu ents effecti&ely through the inclusion and arrange ent of details# reasons# e,a ples# and other ele ents* Daintain a reasonable tone* a(es a clear and (no'ledgeable )udg ent=*

opinion and support argu ents 'ith detailed e&idence# e,a ples#


+ecite poe s <of four to si, sections of speeches# or dra atic solilo/uies# using &oice odulation# tone# and gestures e,pressi&ely to enhance the eaning*

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0rades 7ine J -en

*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students apply their (no'ledge of 'ord origins to deter ine the reading aterials and use those 'ords accurately* eaning of ne' 'ords encountered in

*ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*1 :dentify and use the literal and figurati&e eanings of 'ords and understand 'ord deri&ations* 1*$* Distinguish bet'een the denotati&e and connotati&e eanings of 'ords and interpret the connotati&e po'er of 'ords* 1*; :dentify 0ree(# +o an# and 7orse ythology and use the (no'ledge to understand the origin and eaning of ne' 'ords <e*g*# the 'ord narcissistic dra'n fro the yth of 7arcissus and Echo=* ..+ !eading Comprehension 0 ocus on Informational Materials2 Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey analy.e the organi.ational patterns# argu ents# and positions ad&anced* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition# by grade t'el&e# students read t'o illion 'ords annually on their o'n# including a 'ide &ariety of classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# and online infor ation* :n grades nine and ten# students a(e substantial progress to'ard this goal* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 Analy.e the structure and for at of functional 'or(place docu ents# including the graphics and headers# and e,plain ho' authors use the features to achie&e their purposes* $*$ Prepare a bibliography of reference aterials for a report using a &ariety of consu er# 'or(place# and public docu ents* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*; 0enerate rele&ant /uestions about readings on issues that can be researched* $*4 Synthesi.e the content fro se&eral sources or 'or(s by a single author dealing 'ith a single issue2 paraphrase the ideas and connect the to other sources and related topics to de onstrate co prehension* $*? E,tend ideas presented in pri ary or secondary sources through original analysis# e&aluation# and elaboration* $*6 De onstrate use of sophisticated learning tools by follo'ing technical directions <e*g*# those found 'ith graphic calculators and speciali.ed soft'are progra s and in access guides to %orld %ide %eb sites on the :nternet=* E.&ositor+ Criti6ue $*" Criti/ue the logic of functional docu ents by e,a ining the se/uence of infor ation and procedures in anticipation of possible reader isunderstandings* $*F E&aluate the credibility of an author1s argu ent or defense of a clai by criti/uing the relationship bet'een generali.ations and e&idence# the co prehensi&eness of e&idence# and the 'ay in 'hich the author1s intent affects the structure and tone of the te,t <e*g*# in professional )ournals# editorials# political speeches# pri ary source aterial=* /.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to historically or culturally significant 'or(s of literature that reflect and enhance their studies of history and social science* -hey conduct in-depth analyses of recurrent patterns and the es* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students*

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Structural Features of Literature ;*1 Articulate the relationship bet'een the e,pressed purposes and the characteristics of different for s of dra atic literature <e*g*# co edy# tragedy# dra a# dra atic onologue=* ;*$ Co pare and contrast the presentation of a si ilar the e or topic across genres to e,plain ho' the selection of genre shapes the the e or topic* /arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*; Analy.e interactions bet'een ain and subordinate characters in a literary te,t <e*g*# internal and e,ternal conflicts# oti&ations# relationships# influences= and e,plain the 'ay those interactions affect the plot* ;*4 Deter ine characters1 traits by 'hat the characters say about the sel&es in narration# dialogue# dra atic onologue# and solilo/uy* ;*? Co pare 'or(s that e,press a uni&ersal the e and pro&ide e&idence to support the ideas e,pressed in each 'or(* ;*6 Analy.e and trace an author1s de&elop ent of ti e and se/uence# including the use of co ple, literary de&ices <e*g*# foreshado'ing# flashbac(s=* ;*" +ecogni.e and understand the significance of &arious literary de&ices# including figurati&e language# i agery# allegory# and sy bolis # and e,plain their appeal* ;*F :nterpret and e&aluate the i pact of a biguities# subtleties# contradictions# ironies# and incongruities in a te,t* ;*! E,plain ho' &oice# persona# and the choice of a narrator affect characteri.ation and the tone# plot# and credibility of a te,t* ;*1> :dentify and describe the function of dialogue# scene designs# solilo/uies# asides# and character foils in dra atic literature* Literar+ Criticism ;*11 E&aluate the aesthetic /ualities of style# including the i pact of diction and figurati&e language on tone# ood# and the e# using the ter inology of literary criticis * <Aesthetic approach= ;*1$ Analy.e the 'ay in 'hich a 'or( of literature is related to the the es and issues of its historical period* <6istorical approach=

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite coherent and focused essays that con&ey a 'ell-defined perspecti&e and tightly reasoned argu ent* -he 'riting de onstrates students1 a'areness of the audience and purpose* Students progress through the stages of the 'riting process as needed* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 Establish a controlling i pression or coherent thesis that con&eys a clear and distincti&e perspecti&e on the sub)ect and aintain a consistent tone and focus throughout the piece of 'riting* 1*$ 5se precise language# action &erbs# sensory details# appropriate odifiers# and the acti&e rather than the passi&e &oice* Research and "echnolog+ 1*; 5se clear research /uestions and suitable research ethods <e*g*# library# electronic edia# personal inter&ie'= to elicit and present e&idence fro pri ary and secondary sources* 1*4 De&elop the ain ideas 'ithin the body of the co position through supporting e&idence <e*g*# scenarios# co only held beliefs# hypotheses# definitions=* 1*? Synthesi.e infor ation fro ultiple sources and identify co ple,ities and discrepancies in the infor ation and the different perspecti&es found in each ediu <e*g*# al anacs# icrofiche# ne's sources# in-depth field studies# speeches# )ournals# technical docu ents=* 1*6 :ntegrate /uotations and citations into a 'ritten te,t 'hile aintaining the flo' of ideas* 1*" 5se appropriate con&entions for docu entation in the te,t# notes# and bibliographies by adhering to those in style anuals <e*g*# -odern Language Association 7andbook "he Chicago -anual of St+le3% 1*F Design and publish docu ents by using ad&anced publishing soft'are and graphic progra s*

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E$aluation and Re$ision 1*! +e&ise 'riting to i pro&e the logic and coherence of the organi.ation and controlling perspecti&e# the precision of 'ord choice# and the tone by ta(ing into consideration the audience# purpose# and for ality of the conte,t* ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students co bine the rhetorical strategies of narration# e,position# persuasion# and description to produce te,ts of at least 1#?>> 'ords each* Student 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the research# organi.ational# and drafting strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>* 5sing the 'riting strategies of grades nine and ten outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 %rite biographical or autobiographical narrati&es or short storiesG a* b* c* +elate a se/uence of e&ents and co audience* Locate scenes and incidents in specific places* Describe 'ith concrete sensory details the sights# sounds# and s ells of a scene and the specific actions# d* e* o&e ents# gestures# and feelings of the characters2 use interior odate changes in ti e and ood* onologue to depict the characters1 feelings* Pace the presentation of actions to acco sensory details* $*$ %rite responses to literatureG a* b* c* d* De onstrate a co prehensi&e grasp of the significant ideas of literary 'or(s* Support i portant ideas and &ie'points through accurate and detailed references to the te,t or to other 'or(s* De onstrate a'areness of the author1s use of stylistic de&ices and an appreciation of the effects created* :dentify and assess the i pact of percei&ed a biguities# nuances# and co ple,ities 'ithin the te,t* $*; %rite e,pository co positions# including analytical essays and research reportsG a* b* c* d* e* Darshal e&idence in support of a thesis and related clai s# including infor ation on all rele&ant perspecti&es* Con&ey infor ation and ideas fro coherently* Da(e distinctions bet'een the relati&e &alue and significance of specific data# facts# and ideas* :nclude &isual aids by e ploying appropriate technology to organi.e and record infor ation on charts# aps# and graphs* isunderstandings# biases# and e,pectations* Anticipate and address readers1 potential pri ary and secondary sources accurately and Da(e effecti&e use of descriptions of appearance# i ages# shifting perspecti&es# and unicate the significance of the e&ents to the

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f* $*4 5se technical ter s and notations accurately*

%rite persuasi&e co positionsG a* b* Structure ideas and argu ents in a sustained and logical fashion* 5se specific rhetorical de&ices to support assertions <e*g*# appeal to logic through reasoning2 appeal to e otion or ethical belief2 relate a personal anecdote# case study# or analogy=* c* Clarify and defend positions 'ith precise and rele&ant e&idence# including facts# e,pert opinions# /uotations# and e,pressions of co reasoning* d* Address readers1 concerns# counterclai s# biases# and e,pectations* only accepted beliefs and logical

$*? %rite business lettersG a* b* c* d* Pro&ide clear and purposeful infor ation and address the intended audience appropriately* 5se appropriate &ocabulary# tone# and style to ta(e into account the nature of the relationship 'ith# and the (no'ledge and interests of# the recipients* 6ighlight central ideas or i ages* Collo' a con&entional style 'ith page for ats# fonts# and spacing that contribute to the docu ents1 readability and i pact* $*6 %rite technical docu ents <e*g*# a anual on rules of beha&ior for conflict resolution# procedures for conducting a eeting# inutes of a eeting=G a* b* c* +eport infor ation and con&ey ideas logically and correctly* 4ffer detailed and accurate specifications* :nclude scenarios# definitions# and e,a ples to aid co prehension <e*g*# troubleshooting guide=* d* Anticipate readers1 proble s# ista(es# and isunderstandings*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills* *.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co and of standard English con&entions*

#rammar and -echanics of )riting 1*1 :dentify and correctly use clauses <e*g*# ain and subordinate=# phrases <e*g*# gerund# infiniti&e# and participial=# and echanics of punctuation <e*g*# se icolons# colons# ellipses# hyphens=* 1*$ 5nderstand sentence construction <e*g*# parallel structure# subordination# proper place ent of odifiers= and proper English usage <e*g*# consistency of &erb tenses=*

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1*; De onstrate an understanding of proper English usage and control of gra sentence structure# diction# and synta,* ar# paragraph and

-anuscri&t Form 1*4 Produce legible 'or( that sho's accurate spelling and correct use of the con&entions of punctuation and capitali.ation* 1*? +eflect appropriate anuscript re/uire ents# including title page presentation# pagination# spacing and argins# and integration of source and support aterial <e*g*# in-te,t citation# use of direct /uotations# paraphrasing= 'ith appropriate citations*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Students for ulate adroit )udg ents about oral co unication* -hey deli&er focused and coherent presentations of their o'n that con&ey clear and distinct perspecti&es and solid reasoning* -hey use gestures# tone# and &ocabulary tailored to the audience and purpose* Com&rehension 1*1 Cor ulate )udg ents about the ideas under discussion and support those )udg ents 'ith con&incing e&idence* 1*$ Co pare and contrast the 'ays in 'hich edia genres <e*g*# tele&ised ne's# ne's aga.ines# docu entaries# online infor ation= co&er the sa e e&ent* 0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*; Choose logical patterns of organi.ation <e*g*# chronological# topical# cause and effect= to infor and to persuade# by soliciting agree ent or action# or to unite audiences behind a co on belief or cause* 1*4 Choose appropriate techni/ues for de&eloping the introduction and conclusion <e*g*# by using literary /uotations# anecdotes# references to authoritati&e sources=* 1*? +ecogni.e and use ele ents of classical speech for s <e*g*# introduction# first and second transitions# body# conclusion= in for ulating rational argu ents and applying the art of persuasion and debate* 1*6 Present and ad&ance a clear thesis state ent and choose appropriate types of proof <e*g*# statistics# testi ony# specific instances= that eet standard tests for e&idence# including credibility# &alidity# and rele&ance* 1*" 5se props# &isual aids# graphs# and electronic edia to enhance the appeal and accuracy of presentations* 1*F Produce concise notes for e,te poraneous deli&ery* 1*! Analy.e the occasion and the interests of the audience and choose effecti&e &erbal and non&erbal techni/ues <e*g*# &oice# gestures# eye contact= for presentations* Anal+sis and E$aluation of 0ral and -edia Communications 1*1> Analy.e historically significant speeches <e*g*# Abraha Lincoln1s @0ettysburg Address#@ Dartin Luther 8ing# 3r*1s @: 6a&e a Drea @= to find the rhetorical de&ices and features that a(e the e orable* 1*11 Assess ho' language and deli&ery affect the ood and tone of the oral co unication and a(e an i pact on the audience* 1*1$ E&aluate the clarity# /uality# effecti&eness# and general coherence of a spea(er1s i portant points# argu ents# e&idence# organi.ation of ideas# deli&ery# diction# and synta,* 1*1; Analy.e the types of argu ents used by the spea(er# including argu ent by causation# analogy# authority# e otion# and logic* 1*14 :dentify the aesthetic effects of a edia presentation and e&aluate the techni/ues used to create the <e*g*# co pare Sha(espeare1s 7enr+ * 'ith 8enneth Branagh1s 1!!> fil &ersion=* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er polished for al and e,te poraneous presentations that co bine the traditional rhetorical strategies of narration# e,position# persuasion# and description* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>*

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5sing the spea(ing strategies of grades nine and ten outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 Deli&er narrati&e presentationsG a* b* c* d* $*$ 7arrate a se/uence of e&ents and co unicate their significance to the audience*

Locate scenes and incidents in specific places* Describe 'ith concrete sensory details the sights# sounds# and s ells of a scene and the specific actions# o&e ents# gestures# and feelings of characters* odate ti e or ood changes* Pace the presentation of actions to acco

Deli&er e,pository presentationsG a* b* c* d* e* f* Darshal e&idence in support of a thesis and related clai s# including infor ation on all rele&ant perspecti&es* Con&ey infor ation and ideas fro coherently* Da(e distinctions bet'een the relati&e &alue and significance of specific data# facts# and ideas* :nclude &isual aids by e ploying appropriate technology to organi.e and display infor ation on charts# e,pectations* 5se technical ter s and notations accurately* aps# and graphs* isunderstandings# biases# and Anticipate and address the listener1s potential pri ary and secondary sources accurately and


Apply appropriate inter&ie'ing techni/uesG a* b* c* d* e* f* g* Prepare and as( rele&ant /uestions* Da(e notes of responses* 5se language that con&eys aturity# sensiti&ity# and respect* +espond correctly and effecti&ely to /uestions* De onstrate (no'ledge of the sub)ect or organi.ation* Co pile and report responses* E&aluate the effecti&eness of the inter&ie'*


Deli&er oral responses to literatureG a* b* c* Ad&ance a )udg ent de onstrating a co prehensi&e grasp of the significant ideas of 'or(s or passages <i*e*# te,t or to other 'or(s* De onstrate a'areness of the author1s use of stylistic de&ices and an appreciation of the effects created* a(e and support 'arranted assertions about the te,t=* Support i portant ideas and &ie'points through accurate and detailed references to the

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d* :dentify and assess the i pact of percei&ed a biguities# nuances# and co ple,ities 'ithin the te,t* $*? Deli&er persuasi&e argu ents <including e&aluation and analysis of proble s and solutions and causes and effects=G a* b* c* d* $*6 Structure ideas and argu ents in a coherent# logical fashion* 5se rhetorical de&ices to support assertions <e*g*# by appeal to logic through reasoning2 by appeal to e otion or ethical belief2 by use of personal anecdote# case study# or analogy=* Clarify and defend positions 'ith precise and rele&ant e&idence# including facts# e,pert opinions# /uotations# e,pressions of co only accepted beliefs# and logical reasoning* Anticipate and address the listener1s concerns and counterargu ents*

Deli&er descripti&e presentationsG a* b* c* Establish clearly the spea(er1s point of &ie' on the sub)ect of the presentation* Establish clearly the spea(er1s relationship 'ith that sub)ect <e*g*# dispassionate obser&ation# personal in&ol&e ent=* 5se effecti&e# factual descriptions of appearance# concrete i ages# shifting perspecti&es and &antage points# and sensory details*

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0rades Ele&en J -'el&e

*.+ #ord Anal&sis, luenc&, and S&stematic -ocabular& De%elopment Students apply their (no'ledge of 'ord origins to deter ine the reading aterials and use those 'ords accurately* eaning of ne' 'ords encountered in

*ocabular+ and Conce&t (e$elo&ment 1*1 -race the ety ology of significant ter s used in political science and history* 1*$ Apply (no'ledge of 0ree(# Latin# and Anglo-Sa,on roots and affi,es to dra' inferences concerning the eaning of scientific and athe atical ter inology* 1*; Discern the eaning of analogies encountered# specific co parisons as 'ell as relationships and inferences* ..+ !eading Comprehension 0 ocus on Informational Materials2 Students read and understand grade-le&el-appropriate aterial* -hey analy.e the organi.ational patterns# argu ents# and positions ad&anced* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* :n addition# by grade t'el&e# students read t'o illion 'ords annually on their o'n# including a 'ide &ariety of classic and conte porary literature# aga.ines# ne'spapers# and online infor ation* Structural Features of ,nformational -aterials $*1 Analy.e both the features and the rhetorical de&ices of different types of public docu ents <e*g*# policy state ents# speeches# debates# platfor s= and the 'ay in 'hich authors use those features and de&ices* Com&rehension and Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t $*$ Analy.e the 'ay in 'hich clarity of eaning is affected by the patterns of organi.ation# hierarchical structures# repetition of the ain ideas# synta,# and 'ord choice in the te,t* $*; Kerify and clarify facts presented in other types of e,pository te,ts by using a &ariety of consu er# 'or(place# and public docu ents* $*4 Da(e 'arranted and reasonable assertions about the author1s argu ents by using ele ents of the te,t to defend and clarify interpretations* $*? Analy.e an author1s i plicit and e,plicit philosophical assu ptions and beliefs about a sub)ect* E.&ositor+ Criti6ue $*6 Criti/ue the po'er# &alidity# and truthfulness of argu ents set forth in public docu ents2 their appeal to both friendly and hostile audiences2 and the e,tent to 'hich the argu ents anticipate and address reader concerns and counterclai s <e*g*# appeal to reason# to authority# to pathos and e otion=* /.+ Literar& !esponse and Anal&sis Students read and respond to historically or culturally significant 'or(s of literature that reflect and enhance their studies of history and social science* -hey conduct in-depth analyses of recurrent the es* -he selections in Recommended Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade "wel$e illustrate the /uality and co ple,ity of the aterials to be read by students* Structural Features of Literature ;*1 Analy.e characteristics of subgenres <e*g*# satire# parody# allegory# pastoral= that are used in poetry# prose# plays# no&els# short stories# essays# and other basic genres*

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/arrati$e Anal+sis of #rade-Le$el-A&&ro&riate "e.t ;*$ Analy.e the 'ay in 'hich the the e or eaning of a selection represents a &ie' or co ent on life# using te,tual e&idence to support the clai * ;*; Analy.e the 'ays in 'hich irony# tone# ood# the author1s style# and the @sound@ of language achie&e specific rhetorical or aesthetic purposes or both* ;*4 Analy.e 'ays in 'hich poets use i agery# personification# figures of speech# and sounds to e&o(e readers1 e otions* ;*? Analy.e recogni.ed 'or(s of A erican literature representing a &ariety of genres and traditionsG a* b* c* -race the de&elop ent of A erican literature fro Contrast the the colonial period for'ard*

a)or periods# the es# styles# and trends and describe ho' 'or(s by

e bers of different cultures relate to one another in each period* E&aluate the philosophical# political# religious# ethical# and social influences of the historical period that shaped the characters# plots# and settings* ;*6 ;*" Analy.e the 'ay in 'hich authors through the centuries ha&e used archetypes dra'n fro yth and tradition in literature# fil # political speeches# and religious 'ritings <e*g*# ho' the archetypes of banish ent fro an ideal 'orld ay be used to interpret Sha(espeare1s tragedy -acbeth3% Analy.e recogni.ed 'or(s of 'orld literature fro a &ariety of authorsG a* b* c* Contrast the a)or literary for s# techni/ues# and characteristics of the edie&al# ro antic# neoclassic# odern=* a)or literary

periods <e*g*# 6o eric 0reece#

+elate literary 'or(s and authors to the

a)or the es and issues of their eras*

E&aluate the philosophical# political# religious# ethical# and social influences of the historical period that shaped the characters# plots# and settings*

Literar+ Criticism ;*F Analy.e the clarity and consistency of political assu ptions in a selection of literary 'or(s or essays on a topic <e*g*# suffrage# 'o en1s role in organi.ed labor=* <Political approach= ;*! Analy.e the philosophical argu ents presented in literary 'or(s to deter ine 'hether the authors1 positions ha&e contributed to the /uality of each 'or( and the credibility of the characters* <Philosophical approach=

*.+ #riting Strategies Students 'rite coherent and focused te,ts that con&ey a 'ell-defined perspecti&e and tightly reasoned argu ent* -he 'riting de onstrates students1 a'areness of the audience and purpose and progression through the stages of the 'riting process* 0rgani1ation and Focus 1*1 De onstrate an understanding of the ele ents of discourse <e*g*# purpose# spea(er# audience# for = 'hen co pleting narrati&e# e,pository# persuasi&e# or descripti&e 'riting assign ents* 1*$ 5se point of &ie'# characteri.ation# style <e*g*# use of irony=# and related ele ents for specific rhetorical and aesthetic purposes* 1*; Structure ideas and argu ents in a sustained# persuasi&e# and sophisticated 'ay and support the 'ith precise and rele&ant e,a ples* 1*4 Enhance eaning by e ploying rhetorical de&ices# including the e,tended use of parallelis # repetition# and analogy2 the incorporation of &isual aids <e*g*# graphs# tables# pictures=2 and the issuance of a call for action* 1*? 5se language in natural# fresh# and &i&id 'ays to establish a specific tone*

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Research and "echnolog+ 1*6 De&elop presentations by using clear research /uestions and creati&e and critical research strategies <e*g*# field studies# oral histories# inter&ie's# e,peri ents# electronic sources=* 1*" 5se syste atic strategies to organi.e and record infor ation <e*g*# anecdotal scripting# annotated bibliographies=* 1*F :ntegrate databases# graphics# and spreadsheets into 'ord-processed docu ents* E$aluation and Re$ision 1*! +e&ise te,t to highlight the indi&idual &oice# i pro&e sentence &ariety and style# and enhance subtlety of eaning and tone in 'ays that are consistent 'ith the purpose# audience# and genre* ..+ #riting Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students co bine the rhetorical strategies of narration# e,position# persuasion# and description to produce te,ts of at least 1#?>> 'ords each* Student 'riting de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the research# organi.ational# and drafting strategies outlined in %riting Standard 1*>* 5sing the 'riting strategies of grades ele&en and t'el&e outlined in %riting Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 %rite fictional# autobiographical# or biographical narrati&esG a* b* c* 7arrate a se/uence of e&ents and co unicate their significance to the audience*

Locate scenes and incidents in specific places* Describe 'ith concrete sensory details the sights# sounds# and s ells of a scene and the specific actions# o&e ents# gestures# and feelings of the characters2 use interior odate te poral# spatial# and dra atic ood onologue to depict the characters1 feelings*

d* e*

Pace the presentation of actions to acco changes*

Da(e effecti&e use of descriptions of appearance# i ages# shifting perspecti&es# and sensory details*


%rite responses to literatureG a* b* c* d* e* De onstrate a co prehensi&e understanding of the significant ideas in 'or(s or passages* Analy.e the use of i agery# language# uni&ersal the es# and uni/ue aspects of the te,t* Support i portant ideas and &ie'points through accurate and detailed references to the te,t and to other 'or(s* De onstrate an understanding of the author1s use of stylistic de&ices and an appreciation of the effects created* :dentify and assess the i pact of percei&ed a biguities# nuances# and co ple,ities 'ithin the te,t*

$*; %rite reflecti&e co positionsG a* E,plore the significance of personal e,periences# e&ents# conditions# or concerns by using rhetorical strategies <e*g*# narration# description# e,position# persuasion=*

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b* c* Dra' co parisons bet'een specific incidents and broader the es that illustrate the 'riter1s i portant beliefs or generali.ations about life* Daintain a balance in describing indi&idual incidents and relate those incidents to general and abstract ideas* $*4 %rite historical in&estigation reportsG a* b* c* 5se e,position# narration# description# argu entation# or so e co bination of rhetorical strategies to support the ain proposition* Analy.e se&eral historical records of a single e&ent# e,a ining critical relationships bet'een ele ents of the research topic* E,plain the percei&ed reason or reasons for the si ilarities and differences in historical records 'ith infor ation deri&ed fro enhance the presentation* d* e* $*? :nclude infor ation fro all rele&ant perspecti&es and ta(e into consideration the &alidity and reliability of sources* :nclude a for al bibliography* pri ary and secondary sources to support or ore

%rite )ob applications and rLsu LsG a* b* c* d* Pro&ide clear and purposeful infor ation and address the intended audience appropriately* 5se &aried le&els# patterns# and types of language to achie&e intended effects and aid co prehension* Dodify the tone to fit the purpose and audience* Collo' the con&entional style for that type of docu ent <e*g*# rLsu L# docu ent* e orandu = and use page for ats# fonts# and spacing that contribute to the readability and i pact of the


Deli&er a*

ulti edia presentationsG Co bine te,t# i ages# and sound and dra' infor ation fro tele&ision broadcasts# &ideos# fil s# ne'spapers# electronic edia-generated i ages=* ediu for each ele ent of the presentation* onitoring for /uality* any sources <e*g*#

aga.ines# CD-+4Ds# the :nternet#

b* c* d*

Select an appropriate 5se the selected

edia s(illfully# editing appropriately and

-est the audience1s response and re&ise the presentation accordingly*

#ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions

-he standards for 'ritten and oral English language con&entions ha&e been placed bet'een those for 'riting and for listening and spea(ing because these con&entions are essential to both sets of s(ills*

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*.+ #ritten and 'ral English Language Con%entions Students 'rite and spea( 'ith a co 1*1 1*$ 1*; and of standard English con&entions*

De onstrate control of gra ar# diction# and paragraph and sentence structure and an understanding of English usage* Produce legible 'or( that sho's accurate spelling and correct punctuation and capitali.ation* +eflect appropriate anuscript re/uire ents in 'riting*

Listening and Spea"ing

*.+ Listening and Spea"ing Strategies Students for ulate adroit )udg ents about oral co unication* -hey deli&er focused and coherent presentations that con&ey clear and distinct perspecti&es and de onstrate solid reasoning* -hey use gestures# tone# and &ocabulary tailored to the audience and purpose* Com&rehension 1*1 +ecogni.e strategies used by the edia to infor # persuade# entertain# and trans it culture <e*g*# ad&ertise ents2 perpetuation of stereotypes2 use of &isual representations# special effects# language=* 1*$ Analy.e the i pact of the edia on the de ocratic process <e*g*# e,erting influence on elections# creating i ages of leaders# shaping attitudes= at the local# state# and national le&els* 1*; :nterpret and e&aluate the &arious 'ays in 'hich e&ents are presented and infor ation is co unicated by &isual i age a(ers <e*g*# graphic artists# docu entary fil a(ers# illustrators# ne's photographers=* 0rgani1ation and (eli$er+ of 0ral Communication 1*4 5se rhetorical /uestions# parallel structure# concrete i ages# figurati&e language# characteri.ation# irony# and dialogue to achie&e clarity# force# and aesthetic effect* 1*? Distinguish bet'een and use &arious for s of classical and conte porary logical argu ents# includingG a* b* 1*6 1*" 1*F :nducti&e and deducti&e reasoning Syllogis s and analogies

5se logical# ethical# and e otional appeals that enhance a specific tone and purpose* 5se appropriate rehearsal strategies to pay attention to perfor ance details# achie&e co the te,t# and create s(illful artistic staging* 5se effecti&e and interesting language# includingG a* b* c* :nfor al e,pressions for effect Standard A erican English for clarity -echnical language for specificity

and of

1*! 1*1>

5se research and analysis to )ustify strategies for gesture# o&e ent# and &ocali.ation# including dialect# pronunciation# and enunciation* E&aluate 'hen to use different (inds of effects <e*g*# &isual# usic# sound# graphics= to create effecti&e productions*

Anal+sis and E$aluation of 0ral and -edia Communications 1*11 Criti/ue a spea(er1s diction and synta, in relation to the purpose of an oral co unication and the i pact the 'ords ay ha&e on the audience* 1*1$ :dentify logical fallacies used in oral addresses <e*g*# attac( ad hominem false causality# red herring# o&ergenerali.ation# band'agon effect=*

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1*1; 1*14 Analy.e the four basic types of persuasi&e speech <i*e*# propositions of fact# &alue# proble # or policy= and understand the si ilarities and differences in their patterns of organi.ation and the use of persuasi&e language# reasoning# and proof* Analy.e the techni/ues used in edia essages for a particular audience and e&aluate their effecti&eness <e*g*# 4rson %elles1 radio broadcast @%ar of the %orlds@=* ..+ Spea"ing Applications 01enres and $heir Characteristics2 Students deli&er polished for al and e,te poraneous presentations that co bine traditional rhetorical strategies of narration# e,position# persuasion# and description* Student spea(ing de onstrates a co and of standard A erican English and the organi.ational and deli&ery strategies outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*>* 5sing the spea(ing strategies of grades ele&en and t'el&e outlined in Listening and Spea(ing Standard 1*># studentsG $*1 Deli&er reflecti&e presentationsG a* b* c* E,plore the significance of personal e,periences# e&ents# conditions# or concerns# using appropriate rhetorical strategies <e*g*# narration# description# e,position# persuasion=* Dra' co parisons bet'een the specific incident and broader the es that illustrate the spea(er1s beliefs or generali.ations about life* Daintain a balance bet'een describing the incident and relating it to abstract ideas* $*$ Deli&er oral reports on historical in&estigationsG a* b* c* 5se e,position# narration# description# persuasion# or so e co bination of those to support the thesis* Analy.e se&eral historical records of a single e&ent# e,a ining critical relationships bet'een ele ents of the research topic* E,plain the percei&ed reason or reasons for the si ilarities and differences by using infor ation deri&ed fro presentation* d* :nclude infor ation on all rele&ant perspecti&es and consider the &alidity and reliability of sources* $*; Deli&er oral responses to literatureG a* b* c* d* e* De onstrate a co prehensi&e understanding of the significant ideas of literary 'or(s <e*g*# a(e assertions about the te,t that are reasonable and supportable=* Analy.e the i agery# language# uni&ersal the es# and uni/ue aspects of the te,t through the use of rhetorical strategies <e*g*# narration# description# persuasion# e,position# a co bination of those strategies=* Support i portant ideas and &ie'points through accurate and detailed references to the te,t or to other 'or(s* De onstrate an a'areness of the author1s use of stylistic de&ices and an appreciation of the effects created* :dentify and assess the i pact of percei&ed a biguities# nuances# and co ple,ities 'ithin the te,t* pri ary and secondary sources to support or enhance the ore general#

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$*4 Deli&er a* ulti edia presentationsG Co bine te,t# i ages# and sound by incorporating infor ation fro edia# including fil s# ne'spapers# &ideos# and electronic b* c* d* $*? Select an appropriate 5se the selected ediu edia-generated i ages* for each ele ent of the presentation* onitoring for /uality* a 'ide range of

aga.ines# CD-+4Ds# online infor ation# tele&ision#

edia s(illfully# editing appropriately and

-est the audience1s response and re&ise the presentation accordingly*

+ecite poe s# selections fro speeches# or dra atic solilo/uies 'ith attention to perfor ance details to achie&e clarity# force# and aesthetic effect and to de onstrate an understanding of the eaning <e*g*# 6a let1s solilo/uy @-o Be or 7ot to Be@=*

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acti%e %oice affi5 A &erb for in 'hich the sub)ect of the &erb carries out so e action* Example: 7e hit the ball* A bound <non'ord= orphe e that changes the eaning or function of a root or ste to 'hich it is attached# such as the prefi, ad- and the suffi, -ing in ad)oining% -he repetition of the sa e sound# usually of a consonant# at the begin-ning of t'o or ore 'ords i ediately succeeding each other or at short inter&als* Example: -he repetition of f and g in fields e&er fresh gro$es e&er green -he assu ption underlying alphabetic 'riting syste s that each speech sound or phone e of a language should ha&e its o'n distincti&e graphic representation* A rese blance in so e particulars bet'een things other'ise unli(e* -he syste atic recording of beha&ioral incidents cited in a literary 'or( for purposes of organi.ation and clarity* -he inclusion of additional co standard bibliography* ents in the 'or(s listed in the


alphabetic principle

analog& anecdotal scripting annotated bibliograph& antecedent

A 'ord# phrase# or clause to 'hich a follo'ing pronoun refers* Example: ,ris tried# but she couldn9t find the boo(* ,ris is the antecedent of she* A call upon the reader9s faculty to thin( in a rational 'ay to persuade his or her thoughts* A call upon an indi&idual or other source as an e,pert to strengthen an argu ent ade by the author of a 'or(* -he ad &o&ulum approach is a co on fallacy in argu ents* :nstead of presenting e&idence in an argu ent# it relies on e,pressi&e language and other de&ices calculated to incite enthusias # e,cite ent# anger# or hatred* A co on fallacy in argu ents# the ad misericordiam approach is a special case of the appeal to e otion in 'hich the altruis and ercy of the audience are the special e otions to 'hich the spea(er appeals* A 'ord or phrase that restates or odifies an i ediately preceding noun* /ote8 An appositi&e is often useful as a conte,t clue for deter ining or refining the eaning of the 'ord or 'ords to 'hich it refers* Example: Dy son Enrico <appositi&e= is t'el&e years old*

appeal to reason appeal to authorit& appeal to emotion

appeal to pathos 0pit&2


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archet&pal criticism -he study of apparent perennial i ages# the es# sy bols# stories# and yths in literature# including narrati&es that unite the seasons 'ith literary genres* -he original pattern or odel of 'hich all things of the sa e type are representations or copies2 a perfect e,a ple* An attac( Magainst the anN2 a fallacious attac( in 'hich the thrust is directed# not at the conclusion one 'ishes to deny# but at the person 'ho asserts or defends it* A popular party# faction# or cause that attracts gro'ing support2 a current or fashionable trend* A 'ord to 'hich affi,es ay be added to create related 'ords* Example: "each in reteach or teaching% A co bination of sounds represented by letters to pronounce a 'ord2 sounding out the )oining of the sounds represented by t'o or ore letters 'ith ini al change in those sounds# such as the consonant cluster in EgrE in gro'# Es&lE in splash* A di&ision bet'een units of a language# such as bet'een 'ords# 'ord parts# or syllables* -he point of highest dra atic tension or a a)or turning point in the action <such as in a play# story# or other literary co position=* A content field techni/ue or strategy to help students freely associate ideas in their e,perience 'ith a (ey'ord proposed by the teacher# thus for ing a group of related concepts2 a teaching process of relating a target 'ord to a set of synony s and other 'ord associations* /oteG Clustering ay be used to sti ulate the recall of related ideas in reading and 'riting# especially in pre'riting* -he 'ord <or 'ords= that co pletes the action in the predicate of a sentence2 to co plete a gra atical construction in this 'ay* Example: -o is a &oliceman <co ple ent=* A sentence consisting of t'o or ore coordinate independent clauses* Example: #eorge talked and 7arr+ listened* A literal representation of a sensory e,perience or of an ob)ect that can be (no'n by ore than one of the senses2 representation that in&ol&es no necessary change or e,tension in the ob&ious eaning of the 'ords2 the 'ords call up a sensory representation of the literal ob)ect or sensation* -he addition of a consonant in the for ation of so e gerunds and participles* Example: Running*

archet&pe attac" ad hominem

band3agon base 3ord blend

boundar& clima5 clustering


compound sentence

concrete image

consonant doubling

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conte5t clues -he infor ation fro the i ediate te,tual setting that helps identify a 'ord for decoding <sounding out= and 'ords being read for the first ti e* -he reader9s spea(ing &ocabulary is a bac(-up strategy and is pri arily useful to resol&e a biguity <is bread pronounced bred or breed93 and to confir the accuracy of decoding <does it a(e sense and does it sound rightO=* -he conte,t helps resol&e 'hich shade of eaning is intended < &rogress or &ro-gress= and is used for learning the eaning of ne' 'ords that can be decoded or pronounced but are not yet in the reader9s spea(ing &ocabulary2 it is a pri ary strategy* -he ability and 'illingness to sound out 'ords by generating all the sounds into a 'ord <technically called phonological recoding=* -he ability to get the eaning of a 'ord /uic(ly# effortlessly# and unconsciously after a brief &isual scan# such as in auto aticity 'ith indi&idual 'ords <'hich is the product of initial phonological decoding# follo'ed by the reading of that 'ord successfully se&eral ti es# prefer-ably in te,t# until the neural connections a ong the letters# the sounds# and the eaning of the 'ord are fully established=* -he final outco e of the ain dra atic e&ent in a literary 'or(*


denouement description

4ne of the four traditional for s of co position in speech and 'riting# it is eant to gi&e a &erbal picture of the character and e&ent# including the setting* -'o letters that represent one speech sound# such as ch for /ch/ in chin or ea for /e/ in bread% A con&ersation2 the act or result of a(ing a for al 'ritten or spo(en presentation on a sub)ect2 in linguistics# any for of oral or 'ritten co unication ore e,tensi&e than a sentence* -he history of 'ords2 the study of the history of 'ords* 4ne of the four traditional for s of co position in speech and 'riting# it is intended to set forth or e,plain* /oteG 0ood e,position is clear in conception# 'ell organi.ed# and understandable* :t ay include li ited a ounts of argu entation# description# and narration to achie&e that purpose* 6ighly personal 'riting# such as in diaries# personal letters# and autobiographies* Any reasoning that relies upon treating as the cause of a thing that 'hich is not really its cause <e*g*# the error of concluding that an e&ent is caused by another si ply because it follo's that other=* -he clear# easy# 'ritten or spo(en e,pression of ideas2 freedo fro 'ord-identification proble s that ight hinder co prehension in silent reading or the e,pression of ideas in oral reading2 auto aticity2 the ability to e,ecute otor o&e ents s oothly# easily# and readily*

digraphs discourse

et&molog& e5position

e5pressi%e 3riting false causalit&


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high-fre6uenc& 3ords A 'ord that appears any ore ti es than ost other 'ords in spo(en or 'ritten language* /oteG Basic 'ord lists generally pro&ide 'ords ran(ed in order of their fre/uency of occurrence as calculated fro a sa ple of 'ritten or spo(en te,t suitable for the le&el of intended use* -he techni/ues used by historians to reconstruct and interpret the past* /oteG -he data for historical research are the spo(en# 'ritten# and printed sources or other aterial originating fro those 'ho participated in or 'itnessed the e&ents studied2 the historian ust e&aluate these data for authenticity# bias# and generali.ability and dra' conclusions fro the * A 'ord 'ith the sa e spelling as another 'ord but ha&ing a different eaning or so eti es a different pronunciation* Example: :ow# as in P and arro' co pared to P of a ship* A 'ord 'ith a different origin and eaning but ha&ing the sa e pronunciation as another 'ord 'hether or not spelled ali(e* Example: 7air and hare2 scale# as in P of a fish co pared to P a ladder* Also t'o or ore graphe es that represent the sa e sound* Example: -he /k/ sound in /c/and+ k/ing and s/ch/ool% A use of 'ords peculiar to a particular language* -he )oining of t'o or ore consonant sounds# represented by letters# that begin a 'ord 'ithout losing the identity of the sounds# such as /bl/ in black# /skr/ in scramble2 the )oining of the first consonant and &o'el sounds in a 'ord# such as /b/ and /a/ in bab+* /oteG -his process is regarded by so e to be a crucial step in learning phonics* An e,ception to a linguistic pattern or rule* Example7 #ood better and best are e,ceptions to the usual -er -est pattern of co parati&es and superlati&es in English* -he study of a literary 'or( by a critic# student# or scholar2 a careful# detailed reading and report thereof* -he analysis and )udg ent of 'or(s of literature* -he body of principles by 'hich the 'or( of 'riters is )udged* /oteG -he principles used in )udging a literary 'or( &ary fro the highly personal and sub)ecti&e to the relati&ely ob)ecti&e2 they ay in&ol&e but are not li ited to specific consideration of oral &alues# historical accuracy# and literary for and type2 they ay be different fro one literary period to another* -he gist of a passage2 central thought2 the chief topic of a passage e, - pressed or i plied in a 'ord or phrase2 the topic sentence of a paragraph2 a state ent that gi&es the e,plicit or i plied a)or topic of a passage and the specific 'ay in 'hich the passage is li ited in content or reference*

historical in%estigation 0reports2



idiom initial consonants 0initial blends2


literar& anal&sis literar& criticism

main idea

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media sources -he eans of co unication# especially of ass co unication# such as boo(s# ne'spapers# aga.ines# radio# tele&ision# otion pictures# recordings* A figure of speech in 'hich a 'ord or phrase literally denoting one (ind of ob)ect or idea is used in place of another to suggest a li(eness bet'een the * Example: 6e 'as drowning in mone+% 4ne of the four traditional for s of co position in speech and 'riting# it tells a story or gi&es an account of so ething dealing 'ith se/uences of e&ents and e,periences# though not necessarily in strict order* A nonlanguage co facial e,pression* unication# such as a noise# gesture# or



non%erbal nonsense s&llable

A pronounceable co bination of graphic characters# usually trigra s# that do not a(e a 'ord# such as kak $or mek pronounced in English as spellings* /oteG 7onsense syllables are so eti es used in reading to test phonics (no'ledge2 they are so eti es used in spelling to test for desired syllabic patterns 'hile a&oiding (no'n 'ords* -he ter used to describe 'ords 'hose pronunciations suggest their eaning <e*g*# meow bu11=* -he stories and histories (ept ali&e by the spo(en 'ord rather than the 'ritten 'ord* /oteG Although an oral tradition is characteristic of an oral culture# it ay coe,ist in a 'riting culture* -he study of the nature and use of sy bols in a 'riting syste 2 correct or standardi.ed spelling according to established usage in a gi&en language* -he phrasing of language so as to balance ideas of e/ual i portance* /oteG Parallelis ay apply to phrases# sentences# paragraphs# longer passages# or 'hole selections* A &erb for in 'hich the sub)ect of the &erb is the recei&er of so e action or state indicated by the &erb* Example: 7e was hit by the ball* 4ne of the four traditional for s of co position in speech and 'riting# it is eant to o&e the reader by argu ent or entreaty to a belief or position* A ini al sound unit of speech that# 'hen contrasted 'ith another phone e# affects the na ing of 'ords in a language# such as /b/ in book contrasts 'ith /t/ in took# /k/ in cook# /h/ in hook* /oteG -he phone e is an abstract concept anifested in actual speech as a phonetic &ariant# such as the allophones of the phone e /t/ in to& sto& &ot*

onomatopoeia oral histories



passi%e %oice



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phonemic a3areness -he a'areness of the sounds <phone es= that a(e up spo(en 'ords* Such a'areness does not appear 'hen young children learn to tal(2 the ability is not necessary for spea(ing and understanding spo(en language2 ho'e&er# phone ic a'areness is i portant for learning to read* :n alphabetic languages# letters <and letter clusters= represent phone es2 to learn the correspondences bet'een letters and sounds# one ust ha&e so e understanding of the notion that 'ords are ade up of phone es* A syste of teaching reading and spelling that stresses basic sy bol sound relationships and their application in decoding 'ords2 a syste used especially in beginning instruction* A graphic character or sy bol that ay represent a phonetic sound# phone e# or 'ord2 in 'ord recognition# a graphic se/uence co posed of a &o'el graphe e and an ending consonant graphe e# such as -ed in red bed fed% -he initial creati&e stage of 'riting# prior to drafting# in 'hich the 'riter for ulates ideas# gathers infor ation# and considers 'ays in 'hich to organi.e the infor ation2 planning* -he principal parts2 the set of inflected for s of a gra class# such as sing sang sung% atical




principal parts of %erbs prior "no3ledge

-he (no'ledge that ste s fro pre&ious e,perience* /oteG Prior (no'ledge is a a)or co ponent of sche a theories of reading co prehension in spite of the redundancy inherent in the ter -he odified sound of a &o'el i ediately preceding /r/ in the sa e syllable# such as in care ne$er sir or curse* A distractor that dra's attention a'ay fro the real issue*

r-controlled sound red herring rhetorical strategies

-he traditional for s of co position in speech and 'ritingG e,position# narration# persuasion# and description <each is defined in this glossary=* -he eaningful base for of a co ple, 'ord after all affi,es are re- o&ed* /oteG A root ay be independent or free# such as read in unread-able# or ay be dependent# or bound# such as -liter- <fro the 0ree( for letter= in illiterate%

root 3ord

sentencesG declarati%e e5clamator& imperati%e interrogati%e A sentence that a(es a state ent*

A sentence that a(es a &ehe ent state ent or con&eys strong or sudden e otion* A sentence that e,presses a co A sentence that as(s a /uestion or and or re/uest* a(es an in/uiry*

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sight 3ord standard American English A 'ord that is i ediately recogni.ed as a 'hole and does not re/uire 'ord analysis for identification* -he language in 'hich ost educational te,ts and go&ern ent and edia publications are 'ritten in the 5nited States* /oteG Standard A erican English# a relati&e concept# &aries 'idely in pronunciation and in idio atic use but aintains a fairly unifor gra atical structure* -he di&ision of 'ords into syllables <the ini al units of se/uential speech sounds co posed of a &o'el sound or a &o'el-consonant co bination# such as /a/ /ba/ /ab/ /bab/3% A topic of discussion or 'riting2 a a)or idea or proposition broad enough to co&er the entire scope of a literary or other 'or( of art* /oteG A the e ay be stated or i plicit# but clues to it ay be found in the ideas that are gi&en special pro inence or tend to recur in a 'or(* -he basic argu ent ad&anced by a spea(er or 'riter 'ho then atte pts to pro&e it2 the sub)ect or a)or argu ent of a speech or co position* -he general category or class of ideas# often stated in a 'ord or phrase# to 'hich the ideas of a passage as a 'hole belong* A sentence intended to e,press the passage* ain idea in a paragraph or




topic topic sentence transiti%e %erb %oice

A &erb that ta(es a direct ob)ect* ExampleG Crancesca read <transiti&e &erb= the boo(* A syntactic pattern that indicates the &erb-sub)ect relationship2 the principal &oices in English and any other languages are acti$e and &assi$e% -he process of deter ining the pronunciation and so e degree of eaning of a 'ord in 'ritten or printed for 2 the /uic( and easy identification of the for # pronunciation# and appropriate eaning of a 'ord pre&iously encountered in print or 'riting*

3ord recognition

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Selected +eferences
Copi# :r&ing D*# and Carl Cohen* ,ntroduction to Logic <Eighth edition=* 7e' Qor(G Dac illan# 1!!>* "he Literac+ (ictionar+8 "he *ocabular+ of Reading and )riting% Edited by -heodore L* 6arris and +ichard E* 6odges* 7e'ar(# Del*G :nternational +eading Association# 1!!?* Recommended Literature #rades /ine "hrough "wel$e% Sacra entoG California Depart ent of Education# 1!!>* Recommended Readings in Literature !indergarten "hrough #rade Eight <+e&ised edition=* Sacra entoG California Depart ent of Education# 1!!6* -erriam-)ebster2s Collegiate (ictionar+ <-enth edition=* Springfield# Dass*G Derria -%ebster# :nc*# 1!!;*

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