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Sighisoara is located on the Tarnava River in Mures county,Romania . It is located in the historic region of Transylvania. Central Sighisoara has preserved in an exemplary way the features of a small medieval fortified city and it has been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. . Sighisoara is a popular tourist destination due to its well preserved walled old town.

Traveling around
It's such a small town that you will have no problem in going around walking. If you need any suggestion there is a tourist information office inside the Caf International and Family Center or the tourist information booth, both located in the main square Piata Cetatii; they will help you reaching the fortified churches in the surrounding.

Things to do

Sighioara Medieval Festival: During the annual event, the town receives around ~30,000 tourists, doubling its population. Numerous cultural events take place during the 3 days of the festival - theatre, indoor and outdoor music concerts, handicraft demonstrations and exhibitions, painting, sculpture, seminars, film projections etc.

The town in itself is quite small, so one day to visit it is enough. In any case, you can consider staying more to visit the surroundings.

Weapon Museum - next to Vlad's birthplace. Very small, but it contains an interesting selection of medieval weapons (swords, arrows, etc.). Vlad Dracul House ("Casa Vlad Dracul") - allegedly the place where Vlad Tepes "The Impaler" (a.k.a. "Draculea") was born.

If you want to stay two or more days the Dracul Danes is the Inspired Choice .Located on the Tarnava Mare river banks, within an astounding natural setting, close to the settlement of Danes and only a few kilometers from the legendary citadel of Sighisoara, the Dracul Danes Boarding House provides accommodation and meals, while offering its guests additional services such as a great time by the pool-bar, horseback riding or taking horseback riding lessons at the equestrian and leisure center in the immediate vicinity. 40 Euro.

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