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Year 10 Interim Assessment: 11th Nov Stella Foundation Well done, an excellent start to the course however, you

needed to annotate the digital images to gin order to achieve the A. Explain the benefits of choosing either shutter speed priority or aperture priority


Collage & Photomontage General

Collage Homework

Herbert Bayer Analysis Lucas Simoes Response

Target Grade Nearly all class tasks etc are documented. You are very good at summarising intentions and techniques. Your writing is to the point and meaningful. Thoughtful presentation. Put the Magnin piece into context. Well done. I'm pleased you put your collage into context. An interesting interpretation but I do feel that Ullrich is making a particular comment about movement by using a statue and live person which your collage maybe doesn't address. Excellent analysis. You put the information collated within the lesson to good use but adapt it so that it flows fluently. ?



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