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LI801XR Case # 5.

3 Bree Anderson, Jamie Bernard, Chelsea Brown, and Stephanie Whitehead


The Trenton

Library Union in an Uproar

By Marge Andrasek
In a bold move last week the Library Board for the Trenton Public Library announced radical changes to the current library structure. Some of these changes included laying off three librarians and turning four other previous full-time positions into part-time without benefits. It is simply shocking how in the name of profit, the library director could justify eliminating positions, cutting peoples hours and removing benefits, stated the Library Union Representative on Monday. It is bad enough they eliminated many important positions, but then they demoted people to part-time and took away their benefits while they continue doing the same job they were before, just with less hours. The Union filed a grievance with the Library Board after the announcement last week indicating several other issues with the decisions announced last week. One issue highlighted was the preferential treatment the Library Director would be receiving on the new rotation schedule. According to the changes announced, the Director would not be included in the weekend rotation going forward.
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Perhaps the biggest issue cited by the Union was the lack of appropriate representation by the librarians or the Union on the Library Board. With all the important changes being discussed and decided upon, the Library Board should have included those most involved in the library.the librarians. They had no one looking out for their best interest in those meetings, said the Union Rep. It is clear to this reporter the Trenton Library will have a fight on their hands about the decisions being made. I for one will be interested to see the outcome of this battle.

Who Cares About The Library, Anyway?

By Fern Dickens
With everyone getting up in arms over the recent library debates, its almost laughable that nobody has asked the most obvious question of all. How many of you really go to the library anymore? I see the kids on the street. They all have their e-readers, smart phones, and laptops. When is the last time your teen popped into the public library branch and grabbed a classic book from the shelf? When is the last time you brought your preschooler to a storytime? Do you ever stop in to check out a DVD or do you have them shipped to your house to save time? Everyone is jumping in line to blame the library director. However, we are the ones to blame. Librarians are always there when we need them. Hasnt your son or daughter come to you panicked and needing assistance on their last-minute science project? The librarian helped you then. What about the time your internet service went down and you only had an hour to print off your plane tickets? The librarian helped you then. So how do we repay these devoted librarians? During the last Trenton election, the city voted against a measure to fund our local libraries. We just wanted to keep a little change in our pockets. But now our community is suffering and devoted professionals are out of work. Maybe next time, we should vote with our hearts and not just our bank accounts.

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Local Horse Wanders into Hardware Store, Causes Ruckus

By Milton Dewey

A local horse caused a ruckus last Wednesday when he entered Mercers Hardware store unannounced. Patches, a horse owned by local rancher Tom Williams, said his son may have left the gate open on accident. Patches wandered nearly three miles before making his way into the hardware store located on Cherry Avenue. Its amazing really, she probably walked clear down the freeway to get there, said Williams, Its pretty funny when you think of it. Unfortunately, Ben Mercer, owner of Mercers Hardware store isnt laughing. Everything was fine until she started bucking he noted. Patches became frightened when locals attempted to usher her out of the store. Patches managed to knock over two isles of merchandise, including a display of screws and nails that will require hours of sorting to get back into order. When Tom Williams learned of the damages, he offered up his sons assistance in getting the store back up and running. And Patches, well, she would MS Office Clipart. Free for student use. probably prefer to stay at home on her farm from now on.

Library Is Hot Button Issue at City Council Debates

By Bill Birch The election is still months away, but the debate between incumbent candidate Steve Jones and newcomer Janet Ortiz is already boiling. Ortiz, a retired librarian, was quick to take a strong stance on the brewing library fiasco. What they are doing is criminal, she said. You work somewhere for over twenty years and either get ushered out the door or are forced to take a pay cut and lose benefits. Its maddening! stated Ortiz. Steve Jones, who serves on the library board of directors, has a different stance on the matter, Listen. We are the ones in charge of picking the library director because we know what is best. What was the director supposed to do, make the money appear out of thin air?, he argued. It wasnt an easy choice, but it was the directors best option. Jones may feel that way, but a recent poll suggest public opinion is on Ortizs side with 62% of Trenton taxpayers opposed to the recent library developments. It also appears the taxpayers have sided with Ortiz on more than just this issue. Another recent poll showed she is the new frontrunner in the election.


Failed By Recent Library Decision, Local Girl Gets Gift of A Lifetime
By Albus Katniss
Last week, our editors received the following letter. Dear Trenton Daily Monitor, My name is Jessica Anderson and I am a sixth grader at Trenton Middle School. I am writing because I am very upset with changes happening at the library and I hope whoever is in charge will reconsider. The library is now closed on Sundays. I live with my grandma and she cannot drive. The only time we can get a ride to the library is on Sunday when my great uncle can drive us.


We here at the Trenton Daily Monitor were very moved by Jessicas story. Since we do not have the power to change recent library events, we thought we would do something else for her. We teamed up with Big Barrys Computer Emporium and purchased Jessica and her grandmother their own laptop, as well as a year of paid internet service. We also provided Jessicas grandmother with a $100 gift certificate to The Bookworm Bookstore. It certainly isnt a substitute for the library, but we hope it will help bridge the gap.

It was nice to help Jessica with her dilemma, but we worry she may be only one of many in this situation. When we think of the library, we often think of books and story hours. What we do not consider is how many people rely on the library for computers and internet My grandma has bad eyesight and can only read large print books. They access. From leisure activities to are expensive to buy so we have been lucky that she can get them at the resumes to homework, the library is the library. We also do not own a home computer. Now that Im in middle only place in Trenton that currently offers free computer access. With fewer school, I have to do a lot of my homework on the computer. Lately I hours on Saturdays and no business have been getting it done on Sundays at the library. Now I dont know hours on Sundays, the library might be what to do. We really need the library. Thank you. leaving citizens like Jessica behind. Jessica Anderson, age 12

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changes and overhauls. Sure, wed like easy access to a number of materials this is to be expected Let me just begin by saying that, of a library users. But if it means as the director of the library board The sad state of current economic not having time to make it to the for the Trenton public library affairs, although improving slowly, library, because of their new system, it both saddens and reduced hours, or means mean that more attention than outrages me to see the recent knowledgeable, kind, and ever must be paid to staying afloat community reaction to the hiring professional people losing their economically. I, too, wish that it of a new, fully qualified and much jobs, we have to say that its not didnt necessarily have to be that desired library director. There worth it. The library is our place way. But, as it does, I ask you, may be some who question this our community place. We use its library users and citizens of decision, as the candidate in computers, read on its couches, Trenton, what would you rather question did not come to us from a have? A library that stays open, if ask its inhabitants for library position, but rather from recommendations after we finish a the business world. However, as a less often and with fewer book. Its a place to learn, to grow, librarians, with a greater amount businessman and a CEO, I feel and to serve the community. So, as of quality materials, or a library confident in reassuring the public the community, we have to say that can no longer afford to open that this candidate will be an unfair and too far, Trenton Public its doors? That is a difficult and excellent fit. Library board, and we would not disheartening decision, but the be sad to see you leave, new hire. decision with which we on the Moving on to the community board are faced with daily. All we Not one bit. reaction, part of me can ask is that, in our quest to keep understand the sadness many of Sincerely, library access in place for the our patrons have expressed. I, too, The citizens and library users of community of Trenton, you was saddened to hear that this Trenton support us. Thank you for your library director took it upon time, herself to restructure her own Dear Fellow Trentonites: employees, causing the removal of three full-time library workers and Edward Norton Trenton Public Library the hour reductions for four Your rights as taxpaying citizens Board of Directors, Head others. However, I must support are in danger! Recently I was laid our director in her decision, for at Chairman off from my position as a head the end of the day her decision will childrens librarian at our local To the librarians who lost library. Not only was this a slap in allow her branch of the Trenton public library to put together a the face to me, but it threatens our their jobs: phenomenal collection of community. The new director of materials. I must also ask how the library plans to run it like a This is just a reassurance from many of this papers readers knew your community that we are not business, and this means we will that, according to Richard Rubin comfortable with the recent all suffer for her sins. As a a trusted name in library science decision by the newly hired library professional librarian I follow a in his recently published work code of conduct that includes a director to terminate your Foundations of Library and strong responsibility to you, the employment with the Trenton Information Science (2010), 41 public! However, she does not Public Library. We miss you, we percent of state libraries report recognize this same love you, and we think that what [ed] declining state funding for has happened to you is a travesty. responsibility. She has never fiscal year 2009, and a good before worked in a library (and portion of these indicat[ed] that judging by her demeanor shes Needless to say, our outrage is the cuts would continue (176). He deep seated and stems from the never read a book either), but also forecasts that public libraries apparent tendency of the newly already she has turned the will need to take a more building into her own little hired director to put the bottom aggressive, entrepreneurial dollar at the highest consideration, business office. Instead of having approach if they are to survive and be damned to all those users and full time staff that are prosper (177). I ask you what employees of the library who may knowledgeable and excited about are the decisions made by our helping you, expect to see young be at the receiving end of her

To our esteemed editor:

recently hired library director, of not aggressive and entrepreneurial?

hoodlums running the place, with their sullen stares and their emo clothes! With a director who has no experience in a library, a Library Board full of fat cat CEOs, and these hoodlums running amok, dont be surprised if you sit your toddler down for storytime one day and a Billy Idol wannabe is there to read your child the latest Playboy (for the articles)! Expect to see Danielle Steele mixed in with the Clive Cussler, and reference books in with the new releases. And speaking of New Releases, now youre going to have to pay $1.00 to borrow any of these materials, even though your taxes are the ones that pay for this material in the first place! With all of these horrible occurrences, maybe its a blessing that the library will now close at 2 PM on Saturdays and not open at all on Sunday. At least then youll have less time to cry over these changes in person. I strongly urge you, the responsible citizens of Trenton, to call the Library Board members at the phone numbers Ive provided below, and urge them to reconsider their detrimental decisions! Mr. Smith: (713) 493-1232 Mr. Jones: (713) 493-1212 Mr. Brown: (713) 493-1221 Please make your anger known to them by voice or by strongly worded letter at:

Steamed in New Jersey Marla Shirley, Librarian

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