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Touching Feeling

AjfrCI, Pl!liagogy, Pnjormalivily

~ ~ .. ~ I V S T T T .....

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" "'--..." .... ""',""'" C ... '"
_ n. "", ""' ..... __
for T W. M.
with my ridk./OMS !"'l'
............ , ....... .................. .
_ 1
Irnroduction . . .. ..... .
.. ,
Inl<rluJo. P-ewgogic . .
__ ___ _ lJ
, . SI'Ilornt. l"heauic:ol"y. and QUttr l'."rfo .. ".tm'1:
Hmry p""",', Thr At! of"" i"<MI .. ... . ....... ..
.. jS
1. Moond ,he ""riperform h .. Vicin;ties in
.. . .... . 67
J Sbarnt 10 the Cyb...-MtOC Fold: Reading Silvan Tomkins
(Wntttn "'ith Ad..m f ... nk) _ _ . . .. .... ... ..... . .... ...... ... .."
4. r> .... noid and Rep.roth .. Reading. 0.-. you .... So P .... ,"'id.
Yoll I'r<>b.>bly Think Thi$ E.uay Is About You .... ............. .. - IOj
So Ped.ogogy of BuJdtnsm ..
... tSJ
Work. Chd _
_ .8j
InJox . .. . . . . ... .
G ... lirude is _, in Sil .... n TomI<ins', an bill. rompltJe emo-
Tion, Compk% as it is, 10 me it .11O .... ms one of the most
limply 5OIf,,..,,,,,rcIing. Mich .. 1 Moan hal been the >pur 10 this prt>jNt in
million ways he will . nd won', "'rogniz.e. each of them. new fo<m of
be.llIy_ a! "" ... to me. My odor.1)k p;>rtno., H.I &.Igwick, .nd par.
rn1$, l eon and Rita KoooI"<3<y, . .. ,h.nkable beyond thank . The interlocu.
fOI"> whose: kk h .... provided an endless ",source rOT thi> w()I"k include
lIorbor, Lau",n Be,I' n!. Judilh M")' Comphcll. Jonathan
Flatl.y, Adam I'wll" Jon.thon GolJberg, Ti m Gould. Do.-;d " "",&ky. Joe:
Li,\"O", Melis .. Solomon, Andy Cindy Panon, Shannon V.n Wey,
and Josh Then lhe", . '" Al. n A.,rnw, M.rk Sou e' , L .... me Berry,
Mondy Berry, R.f. eI C. mpo, Tyler Cathy D. vidoon, Eric OJ'''
man. Jennifer Do)-le, Denise Fubrook, Cbudi. Conson,,Ioe G<>rdon,Jan<t
Hall.,... Neil 1>1 ....... llill,Jim Kincaid, W.yn< Koc:>tenhaum. Nina, Song",ln and Noom lUy Koso(,ky, Adam, D.nxl. and Il<><cmary
L<bow. Men:d;'h McCiU. C"'go.y Mem,,,;,,,..1<*' M.moz. Joan Richard-
son, M.ry Ru ..... 8.arl>a .. Smith. C""lbrmo. Dan and K2ren
\\.'a .... " ea....ryn Williams. Carrie .ndJoe: Hi' Eric Wi"e ... and Ken
Wisookr . among ,he frnnds ... box '" hasnooris/t.ed ..... ,hrough.he><
good 1'" impc' ......... ' /Ioo' ing < sangha , ha, ...... ins
my Buddhl5f ... t""'. bc"dc. H.I.nd Mkh..,1 and Mory C . indude,
C.meron. Oon t.op<z. Tin. M<l"'r+.oIf. N.ncyW.ling . nd. b .. m-
ingher kindness. M.ry Moon,
r.oocIti,,& is p.limpseJ< 0( p<eviou!ly published and unpublished
"..,cri. l. Ahhough I fek (roe '0 tlte essa,.. app"" in ,he order in
which they _ .. originally ..,lin .... The .... in bon'owing:s /Tom published
m eri ... a .. as foIbws.
The ;",eriudc as por1 o( "Socn,;c R.lpturn. Soc .. ric RuptUttS.:
"'olcs toward Qnr Pcrl'omt.ti";ty." in ,,,,,,,,, ...r 00-1. Joru.tIun
Komhohz and Susan Cublr (New York: ' \19').
II. ""rsiQn af Chapt ... _ published 0$ ""Queer Pcrfommrnry in ell<
1'1 ..... York Edition Pn::r,,"." in HntfJ ;.-.. S ..... ront T1tt Coo-
SoI"",io. of lu<i/wmidp. f<l. DMd Mc.Whlntr (SUnfoni: S,onfon.IlInMr>iry
Pn::<!..'II96). .... In " Inside Henry jomn: Toward
l uicon IOrnt Ar1 ofl". Nm. " In N'l"'i.oli",I..<$Nu...r GoySdj.rn. ed.
\ionira O<.> and Rkhanl Henke (N<'W York: Ro." d",. '1195). and
"Qnttr Pcrli:l<rnali.iry: ).om., nt An ofillt NfMI. GI.Q 1.1('99).
Adlm Frank and I lim publUhed w:r"Iion afChap'.r J in Crilir4II",/.iry
(wintt. '1195); it I ..... ppcarcd as.1te introduction '0 Frv>k and Stdgwid.
t<h.. S/t<I"...."" 11$ S!4lm, A 5i'"". T-.ti ... Rt"'tI' (Durh.m. HC: Dult Uni .
... rsity 1'tuJ.
A versioo orClupter pp .... d.s p,;tr1 of the intl"Oduction.o 5<dgwid.
ed .. No>YtI 0"(1,,&' Q>o ... Rtodi".!',i. ,IN;"" (Durh. m. KC: Duke Uni ...... ;ty
Pn:: ... '9\l1),
O ap ... , was c"IllmiJ5iontd for Donald S_ Lop<' Jr .. d, . Tmru
for I., S,".ry of B",IdI, um (Chic.go: Unl"er$i'y of Chic. go I'tuJ. fOr1hcom-
Some p.rogrophson puform"iYi,y from ,he in,roduoion .nd Ch,pl<n
and "n: bor, ...... t<l (TOnI Andrew P.rker', .nd my in,roduOion t" OUr
coedi,rd Pnfo<..."tiYily i'rrfo'''''''' (New Von: '1195). n.c
diocuWon of Henry ).omes' .... 1 " rntid$m in Clupter , both """t in .... and
borrows from the diJcu/llion ofT1ot Wi,,&, of,IIto- in (Dumam.
NC: Duu Uni""rsj.y Prta. ' 99'),
M uch of ,Ite writing in T ...dIi,,& Ftdi"" orifIinallyo pp".red in odI .... conlem.
But ,h;' coUcoion of auyo 0110 "'f'I'tSCnU a diKinct project. on. tha, has
occupied a decade. worIt. which has nonc::thelns. and with increasingsr"b-
bornn .... rc(UK<! 10 b<tme in lU"Uctun:. I think i. iI hr: .. dtscribr:das
p<'OjI '0 e.plore promulng.oo/J and '.chniq .... fOr Q!:nd, '"Ii',;c though.
No doubt 'he ambition of ' hinklng OIher ,han duoliSlially itself m.ped
,h. prnjKt' . ... 10 t.king ,he fOl"m of. book length. linear argu"",n'
on > oingle 'opie, A lot of >'<lieu ,dl US to think """du.lul ie.lIy . nd
,,'10.. '0 ' hink in th6shiOii'> Fewer.rc . ble to , .. ",mi, how to go . bou,
it, 'he <ogniti"" and .""n .lfecti"" h.bit nd procticeJ invol""d. which . re
I." th.n 'm<nab!. to hr:ing couched for ..... AI heSoi. I 'd hope
for ,hi. book '0 pr(lmpt n:cognition in lOme 01 the m.ny people who suc-
cossfully work in weh w.y. ; , nd when: II(lm< ' f'P"W'hes ..... y br: "" ... Or
""anicu l.,ed . ICIISt 01" possib;]ity. The ;dc.l r m envisiooing lten: iJ miod
"'copti"" ." 'houghu. ..... '0 nul'fU" and conn< them nd .....,.p.ible ""J
h.ppineJo In IIteir . ... enalnmen .
Jpccially .-..:t ,Ite .96Ot .ny nu mber of WC>(e.n academic. popular. and
pn>feuion.aJ di<coursu t.a>.., ..... n cumlllo,,-. dy in""'ing nondualistic op-
ptO>cII<I: in phyan. gtndtr . ntI ...... on. po,.:hology and psychoaruly-
.... <krorut",,<tion.po>t=ioni.ol ",I>,ion'. pNagogy. religloo.nd >piritu-
.lif)'. n. mindbody pn>bI<m .. ks. <II< l'\'ro'I'try m""'"",n,. md
",udies, among many od>tr ."' ... 8u, of c ..... 1'$< I,', f '" dtpl'eCl'.
,II< confounding. ,.ndontioou etfens of binary modes 0( ,lUnkng-.nd
' 0 thrir ol1m .. ultifymg !"""Y''t''IiQn- ,han i, is '0 or
rnodtlooh .. >lructurn of though . invoke.."..!...,iom ... pt.=y 0(
BuddhlSl .n .. r.u point ""', is '0 ,umbic right in,,, dIU lis! k lnp_ 1' ... aho'a)"
' J$lIrI1f<Ilha, ,II< ""'" useful work of thU ..... is btu.lie51 ' 0 OCrur .... r tlx:
hound.>ry 0( ",ha, a ,.Ti, .. an', figure uut how to .. y ",;>dil);_n<:Ya'. rnind
j><C5<ribe '" .. : in ,he Jacoolik. wrmling_ or ,'ai chi. -;. I, may be -
,h .. c<>nfout><i< 'g<ncy w;,h p .... i.i'y, the .. If wl,h ,he book .nd ,h. " ... rid.
'm: crnb "f'he work wi,h il< mea",. a" d. m.ybt moot .larmlnSlr.,ntelli-
go"..e whh s'upidity. If -"'. maybe ,he",', bee" klm.,hing encouraging in
,II< """<tun\l """I<itnnc. ofT ..",,"! ftt/i"f
Among the IOnru "f "ubbornnt .. ,h;, book .mbodiH I'm a Tou.
rus). one of ,I>< muot olMoo. is its fintioo on. ,mall numberof theoretical
,uu,.l1 of ,lM:m in pM, by '990. I'm fond ofobstrving howoboession ism.
mosI durable form of ;",di""",aI capitll. More or Ie .. explicitly . n thr$<
.... ,.. upkm. R"'" of uciting md ... r ... unexha .... td pos.ibiIi<y_ ",
wdI .. frustration - otim:d up by four dillic:ult ,eJ"" J. l . Aus';". How to Doo
TIll,,&, \\.ImU. "'" i"tnxluctory mlu"", 0( MklM:l Fouaul. '. HUt""",
S<.notliry. JIhli 'h Buller', GnoJ..- T "",hit, and h. Ii". Ih"", 001 U","" "(SilV>!1
TomkiN" 1I.Jfr [""'lPJ C"""""""<u(Clccrp<td inTumtins. Addi-
.ionaUy. excep' ("" the Iess-i<nown won; "f Tornki .... ,he c"'Y' respond to
'he eritie.l and ped. gogkal n:C<p1iOl\li ."d uses uf.h .... infiu.nti.I 'cn, _
.. spond.o ,IM:Ol ofion wi.h ",h.t ha. been. for ol. "' 1"". a .it.l iz;ng if
iI<>1".,inICO("''''' or un"""I)' . u ..,. ... ion. What I ",WI ",ert "'!u.Uy ... ; ,
de:nt ;t is in ..,"'" places);' plain gutitudc "' ,1M: privilege of being
an interlocutor in rorn-nutiuno I've Clperic_d '" poIiliaJly. inc.lIe<.
'u.Uy. md imagina,ive/y nuda!.
A, ,he sa"", 'ime. one 0( m. cumulative "oriel .<lId by T ..... F<cIi.:
m.y bc of. ,,ri, ... , dccrra>ing ....... 1In>ng cen.ero( gnvity in
a ponicubr IntcllMual field Such enroun .., '" ,00... "ith monoJify and
wi,h Budd!t;'m. "+tieh .... p" u.. two I .. , <hlp'.". had ........ >lip-.tidy
br bener or worot. on m. .. rong consciousnc.. 0( \>Cation .h ..
made: a book lik. Clout oound nt of it. i"ten .. "tion
on <llOltmpor.nco", "' ..... of ..')' .nd critic.1 theory. By contra ...
,h<,...,.n;. r ... done in """ Ilcl with Tc..-lli", !WI(", "",r tilt po .. dc<.dc has
,,,,Iu<lc:<l $C>'I:ral ro;,orial upcrimcn .. in >Il.boration: puett}" book; the
c .. doubkYOiccd ... (bot" of A o..? ... Loot: I 10< of allCcr jour.
""Ii,m: Ind. in<:n!Hingfy. tI", nonIinguisOt W(lrk of .c.nilc .... At ,he Ume
.i ..... my"'-ruum m ..... """'" conoislently """" ,oonUK<i
.nd .. lutd. While I've sttuggt.d.o .... tu. ruum in Toodt("! fft/to: r"".
,.,.,... 0( ",.Iily ,hal ,.,ook! .lCJude ...",. of.1wK ... I'ft.lso had .0
unG"'P my hold on ........ It'ud ... 'hOI lI!N '0 be oclfnoldcnt_including
,I>< aboolutc priYiIcgc o(!he wn,;"g la i'sclf.
In her ultb""ed puem "On< AI. ; Elizabeth "'pea,ed ",frain
1$"Tl\c art of ""ing i,n' t hard to m.ster: In its i".i .. ence on a rurg" ;-..o
...., if. ,he on. poe m of he .. I've "evcr litu.d: 1 piau", I, Of] n:&ig.
owor mas"et. uy. urginG diete .. no! to open 'he door. A more oOl1gmi.l
",rsion '" mc wuuld invoke ,he: an 0(1o<u1,,&": and no. as one . rt but e1u ..
Ie< 0( ",1 .. 1!d on"'_ Idcilly lif ... !u.n. and idu, might thm 'it rr.ely. for
.. Me. on tIM: ",,1m "f "'" open lund. I wuuId told To..n.i,,& MIl,,! '0
be ao open .. ,ha,. Ind .......... o""""n.,..,td. In this in,mduction I anonly
unfold I ..... of"'" .... in 'opoi tha, f.ilc:d '0 !>orne cillM:r diopct".bk
or qun. plxnbk during irs .. 'riling.
, ".,OUUflV'TT ,.l<D P .. ''' ... AO<CR
T ""'*("&" I'MI,,! is rooted in an i", .... ".;I:"I>I f.scination wi'h ........ tffcns md
Implimiun.o .urroundingJ. L Au,,;n', foundational work on perfurm ;ve
U[ten"..e .. While ,1M: roneep' of pcrform,,;v;,y h., propclkd notably di-
"'<Ken' ,roitu of thou"". in .. ' .... I d;.dplin ... I h>w: be"n most rc<p<>n.oi""
to om: line ,h .. extends throUGh Ocrri<Ja '0 ,1M: carly work of Judith But-
lc:r. aline th .. f""I"'d p.rticularly infi""n,laJ In ,he dc,'tlopmcnt of gender
..udic,md 'lUttu. ud;." throoghoUt ,ht ,_.
Th. "queer" "",cn'''1 of pcrlOnna,r.i'y II nidcntly ",t.<1!d ' 0 tIM: 'ellU-
ousnea of ilS on,otog;cal ground. sill""ll!d by ,he faa thai il begitu its intel-
le<tual ........ U bm rcpudi .. c-d in ...t> .. na by ,Iw coinc.oftlM: ,nm. Ausrin
irnmduccs pcrform:at;"i,y in "'" Ii .. t of his Harvard lea ureo (10' ... pub.
Iw..d o. IN TluW only ,0 disown it """<Whe,,, ..-ound
.IM: cigh.h. He ,Iiso..-n.ordismantks "pcrfOrma'Mf)': that is .... 1>< name
uf. dlSllna .nd bounded <a1egotI of,--,hat mis!!, be '"
,he "",,,,Iy """"" .. i,,, "",inl:( ,hot ,:!! .. pttm
ct is boIh' ('47). Thus lhe u,", th., deconstruction h., hod for pcrl"orrn .
1i';ly- beg;", with lhe =ognitkln"c It "" propeny 0< 'spe<t common
10 aU ""c .. nrt . Ungui"ics and onaly.1c philosophy. by <;onl .... , in spilt
" f Austin', dtmur,.,,1.long ",maintd imc",,,td in the pn>CC'SS of , b .. ifying
.. t",,,,,,e. as pcrf<:>nm.liYcJ ""mo. ,oo, .. ath,. ..
Vel. as Shoshana poinu OUt Ito Tv !.it .... ?, SpmA Nt, Awtin',
"".., pcrlOnnan in lhe ... lcnum if "nythmg but. simplt one. Qn<, of if a "'P" e<!trop;.m IOW. nI . n evident fa<cinarion
willi. putlrular do .. of aamplet of pcriOrrnat;'" PresenfCd
firs! as 1"''''. originary . nd dt:6niing lOr 'he conrcpI : Ir.. bot
as no _ tkon -a marginallimiti"' ..... of iI. if indotd either tt.. a-
.mpks or the concqx n n be said 10 -suni\,," the .... Iytic optntion of
thc Iccru..,. II aU (AUJlin ' :!O): """""helt$J """ncd 10 .,.,.... and ....,. as if
no "'l""""n. or .noly ... no domtruttion oo-dismanlle"""", could "'oily
vitiate or..,..., ch2lltnge the .. If,evldence ofthcirenmplary fOn:e-the ..
..,ntenen:an wh., Austin', won. lruulls m It.. mind as pcrfurmarivity toot
coun, ..,..., ,,-hi\c ",odeting nominally un .... bk: the CO<Kc-pI of pcrfun-n .
.ivil)' '<IU' coun. """"""Iy. .'" clllSlerof K1ltenen .bout ",hio. it;
sec"" cle.r that to uneT It.. senlen (In, of (OU' ''. the appropriate <i ..
ru""unca) is no< to lit...". ... my doing(. thing) . . . or to "ate th" I.m
doing it: it is to do;t " ()). Enmpl lndud. - I promise:"J bequeath . , .:
' 1 <hti ... n . . . : "1 apologil:.:"1 da ... you: "1 sent.nrc you_
In the pre..,n, book. depaninG from Au'lin', u .. gc. I ",f.rto Ih...,,,,,.m.
plary itUu n .. , ... r.rp1i<il ri"","-",jvt .1I .... They ho"" .. ,,,raJ 'y" .. ok
.nd .. montic fcotu"" in common: Ihey .rr in th. (') first person . ;"gular
( PT<<cnt ()) indic .. i .... (41.oi",,: (,) the ,'.rb in cach one nam
th. ort (in AU>lin', the illoc-uliOfl) th., th .. uuer.1lCC it .. lf perl"orm.;
and (6) 'ho adverb "heT<by" could be instntd In tach oflhem withoot di,.
Inrting thcir form or meaning, Thu . " I [ J apologil:e' apologize>. ' 1
["" .. ntoneo" .. ntences nd so un.
IftheOtegory .11 .... """"""'" d . tifying at oil. i. "';U
no< do so by ", .. oping t"" . abk: clt. r of dulMouo co ..... ",.", "" pic"'}'
of ... nt<no:'c> whose OTt. SttOU uoprobl<m .. iaUy pcrl"ONNIM in a da<.<i.
cally Auainian ""'" bul tNt vioIale eorh of tt.. ......... ",I ... "no. ...... ing
if adjqurned- vIol .. CI , and . for.>:ample; "The court come 10 """'r"
vioIa,es t .nd 1; " y""',,, OUI " viol. .. a, and s: 'Present!- viola,es . >. and
1. if no< aIso<l.
Uut ,he mu'l of the n ... .-.wcd category is no< to introdu yet .not""r
1e, .. l al whirh to play 'he of .. eking .oroptions .nd "c, .,;"g ""t
qualifying from "",nqualifylng u"ora"_. In .... d,'cgory is
mo<t u..,f ulin patialil:td mode of IhoughUf ... A \Utin him .. !f say . then:
is fin.lly no yes/ no dislinaloo bet", .., prrl'ormotivc .nd nonperl"onn.u..:
"tt.nnen. then it; could be l1lOOl:.bdpful 10Jmagine a maplik.o set: of ",b-
,;.,no: map 'hOI migl" rca{Ufl' upIInl pnp._ri ... """,""u, conform;"g
" rioly.o ",Irs t Ihrougb 6. al !I$ middle, and. "",llilude: ofather un .....
ance< K'ucrni 00- clulleml nnr and far. dtpcnding on , he nrious ... -.ys
they might rtSCmblc or difli<, from lho uampb. In e h""" I ofT"""'
iot f<tIiJI&. -Around It.. PerformaIM: 1 go f1,,""'" with this spalializing
in'pub<. posittng I new dau of ... ",hast COI11f1IeJ:
effiraty d<prnds on to. .. ...,U as Ihci< difli:",,,,. from. lbt
aplicil pcriOrrnatives.
E'en 'h" broad 1ew1 of inlernl in 1Iw: fonns of pcri:>rmalh-e bnguagc
"1"""'"n<s I depo>nufl' from . h. deconsnuoh-e/ q"" .. lin"gc towtrich I Tt
"rrt<I.artier. For from jacque! Drrrida 10 Judi,h 8ull ... ,t.. In;""yof
b\ ry and gcndrr Ibcory has angltd I"" .... ingly from (what migh<
be (alkd) the gr.mmatial mome"t . or the gnmtn.ltical impulK:. in dis-
cussions of pcrfor.".tivity. leI """ <M'>1-implify "",,, ;" f'O'iting that both
drcOfUt"'Ction and gcndrr Ih.ory invoked Austinian pcrl"ormativity
in Ih . ..... ;.e of an .pI ... moIogic.1 pro;e.:' thot ran roughly be id.ntifiood
as .mie_nli.lism. AU$llni.n p"rfo,malivity !! . buut h.wJanguoge COP -
$ITU. ouff<s ",ality "t heft on "",,,,Iy describing ii, This dirrcdy.1_rod.,
Ii", .. pect oflIngu.gc if ",Ost .. when the:
uUeranres in qurSlkln art (1""''''0 a . imply.descriJuU:c:..rtl.tion
' 0 tom<: rn: .. nnding.9S1ttUlbly auadi"u .. "'" ",.lity. Analogously in the
. Ttl of hi"ory. d .... me .ntlCl<cn,i.list proj1$ fuo-cgroundtd r-ou
a ult '. "'proted demonsl "t""" of the: prod..,;", faTt. both of tuonom;",
.nd disciplines lhal I .
fOrm>!i.." by ying. -8uI lhe only molly inlercscing pan of it It how all
langu;og<' It pcrfo. and judi.h 8ulle,as adding. - No. only ,ha,. but
i,', ""'"' pcmmni .... ill pcl'furm:otni,y It lu e"fllicic ar'
guably. mOS' of .1I when it isn', e,.,n en,bodied in O<1ual w"""'."
I h .. ., "0 qu.,rel ,,, m.k. with the .. f'O"'erful dem<>nStra,ion$. r>Qr in.
d<<<i with \he an'i .... thai impc'" them. I would ",mark. though.
on 00w boIh Ikrrid;c 'und Butler. pcrlOrmali";tieJ" boa .... ,My.", in the
.. rvice of.n ... ' ..... ntialisc epistemological can Sttm ' 0 bt CUI in
the: ..... oK im;o&c of,he hypoolatiU1l gr:ommadc-al,uonomie1lh.c h ....
h. raooriz.d. for example. Joh" Searle', or Emlllknvenlsl". positivistic
u ... of AWlin. Tha," '0 say. Ik,rido and Butle, Sttm 10 emerge from a
junrtun: .t .. mm Austin .. ynlaCllc .... llnOrrtieo. " 'hich .. "'''' originaUy both
I""'isional and pb)-ful. can pcrsioc only .. n:ducriotly the:
_ from ""'" Iongu.1\'" ",.U w'W"'g< .. em. rtqui"'" by .hci .. mie ... n-
,ia/i" pro;t:<:l . Perh'p .. "ending '0 ,he "nm'., .nd drect, of porticula, bits
,,[ language. a.s I try '" do in m.ny "flhe.., CU>J'''' "'quir .. a "ep.o.he $ido
of .n'i .... nlialism. a lighlening of me epistem<>logi<al dentlnd on
....-ntial ,ru,h.
I h:" ... abo .. U n a dislincl .ocp 10 the >ide of lhe dernrutru<ti .. p,*",
of analy.;ns 'PI"",nlly nonllnguls.ic pI1enomena In rigorously lingois.ic
"TlTH, .s when DUller anall"" partkui"I:"t'\l.ral style a.s . """e'Y ,,[
l"'rformaci .. ulteran: r Pl:rfl)fm.ti .. ' like much <kcono'ru<ti.-.
",-un, Thwfoi'\( ftdi '\( wanlliO address.spKII of upcriencc and ,ha,
do nOC ponenl Ihcmoel"", in proposiOOnal in .. rbaI IOo-m aIong>ide
ochers Iha. d<>. ra,he,- ,ha,o ",bmh 10 ,h. 'PI"",n' common",,_ tha' ... -
qui..,. ... ric, .. p.ra""" 'M tw<> and u.u.lly impli n omologica 1
pmikging of' he former. Who, mol' 0. iliffe",m in the presen, work. 00w'
"''''', is a disindiru.rion to ........... priorilie. by subsuming nonotrbal
aspects <Ii ... ality lil'rnIy u ..... , ,hc .egis ofthc Unguhcic. [ ..... me lha, ,hc
line bet .... n ",..,ods and things 0< be",'ffn and """lingo ist" !'!>c-
""men. is e ng, p<: 'mc.ble . nd rnt i ... ) y '0 ; ny
definili .... . .,lculation. With Wingcru.cin. how ... ,. I h ... an inclin;uion '"
deP"'OIC rho of ..... ry spttiaIvalur. my"K]uc. or thingnt .. '"
m<aning and Language. Many kinds of objo<u and ....... -.. ... in rruny
ttnu,'g,',,",ou. and """. at", ' nd.1 Stt """" ,..:tue in "'" ",ifying or
mYOl>fy"'S tbe hngu"<>c kJnds <Ii m<."mg
Up '0 thi. poin. I haw been ,,,, .. ing pcrform'liyily as if
.U (Ome ",,,,,,,Iy from .. -orIr. on spttch KII ron-ing A""in. Vel
in mor' ron .. mpoury .... ga. in I\"'ndtt and cuhural .rudi<s.
it .. ems 10 be l ied prinurily 10. moriv ..J primarily by.he notion of.
perform>" in me defining i'!1l . n _,mu'rical, BUll .... c.rly .....,rk inyi,o,i<>n \0. in her words. <"""dc, gond ...... 5 . .. n .ct,
.. il we ... , whl<h is both p<:rl'orntlriot. whe ... 'pcrfi),m>..
ri"'" itsoclf can-ir:s m. doubltmtaning <Iidra .... llc and """.",I'c:n:ntW-
CI>erforntllM' '7'-7)). - Pe,fom,.,; ... - 31 ,he pn:sent rnc>rno<n. carries thc
. uthurill' of ' ..... 0 quite cliffr",,,t di5CO\l.rseS. Ih., Gf ,heateron the ooe hand.
and 0( !pCt<:h act Ihrory ."d d.cormrucli<>n 00 'he otho<. Pan.king in
',he p<""ige of bo<h discou .... '" i, nonerhe\ess. " Buoo sugge1u. me.ns
,"'..,. d;1K",nliy in each. "T'hfc SI ... lch berwttn ,he'lri<:oI and dccoN.ructn",
m .. "mgs <Ii -pcriOnnari .. - <an Sttm ,,, "1"" ,he poWiries of noll'tftbal
. nd , .. m.1 ac,ion. It .t..> '1"'110 ,,,,,,,, "f. at cit"'" "'reme. lbe
of the .CIO' (.imed en,lrely outward tow.rd the .udien,o) .nd th. i.,,,,
,..".iDo. .,(Ihe Signifier (if " I ooIy apologizes. " I .. ",encr' only
.. nlenru, .nd ... .,..). Michael f rioed.oppariIion he, ... n lheanica6,y and
""'""rprion Sttms CUOlOl11 m:;todt for chis ""r-adoI about -pcrformalmty": in
its don"ructi"" <moe p<:rform.ti";ly signals abJorpti<>n: in ,he Ylcinill' 01
Ill. >I. ge. h"""".". tile pc"",m.';," ;. the theatric.1. Bu' in anocher range
.,(twgcs eXC such.., Lyotlrd', Thr """..,.j..,. C<mditWn U$e1 'perfor
.mcy" I" mean ... eXC ... "", "'P"'.
scn,ation a.s. bnn.,( capi,aI;" eflicioonq _ ..... hile, agUl. ,he deconoc.-ucm-"
' pnfurmativity- of Paul de MIn 0< J- Hill;' Mille. _ .0 be characle ...
iud by 'M di.Unuge priscly "f c.u"" and efft hc:,v.-ttn 'hr Jignlfi.r .nd
the .... ..".td. At ,11 ... lime. I,', worth in mind 'hat even in de
<onsIruccion, mon: can bt ,.id of p<:rformari"" specch .CIS ,h.n lha, ,My
an: on'oIogirally dWinked .... in,""""";".,1y non ... ... nti.ll. FoIJow;nS on de
Man', dtmon."".tion of'a radical ""rangem."" bcno...,." the me""ing.nd
lhe: perform.nce of",,) 1<>1' (>98). """ mlgb' ",.nt '0 d..-cU noc ... m",h
on .he """",ferenee of the p<:rf"nnati...., but rath .. on (what de Man ",II<)
its nccnoarily ",berran, ' (,)0. ) 10 its ""'n ",f.",nce: Ihe
rnu,ual p<:n-cnion. as """ mig!lt of ",k,en: and .... 'r.:.,.. .... liYiry. The
lint {VI'" rhap<ers Fnti'\( . ", espe6>ly in,ooI.-..I with 'his un
>ctding .btr.-.o<c o.l......,.,n pcrlO ..... ' .. ;,y and ,heatric.ali.y: 'he fi .... in 'he
lirelons, profound .... and un"'qui,ed longin" with H.nry J>me. fonta-
sized .1:to\J, 'M Brilish ,hucrr: second in,l\ .n.)ys,\> "O'Ol1rgcois rna ...
riogc ond . .... nel slawry 10$ rwo""_ of mobilt , ...... Iing
p<OSCmium- in nint, ... ntlHmtury nlIrn,t .....
I ... vc indicoo,cd th .. , 10< all n. in,c,", in perfonruttrlty, ,Iw: ,hrost
ofTOOidti.o: 1'/;. is no< '0 Uf"- =idu.11Onns of lu"'ing
behind forms of aNlysis. N<><is i , '0 uncanh un-
coorcioo. drivn Of compulsions underlying the 'PI'''''''' pI.,. of li .. ",'Y
for ms. Norag,in is it to uncover 'iolent oroppre .. ive hi"oric.1 forcel mos-
quc .... ding undtr bkral guise.
Wi,houl .. , .... pring 10 dtqluc ouch <riricol pranitts. I tw..: ,ricd in ,his
projtn lOupion: _ .... ys .round """oposol depth 0.- hiddcnness.!)'pi-
cdly by. drama of exposure. <ha, h., been $Uch. ".ple of cririaol
..... ri< of,he p' " . Bnlta,h and IotM .. ! h. rd enough In I., go
of; wh>, .... been e'"n morediflicull is to grt alittle di"anct in
ponicul:arthc boosy fPture In imminmtly crirical
or revolutionary pn<ti<c'N' """ con 0I"InC1i 001)1 adumbncc.
I.....,;ad, as its titIc wggnu. the ""'" soJicnt ptepo<itioo in To",*iPI& f'ffl-
it proO.>bly Invoking I Dtlcutl.n imeres' in pbna, rel>lions , 'he
i=du<ib!y spOlial,y of IotsUh .1.., .. emS '0 offer some useful re - to the: .... with ,,-hich Itt ..... ,," and "':>o>n.I turn from spatw.1 dt:Krip-
tor> in,o implKit narraoiws 01, mptttivdy, on"n and ,.los.
8tri<It is on intc=ting pttposilion .bo boaw;e ,he:re' 0 nothing very- dual
iW< abou, it; numberor clements m. y lie alongsi<lt one '!1QIher, though
not In infinhy of them_ llt,id. permits I .p.d ..... 'gn<>Otkism about OCY'
e",1 of the line" logia th>t enforce du.listic 'Mnlting: noncontradiction
or ,"" law 01 ,he ududed mi<ldlc, ca .... ""....., clfut. "'bjooa .".. ... ob-
ject. Its in,nnt doa!1Ql, Ioooo-",\'Cr, depend on ran,..,.. oI ..... onymiraUy
<'ga1i .. ';'n or""'n pod"" os any cMd kn<>ws who', .... bed
with oiblings. lltliJ. comprise wide rangr of
",sen';"g, poullel;ng. dilr.",n'ia,ing, rI .... ling, loaning, twiseing,
m;nudting, wi,hdrowmg, au"""ing. .gglCSSing. warping. and Other
SpotialWng <iscipIiMs such lOS t;tt'graphy .nd .nth"'P"logy do, though,
h.\oC t"" """antage of permi' ting eco!ogkal o<.y.tcm to . uch
u..u , iikn'ity .nd penorm'nee. For in"ancc, the .n,hropologl" ESlh<r
include> ... " ....... "'_/\ he. 'n' >cudy oH ..... I. ;mpersonot.,...
in the U",,i Sut"", the IIoor pions of...., drag dubs (7'.119). The plans
... port .,( her field dll. on shows at each ","ue: . nd one of the Sln:ngths
one. 'P"lany pred n.lyslo is an .. ,'" .I."ne .. to 'he multuid,d inter
.cti<>I\o among people wide each Other In room. Thu., whU per-
1Ocmc' in one kind 01 room remains oJonc _age and ,ft<r" ;aM doa no
",inng .. i1h lhc,udimce, the pnformtrin tIM:: Otfln room "' .... insin nca<-
roou .. "" int.r>ction with the band leader. dub lOInage-. "'.m ...... of the
. udimct". and ",her performers both older Ind younger, in . nd 0' " of v. ri-
ou, kind. of drag, . mateuro lid prof.$<i< ..... I. The effect underl in .. New,on'.
, rontinUOUI assumption \h .. drag is 1 ..... ingk kind 01 XI th.n he .. r<>-
1)'$' ..... In eroIogiul field ,,"hose in,tnlivc and <ltfining rebtioo-
ality is intemal .. much IS it II dirteted '_lnI tllte norms it may , lull.,n&,,_
When Butl .. dn",' on Newton', work .t ,he .nd of G<>ultr n..!>It, on 'he
othor h. nd, ,he ecological ."cntion to .po conarse' i n f .. "Or of ,em 1"'",1
emphasis on gen<lcr .. ""y liud rcpcririoo . nc! sodaltem!"",1 i'y (j. But
ler , .... _.,). Wi,h the loss of i,. spa'iality, the m..rnoUy complu
r..:1d 01 d",& pof",,,,,,,,,, JU/krS a ...,mingly unaooidaI>Ic simplification
.nd ... ificarion_ In faa, 1 think ,hi, I"" of dimcnJion mIJI explain why many
<. rly re,derS, wrongly, intc'l'"'ted Bu,ler'. di"' .... "'" as p"'",ribing im
plistic volun .. rit}'_ Ahhough temporal and 'P,ti,1 thinking arc
al'erna,;'" to e .. h OI""r, I'vc consi>,ent/y ,ried in T.,..o,i", f'ffli", '0 push
bKk ag.l .... an ocrup; ICndcnq 10 undc"" .. nd '0 ,"" rich dimmsioo
of <pace.
The jnkes tha, Aid in peopk', minds the on .. ,hey don't quite get.
Toll<1U", f'ffli..g displays. 1 think. _thing like ,hot relation to Fouauk's
Hurory oJ'St ....... lit)', \'.10 .... t, Foucaul' '. "<lIume """indo; mt of. joke be
caU .. I, "argun .. n, i, so promising .nd economic.l; my .. nse of n .... getting
it comel from ,he way itS ""'""" .... ml .1>0 to make Its prom'"
To mt, ,he .lmost <ltlirio ... I""""'" of the book is most ." .. hod '0 """ .
caul, ', Idcnrification 01 , he . ... pn:ssivo hrpod, .. n" .nd his ... ggestion that
'he", might he w.yo of thinking .round it . "ccording '0 ,he "'pr<!S.i .... hy.
poth .. i. ,hat dcpree" ... ,..., history ..r .. <,y only be ,h.,
0(11", "nrg.,;.., ", .. ,ion" bnWftn powe. and IU. 0( ",he imioten of the
ruIt: of ",he cyd< 0( prohibition'- of -the logic of and of -the
uniformityo( tM 0{ k'>nity .nd prohibition: "Whether 01><
'nbu,,,, it '" ,he f""m "f, ho prine. who formu I.teo righu. of 'he f., he. who
forb;dJ. uf ,he censor who e"fort .. ,ilene . oro( ,h. m ..... .".ho SI"e' .he
law. in my ax 01>< Khe .... tiuo powe. in. juridical fOrm. and ont deru...
ill .ffecuao (8. - .,). Foucaul on .he Othtt hand.. .hough he is
far &om ewming -dla. sa Iw flO( bct:n or lurred or mukcd or
mis>Pf'",heNlcd 'he d . " ical .ge - (,,). is mon: "ruck by the: prolifera-
,ion of nt<><k.n discOUI>c1 of ... u.lily . h.n by th.i. suppttsslon. Or. mo",
irl1e", .. ingly. he .1\;1. ,he", may ",.Uy be no "rup'u"," bwttn
"rtptt>Sio<t and the <riric.I .... lyois of """"aion" (to); W the
pa<3doI of I sodcly - "'hid! spc.u....t>otcly ofill own oiIenc . (.<><11 ukcs
g"'" paiN to ",I .. e in de .. il ,,, .. hing< it doo:s n01 Ay (8). he {"he mod.
ern p"riod "' <kfined. '" the con.rary. by -the mu\tiplic.,;on of d!soou=
ron""rningiU in ,he Eckl of ere;'" of p"" .. ri,..,lf an inSIi,u'ionaJincite'
mmo. .0 spc ok .hou. i., .<><1 to do so """" and mor-.: ,de<ennin.ation on ,he
pan 0{ 0( J"l""'<1' 10 ..... it spol<:n about. and to ca ..... it to spcak
d"wgh plicit anicul.,ion and oocumulo<e<l ,,",aiI - (18). Thu
he ,..wldbe libe ",ry "'I'","i," hypothesis i ... lf come. to be Ren ' $'
kind of ru .. for .... nd.ting ever <nOn: orthe: OW .... i ........ rh.1 proIifer ion
th .. h.d also gon< on befon: and .round it,
For. pro;tc< of g.tting rK'f from dualislic modes of.lU .... ing_ cope_
ciaUy ahou. iU- ,,-ha. bene. pain' of dtpartu .. ,Ilan .his diocussion 0( ,he
rtpttU;'" hypo<h .. i,? in ",.ding FOUGoult', book mo", "",fully . nd
"ped. ll y in 500ing .h. wurklng OUI of iu probIomati'" in ,h. writing o(
",he. schol;u-s., i . ... ine""Jingly <k n., !'ou ull, book was div;<led
luelr m ,,'ha, it from i .. brood. It""'"' infutiloly .-.mifi<d
and...,bd. critique of!ltt ........ si>" hypot:hesis. I knew ,,-hat r .... from
it: son .. wOY' ofun<km.nding human <k>ire ,hat mighl be 10 the
'ide of p<Ohlbilion and "'p",,,ron. Ih," migh' hence be "ructured
(""",rly from ,I.e heroic. "lihf,..tory: inc .. apabty rigtl1MWn ...
of hunting """ ... and ,,,,",klng pruhibition/ rtprn>K>n in .U iu eh ....... -
onir guil4 If the criti<al .... Iysis oJ rtprnsion is il>elf inxp.! f"""
"'prnsion. ,hen surely to think wi.h ony cfficuy has . u k .0 'hink In $<;>me
distinctly diA'ere", w'Y,
I'oucauit , .uhingly critical . ".Ir';' of ,he p""'istencc of the "'p"",.
_ hcsis through iO "",n1. r.odiral.nd dio<on.inuouo dis
.... ....... - ....... nal)'lic. and libertarian. a$"'d as lik.-.L_ ett_
e<>\I....... _, L'_Lo L _ ' inrd '
, . indo,,"I" t"" ,"" p<OjtCl '" " .. 'wl1g 01' ........... rem> 1'""'"
..,nl) ... b'- h" I fi
. . hi ... udr. And '0 <onsi""r. '" .... n.. .. "'", ngo. I.,
""",,atiOll v ,
. , .nem,' """.rv Ihat pro]e" further. But the .numph.ny <h -
,his ,',," un'" -,
. . _ _L- t(),.;,,1 forre of , ab<> ouggesu ,h .. I'ou<:'aul,
;sm;ooc ,,>< Iv .. "
, ""r "" Iwconv;ncw monyrtaden- w Iu. ....... , ." ..
hiJ'nSC1 _cc.... .
reprcs<n'cd an ac"",w-,. ;">I.ncr: of ",,,,riling ouuid< 0( the I.P'QSI'" by.
, R ,'''', Ihan workingoutsid< of i, hoY."""'. Voi."" '. 10k. mu<h
"",h.:,t>, ', .
of fuOC', ul,', .,.ber ",ork. might bener be <k""bed .. p'''I'''ga1tng ,h.
....... more broadly by mcart5 of muhi-
pIic",ion. and hypos<,i"tiorI. _
If mj'CYal .... ion i .. <cunte. hClt .. . ..
moo ",.y. of (misl)unde ..... ndinS Foucault'. dil<U!$ion of represswe
hyp,>!h.,.i$. Rec.n, ... nt '0 fod ' Ul't 'hey unde,....nd h,. volume
.... ""ing on< of.he following:
I . E' ..... beyond !Itt reprasiYc hyporh ............ \'tr>ionof prohibilion is
IIIU.he ....... iInp<><1.n, ,hlng.o w'd .... u<><l . 8\1. it opcn,e'lho-ough
pmJ.nng .... Ilt. tlu.n Ih"""gh .liminaling Ihing>/kirxls of PC""""
bjtivi'ie! .
1. 10"", beyond tilt "prn$i," hyp<>ehesis. version of prohibi-
tion iI ,.ilI ,he: m"" imponaru ,lUng '0 undenund. 8u. it opcra ...
.hrough ",,,,,,,,'ft' and volun,.ry mcthonisms. rathrT
Ih.n th.ough ..... nal. opc:<ta<ular ne&.' 1vt sanctions.
l E,-en beyond the "'p .. "i .... hypo<h.,is. lOI'Ile """ion of prohibi'ion
i, .. ill ,h. ""'" in,!""".nt 'hing '" ynd ...... nd_ But il bubble, up
.hrough ... ltipLt. often minu elu.nnd! and discoun<S .-.."", ,I\>n
through. singuLar i""""",d from , _ .
. E ....... btyond ,he repm.sIve h)l"'thcsis. """" ",rsion of prohibttlon IS
.. !II the""'" imporun' 'hing to Bu, i. through
lnst . ".nsmod .. ,,,.l (loltlJU'S" iuelf. o. ,h. Nome
of ,t.. F"he. ) .... t.., ,l\;In through local. upl icit ones.
._ E' ..... beyond .Ilt .-rpres>iw hj' p"'hesis. ........ ..,.;on or pruhibilion
Is "ill ,he ""'" import"" thing.o undt .. ,...d. Bu. it open'" I')' d;"
iuelf .. "",." (i .... ....... ncr:), N>tu", and .... n'!.I ..., ""'.
.nd h." Iwo)', k.n. ,to< defining 'u"'" of "'p",ssion/ pr(Jhibi'ion_
,., .... ..m..o "
It snms dear ,''', . ...... -no<r hellrisriaolly I""""rfuj [hac t"'"' of
''''''''ghtrNY be . ......eolthe:m ran fullill implicit u..t
the:re might be way. of "'wing outJide tM .. "",osi"" hypothe,;" to form>
of thought th .. would no! be mIKtu .. d by tM que"ion of prol1ibiti<>n in
the plxe. /I .... hen. why ,,"OlIld .nyone hope .0 do..,' Ci"", the pbin
.-.ality of prohibition. ",hic:h Fourault admits, :as "' .... re of hu"..n
diKoune. 1<1 .Ion< ,hose: of!)'. it oeems os though interest in ,;de.
"epping th' "'pre .. i .... hYp<>Ih .. i, could "Pring only from nal veto. wheth"
wmfu l or si""..,..,: from. tenni .... 1 re lll(1a""" to fae. rtahty.
8u. in rnponding llO strongly to Fo\ICIult. implki. po-omi><". J ...... anu
ally not moYe<I by d'IC f.ntasy of I world without rq>rtioon or pt"Ohil>;.
tion. My dis<ontont with the interpretation. li".d.l>cwe i. noI. oi'hc: . th .. tOO p" .. imulic or insuffICiently utopian. INlCad. im"",sxd by Fou
... uk. Ikmon<rr;;[' ion OftM ",icTUicss/y .df-pmpaga,ing . oiIp<i ... $lN<'
t .. ", 01 thc [. p' .... i"" hypooru,,;.. J <am< lO >CO< cogni' i" oiIng<' r in ,hew
i"'.rp""a'ioru: moralisti< tautOlogy th.t boocame incre.,ingly ino:ap.bk
of reCognizing itsclf O! such.
O. ben han "toutology: dnwn From "'" SUtK Ianguagt 0I1ogi<.
might be ., descrip<ion. Say ,ha, .... ml'" to $lOP asidt from ,he:
"1'rnsive h)'p<llhcsis. buN on conrin .. ing rigo.-ous "udy of ils """. an in
du.ivi.y. fonn on Insoluble loop of politi'" r..,dback. It:'., if A and /I 'Te
in bed 'OS" "''' under. du.tlron' rol elrctric bLmk ... bu. with the <OrltroU
..:<iokn,o\Iy rn.1W<l: if A gtlS cold and 'urns up ,ht '.mpor.olUre. B', Jidc
or,ht bIanht wiU gt, " ... m ....... -htreupon B " do;N. ... lhe .empera
lUTe. making A', si<Ie even 00I1k 1IO A .urns Up' M ,cmp""'ture furthc.-
on B's lide. and so 0" .d
Ch. p'c,. ofT"""i"J Fmill,f .nalpn such conccpcu.1 fcl>xk ioops-
in Sil .... n Tomkins. as "f'P"Kd ..... Iffulfilling-
in gn:ate. deuil. Bneny. in ,he rase of Foucault. volume and iu clf>. .
I would ""1 .h .. his of thc pscudodichotomy be", .. n n:p .... ion
and Iibe"'Iion h .. led. in many cue,. 10 i .. C01"Irrf"'ual n:imposi.ion in
... n more abstractly ",ilied form oI .bc sub'iC";' ...
The snming .. hkaI wgcncyof such terms rrwb their gr.uIual .... cuarion
of $Ubs<a""c, as kind ofGum.d.,,Fou<.uldi. n )""giOl1 'urr" "hrg<"
m<>nk" Into .nother n. me for the I-I"U' quo ( i. ... ''''''Y.hing t h .. IJ) and
in. inc",. sinJ!iy. , pu",ly neg.,;"" ",]a,ion tu . ... , (.n
c. "e ..... of . he: ........ """I";''' rela' ion" u..1 n.J. in Fouc.ull .-gomen
"'" tqnnsive in .h. ... , pbc<:). I, '. ,he ... me Wlhclpful
,,["\IelU'" ,h;r., used to undergird h ... .-..;cal .rgo.tmenu d>ouo ... iletlo< gl .... n
period w .. one of " continui,y" or "chang<'." I ... ,OIh.r problem wi.h
,I>< .. at ... quo is wh .. I, does middle rang'" of'gene)". Qm:. n:1a
rion .0 ...... ' IJ mb boming reacti .... and u... of. comumcr:
ones choice> n.arrow ,0 '<pUng or (buying . ...... 'his or
tha, ",.nif."ation of il. drom.tti%ing only ,he ".",mCS of c<nnpul.x.n and
,"()lul1t.ri'y. Ye' it i, only tM middle ngel of agency .ha, off., >1"" for
dli: ....... l cre.tMty and ch"'S'"
-r .. AND A,nCT
A gu<><lloh Fouc.uldi.n oubjw. I'm , h.t Taodoi"J fttli"J in
clooks 110 su. A lao oIche is ,ht quo<;di." chonce of my O'OIn lili< .
.. ... nox. ,he",py . ha, " ms 10 blot up ......,. Ir":. 01 cin:u]a,ing es<rog<n
m. k . . .. .nd I ... ";muIOling moti .... of ",11.<1;on. 11' 10
seemed. with tho .. megic ban.l izol'on of g.y .nd icsbi.n poli.i" al _U
:as thei. """,,ute disn-ow.! of rela,ion to ,1M! historical and rontinuing
q>id<mtc .... thou&h in many arc .. tbc momcn' rNy be 1'"" when theory
" ... in ''''Y p><!.oaive ",I.'ion ". lOUal activWn.
The clo .. " thi, book rom .. to. su".ined. dirc(tly ... u.l ,hem .. lc i. in
Ch.p''' I. in dGcw.slon of Hcnry ... fudnation with the image 01.
hand .ha, pcroe<r .. cs a rectum ,nd disimpacu or "fishes 0Ul" ' M '1\'O$IIre
im.ogincd as coIlC(ting IIM!",. In . n essay th.n has in/l....-nccd me lot . Ittnu
lion uscs J.>me., intense r.",1 intereS' as hi< poi'" (If departure for . ", .
m.rk.bly product' .... diSCu,"ion of.M "' hole ;,.sue of'UIU"'. I' . dew:1ops
the obscr .... ,iooo u.. o p"rtt ..... " 'ure is al ..... ys. immcdi: ... ,ly . nd de r.ctO
to be im_,""" in Mid of oai'IC .... mo,;,,, hll""hcti.oing. '<Sling. and re
lIB<knnnding ofhuw physical prop,,"ic< a and Ire acd upon ""'. , i",.,.
To tell .. '" i. " ..... ,onl1'o . sk Or know What is i, Ii",,? no "" n JuS!
... doc. iI impinge on ""I T .,ur.l ptrttp<iooo .!ways coplon:s (W(I othe r
"" ... Ions os ",eD: How did it se.,h .. wa1? nd Who, could I do .. i,h it'
These a", che l ind of inlrinsic>lly inte,....;,,, propenic< ,hal Jamn J. Gib<on
"lied "." in hi, '<>66 book. 710. Sno><-. C .... I0',.,.,-d <u I'I'm'r " .<l' Sy"
'<>n.< nd. like IOm. I ... ",-ort. 011 .ff('C, . ,hi, .pp.....,h tf} "w ..
gn,., <1.. 1 '0 ,10< posowu momcn, 01 cyban<,'" and .,. ... ms ,hcoty.
Ai II-on', cso.ay """" ... J ,,","n' , pcn:riw"d. ,m .. ", .. r", ...........
nrou.l), h}'i'<J(he.iud whether .he objf rm !,(I'(civing was rim<nted,
enrudt<!, lamina.ed. gnnu.L..ed. poHohed. di .. n:sscd. kl.ed. or up.
SinULuty. '" p<1'C<'i .... <xlu"" is W or h)l><Jlh.esiu whe.her, .hmg "iU
be e;uy or lurd. Ak ...- dangerous ., grasp. ,., !I;>(k. w (lid . ., .tuM. '0
dlmb.,... w ...... ch. '0 did . o ooaIt. E..." itnmoNiia.tly than oll ...
... 1 <ymms. it lms. !he on.... oI.ouch makes _ au, oIany
dwlis ... undotm.nding of and p>UiYil)' ; '0 'ouch is ."' .. ,., .I ... ady
'0 I'(;>(h OU', ' 0 fo<>dIe. '0 heft. '0 "p. or II, .nfOld. and "","y' .100 10 undtt.
mnd Olh<r peopI. or ... runl ron: .. a. h.Ying d'1tU<llly dor>e SO
""" .. If. if only in .he making of ,he ' .. ,ured object,
Walter !l< nj> mi n ch'ncteri""d """ " ... y of "ploiting''''' ... , .. " ible prop_
.,Ies of ,e.,ural objre" and .ubj...,.. when h. wrote, "E ... n if a bourgeoi, is
un.t>I. to give his e .,hly being f'<rm. """, . 11 .. onlS ,n be a m.".rofhon.
OUr wi.h him '0 P"'''''''' .he rrac .. of ru, ar,icIo nd "'qui.i.o. of daily USC
in !'('l"',ully. "TIl< bourgeoisie cheerfully ,.kes ,h mprts.Uoo 01. bo<t 01
objecu. For sI'ppe ... and pockt, wald ..... ,he'momelo" and "" cuI"- CUI-
ieI")' and umb .... Lu it lries .o get..,..., ... and CIS<$. I. PI'(r..f'J ... 1"" and plush
CQWf'J "hidt .-sc"'" 1M orev<:I")' touch. For d", . . . It)'" of ,he
end 01.1>< a dwtlling beco",u. kind 01 casing" (..s). 'This
otyle Yi.,.... / Ihe .t.. .. llingJas I kind k>ra ."".mbeds him in II
'08<11><, with all his app""enan<os, tending his 'race. as """CC tends do..!
f'una .mbedded in gun;,e. One should no! nil to ..-cognac .ha, 1M", are
'''''' oi<Ie< '0 lhi. process, The real or ",",imen,.1 value of,he oIljre .. 'hus
prest""'" is omphas;"ed. They acc rernr:wed from .h. prof. "" ey ... nf non-
OW""t'$, .nd in p.>rticul>r .hoir ou.lin ... cc blur ... d in I ch" .ct.Tistk """y.
It i.< no! "'''ngo ..... si"ancc torontrol .. oomc.hing 'hat berom .. second
"a,,,,,, '0 asucW pct"SOns. return. in ,he propertied bourgeoisie" (016-'7).
GoIng from Viclooan plush '0 post'modcrn sIli"". Bora _.s ,ha,
-.mootho .... is t.xh 'ype of and '''''ucc. <llher- (!III). His CSSlV
maw very' .... ful diotinction '''''' kinds, or ,.""' .. 01 ,a:rur-.=
,,'hid! h. labtJ. 'e .... r<" wi!h on and -.,...t u ... wi,h ...... ... T .......
is ,he kmd oI.,..."cc tha, is <iefw with offered inlOnnarion .bou, how.
subooln' i...ty. histooicaUy, "'"'cri;tlly. i. an>e in,o being. A brick or a m",.I_
won. i'<J( that .. ill bea" tho ""n .nd lhn of its making ,,-oukl
.... mpUfy ''''''tUr< in 'his .. ""'_ 11,,1 ''''cc .. ill>O ,/>t 'ex'ur< - W>C 'his
,in,o - ,Iu. 0.- .... n invisibly blodu or muon """h information:
t ...... Is 'C<N.-.. u,,,.lly glos"y if no! 1"";'i ... I) ... ky, ,h .. irui ... on
,I>< poI. rit} bc'wttn sulm.nce.nd ""rf...,. ' ... ucc 'hat ,ignifKs./>t willed
r'" 01 iu history. One ro.-...quencc of 80n$ ' ... .,men' oI,he COOCq><:
""" ....... high ,t... gloss. ,I><", is no <uch 'hing OS '(KI"rallKl.
I\o<Il"'rfurms a bra"" ... anaIy<i< of .... '",'u ... 1 M'ory of 1M concept
orkcishism. including both I")'Cho.tnaIyt and coo,.....,.jil, kli<hism. ,h ..
,",,1m '0 make 1M dispbc .......... olk,ioMm mD\'C . ... if., the >pe-ed or
liglll . alonfl 1M displace""'ntI of ,he manuf.ctuccd or....,m;ghligh'ed our-
f..,... lIut the ",,"riveperform.,i ... density of ,he ....... kind of'. UNCC-
it. indf...,<.bI. historicity-al", herom .. """'.ptiblt 10 . kind of r<lish-
v.lue. An ex.mple <>f llle I."er migh' oreUr ,,h ..... he question .. """ of
b<.>lkism, of ,he p.> Ipable .nd highly acquirable .... u .. 1 ... <ON uf ,he: <h.,p,
p ... ciou, work of m.ny fO"'ign hand< in .he lighl of m'ny d.maged fo.
oign "}r5.
!!.of., ,wy.J,., emph ius th., although ... fm.'o h .... some
kind of grounding with ... r.r'Ot\C<: to .he sen .. 01 ,ouch. ".-
.u'" 1t .. 1f is not rotnensi\ ..... im any single 1m!I:. but rather ,.nd< to be
li minally rq;ist.",d "on the: bordaoll""'f'C""" or.ouch Ind vision' (ro.>-
Indttd. oil ... bq<tnd the visual.nd hapric acc in the pc"
<option or ,extu .... as ... -hen _lonIr ,he bnWtbnWt or CO<du..". Cmusmo
or the oundt or eJ ... cri:spy chicken.
If , ... ucc inYoI .... more than one ......... it is ill>O true 'hac the dilf....",
propt"rtitt. .nd .. <fically d;",ogort' modem hislocits. of iliffo",n, porcop-
tu. 1 ' y enu .... li,ble '0 'orque..,d 'I'l1y.he hiltory of .... u ... as ...... n.
The ,.,,'" of phy,;c.1 ,ouch il><lf. a' I. a" SO fa,. h., ... tn;trkably un-
, u .. :epiible to being amplifi.d by ,echnology. W"mon ..... ho do bl'(as, ",If.
. .. mlnali"" ,'" occui"""lly tough. '0 u ... r.lm of liquid ""p. a "'lua",
of .. ,jny do"h. 0.- '-"'<n pod of thin plastk fillc:d with. La)"'r of wa ... tn
"1>k. ,he con.ou ... of,),., b", . .. m<>cc .. I;"nt ' 0 ,hei. finS" .... lIu. 'his mini
m.l..,nsory is me ... lyaddilioecomp.>red '" ,ho lit .... U)upo.
... n".l . n ... ne . .... nl> of ...... aI srimulus "ne. I. ... u..."n"""k and Nc...-ton_
T1w ... ....,or of MiJJInn.:trrlt, on. 01 ,h. ddinit .... ....,..,10 of .,.., ...... can
- in a ........ t"", stn"'nc. " from ,.Iesrop<- '0 microscopt: (EliOIL 'J).
Once JUth ranges beeomt ,he au.hority or , ... lin
ge ... " .iI.l tteV"t1" be ,I>< wne-.ho .. gh ,hOr "'1")' ............ ,n amplification
.... y mean, ha, they rtpn:-stn, on. k inc! of p""'.pt".1 gold It. nlbrd. r ndttd.
the iner.a""giy dmorgen. physial ..... l .. (and lilt hl!;hly diffc",n,i.1 r"es
of ,lIcir < .hot ,he betwe.n .ouch and vision in
,,,," mcdrrn I"'riod ... ouh in "ndotm>nding> cl """UIT ,hot, mah ;, a< "I"
'0 crix< and fuou .... cl muning '" rn<1onymic con,inui,ies.
Thus, ,,,," nttd 10 di..,.... , .. 'u ... acf'CIM ..,nse. brings i,. " d '0
,hink .bou, '.x,,, ... cr.,., diff .... n, 11 ... Technologic' of ,,_I, {or 'x.
'mple, as ,...,11 as cl vlPon tha" .Ithough 'u,= ....
'0 do with ocaI<. ,,,,",,, is no on< pbysinl oaIe ,ha, in'rimicolly is Iht Kalt! or
'UIU .... A. .. n airpon. , ... " ... is wh., a wl><* """ of
'''.s COn provide. 8u' wh.n lOu'" chopping wood . ingle liN nuy COn .
.,i,u,. >hal'" or """""IT within your Yisuai 6cld. wh .... as tca'ure pc,uins
10 'he of Iht ( ...... fibers of the wood in ITbtion '0 ,he slttk
bite cl ,he He.
Funhe,.".,..,. ,he scal., on< bo.lmp Of> ,urf,ce. or th,.. .
wan', cons,i'",e tca,,, ... A "'pu,ed pallern Iik poIh dots migh'. but it
dotptnd. on how big ,hey .... or- how d"se you .." from KroM ,he room
you migh' Itt them ... Aat lhect cl g .. y: aI a ..... the <Iou nuu a
visible ,enu,..; 0 mognifyingglo .. you'llltt an underlying ta,u",
of ""pt , or f. !nie un",l .. cd '0 ,h. ,wo Or t h",. rounded "'. pt. thai nuke
o big d,::lign. T ... " .... In shor" an orroy of I"''''epruai do .. ,ha,
indudts bu, ......... do:grtt oforganiution hoocrs;u<' btklw ,he
"'"d of shapt or- >IJ'\ICIu ... .
Ina eh.lI<nge to lie" jOmin', idcntifica'ion of Ie" " .. 1 .. lienee w i, bou,
gt..u privacy. William Morri< make "'opian usc .,r,he .. , .. tu .. 1 prop.
.rties in his spub,ive _I ,w.. fr- wIw", political tqualily.
ronununi,arion .. hics. productive Xllh<ric pit .... "'. and psychological
tquo"imity mend unbroken from on< '0 """,he, surfac. of congruent
seol.; and the ch ... ctcri"k M ","tis pa"ern of cq uidi".nt. un {""'grounded.
unb,*n. and pt rSpIivelcso or-namen .. ,ion drawn "from no,ure" $J>"'ods
from lanochapt '" .",hi<rctu ... '" Interior design 1(1 mole and rai
ment '0' he body .nd back 'g.aln, With . heir lillt..,ory . w,;,; aenh .. ic
of , .. t"n: ....., char ........ aprt .. "inlense and """rweening love of , h.
""ry ",in .nd surface of the e."h on whi.h man dwells. ""'h as .Iowr Iw
in the flesh of the ""<)man he loon" (IJ.I); con''frkly. "".i, do<hing is
<>maII"ItI>tM ou, of ,Ilt "",..,rings "four bodie. lltau,ifulliU
our bodin .... - ju", as dr.r. ot In " "." .kin h been made be.",iful
from .he first " (16,).
1,10'00 "'"Onn ""'ing how un""poctedly Iht dcfini,;"" ofptrfurmo.
om., it><lfisinfleocd by ,he longuase(l(,,,.,un:. n.. ,bcmotia,h .. Auorin
. prlid '" his tuOrIOmic """'"' on ,he p<rfonnaci..., an; cl" mucky """.
.G,eney ,ho' ... "Iing oontraJ( wi,h his dandified fas,;dious .yn
.. ,,;,.' 'hounh ,he: dimemions o(true/false ({or ,he: con.,.,I",,) and
<>'. .,..
hopP1/ unhappy (for ,be perfum ... rivt) a", .Iw.y. in danger of wiping OUt ,,,," confOunding His "f ", ... /dry. According to Austin. for.U ,he dry
J><': s ... ny"likc hilari')' of his ..,le. with his pro; "'" .'" '0 find
oul1tl", ' "bog! ging). by logical .I'ge'. do ... ,," ('1), Of 10 "two ,..,w
kql in ""r hands. 4";, of Cou .... , ,im"I1.,..,,,,,,,y 'WO new . ki<h underour
foOl " (:as). "To !t:el ,he firm ground of P"'judicc >lipping .... ay is Itlhil ..... ,
ing." "'" ,,rit .... "but brings it> """"'SCI' (6. );"1 WJI only: he promises
11, .... you . .... n .round. or- .. ther . IIound<r .round" CIe.rly for
Au>!in, , .. onomi. work wi,h particular sen"n<C' i. not . rigid. s<:.l'iean
.. ific .. 1on of ptrform.,;"i,y, bu, .... her lbe filthy W<.><1uhop of iu C",,", Ion,
cri<s-""""'! with sIod nuru. full of dichot:omiot ,ha, on: "in noced.
OIl m"'l' dichotomies. cl.!imlna,lon" it; "ptue"'. ,he .,.;,01. perhaps
pain{u I. notyet di ff.n:n,iat. d quick from w hieh ,hep" tiOrmati"" merg ...
In w'Y' like thue, ,u,ure seems like pcomi:ling t.,.cI of a" entlon for
shifiing ,he emphasis of some """"' ... 'Mons _-ay from
lhe I"I:n, liution on cpiIIemoiogy (> ougg<$IS ,ha, I"'rfo ...... ,MtJ/
p"rformonct: can show ". whetheror not lhere ... ial mulls and !>OW
w. could, 0, why".., can', . mow ,I,.,m) by ",king new qu ';onsabou, phe.
and .ffect (",hat motiva'" pcrforma'jvity and ptrNrmonc .
lOr rumple. and wha< lndividu.1 and roIkcti ... diMS an' rnobiIiznI in ,be;,.
e.ccution'). n.. tille r"" chosen for ,hese essay .. TD""'i"!: .. cords
the in,uilion t hat a p;onlrular sec"", '" .ub .... betw ... n ""urn
.nd """"ion . But ,he same d""bI. meaning. ,.coile plu. omot;"n.l. is .1
,he", in ,be single word ",ouching; equally il'. int.rnaI '" 1M word
"""ling." I am.1oo tII(OU .. ged in ,his oociation by the dubious "piohtt
"'oumy.fttly," wlth il$ implication thaI '0 ,.Ik .bou, . ffect vinually
. mounts 10 C,, '.rKOU$ <"n,act.
If 'ny,lIing. the aosoci,uion ,ouch and .ff.", may be tOO obvi
ous: iu Common ....... ....,ms '0 offer ' 00 "'Y "'ppon ' 0 modern ..... mp-
'ions obou' 1M <c",,,U'y '" ouual dtsj", '" .11 human con,act and fffting.
.. gim. th., roue.u!' . ". Iy"" ,he
<me: ,h., "'"Clu''' and pmpaga'.,. ,he "'pressi"" hypothesis. follows ,he
F",udi,n undotnt.nding ,ha, one: pbyoiologicai dri"" _ >tlUOI!ity. libido.
dcoir.- - is ,he ultima,e """",c. and hmcc in Fouc.ul, . word is ottn '0 em
body,he -,ruth: ol hum ... ..-iva'ion.. iden,i,y, and In mY_T1
lim book on ... :ru>lio:y, fOI' u .. mplo, I d",w on ,his mO<km con<tnsus in
apblnlng ,he 'erm -m.lel>omu<oci.l desi",-, -Foe ,he mos, 1',", I " 'ill he
using 'de.i",' in a way analogous '0 'he psycho,m.lytic u .. "f 'Iibido'_not
fOf raft icu! .. affi:cti, .. ,..,. ()I'cmotion, bu, ro, the aff.ctivt ()I' socl.o.l (orre,
,he gl ... ,""n "'hm ils manif ...... tion is hostili,y ()I' h:l1ttd Of IOm<thing
less emotivtly ,h.:t,> ... impon ..... ",I;n;oruh ip (Sedgwick.
lktwmt M.-. J). no. view don "'" odudt o"""ions. hu' ;u the
qU01'lion JUggcsts. il view> emotion primarily IS' , .. hicle Dr m. nif."._
, i"" of.n underlying lil>idin. l dri"". E.cItement, u!,"', ", .. n indiffc",nco .'"
.. en as more or less equl ... ic", tramform.tioou of-desl",; The n .. u", or
qu.lity of,he.ffi:rt iudf, 5ttmingly. is "'" of tlun
th<c color of the airpla ... _d to >peed .""""'" 10. cIt<tinrnon.
Rrducing .!fret '0 drive: in thi. w.y !""miu a di.g ... mm.,ic
of thought lh .. may, h"""',,,,,,, he tOO in qu.l it.!ivt t .. m .
E""h e""y in TO>Ido;II,f FttII'\!l ,ric. in ><>me ""01'0 off., .Itom"ivel '0 'h,"
h.:tbit .... llUl:w>rdtnation of .ffi:rt to dm-., Ch.:t.pltr l o:IiscusRs _ ""rly
SI.ges of Adom Frank 'und my Oncounl<1" wi,h the wriling ofSilv .... Tom
ki .... ,he JII)",hoIogi<t .... t.osc: theories undcrpin ""'" of ,n"", .pproaches,'
ForTomkhu, ,I>< diffc",n(, bet ..... n 'he dri", sY$1.m ... d t he .ffoet system
iJ not th .. on< is m"", """.d in ,he body 'han the other: he understand:!
both to be- thoroughly embodie-d, .. ",en as ....,.., or less irKtnSiwly int..,-.
with togn;';' .. pn><nse:<. The difli,rmU instead is b<1 .... ttn rnon:
<pific and rnon: mort and I"",co,,, .... ;ned: he<wn:n biologically
b ... d 5)""'''' thai .... Iul and mo", cOp"ble of g ....... ting com!>lexi,y or
deg"''' of f .. edom.' Thu$. for <I.mpl . th. drivt. a", ... 1 .. 1""ly
corutraitKd in th.;,- .inu: breathing will not .. ,;.fy my hunger, nor ,,;11
sle<ping "'isfr my nttd '0 e'''''''' ... __ e. The dri ..... '" .1<0 n:U. n-.Iy time-
conllnined. inasmuch as I need to brt",he .. i1hin ,he nut mj ..... te. drink
5(,m,,,hing rodl)" .nd .. , wilhin the nUt few " , .. ks ' 0 ",,,oin life, 1.4.,...
imrornnt , range of obj.cts is also ",Iativdy constrain.d: only a t iny
subset of go ..... ,iMy my ne.d '0 brt .. the or of liquid, my .... <1 ' 0 drink.
In ,....., and several other W;ty$. is clearly the lea., c_rained
(moot .ffi:rtJik) of til< dn..:.. - liad Freud not smuggled ....... of the prop-
<ninof,.,. .ffretJ)'llem intO hisconcrptionof.iI< dm= hio .ystom......,kl
have .... cn of much Ie .. inte,..Sl: Tomkin. w"'e', and h lso "'.1 r ... udian
'heory o. d.magcd by wing .. :ru.Ii,y '0 n:pn: ... nt Jri, ... in 1:""",.1
But .0 t iI< okgrtt ,ha, It. uali, Y is dm-.. .... ..,. the immcd;.
oil). ...... ,otI;., ,he defining one .... t;.,.. t ___ nli opified .Im and.nd
... ,....... '
from tl .. lf, th., fin.11y di .. ;nguUhe. the dn..:. from the .ffen>.
, Short "f. <:omplc .umnw)' of Tomkins. ,he .. dlmen,ion, m.y ".nd
for ,I>< Jigni/i.c-.. nt diff<cn:nces be-' ...... n affect> .nd dri ...... hffe<u havt far
g'<>'" fittdom dri"..,. ... i th n:spe<t to. (Of amplt, tim< (anger can
",.. . te in _do bu< ""n also moti"",u decadeJ.long .",...."of ....",ge)
...::'" (my pl.,..u", in h .. ring . pie<. of music can mUc me wlm 10 .... <
It repeatedly, Ii".n 10 other mu.le, outudy to become. compo$C' "'r .. lf).
E>,reci.>lIy. """' ..... , .ff""ts h .... gn:otcr freedom wl,h n:spe<1'o objee,. for
unhUe the dm-u. -any .!fro may ,..". any 'objw: This is the KlUfCO
of C<Jn'(,luityofhuman mociVll,ioon and be-h.:tvioc" (7). 111<: obje<t of affect<
.uch ... nget, ..,.,.....,.,. exilernw<, or is "'" proper'" the affe<:n
;n ,he .. me ..... ythot .iri'the ob;cct p<OpCr '0 "'spiration: - Thert is lit .... lly
no l:ind of object which Ius not hi"ori<. lly be.n lin'<ed '0 """ or
of 'he .ffws. l'o5i,;''O afft .... be<-n Invt"ed In pain and evtry klncl of
hulTl.ilR .nd ncgotive affw h.:t. been experienced a. I ronseq'""""
of pb . .. ", .nd kind of triumph 0( the humM't spirit ... 111<: sam<
mc<hanum. on.bIe r """'* 1 1 u invt" any and .vtry upt of cmt"n(e wi,h
'he magic of e"i'em"'" .nd joy oc with ,h. dn:.d offearn.- slt.m nd di.
,,,,,,- (501), hffe<U can be, and ' ''' . ttach.d ", thin",. peopl . ide ... ",n5O
riono. n:lalionl. activitin ambi,ions. institutions..nd any nWllberof other
'bmp. mcludingothe. affi:<:ts. Th .... one con be exilod by . nger. disgwoed
t.,. ""'''e. or ourpri>ed by joy.
Thl> f!'Cedon, of affects . 1"" gl".,. ,h.m a IIrucm ... 1 pot.nti.l nOl .n
joy.d by the clri, ... ptem: in <onlf ... 10 ,he InsIrum'''tAI;,y of dri ..... nd
thrit-din:(t on"" ... ;"" ,,,,,, .. rd differmt from 'hem .. l' ..... the affect<
can be .utOltlic: ""l'be", is no '"'" 'lUlog in .h. alf'ttl oys<em fOI' , ... n:.
..... ,-ding dfttl 0( drWe con$ummation, It i!; n,hert"'""" ,h.t.Jft d.......,l
."" ""'",., art iJ"'tic:.1 tilt rAM of P"';';'" aff'''' whOT >rt;vo"s1""itlvt
.ffects ' . .. \sA .. (58: emph .. 11 add.d). In Tomkin,', ... ended thought .
peri"'ent .boo, how <0 en:>le genuinely hum;on .... omoton,
(the mochincl...-oukl TT<Juu.. on aff<rt 'fit ..... WNt doH thi<meon ... terms
"fa ip<'rific prog<>m' The .. n ..... to< buill intO sud> madtinc number
of .. sport .... which h""" .. If n:warolng and .. If. pun;shing ch'TIC1''''tic>.
Th;, n",., IS ,,, .. th.", ... 1" ....... re ;nl><"""I)" a<<opt.bk or inh.r<ntly un
><<<I".bI . ' .'" eaenoi>Uy .... h .. i.c ch>rKkrisl;o ul, hoe alroni.., ",.
In ""'" ........ no (un,,"," reducibk. J ........... ."."""'" of
"'" be (unhoor duc. ibcdtoa<Olot-t:otind .......
'f"o'Ii';" of ucir .......... jay. fu,. sad....., oIu ...... ODd aft&"" co""", be fur-
."","duc[_if"",, is mitsii>g,ho: -=>I)'.Irtno..nd ....
This is "'" to .. y ,h., ,ho: physic..! prop:rti<s of lb. ltimuli .nd ,ho: ....,.".
''''"' <annoI be fun"'" .... ly d. Th, .",Iy'" is witno...tlimlt , I, is ,.ther
,h. p""lKImc-nologlcol,y whi<h We .re urging h .. intrUulc ",warding
or punhhing rh.rormuti<t.
If ODd "'hc-n th. ''''Om:''"" EngWh _ """Jd ""I"i .... spon ...
nrou. ",,,,,ion to joJ or uei"....,." of oM >Ott . , likt ,his,. ODd '0 feo' ODd
olume ODd di1buo . \>.'No ....... ,his is. I don', Cii'" m.- II. W. CiintlOl dos...
ibis quali.,. in ....... of ,II< 1rnmNU,. beluvior.1 <q><>noes 10 iI. sifICf: "llor
&o'P ""'-nIt""- .... ... ,,,,,",,,,,,,, ...,.,.un .... d ........... 1)'
if II is .o function lib. human motivo.tion.oI .. , (": tmpho ... oddtd)
It m.ko, :n"'. then, IhOl TomkitU,rs "', u.1 i.y . , he drivt in ",hkh
lhe .ff.ivc componcn, pl'YII"" b rge .. role ' 001 only .. it "the I.", im_
periou. of all .he driw:J: bul it .. the only one in which ac' iv ion of the
tIrivt....,n withool c",,"umma,ion 11M a ttwaiiling rolhe. ,h.n a puniohing
quality. It is much aciring and ""'",rding: he undel$Ut ... "10 (ttl
, roused lh"" 10 ful hungry or tlur>ty" (110). .hough Sttu.l
dcsin: is uswoBy orientN ' ''''''' .... n aim and object OIM' ,han ilodf. it is
much more maU .. bIe in i ... im, and objects '''' .he OIher driyC$. and
also. like fl,. po.lm-e . 11' .... , has ,"" polenli.1 of beiog , u,"'elk.
Th< moot irnpoM.ot . "umption ,bou, drive h,t
T omk im ,I",,,, ... 0 be f,l", is 1 ha . be<au", 'h")' "e 010 ... immedi.,cly ' ied '0
uf\i,al. ,hg. ", ,h .. .core uperiencood mo", di<tly. 010", urgently . ""
"""'" robustly .han Common snt>< holds. ,ba, Is. l h he drive
.youm is the prinury mo ..... "" of human behavior. 10 .. hid> oM ,fIts
.'" oetond.lry. Tomkin!; shows oM .0 be .lut moo;-
v.,ion ilStlf, '""'" moriv.,ion .0 oa,is(y biological dri ...... is tho: business
uf.he .lfttt .y .. cm:
I . Im"" f.11 <>oJ. of n,y ,boi, in .... <pri .. . oJ " t<m,ml when! . uddrnly
"". liKd .hat ,h. p. ni< of one: who .'l"'ri<O.I .... ,"11'.,..';0" cK io"rrup_
,ion of hi. ,it. l ai, .... pplY ha. nothing 10 do ... ith ,"" ."",ic drive Jignol
p<'" ( hc:-nu,,", g,ad .... ..,.. uf "'YIP', ... Tn ",hm no pon;c:
b'_tltc.-e ... I . ...... """" O!q>
,0"" [Iu. e:rtemm. h.ocl """'inc pet .. ", do "i,h JUU.lily OT with hun
/1" anJ .n.[ th. apfIO""" " 'I""<Y ol ""'- dmo: ..... boi,o d from
iI. ",-.._mbIy " i .h WOf"laoe . ffects as O'>e<'eWry amplifiers. f ",ud', ;(\
sudJ<'nI)' ' pp"atm 10 be P" tiger .j ....... ",oIi11 . , he be" koew . ... ,
, .... rna" finicky of dofuoo. ... ily ",nckred impotc-n1 by .n."", or
or"'I;'" ("Qu.,,- JOI'l
In ohon . he drive 'y" <m c-. nt'IOI be l"'t1y unckrscood as , prim.,), .. tuc
.u" in ,,hieh .he .ffi:<t5 function as SUbordinalC do,ails ot ... ppon .. In fact.
brau" of thei, frtt<lom and complniry. ,If"", ""y be ti ...... much
(Dual dun .ny drive coukl be or mud> """" monnpoIistic .... Most of
til< ..... """tristia which F",u4 attributed '0 the Unconscious .nd ." the
k1 .. " in focr .. liem .. peets oh ..... ffect ,) ... e", .. ,. AIf .... etW* booh
InuliabHily . nd en ",,,,,, I.bili.y. licklon .... nd finidti ...... " (,.).
If, ", .. and aff.c . touching . nd f.ding "'em'o belong .0S.,h ... 'hen,
II i> 001 beca .. se ,hey sh.", p, nk .. l .. d<li'.,y of ,uch ' " W<)u1d n ..
<!SOIril), c.U fot "dose reading" or "thick description: Wh.a. ,h.y have in
(ommon i< tha,,,. wI"u ....... ".t.: ,,.., "" booh .n: inWucibly ph<.
norrtomc>Iogica. To ,Isem prim.rily in ........ uf ... uc,u", it :oh ... y.
qual;...tM rru....prc.. ...... ion. A, .. nding '0 ps)'Choiogy ODd nulCrioliry at
.he Inotl of,fICo and if .lIo.o conceptual ... alm ,h .. is no<
.... I"d bj' lock nor by rommons<nsical of 1Utr;<a VC1"IU' ot;ec, or
of mcao' '''<SU' eod,.
Difference, .. nong III< emy> in F<'tling ", .. n '0 ,ra ..
..." .. ,,1 CO"" .. "..", narrative, whe>: m .. nins i> not ovid<OI .0 me, Th
'<' .... ) of ,hoe e>s;[y" .. j', .. meo.ionod. sms'O .... , .... , wher ...
,h ... "", of pedlgogy d<rpmt. .... ", an:: ''C1'1 inmlvecl w;,h alfect.
bu. , .... particular .ffect . .... me. ,..hose f..arurion loti m"l10 /'at in,o 'he
"""" ol, ffi:.;t rJw:.ory le, hold on me .11<",. Byt ...... book. ,II<
pooi' ;"" afIts (intclQl u(i mco. and. ,jay. in Thm
kino', oehema) "'" much more im'Olving, Thot ,he ... an:: not only ,he h'm'
bo, .1.., ,II< .ulUlebc .ffca ... """"""' ,..i.h .his ,ulu".., pb""menl
of Buddhi,m. If ,u,h n.,,..i,'c. 1'.n be broided ,osether. ,..h ' Pl"ars will
h.nlly be mon: th. n til< ""' .... 01 I .ried ,,, contp"" In ... ""
whe,e lhe lheUpit", n"te ....... the end in"'"
SILK .. 0 .. - UIC IIiTO M .. n .U.,C I C" 'C<>HOOO ..... "UT
"" .... TH' >ATlI< I lOIN .. "..-en f "0" "UO'" - .... 0 ," ""
" .. ..... " ",,,.1' 01< IT I .... SAT 'O ... THISC AloUT 11001
UIS WAS . 0 . TOUCH; .'" AUO A-o'" I .. V"'C 'HO
. . n"'H,
<COA .J o .,C. ' SO" .HOW T,, ' J IU A,..I> . "" CO TOCIIT'''' _ Til , WAH.
,.",."U O . .. c, >""'CI'..-C' . "OT O"U"O"'. I .. "HISC
,""U"""roCUlo. (>D6)
The "",,"OS ... ph on ,he fronrUpic w.u tilt m.aIYll lhot
fmpell. d m. to . ... ml>l. the bo<>k in;IS form. It i. one ofmany
,..ken by lhe California J>h<>coinph .. leun A. of Judilh Scon
(b. ' 9<1)) ";,h her .. m .
oculplU'" ;n lhiJ pktu ... " fairly "hancWisli< o(Scott', work In i"
ronslTUCtlon: a con: .... mbltd from lali". h<1.e. <>gt.ltous ma'ni.>1$ Ius
bftf1 hidden under ma"Y .',nppt'd or domed bycn; of muhirolo.--.d pm.
cord. ribbon, rapt, and OIhe, filK" producing. dur.blc thltt-rumensional
&h.tpc. usuolly oriented .long a single nlJ of length. " .. hose cu"", nd
pUnes .... """" ... , and ,,'hou: tcaIe b .... Ulrrlplrison '0
S<OIt'. 0)0,.., body. The for mal Ih ... ", con';"'er>, in Mr an
include her ,uhniques fonecuring lhe giant . MrlUbt!c
building:and modublion of eomplu lhrttdi .... miun.lIlines.nd curves.
ond h<!, .. onlingly origmal = of 0010', , ... he, her bright nr muted, " itkh .. n
n"" "h OCf'OSl 0 pi .... , . immer deeply through Ihe mullil.yertd wrapPing.
or d,-uzJ. gr.phically along an """photic SIJ"''''.
All of'Scot ...... -ork that r ... teen on i .. _ .., Ius an ml....., ptt<en. bu<
II><: SlJbjr<'< or thi> pholograph also induM. hc, rclarion 10 he, cornpkttd
work. ond the "'.",cr's ",Lo,ion '0 t!'Highl of ,ha,
tOUpeI ic;"u a SlJbjNt.objecI dist>n from thit inugc ;" no """"'
ltun 'u envision .ud. a ,..!'tion bc.wttn ScOl' .nd Mr W(rl;, She
.nd her ,,..,,ion he.-., pr1!kn hemu:l..,. II> on notM, "'ilh equ;ally n .
Through thtlr ,Jou:ne.s. the ....... u sigh' it ""''' ... dis.
""''''' in f" .... ofthot oft<>uch. Nul only the .n ... handt.nd 1>;,,,, r-....".
bu. he' f...,., .'" bu.)' with tho """.ioo of textun.: . Po",,,,, and",.
lwiru (ScOU is , or Jc-,,,,.. migh, through .... h t.:.plic ab-
oo<P'ion. 'Tl=t: it no single w.y 'U ,.,""' .... nd I .... <>f'h_
.",-0 fOT"'" 'hough one of,Mm ..... m.d< by ,h." ",her.
,ju' .. ,uralu 1M p""'u" mrs,.now.. ..... Ie .. , mul"plo, In qu.lny. be-
oj .... the ,Cfdtm ... wi,1I '" hich Scoo, embt-ac"" .... sculplurt, he,
rd. ",d mUKIlI.N"" and bov.-d M.d ,uggeSl .. <!ness. f<w . nmpl . ' " ptr- doc. 1M . bandon wi,!, whkh oil< allows her fea<"'" '" lK "lu.wd
.gai"" it . The heigh, :and bre.d!h could ... ggcst: dthtr
Jht is conooliDg or herself .... 1u consol>tion from !he "",lpru"', wIIk ll IS
_, " ... . , .. ..... "hor"".., fecI; th.
e>nlw u .. "' ," 0 .ue ....... upn&., 0
Io<r.join,td bread,h of """ embncc QTI oIso he r .. d sign ofMr Down
, J) . ...Jromo. \ ... II .. ;''''''y 'OP .nd bonom pain" of < .... rounded. >hopt .",
only ,he mosl visible of lhe . uS8Cs'ions that Ihis oobctly ",,,,,d bl lKk and
white pIlocograph it a, ,he ...... ,imt ablau ",ilh 'riu",ph, J;llisf..:tIon. and
",Iic:f_ fro
I both before .nd . in he. re<m' recognition within lite me
W""' of uutsldc:r $0;011 Ius rcpu.edly d;,"grIDS<d in of
Lock. H .. d .. fn .... the one &lid! ,hal wenl undi:agn<>""'d until middk: ago. .
led .. ,..,me u.ggention. of'M of he. ",,,.rd.tion;
in ,hildhood. sit. ms w.",bo= d in. CrushIngly
Ohio asylum JySlcm for """r thiny. /i"" run (MacG..-egor 49-}1: Snuth).
E'o'rn alk. she- ..... tg<'d .. OIl .... '" '" ; ,h tht 'lIf'I"'" of CIlifornia. Cr .. tM
Art CCTlto'. M' mo.tcncuu ... gingond cited . the fi ber .n
i>< Sc,,,nty. ine.plicably dodded that she "' .. ",lOT blind (MocG"' gor
69) m.:! unobietodecide bhOlWIf when. p;t was (7'). Aod John
M;ocG",gor, ,he psychoan.lytic oi'" of An lIru. who ..,. OS been Iter JlrDng'
.. , proponc nl . iJ non"hel." cornpuis;"" in applying ,,0 her ,he l.n.S"age
of empha,i< negation: iJ "'" the slighlUl possil:>ili" \ha, Judj,h m-
vUiom ,be ",-...rual olllcome. , he IinallOrm. of hcr .
. r " r art " (n )' "Judith i.
rtrt. inly nOl eng.ged In Ihe producnon 0 WO, d 0 ' ,
una,.. . ... oflh. a iJItncc of s<ulplun:" "The ""'''''' of:-
"ract. non . p'EiLnt .. iorul """ if. compl .. id .. ou<Side of Judi
. biI;,), .oeonccptuolizt " (II",). MacGregor also .. em. , ..o",.;&:rlh., ' .n of
ScOl" ""iJtk Ktivi'y _ maybt.1I h.,.Cli.;,y, In facl - ","USI be <altgonud
.. "unconscious. - boca_ she docs "'" "'" b$lgu>g< (.06. ' " ).
, don', SlJpp<< 1" 1 nnJarily InllOCUOlU ,,' h .... funy lI".n, . .. ",U-
"",,,,rd.d lucr. who h.o. nove, l .. kcd any cducatlOnal opportu
nity, r ....... ,,; a .. TOng ...... of idc:nt;li"ni<><"", on a pI><>tog ... ph.
an oru,"", . nd. n ...... tl ... like the .. of Judith Scott'. _ Yet oxIdly, I lhink
my with ScOI1 is less ., ,he ,,,bjen of><>m< kind of pti".tion
th. n ... II>< hoI""ror.n or a, a penon =ep1i"'ly held
1' it. T1w: drama ofSCOII '".Ien, is ", ... ly hdgh"nN by ....... "r,,1 history.
I><r iooI .. ion from language . nd .... h. t 1 ..... m< mu" be frequent rogni_
live fnut .... rions. But thco oiMou. f"llness of hu <onteiou<rKU,
her O(ubbom!y confidenl :ace_ to >",o,<Ii< produion. her anisl',
10 conn""" asllng _. ,roubIing quurion< of ..... ma,eriols ,h.a, will be
diffiNl, and JI'isfying fOr d .. m 10 I"....,r _, hoe privikga IIttm ' 0 tad .. ,.
at somt >ngIe: ,h.a, is onhogonal m the '"is of di.abili'y.
Barbau I-k..,.".in Smi,h is IOnd of 'he nocion of the -""';Ie subIirnt:
.. she call> ii, and r""",,,,")'5 been >unn"" '0 i' , roo. She "S<S il in <on-
''='I,ion 10 """"rib(; variotu ..-e or .... ;.".iUgilJlc perforrnancn by old
brill"n, po-ople. "",,",00 anisl .. Ki.n,iIu. 0< Intelk-ctuals. ..... '" the bo",
oolline$ of a idiom .... m Anally from " .... , bem the
obuuring puppy fat of pellOrlilble_ lim<ln..... or oometimes ....... or
CO/>O:"'"' .. nse. Who ,,"OUIdn', find an.-.ctiw. the ide> of .m<rging in'o
a <milt ."bllmell do reel do::oK 10 Scot, in ,h -= "'""' ... n .
Ibility in which Abe1s and ,exl""" h ...... portiOlbr val ..... "'''';''In,dly .rod
somehowaloo OIuologically. BUI in acknowledging Ih ........ or tcrKkrness
,,,,, .. rd . u .... u"'d giii , .... , " .. "to I suppos< J i""nrify with
,he '-'ry .. p .. -I$I .... """"'!oS.nd fatigue in thi', !', ont
",ason &on', piau .. WoIS atalydc for ,his h.ntloaninl"" book: i, ron-
"'Y" an arree,i..,.nd ,,"he,ic f"lI nell,h. t can ,""h even to pcrieru:
of rognl'i .... frwtr" i"". In writing lhi, book r "" conlinu.lly f.l , pn::=d
'" limi .. of my ""pidlly. c'-.n .. I' ve fdllhe promising elo<e n.""
of , .... n.<mi<llbl. girlS.
NO'- U
I. So 1 ... 1 """ bun -""S """"""" .... in ",!fro" """ "..,.,.."," ",,,,._
'n Iht .... ""hIo .......... __ (_"" .. """. inll>mb.;, .......
fo< TotrIlJnI.. , _I "" .... of ...... - .... Iosoon '" "" <i<_ of. p<rio.b<
...... - _ ... I'f"'I""' ......... -.....y '''''''Po of . ,"'_'" .-hich. w.."""
pioyoi<.t .............. "'"""" from .... '''' '''''-''-.ny'''''''''''''' ...... ,
s..T ......... .
. "' ... _Tomk ... do .... o. _ r.....,"' .... ..-of .... ob,-t ... " .....
Un!}': fo< hi! .",101 ol,'" .. I" ;",, _'" .. '" """P"";ry, I
5'-""1'.",..-.Ift ......... ,ooI! .,. "".,. ,......, 'ppruao;h,owho! L""=I
w ,\IrM ... ,,,. ",iddJO .. op of 'e'''<J'.
_, ,,,., ,''' ""........ not 011< _.m., """ _....".-.. quo __ n.;,
..,......,.. .... """,,",t ... .wk." _ ... -.. .. ..-i<It .. TomU-., ""'" ""
1"''''''''' lOilh. .hIIoup., ........... I'Iit,t-<ll"'1 ",odm.. "" lOti ... .., .. < .. mil:<
'-' _"" w.. """"
, .. ""'om... .,
She ", .. mble ",cu",:nt
$(m< from my childhood.
A seen< anN Mo,ht. H .. F. inlN.
1>10,ht,. body'rg<r. now it no long .. moved:
Br<atllcJ, somehow ... if it no longer b .. "htd.
H<r f. ce no looge' ,milcJ .t u'
0, fr",,=d .t us. Did .nything to ..s.
H f.ce w" quttrly fl",hed
0, elu: queerly I"'le; I am no longec
not it wa, que" I .m n. in
.. "Hop<"
'"'" m(lOI dc.marie thing tNt lupptntd ' 0 .... in ...., .wn .... rol 199' ......
,,"' .... I p.u$C<lOUI fur tdevision. nw, n U ....... loa! roc...., shooo ..
"t .. "", btawt .. ..,'" Ming demomt ... ion. ooganiud by an M
HocCo..lition ofBIJd; Lesbi .... n4 Coy .. with from ACT u ..... Univasity ofNonh CaoIino,,1oa! nJ It.'ion. ",hich
..... musing '0 air M.rIon Riggs .. T""P'f U.rinl. n film on the: al.
moo< gtnod<l;oKy Unck"tp .. ..,lIItd topic of blxt: g>y men in the: Unittd
St.ttl!. It ...... muggy .umm .... fitmoon sid< of. high",,>,
in RtM.",h Triangle Po.l. J hod .hough, I wao !ttl;"g strong """"gil be
.. ha. Iooktd '0 bt Std. dtl"l"lOrUtration (no ctviI disobNi<"'t). in
of..,..,ral mon.ho of ,h., Nd I"""y muoch dtdmated my
blood "Us.
!luI I gut .. r d forgonen or "'I""No<d how .rd ........ ,hing i, iJ .ny time
group of pt""I'lc rry.o project .-oILt:S . nd bod;t.o In,o. 'P'ct of ptJblic
pro"" .h., n,., co,ulnu.lIy '0 bt rt:in",mtd from "'"tch . "'n thougll (or
bt,"u",) ,ho: p""." Iv""i"" i. SO ''''',lIinized and han.Hzed by ,h me and
m<di. in>li'",ions ,h., e". bI. I, . You know what Iocol new, .how. look
li ke, how nar .. ,,1 i. ""enu ,n,.. ,he.-c >IIould b.. "OW and ,hen. ,host shUI<
or di"l'lrI'ed pt"opl. wovlng si!:,,' and """"ing 'heir mou.h. , I mean
movingou. mou,h., I mean
Yot ,he fOII,in"";"" of 'hat IIblt.u <k>t:Sn, "",.n a 1.d of danger '0
the people or("llpying it. Arriving, I n hed "".0. ",ry iliff .... n, seen< from
Now Engla".d a few wime .. urile., ",hen Amherst College. SO and
""por";", in matt ... (" . scony ,nd fU.hle .. in ma" ... managerial.
had.." OUt to do ....... (>llCauful ) b .... ing .. 'he '1D.;".I..ordJ<:ffcry
""mhcl""l( Inn. On c;wi>hing ,I>< >net""""
focult y_ "",)bt 01 u. and AU<Jt,,,. g.thc:Kd on ttl< ""m SrNn, hold-
ing ,;go<, ' 0 silently -,,i, ...... -'ht civil di>obtditnct of. doun union em.
.. +.o "..,'" going 10 b&ock , ... ffic in front Inn ;md get ....,
n... poI;c., hod a )..,11ow td>oolbu. ,hr"'. ever), hin, .. ... ...Jr. and b..u. .
thid, .Hom and likncing snow btg.n 10 fIll. It wa, on. of'hr lim
dc"",ns, ... ,i<>ru I'd b.rn "1''''' of that W'$11 I. m ... dcm<>rnt ... tion,.nod my
in "I'i,. 01 nl<, .lmDSI bu .. , with "".I,.,ion .,.he '1"'''' .nd indica'ive
Americ .n, .... of rhe .Jail<, I ikt ",ading 11>O .... u but .100 like a """ie, .t
P"se.ntlik Ind In,lm .. ely ""ltd dtmOO'n'ic >pact t"""II com"""""
at ,I>< I"' tience of' ,he highl)' doortos",pI>td police, at ... hat SC1:med III<
'hoilling S)'mbolO: l(:YI!roge, wi,hin ' ightly mirub,.d ItgaI .nd
hiJ'O<)", of the p<Otwe .... ' InOJI ...... '" spttdo aeu_ ple",e. immobiliry,
rd"us;ol _and .t, I JUppoot' t.. ",culariztd m igk>li<yolmrown functionol
-"itntSSinl( this scmr, ."",lI<r plene bu, .pp" ...... 1y perfurmali\..,
, thot tnadr sunding sci. with my m(II,I,h shu, feel like embodying the ,..hole
Bill of Rights, I, " ''S ,he sroow, profuso, g .. tu ........ thutric.olly
,r"",forrmti"" , .... ,Imtd IfIO>t '0 guoronttt ,t.. totality &nd oymbolic
...... nnC$S of ,his PU"', signifying I, abo. """..,...,r, ,t.. co.nin
gen<Y of the sroow ,hit , in ,II< $low unfoldin, of the .ftcrnoon. projtcted
"' ... scoppingly on,o t'" Largnc sc-.. ,t.. ambiguities abou, ...., "sym-
boli. " $t.nding of ,he pro<<<ton' Wook/ the: traffic ""I' for !hac:
onornaIoul figurn in ,t.. roadl C .. IJ itl Ok! thry ahr.iY' know wt..ther it
.ooJd' nt.,-., fnyingl .... , protUIOfS go< ",ad tll<irri,htt. handcuffed.
bundkd olf into .t.. icing ochoolbu .. '1uuri<.>n. of st.nding dtvo/,..,d intO
offoo<ing: It <k>t:Sn', .. kt much .ta'e fom:, in ,II< twis,
of a policoman' ",.n.., in ,he limple not,be"' ..... or J)'mmctrkal fus.1
of. puliceman, .rm, ,n..,nd h.ndcufftd I"'non c .. ,hing '0 the .lippery
ground. And it sum.d puuHngly as iftt.. c"", ... ,< . nd '''ry contingen'
d,mge .. of 'he oce ... , In n'''nS on ,h. pu .... ymbulic regiJ .. r of cj>il dis-
n!,.dirnLr . "he same .ime wo .. of its .... nee and indctd actu
ally It< .ymbolic and perform. ,;", power.
That w., New England, ,hough,'nod .hi. was Nnnh Carolina,. N" ...
Sou.h "'hils<: stringy and dtwltory >pice. "",med .Irnd)" dt,;gned '0 pro_
vide .nd >ioIcnL<. NOlI 'hit w a IJbordi'pute,
... hose: ;"u<"$ ....... alw.ys within ilist.""" of.1I< g"''' ... hit. scour-
ing.botn","'" Money; this ...... and (im.
plicitly) AIO.: prvpcni<"$ ofbodie ........... of,hem oucbodie>. ofbodies tho,
it ",< .... d imponlIl' '0 say InOJI pwpIt .n: "'1 ... illing, .nd some pwpIt
murderously I<> su nco ula. I go< ,he", latc, hugged and k;...d 'M
foicnds.nd .. udcnt< I h.dn', _n in a r. .... "..,.,I:s. and Brian ga", me his
' 0 ca. ry. I can, n: .... mbcr - I .... "'y noti<cd_ .. ha. _ on i' ........
'hough when I w.o kid I ",_mbc, ,ha, """" cl ,hot 'lmboJic p""'.."cl ,hot
pickrt line> I ".W used '0"""" '0 inht'" ... ,hot ""'um.ry ... If ....... ion. Iht
,hotn .1"""" ..... ilbl ..... rnption cl stigm>. rn., "'_
'0 be ... >01""" in . c<KlIC1l,ing ", go publie as" ... "'teoupoo body.
an . mbul.,ory pl.c.rd_ . fiSU'" I. iU ohild. coold associ .. only wi,h ,I><
di"'iplining of children. I wonder now how I ",I .. ed 'hat volunt.ry " igm'
'" 'he nondiKT<:tion.ry .. igm. of skin coIor_,h., ... of skin color ",he,
,h.n whi,e - consi<kringbow fuUy, whotn I was growing up In ,hot
'960s. "I'f""'''' " it.df impMd bLodcivil rights It _ .t_
distance from thaI childhood 'erm< of ,he writ'en up"" body. I hough not at
.n in/init. di.n ne . ,1m. a1u. dy "",.ring the black Ou, h" T-shirt
cho<cn bee'UK I ,hough' i, "'"Quid ",.d mo", graphically from . dist.",.
,han my whi'. ACT u.-TNngl. Tshi<1. I gra,dully ,ooldlri.n, pl.cord .nd
commenelOd ..... gging i, around with <"I"IttgY and .. ,;.fac'ion. iU if '0 .ni
i, with the animation of my_n body and make it speak: to ,hot
nmt'""'" to in t"" GIn ,ha, ......., passhlg. to the liM of dem-
""',"',,.,.cross t l>< road. "The 1><,",. t"" highW2j'. the OII,door$ ..... ".d to
blo' up YOke> and ge"'UI"eS and the chan" ,ha, ..... hurkd OIl, of OUr lung> .
eying e. h, wlin g Iy to c"'''e a se. mlell turnln of fOI ge and demand: - We . '"
he",. w.'" quee . nd We won, t hu 0< belle . Sn.p!
Snap! Who< is 'his ,acis! crap'" The", was abo a lot of AU u ... faroril.
funny dwII , which nukn Tn<...,ry ncl"YOUS. a colhndmp<IIIX ............ -.,d
from a hKkltr a, an uru.. dernonMr.rion of 011'" """ IIicIc fQU5lngly )'db
"Ftttdom of spe"'" and the ochot. side fCsponJs "Shut up! " _ "F",edom
of "P'e<h" - Shut upl-
The space of,he demon"ra,ion w., riddl.d. n'" only wilh ICou"k. 1
>inkhole .. but wi,h saps cl "",.ning. It w.o' in ,h.c: ..
.... from OIIt oflhem. tha, ,ht fOrtt of any public pr<>tW migh, nu,erlaliu.
hut into",hich. as .... U. it romuntly ri$ diwJMng. I lhinkoflhe "'''Y'''''
"' ... a-.,allOd.nd """inuaUy. by the ... king
wlIen "i,kdfOlw.ols of. 00 I"" one hand, ,h.c: ,tate troop'''' - Ihot po.lhetica 11)
100ng and .,.."rd"' ... d ,,"hite ... te 1""-'1'"'<1. who at .he .. ",e lim. looked
totally out of il in their , ,,,..,Iterin;; unlfor"" and y.t effortle",ly. Ihrough
II>< unifor"" and because thoy had guns and radios. <ommmdrd all
'he physical I""stntt and symbolic: ...... i'y m..t "'.., ... re .""ggling '0 ac:.
crue. , . ..ho ma'" a 0(""' .. own ,..."",.tiowIy "I"" from demo
O",,,aton. ..... n'.tioud) """, .. ,,,,1: unlOU<"hab" by the furc. clanything
... .., could .hout: bul who had also the function 0( radiatingjags of me_.
in ourdim:rion. shards of YOb,iIe t ..... boo .......... ng.-d. around in
,h .... he. of OIl. c:<prc:!Iion-.nd on ,he ocher hand. from _hot. dire.:.
tion. tl>< camera .. romplco of trud ... tripods. por,able and
...,ioo><1 n,.<hine,. and while f"-""I'l e Iu occupy both of lhem: c.m
er. people. inM>lent .... ilh implici' d.", Ind promi,.. to .. ke tl\cm for " .. n"
oIong tl>< line of OIl' f., .. and bodi . .. Ind I""'ty girl and boy "'P<>"en I<>
m"'e a foreground to ... hich OIl' angry bodin rouId ... rw as b.<kgl"OUnd.
SOncnting tl>< del"h offield. t"" assn .... ",e of pt, Sf*Cli ... nd ,enfootpaIr
di".n<e. for .... hicb ,ekYision M" '" KM' iU gundian and
The urc. we: had (0. thu novo. "P!"ralu . , "I'I""'"d to tl\c u .... i, had
for u.s, I e<mden .. d in my mind under ,he double (oTmul .. ion "sh.ming
and smuggling." Wilh the fon; e of our wom- ",re",n'i.lly. lhal is - oo.
nbjea w .. '0 di$cfNj, ,I>< prelense II representing the public maintoined
by OIl' locaI " public" broadcasting .u'ian. 10 shame them Into complia",e
.... negotiation on the $UC of airin;; this film. With the lOote of OIIr bodi<s.
. nd in ,haloense ptno<m.tI",ly. ourobjt was nOC merdy ,ode
Oland .. n'.'ion. represenlation elsewh.",. but 011....,1",110 gi"" to ..
"I"" .. nl .. ion: l(I"",how to smuggle On lO ,he prohibitive I i""."" ..,me
,,,<>ion ofl"" ' P!"",ndy un"'prcsonubly dang.rous and .nd.n;;ered con
junction. qur and black.
Our ,0 be bodio:oo oprang from the hi>rory of radkaI de
nial 0( .. empbry func60n to black gay bodio:oo at ,he inICt1eCIion of 'wo
kinds "'community lhal ..,.,m .., ""en to CO"" each oc""roul of ptrttp.
tu.1 exi"cnre: I I.citly rae;" ",-hite ga)" communi,y for whom a black quc.:r
body. hov,..,,,,. eroticil:ed. mighl sc.nd n I "'p ... of but
<oold net.." ilm to il$<lf. and a more or Ie" upcnly
homophobic African Amotrican by .... bom the que ... _ of any
bbdo: figu'" tnUSl be denied. ..... """', ,ddtn for ,hat fogo""o be
aDo...-N to function ... n embodimenl cl hbd i&miIy or ""'ggle.
The ambi,ior>. of QU' group of dcmonStUIOfS- shaming . muggling-
"''''' di"inet. bUI for either ambition ' 0 be elfeai"'. they h.d IU Ix: pre
"'",.d .. , one. iUS<nion .hat g''''' ,he lie to 'he
c].,;ms of. "'f'R'S"n,a,w., .... cllhc ai""."",could lake il> point ooly from
the ",te ... avaibbilil)'. indeed ,hot aoKni,.. prc.<r,u 01 stich bodits. "The
pt"Otest function however. <4:n:d pm ...... and legitim...,. 10 the pta"
of iUCh bod;",s: i, ..., .... Iikdy thaI ......... 'Ik A .... orco>ion 00
whkh local TV in co", ... 1 NOrl h Camlina wa, ron<tni""d.o off .. im.gc<
of pcopl' txpli<itly Stlfd.usificd under rubrics ofb!.d Gu ..... i<kmily.
st.aming. 'muggling: Ihe lwu ambirion. gt'>Iu", >t. and in a .. n .. can
.. and for. a .... <!i,;"n of philofophkal/!i nguislic pi.,. 00 ween romI.,i>,. and
pcrfunn>IWe utl.ronco. Shaming. in this ins.ance co",u'i,"'Iy: "n.. indu
si ... "'P'"<"'n'a,ion you. Nonh Carolina Public Tde,o.ion. h;o", dairn<d
.0 o/I"e. of this JOdfty demon<.nbly u:dudes a rorutil\lenl 1"" of i. _
a ...n6.abk. ",r.", ... ill "",rrion about st>mo1hing -'1""'" u.c..,. Smug.
g1ing. pcrfomutiYdy: "P<u.nt! & """"'"_a ... If.vllid."ing. henco .. If.
",Ii:",,,,W IOnn or meaning gua ..... lcN by it< ""moo 10 embodi"""".
And yn I (an', claim for the twmM<l ambitions;!>.hind thio de"""",,",,
don .he stlPJ>O$CdIy ckan distint"lions bm.....,n COttSIativt and pc. fi::q " .. 1M>.
oroo..-ttn and tmbodimcn, . ""'" words. .fler.ll. could he ""''''
pcrlOrma'i .. in the Auscinian ............ n -s.hamr:: "Shamr: on you: "For
"'"-. or jII$< $h;lmtl". ''''Iocudons ...... gn., ocnsc: 10 Ih<: word. do not
or ' o .... me bu, tllemxl..,. conf it ...... the urnc tim . our
o""uggling activity of embodiment. how""", .. Ifrc:fcrc:ntial. could 00-
of no au,onomy from ,he oblique cin:ulll of """" .. mation _ ill It.ul bca....,
a majori' Yofou. ""uggling-intenl bodies werc: not ' ... msel .... bIad. many
of u, who had 00 much nd '0 make. new 'I" fOr black Guttr rcpre_
.. n .. ,ion w .... hopleuly.mbrnikd in I"" proc<s.<U of rtfc rc:nce: "'f."'oc.
to other boditUI.nding b .. ide our own, '0 lh. words on Our placords. 10
wlul We could only hope would hc Ih. :rufficiwtly , uhs,antial """'-if.
indeed . "''' .... unde .. loo<! It righlly _of our own inl.n .
AfIe while I rould ,. ill w :t.S feding,ired and diuy; ..,n,ibly. ' .. 1 00v.",_
The", Wa, .bS<>rbing . lId $(l ... dic.lly nctoroge".ou, .bou.
,hi, spac. of proteSllh when. nell thing I kocw, Ihe urg.nt sound of my
n. m. and. slowly d""nlng.., .... of ofunricnt.'ion , uggnt.d Ih., I .. cmc:d
''''Y oddly ' 0 be "",,,iI(d ou' in din-coming t o-> >iokntly
rro", til( .fup pi, of lno<iI(r ""rId_ "i.h ,Ia" t.king my pul ..
and an Imbula""" al",O<Iy On t"" ... oy- .he gaping. unbridg .. bIe hole left
in my.,....n >nsc:oou .... S$ fd, hk., image of .... " huIc m .....
noo<l; no< .. <he i .... g<'. acompdlingonc on .... hich boIh TV COm.
... "" "'''''' """"",ing. hindered by prot""<>rs who .. ruggled '0 block Ihtic
sightlin .. CNow ,10.0,', ..->hlp. -1"" U pt<>pH: rumhiN. " .. h __ jus.
'icc) - Iha. image of. mountli"""""gu,,, .... p;nc. block .dad. paper -whi' e.
weirdly hold (my nicc Africon ho, t..d I"1chc:d '0. di<lan). s;Jcna: _ Dc"'"
embl. :w,,,,d. mO,ioI'Il .... app"",nlly <:mal . u"". nnily Sf1v;d .... i.h mean_
ing (bil l wi,h wh .. """,ible meaningl wh usable me. ning?) wa, available
10 .... "'Yl>o<Iy the", excepl hel"$Clf.
A. pc<>pI< a.rtYo. no m ..... only sile.-.:t ",'k .. "OtIl siltncfl.. ,hour ..... ny .an. ,hem.
in my ,w-., Bu Io! po on dunns,bern.
- .. 'C .... L in$In><tions roo- hio
memorial xrn... FebnIary ,_
""" The muning wilh .. -hich lhol body ",.uodcnx. '00&_. was in
dttcl_. usableonc (caR me.he fl on <he culling''''''''' R<-) in ",Lotion
10 ,I>< c:ompluly ... phed pcrformniw: :agendas and elf ...... of lho.
de"""",,""ion. YCI 1 like 10 brood <Ptf , ... n:romtruction of tha, momen,
.. t>cn I panly bccawt. Ihrough my ob6cntation. iI seems.o place
me. at lhe cenl ofl"" ...on. of prot." _ .. ,hough I w..--.
Alice Walker'lluml"""l vacuum uf I "">ioc MnidUn. say. whooc n..-.;o
il:l"k pr.St"",,{lbKDCe InIS ,he pcrl"cCl condensalion ofherronl'giou,
UIXon.oow.nc5I of r r. he. uDC.nny ,.l.n, fOr <rySl.lfizing 1oso and rag
<O(WI)" embodied dc:6.ancc .nd _ n"' '''' .
I wiob I h. d th.,.., meridi.".llraits. bu. can only wi<h i, ; if th., ."... ... ,_
ing body olfered teSlimony. it w., kloSlO. triump),.1 purpooefulnc .. 'han
'0. c .. "'agnetic que.m ... (by m'gnc,k I me.n f"Odu<th"t of dc:vi-
aIXO) in 'he process called d."""' ..... ,ion. What f<ll to mo like an almosl
lelC"' <>pk .. t;oo of 'he p""e'l ",'.nl embodied. a, ,h. mM. radic. 1
mndc:rualion. will. I .... he J'OW<' of coo<l<""';011 ,h. " of t"" displace -
mt:nl< of mo. ning Ih., In tli". il. (Oi' pl.c."",,,": the white . kin of some-
"". '0 wh<>m blo<k qu r iny;.ibility h.d rom. 10 fttl-ponly .hrough
"'1'", .. nmion.1 .... -on: like T."",,, U.litd.ponly in lhe brutalirie. or every
<IoY'l"pcr. I"nly Ihmugh Innsfc",,,'ially imerae'ion, wilh <lU-
dents _ like In aching Ihe rcal; I""'egible bodily >rigma not of .. , D'
but ,,(0 "r. .... I. (0""" {or living p ..... .,rfulJy .... i,h I (ound
rn)""lf. ' 1Ih" lime.lea.ning '""Fly (rum men WIth .. ,O,;.he defamilior-
lu,;"" Ind indeed .he gaps of deruugn"ion to ..... nI my "" ..... - f."",Ie"
,,-hi .. body. undt. ,he prnsu'" of ampu,al;"n and prosthc<io.
0( drugs. of. he g<:n"""imploding Uptri<nce of km.k: hoIdn ... : ,he .. 'a)' in
""hkh . ... h .. """. <IrK" prmkgt . IIHIg with. g ..... diseOK in chis
pooniculor culN'" is indue,I """" cooucioU>ly. ""'" more
"'lIh ",,,r more pmfound ond c ... ""fonnarivr =uu,ion in'" ,h. monglingly
dilli!..,n,i.l world of healch are undt. Anw:rican api'o1iom.) I, was wi,h
PI. wi,hdr'grin. with incmoc dirromfon 'h'" I ...... roming '''lffl .... hdiJ-
pl:lccm""" more and m" ... in che co.l<lcnling ond ""p"' .. nc .. i""
.poce "f , h. d .... oom a, ",.II _ a d''''l'OOm "Fcc rtgul .. ly rtCOTUli,u,ed
by chre.c .nd mourning ond by rhe b...,nw ofrhe cogni<iot and I"'rtonn:..
,;." raisfana:s we ... to mounc co chem. FlI1ding mys<Lf as cud><r.
as uemplor ... persu.dcr. as , .. dc. co be Ins Ind Ie II ,he center of my
"",n cll"'TOOm. I wO$ , 40 findinglh., the voice of. (cnlinabysnl dUplacc-
melll - ond ccnlinly no< the only such going on in
tilt .. cburoomf; - could providc dJu ,1\0, mighc somerimes wn;nch rhe
boundaries of diocou .... I.".,nd in produc,i.." if not 11 .... y, obviou' W"Y"
CluIpt<'!' I
In ,he couple of week, .f,,,, the World Trade Cen,.r w d."roycd in Sep.
,e mbe, 100'. I h.d d..iIy re p"'i' ion ohn odd apcricnce ...... ,ha, was p<ob-
.bly ..... rcd by many ...... Ik.e" in.he ... me midsourhern b,iwdt:s ofMsnha,-
,an. Turning from I ><fCC' " ' HO Filih A,oenlJ<. if I w .. he>ding nonh. I
"'".Jld fed coml"'Uod fi .. 11O look >OIl,h in the di"'Clion of 'he WQrId T",dc
Cenlc . """,' gont. This inc.<plic>bIy funlve glance "' .. :t$$(I(iate<! with.
<On$riom "'ish: tlu., my , .. ,,,h,,,,,rd ....... ..,...Jd .gain he blocked by rhe
r.mili .. >ighl of ,I><: p"' - s..p'eml><:r " twin .owers. """"h""" corne NO:
to loom """ in .u ,hei. complaccn, ugliness. But . of coo .... che ,OWe"
"'ere 01 ..... ,.. .. illgoo<'. Turning ""'.ay ..... nw: ..... ",h .. I would fffI.
Why >homel l think .his ....... in dl"CCI. <IrK of rho:Iw siruarions in ,,-hidt.
as Silva" Tomkins 1"''' it ....... is .ud.d<nly lookod ot by one who;1 11 ... .,ge.
0. . One wishe, to 1ook .1 orcommune w;,h >"",h .. person bu, "'d.d<nly
' ''''no< b.uoe he i< '''"an&",. orone ul"'ed him '0 I><: f.mUiar buc he $Ud.
do:nly appel'" unf.miliar. or ..... ".ned tosmile bu, found "", ,,,,,$mmng
.,. SlunSer- ... , tJ,). No! that In urb. n ,i". is quite the , .me .,.
kwcd foce. bul il ;""1 quite diff.ron . eithc" the despoiled .kw w" IUd
denly tQOthlc .. ( .... say ..... JUddcnIy p""occupic<l. Of suddenly do:.d _ '0
.. y no<hin
. ",,,n. oC the hiolonc;ol implito'ion! wrrounding ,lut l"'nkular
eh'''g. of 1.nWn!"'.
which, "",,'. pmtlcgt; In'mg .... i,h 1':"'" discue in ,h,.
pnticular cul.u", i, UWU(lod .... ,,' 111O<C ronsciousIy, ewr """" ncWtJy, )'t1
.... 'eT"""" p<Of<,und ond tr.rWOnn.ou", ...... 'lI1$;on 1III0.ho, manglmgly
" 'orid or ca'" undrt "menan OIpot.UlStt'L) It ... with
joy, wnh d"'gnn, .. "h im.".., lti$comfon ..... 1 kd _ h
pl.cemrn15 ""'"' ttd """" In the condcn ..... g compluly repcaoen ;.. ..
cI . ssroom .... cl.ssroom .poce "'I>",I .. ly ",c"",mu'ed
hy .hre .. and tt.uurning .nd by ,he barencss o(,h. cogni.i .... and perro,,,,,.
.i,,, resi".", " .. ",ere . bl. to "'Ount '0 .hem. I'indi ng mystlf . s ' cher,
as """"'pi ... ;oS p,,..uadcr. as re.d.<r to b<, Ius and ,he of my
OWn dusroom. I 'o,;oS.1so findutg ...... ''Oiccor. cenain
men, -and m, ... "':11 Certamly noc .he onty....:h gotng on in
, ..... d:mroontJ _ roold provide elf....,. .ho, nus'" ,,reneh 11M!
of dUcout1C around in produa;.. .. ,f no< ''''''y' oInious ... ooys.
In the <<)Uplc of ..... ks oIier the W",ld Tr..d< Center " ... dc:i'rtl),od in Sep'
.<mber 100 . I h;td .uily I'tpe.irion of.n odd "'1"''''''''"<. one ..... , ....... prob.
ably sh.rod by many ..... lk .... in the .. me midouu.bem Ia.i.udc$ of M:onh:II
un. Tum"'g from It....,. ""'0 Fifth "'''nu ...... 'CT1 if! ...... heading nurth, I
,,'OUId r""l rompelkd lim 10 look $.,." h Itt .he dircaion of ,be world T..u
c.:"'.r. t""" Thi, ",explicably furti>" gl.",( was :lS50ci.: .. od ... i.h
conscious wish: ,hal my ,",u,hward vIM. would ' be blockd b) the
fam,li " "ghl ,,( the P'" Sep'emilcr " t"'in toWcr.;, ,",,,,ehow co",. bock
to k>on. OVt:r u, {II .11 thcir complacent UgilllC$S Bu., of COUfsc. th. '(J\\'crs
""'" aJ-.,,.y .. liIl gone. Turmng . y . .... rne was wh>l I "'ould f<:tL
Why .... """11 .hmk Ihis ....... ,n .111. one o/".IMM situuiom in ",tueh,
as 5,1> .... To."bns puts i,. -""" is suddo:nIy look...! a, by ant who is >l.rmgo<.
or . one .... .....,. 'Q look a. or commune "ilh IJ1(Ithtt ptrson bul suddcnl)
Q.ntIQI 1>0_ he IS >I. ... oronc .xpI"'! him.o be f.millu bul sud
denly un(a""II.r . .".Or>(: .mile bu, round <)nt ....... ,miung
., " ... nger " (SHam, ,),). Not th n il,""n vis is qui,. th. "'''''' Of a
lOVed fO(c. but 11 is,,', 'l"'le dHfc",,,' . ci'her: the despoiled ,lew " ... a .ud.
dcnly ,,,,,,hies, oay. or .uddenly p"",,<cupi...!. or Juddcnly de;od _ IQ
y """,h1l1g, .. ",n, of,h. h".orical impilc iono .urroundlng ...... p;onlcular
ch..n",,,, ofbndK,p"
The.\<' uf d,d,,', .. em !",rt.cubrly ",I"td 10 prohibilion Or
"'''ill'''"i"". 11<:)'Q"d ,n .. , ,hough il "., I "'ho 'he s"'mc. i, "'-'l5n'l
""peci.lly "'yself! was of II ""ould be cloKr 'o .. y I was ... hamed
for ... .,Id <knudcd >kyline: ,ucb fl..,ungs 'llIcrlincd. of <DUn<:.
,hi: and gritf'lu, .lso bound "It '0 11K ci'y.lRc shame hid
10 do. '00. w;,h vujt.illly .,Id"" .. of ,lit
.b<cnce now. lhe shocktngly compelling ,hI: .. riaL,y of,heir destruction.
Re"",'" wort. by Ihrorw, and p5)'(hoIot;..u of ......... Ior.ate> ,he pn:>eo-
font! (eyes do,."" heotd ilYCtltd) of,hlS p""'"rfulalfcn- ... ilich app"'1"$ m
,! e.rIy. bet ... tho:: ,lunland K'o"tn,h month of lik. JU'l
It.. inf.", ..... bmnc .bk ' 0 diMingu;,;h and =<>gIltU the bee of ,IS 0...,_
g '''''' - II 'I"'rticubr """""'''' in f"rtocu.b, ed n.lmou,-e.l1w is ,hi:
momen, .... he" ,he omlll of ml,roring I01preions be,wttn the dllld',
.nd ,he CUtg"''''', r.ce (. mOIll ,h . if ,. can be o.Lkd fonn
of pri=ry n.mSS;sm. ..... rrls>"m rrom It.. '=r first .hrows
,,,,,If soci.bly. o:bngt"rowJy Imo .he of the OIher) ;,; bro-
,he rnotrItnl ,..hen .t.. adult rx" f.ils or ..,f...." 10 pt.y ft. f>M' in Ihe
ronlln .... 'ion of mll'u,", !?"c: ,,'hen. ror .ny 0tI" of nuny "'...,.,., i, fori'" '0
bc lUosmz.bJc '0. or ..,wgnizing of, .he ",f."" ",ho h .. been. so '0 <pe. k.
"g'ving f. ",, nn. f,i,h in 1M <on,mui,y of,hlS circui . A. Mich .,
F .... nz 1I....:h "pl.I",. - TM', bchJv,or:tI.d.apl>lion;' qUlle ,ot.11y
dependent on w'lh .he uuth'\: ."d
c\>Oroonating p.r, of'hc 'nf"'!mothe, The ,h. mc-humih.'ion re.
-'PO""" "'hen if al'f'C''''. "'presem. Ih" r.ilvn: or of'he .mile of
con"c" 1<) 'he IO$S of fccdbuk from mh
.... (ndic.ring 5OCi:al
i",I.t io" . "d .ign,ling 'he for ,dieffromlh3t condllion" The
pmlo. /f. sl, .me il thus IlOl ""fined by prohibilion (nor. as. ,"",,11, by
n:prusionJ. floods m'o Mil1g as. mon>cnt . diJ",pl''''' moment.
in dT\.'Ui, of (oknmy.cOltSmu,mg idenllficotory rommunM:."on. Indud.
hk<:. i,i!,"'''. ,;' i,,,,,lf. font! of <:OommnM:.uoo. llI_of,lume.
he "farlen racc" with "yes down .nd head 0. ks$cT "",en .
.ht blu.h - 3"" semapho<es 0{ lrouble .nd a. ,hi: A"I< limoo of 3 destre to
""'OflJIi,u,c .he 1"'e'pel'3O<'l>ll bridge
II". in ;n'e''''pting idmunnllon ..... mc. '00. m>.kes idcnbly. In fact.
h31I1t .nd iden",), ",nuio in \'t'1)' dy ... mM: ",L.lion to one aoothtt. a.
once dcconsUl"nng.nd foono:b" ..... I. btta ......... mc IS both perub:uiy
con"giou,.nd indlvl<h .. nng. One of.hc ... ..,p ,., ,,"" of
b It .... rh.('I.,fO ,he one Ih., offcl"$ ,he 1110.' <on<cptu.ll""""gc
;h,,,I<. ' ,--
roi";.;.1 pt())"O" is Ihe ... .ylnd :", .. men! of SDm""."" el",. b.u .rc.t-
W '- <>,,>cOtlC cl ... >OI11<:01l(:el"" .""'N' ...... "'en', >I.'gm" deb,llty. bad
",""I_}' .. _
""'C beh ... lor . ..,.m,,,gly h.vmg IIOIhmg 10 do ... ,th me. con
,nl< or - thl:i
""'y ikood nl<' iI5$"""ng 1 m a sh.",e.prooc penon _ with sm
"- . ,. . I
. hose YC'" .uffusi'"'''''''' ..... mS.O uc m)" ptcO"'. UKI",.,U'
J;>lton " .,
, in .he mt1 isolaung ...... y
UCI"nng"" ..... mc. I u",d to ... k "'.e""l"$lo P" in. thoogb, apen
_n an un ..... ,hed. half ltlWIe nun....-ho ...-ould ... -...dc, 1n'0
.he lectu ... hall n,umbbng loudly. hIS spttdl mcrcasinglj" .ccusa,ory and
. nd publicly in ,h. ron. of the room. then "'Onder",,.
. I ...... "red .he of",,,..,...... d ... lIl.he room: tach look
Ing do",.". "'lShi"g '0 be ... ""rc else )'" ronodous of the """""",ble f .. "
of bc,ng <:",aly .he .... uu.idt ,he ind,vidu:al dan of ....-hich e.odl " ... burn
,ngly .... "'''''; a, .h. "'''''' un,.,. lhough. "n.ble to .unch the ho::morm>gC of
I"',nful !dcnllfocmon ",,h lhe misbc:h."ing m." Th.t, the double """''-
men n .. w "", .. nl p3lnful 1"",--anI unron,rolbble
The ,,"' .... "''''''.1 ...... y of Jislinguiihing shame from '" ,h ..
."acr.:. ,0 s""pen. 1M SCIUe of ",h .. OM is . ....-he ..... guilt ."adles.o
""h., do ... Alrhough ' I'omki", .. inte","cd than an.hropologists.
moraIiSI$, 0' poput"p"r.:hologislJ in dminb'uishing beN",n 'he '''"<>. ,he
implk.!io" ,.,,,, aill' ,h,1 011. 1.0 "' .. tllti"g '" .h.rrIIO. lhough
m.y fit nlOY "II, h ..... 5(,U'" hypolh ....... bou. ",h ... In ' he d ... "lop
men,.1 proc<,s. sh.l11c Is no .... of Ion considered .h ff .. , ,h .. "'llil nco
the .p:t<c whe,e;" a "'"S<: of .. If ""ill d ... "lop (" Sh.,nc is 'u ""f ps)"hol"l;r
",h., .nx;"ty i, I() tgo psychology- ,M kcy>tonc .ffe,,- [lIrou<;ek J<i9U
Which I ,.h .0 me.n, not a, .lllh .. It ;, lhe pb(e where ide",;ty is most ...
cu",ly 'lIached to cssenct1. bOll .... 'ner .hat It IS the place ..... hen: .he tpoafi,,"
of identily .nsu n"I<.ISI orig'n''''Y .nd """:' ... 1.""""l1y.
Allhe .<;Imel;m ...... nl< both <km.,. from .rId .,ms '''''''ard soci.>b;!i.y .
A. 11'''h wn."" "TI>c sh."",.hunulialion re3CIion in inf."'Y of hanging
,he: hear! and "'''MlnS .he docs not ...... n lhe child" consdous of", .
jcaion. boJ. IndICate. tha. tffc<1.'" ronlKl .... "h .nother pen<'" ..... bee"
btokn. Therefore ..... "'" ion Ihroughou. life an be .hough
of as.n I""hol"y lOeffc,o ... .,ly .rou", '''''OIhupen<''''. pooit ... '" .... ,mn" .. "
00c 'Hom mU"\c;otionl. TI>c I01qulS". l"'inf"I"""" of I h." 1'C3CtIOrI III
hukJb.d to.he period whensuch a coodltion is not .imply unrom
ron""", butlhlT.le", Itself"" ( )'6s-66). So .1>:01 w""ne ... e t the a<:<or. or I he,
perforRUncc .ni>l. or. I could :add. 1M a<:<,.w. on an I<knu<y poIu><:s, prof.
fi:rs the, spc<1xIc h" .... mooUrn to 0 spcCC"Ulg el'" lite
Sf. g<" " sel (so 10 spuk) r. .. cil h.era newly dr'RUI"ed flooding ",hJl
by lhe' of n::fus.:d mum. or lhe SU1,ssful pull<luOfl of the m.rroring
reg.,..:l thmugh" n.n:Wb.ic drcuil n::nden:d elliptil".l ("ilich l>1O ... Y' ncc_
[$$;Orily diSlorlN) h)' .he hyperbole ofi ... origi"..1 c",I!;I. i>n.1 des.:ribcJ by
Tomlins, dfucs ('54'1(, sh."", pointS.nd f>tOjcrlJ; t.l,.,nc ,urns itSelf
slin sidc Out: sl>:omc .nd ilignily.lh ..... :anJ 54'lf-displ.y.
,II.> ..... nduhibiliQnUm.1T iliff.....,nl in'cruningsoflM u .... gJo.".
il mighl finaUy be $;Ihi. ,ransfonn.,ionaI ..... II rnJi."1r-tta_ I mun'M-
atric.1 poerform.>n. I'I:riOmun ....... """"' ,lI.>n ju i"IT'
suIt Or. "'.y of _ruing i, oW. 'hough import.ntly it is t"'- thlnS'_ $h . ....
is the . lfeo .h.1 rn.nlkcs the 'hrtShold be,,,''''''' intl"O\'Cl">MIn.nd ""'T()"I".'
sion, belween .hsorp'ion I"d thc3Iric.lily. bcl", n pcrform .. ,,'ity . rnl -
Hmry jmlCS undenook .t.. Ne-o,' York of h .. work (0
!On1e ",,:rny ro.. .... "O!UJ1l(' ronsoIidation.nd ...... wan. ,,ith """. prduu.
of ""I>:ot he $:I.w as his .non importan, r><7'I..,Io and .. ona to <1;" .. ) ., .t.. cnd
o( rd i,,,I) biwful period of li'era'1' production ("1M rn.jor ph.>sc" )_
a blissful pcrioo p<.>iltd. hov.e,..,r, be,ween 1"'0 dcvuwing bou .. of mel-
ancholia. Th" fint of ltouring depressions ..... p'rtp"'lrd in '895
by what -,",m". . s the obIi,.,-.,;"c f.ilun:: of h" amb"ions as
pbywrighl. howlod off 11,,, st'g<' ., ,1M: pn::micn:: ofGMJ D,,,, .. ,IIt. 8y
'907 hough .... hen 11M: ofllM: N ...... Yoded"ion ""I"(: beginning 10
'>Cal s.:lf pn:ojcCltorl " ... ",fficic"drlM:alrd ,I>:ot he had
acIuaUy begun ...... ". round of pb)" ond of nq;olia,ions with pro-
duars_ ... "n.u ing, irtdc-td. in>Cc. The MlCt rribI.
depressions ..... triggrlTd. not by humtlinion on .he bul b)" Ih. b.l-
un:: of ' he New York .dnion nself, .1. ' oul f.ilure.o..,lI.nd its 'pl"",
'ern,inal f. ilurc to c,,,ke '"Y rerogni.;on fron, any ",.det>h.p.
When ".-e n::.d Ihe Ne'" Y""k ednion pre(= .. Ihtn ... c n::ad ..,nc.of
,ats ,h., .rc in .he I1"lO$l a<:<;-'" inlOgin;U,k ",b'K>n 10 .h.""" Marking and
Uldttd uulung 'n james'. "",,(".-cry rom a "" .... (;"01 epuo<le or oh.J1I(' in
th<, l cr. the pn::farcs. gur);" .... " with lhe pl>.yful sp:oade of. produc
.he a1rn<>'1 rromlSCllOtUl}" enlruSlN 0' "thrown- au,horUl narrlssi>rn.
, .Iso u/fcr the spc<1adt of ,""';ring (.hat ... Io'\"Ing open to)
was .n fa<:< .he .. and their, ;rnmrdiatc r.le: annihiL>tion hr
,he bbnkn;t of nonrcrogni>:ing TCsp<>n<tS (ron, ony lTade . The pn::facco an::
1'" oul .he ..... til short. ond 'n more than a couple of5c1tSCSof oue.
in 'he Ill 11o.s, .wod./fCl"Cnt circui,soflhc hYJK"rbolic n.tciss;'mf sh:m,c
orbi' on:: bei"g and In" volatil. ",blion 10 O1he, The first
of ,h= . s r"" sugg ... cd. is 'he ofjon><s'l rel.ltion to hi> audience
ol .... .odcn. In using the I",m -a..wcncr" helT. I won' ,0 RUrl;. James', 0 ......
m>isten< them.1t-u'K>n of clements in thIS " -riting as sptofically
,,;,h aU.t.. irnrlicalions of acuemen, . .....,nm..,.,men,. dang<'" loss. and
..... l.Indwli. tlul. aljo>eph U,,--.kll.>nrgucd iR tlot Alt. ,htthe.ter
by 'hts ri ..... htld for hirn. 1"be snood and ITlatod drrutl
dr:tmatizN in the pn::f.s is perilou nd produoi,.., .h ..
be. W"'n the 'p".ker 0".1 his 0..'1\ p.". mOSl "s".1 g'OIUIT in In.
pt"'$ ;, 10 figure hi ...,1.lion \() 'he p'" .s i"'.ns.:ly ch.rgrd n::l.tion
""P be,"","n the author of the p...,fares and In. often much younger rru.n
... ho ",toIe the "",,-.,Io.nd "Grit. [0 which ,t.. pnfKUalT .ppenJc:d-or
bet ..... "Cn dthcr of.hese men and a yr' )'O"nger who n::presenlS ,he!
ooion i,self.
Wh", uoo" could be more '"""iting or roo'" na._
ctssi>tioi!y d.ngcrous .h.n .h>1 of ITTC.di1\g .......... ing. and consoI;dating
one', own "(OIl.Cled works"] If These. Or theIr conJu...,d J'<>ung au.hor. n:.
turn one's longlngge wnh de.d. ind;lfl:lTn . or"..,n di>tncted ry.'. wh
lim" C.n there be to ,he .h.nlC (of hirn. o( on .... l!) "" II1currcd? "'1u.llo
Ih., d.n.gc . tto...l"\"r. ts Ihe dang<:r of...,.'. oWn (.ilun:: 10 rcrognizc 01" 10
des;1T Ihem or h,m As Tomkins writes. "U" disgust . [lit ..... ] opent'"
only .!i.e ntcrnl ot enjoynlCn, has been a<:<"-,,,N. md inhibitS one 0.- 1M
Olhot or both . .."., innale :K,,"'lor of s1uJ1l(' is .M incomplete rcJUClion
0( ,nte...,., or joy. He,, .ny blrricr '0 ( .. nM. aplor.tion which
",duces int ...,. ... WIll .o;,,,e ,n., I""..,ring of ,he .nd .,..,Sln >Iu"",
and reduco fmlher "'I'loralion or (S,""" .. To coruidcr
;l\t.r'$1 i.""lf. d, in .ffcC! .nd 10 posil .n . ssodallon be,w..,n sham" .nd
{t h. ( inc omplt:lC J .n" ib,uon of) in tc "'"" rna kes s.:.,.., phcnOffi(noJog><:.lly. I
think . bout <lrpn:ssion . nd >pIDeally aboul tIM: depn::...wns Dul of ",hich
Jam .. had "ncrgcd 10 " 'rite h" - major """,,10- - """..,Is ,hoI do. tndt-cd.
5e<'n' 10 """", effects of ,,"!,ilened hist"'1' of <hstupuoru prodi.
g.l n:med">non< in the abib.y 10.m an .ruuol. lruo .uch .,
""""","",. he ,,-... 10 bt plunged.
Thtj>mt. oflhe pn:f.,es "",,1, m Ihe ... me St.rtlmg me .. phor ,h" . n;
m., ,h< p,c..,md. y popul .. h'tratun: ofthe "inner ch.ld", Ihc me"ph.."
Ih>! one's rel.,ion to O .... S Own pOl$l as"p. in\ersubjec'
1M: as 01 lJ ,mergenerationaL. And. " might bt adJrd. (Of most people by
Ofieo. the younger .utbor i5 pro:n' In'hese prd".
""es as. figure '" hirnstlf. bu. I:\"n.non: fttqutntly ,heliaioos tht-rnsth-es.
,n lhem. are g""n his fonn. 0 .... ro:cdn'l be pop
p'ychology i,) in nom,.I"'ing. hygienic ,deology orhe.l;ng Ihis n:1"ion-
,hip. in , mawki,h ",..,,,.lu.tic)n of 'he "child"'s .cee" 10 n. rn.;,.., ' U'
thorily.1 lhe "'pense of .h>! ofihe or in a lotahring ambition 10
gel the 1""0 sel\'CS pcnTUI1cnlly rneow:d in.o one. 10 lind lho, Ihis ligur;l'
lion optns ou\ , nrh of n:blKJn;d position.llIlCS- pcr!taps ope'
dally . round isJu"" of sh>.me. j;lmes cen.inly displ. ys no 00in: to heron
"nce .g.lnlhe young and .Ulhorof his c.rI) prodUctiOlU. To Ihc
tht "cry di". "". of inner ",1f.fib'UUlioIlJ front Ihe 'peaking
self of lhe p .... 5Cnt i> m. n:cd. t ..... S\ln:d. and in fm erotic;.,...,d. The" di\
lance (Iemponl. figured osin'crsut;t"' . figunod in 'urn asSf"'''I) ><cm$.
if anything, 10 ,onsti.u,e.he .... IUhfd in.erna] of j.o.nlCSs
$llbjcctl .. lty. rc' fo, aU .ho, the distort iUO'li is pnud. J.t1JlCSs :speculation
., It) ",ha, iliff."'n' outW""" ""Sh, b< ... "Ukd by ddf.",n, kincb of fNff
' u'" across 'he -by d,ffertnt runs of solk" .. ion. diffen:n, fo,nlS
of 'ouch. U"ere>1, .nd I",,, brlw"",n ,he I" ... nd ,n. mo'" initia,ed figurt _
p"",;d.o. g"'al dea! of <he In,I''''w 10 lti.thwn:IX.1 proj"'" in IMse ...... ys.
n.. >pC"akms"",lf ofltte prd' ... es tIoo not anempt 10"",'&" ... "h >I .. poeen
, .. U)" or .... med figura'""" of '" self. OOOON,
younger Mt'OC$; ,IS atttmpl is '0 k"'e 'hem. Tlut 1Qo,.., ... '0 ooxur
both in sp"e of .nd. n .. It"< rcmorkably.lttrough n.
Not inf...,qutmly. as ."..-tl .. t. ,h. undcrtok,ng 10 rep"""'. ;as i, wen:.
or -...,iss"c basc.rd inf.n' of (",h .. IS pn:st"nled Of) Jo"",.', jU\Tnil;.. i,
dts<:ribrd s'mpl)" OS m;). par1unuoo. j;lmes .... pons findmg In hirrlSol'lf
",h fi .... r in 'M parcn,.) breaM >bou, the maimed
or s1igh,ed. In. d,.ligun:d Of dcr.: .. cd. 'M unlud .. or unlikly dliIJ _ ""h
'hi' h'I,I .... ",.11 mon.1 ,hough, offurtMr-.. oomchow 'compromumg' "
So 8, ).}J"''' otf .... a '"''''''Y uf n:aJOI1S fo, being cmborrasocd br 'hese
.,(hlS 1"'11. bm lhe p<""''''cnce ",lit "'hidt ocromp.o.nits lhe;r
..-pc .. cd ","jura,ion .. m",hoed by lhe pc ...... cn(C wilh ... h"h. In rum. he
d<:s<"rihH himself;oJ (.the<llng or cl"Olicizing It ... , \Try sh>.me ;oJ a ""y of
(on,;ng inlO ] n:la'ion '0 qu""" or )"Oullt.
In numberof pi",,,,. fo,exampl . J'nlc, mort or ""pl;cidy in,'oks
F .. and .!lltte pot.n,;"1 unconni"" .. of ,he violen,ly dis;;,'''''o"ed
",.k birth. BUI M ,h., unc.nru.....s. If! order 10 undo i,. or a'
dooonlC,hmg funbcr wilh II. byoffering!be sptaackof_ not his n:fusal _
bul hIS Cl"OIicized eager""" to rtcognttt It .. progeny ... "n lit Its oddneu:
"The 'hing daM and dismissed h ..... " . al ,he bal. for lhea",b"",,,,, """,,
", .n. " ,rick of Iookmg dead If,\Ol buried .... ,h., he .Imosl ,hrohs ""It
when. on 'l1.n,iou. '"t"kw. lhe nmh oflofe rt.ppen . II is wrily on
rccosnmng ,h., flush on oid. 0('11K A"'k"'ard Ag<' Ihal I bra.nd
it aU. bu, t:'IC' to morutrou," (An 99). It .. :os.f lhe COIn)"'
inducing ,he young cre .. u .... -fhWt of I,fe." "tuch rtferslO ... "n
whik e-"OI:.inl; ,he >hamu.g brand of mtIC.Krosiry ... lhe n:flUI
o{,1It of or n:pud,.',on the old.r ntan ,n Ih,. .... writing doc.,,1
feel . SI ,"ilo,I). JJII wrile' ,bout his mortifyingly .xlr .. . g.nt mi ... leu
lalion, rhe of (wh.t he had IItt.gined a.) a .non "ory:
"P.,nfuliy .sooci"ed for me 1us""J"M Spoils of Iloymoo" n:maincd. unlil
lUCRI n:pcrw;d. ""h ,he owk", .. rd consequence o(,h .. fond error. n..
.... 1>;, h;>J cmerged _ .. suffused wi,h a flu>h of rrtoe.lning: Ihmb '0
whkh Irrc$;Kible 'or. as 1 could bul plead in tM c,,,n,. 1 found myself ...
beguiled and kd on." "The .hing h.d ',ome: " h. conclude$ an und" .
O<! n.uou. plea.ure bu. hardly a .impl. on . ",he "ow.,of roncol"jo.n
IuJ bloomed" (124). And M bribes his ,. ..... ision of lhe carly ooion. both
u hu (or ..... r of "rtmainmg II.w...mtJ" and "OJ a proco .. by ",-hid>
they h"'" ",U J010USiy and WOIJI!u,#] n:n.,,'-cd (J.I,: cmplwil
added). Who, jama stems 10 .... 01 hen: is ' 0 re..........., ,he blush &om ,,< 'e'
Itt;n.l place.s lhe l><'IO)'n'l; bl.zon of a rupr.urcd n ...w;'tic ciKUII . nd
1 to pu, i, in drculation . , ,he 'ign of . ,.n"".l)" and
i""""d "0", "i"",is,iblc" bond be,w""n ,he wri'.r of the pre"",' and .hl:
aba.hed wmer of the pasI. or bt,w...,n ei.her of Ittem and !he qu""" 1",1e
<-..", ....
You nn Jet: 'he displ.(e"'cnl .. "'ork In ,h,. puoasc front James's mtI
<kKriprion of h .. pro:IiII of revt>IOf"I'
Sinc. to gfl.nd ", ko:q> finl<h<d ;md dwnl$$N ..-on. w<ll bohind OM. and
to h ....... 1",1< to A'f to" .nd .bout it ... """,bit. Iud for yn .. on6
only 10 ........ dunng thot fbt int.nq;l1um <fftpong<up"""""" ... to
... Iu. " might .... lIy Iu, .. Iud II .... to ,row up;md ."Iouruh. MK
u.e.. riot"" douhtleu tho food fur llut .ny uJymg.up of ,ho un
OInny bnx><1 ny rcmov.1 of du" . ny " .. shing of
f ..... or .. r"ghltning of grizzled Io<k.,. {If ,w'tching. to 0 ho" .... If<><:I. 0(
. up<:, .nllu. ,cd g""",nt1, migh' le, onr in. o. tilt phl"' " is. for
"'r>O\.tions. I ..... use ho", of'lIt ligu'";md infinnity. but In poin'''''
f.ct I had Mhorv." ... the ""PI""'r>tICtof tho fim-bom of my I""S"'Y ...
.... deocent 0( OW b"Dll one ..... &om tlot nu .... ry to the dr .... ing-"""" u.",.,
tho hod .pp .. 1 0( cnqutnng. of pos.W>Iy in .. ,.."ton. I Iud Kronl
Ingly ",ken for ,IK ""mmon 11 ....... of such ".",- !he respon .
il>1e glatlCC of IOn,. 1'0" .... from """ nu!">lUlg '0 onother. the rapid
n"h .ruim .. needl . ,lit no< imp<r<eptibl. dr.Ct of 0 c<rUtn .uJibl.
.<pi>sh of lO.p. tt<I" .. tcr ....
"11.nds oJf .It<1.,,,,h .. on ,lit nu",,',!>,n!" " .. , ... .. rictIy <oncei,.blc;
hu, only in the ltgh. 0( tho truth tlut " h.d ,.len .fft in .ny
and SUt.1y . ,..,ossuc 0( .nything. n.c",ro.-., it ,,-.. nor I<> Ott ,hot ""1
such.poI<>gctk ouf'l""'Slon .. m.t of the ".ltogWtcr." "'Y such;od""""",
. , tlu, of. >digit: dol> of ,he .... p. I<ft the do<>< ""y m""h "pr. (AU Jl1-JII)
The p. ssagt .h .. begins by conjuring the unnnnintj4; of on .b. ndonnl.
" unltd. old/ young Fr."""",.ein brood <",mini ... nt of the "'pud;"led or
abu$l::d <:h ild",n In Dirkens. such a. Smtk" .nd )t"ny IV",,,. wh"", de
formed bodiesSI.nd for d",,,lop,,,,,mal n.orr "1'", at once acrdtr.ted and
frozen by. among Otlw:. ' hings. "'''"(me m .. eNI wan. ) modul.t"" ",U$ur-
ingly Into tht ...... m. Chnstophcr Robtn rozmtSS of hour-
gwis EJw.nli." nu .... ')" rinul. The ",,,muoJ,,y 0( , .... unnnny <:h,Id's
..... u.1 HI"""'" .0 10111 ude and <iestilUuOIl h;.s bn by an ,,,,"Ok<!
dom<"ltid.,. Invoked wi,b Ihal dont<-stidty. in ,Iw: ItOYo. fos.=" and nu'"
.unt:d.nd thcn:lU", "childllk." child. IS a new.p)e.,u",ble form of e.rubt
l ioni' l ic 1);,,",;0,, wi.h .dul .. ,h .. dnm.,;"., ,he rhlld. \"Cry from
.b.ndonment and "'pudi1tion. In the pl;occ wh.", ,he .ye of 1'"'",,, .. 1 ,,",..,
Iud th", .. eocd to Ix wi,hheld. the", IS now 0 b.,h whe", .\"Cn.M nUN''''
o".nlion i$ .... ppl.mented by ,lit OI",,,,,"""g car of ;nqulnng and inter-
e><ed visi'ors. And ,n ,he pi"' .... he ... the fc;or o( expooun: Ius been
ed off. thr"". n",,' ,h. playful ""kedrlUlo 0( ;LbIu,ion and door Ilft
,,_.rtl ch aJ.r" for 0 Ilt,le J<>k<: about the ouppt"U$ion of tM "oJ'ogo:thcr '
'n'ergcnC11njo .... 1 flination ,cprncnu ..... chord
ric'" York deornlln ,he bIond,o/unt ... ofhi< finLWd
",!he _ nes ,hat . ..... rikingly like Ihe ones wtlh "ilich. in his kl1en.
"",,\:.s ,n 0
'.n bt.n .ddresstng I !e,,<lrik Ande,.....,,,.jord)n Hugh \\'al
hrh ..
d .he o,her younge .. men who ... his s,age of his Itfe.'" setling Out.
pole .....
""ith happY l uCCeU. 10 ."rac, him. NOLe In thIS \'"!$I.g. (from the A .. !r<tsJ,t
J ..... p,d;) ","" ""npudence" is tht glamonzmg ,r:a" j>.mcs .. ,ribu"" to
Ius .. ones- impudence .1. .. bcspcili not tM .absence of $h;t ..... from "'is
,,:one offli .. touon. bon .... 'her tI, plumr.bly rttircul.ted afterglow: 1 Tht
.. ory] "'JI>kC" 10Sttrn ' 0 offer in. ligh,.IOJrn 10 knOll;. and
,h.'"..,. lost wlut tI'>aboUI _ 1,.bI it )'t1 ts 0\ roo ..... nts to be
caLlghl by u' " '"h tU longut m its .nd .b&oIutdy no """mn, bu, ;u
spltnJ;d impud<nc . l.cI LIS gr:m"hcn th. "N: impudence 1$01\\ .. )" hen: -
then:. so to 'pc"k. for gra and effeCl and .110,,": Ihen: . 1>0-.., .U. beca .....
1M Story IS J"" tht If"'il.d chtld of O<t. and \>o:, ....... :u we.'" atv. .. ys dip'
poin .. d ,,hen the- pampcnt:<l don'. ' play up,' we hkt ;., to th .. enen'. 10 look
aU it .. hor ......... It prob;oblydoa so. in lr\I.h .-."Cn ... ben w" """'" fbuc<our
.d"" m. ..... e ntg" .... ,' ,,t"';' by ueaty" (Arc J',). To w-.matiu tt... o"'ry
.. ''''roo/("IIl in ",!aIM'" .0 its ,,,, .. or is .bo .0 duman,c . ... IUIUrious .Jos.
tance bt:twecn ,I. .... ent .nd one of ,..,-liD';"": 11u: rontt;,.bIc s1ume of
F't .. If. a 1'''' produ,tion. is being ,augh' up and ",circula,ed through
h mbcnt In r!"',.."n.l fiS" .... i"" of.he in. in, .... Indulged mutu.l P"'''u,,"
"flighl dHfe,..,,,,i.1I of po\\"crand knowledge.
pm Wnt'" .bou"h
writing oflli -One would 10 ""00
b.d su<:h hours of linc pttcipturiort. . of lm.gcs "" free and confiden,
and n:.d, tlu, d'le)" brwh q ..... ions 2Sidc .nJ disport ,he",..I,= liu ....
.nk.s schoolboy, 01" C ... y"1 be.uuful Ode. in oJl tM St"'Y of ,he Igno-
ro""" ""end, ng hem" (1,). (Or bout. of"n.c Turn of lhe Sc,...,.": "another
groin. would h,," spoiled the pm:i<MI'p'",h .dd", ... d 10 itHnd- ['70).)
.so,ncl imc. ,m, solicilude is ultim .. o1y fru.,nl<d; "I 'L1"''' in "am ... '0
"mbro,1 and .ill>", ' hI. young man On whont h""d",d ingeniou. touchet
'''' Ih", lov"hed- The wooing ;n the ... ..,.,,<"1 of "",,,,on is
not urudi",clion.l. how",.., .. : ",-en the .ge diffen:nu..1 .. .on be Ii!,"'nt:d quite
<hffe",n,ly . ." \\"hen ).0 ...... Ands humelf. OIl ",n:;admg TIot- tlotmaI ... "ding
i .. g to my hero 0. laU. prot.ern..:. good.natured clJtt brod, ... ",,' rough
ur ofLu"ben Sirelh.r. "' rejOiced In Ih. prom ... of I>om
50 ",.m",. who "''Ould g"" m. Il>ord' ,h. mO", 10 bite InIO ()IO). j.lmes
l'Cfel'S 10 Ihe prolagonisl ofn.., Ik:ut in the Jungl." a. """"'hn p>r"""
,111\" g<:nllcman. fi, indttd '0 " 'Ith SlI,lJUom of 1n. Alta, [Ofll>o:
[)cad]: addIng. "My allo .. ed J""dllcnlOll for poor sen,;I;'", gmd"mm aI.
tYIO)l me a. , march' " ("-46). n.., """dike",,,, yot. ... goC ,be ", "
With lhe Jul'll<lmo oC John lhe romamir painng off of in
lum ""h ,he equ.lIy """Mi",,,," Slransom. II"'" If any.
"Ullg an euas 0( g.y poUlt 101M" .Imoo! " rmb.>rruomcm WI IS. hoIo't\l:"
,mled, not as a preleJ:1 forau,horU!..,I("",,,,nu,,,. bul '" an apIri' <Oun:c
of ""w. pcrIQrm.I;'l:lr Ulduct<l magnrUJrn. in 1M p""fxt:S is LI$Ing ""I"' ..... ""8 0""""""" '" a ""''''8Y
ultcgr.mng,lurnr. in lhe.."".. of n:ndrnng uu. poten-
li.allr affr" na""''''''lr. emoloon:ally. and perform .... "'lr prO<!llC'
""'. The ""I"'renllng $ttt1:lnO is also. in j.l","s Ihcon:tiGIl writing. ped.
craRirfpe<bgogiralOOJ:: III ,,'hirh 1M flush of shame an affmmg
and Cl'OIicil:ed form 0( mu'ual dospl.y. Thr wn,ing ,ubjea',5C<iuni,,,, bond
wi,h lhe bul unn:pudi.,.d "inner" child SCt:rru. tndeed . o be ,he
condnion of Ih., sub';':,,', hmnS .n imerion'ya' all. a 'P"tializcd subjcc.
,ivi,y ,hal (an bc ,'ha'.lCl<n7.ed by abso.ption. 0, perh..tpo r should ""Y' i,
a condition of hos Ju,'"'y"'g ,lit Jp.!li. liud .\IIbjrct,vi,y Ih>! be m.ue. by absorplio" F(J' th. 'po(lad. .. ; perfo.m",i'''' ab""1'lion
" P!"'a .. only In (th(Jugh in a mool 00"'1'''''' and uombl. relalion)
'" Ih" kning of hi, p',.f(J''''"''''' 11I nic.lily: the naml$ismf dr
cui, beIW""" wn,ing ""If .nd it> "innorchild" Im",.",clS with Ih .. other
hyperboh< .nd dangerous na",wi"ic 1I"(Uil. figurrd as th ,n"..) perf"...
m.n,,(. Ih., OUlW;lnl horlWCtn 'he p,.,.."lcd and ... (o"c
and ill
I .m de>'Ck>plng he", lbe hrpo,h",is thai J'rJ'\C>', ""nenions on po"
fo.mOl;.;ly " 'iII .ppca, moot in .. ,rutingly i" his ""Y' of ,he
in'crsl1on be, wo<:n bsorplion .nd IMa'rical" y, hnWttn ,be
ge .... n'ing sp;tt. dcfi,ttd by the bu, uninlesnled "innchild. on the
one hand, and on tht OIh.r hand lhe fronul of performance. ja"'"
,,'Orl<.s In t he p""f:actS on de-"'iopIng th.:<wo:ocai "labu1ary fix-di.,ingms!t.
"'s ( ,n ,lit "",('1u"" of .... bctWttll ... hat Au,"" """I""',.;,,,, .. lIy
OIne '0 aU 1M mllSt>';"'" and 1M pe" "" II ... " ... , .00 hn .. "ttn dtikrnt,
..,""'. of perl"or"tal",i,y. No". of this ddJen:n'oal """,,""Ia,",", """......, re.
. " .. ,.Iy'''" (OI1'l)t"'I(Y inl:lc' .. it g<:" re<ru;,ed 11110 ,he sconano.
,.,n, , 1$
".,..farci ,,.noro,,,,,,. A",,,ng lhe palnngs Ih .. get rno ...
,,(, ,.,,,.
or It.s.s III .ppcd ont(J d, Irere", .. I. around porfOrrnati"")" _ and, I h .. ",Coin,
!Shed. j,"'t nK"" <I, kg eJ:p!icilly decOllS,,,,,,cd ,1>0"" _ are romance "",.
(e.g., An JO"J\), oubola"'. ",,"u' form (e.g. . Art 1l}" ,,6). ;ancc
do" '''''''' pt(Cu ... (e.g., All 1)\11 ndOIl .. "' .... , (and nOIe lhe shift here)
dt>",lopmenl11 ( . g. Art >..11).
An eUlllpic of I he man: or leiS ""pilei, ""Ifdoouuuction of,,,",,,,, dlifn..
enliob; ... h S"" ofTht Awt"",J AV, pri><ly ben ..... " ";obidts withou,
moment'. by lhe pnncipk o(the ... gepla)": II soid '0 "help US
.."" SlJ happily 10 S ,"" 8'"'''' disunction betWtt2\ subot.",. and funn 111
",ally W1"O\Igll1 ,,-oR. of sign;tUy b",ak 00-. .... I hold i rnf"""iblr 10
s.>y. !>dare 'The Awk,,.nlAgt' : " 'hc,,, one of"'"" dements ends.nd lhe
OIherbt:glN: I h .. -c bt:en un.ble aIle"" rnpelf. on ",aamilU'ion. to marl<
'"y 5umjoinl or 10 .... tM ,wo J;,m,.wJ offices .. oepar>' . n.q
.'" Stp;1UI" bt:fore ,"" f ... ,. bul ,he ........ men' of arcution indISSOlubly
nil''';''' lhem. and lit.: m.> 11k<: athe, rn;orrugc. has only \0 be a
'Irue' olle for Ihe sonoW of;l no! 10 show (An '6). Se.mingly.
lhe Ihtmk.1 penonn;llivlIy ofTht A"*",,nl A.g< is rupposo:J .0 ,,;,h
'If >(>Cern oct perform,"viIY. 21 its .ubstance i uppoocd 10 me.h ,,;,h it<
f"n". <1$ m." ."d .... suPJ'O"'d 10 be ",nilissolubly" uniftcd in 'he
."'pl>ry !-pCc(h ac, (Jf mmi.S". Flul on<: h.rdly has 10 look \0 T1tt Awlr ..... rJ
A,v ; 1 .. lf (lIwngh (Jr count on" could). nor necd one I()()k .heod '0 Ihe sI)"
in Au>!",. [(I 50<: Ih.1 ,h. Indis..,lublo uni,y or!;" offers
no \"t'Y ,Inul ),,,,a ,,lct of ,he Sl.bill,) "f Ihis chain (Jf homologi . B.d
e"""gh " ... II1or,i>gc " , ""cra",onl of bad enough ,hal. only
sc,,'" of words .. i, has betn pronounced indissoluble. maniaS" 'urn.
OUI 10 be ellic.cion. nat '" p,<,,,nling a breach, nOl c"""' in p"""n'ing Ih.
SCa" dalatttnd,ng bread .. bu, only. for ,..It .. i, '. wonh. ,n ke<:p'ng ,he sca,,
dal of a h",ach fl'Om :ihov.lng Bul ,he worst m'wS is that 10 gun'''IO<: "''''''
Ih.,.., I""hed benefil$, lhe m.rri.agc "h .. " ("only") "to be a ',,,,c' one: 11><:
Jame .... o ... re quO\cs CIoU attelliion 10 """, . .,,,,.,,,,Uy the qua)'fia"ion is. In
"' ho, mu>l be: '. ,ruo onc:" <0 gu.ran,cc Ihat the scandal
(Jfo brc",h not >howl PI:: .... ps 1I muR bt:.ruo in,he oensc: ,hat;ts
are "e""," '0 cach OIhe . or '(J the,. """'s. or .ha,.M marnagc uk ... at
lOrn(: "",ff.ble k;.,,1 . in lhe k nk . .... 1 IS. of ren&nng their ,..,..-.
WnM .. ""ly p<n:osc docnptiono of '''''i,behavior. Thus thcK', no omtSIO<I
fora brcach, the gu .... >!<, .. IS gua ... ",ttil "IO"'"y . .os
guar.nlee. n..,."mg!ess. To bring in 1M INlh 01 . U is 10 rug_
g'" .hat a sp<h act nuy ... performau,,,, dlicaoou. only 10 the dog"",
of(which ;. U) s;ay. only """,gil) iIHOII>I;v" v.aJidlty,
TM ""'" <U<lained of, ... dlIIf,mu .. ls Ihrough ...-hod! j>mt$ "..:>rb OUI
Ihe of paionnalMty IS [ ... "" .. ubiquitous oppo<ition \:oeN"n'I
dr.m. iucl( (or- [he "scenic") an.d "poet"",, " Tht hlsh In ... b.Jity and hlsh
mUlu.1 lorsI"'''''$< of [he Iurns o( [htS 0f'P<>I";"" a", occasions for both
sha"", and ."",.m'nt:
I h .. "n'[ lhe he .. , now. I conr.",. 10 adduce lh. del .. 1 of.., m:my 1.psN.
impon.n<to; ,he cxpl.nation of mOIl of whICh. after all. I [. k, 10 h" .. bt"n
in Ilk- cruWly of. m."h bt."ng full upon m. Ihrough lhe", n:ronsidt ....
lions. Ilk- odd ,", .. Icrary wilh .. 'Iud! pktu ....... lmos< any lurn, IS j .. \om
o( dr."",. and dram. ([I\ough on IIl<- ... hoIt ",ilh gr"'tr I"ticnce. IIhink)
... 'f"clous 0I1"<ture. lIt,w...., ,born. no <looN. th<-y do much for [Ik- [hem.;
)'" ,he oobo ... ide.1 .nd ... " touIJd the oodgo:s 01 it<
f'O'IOOn. (Arl .9S)
Ik.uuful for ,hal m .. ttr . ....... o.siom "'"I"''''' 0( an ()CQ.
>ion "'lk-n the bound>ry line btnr.un and "" .... bun. bn)e lh.
'HIgh. of,,,", double !""'>Ute. (JOO)
Ch.r>Clcristicolly.j.m ..... esthe.k UOl"'" ... ,ion of lJt" beauly of lhe
"double I'", .. u"," piclu,.. .nd ,"",.M is embtdded in 1"'1'"holo&i'
c.1 lurr>!i,', 31 se,,,r.ltl:Xtu.ll.,,,Is. It .dh"",. to. pc-dor .. tic ",I.[ion bo.
I we.n (h .... (lers. and equ.lly .goin H) the one bel"".n the author and lhe
""hropomorphized n",,,1. the (hor.>e'.r. Rc .... ding TIlt .'1 ...... -
... J,m .. notes , ...... "II>< c:quI';,e [n:>chery n"" .. tl><
ese<'ulion nuy ... ,,' be truo,ed '0 mOocr .,,,n on II>< """" mnu'" plan" (An
j2sJ, He lo .. ""s this lap><. "'him is .lapk In authort.aJ t",hniq..., . lapse.
he ... p. from 'M "1CtTtic" into "d .. non-scn'lic 1Onn" o . s). at p.l"irular
f'ound"ional CTUJ' of the l'IOVI::I; II>< ""'rot in " ' bN:h Sln:ther. whom j>""'"
(:lS "-..\,, alre..Jy noted) findllov.ble for h" m,'urity. suddenly become:!:
mfatu.,ed wllh a young ""'n. Chod Newsome Chod. """.'-..r. isdt:Sl1ntd
10 di""ppoint in luming OUI '0 be qU"".1I ordinary. ,,,,If.igr><>T;l[1t young
1><Ier<>$<:.u.l. incap,blt of ""pondl"S 10 S, ... ,he", inlO""i!;". ""en he ..
of ,Ioing ",,J jUOIice!O th. I""" h. cvokes In Wl)men. "Th. es
u"tle t"'ochery CI'<" __ . tlk- .. n.ighl." ... n,.y ., ... be .ru"ed 10 UlRia
OIl Ihe n>O<' nu,u ... " is .. <>nC. "''''''thing Chod ,nllku on Suethe .
",,,,.,, hing til<: "",,,I (or lIS ,ho.acten) mOocr onJ''''es . n.d ..,""'thing .... t
"pictu,-,, : .. , dtscrip""" or f""lI'OIitioNl prioople of COtnpO>l1ion, inRio<u
on ",...",," "". perform .. ;'" one. At In'el. in. choractcristic Ioru-
uon. i' n:-prtKnts" ,\e,iolion (from tOO fond .... orig"",1 ,isioon)" U'S). T'hot
.ulhor', (O!KI, m .. urr origi",l ,isoon of .n unron .. muu,tdly "scenic" ,ech-
nique suff ..... 1k- .. me f.l e as his malu'" hero, fond fir'$l ,is;on of Chad.
.,,<1 is tkstiMd equ,lIy to be "diminished , , compromised ... despoiled ...
,.., t h,,'. In ' word. Ihe ",hoi. economy of his aUlhot, ",I.lion to him h
at import. nl points to be retielcrn'incd" ()lS".6). But nOte th lhe
t re.chery i, des<ribed. hO"'cl'<'r amhiguously, "Uqui$i l": and the cer-
I'''''y o(t",uhery is something U\ ", on. ;'l",'ncd, how .. ", irononlly.
to "Iru .. : It is the wry '''''\abilily a",ong ",lations. and in partieu) ...
I infer, Iheir .bility 10..rut <lear at any g;,"'" ""git 1e>,,1 .
th.t CO<l(e'" "The book. hoy.e." . crilkally ";cwtd. is 'oudIing'" fuD
of t disgu.scd and ",!'.l1red losses. lhese louidious rttOIo"ri<s,!hex m-
t(n""", ",doempti'" COfIOislCncics" (lUi). In J.",.,.', theorizing of dw: ......:1.
CONI>lellC)' is the name. n"t for my hool.ogenrouo punly of ,Ilt >pc-h ;oct
given bul ... ther for ,he i,.,..ducib!e. allachlng heterogeneIty .nd
indeed impunly with ",him each lIlts the "tourh" of another.
u " \Vh" should also he >-pcrified il 'he i",.gcd ... ual act
in "hkh lhe"" rda,;ollS ... pc-.tcdly d ... nmi." lhemsch ... in Ihe pm""'. In
fOOl""'" to . previou, ..... y,. "The Ikast in lh. Close.: I qUOled
""'''''go from$'. no<cbool<s. wnllcn during' "iso, .0Cabforn;' only a
few "lOOlh. befo". bo SlOrled on ,he Nt", ron: edition. ",hich still ""ems
'0 me l h. best conden<2Uon. of wh .. ,hese pn:faas press us to rerogJlize ..
his most rn.r.K\Cristic an.d fecun.d ",lItion to hos _n .n>J C<Olicisrn:
I,n """. . ftulong ,,=4 .. <>I1Y"' . in fi;)nt of mp"".n. .. an ;"""nl
""cu",u!.."on 0( ", .. Nill of "'hieh I f..,t ,Ilt ",,,.Ith. Ind .. 10 "tuch I < ....
only invoke my f.orruh .. demon 011"111''''''', who alway ...,..,...
when I <011_ He is herr ""h me: in (ronl of,h" cool gte.n olIO
<I".., '00 I fed hi.! soft b", .. h, .. 'h",h cooll.nd .. <.dies .nd i"'l"rt:S. (In "'Y
check. 1!''''Ythtng >in .. In: I"" h"'i; i.l""" "'''I)',hinK ahid .... n<! fettil;.<o
.. ><I i" goldrn pmmi ... m.king !honk ,,'uh c\o;cd r:y<>ofdp
.nd g,,ful ""'s,ng .. hen. in !he fuJi ,umr=r d. yo ofLlombj l-f\""'<: j. my
lonS dU>1y od, .. ",ul'!' "''''. I $h." lor ahl/, to [plung<J my h. nd. n'r , nn, in.
d<q> and r ... up 'O!M .hooldh_ lnto tbe, lorn} bog of I'!'membr.ora_
of .uSS""ioo-ofim'gon"ioo-o( _ and "'" n,,'Y little 68"1'!' . nd
"""ry Imk fXI .nd fancy ,h., can be to my The.. tI".'Ill
II'!' IU a .. -.y. now. t hicket I can prno:""tc. dcq><. than J can
f .. hom nd ''''I'!' !"'m rt:lllortht prtoalt. in$.>CI..dcooi cb.ri:neos,
nU I ","llltt tn upo<t tllom t'" mild hght of du.1d Lfomb} 1-("",<: _
in .. hich thory .. ttI begm to glum and gIlu ... .lnd.n., bm Iih tht go'<!:>tId
je .... 1s oh ""II<', (N..n....ts J.I)
A! ,110 "mr. I qUOIn! ,hlS:as. du<Tipiion of "!Wong.:u.&r. rr" (Eru'"
.. ""'v .... l; I.m """' II IS th:il . bu! 1M Cott['""[ oftht P"'f..:n bring> ou!
I"", DIM' .. !t"ncr' of IhlS of lUting equaUy J1r()J1gly- .. liwces ""
blro!O neh DlMr.nd. of C<MII'X .also 10 tht wti. ingprO:U.- n.c.. ",,,,01,,,.
fir>!. ,,c. hl>. and """ond, I"'ttunlion. Onr of tlx: rnQ<' audible int .... ut:o tn
lhe 1"' .... .:. i, .urtly "Full f hom /i, .. thy f.ther litS: with the cmphui ..
I""rl>. p:<. ott "/i,- .- tllo Ii, .. oflinS" ... TM exbe" imporunt int""c" ocenu
l<l be fron, !:look 4 ofn. 1)',"riaJ, .he p ...... ",hc", i\ nniu. describe, the
"",ok rom. he h .,...I1""..,d !u from robbers .nd .rnicipotu
the'r bemg deli""",d. tn I"" rou"'" of n",uTe, frum "the h"mph';n. - o(hi.
gut ", Ihe man who has ""Ughl Ihem from htm.
Ihis our p.unch bcforr
Still be.", Ih<m. fallhful; .nd lh' llh",,! '0',
1$'0 ",fund 1ho with the meOl
To P''''''' me, G<xidesJ1 d.orof.1l design.
lJid me wi,11 Pollio fUp, :u .... ll ., <hII<':
Th ..... ,11,'" u,.md .h:.lU ., ,he I.hour .. .rnd.
And Oougla, lend his ",fi. oo.,.,ric h.nd. (Pop<'. book . n. jS]_9.j )
In ,h<c ron.,"" ofT1lt D.II.(fdd,'''' otmClri< h.and feelml; for ,.. ... 1<11 Ul ,he
reclum ..,."m; .... an o '"'1"""'<'" ,h<c Ditinu,e in andgl"OSO-oo
bu. undor the f"'I:SSDre of jlm<i, broodmg II ha. dtarly undtrgonr a .."
change '0 bom<: ",nDally ab$olu,c .ymbolof ''''''1;''''''''' ""luc_
Sharply as 1M lhematlt emphasis ""'Y <II"", from ...-ai ... d undo ...
... ndmg ofJ.otne,'. IOIhelic proccol"' .. o ... ., "'Y I<'.odn- ,n Henry
wwtls os. '$ il turn. OUI. In fine CQml"'ny. -I blush to s:.y: Wilham
J.,,1<" I knry m 11169. ".h .. delalled bull.u"s of your bowels - --
.rc of .... n1()1;1 .,,,hr.1Iinll inl.""1 10 r=" (Crrrr.!l"""""" n ) MO\'he i,
10 W" ... an <XId 511e for such <'pI;"'lion. bu, I "'oold """"thd ....
.1'),"'" 111.. 10 ."end pU5iol1>ldy or ...-dl to muell ofJ. mess """'ges< wril'
",g OS ""ccssotily. as il ,..e .... alre.dy. '0 be in Ihnll to ",h .. had long been
hoS I"inful. fussy. imm<n..,1y prod"""" focus "",he scru;t,ioru, acltonS
.nd I"' n lyl/;$, accumulatioN and probmS' and '"'pulsionsofhos""I1 ..... 'u
di,lPl"" U>CI Tht ,"",enl publ,CaUO" of ,h .. two bt-ot!Kn' "arty"" lopotl'
dtn<C. mcluihng "''''''' upon I"'SC' .bout l-knry', COIlJ1ip.atJotl r .. tw )'00
,crm..o h'pp'ly my lI'IO'"U1g 111lcst mal drama" [I jII I). bo:gu>< to off'onn obj'
,,,,, COf1Tlau, .. - SI.nl111g tn iIJ dou;1 and Intimacy. ,f not in its.<Ubsta"'c-
lor had bdOl't been Ink..."".1 l<'admS' of lhe (Ctltnlily of "" arut
pr'I:"'l"'tOotl In ofh .. body. 11.. pro<htction. and hIS pkuurr_
""en from Ih= urly ltll .. rs, II is ",'m"l thai lhe,-c is no such thong:as
, .... JI .. pi' f.act of jan",., C01lJ1iparion: II inlornlS no! only Ius nung. cUr
cioc". ;>od .""ncb,..: .. but al ... his 1 ....... 1 (during part
or hi, hfe defined hy tn, .. I). hIS rudmg, his family "'t.1ions. and the rom-
po'Ii!i,on .nd {ltrol.Il,,,, of his w",;ng. The nd 10 disro ... hll cunwlion
"mh lhe broIhor II h"",,,. for irlS,a""". mob,lius" dnm. of oe<:n:t rom-
pl;dly (Willia ... :"1t mak mt sick 10 IlImk of )-our life being bligh,ed by
Ihi' hideou, .ff"c""n. 1 will $I)' ""lhl11g !O Ihe f.mily about iI. :as can
do )"uu no good. il w,lI on!)' gil.., Ihton I"'i,,- [Curr<Jp;md",u J ' 3)) Ih ..
hot l1 m,m;" Henry's ',,,"rn.l blo<kollc .nd inwkc.the .tmo
'1'1 ... ,,,, of. Willi .... . d>'I5Os for inltan<c: "A pl.n
;, fur yuu '0 W"I( lueh on "'p",""I" slops ofl"'l"'r pri'" ,e, SO tha,
I nlly Ihell g"" fredy ,h,' rr>l of the lcucr to Ah<c 10 carry .bout Ili. rr-
",.J, _ If y .. u PUI it in ,'''' mlrul of other ... aUcr it p"""nlS ,he wholt ..
from clrcul.tion. [);cu vou. garde- (8.l), ".. rug.nizing quest!Oll
'n ,he: b""he .. long eo""ul",,wn IS' Wh.1 ... .d.hl .. lechnoIo!;y (chemical.
ckn .... , lherm.l. hydraulic. manual) c.n t... to I"e:><h intO
and dlS'"""e! I lenr)"1 1)0,.,.11 Wilhlm .<1-....,.: " Injea . .:as laW &: hoc
an ontmo as you can he .. (not gc'1 mQrr ,uo, ..,aldmg) of ""'p suds I'!
oil _ Eltnriory Sot1'IC1imcs has " ","OIIderful clf..,., . pplied IlOl 111 tht
piddling "'''y you recoll..,., 1.11 .. -tn'er bu, by. scronggalnniccu.....,,,, from
,to. 'i"1IIC' to ,he .bOOm" ... 1 n,,'KI,... or If .... rtC"Ium be one pole
put inside 'he rN'lun, IfI .. ..,.., you I ,,'t!. T<SOI1IO it " ( IIl). .o.nd from Henry:
.t'h<: die, hc:", is good_ hoch simple& lIu, tht only ..... " roo-
my rompUln' is the "uh;o,h. I ...... d ... ooc 10 hett oome iU<h
.....:n..u.m (l.<. ,11;0, in)ection-douchc):u )O<IlOund .t 0.,,,,,,,,,_ (6J)
I ""'1 OCIuaDy say that I can t gel 1"1'Iagt.. My "bld< ''1U1n" .... Ct-.l to
11;0,,. mott 111m nornitW _ _ Tht ..... t.,. .,,00 """""'" altogrthn-oo- corne.
out ... innortnt <IS II ...,ttd. for til< I""' tm day. I 11;0,,,, beromc: 'lW'c <1<-
rnot"".I .. <:d & h ... '" brtn 00."'11 m1"'lf ,,;th pilli. lIut thty ,oo ;an
.In..,., UKI ... Ili I m.y taU: a doun 8( h.rdIy lItor ofthtrn. ... Somehow
or otll<. I muot tak/, tilt thing in h.nd, ("")
\VII" I h .. calle<! the -<ri.i." ..... brouw<, 011 by laking' ",.""Iled "onti
biliou,- pm, . .-.comrn<ndcd 1m., ,he Engli.h druJ;8 ... .. Th'1' f.<i)cd '0 ",.
hcvc "'" 8( wrnpletdy dl$llll",<d ,,""h rn<- brinll'''ll on 'p"ric$ of .bot
ltve di.Jnhoo., That is I rclt til< rn"'" .. ".ra,ed &: moot vioIen, inclin;IIjon
'0.,001. ,,;,hou, to .If<:n 'ny,htnll """ ,ho: po-os>g< of.
blood. . Of rou .... I ",nt for- ,II< . lrit.h phyoocun.. . H< nude: m/! tm
an "'joe"on. of ....... unmO;"'1TI .. """' ..... iuch comploetely f:Wed. to """'''
ITlIO. I "'i"'"ed it brgdy- ... hoIl)' In ".",. He loft m/! b ..... tht"''''''''I: p-
porrntly qullC in ... .sn-.ral days now f'W"d. 11u,,, ""'" tht
dan .... "'J"'aledly. <IS he II<CmI ir>clu>N (00 ,,'1\;0, uten, ... . fnrnd Ii: to ... hat
... tlocIor&lcl l .... in hand .... Ii ..... mtned(myb<M'.uJ
( for .. he could) by the instnioo ofh" lin!:,,' (hornJ .. I.!) 6: say. th.",;"
no pall"bI. obotru<tion ... _ I lind II h.rd '0 make h,m (a. I .hould .ny.,.,..
whu h.dn', ob",,,,TI1 i' ) at all .. nd ,h. >!ubbornn ... 11;: ",,n, -,be
6: b",.d,h 11;: dep,h. of my 'rt')ubl . (,08)
Fron' 'his ""ense:. ""u,ely u ..... ppy n:l.,ion of. young I"n of
his body ,,'en: .lso '0 .m<.-gc. no..'", .... pl u",. and nd,.,.. In p.n;rulo .
,II< , .. knc .. ., ,:>(hing '0 OU .nd,o lT101t1u.J I"'"" .... "ion
" " .. '0 undergo proIOund ch:ingc_ t..., ,t.'''y ye.n clop$", and mort. '"
'hr .-.11" of this dttply inlagi""d .rou, .nd .... n'eoty tll<matir. ",.. c.""
I."en :>(rou",,, g'''' """;rul,, pot ... (.11< point of distancc and ''''''gum'''''
'r-.... "'umion ... mudl .. til< poin' Q/" .,,,,ibrily) 'o , passogc w... "'"
oocdxlOk entry "i,t. .... hlch I dw se<llon.
By the ,inlt Wn'Ulg oflbe p""facu. tM im.Il'" of,he ob<tt'ri<
hand. ,h. fi".d t.owd m .. ., as ,fhoiognphi.c.lIy in tilt
"ft""o ineongnrcnt sp ..,i - ,h. ""'Iul" Y of ,n,ide .nd ou"id< on (a. i,
,...,..,1 the one h.nd . nd on 'he ",h.,. 1M sp.>-li.ltly of a'l"'cu ("aspcCl.-
ununnyos the: '.nn "");h' sound" [Ar' 110)), or p,.".."ttd and ","ncd
o((o<c and back. go ,ogethe. Itu """o.nd !'ttIum.
Tho condc-rwlion of ,h<1"'O!p;o,i.l'\lcs. fron,.l ."d "'Ierior. adhen:s in
,.,Ie" tl)' 10 ""'OCitOons of ,be medal or ""","nlOn. pc'rhaps 'hrough an .....,.
""U'IlI ""h lhe o..llLi<IJ '1"",ed .00.., In,he I""foce '0 TN \\'i",Y
of'W /An", for itW.u'Itt ......... suggesu tha, lhe """",I', "' ... plots a", lhe
,.x, Q/" an engn,'cd and finll,n:d coin: "Could I bul ttt:.Ik my mc<W hang
f",<, ito obv<!...:- and it< ""' ...... itS fac nd ill back. would
N"K' op,i"".l for 'h< spect.,or, I someho .... ,,-.n'ed them rorn:spondingly
w.llIed 'hem inscribed .tld fiG"",d "'tlh.n ""Iu.1 .. li,n,. , le, tI
w.s no"c 'he less visibly my ' key: os I h.,,, pid. ,h .. 'hou);h my n:gencra'e
YOU"!! New Yorker I Milly) . nd wh., miglll depend on her. should form m)'
",nm:. myc",:umfe",nc. "' "'''ry whi' '"","able .. , . 1'n:f"T'';''C' .nd.
... " "''''''. )'t'.rningly- gh'Cn ,be whole: ground- one: begAn in the .. "m.
" it h u.. otuc.ring. ,he Ctnt", ,husby nalTt>\\"inll drwm ... u..
tOO"'"' (_ J. To rnm any """" of how a gt'og"'phy of "'" ronc<!"'ric. m
...:01'1"11 a "key" and ,be I"'"",n.ioo of rings innet and r.>U''''. SUI"''''..-ntS
in thos f"'S>&" 00 n.." ",-o..idtd geography of o/:r>-.ont and Vlnu
ally rcqui ... ,ha. om" .... and =''''''':- bt ",.d'i ttetO and ,,,...,-and tha,
"n:<Io" .. the (lkpthkss) fron .. 1 foce un.dor>lood .. upcning f<ttl)" 0000
""'ClUrn" .. ,h. (f't1"I<'".bl. ) ..... J .. ".,. "Ti'e bou, \VIut/ MaW"""'" of
',h" brigh' ha.d ",.<1>1. of so s.ran&" an 0110)'. one racc of which is somt
body'. righ' .nd e. se and ,he o.hfr ><",lOl><>dy' and ,,'.ong- ('4J). If
indeed -faee" ."d "back" "h<:. uttfully become op'ional for the 'pc".tnr:
11,.,;,; boc.",", "'<to .nd '''I'!l<>. ,he s,,.,,,h, or -rigltl" ond ,he -turned" o.
PO"" ned Or "wrong: coo''''.-ge JO n. rruwl) ""'0 what i. no< " men: pun.
n'ng ")Il.b!.:. 1><" n,lItr.n anatomicol douillt "",endrt whoot int<rest and
dt .. ",btli,y J.mes (and I can only ;010 h,m in IhiI) .ppu ... by ,h .. 1m>< '0
h .. " apcricnccd ... inuhaUStib!.:
'0 CM:nW. the importance- 01' "ngh'" and KKn< orb.,. ,,-ortb (do
"'<t. CTCCt) from the Lalin .. C1 ,n n>roJi.""'1l for ........ 1>rr,,'Cm. .. io.
...... t'ttlo .nd ,"'..., of"'" p .... scn'cd anol <'IlJO')'cd body- "For ,],., d ....... ,
t", .1" . y .. by ,be wry J."of h,, &""'u" no< only in" po<Sibtc rillh,
i....., ftom ,n. riglltlyconcc,,"cd 'igh' plac!:, "" Joe, much ttlOr'< than tlus -
n.:, belt""" . ir ..... iSlibty, in ,h. rltec""ry. ,be I''''Ciou, ti);htne of,1Ie pI.ce
(wh"ever 'he ;.s"e). , .. So 'hat 'he pol", os nu, In 'he Ie." what '0 make of
it. but onlr. "'..,. okhglllfully.nd ,"'..,. donln.bly. ",hOTe to put onc,.lunJ
on it " (A" III Ill."'" possibk nglll from 1M tigllllycollCCl,,,,d ligh,
phr.ue like ,htS one """ ",fer a, ,he QIt1CC . ilt1CC .o...., "$I",iglll-
(propcrOfco,wen. ion:>l ) '''''''''' of from.he "$I""gII. - platt of con
"'pt"'" and 10 ,he ",cui i ..... from <he ",cui pbu of COI1C""J'1K>l'. -$Ini,-
onl)" in ,he ,.,n"" of plt.o"nl>l)" ughl. Wha,c\ .. r ,he "Wtu: - nothingis tigll'
U'<'I we tightly im.gine il .-
This f.mily of words. ,nslS,ed on :as in ,he"" eOIUIT"ct;ons.l""it lvdy
l " ",,m in j ame" I.te wtiung (the [IO"o",b: well"" the p",fac .. ) if ouch
sylLoblt$ cnjoytJ so"", prN'kg<d :accns to ... ,., ......".., of f.n':HY-
- This is 'M chlrn"ng. tM tormmting. tht ete.rull",k nuu .... to be nude
righ'. in.U , .... " .. ,., .... S ofsil, ..... thrt ..... nd 'app,ng on goIdm ruils; .and
I should take 1"',1..1'$ t OO f.m'$Iic a romfon _ I mean ""'''' !WK tht >m
foru of ,he anise ju .. 0( til<: r;aw......-net off"",,..) ,n .ny of such
""hk,-.:d (69). Nor.:as wc1l ",e. il,lI<: a<$Ocl.[td i,., .. "., .. ioo "f
.he h,,,d a' .Ilk", hquent.
Considering th .. TM An cftM NOvtI is to""n (whcn discmsed at aU) ""
the pure" manifcs,o for the pos<ibili.y of "'b"nic fornl .nd the POW"'- of
the OJ}, ... ni>mg <:cn'ero( rOtUCiousncu in 6ctlnn. " tS Slnkmg haw much 0(
"COn<,i,u,cs . ntC,,-"ndllm of misplacnJ midJl.,. Thot", is nothing "".
problematic .bou, <:ClUtrs orC\fC\lmfen:nccs in any o(.M prd"ac.s. James
"'I""w of
particular vic. ofth n;'ti< 'plrit. again" ,,hie-h vig,I.,K. Iud bc-tn <1<.
tined from the firs, 10 el ." i,,,,,lf in v>in . nJ ..... eftm of",hieh....", ,h..t.
'g,in . nd"'" ...... ly. tnCU .. bly. th. cen'", of my Slructure would in
sist OIl rI.ciog itself n<tC .., ""p k. in tM . [ urge m)"Klfto tlu:
("". oold conf......, ,h .. In b my "'" tht
"'E""'< <ftI1'" .u1!Cdcd in grt."'Il inco proptT J'IOSI'1OIL
Tim< .Ii., ult1CC. ,lint. "'" tIM: ptttJOu< ... or gtnlle. <Nddod anJ
b .. rI>J for bn, .. OUt" .. td ......... 1""><1""U) ,,"O!\CJ u .. lf. :onJ
in 'l'it. of deopcnt. "".IOO ..... nc . or in other ,,-ortIo easem,.} couTlter
pIoIung. to. r<>'nt I"'ril"">ly "'''' <h. knou. Th .... production< h., .. tn
fac . if I may be.., bold it. ,ptcl<>u< and spurious ccntrel .ifog<"[hcr.
' 0 m.le up for.n. f .. l"re of\hc true. (III'
"Cen, .r" .. beu'g....,d In ..... y m .. . .1$
much as ,,hen it Iud CO<lJured.he impoo:sil* by ",IOCh. I\.a, round
.,.tc<I.J1Ion"l"'ttStlUlltttodepth. He'" it offersa p",te" fOrtht romally ""
rb"" M1,hropomorpluzation olthe """",las a body. a body c.1cbrated fOr IU
..... 1 ofbcUlg ''''''Y' """" dun at risk of "pc"""",,,- .......g.ruzation around
-p"nlou>ly" dBplac-.d and kJ.,',kn,-n zone But. ronfusingly . hue spo.
0;11 melaphors ",fer to ,I>< in, u,,,I .. ion among ch.1r;oC\ers poin .. of vic-....
(e.g .. , "<em"l1 of (''''SCiou''''''''-) but .!.so (.nd qlll10 incommeru"nbly)
to ,h" rel.t ion oct wce n t he fo rs, half and the 1.11 or (or n ,hropo:>nlOrpni("".I1)".
the l o' ..... r and/ or Im"k) h,lf of .""h n<neI As when in th. p",f.u '0
D.wt t1i'b""".ic<llIy probes - II>< bller h.lf, that i:s <he f.lic
and JcfOrmed half" of the ....,..,1. nuUllam,ng h .. - fr h.1nd- for - <he p"' .
1t11l111'<)1 cunnmg qtJt$. for <ht -'P'" " ........ okfonni.y .... bq;un- (jO'- l ).
[oro ........ n. :;u 11 is. no-.."",r. m. ",13,,,,,, bet ... ..,.,. t .... hill ... u not ,,"hose
,.,ry I"'rilsC3n bcplc-;uu ..... and "tIosr pl w ........... . hr
)<tn..,. cdrbr"C"s In TI.t 1"r<tgir AI",,". cornp.ctnas into whkh <ht ,mag;
n"ion nUl" cUI OS ;n,o the rich den"' y of wc-JdingC3ko. Tb< mo .. 1
of.1\ ... hich 1 fear. " .l"'rhJps tOO 1I,,,i.lly. but th .. ,]", thick: Ihe
f.b<:. the s<:cond h.lf of Ihe work bef"", mo .. . 1'''''''''''' th.1
</fon ., In. w:ry 1011 q"lle <on'"lIb.i, ... m i15 ..... y highly 'g",e.bie.
"I'",m- (A ).
And""",. the .nthropomorphic fTUpping of tilt.., .... 1>"""" (n.", C<>ll
K:t.IIt:ly hottl1 .he .. n n,.,.... in,,1\" gf t M !heater. -n..
lil"$l hill" of Rnion ,n.iSlI e> .. ron figuring 10 mc: .. ,I>< .ng< Of ,he.,,,, fur
,he ""O!Kl h.lf: writt$. fOr irul3n<:c. ".nd I h", .. in !,,,,ncnl g,,,,n SO
much ' p'ce to ",.king ,he"rc prop"io", .n .. my h. h ... h.,'C ''''' oftcn
pro"ed ",.ngdy unequ.l - (Arl 1!6 ). Or. ;n ''Cry ilifl"eren, kind of ""I'P1l1g:
"l"lI.c novd. as brgdy p .. Engh.n. is ,he pcrfect I"'",dtst oflhe
Joo.e enJ. Th. ploy cot"",n,. to logic of but """ IlUtn.rrul""Uy
nglll. and .... ilh til<: ",,-.nd [aJgross ... iml"'nlMlKe on its surface"
T() trOct 'M'ationsm,hr:so im.>ga through ,he ....... Id
"" .... .... quoting from (b,e ... lly) .. ry .inglr I"'gt: oitll<:m. A efficilon'
'1'1""0.<1. ","OUIJ M.I"',haps. to offer someth'ng b,;"f in the w .. yof. k';
COt] of. few ",fthe ,,"Otds and ""man,ic dus'.rs 'hrougll which ,ht
fisting work. in Ihc"" p ... faca-siner Ih ccunml.ted and digested
rodolcn<o of I"'rti.uLor 5ignifict'$ is One of 'he < .. j a"' e> mo.' t.o..slS
of <njoymg in "my .. r uggle 10 k""p cOlnl""""'" rich. if IlOI. Mner .. ill. to
kep . ""lo,u Wlnp"' .... d-
II, .. in ''''',Ott of oK.nng thIS Lu;ictm. I fUI'P'* I ....... Id u y .."..,.
thing .bou, wh., II i.,o hfar ,I..,... richly ,cCf.""d . Imo.t .kh.",;.,..llr im.
bued signifier>' 'n Ih" highly ""y - and m= g("" .... Uy l><>u,
Iht kUlds Ih.llh" n:.ding I suggell may offer '0 a psycho-
'n.lytic ""erp"";",, pro;ca. In her psychuarulyll< wort. on james. ""i'
511 '" rm. n ded. htrsc If (lOr OOX' ""rticu I .. 111 one I"' rtirula. pn:f.
ace) wilhng to n,k ... viol.ung a fund"nen,:I.ltmct orJamacriticwn_
'ht '"net Ih" no m:mer """'lundly "'S&"f"'" lhe Moster's language. il
c.nnOt h" ... sau.1 import" ("Too E.rIy '65). I'm un''''1r with 00 on
lILa, one Un"plllLa, ' 0 hur how vny oprnly sur
James's nude: pos!Jbk only by he. strange lmistrnc:e , .... ,
... couldn', ...... knov." 'hey jamn's crolJc .. ed m..lion .0 his .. "ri!,
ings and ... 111 her ,.."dlllg. Ii go'I"...w by "uncomc:iou$ dcso n:
"', .... ,h.n an org.nlZlI1g C<MUCtOUoncss': annon:d .g.1t1SI un,,"an ted .. If.
ja,.,., is di.lg:nosN by Sd,,,ntWl as h, ... ing Jus def ....... " ... _
<\I,dy in pl= 'gal ... ' surh .n u",,-cirome <fucU\ "ry. (149). I am "'ry ""ger
,h., j.mes'. "" he.rd. bu, th.t il not "" heard with this In-
sul""S pmumplion of ,he he,,,, q>I"emolug'ol ptiYilcgc_.
an "hed, f unhern",,.., '0 Si I'",m. ns W1a1tir..1 i"'tslenee on 'iewmg >CW-
ali,y elelush"ly '" lerms of .lId 5<;lf ignoranee. When we tunc
in '0 Jan'e.s I.ngu.gc "n the ... i, is not 5Upu;or. pri,-;Iegcd
on 5<;"".1 n .... 'i> .. h,dJcn from himself: rathe r. it i, as an
,,,.Ii.,,,, ol](..,d the of Ul.ring in his ""hibiliOlU5lic ""joym.n'
nd perfomu",c "r . .. ,.ual"y orgJnizcd .round Indee<!, i, "'"
." desired", .I" ",, - wh,eh is 01", ltappily ''-' 5-:1)", ... an .udi""e.
Somr ,rrm, that partlcul.rly clamor for indwion in this liule I""icon-
th""gh Ihen: could be mon:o and indeed, any ", adc, of ",,,n lhese
p.IOIgcs i. hk"ly 10 be able 10 gene"'e list ofother n:pe.,ed, mag.
""Iic . nd oli on enigmatic "snifieN: Ihat would need 10 be added_ a ...
fOND/ FOUNDAtION.IS.U ...... 'IT. .UCIU"T. ..
'lAlf. aoo, a. We 1La,-e aln:.dy Ottn . 'C"T and a group of ,,'tiNs .round
/ n:q/. ...... c;T. "(0 ..... ! pick the!.e ,,-oms OU'
not brc:IUSl' 'hry an: commonplace " !>grunc .. In ,ht ro",..",
"onal phallic tttOde . tttOde , .... , "'as Jamn ... but mst .. d bea .....
each undel'lll'cm lOr h,m "'hat nl)-.cir. , .... , e ... m .... r chang<' . ,be relt
r"'mrnt.tlOl1. rver ..... ly ... on <he <:umpie before .....
t .... t mabie>: , ... ..."... ong,,,:lllyronununlCoted to make fi-t:<h .uxI possibly
. d,lron'''' Icrms for the new cmploynwm a""''''''g it" (Arj 2.19).
... h "I"'n. 00110- " i, condc">e>- a junelu", betw. "n , ... erotic f.m..,,
1"" $t, ."d ... ""C OspcCl or upcru of its p",formal"" dimen

1'0' eumple, mNf) is one of Jamn'. most chcnshcd ,,-onIs.
"Iotn oued ... If-deKrip,,,,,lY' w"',"", 'WIKd to the Y""'ng .uthor',"6n>;
fOo<l g<><><l "f compo5l'ion" ('JI , to the oIde-r"fond f.bulist" 0 ,8). 01" to
,he" fond complacency" (1t) ofa p"rsoo,fie<j fiction_ It marks II", placo:
of the au'hor:' in d", ..... ,izlng lunuclf as ill but I\oodcd wi,h ..,If
.t.sorbc<ldelus;on cmb.o ........ nn11. bul equ..tly Whm
he .peaks oflumsclf as hnmg had "fond you don', ,,-hctl>er
you'''' ,he",/Qn: mean, ,o...,;t ...... ving been a bd idea at " .... tl>er you'",
.... ring. in James's phr ..,. tbe "iUrum:nt "uJ,ibl1" of an ebuon J105""
siI>Iy (JO). Bu, ,..., ... Ir"bso<bing "fOnd' marks htm. 1:' tl>e
5:1"'" token ... all but 1l00drd ... ,th I ....... ;" .... cathnc ..... rgy. ,..., ..... 'K).
of fond of . . ,S<>mn>tte- UI as lo\'U1gly and ;nten:>t
cdly ",d;n,ng 'OVo'"nl 'ho other. usu. lly younger nulc figu .... tions in lhis
in .. r /on, person. I d .... ma ,1m ""g and ;nterested ":ill sublimely and r:rhap$
II1lk f.,uously" (111). The f.t uous "fond ....... tion of deligh' and >elf.
dtllgh, .!n:.dy nv,.blc '" t"" C:I.lifOl"ni. journ.1 p..s>ge Ii ""orp woof
OhM f. bric of,..., pref.rco: "' ncloned '0 retn><pt. he fondly uk!. under
,hi; h ,kw.rd VH:w. his ",hok unfolding. hi; pro<rs5 ofprodumon. for
' hrilling ,.1." (. ).
Or. " "h d,ff"",,,, u5<; of ( mph ali.: "Indined to r<1msp<<t. he fondly
,.ke . ... rd vlcw. hi' wOOle unfolding. his p,-oc.,ss of produc
,;"n, fur. ,"nUi"g tole,- That }'"'/ ,j 31"" Iht F",,,,h word for bol1om m'r
.m"lIy w;,h ,he n:lro>P"(I : the "backw.rd vie"': ",,,n ,,;th
'h" "thrilling lale: fondness: Ort,,' .... "","ph"$<;< j, in one
pn:foce. noay lie ,n his w,llingness '0 """ m.",1y for .n 010$ (Art 83).
The be,,,,",,,, foooMSS aoo lhe fundament u,mds. ". "'cU,
10 james'. ,n ,he fOU"OAT'O". ,n ,..., highly (and a"'"y' :m,hro
f'Omot"pl,,<oUy) ar.:hitcttu .... l " '''h which'" d a;b .. his ornb"ioru
for the: of h .. work" """pi)' I thmk. ,n an)"
"n",lC 'he baSLS and glou"",",orIr. of which roruoous of 01"'-
It "the d,fficulty produa:.! by tl>e loooe founda,1On .
'ha, b .... ", ,..., hean The ""'m ............ g on tl>e ....... ofh",
I.'e ..... wrily '0 ]"',L/. is con,""ucd to .ociutccollJ"C. '0 ro ... "uction
a' '"Y OOS!, to driving in dct:p hi. "tTlkal suppor's and 10)'1ng.CTOSO .nd
fi .ing hIS horizontal . his .... ting pk(e<- ot ri.k of no matte,
wh .. vibration from tilt. "1' of hi. m .... tcrh.mmct. This make< 'he
,.Iuc of hi' hosi' immense. cn.hling him. ""h his n.nks protCClL-d. to ad
.:lIKC" (Ar! '09), !'{lnd, 'hen. i, whe'" tho <he .. rics of ,han,., . aff,,<;.
' ion. a"d dhpl.y are brought tog.'hcr with a eomposilional prindple and .,
' he .,me tinte lodged firmly," <he of the ,ignifior, in a pankular zone
of <he eroticized body. (See al>o, tf this were a <ompleter lexicon, J.omcs"$
quasi arrhitecrur:tl. quasiamhropomorphic use of the tern" ARC", BRAC
WHtC"T.) Anolher Ih;ng n ",. kes..,nse 10 me to sreml.,e . bout
FON": that <hi' 'yll.ble PfO\ides vib",tory b.", in <h. "fun" 1I"'t
James was so fond "f pUlling'" Aina,ious scare quotes: "For <he inf.TUa<ed
.rtis<. how ",any <opious 'prings "f our ' fun'"
"1< all <omes ""ck to ' hat . to my .nd your 'fun" - (34J). AO
An importam pJirof pi'"Ot word. ,n ,he pref3ce< is I .. ul<. nd ASSIST. Each
is significantly charged by .1Iu.i"n tD Ihe obstetric scene, .s wll." in-
ju,,,<ion "Hand, off .ltoge,her on nu'""'. part!- (Ihough "suictly c"n-
IS said to rtnder imrossible -any f.tir .nd Sl"ely , .. of
.nythi"g" (Arr 337-JII), Each, too. like .. 'hidl oughr
rightly to "'parale iexicon entries. i 1>0 'p"dfic to 1M compositional
or d",matk sce"c. I \" ",marked on hov.' the rum ""i.ion of tbe
books 3 nd the. SO '0 >peak. "'po", nt' ng proc= "flhe see m to conte
together in the signifier Is,",. The "is>u. " is nOt only Ihe edition .nd the
child nrother cmilt cd n,.lt .. but the binh the dl annel by which the
i'luc issue', 'he "I",<\ible right issue from ' he righ'ly(om;eil'ed right pl.,."
(1' I). And as wi,h the "b.ckw.rd view" of ,h. fond "n:trrupttt: as also ,,;th
<he ",,,,cis' hal"" .. the ,empor.1l co.n be mapp<:d .,,<hropomorphi
c. ll y.s 'he .p.nal. tht pasL issue the posterior issue: "When it
Shall <Ome to fitting. historic-.lIy . nything Iike.1I my many .mall children
off<mC)' with their pairof progenitors. and all my n:produC!i'" UntOn. wi, h
<heir frui', I sh.ll .. em tD my backw;n-d eonsciou$noss in
the i",.ge ofa shell charged and recharged by the Fat .. with p><en<
a"d ;nf,lI iblc e'plo,i,,, " ('75).
Like IISU . ASstn seems '0 by alluding '0 'he of birthing:
" 1mb the obstetric h.nd ""h the applauding on . d'e with, not
pnblic.,;oll . b", ,he.,er. In Ihe rn:face to TIt< of rlt. !).-ny, J.m
seem, hOI h r 0 ."'u me 'he all nd in g 1"'-'";011 of, he 11",,,1". maslC r rhysici."
Sir I. u kc S,ren , "' ,a me <ime. tllrough a chain of 'u gge'"'''' seman, ic
10 ""write MIlly The.le'. fotal .. a pregnancy ., which
",,'Quid h" 'C qrr; t e honestly' 0 ... ;,,": he r ill n . .. is de$ignar a, -,he interu,"
in); with inten$iti .. th., "Guichn - .nd ,h.n "crov.,, ' : het P:O" in ,h.
""ne r i. ",h. un.-urp>S<oIblc aCli\'ity of p.> .. io""to. of inspired res;"ance,
Thi. la" f.ct was 'he re.1 issue. for <he way grew Slnigh, ... - (189).
lI u' it is Ie .. c",y to 'ay whkh ","""of"."i".- tho 0bs,etric OI" ,h. t!>n'ri-
" I, is op<:rJli,'" in ' his .ccount "flhe play of poi'" of view in TIt< Ammran:
the wmdow of[Nt:wm.n 'sJ wide. ,uflidemly wide, eonscious" ...
,",e ore .... cd, from ,ha, . dmirable posilion we 'assist: He therefore suo
premely ",atters: all <he re .. m"".rs only as feels it, ,rr ... II, meets it A
be. utiful ",r"uation tbis, Jlw.)'" I think. the inten,ity "flhc creath.., effort
10 gel into 'he 'kin of <h. crealUre: rh. act ofpe=n.1 posse>sion "f one
being by .nother at its complele ... , .. So much rem.m.trUe then on beh. lf
of m}' in" inc, of nlul'iplying <lie fin. touehes by which Newm.n shouldl;'-.;-
and communkate life" (jII). -As.i,,- is in ""are quote. hcre . ltd ,, ', not e .. y
(i< hardly is;n James) 10 see .... h)- unless to point'" the ,,'Ord. double
mcaning (obsretric/ lheatrical). or unl.", to ,ignal Aic keringl). a. the SCalC
qllo,"s around "'fun" do, <h ... n01 quite I<-gitimate Freneh pun is slipping
'00", III Ihe bad,ground: in thiS eose, the associ.tion hetw.en being "".,ed
:It ' he ""ndo ...... nd. -from that . dmi .. hle po,iti"n: ."'is,in&- A<ri<l<r (a,-
,."don g. as "t ,hild or the al, r) and, """,i, (It> 'it) attn", .ct "ally'" I>, ed.
"Ven 11\ French. hul thcy do sound . Iike the resona", syllable /W- . And
firm though i, mo)' be wi,h . n orrh;,eClural lirm"",,". <he unC>p"ctedly dra
m.tic ossocia,ioll' of the sca, . in pankular of the ... lished ''''pl ... at. the
"imm.",." "b.,is.- -wide. quite suflido",ly are well attested in the
prcf,cc., A, one "f the wind"", . for . al which J.m.s has done his
W"''''g. -. 'great hou." ... gloomed. in dusky brick. "-' the exnt of m}'
vicw, bm with a v." <on,..,nicnt n"",,,,I;,) which I found. soon enough.
protective and not lnquis;<i,,,. so <hat whate,'cr < WaS of my
M. and ""gular h, hitS took . >on "".lth of <"olour from ,h. !ptcial
g teyi <hob rown to" e of, h urfac Iv. ")'$ before mc. Thi.,urface hung the ....
Itk. th" "'Ost .olum;nous of curtams- It ma.ked the ' '''Y Oflhe glC>I
t!te"re ohhe town. To .i, forc."ain hour<., one', d k .... i, ..... "ssotn<:
how to o<:<upy ill the m,,,' ,un,ble way In the w",ld the proportion .. dy
ample i"'''r."" of the mightte", of dram .. " (A"
0"" !<:t of . ssociations fi,rall,his scatod bbo, h., to do with the procc ..
of digeSTion .nd prodoru: ..., .. bIt amoun' of'luot:ltion could
..,nocofhow fuDy thut I"'"u"", 1M bnguagr-ofd"'l""f..:es: 1 ArtJpio<k1
ils m:>lcn.1 in lhe: gankn of ",Inch .... he:", gm-o ... is
and UMafAbIe. IIUIIl h .. no S<)O)ntTdont lhlS' .... n " has 10
of" f"""'Xt ss ... ,hoil .. flhenpttssion. II><- h,tral squen"'S,ouI. of ,oa]uc .
This is lhe inf",ion Ihn. "" I submu. con' plt' cJ ' he .. rong mLl
lure. , .. II" 11 . sede""ry p.n" <MI 311). The mOSI .".il. ble l:tngo. ge for
digcs"ol1 i. , h,u more or I ... os,ensibly of cook "'g. e. ch " . .. -
<0 f .. as ,h,nk.bIe " .1I _ in cl..mka1. almos, in mySlical,c'ms",
W. can ,urely ",(OUn' for no1lung in 11... ...,.. ... b" ... m!lu' n', 1"""<1
1hrough ,t.. moribIc ofhi> ;""'Sin.auon.lw n,. In $im..-.
ing "."I.Iron hIS onl.Uomul1"' .... jn. bem '0 """OIlfJ' fusion. W. figorr lh. nlO<Wl. of 'ou",". ROIl as boIl.d .0 notlung. bu., .. .
in rei,,'" for ,h. "lit;' gi, ... oU'. '0 ' new.nd richer tU," ion. In 'hos ".,t
;1 ;s in due rou,.... QuI and ", ,, ... d. and a "">gre ..... m will.,,-. il ...
if il do .. n', 'p".k 11\05' nf its I..e g<'nial medt"",. Ihe good. Ih. w""dorful
i, hu. <It I hln'. ac>thctirally ktpt II lui .n .. in In'O new
re' '''''n .. " , ..... '"S 1"0< """,'one>. '1< fin.ol _uur hu bun ronsmu,od. 00'
its pnmt ide-ru;ly dest"")-ed. ... Thus if Iw 1> ....... ditr. ... n' and. tlunb
,u a .... re . k"'my . be,,,,, 'hing. (An 1)0)
Th. rroductS of cooking .nd of dlpion ",em imcrt .... nl!":.bI.-and
''1ulll)' im;$\s'ihle_l>.u,", neh is Ih. resull of pTOCQ< of rrcirruJ.
lion described ai if i, could go on endlessly. ""Iy adJing '0 Ihe of
(wh .. James usu. 1I y c. n.) , he ...... iduurn." ' he Ihl ns "pieked." "pi ueked" (II "
I}j\. or." in ,lit Cahfurnla pa .... ge.nd m""y 0I11<"rs. "fiWd- oul. CThe
long pole of .... mo' y ilirS and rummages 1M bonom. and ... .fish up sum
f .... gmcnu and .... Ioa of ,he submttged bk .nd ,I.. e>l,nct ron1Ciou<nr:l6
as .empt us ,0 picee ,lI<"m 'ogtmer" In II.. an1M', ,n\dltrtual Iofe.
J.mes $ay .. "The 'old' maner is mere. ",-acccp!ed ..... uqulSilcly .... .
assimila,ed .nd reenJOllo:<! the .... holt gl'O ... 'h of onc', usr.e:: our
fa, he .. u$Cd to ny' a blessed eon,p .... herulft namo for many oflhe ' hing:<
dccf"''' In us. The I."C of ,h. po." is.,. bo11om and SA> f. r.Slhe po,,, in
him I""'.il, .... ", "'''''Jlhing cI ... hi' aah." ""_ oflife: in .cro ...... ncc .... "h
"'h",h ,roth 10 kup one'. hand on i, is 10 hold ,I.. .ihoer .I"" 10 1M .... hoI.
bbyrimh of hIS con>ciousna:>. He (ttl< 'hIS h'nIKIf. good :JJ!hO")'
To .race ,I><- career .,r,he "..,..-d ..... cu '<T (poDlhly mdudmg ,t< ".,.,n
... pI;c;,Iy. ,ndco:<! n.mingly p<rtUnn.","" Va""", F .... """"gil the
p<"f.c< ".."tld be 10 ...,., .... "'IIh ,he dip,,",, pIo!.. One
",lnllM''''g u""'SO:-'
11K fu rthcr .nal",1> Of for ,lut nutt ... .al",.,.. .", ,.. ,II<" ''''''h of r.pture ond
vICtory . s 'he .n is, " h.lnd grasp' .nd pby. i, _ r mun "", "r "'"
,n.o,h ... :J .. I"" ..... nd lh, oboru .. victory. rnJO) ... d .nd celeb .. ,ed not U1
'he "reo' b.II before "'n" in"" m",., , hril"; Ihe odo.!s being. hundred '0
Orl<. '" .1",,,,,, . ny ron,...,.""". 'ml " does n', 'rTl\'e by any eur fiT"Sl procw
.. the "'" .... iduum of lru,h. Th .. " .. , ,ho dunn. of 1M pi<tu'"
,he e!<m ... ", 110 (OU1dn', bu, flush. '0 , ... " '"CT'f surf.att. " 'im ....... dftpt.
d<p<h of lfOrty ,han , ... "'"'" ob>ious. It lurked III ,t.. crude p<>!Nl> .. bu.
bunrJ """n,. , .......... thr att..",.,., the .......... .re it btcamr of
lhe r .. g .... "'" To .... h"'h r m>.yadd ,h.ollhc more: I scr.,chcd Ihuurf.oa ond
pe"", ... od. lroo "",no poICTl' . '0 ,roo in,oIl1u. 1 "o>lnl. I>.",e this
At I , . cro,diltgly. ,h .... iduum. ;u r h"..- "lI.d il.><:d. r ..... , in p .....
cnore of Ihu,d d, ."",l< .p.rk that glowed.t It.. core of "'y vision . nd IhOl .
I grn'I)' blow upon i,. oorno:d hlghor ond cI" . ... '. (Arr ,.
1 don', .. . m 10 m.u me I'"'f:act"Ssound much hu TIlt 5;k ...
1.A",b.<, ool}>mcs don a ''''}. graphic ""y of ligonng aut",,",,1 ",I.
'''''''' in 'Cnn$ uf tkrm:ll .... botation. All "."',.,, '"rt, he ronsodcrs" " .... In
""'ity or,hc Crt>"',,- efforl'o gtl In'O II.. ,kin of'he en:'ru",- \0 be ".
b"Uliful inf' '''>lion.- mJud. -II.. acI of pr...,..all"*"$<"'" of on<! bemg
by another .. its COIt'ple, t,," (Arr )7). blu,hln!;lflwhing 'hOI mark,
the ,kit, ... primary org. n for bo,h 'he gtn"'>lion and the con,. !;ion of
. ffert ""em. linud 10 fan'Uy of 'he skin's bo'in!; .... '1""
cifically by. hano.l . h.nd , .... , ,,,,,eM. Some ... unb}>mes f ......... for lhi.
... b".,,,.re clo'a. <lAC". Prench -Tha, wu my probItm. SO 10
$f>eok. and my gap ... - to pl.y ,he snullh:indfuJ of,-aI ..... reilly for.n
'hey " ..... wo<,h - and '0 WOO my .. ' I"",,,,,t..degrtt of f"""SW" on 'he
<""ng of inl" .... " " ()JO. JI ). Indeed. or \S. for J'1tleS,
"""se of "g,'S"""", of '"'e",.t. 11IOI"-,,ion . nJ lao!
,m, "'rilCriy "charm ,h.I1 grow. in propor1l0" IS Ihc "1'1"'.110 i, te,,, ."d
and " .. i", II. pu . , il I"""crfully 10 , ... \<Iuch" h u ). E",,, mo",
""" .. rfull). it offers" durablo inlOg<' for d,,: ''''"'>On ( ... hkh IS 10 Ny: ,'''
'''ten''g of tho ,k,n) of prnonit'icd characlers. A. ,,-hen J.mes sus ". ,ag
qUie, . I'm .... .Lou. you"g man of admirable ",-ho oII"en haho,.,iQn
10 wnom J.lnes h.d bolO" ba",ly w much .. "Owen
WinS""'" ncbuJO<Iund fluid. n .. y only. ,lit , ........ h_ found '11OUtlfin
Ih,. g.:ndcm.n; found. Iii>, is fiSU'" .nd. li>btt. IOrm fMc.,"
(''J!I 60; fint empt... ... addrd).
lind. of CDUtk. the 'nlma"on of by "">dUng. band up n
b>clu.idoo h .... thn,erof it' "",'n; in ,h ... _ , ,1M: flUl'P'" , ...... ter: "1\0 pn,,-
kg.: of thr Idlcr of .. 1<$ and lhe of flUppru .. mort deligh,ful. or
h>s of lhc 'uspcll$e and thr 'hrill of. of dtfficulty
JUS! 'his buSiness of i<x:>I<,ng for lhe un..,.,n an.:! the occult. In
$Chcrn<: h.lfgr:"l"'d. by lhe ligh' U'. SO 10 "PC.k, by Ihe dinging ""enl. of
lhe gogc .Ir .. dy in hand" (An JU). The secnllh' l chnSS 10 gl",..,.10 hand,
I,> puppet may nm :lCCm p.1nkularl)' i"eJplirabk by ,his lime. II is the $nlcll
of ,'"..,n as i, is 'he $mcll of .h,,,,,c. II i, Ihc Imdl of. cherished idcnmy
IlI:rf",,,,,,d Ihrough a pro<eo. of luming Imide OUI.'
Ckony. Ihe", .'" mOrt kxiron em"", IN. could be ....,...n 10 "..".k on
cump .... bk ""'Y' in the prt'focrs: [me",,,,,, only "'''TU. 'HEUn. GU"
UIlS. u .. e .... " . .,. ... ,,., UP."" ..... UllC" lhe HlcH/ un
" .... ".O.,E. U ... (v. ). co"n,, . TOGCHI .. C (adj.). .'CH . ,., .. C
(n. and y. ) . .. nE/ . .. '.,.. "".,.O .... TE, "."'Huon, ' 0." (n.), PAS<"" ..
nd 'O.UHo.n ... The ''''_y of .hese .. ""'"..,,., '0. among other
.hmS', the .onge of "'mol ' mu, obJect., body parts. .nd bodtly fan"""e>
."d pleasu",s dw;.mng .round the fi>1ing pham>Sm ic:
th.", a", Aickersof Ihe ph,lIu., Ihc WQ!l)b, ,he pr<m , ... "'eU .$ Ih. bo"'d
and "WI: Akke,., belw""" >!c. dy .nd cl"" ic rh)"h",s. be''''''''n In",rtI,,,
",1 Il.'ecpli"",, between and rdc.5<'. bel"""" Ih" .110- and
the au'otru.ic.. I hope il' evidenl enough Ihatlnc p,cl"oc do",.pond 10
Ihis ""y of ",.ding. whene1,.,t the nun<! is. <IS I h.,,, .. !d. KCessible_ac.
ccu;b!<::. Ihat,.. 10.hI: finer appe.1 of ... cumul.ted "good Sluif'.nd.O the
of taking il in hand II .U",
For m)...,I(. I am promptod '0 """, 'hr/ "uking" .... been.o my conscious-
...... 'hmugh!he ,,'hole of,h;' ... _. !he .... C p,anoCtlruff.""
un<k< che .... oudtoC the spong my hondo ""'" Co kd thcnucl",. full,..,
mOlCh """'"' did i. bttomr 0 '1""",,on, on In. I"n <>fIn. ><cumui.t,.d good
Sluff. of O<'cmlng """'endy .0 II"" {.In j4' 1
'111e .implc>! truth about . hum", emilY, a '""'1""'" "".n"... _ on beh.1f
"f" hith 'he cI.,m '0 <h.rmed m"ntlon i. ",.de, .. ",1m e, .. t. u"J", one.
hJnd, mute Ulw,.cly, .,"'c i""" .. ly. 1<' jWllfy that cwm; .... Ul. "'''', it
"",,,, . "",-:or<! the uttermo>1 end or .im of ooc', "",""'ng or <>f 't> (I'III'n n".
me""" conn<::XIO<>S; >lIuggko., el(h .. q...and ,n delia""", of ooc', f"I..N
;oJmotutory finger, ful ly and compktely '0 eol""'" iudf. (0\" 1]8)
,'CI , hott",,,. ridtIy.he 'otIl "'>pOnds '" iC. th,. cumuLa.".., and ><cumU-
l>u,,,.I.,.icon-drit,,n ",.ding "'''''' .. " a porlleulu, hen a p:tnl>i "'oJ of
",. J,ng- not ..,much btx.w.r " .. organil:.d around "suuili.y as because
il org;rnized .round the scn .. nlic unl. To 5:ly ,ha. "is te.hered.o.he
o< and thematic is perh,p"bo.o say ,hac n IS ur1<ub);""".bly (how .
c"" IInst obl)') ,e,he",d to .hc imcn,i,'cly hum.n body. H.rdly the
",nroc for that. re., ."uugh, 'he mOmemum of
che i, impeded >s much a. f.cil'l>1cd by ",.drug .hat indulge. or
hO<lo", Ja""''-' in,...,,,menl in ,he or (ao he puts III ,he
lieh (on.rang<' ) .ignifier."'" dum.y, "fond rhythm of ",.ding enf"",r<l
by any ..,,,,,,,,.ic .bso.-poion or seem. neccssanly to OOnstlluCc.
,""o",tkaJ ooiancc.
OJ" ToS'"'fU'" a. a ,umming up, Th., .hlng IIr: ... t fo be heard .. offer .
ins here is a ", hroryofnomo>ou.lity." 1 non.r: and [ .... an. notlC. W""n
I ammpt 10 do some I"" !ipCdf1cI.), .he richness . 1>0\" aU.he
"'plkll""" particular er<)tia. It is no! wnh .n eye to "",king hr.m
'n atmpl"of homQRxu.U.y ore,""n of Oll" kind" of"hom<Uual"y,"
Ihou!;h I cert.inly don't ,,-om, eith.r. to make him ""und as ifhe ,.,,', gay .
Nunclhol .... I do mCan Co nom", .. c 'he J.mcs of Ihe Ncw Yor!<. .diclo"
preface. >s. kll1d ofp""OlYJlC of, noI homo$uuahly." bu. quccm<'$S, Or
queer pcrfomlaCivl.y. In Ihi. u""S", '1uccr l"'tfoo-rnotiYily" is 11 .. name of
Slt'lcgy lOr the production of being. in ",I ion CO II>e afftct
"""me .nd .0 the Later.nd ",b,cd fKl of SliS"'"
I don', know )"" WNt d.,,,,,, m.y be wO<1h ""'kmg. on.oIoginUy. abouc
.n. qUttr pctfur"""i"lly I h.,,, bn dncnbUlg he",. ",ould " be ..... ful '0
>uggc" th orne of the ;woe;,.;o.u 1'", bren nuking queer porfor.
m.".,.;,y might Klually be katu,... of.1l pcr1Orma,I\1'yl Or useful. instud.
I O. "ggcst ,ha, tM tr;m,fo, malion.1 g .. m """of" ".. you" rna)' form
part nf .he perfo,m.,;".., ac.i,ity leen .. mus. intima.ely ",I ed '0
qUeer"e .. , by people ..,If ide""r,ed as queerl The usefulness of 'hi"kmg
.bout shome In rel.tion to) qucer- in """nt. doo<s "'"
COtnt from ilS .w.J>ng any utr. ctonainry 10 tM qutSttOn of ..... t
Of .>CIS may /)CO cb!.xd as "perlOmuu.,," or ","'t pt<>pI< may be: ..
"qucer." u,:l<t of all dot, it p ... tend to cit""" tlk- ... btion
nUS and .. meso 100 .... nd tIt., .... WI.., it dQes. to the rontrary. is pe. h, ps
offer sonIC psychol"!; 1n.1. phenomenol"!;in.1. ,hem.tlc density ""d motn-...
tion to ",h .. I dC$4:nl>ed in the in,rodu,tlon a, the "to"ions" or abc:";lJt(c,
",fc ... nce .nd penormati,ily. or indeed between qucemeu and
OIher ..... y. of uperwmcing identity ant! !ktire,
Rut I don't, el1lw:r. "''''''" 'o.sound U Ilw:tugh my project hu mamly '0
do ,,;, h reruper.Itl"g fur de<:ons<rurnon (<>tatOO allliQ.senu.1lst proJI'cts)
a queeme5> drainN ofspectfimy or poIlIical To ,Iw: Ofltnry: I
... ''''1 '0"""",, penorm.u,""y "'lemU ofhabt,ual stutnt and ilS tran ..
(onn.,;.,m op<lU a 101 of new doors for 'hink,ng obou\ idrmily poIi'ics.
It ",em, ''''Y hkoly ,hal ,he StfUCturing of o.-;.tiO!t nd . tt.chnt<n,.
oround ,he olfec, IS among ,hc m.m telling dIfferential' among cui.
tu"".nd timel: not ,h" the entire ""rid (;in be d,vided betwcn (.ul'fK*
"dI)' primi,h,,) ",h.tnt cultu",J" and (suppoxdly tvOI,"<!) "guilt culrure","
bu. ""her,h,u . ., an .ffeCl . .... "'" is a COJT1ponm1 (and ddfc ... ntly amrnp'"
nent) of aU. S1utnt.I,kc "'Mr aJfcm '" Toml..,,, uUSC' o f tbe tum. "''''''
a <liscn-cte In,raf'S)"Chlc >lNC'U .... but kind of("", radicll t"', (in ... m
people and also in d,ff,"",n' .ttaches '0 and po:munemly inte"",f"",
oralters 'he meaning of of almu<1 .nylhing: 1 %""" of the body. a ""SO'1
.ystem . p.ohihilcd or indeed a pe' mitted beha,ior. onOlher .ffec ueh as
anger Or arous:ol. a identity. a >ipt for inl<rp .... ing f'>ple's
beh,..;or to\>.rd .. lf Thus. on<: of (he thmp th ... n,..,...'. ch.racttro<
pe onohty is is .... cordofthe Illghly histoncs by ",llleh the /\C
ing emotion of shame luI tnS! 1' U,ed """" durable. stfUClu.iIl chanS'"'
in one', ... bttOnal and ttllCrpr('th" .,ratcgJCS , ........ rd bach..,1f and <Xhe ....
Which means. an"""g OIher ttungs. tha, thera""u.k or pobtical>tralC'
gie imd directly ., gening tid of indIvidual Or group sham<', or undoing
it. h .. " ",mclh,,,S P"'po!'tCNU' about them; 'hey nuy "worl " - they ttl'"
,"illly hove powerful dfect5_ but 'hey ",n', "",k m the " "y 'h'1' $.). Ihey
"'urk. ( I . nt thinking ht ... of. range of """",menlO ,hat dtill " 'ilh
... riously in .he fO.", of. (or '''''.'''''. the communal of th.. eml
tigh .. _ment, ,he inJt.vidu.nng pn.J. of "SI...,k is Be.utiful" and ga}"
pridt": ... nous fonru of n.,,,;" ....... " ...... ,' ,I><- """""mglye.hibtted dj'<"
thc sLnhead: thc uri)" renurust upenmtnl) Wllh ,he n:anung and
, .... "
1O"'8"",ndu'g of .nSC'r .. a response 10 shame: ,be tncCSI """"'"On
,.n' " e!""cmolos,eal >In:IoS on , ruth.tcU,ng abou, sha"",; and. of coww.
:.ny m.nyOthc ... ) The fOml$l. kn by sho"", arcnot distU1Cl "tOllie"
of. group or individual ;de",;ty that "'It be clrtscd; they .'" ,n, .. :ad tn
gr.l lo .lId .... idu.1 in the proce""", by which ldenn,y. itself is
They .1<0 ,,,1I.blo for ,he work of ",ftammg. refib'Ur.'K>n.
",,,.,figuration, aifccl;,,,.nd >ymbnlic lm ding defom,.lion. bu, per-
b;lJ'5 aU .00 p"'em for t he: work of p<lrg"ioo and drontological closu ... ,
If ,Itt "ructur .I,on of diffe .. "rongly bctwcn cultu..". betwccn
ptriods . nd bel"ffn dtifer."-,, lOrn .. of poI,uc", ",,","'"CT. i, d:tffe .. ilia
somply from one pnson '0 .nother a g"""n rol, U'" and litnt. s..n.., of
,.,. I"fant . child ... n. odul .. in "'hom sha"", renins tltt """" ...... il.IDle
of identny .'" lit< ones ",Iled (a reLutd " urd) $hy. ("Rememboor
'he fi fue,)" Lily Tomlin uStd '" ask. - No ""5 g.y in [he: fif!;".: they
w<fC jm' shy.") I'd suggest. migh' usefully boo \houghl of ... refemng
in ,he: first pl...,e to ,his group or "" ",,,rI'pp,ng group of infant> and chil
d",n, scrtSt of idcn[iry is for oon,.. reason lYnN trIOSt dur.bly
to the notc ofwnle. W"'t i. '" abou, ,bern (or us) ,"'t thn 'fUC
... mauu '0 b" >pilill me"" thai til 1M sen... tM' I ",n'l teU you """'"
""""t it .. - II ;.,.., a SUlgle thing- but abo In Ibe..,1I5e ,Iut, lOt
!hem. il ... m.ins to be lpedfied. '" aJ.. .. ys b"lated: the wmedtline .. ed
I'loee of idenmy doun'l de,ermine (he consiJ.ency or m. ' '''''g of that iMn
Ii.)". and r e. , I . ... St>u,l;t}". appo: .ran,c. and .hle<!n:I$ a", only a
few "r Ihe defining soc;.l ,onSlrunion, th .. will crpl.niz. ,here. d",,,Iop'
'ng fr o", ,h .. originary .ffeCl ,h.i, panicol .. >lructufCS of ..... .
ativU)" plcuu .... and >trusgl<:. I'd .'Cntun: Ih.t '1u_ss in this smx h ... at
thi, hi.lorica! moment. 5OI"t>t dcfini.tOn.lIy '''ry signllic:an, "'''rllp. though
a .-;branlly clastie and temporally ron,niuled one. w,th tltt rornpIcx of at
tribul e. t<><by rondtn..,d ., .dul, Or .d.:tIcsan, "g>yneu.* Evcryone: l<no\I. ..
Ih., , .......... son,.. lesbi.n< and g.y ,nen who rould ItC'o'Cr coun. :l< queer
' nd o'hor propl. who VIbrate '0 ,he chord of quur W1lhoul h.ving much
"nt< ..,x ero"d'm. Or wilhout routing the", mesex eroticism Ihrough
the ide"'i,y 1.b"I, lesbian or g.y I'e< m.ny of the penorm.,i", idenmy ,,,.
th.t .. en, n'OSt rKogntubly "Hushed" (to u>C", wonll " 'I,h
""'me cono";ou.""", .nd '"' .tivity do du .. ertm lnutely around Ie ..
bi'n and gay worldly To namconly. f ...... , bulch aItjrction. femmi
'od<. lu,l\<,r. pn .... n . ling. aUiludo. h",non;,
cum. "" .. ridsm. s.. .. p! cuhore. wv;o f10nd relogiosl(Y; =,. "'''rd.
And .ivism.
SII."", ;n .. ",.", me poluically. ,I\<,n. i, g<n"r.'n .. nd kg;"m.,,,,,
,he of !den, il y - I he que."on of ,"'n",y - a, "'" orig,n of !he impu b.::
,0 ,he ""rforma"',,,. bu. docs SO" 'Uhoul ginng "':" idtn,,,y !he ... nd.
ing "f.n essen.,.,. h coru,;,u,,,,, " .. ",hich is also '0 "y.
a Iready there for ,he (ne<'c>sory. produo;'",) mi<con5lru.I."d mi.:(og.
""iOll Shame-liv;ng. o. il doa. OIl .OO;n the mu,cI."
f;aa _ KCms 10 be unI'I""ly ront.glOUS from""" p"NOfI '0 >nOthc:r. And
,hc con"giousnas of wme: is only by irs .... morphic.
&\,sc'1"ib,lity 10 ""w .xpresstve gro,nn,"rs.
1'10"", f. clS .uggc ... Ilhink. ,h .. osk;nggood que.llon, .OOUI .ham" .nd
gCI UI son""h,, .. wi,h kJl of 'h",
knoIs ,il:II ,;. the ..... I, ... ""0 Ihc gulJ of itkn.ity pob,ica- yt"1 " ilOOUI <It.
icgn, the (cit urgency and 1"""'" of ,he l1OlJOr1 itstlf. The
dynamICS oftruhing and "fidtological or in,riru,;"";'l pogroms.);1<o. Ihe
d)n.n"" ... of mourning. arc incomprehensible wi,hou, 'n understanding
of . han"". Survivors' gu,l nd. mO .. !,'encroU).!he pol"in of guilt will be
benc. understood ,,'hen we un sa Ihcm in sonY rdllIon '0 ..... .sIippery
dyn.micaof shon ... .hot , he Ame: i5(ruco/"l'" pol"icaofsol><4rnr
and ,dtn, i/ic.rion: p" ...... ps 'hOK." well. ofhumo ... rnJ I'd
if l"'""n. hc.;e.lly. W'n' '0 .uggc.' ,hot m.y g<1
us. 101 with .he phenom<:no generally coiled -
, ... norion of p.arody ".t!!. :and mol1: ' 00 ' .... n "iU any OppOSition be""""n
"dtp<h" and surfac . " AnJ can any""" ... ppos<: .rut " 'c' U .. "r figul1: OU,
wh., around polilinl COfTe<'I ..... if we don', sa it II. among
Olhe' Ih.ngs. a highly pohllctzeJ eh.,n ",.oion of .h,,,,,, d)n.m;q;'
I, h been .11'00 eosy for the psy .. holog .... and Ihe few psych""".ly'"
w","klng on WfTJI' '0 " 'n,,, il in.o ,he rnoraJl>rru <>f,he "'f""'Si'" hy-
1""""'is: "he.llh)' or unMallhy: can be ..,..n .. good boa""" il
pcnc.""" pn'1ICJ.nJ bad " coUudu ... ,m ..,If-rep"""'"
or $OC1:>J ""p""ss,on. Clearly. ne;,h", of ,\\est. ,...luarions IS ,,h.\ l"m g<nong
.,. I w.ttl", say 11,.1 a,le." fu.e.,,,;,, pc"!'l . is 'in'ply
,he fir'S! nd rem.iru a I"',m.ncn, ... ruaunng fact of idt!n,,,y, one .ru . ,
J",n..s' aomplc SUggU1S. ha. ,u ov.'n. l""'"erfully and po .-. ...
fuUy soc"'! mclan""'phic poNbtlil..,.
,...,f' "
0"""" <In Pi...,k '" "'" ""_ .. _ ... aid ""'J load b<m pobIo>hN -I
Iwd til< m.n"."o ' Iook ",,I .r><! """' ...... ""_ ......... 1 lOr 0I.:I...., ... k.
,hor m""",,,my .... of ..... p>d !nu...,..rwl "'nn< ..... of "'" .........
"" .. , ,I>< m.,,' /ru, .. , of on< "',I><u .-ob<; ho. btcn ;",',"",d, Ioooog no O<r' p
'" ... ""tity r", m< pro(c ... by Ih< ",<1<1<", of my """'5 "'y.wlf hodlh< honou, 10
oIl<' tII<.;"w" ,1>0 ctwr ("" ."
, 'fh><_ ....... 1ht""""''''''<m<IlI''''
.... 1f1. " til< I"""'I?' I"',.... from """"""". "No dr.><I\d aid pw,..;, 01
,h < hoJ.I<n .... bk .. dhound .. tId ,1>0 tag 01 __ .oon <on ... for """.m,,,,,.
' j udg<, be11.rwl I. or it< be .. - (Ar' "b ..... .".".nsly """I .. , on "'" .. ", ......
, .... ... <ii, me"' (MI< til< Ie"" ......... ) .<UChor. '" tho ""':JI po>ttion '" "'"
"<>f""! 11M- or cI.1>< .....u.inll purtU<1 Th< Wf"1, '", """""" "'..,..! "'" "'*'".
"'''''II' I "",1<1 bt """. ..... bod. up .. "b til< nuU<!" 0IP"I'P<"T )0 ..... .
01""- """"' ....... , m..It. .. -;,h ,I>< pI>r_ "1-#0101.1 I"""""- 01"", 11>:1
.!en ,""'. io "'" '0 i"dr bu, , .... 1"'1"'''' fOm,. 01 ,I>< .. ric>t mtlodt. ml
..oJ .ud""'" . ""1", 11 .""" b.111 on (I<>< .,.<M><r) IJJo</t 1"",', CAIo .. Bu, IIklcnwd
.. ,I>< fl'l'P"""Y "',hi> " ... .", II< ,..., 0<,_ 01 ........ "'" ... .,. ...Jurin& ......
b- )om<>: tint. tb.I! to. dod _ ...... ., til< C,.;t "'or . .n.. br dto<"b ,.,
_I><, p<d>< ... til< .i<1"5" of /itt ...J bk...:I ....! 'can _'0 . >1- Mo.')'
(A., .. , ). onrI ......,..j, ,I>< """""",,,1 b,,, on"" fir""'ir .. of
'" OWn. ""ficJ '" "., P"PU'" no<looromllK form;.tId n.J;olon>,
ehnp"r 2
Bu!. in I.'>.",. ..,0..,. ',;r con""t dcdic>te-
wr cannOt coo.""'""- we C.llIlot hallow this I(rnund.
"Rut. in IHgcr SCtlS . v,,, cannot we CiUllOl conseCrJle- we
Ca"nOl hall"w thi' ground: I begin with this :Ie",once'$ on. ofth. belt
known tx.n,plcs of 3 kind of uttennce. a<\\l,lIy '''I)' common. Ih .. seem5
",orth thinking mOre about. Tho unCfJnCO' I explo", in th .. eh.plfr do
nOt fulf,l l the condi,;ons 'hO! 'he Briti.h philosopher J. L. Aust;n
I.,td i n his, l,ssie deseript ion of cxplkit p<rform.livc une..,n,'" prop< rl)" $0
c, lIed. In j(' Do n"'g' wirll I',\",!'. 1he explicit p<rfornlOti'" is empli
n<d in clu",er of sen,enCe' ;n rhe fi""p<<>,m p,..sent mdi"""ve
OCtive . bout whkh. Auslin "y>, "it seemS dcar,h .. to un.r the :lemence
{in. of course, 'ht "!'Propriot" circumstancc<) is no' 10 J .... rib< my dOing (.
'h;ng] ... or 10 " ... th .. I am doing it: i, is 10 do ;," (6). Eumplcs
AU"ini.n p<'rfOTm.,ivc incl u<k "[ promise: "I bet . . . .- "I bequc"h ... .-
"'I christ en . .. . - '1 apologize'- "I d,rc you: and "I ..,,,,once )'Qu ... .-
The "''''CnCe' and sentenCt I discu .. in 'hi' ch.p'CT do nnt.
a, I "y. f.U in'o this "",egol)' of uno..,n . WhO! is distinctive about ,hem.
,is all ...... Upl ... t. .... t"'" nQ{, that It.,
"''' ""<lieue or ,," """,by bu. dWica ..... "
con"'c",,,, Ind""d, it i. beOIl .... they ref.rto ordcKnbt elplki ...... nor "'"
r- m,.
'i""., os much as 1>."", they sometime> ""8". ,hem. th., thty do 'lOt
,hom..,!...,. f.J! on.o lrull category: thU$. a kick OUt 0(
hos ground- or We wish ..... hod comc(r'lcd ,, ' Oll: smtil>rly not p"rf,."
rn i,,, un" ... ",..,. """" though (or. J am '''!;g0.,ing. cnClly bteall..,) th
c.plici, ly ",fer '0 cxplid'pcrforn,.,,,,, ultcr,""e . J am '"'"'' gOIng [0 a:.
mit the AU'linism of ;0.""""8 a "",,' no."., fOr <k kind of uttcl'arIQs I
.n. do;scriblng hoe",: J .. "OU.Id like 10 caU them P"nptr/Omu"'ti. "S"ifYing
.h':II. though no< ,hem.d,,,, thty all: 4b"., perform",,"eS
and, n",,,, properly. ,I,., .hey aro""d pr,form"i,,,s.
Why might .hls he.n intorw,ng group'nl) to m.? M r '<gUtd.n,he
in.roduaion. .ilc:n. may be ... 1,,0 on .. mply ",,,,.roduang ,he: of
CURPU .h .. al'(! C'WIom.nly .hougu of in ' ...... porod D.,..
and Judi,h 8ullers dis<;uuioru of perfo,mail.lIf, fOT
an'rle. u, proceed IhlUl,gh analpa of ilJ .empo!'".d comrluuy: i .
e ... ,iorl. ciutionalily. 1M thai whole ,-.Ju.>bIc "'ptrt'"'"
of cono:cprual "'""Ie moo.'tmenl5l1u. cndlesoJy WC;n., """un .M (u.,,'"
1M p .... By rom ... ", lhe Ioc,l"" of pcrip"rfo,m.I"'t "' lodged in
o IIItiaphori'" of 5p. <e. I>criptrfo'm31i,,, UII.n""rs o..,n, juslabou, P'"
form. Ii"" ullcnnca in rctf:ffn" .. I ... nstc: Ihq d''''er around tlltm.1hq
aR' ""ar 'Mm or nt.I. 10 lhem or (..,..'ding them, IMy .... in the
neighborhood of 011< pcrformolh't. Uk<: the ",,ghborhood. in "'.1 elWe
ad'.l"'ripc:rfon .. >lh't neighborhoods h .. " prtSl'gious <.me .. (.he: uplio.
"II .... "".) bUI no "tf)' find <m:umr.:"'n>: )"'1 lhe: I""fri8"
of ,he: rem.rulcnJ. u"",.,nJy .... 'to "lIJ""'hnahly Ihrough 1M ..... <.of the
h 5mSICmpllng 10 us<: regiSlcula way of "ring 10 ..,figure
.. >me of .h. n\Ofl IIuhbo,n of lhe: issu ... he."lom artlcu",Icd O<dy in tern
porallcnns. In philo$ophocal ducuuoons of pt'rfornu.n-uy proptrc iMuc1.
for ... mpl . of mimI. of upuk<:. of the "'"'lion of illocull,," 10 ptrlocu-
"on, " 'l"',i.l1>:ed and 10c>lperfor nlalj,;,), jj .1110 hkdy 10 off.r $(Ime neW
COIICel'",al'ool. f<>r moving back .nd forth 'pe"ch act l!Ieo')' and
dr:Inuturgiocalperfornunc,,: idully. i. m.ghl ... .,,, nuk<: room ro.. lalking
abou. pcrfol'nu,,,,, .fftt,,.y in. ""y tho. ,,'OUkl no< ""ntroJuce ",,1><1'
Intenl;o".l or f.n":I.". h aoo "rike. m. Ih .. ,hi, 'p.llah d.
" ".J the p<'rformo.';",, " f .. mewoR. migl" oIfer ""'" and
.r<>" , had"" f.r"fpushmg funhe:, wnh III< Ahl>U>KlUn
"",nlO<""''' 11
<pi "f ill l"'?" .""n. """"
(OIl' me .. an wllh ALbI;ni.n u:\mplc of E do", you. E don: you
V' "' _fy "" "du.ll< A ..
Us<lficJcunl>rily.a1ongWllh u< protUl. ngo:. '" .... "'
g" ,--r ofl'" t.. ... hol;' ..... whkh "include lhc notion of ..,..,;0" 10
_.. .
nnk'. behaviour and and of .nnude. and of
",he' pe-, , . . "( , 1
..... 0 10 ds<:' p,j, conduct or Immlnen, <,,"uuct , - .
"t"....... " ..........--! _
10 do
JUOIict 10.M perform.,,.., fore. ':! ".1 !Ill.,,:, as......r-:- '0 "'
co, """" .. function of apressmg attnude<. ""I"nu, d ... mp;>C'
1' h-
" . as wdl .. the act of uncr.,l<t. To begin ,,;th . '''''''g 1
,ion <> . .
d.", )'()u" "".nsibl)' in,ol..." Imly .. singular first .nd "'ngular .JCcond per-
,on. il .ffcct .... I1) depcnds .. well on the .acit denura.ion of lhe: 'p;><e of.
Ihint'pc"",n plural. a-they" of " 'imcS$ - " .... , heror no< 1I,.,..11y praer>t. In
d,ring you to perform lOme f""lhardy .ct (lrllS(' up""" yourstlf ... ",.11
,,', .. y. , Will') , "I" (hypothetically . ingul>r) ncctssanly in'uk COn<Cnsus
<>fIll< rye. <>f OIh .... h inhe"" c)"'. through ,,\tich you risk,.", .. ,..
,,""; by !he .. nlfe loken. iI ;,: !U people ".1>0 stull' "'ill> me ro,"cmpt for
....... ma. ,h'lllI<5<' olhen.", inIC'pcIL"cd. wi.h or ,,;t!IOU' , "'"oonsrnt,
by th. act I h"" pe,formed in d>ringyou.
Now, 1""'1'1 . supposing them ",ol.nd prncnt. may OT m.y not ,n
fKl h"" any inl ...... in "'nctioning against WUWncH- They m,g.,. indd.
.... m ... h"s!>e " 'ussr and proudofi'. n..y nuy ",;.t, .ctr>"1y 10oppose. so-
d.1 o.der h .. "d on ,,""'''mpt for Ill< wuss, Thty ",ay <imply. for""" ... ..on
"" ."",hcr. n(ltldt:n,ify with "'Y comemp< for Ahcm.,i,,,Iy. lhey
m.y .... ptioc.1 of my""n tilt ongo ... g woron wu!$inc5s: .hey
!my ... un,,,n,ng '0 1c:;r.'C tht won.. of it< .rbll,..'ion '0 me; may "..,.,dc. if
I ".<bur "''' 'mh Itndencict mpclf. """.1.01 in my "".d
10 IOlt Ih" w.quollcm of For thaI m.ltCr. you )'()u ... lf. lhe PC""'"
da..,cl , may ""i.h Ihem '''Y ofthc.e ..... ... im<klt on .he: .... bJco
and nuyaddlllonally daub!. OT unin.creslnI ,no d,ri 0thor11Y 10 dmd'y
you On >cal" of ""\1SS,,''''''
Thu'. "1 you" inmxcs the p""umption. bUI only Ih. p",ulllption.
of. C.".,...n rus bet""..,n spc.klr.nd "';lJI<SS<:f. and 10 some "".on',,,
.U of thcm and The OS in Iht LICk of
a formub,., ""gall'" ""1"""".0 "''''g dom! or '0 bctng u".rpdb,cd 0$
"'It ... ", '0 d ... In d.", ;,.n ""plicit"": to not ]I< d>n:d, to un
d,,,, <.>ncs<lf or .nOlhe . is like I ... 10 , ...... 1M form of "I"'np<rfurm..'i",,: I
w",,', y<>u up "" h. Who "'" )'001 to <1.0", mco? Whoa"", ,,'lut you do",
"'" to do? The fa.a,ullng <lJ1d p""'-.:nul ,t.. .. of "'P''''' I"'nonm,i"",_
dUo, ......... I. dc:mu . rmunci .. ion. dc:f""tion. repu<l,a"on. "C<lUnt "'" c .... ;
gh'ing ,h. Ii. _ .. mar\;.,.j. in II"....,.. c..'''J irw ...... by ,he
proper'y "fbeinS much less pro"" '0 bttomins """"ntional ,h,n the "",i.
,i.., perform"i,-e . T"disime'pdl.,. from 3 peno.m .. ;'.., $ WIll u.u.lly
"''t''''''. no. on".he. e'pliri, p"rfo''''3,i,,,, nOr .imply Ihc of on .
bIll d .. n<lnre . d "",mi.l act of 'I"'nperfu,-ma'i''''. NeS"ti''''",
,end '0 h.,.<: high ,hreshold of ,"'".,;.",_ {Thus D.nte opt.k$ of refmal_
refusal throush ro-."nlicc - ,"" something -p"t "). If "''tu""" hnlc
p"'",na of mind to lind the comfooubk formula ' 1 d.1", )'0\1: but good
Ik.l """" for ,he d .... ,."n,,., ,odisimerpdbtc ... ,th "Ooo't do" on
my account.-
Not ... ,h.kss .... ,h (.,,' .. ,' f'\",,,bl . arc mack by 'he ulle .... occ
il..elf, "nd to t h .. eXttnt II i. necess.ry to und ... IJ"d .ny UIS.ance of "I
d"", you" os coIJS,itYling eri", in ,h. gmund or of .u.hori,y qui
.. much.s i, CO"51ituleS. di" ... ,. act. for in donng Y"".1n un<lcmklng
through any gi,""n ite ... "on to ",tn$Cribe framework of p"'sumf'\"'" ",t..-
tion. fl"I()tt dttply . nd the ... by 10 e ... blish more firmly my""'" ,u'hority
,0 .... ".pub.e ,hem. 1 J>bce undr ... """.he conscmwl naru", bothofthooc
,."Iu.tlons .nd of my O .... n .u.honty. To h ...... my do", g"""'.,.j ,,"h a peri.
perfilrn'a,i'" wi'TICf.SCS choru. of - 000', accept the d.1 ... on I)Ur ""roun' "
w<)Uld .. die.lIy .l!cr .hf 10(' .. 1. ,he poli,k.1. .he in1r.locutory (I-you.' h")' )
'I'J..," of our encounter. So. In a d,ffe ... ", """y. wl)Uld Y"'" calmly "aom-
pli:shing 'he d.", and coming bock to me. in 'he .p;occ dcmarcned by the
p .. ""nre of ,he .. me witntS$ts, with the ofmy..-comph.IunS
it.n ,urn.
Or I ..... join AUSlin;n ....... ning '0 his fi .. , and mo" "'n ....... ,..J. "'K"-
ably the founding. =nlplc of.he Clplicit penOl"","'''''': " 'I do(IC_'.u ,Ins
W"""n '0 be my Jay,fuJ .... "Cddcd ,,;f.) - utlered m.he cou .... of 1M m.,..
rial,'" ceremony" (, ), The: n,am'gc: "."'mot,)"". indeed. JO cent .... lto t""
origins of -perform>ti" ;'Y' (g'''''' .hc ".-.nS . dis.o,ow"d hut u".ttenu ed
!,",'I'$is' "nre of l or ..... ,'","'? in .h .. worl) ,h n..:on. .au .... '. name for
/I"", .0 Du Thing ... ,I. \\\mu migh' h .. " been /1_ , .. 141 ('" ...,.;,<) ./
hodmlJ of 'i"" ... ,,""", win.II"S op GM1 "",,,,rd d ... ,.... . ",,.,..d "",.
n. .... true both bcca"", most of.he ", do-, (or - ' pronoun ,hee man and
___ ) in ,he boola ... offered . s enmJ>lc> of,J... doff"",n' v,-'Y' ,h.ngs can
,,' 11< _ _
.. "';,h pcrform.ll'" u" .... nreo (._g_. bonu ... ,,'. ''''. say. married
., " or;' IS ,he ... , ..... <lJ1d not the <;apt"'" '" ho is conductmg 1M COC... -
.1""'" . ,.. .
- [ " D' bill c.."", mo ... bee,,,,",, i, is .. =mplcs ,hry .... offered In 1M
o""'Y .
6 .. ' pi<: - hena ". perform"i,,,ly. ,"Oided to ...... ncc. ,,""" M 0.. Tln'\l:'
"". \\\",11 ,1\", .. lea .... ripk S"OlU'" ""h ""'!'I'ct '0
in;13tHng''''''us he.erosexu.1 d)".dic chun:h. and s,.\c-.. oction.,.j
,,'r .1 t he dolinl"on.1 cemer of.n emire philooophical .,.j,Iie . 11 Y.'
...... the firs, n.,urU.ic device: of th.>., ph,losophy .he el .... of .hongs (<:.g..
po!-' rSQI"I.1 ch;;u";lC!ens,>o or object chole .. ) tha' un preclude or viti:",c
And " ronsITUCU 1M pMosophcr hlmKlf. 1M modern Soc ... , ....... a
"",n _ p"'scn'.,.j .. hishly comic: - .... hooc ",t..,ion '0 the ''''''. ,,;8
be (HIe of COrIll"'ui,.., . "I"""'P" "'PC:"""" and Y'" of ul"matl:
So. os Felm.n, work in TIt. til,.",' S"..m. /1 ronfi rnlS. the " 'e,,-d cen_
t rality of t he cumpte for pc:rfo.m.,il-i.y in i",'t enoly"
Ii gn ha, t tni" of ,II< ,ugh. is fo.edoomed to otu lfitinlloo In 5<xu.1 onho-
doly. Au>Lin keeps goinS Melto ,h .. formul, "fil"S"persort p"'sen
And . he =mpk: mili. me wonde I>ou,!be
'pp"rcJ111y ,,: .. unl w.y the tin'pcnon >pe>king. K\U'g. and poonllng ... b-
;m. g ... comtitu,cd in rna..,.I," ,hrough. ronfiJ"nl 'W. lto ..... 'c au
.hom}'. ,hrough the calm .n,erpellation of ",hen "w.,,"" ..... :
."d . hr",'gh thel<.>gic of the {hc.eroKXU.l )supplcmem whereby ind,,;dual
. ubj';"" agenc), is b'UJr.ntced by .he welding tnto' cross-gend dyad.
The ... bjen of "t do" ' s an "1- only iI1$<Jf.r he or she . .... 1111 in becoming
1"" I1f ... nctioncd. crossgende. - we" SO const;,u,cd '" , ..... f""C5<I>Ce of a
-'hey": anJ lhe I "Jocs. - or h .. 'S"1lCJ In the m." ... r. only by ",u. lly mysti-
fying.,-, ... .",;de .. llfic ion v,ith 'he: P""''''' (for ","Inch no pronoun ohultJS)
of >Ute <lJ1d fn:quently of rhun:h.
The m.nUS" .umplc. 5<1f .... idcnlly. ,,"111 .trike a queer .... drr.' """'"
Ill<It"C '''Slc or ."gl ..... Person< who :iridenllfy . s quttl" ,,-ill be
lho..c wh",. subjoCtlv,,), ij lodged in ",fu .. 1s or deflections of (or brl ,he
logic of . he he,.rooexu.1 supplement, in f.r Ie ... .-.oci. ,ions . nach
ing '0 S' .. e , u'honty .nd ro1iglou' !3J1Ction; ;n f.r Ie .. co"'placent ",I.,;"n
'0 ,h ..... i.n ..... of other" The cmc'"S"ncc of ,he lir" 1"'''''''' of ,he .<inguL. .
of, h cti,..,. and of the ind;,-;,,,,,,, .'" all 'tucnioN ... ,he' 'han presu mpriono
for 'tll<.'er perf""",,, i"it y_
Any quo:c, W"'.>"'SI"'gg!cd '0 IU frit:nds or "'by he: or
<M ""'"" them bul jusl J.,...,,) 10 ,.....u'''l kno-o .. from 'lUi""
,he !poti.lized dyn.tmicof compulsory wi' "eSSlha, 'he ..
;nv<,k . CompullOry w;lneSlS n01 Jus, ;n ,he::IC'nR ,h., you .",,,'1 .lIowcd
10 .men. YOUr:l('lf, bu. III .... w.y r1 .. , much fuU .... me''''''g of " .. itnQs"
(. fuller.,.,.. ,ha" Au .. ", ......" ."'.,,) gel< .C1n.,W in .his protOl)'p"a1 pn.
form.",,,. I, i. thc constituUon Q/" . community Q/" W'tnCS$ ,h .. In. kes 'he
tn .. t he sil.nee of w;tnc .. (we don', 'p<:.k no .... we fo",'", hold OUr
puce) ,h .. p<:nni" it: the b."" ""g"""', "",en, bu, undiKn'tOO<'JU)' spttch
act of one', phpoul presoen - nu)"bt .... "'" aptrioolly .... pn:M:1"I of""""
pc:ople ",hom ,he ", .. imUon Q/" n,.,ri'ge defines ' ...... I( by ""duding- that
ratifies .nd ",eru,tJ thc legit,,,,,,,,y of its pnvilcge.
And 10 . "end, aJ we h.,,, bten he",. 10 ,he: <ok of ""i',,",
in roNtituting the ",1.,ion:aJ "iciJmy of the :loCI: .. -he", <loa tha,
get us bu, 10 ,he topK of , ...... If 4t the.,er _ marri'ge .1 kind of
fon"h ",. 11 or ;,w'lible pr<H<cniutn arch tha' rnO'l<!S 'hmugh Ih. " '"rid (.
he'cro"""".1 rouplc .. cu'" in their righ' '0 hold h.nds in ,he """',). e .....
'inu.lly reoritn,ing .round .... surrounding ",Lni"'n. of vlSibiU,y and
'pec,.,orship, of d .. txi nd the ""Plied. of <he possibilityor impossibility
or. s;""n pc:rson ' nicul3Iing. S""n enunci.,ory M.rriage ;.n',
.l w. )"' nell . bu,;, i, .rue 'h" I. ""'''''gr, &'", ltJ """." "'"rri"g<:
in .nd for II", eyes of Olht:rs. Orw: of the ....".. inr:r.Id,c;able IOIk boo
lien of'he "",mc:d Sms 1o boo lhat ,I IS no ",.ne-r.of-f:loCl ,hOng, bu. rather
"g"'"' (or 01.., 10 bthald. "'eddmg or. ",.rried
or 10 bo< pri vy 10 ,he,r ..... ".,lJ-;nd "ding opprosi .,. or .bu,i,,, soc"',,, the
pon.ble pUPPC:' 'h,,",e.ofPuoch .nd Judy. bu, .Iso ,he .00..'1 open _
of the "h.ppy m.rri>.g<:_" un ,he rno>$t <om'flll .... :aJ ... finll .... of . ploy.
",.ni.S" IS romrituted 0 'p!xle th., den;eJ ,,. .u<\Jmtt the . bi!i'y
either '0 look .w.y from i, or equ.lly '0 ;n''''''''l1( in it.
ll ll<:n 'he of>1 ",I.,ion rom'nu .. '0 b<e profoundly
" rpcd by the force of lhe ""nloJ pr<IICC,,,um. Acqu .... ng ... orldIy .. -...
dom ronsi;u in, "mong othe, 'hin8'. building up" us.;oble "'PC:"OO'" of .po'
thegm Iong ,he lon .. 0(' Don', "'pe" '0 be (o.-g;"",n n .... if )"W y u, your
fri"Tld X. "I' m gl.d you ,,,,,0 h .. ", broken up: I n .... ". loud <he w. y Y lrea,ed
you '''y'''"''y" "nd your friornd "nd Y <hen g<"I Iogo:thcr. !-oow(,,,r bric:fly.
lIuI "00: Don', ""pc:.:o '0 Icnc- .. ha ... nOf'l"'mng or gomg IU happen boo
'Wern X ond Y on lhe I,i. of ",h"t X .. U. you IS going on, or"'t:-n on ,he
of Io>qoo.-cy or snrify>ng Kend rha. nl<ly b<e gnung 5l:Iged ,n ont
bW" "for ....... "(Not, ofooo ..... tnol any Kl",,1 bc ... Ii,
".-")",.. .. ,--
.U<-". '" )'-''' from ,hem.)
":'Think of.lI ,h" Vk,orian "'hose ,..u.1 pi<>< clJm .. u. r>OI in the
....... ' of .><Iull"ry. bu, in the moment ",hcn the prose"';u", :m:h of lhe
mOO "'" 0<. ho"' .. ' dl'.-p1><:ed: " 'hen the fiKI of. flUrri.agt".
",>tn" .. - b'
I'I',,,"SS , .. SCI 10 be a p:lC'UdoseCrcl or.n "pen ","efCI .nd beeom ..
u,"a _ '
. bond of mu,u, lny witl. """,W'''' OUlJ.dr ,hc ", ",hen ... -om.n
or in,illlates tor"1IClhmg obotI, "ner nurn.g<:" '0. friend or 10>", rha,
<he .. "(IUld no< -uy 10 he. huoband. Tht-... ",amtngtmm" of pcnorma"''''
,'1<""IY lend 10 be ,II<: "'0>1 ",r.Kklng and ,II<: -bigg<:It"
mom"" .. Of,M ""rriage novt:l. Such . Lsowns,,,UI .. an c. plo
..lion 01 ,nc possible grounds "nd pc:rforrn.uw "",enl,.1 of pc:riperform.
, ......... f .... l:5. frxtu",., .. .,,<pinS' of ,ne mobole proonon,um of mari!;l/ " ....

The emire plO! of Henry J''''ci. n.. Gol,r ... Bew/. for ins,an,c. is .. me
,u",d by an Clltr..ordin.ry pc:npcrformau,,, .,-;, utre",d by Ch.rloue S"n{
10 Pnnce Amerigo, II<:r CIIo>-.:r, ""hen sl-IC h:lf persu.ded tum to >prnd :an
.fiern""" aJoo", ... Jlh hcr on ,he o fm. 10 , nI",",r "''OmlJn.
- I J",,', c. ",,, h., you m,ku,(it . nd I dun't .,lony,hing "+o .. ",,.o[ you-
.ny,hing bul 1M. 1 .... n. '0 N'''' oaid ;,-tho, ' 11; 1 wonl no< 10 Iu...- foiled
lO .. y iI . To _,.... once.nd bt ... nh you. '0 bt .... " an: ....... arod ......
USO<I '0 be, fur OlIO "". n hour or soy lOr ''''O_ lhat". ,,"h>t 1 h"'" t..d fur
"''u in my ""d. 1 me.n, of <Ourst , 1o g .. il "'forr- bd"", wh" )"QJJ''''
go"'g'o do. T""" "'''>1 r ... got. T1W iI. ....... , I shaU . 1"-' 1.h"", Th ..
is wlu.I I lhoulJ ha .. mioKd, of rou .... : <he purSued, -of you h.ulchoson
'0 "'.u ..... "', .. i .. I hoJ.o ,.u the n .... WeD, you'",.n 1 could h"'"
l>Op<d. n", ', ,,,h,, I "'., '0 h"'" .. id. I didn', " ... " "mply ,n IP "'y Ii"...
wi,h you. bu,l ,,.nl<d you '" know. I ,,.n'W you" _,II<: keF" " up, o/",,'ly,
softly, ,n,h omolI unnorof voi. bu, ... >thout tht leaM [.,JUrt of..".. or
"qu<l1tt _ -, """"ed)VU 10 undr",.nd. ! .. --m,ed you. tho, ... '0 htar 1
,lot., co .... I ,h,n' . ... 1I<:,htr you und..-",. nd <It ""'. If! .. k "",hHIS of y"" I
<1<""" _ 1 ",-,yn', - os>: <vcn II<> much o. ,h .. , Wh .. you may 'hink of m. _
,Ito, in ,110 Ie ... ",-,,,or Wh>. 1 w .... is .Iu." ;aIw.ys 110 ,,"'h
}"OU-IO ,h., you'U ""'''' 110 able qu"c .0 gn nd of it oN, 1 J..L I .... , ... '
"r 'h" y"" dod you flU)' nI>l .. ];Ille: of'N''')vu hke aut .hotl ... -
"'"""""h you wI>< ... "", ... ,nd ., "''' .... _ 1 ju>t "'l'lI1g ,h,,, _ 11>:,,', <ilL"

of e ... p<'ripc:rfor"",",,,, .. CI
"".,1 ro ..... '" s;oid 11- ''''1'. all. 1 ,,.anl not 10 .... '" faile<!lo $;Iy it ... .... , 1
"' .... 1><", wllh you ",-he ... "'" a", .00 ... .....,.'" 1 JUS! ")"Lng Ih .. ") 1"''''' in
a ro'''plin'ed rtb,ion 10 1M of'M """rug<: ''OW
,ooulloOC<'Ur. C ... .tOUt 1><", fores,.U. and d1Sp1OU$11\( I'ntKt. marri;og.:
\'0\\' bur w"hout ., .ll"""""ting it. p""pt""r",.,,,,,, is 00 rtp"tiliou,;
and lruL'lt.n, bec.use she nn'l JUst fill in Ih. bI.nlcs of som. prttXUl ing
pcrfo",,,,i,,,, >","''''ion, bul .. nh", mus, m""'" cl.bor.,01) .thwart il. in
e,'N''''!: ,"once , me, She parodies n.;n f.aru"" of Ihe m .. \"Ow.
i" p. nieu!>r, 'he ,lippery int'phd,n"" wilh "'hieh, '" ""h c' ''', .n'<:I of
n"ke, II..: borh '0 "'p"' .... "t ,ltd 10 a ""mot;,..,
o(un'p;fie<! acts(" J did [ it l_,. J "..,.,', oay th.t)"'ll did (i,n, 5M
also ",aur II..: mllSC of, cntain I"',hos ("J lion', uk anything ... -h;o' evcr of
you") in h<-r d .... tKt from of 1M belcronoo-rnOfh",
suppkment: 'genc)" of '1" 1$Il', '0 gu.rantce<! bya_Mr
echoing1 00 ,h .. ,,-ill coruriru .. i, n'tr!lXli,,,ly ""h", subl< . ",..,." Rut
this ullOSlcdon "obrian of (M ungu..,..anlccd "I" .bo ent.ils a Imrly im-
plicil ,h"", of oau.1 bLocbnail ("I ,,,,", .Illy [righ' I1(M'J Ih;ol ) ..... did [itn
I' unhermo"" Ch.n.xlt, t..,rselrli'mly In a Gothic lradilion (think
of H< or "tit", v.ri.n. allusio", 10 the nWTng< ,,"""
f"nCllon .. mJledini'"" Or curses, nt<Wing diagon.lly Ihrough li= .nd
' .1101 pn' ..,ming n .. but poisoning It.p""pt:nlve1y. ,elroactively.
Ihrough u"eXJ'<nM .. ion of 'he suppot.ctl-to-ht.
mobilc pc:rform.'h'C Wi.h ,h .. speech, eh. t1ouc S,ant h .. done
"-h,, ... OUI oo-and i, ', lot -10 ;mull t..,,,,,,.,, ". " as a kind of pt''''''_
ncm ,hum OO"O$S Ihe ""'maS" f""'SCen,um, mining Ut< ,1ubnoId of who
nn or mu" or- nn', or mayn', regan! ,I>< dranu of " ......... ,..Iuch - . ",
.'" ou", _ '0 lit ronotl,ute<! annd by 'M .... mlpublic. ronJup ... "' ,''',
mc .... :lrld docst,, ,he p""'"r of.t.., 'U't.
I hope my .... mpl .. from the Wtly>burg AdJress.nd Thr (;.,ldn; &nil
will ,ulliof,nlly h.,,, ilIuSlra,e<! .norh<r poon, .boo, lhe nrighbomood of
II>< pc:rfurm.",.." th.1 lhough II has a cen'e' and a pc:nphcry. 'M 'P"-,,..r
logic of .he pcnpcrfor"""i'-': is nO! a logic nf ."nple ."enu>.ion. Tha' is.
. Ithough the p"'>1iS" of ,I" neighborhood COllIeS from it> pnnirru'y to
." pt-rfo,m i,,,,.th.l p"':IIige. or m.y '''y Ihal rhclarial lOre .
d<tc1 IIOt d,nlini,h .Iong.n ",-.:n gradient from perfor"""i,.., OOm<1" 10 peri-
pcrfurm.,,,,,, <'<4,"', Ra,her. 'h< .... Iorical force u,...fifs or concmtra ... In
unl"'"dK"!'bIc: du.( .... OI.llcropo. grokIg",.I,,,,,,Ig.I\U. Henc. 1M alfumy
of'''" pt"rrperf",,,,,,uw for 1M 'M iuncran' "'S". II ..
.r.splocubk hn:shold. Hencr. '00. """"',,",,,,. lhe ponicul.r kind of ordm.ut
""" of ,"" peripcrform.,;,-.: .bou, ",-hoch, as con'rasted "ilh
,he perform.,;,,,,, I hope no one will""" 'gonize .,.,'O,.t.., 9uation
of ",hr,her a I,,,,,<ul ..,menee is or isnl. If a "'nle .... """nd< as 'hough
1('I'ftIb.bly pcnpcrform,'i, .. , ,hen i, '1 prob.tbly ptriptrform.,i,,, _ .nd
""ny, II"nl" SCntence. of .11 sons.", 00, '!lIe pcrip<'rform.,i"" is on!in.ry
,,,,dc. Ihc won!,,,.-orthian 0' und."landing Ihe
"""' ord;nary things for '0 b(,'n' compl6, helcf'Oj)cnMUS. re.
fl<..:!I"" mob Ile. powerful. anJ e,,,,n eloquent.
In f .. t, one of It.., dade.-Iong ob5eloSlOnS Ih., mO", .. ,.,. lhis projc-<t
for nle it ho,,,t.., frankly miIt'd de6""d by, bul not limited
'0. It.., ptrfor""'fh'O nn b(, 1M silt of f'O"'"<1"ful.""q;;'" ,h;o, o/i..", "--'rp.
tr.nsform. ",00 dupbce. iftbq do not OI"enhrow, the .... ppoot<Iau'!torU.
"'g oomrahry of lIul .. 11lC p<'rfur"""""e. Of COUIV. Ih .. eh.ain of
"""" ,h.n fl,m "'Ith 1M J''''-dropping ,.otology ,ha".o .. y
,II In,c"'"mg 0, unlnteresling -:lbou, p<'rfor"",'ivt i, often
will b(, ncee,,""ry !O {onSlruc' .... ,h., ,.Ik .boul ptrfor"",'"" ull"'-
'1IftS. 1101 I am nOl ",c,I)' tx"t..,,,,d by ob\'!ousne" of litis. Th" uplici,
., Or.nd. demon" .. I , offe" 1\",lfin the form oflraru;pdf-
c,,' rCrcr""'ialiIY . nd pu", ",If prel<'n"e. whil. ill force
0". ,.dl ciution urp",l.nd [u'u'" .nd.n ",eluded rtli;"'lICt '0 a
beyond 1 ... lf, The pcriperfonn.,;''O. by mnlraSl, is OI"'nly .11o.d,,,,n.i.1
berltfl' i, i. ''')'lh'''g cI,.,. And I don', think we mul1lC Ut.1 We undu.
St.nd m ad.."d"'e. U il ,,-tn: by analog)' or- by simple """, ... 1, wh .. nn IMn
be ,'''' dfm. of ,t.., ""'8 of ..,Ir-",fcrt .... only half-con.:...kd m IU tail.'
In George Eliot', o.r.-/.J, fOr c.umplt. "''''' .... 1M cn&<tal pm
I'Ctfunn'l n'" in'cn"nlion OC<'Ur< 'M "'''nmg after the m.rriage ""'" ... ,t.."
lhan ,he afternoon IItforr II.lydia Ie"c' 10 Cw.nJoIm, hke e .... -
int,.'. <pttrh 10 'h< Prinee in TItt (;.,U", Bowl, ctICom.mbul..,,,. a ,,ide
of pc'(o.-m>li'"e OCt"" 111 ..... 0 n'Crui, ptn""rform.ri'" fot-n, lju,
n\ .. ch.lle"Ho Ille 'pp"",nlly bbnd, . u'horited ptrformati,.." . ,
<\0. lydi,\, who h., oc"n (he nu.lre .. ofCwcndolcn', new hu,b>nd C ... nd-
.lIO.oJ .ltr 7'
wun. W"te,1n a n"le fo,Cwcndolen endosc:d "' ilh the Grandcoun {amil
di.mond" Y
Tht ..."ds. "Iokh ... en: one .. givtn with anlont """ to lydia
""" on '0 you Yo<> Iu, .. brokm """T ,,-.;ml to her tlut
,-- . "'"
m'ghl f'OU"" ,,'h., on' waf hen, Pctlups you think h;oppy ... she
on' wu, and ofh'mgM.uliful childn:n ouch a. he ... "00 ... ill thrw, hen
.. ido God .. 100 jwI for ,h;ot n.. nun you h;oo, .. rrurric'd has ",Iho:u.d
hun. His l>e>1 young 1O'I't n. mint: you t'OOIld TIlII uk. tlul hom mr ,,'b.n
you took .he:,..,., II is lit.,.. but I am the: g ......... ",horh you. <banee '"
is bum ..... 'tU .. mine. You had you. You h;o, .. mo...r,
'0 inju ... me and my <holdnn. He had .... an, to marry' ..... Ht .. "OUld
m.rric'd mo 01 lui. if)'OU had not l>roIttn your .. -.:.rd. You will h;oo, .. )'OII '
I"'niohmont. I do ..... ;, ,,tth aU my lito"
Shon you likt '0 .. <&lid MfOre )'OUr ",,11 ,t.t.t tUrnonth
on you. <&lid Ihtsc ........... of'millC' in Ius d>ought> <&lid you .. ? . rOIl tooi
him wn" your .,....op<n. n.. .. illlng "'IOr\g,..., 1= .. dont mo ... -ilI br,...,r
"'''t, (.,:.6)
Th;, proS( .Iludes to g"'" numlltrof txplkit p<"Qrmali.., Sf't""h acts: a
p. om"", OJTSe. a ,, .. nmg. a ''OW ... rommltment to 1M gu,..,. a
of gift, ItlipilC uf e""ry oppt'nunilY and. it would st"cm. "''try mdu<c-
m"m 10 do ...,. holO"w" n >lrielly ... f .. , ;"s from prod"<'"g .ny of'them in
lhe lim,!"'r...,"I;ngul f>R''''''1 indiC'li, .. act;'" fnnn ,hat would signal .
perfor",.t;, .. . ct, I "'0>1 ",:Id .... "'",embering IMftirl .nd
tryi"g 1(> gi"" ." acCoy", Cl,.hcrs lello . would w.nt to pa"
il as ..,ying ""m"lhing Itkc "1 gIV" you ,h" diamonds . nd r OJne you-; y.t
the leuer to ..,tne to "'Oid "Ih ... formulnion and to
pre .. m i,,;,:lfinllo.d in tM frankly composilc. mock'conomh" form of' ,he
I"'ril"'rform"uvc. 11'1 not euy to s.y ,,'Ily tM.c I"'ril"'"",molO'''' would
hen: '"0"" potcntlh.n II>< I"'rfornlative f'TOP"" On. n:uon mighl
.hat ,hey dram:nitt (""11 .. Ne>l Htn. n:r;,,, 10 u J 1M pa.1>o$ of u"" ...... n
."",ney. ""hc. III ... occru,hng it as 1M ,""pI;"'1 pcrfurnu,,,," .1""", mus<.
... tm ht".,.,lf . f, all. lend, '" t",al 1M $ptw., as"TIoC)'" .. If-,,,i<\eJlI.
as ,f he 0, .h. wen: all but ''''''''CIUI>," al lea". ,iIt
p""''t. by wh"''' lhe tnd,vklua! spc""h act is init;.,ed and a .. ,horiznI,.nd
may .nforred. ( In.he rnosI au"m ..... mpIe. "'" Ottm5 '0 suggcs< th:I,
war .. wha, hal'l"'tU when ,nd"'Id,,a! "' tk<:b"''' ... (''''. '}ti n -Action<
(an Oldy l>< I"'rformcd by peflOtlS: II. wn,,,,, -""d """iou,ly tn
' of .. pliol l"'rf"rm .. thr UII"",' n,u" be: thcl"'rfom,cr- (60). fOLl-
,.'" ""<0""""<1"". pcSychoanalylK. ond OIher l'tC.m ,he<>-
ro,;'JI rroi' l II .. " b.:oltrl'Cd at the ,;,:Ifc:vide"", of that """'"tOU>iy."'
Mrs. CI.she" l"' rip<'"t>rm.l;vc ...,Iulloo. on ,he ",her hand. requires
.nd no tkmyottfytng of,,,"'ncy by .nyone else_
"11",,", d,.nlt)tLd . wh "h "'cre 0t>Ce gio..", wnh o""'nt love to Lydia Glasher .
she pa<OC< "" '0 you-: note lhe f"SS"'" ,,*c thol elida tilt origm ofLbc
,hlmOOds; note the .......,nun: ofAT'St 1"'''''''' b)thtrd 1"'''''''' (,,-hen: the tl-
pltClt I"'rf",m .. "," requtm .11I'OOSt tilt "PP"'''': 1M ront\c.,...ltOn of thrnJ-
pcroon ro...:..,. .n " Arsl I"'rsoII Utle"'''''''): rt(IIt 'M LJl\,"""", In Lbc word
onltr of .wbJoect and ob:It . 50 lhal the diun"nd. IM ...... I,'" ....... dy:lttm
10 >"11> tn: an o:oril!'1 tn! and unc:anny .gency: nott thr double displaottm<:n'
,ht dLln>O<l<b . ".., ... given- Io I.yd" Clasher. but.he only -p.ust'S- ,hem
...... g to C,,c nOOkn) .hal (""'gmund Lhr n.attrialand leg_I probknu<ia
of how ,,'onl:ln be rllhc. II, ""' 1'1 or 10 Ir""""" pn>pC=r1y_ And
.",h ,echnique. utfnd throoghout .hI: kLttT.
Likt her n'gn:lto, Eurip,deJ' Mc-d<:. wea>'mg 1""......,.1 gown for he.
hush:tnd J'" "'" !ICW Mrs. CI.",,,, "'quin:. a m.lcria!is. ,<dzni that
w,1I v;"hly . ",,,. oiolcmly. yoltc t .... ., OIltolog,etll<:\ .. !i 'ogcrhc .
,h,. w,lI forer of. OJ,.,., to til" pbyoiCtl bod)' of. gift, gift
of, babi' . ,,(something '0 wu,. fl'I)m wh",h the poison will thC1l 'p"'.d by
,""cer oi';;" i,)' WII,,:b i! i"deed ,he clf""t of Ih', gift/OJ"'" on Cwtndolcn:
She "', for, 10Tlg whil . knowing Iml<o n""" .hm that .he "'as feeling ,ii ,
.tld that th"'" wn"",, word. kept "'I"'''ing .l><n""l""" in her.
Truly h ..... "c""l",,,n,,oJscm,. and ,he: poison illlo thispoor
)'IIu"g <"'.,""'.
Af .. "hat lonG whiie.them""." t.p .. tht door ,nd C,.ndt:oun ." .. red.
d ... ... d for d,n"cr, 1"hc S,ghl of him broughl :l ... ""'" shock. :and
GWcndo["n ... ",.,,,,,d .".n o"d ag .. n ,.-It" "pttrica! vioImcc. H. had ""'-
ptaod '0 st. lit, d"",,,,,, 0".1 .. n,ll1'g. IT.J)' '0 lit led doom. .a .... her
pallid . hriek ing .. j, ...,mcd ,,,,11 ,......,... I ht ;.",,10 ..... ttcrrd around ht .. ,,,,
' ht Hoor "".as". A, of m.t!nc)
In oomr IOrm Of otht IM: Furta h.J crosstd II .. tIunhoId. 401;'
The bn-... h'ng of die ",oril.1 IhrW>old by .hI: Funes. lhe in\'OCOtoon by
Lytl .. of C" 'c nJolcn -.. ond(ingl iItf""" your hwhm.! ",,,h , ...... di:amonds
un you. 1I1d ",ords o( in h,s though!> .nd you,..: aUc>I Sloll;.
to I",,' .. ,,"ul w.rping effected by Lydia'S peripctfo.-"",.
* .. yoking o( thc t "" 0 illocution,ry . m - Ihe gil1. 11>0 ru....,-in lhe
"i<"inlly 0(. Iblrd illoru!IOlI.ry;an lilt- ""'m' ge "",,'.
Rut the compoundIng of ilIoculion.ry ref=nn: i" Lydi.'s Iette. dotn.
orutnlc fut""'r dllference bo:,woonl c.pbcir periOrm.:""'e and Ih(
peripctform",W'. The (or, III<: "h_ppm"", - 1M ,nU$ioo o ( Jdf.rd"ern ni;ol
I .... ,n ,II<: e.;pbell performam" aU I"C<l'urc 111;11 be. i f
noo "imple i, an """". he lhal_,hen a( least

""'g\e dung. If, "'''h a" .. .<plio, perfomu",,,. I.m promISing. then I can.
no! (al , .... k-vrl ofilloxuuon) abo bt if my illocuuon IS one of
donan"g, It.." it ;, no! OM o( cu .... ng. To be "' ..... td in , ....
of , .... periOrm.u,,,, ""'Iulln , .... bamsh"""n' of the.., compound.
ing acts (0 11:\..,1 Ol ..... ,h." 1 .... lk6nUlg...,. of illocution_llq rru:y
be COlUlltd ''''''''g 1M perioo>llotury tffi.,. of my >J"'<'ch act (bu, then.
50 mighl surh u,""ontroll.bk m)" Jh,o.o."nng you "i,b SI'"
",hile !pe.k"'g, or .nnoying you by my rcscrnbUnc., 10 your""-.:nlh-grulc
h",ory .. he.). Or wmpoundUlg;>(IJ ""'y b<: grouped ","h (he emo.
tion. I might fccl as I perr. ... m , .... !perch ..:t; bul ,h :. quit" ""motion
'<>0, for il i, of ,h $$C:r ... of Ihe cf>nCcp< of ;lC" '0 J .. 1ini
,h ... fOl"Ct" >fIClulh..,Jy f"n" ,t.. psychologk.! ques'ion of ",h.t feel",&,
I m.y 1 pcrflJ.m ,hem. iIloculio" i. ",h.", Ihe .nion is.
", ie." "'he", lhe oe! IS, In Ihc vietn"y orthe pcrfom",h"_and.
fn' Ihl' explicit pc"ol'mativt', ,h .. Itnn 11m;, ",em. (0 lit ono illoeu,jon pcr
""map". 'hcn, " ... "'" ,h. peril"""orm.,i,,, doc. nOl "fttSSarily
rep",,nl. diminulim, '" foro: from lho .. plic" pcrfornu'i,,, 10 wbkh i,
is thll, ""Ii the nplieill"""ornmi'''' it con (if no! p,mici-
1"'" fuUy in) the fom: ufmon: Ih.n one Illocullon'ry;an And ,h,.
too. h., to do .... i(h lhe sl""i.1111 O(IM "'" u te"'
[h.,. as 1m, n,,", " '111 dl><"U" . 'f"li.1 reglst..-Ius >0 much more
'I""U<l<: fo .. .,.logic rep<nCnt"IOI1, in ronl .... " 'Olhe on,'olf. dig,t>! "1"'"
$Cm"lOn .... , ....,m. U) go .... IIh. lemporal ..-g;', . If the pcripetform.,i,,"
;, ,h. ncighbori>ood of" perfortn;l'''''. 1 .... '" !TUghl .. "U be another pcr/Oo'
m .. i .., ntighhorbood no! "" '''ry f.r 011" to , .... nonh or nonh"'tA of this
<>nt; U I .mlW fmho. from , .... mother look of my _." ""'ighborhood.
"""" " .. Jlc nlaY . 1"" (",",b1. wi,h Ihe .d.lcd m.gnetism of .nolhrT
_. ... s ",,"er 10 ",hlrh I am the"'by "".rer,

1 I ,l." )tentS '0 ",e Ihat Ih. po:npc""'"'" i,,, d,n",,,.ion - .nd oddly, J >lSI.
r .S " 1",'Ok the il""i.1 .nd thc analogic - .00 h .. mon: '1";,,,<1<:

pc"o,m.",,, for "'glSlcnng h",,,.,.;.,.1 <<. By coou ...

I""n 1"
10 ,ht P',(or",.,""" 1M perip<riOrm.,,,,, ;, ,he mod<: '" which pcopk may
in'okc ,11ocu'iQn.;II)' acl$ .n 'M e.;pliol ronl,",' of OIM. iOocutionaTJ Kt$.
..... " COn .1 ... acrompll>h ..,."."hlOg t(JlOo .. rd undoing .... , f"..flll rdi
" ..
an of "'rhe" pcrfornu"""y on ,lit trtrrIp/Ary. on 1 .... aampk-
"'h",h SO oticn h.os mo:.n" for iMan:. in 'M COnI.ngc""Y of pIulooopI>i<2I
.nJ ht.,..')' p ... etl". 'M =mpl.ri,y of ,t.. "",mage act ,,,,,,If. E,,,,, ,,"hen.
., ,hi;[ ""'pi c. luclf doo:s. ,h. penpcrform.""" ,nslsu on perpetualing 1M
I"">I'&C of as a lkfin"'g Iocu. of ..... ,onal cffi<:lcy, il non'''MksI
h.u 1M I'fOP"ny 01 ske,ch"'g In " dlffcn:ntialand multidU"tCtlonal surmund
II, II1'Y d ... ma"u ilJ me.nutgs and drtJ.
1'd Ilkt he", 10 1001< hritfiy., lho: dynamics ofw"', m .... COUnt:U one
of .ht """" ""htle II "'''''''M fur ",ader.; .mong
[M mos' elcctnf)'u'sly I'",onl . of Vicf<ln;on peripcrfOTmati'" 'opoi: I"" is,
lho: o"e Ih., yokts 1osc,her (h. .. an nd 'lCCnt,,"'t <:ons'i-
,lItt ",,,ri.!:-c .mong Brit",h subjeCt$. .... ot h (he pcrforrn.ti'" ;anund
thoughl 10 .., the i"Slim"ofl of ch.l1el,I .. ".y of Africans:md
lhe,t descendantl in tM New World. h "0. inc", .. ;ngly lrue dunng 1M
fin') <:enlll'y of . 1 .. '.,y ,hat <me hum.n btinS" e> perf.,..
n" ";...,, 'eIi of b"y;"g. selling. willing. inhenting, cl.tming . <h" .. ising for.
" ,d "'"""nl ill ;"g .nol ile' bum.n be",/; cn: ed 1M <Ondll;ons for a k,nd
of <hro"ie of eri,;, in ,,"dcr.;,.ndlng of p"rfomtal;vily toUl
<OIl" . long .... ilh <..."r1 olhcr .ocial, hng''''lic. and 'I"',i.l form Ih .. 1""-
sume<! an ;mclliglblt notIOn of human ontology and .geney. 11 ttqu;,..,d
local, .helOrical, ."d iplflC.lIy pcnpc"o.m";",!: an., ........... ",. 10
'o",,,thing of such. chronle Wt on look at Ont tsample in
m""lng b:tck and f'>rIh the "bI""k Alumic' "n:'ch ""WI1 ,he li.-
...... ,,'" of An,eri .. n Il .. and, "'. "$Cf,,1 \ "w:tO!1.n e.;.mple. Oidns'.
Dmor..,.oJ s..... My f<XII. on n. .. Ioty.oJ Sort, opccifially. tnde.>;.,. ao .......
that among It.. nu"y - nu.Ngt.s o1:I""ry" pinto in \rlcton.fI "",cis. the
"",,,,,;,8" of P.ul I)on'bcy Sr. (0 Edllh Oombcy ;, <>nt I"" SUCttSSfull)' <1<:.
"""""i%<:s 'hIS topos. olknng .n .ltnOSl Il,.me de"""", ... u"" of the UpllC'
i,ly to d"pl..,c and ...,map 'he ,heat ne;ol "Pace "f
m .. n.!.",
I h .. " jU<l llued number of performa,ive .cIS ,h .. >lruom.d
momh-,o.momh culm'" of New World sb, .. ry- bu}'ing ..,Ibng,
",heri'ing. d .. ming . d> .. numS for. m.numimng- J'<'I one 01',1><: "......
>!rik,ngond. 1 woold ,,,,mu...,. dam.gmg of,1><: conde"..,uoruol' "1m1nth_
cen,ury II ..... ry diIrourx ....,,,,,,10 ha. .. bttn the one ... -berrioy the sc ....
.nd an 01' .. 1. come 10 H.mrilfy the whoit- ins1itu,IOO of.u...ry. B}' tho:
publleouon s.m '" ,s..8. the pn:donllnom ,,..,;01 iconography
of d.,,'''''1 .nd .nt,!.I.,,,,'1 lOr llrituh ",.de<J. at ;my ""'e. ,,'OU1d h3Yr: .tufted
from ,he eruJ.,..,.j mon In eha,.,.. depocted 011 pioh Wedgwoo,r, ubiqui-
,ous ' 787 nmeo -Am I No! "lon "nd. lI..,.he.' . to a""
",,,ned nude fem.k !.I.,,,,. ;oI"'adf romrnon in Rom;mtK anJ
p;>inling but mo., popularized ,n H,,,,,,,, I'mo.-cn, "'lKh-reprodlKcd 'S4.J
kUlptu", "'The C"",k Sb, .. : ",., ;,.".I.ted ,.., 'p.,.k,"I: nult- 6gutt of .... rn
I N<>I Mon . nd Ilro1h .. l ""'''Jlhe signs ofh, .. urus in I". ltighl)' 'i>ible
chainund in his""l,cn, bI:ock color. HIS b'e' . "'mok COUnter-
pon. -The Greek 51.,..,: " indetermln.te 10 ruc both she is
neocb s.sic.lly -Gre.k .nd &he IS unp.lln,ed KUlpru",: h .. t<TIS<.'.
.yened p<)'tu", .nd dow", .. " 9'CI ","uk. nut th. endunng ,Mh" of . 1., ....
bu, ' he d nJalu');!<:aIl) 'p;tli . h,..,d .nd .ffrodefinmS Jmtr orrOKed dis-
pl.y .nd the jj{' <lr .. Ie. In<ked. Ih" rheater historian joseph Ro. ch h .....
gu .. l ' hat ' he 'P"clade "rlhe .. It of 01""" C'me to define not only .r.,,,,},
llself. but .n CIUirt: COMU",eri;1 of urb.n con, mei.l.p,". by the
,8501: -'11,r cen,n.I;1 y uf " . hd nc.h 'he .bundant "'aiIAbiHly of
. 11 co"", ,,xli licl: .... <"r)'hin8 ca" b< PUI up for . nd "''''')'Ihing Can be
c.amon,d ."d h,,,dIN ., .. n by 'hos.c ... ho ore 'ju,( looking'
II " p.i nf u II y dr>r' h., . 'U metonymic "'prden"",," for II nli'" citiz.ns
of AmeriGOn ch, "el !.I .. 't''1. rh.", u a lot the mailer ,,'-;,h thi' "'p<"alcdly
i",'Ok.d se."", of the forred dut,l.y .nd $Ok of a "''Oman. T1le pel'>ll-Ient
hghlc","g of the skIn color of lilt 'Krip!lvely Afric"n ",-om;", IS only one
due 10 wha, mu", b< dc$cnbN u the "!Ok", and "",ndaclow prurirnct of
such "'p"'S(:nutlOn:>j lI' - .... ,hat I ....,;m 10 Imply Ihat P"'""""c ,un}"
Ih,ng '''''1 Jlmpk as an 'IInbule or ",lotion. ell"'t. Pan of It. mendacny
lie, in tho Otlrnr .. IOlI!.I) plang<""' eondcns.;ouon of,.. ..... upon gn>er'1ionS
ur " ... "ring I,bar. an intem,in.ablc: cemponl"y unJe",,,ncd by hopt com-
plex ip"t"'locy un.aniolLo,N by IO/'cory. nunu"". or the ground. of agtncy.
. ,he o"t hyperlrgiblc. hyper",I"io"a!. cmp",h.,icolly" wdl . o seru
II. hYp<'ray.U.blr f"m,1e r."",,,, whoso: corm:d run""nl U. /i",,"y. to the
,i,M)a '1 rep..::..,n 1>, io""II.OOrof """n!<:ally .mbodying fur .n yunc
,,'\10 ..... n .. 10 vitw hcr. III<' mosc vot.,iI lfeel of "".me.
For Viewri"" Wnlel'l p"'occupkd "'ilh lhe domestic m .. ""go plOl. the
eri" ... 1 .urpluS of ,h .. ,m.
", ... 01 .""lable foo-. ,-.rit. y of periperfo,
n",ti'''' UOCI Scven.1 )""1'1 1ft .. 00 .. "., ,.w s..... in Thadteroy
.ull eoouidt",d " to h .. ", undimUl"hN (""hncs:tt ""aibble for 1m USC in
tl>< ,."' and IlIu.,n.,ions oI'TIIt At this ."nc Ul the
w .... " IInttsh publlC"!,,nlOl'1 ,n Sn: .... mQ<1:JY"'I' .. l><:ucro ...... .,...-n
;"g;and rna'" rtptn'C: 10 ICicnufoe r.tCUm- ,,hrn Carlyk rcpubIi>hed his
I"mphlct Dtscourv on the Neg'" Queltion .... "h ,he ... 'on!
-Ne-g"" in lhe- t;tl. eh.ngN 10 NIgger - Th:ocuD)' '00 as a
Southern .pologist ,,110. u Thom., HpI;>"" in
SJ,,''t')'. com.d"n:d Amcrk.n .tr...ry ,he k,nd of iss .... th:It one m .... """.
full)' "'rrcstn, both Iidt:o of Ounng """"ricon rour of '!I>J. he
nm only ",f"sed 10 .Ilend . ...... " nurk., in Richmond bult""d to keep
Iris .... reI"'1 from do"'g 00 U ooc fe"",,..,..,.uloion. bu, from Ih. Ie...-
of J."".&U'& tl><: .. of h .. ie(lun:: t"u' by .ppe.ting-through his
one .... wiu'tn of the >pen..cloe- Io , . k judgmenr.I"'ll<e . gai"", sl.a''''ry
(0_ Thom>! tJ3). Thacker.y nonethelus m.d" thc moS, of lhe forre of ,urn
i""ge! rhey ",fl e<ltd cnrrO!li"ely back on,,, ,he llri",h K."" of ",
.. "n" "rhij Ch.n.<:lerJ dccla",s. "R.oth", Ih"" h ...... d. ugh"" brought up
10 ,he tradt m",ri ' ge ,n London. 11 ... -ould bring h.r down
fro", the .nd h.r in Virgin i. - ( D, Thoma. ,)8).
Uh n.ek ... y in the ' 8,0" Dick"". In Ihe I ... ,S .,. wriling D.>mb<y
0 .. / So. put ;l lOt of f.i,h in Ih< ,helork.1 forre "fsueh.
yoking of 'he Iwo illorulion.ry acts' I:In,!$h m.rri'g< .nd lhc .. Ie of .<.I."".
In lh. Un"ed Stat"s. Th .. ' G"",k Sla, .. - dem".,,,,,, ,h.1 dn.m.ti= m .. d
d"play .nd merceJ co""''''. in rhe rense Itrugglc oft"" dignified c ....... ge
wnh rhe .ha"""d ..... "cd glane . ,. tht keynote of the charan.,of
,he bcauhfull!dnh Oombq. ,ho 'ropR)' ""rond ,,;f. 01' Mr the
""ve[', "ponY""""1 ')"roOn. t.oo. .. ly.nd gncer,,1 in an uncommon ""g='-
"dllh """".he kss 'P" rr( I J her "" 'Il .Ilrao;""" ... "h he, haugn.y bt-ooo' M><I
I<p. ., ,f they VI",,,,, a bo.dgr or [",,'1 she hated - {)1'}. Upbraid"'g he, mo, ....
On the "''t' of.he rn.rri.
", fur "",king lho "",,,h. $he .. pcnpcrtorm.,,' .. 1y
<>[>locit in ,n.';'ting on ,he wonp"No<'
-You 10"" ... 1>< .... rno:, ,_ Onlu.htwiJl ,lomom:t'A
,;de",d ofh .. he .... """"'" " .0 hi< Iiornd. he If C'-n'I ",thcr
ofi".ht thmblitll." .. ... " hun,.nd mayo.
h< ,,,II buy '0''''''"''''' Cod . ha, I tm .. b>'Od for Ih .... nd tlu. IIffJ it:
""" Iundsome fau .he COttS<JQU, .. tr-.IuKrno:",. >nd tho
burnmg indlgn;t'..,., of. hun;!rW ...-omen. "rong in p'!$K><la"d 'n pridt;
,n;! .h .... " h,d "",If ",.h 'wo "h" hutldeting
. ,. -Th<: ... ;. "" . I.vt ,n muk .. , .1><",;. no ho:", ,n r.i" >o.ho-o..., 0fId
()/fn.,d .n;! ... mlM<! .nd p>",ded. motl><, ... J 1.., .. bttI\ for .," sh."...
ful <Tied Edith ...... 11 burning brow .. -Tht IirnI of i0oi< and
.ourh: >he said. with J\uhing eyeo. -tm .. I Jub",urN '0" until tho: J.o;.
S'-'''' of seJf-tt>pe<'I i, dead ... th", _. md I Jo..tho: myodn' ')71)
Edffh .Irudy.ignals. hovo-e-. .. r, .h., ... nhin tM SCene of coerced rort>en. '0
m.,ri se. she is m.klnG .nd '1'Ikul,,;ng peripetform.",'C d>otc.< [h., oc"
,Ie I"gllly charged Ih.-uhulds of me.ninG. NOI Ih. I ! highly ch. rgc-d. m
all more .". when l)umber f.ils 10 perce;, .. or ... ;U nm .dnowl-
ed),,,, tM,n:
-You might It..,. bc-cn ... eU .... rritd: Aid Jx.r """"",. ' ..... n'Y 'unes at
)e .... Edith.. ;r J"" had S""" enough..-
-No! Who "",II1C". rtfu ... Iu, I :om. md .. 1 " ... U tX:wn..I<>O': .... an-
'''-'rW, htt head . nd ''''mbling m hetcne'llYof sh."",.oo OI.orm,
',holl ,."" mt. o. ,hi ..... " 00.:.. ",th no." of m,ne PU' lOt,h '0
him_ lie ..... "1< ., 'he .un,on . nd he 'hlnk< it wdl to buy me. ,-", him'
Whcn h. "'me '0 me _ l'<' '0 bid_ ht '0"'" ,ho roil of
my ><compti<hn,"MtJ. I .... i, '0 him. Whrn ht ,.-ould h .. .., "'" ........ on.
of'htm. '0 Ju<"fy hiJ pu",hase .0 Ius men, I of hom lO ... y ,..luch ht
de",.nds..niI I"u,ibit it. 1 ..... 11 do no mo .... H. m.ano tho: purm- oflt><
(>0,.., ,,'m. md ""h Ius ""'n ....,., of .... -onh. md II .. p"" ..... ofhiJ money;
.nd I hopt i, nuy ..... ,,,tlwJllOint h,m. I h:n ... not ,-.""" .. 1 and f"""'S<'d tht
b.o'l;'''''' (J76- 77)
C.n ,hi. ",.mage bt $>,,,dl
So for, .ltis is 'he .w,d.rJ-;s.uc (llnp.rison of n,.m.g<' '0 ,I., ... m.>.kc'.
Ilu, one of'lM: 'hlllg. ,h., eon,"bu, .. '0 ,he rorr. ofth" clemen, ,n {)')",hq
s.", is ,h .... lthough I)"'UN 01 .. ",.1 ,hi: Victorian tropum ''''''.nJ , ....
:Ia, ... nd act of.he AI. of li"""" he .1,,-, dtffettd from . .say, Tlu.<k.ouy III
. ,0 .\lend OS W1:II,o mhc.actsaOO n ,n''''''' ;nv"h ... d in li .... '1'. Th.t
_.n'iI'G _ . _'-. .. - and
" h< ",as .OtuUy tlt!1:tHlnt in Arno:rican as.n 'R$tt!"tK><l
ra'he.- .h.n jU>1 as mod ... lode of rht,onnI .-ne-rgy
h''< "",d f<ll' Hnmh don, .. ,,.. ust-,hough durly. M "--" .tliCtptibk
obe"' h
' I.uer soIici'ation 0$ ... 1:11. HIS I>orror.OO disgu" d,J ItO! m.>k ,m
,,,,h< ',., d-" ,. h ,
compl .. ""o I 1lQ{-'" In ... """"'" .. PIa, to TO'
kll' - ' ,
::,.,. of ,84" he had (unlike Th, ekc .. y) knowinsly alienal ed much hi,
,..riean readcflhip hy r b eing sb,,,ry" fron, .nd celli .. of h" >c .
"n _ _ .
}Il'" of A"...ri<an <ullu .... L,ke ,1M: U.s. .bol,,>OI'IIS". for umplc, D,ekens
,ho'" ",.k .. a pc ..... tf"l perip"rform ... '" use of """",hlng 'hat h..! fasa-
.... ,cJ hu .. : ,he """'SP;OP'" at/-...,,,,,,ng f<ll' f"gin.." sUo.'O- at/-.""lling
.,meJ. through t he new mod .. of pubbc:ny. 10 ",thdn", 10 an mlinn. di< .
.. nee ,he phy,i;:.I,h",lhoItl be ...... en being cnsla..."j .nd bc1ng r .... c. btl!
'h", pcnperfortll.tivt:l)' 9t101ed. also en,.iled ,he umntended effeo (in the
.1I.nwless entlmero,;on of Ihe b ... nds. S<"a" . nd other ",util .. ions by
which fu,.; ;' ;""' we,e '" be ;deuufied) of IhTU"ing .j., ,he pun.1 of 9u><i-
r ..,il,.1 priv,cy l>chind which Ihe ,iol.o<c of 'he li .. " f)',[tn, h.d bten
sul'f""""l '0 ,h.ltef unwi",.s.ed
Surely" M', acci.k:nla.l. bu, I don', \\"n' .0 .... U"51lh .. i, i> ""'"' dian
<OI1g",.n, - 1 .hink i. ,dl; US iOm<'1hlng impunant.bout l)icu ... -"rue'
I"", of ft:ding: oboo, .he sh'pI.' of his linguiotX .r><! ,.,.,;.1 ,m'g"''''ion.
"""" 'han .bou. his polttical., .. ly1tu ,It.:i, ,t.. ep;c psycbomodti. ohh<
lJumb .. ,.. m.m.),,,, . 100, in", 0 .. as, ",""""hing penpctform .. "'"
1t"'UI" over the 'p"i.1 del", ... ;,," "f perfornuti,,, privacy .nd w;tness_
Unlike Ch.rlot'e Stanl ."d Lydi. Cb.her, wh" ust 'hcir peripetfo'm.n,,,
Ic.-.r-'G' rur ,,>to ", .. ri' g" from lhe "",,,do, I!dlth is .h.d) ron-
fi'l<d inside ,he "wi<>1 '1"'. TIw: """oder de.ermined 011 thrusling
Ih, Dombey" cOI1J"gallh,cshoiJ IS nOt a m-.l ... -oma", bu, CarU,.
Oornbcy"sl.go.1ike lieu'enan, lik ep;ttne ,,-hose .,m, Innspa."'''' 10
Edi,h, is to cuckold and cozen hIS emplo) ... r.nd then pubhd), rum h .. em
pI""".-', w,f.
The tt".ile d eg.,,,,. "f ,h .. Jt'1Up .... h .. gi'''' .uch kroctou. ",,,,,,,nce
' 0 "'"Cry pcril"'rfornlJli,"C .tld "'''ry .bSh,c" <",.", of 'he
conJug.1 p,,,,,,.,,,um, i. ,h ... .eh of the three prindp.L; h ,;sibl. con-
'<"'J>I rur ,he ",her ,wo. yo, tach .Iso h.., u ... 1Or lhe ",ht'" con<ernp<.
And an of,hern ....... uoc. 10 of,h. ""plirj'.'ion gmunds of
m.rital "IIne .. _ Oomb<y displ.oyl' h .. po..-er """ Eduh. and wto., "" "' ... g-
"' .... oJ.1It "J
in 10 be I". po".-er '" .. :r C .. kcr, In .. rog.mly puning C:otkcr. whom h.
k"",,, I!d"h dclpiK . Into lhe 'f"a of ,helT '1u ... ",I,. in'lSlmg on hi.
C<>ce a" he .. scenes and using hIm a. a PU0<1;'.., gobo::''''n. Corle, profill
by Dumbey', bI,nd romen'PI for h,m. 10 "'ind hlmsdf around Edi,hs ..,_
<=L<- st'CI'Clll ,isihk and ddldouJ '0 him pt'Rly by''''' 'f'h<k
oflldilh's hO\',n8 10 d, .. inllll./.le bcr Io.othiog and feu of rum. Ed .. h. mco",
whi"'. Inpp:d 01 "'''I)' t urn. Is lI)'ing 10 get Inttage ag.o.",.
Dombty from plOtS ' 0 cuckold him. w"hool '"'''''', surrmdering
her person Or dlgruly or ""T,lmg ber hdpb>nas 10 Caro:r; m.:Ilrying
al lbe ""me ,ime 10 _1.1 &om both of them her I ..... moe"" of pro.
,ceting lhe ooc penon >lit 10\'1 Oombty, ncglted and"""""" daugh ....

The plc:uure of quoting [);Ckens tJu., ... ,"u 10 "''', my d&tl<SX>n.
Hc ... ' JII lhe finl scene of 'h" plot . ItttIC .fte .. fW'Y'
"I ,ruSt: [C .. ""., pld. -1""1 ,he f.ugue. of Ihis .. mmg .. ill
nor incon' ...... ncc Mrs. Donoboy ,o""'><'tOW.-
M .... Oombty: Aod Mr. Oombty ...... "!w. JUl!i.oontly ' I""'d
fw, .... lff. 'lguo. ,u ... liI:'." )'OU froon . ny ''''';'''y 0( tho, ktnd. I rogrn '0 ""-J.
M,... n O"' bty. ,hal I rnuld .... , .. "'I>hcd you h.>d r .. igu<d l"" .... lf a
rno", OI' Ihh <><o,ion:
Sho k>okcd'l h,m wi,h . '''I'''mllow . ,h.1 i, .lamed tlOI w<>rlh
hor while 10 NI"'I . nd lurned ' ''''y hot tyeJ "'Ilhool 'J'<'.king_
" I .m oorry. m. d. m: ",d Mr, Domhey. ,h .. }"U .hould n", .... ,"
' hough' il you,duly "
She look.d .. hIm ' 8" " . "00 you know th. , Ih .... is ><>me <)ne he,..!"
. he "" umed, IIOW kwlk,ng at him ste.dily
"Nol C.",.,! I th'l you do '1<>1 I ;tui>t ,h.>, l"'" do not: cried
I>lr. Oombcy, ,h .. noi .. kss gen,lem.n in hi< ""hdra"'iI. Mr.
C."""r. m.dam . you my ronfuknc.:: He is as ,,-ell at-
qu.un.d a. my .. lf ""h ,he out.;ro on ... 'hich I _
"I "'k you: ,he "'pe'IU, bcnJing hc-r disWin{uI ... S"" upon rum.
"00 you know !ha, ,he ... 1$ ""'......., ..... r
-I mo" .n' ..... : po.! Mr C.rk<. iI"f'I'U'g ror.. ... nI. "I m ..... beg. I m ....
<lem.nd. '0 be ... 1e>Sed. SlIghl.nd u"'"'po""'''' .. ' .... ddIO...,""" is- - (' \LI-
rN ,he "',., day. Car""r h,,,,,,,,If,,, [utlh:
"\ h"" p ..... u"'.J: .. Id Mr, C.rI: ... "to .<01;.:;, .n '"lOn-ic\o. you .'" eh.",,,,J by Mr. Dombty "'ah , ... ,," ""''''1;" of ",.
proof: .. id Edi' h, r"" po!o>C" M,. Oomt..:y 'oeOl,fo.lmc. In SlId> 'n unuJU""
dtgr. !I'. Ih .. 1"u "'ould O(' ..;"ly jurpri$c me if,h.>, "" ...
"I IY, .. no nk::l)," 10 ''''1'<1), ,,hoohod>. I ... ,,.. upon h"""",.: ooid
Mr. c.rt..r. "lIu, I tn,,,,,, ,h .. I..>dl'. on my " ..-n "" .... If . '0 rdIea upon
my ptrl'w 1./." nigh, nd the ''''I"".oM"y of my ,be
........ ,luI "' .. forctd upon me In a "'I)'p'mful occasion. ; SC\ .. ,.J p>n.
g .. ph< BUI. kindlJludgt of my brew by )'OU' .... '" and you ... -illIOrgi> ..
in hIm. ,(in III =ns." goa a, aU _r.y.*
Wh.>I' ,ub '0 berrroud hun. '0 >&1 there, 10 f..: ....... h han. and
h>, .. hIm ,tndcrutg her fol>< ..... 'h al ,be alto, and .g .... fOr hotacccp-
,.nee . nd pressing i. upon hc-r Ilk< the <Iregs 0(. ",,""rung cup """ could not
...... n hN Ioa'hing of. or ,urn '''.'y from! !iooo' .h.>me. "'.....".... and f"'"'OII
.. gcd ... -"hin her .... h.n, upnght and 1tUJ<>&i< in hrt be .... ,y be/Orc him. she
kno ... ,lu, '" h .. >pin' "'" ...... do..." ., "" fen!
Soon .,,,n ,he p,,",cn.., of n .. ,;,.1 d&:f.ret> is brexhed lhem. ye1
,he h.,lng ,e"";"n of'hoor .truggl. do"" lIot -S,,: Ild"h .. gO<lded
,ntl' "")''''g 10 him .n a I.!e. "'''''ling.
Why do )"01.11'"''''' ' )"ur,df to m .... . . y"" h,o,' .lot,., . oJ '0 me of
lovt .nd du,y 10 my huob.ond. ond pn"""d 10 ,hltlk ,h'l I . m h, ppily m ..
""d, .nJ ' h' l I hl,"uu, himllluw..u ... )'Q" , .. nlu", >0 '0 .lfron' me. wh""
yuu know_ l du "'.I' know 1\ heuer. ,It, .. _ ,h" in pl . .. of . lfeetion be
'W"e" u. ,h<",;, .. 'o1li ...... "d ron",ml'" .nd ,h,, ! despis< him ""rtlI)' los ..
,lu" I <Ie.pi ... my",lrr"rbc;,\1; h"l_
She h,,1 lOW him "'hy h. did ,h". Ihd ,he not be"n blin<kd by he, prid.
.nd wra,h nd .. lrhum,li .. ion .... """Id h ........ n ,he an ... er '" 1m
f.u. To hrinS her '0 ,I"s <led .... i"",. ( m )
If. '00 !.mpung 10 ,race in opera,ic """. 'he *un" on<l"'g- l in
ph ...... ) of ,h. w=w ... ",;ngfsJ of Ih. cool " of enl"'p'
men, of &luh eonltnUU inch by inch 'hrough ,he <:vtuuntly ... Iined. pm.
!",norma" ... up/I(llalion oflhe grounds oflheor ron,,,,,,. As "'hen C.rI:.r
pmun,,,, '0 c'"pl.,n 10 her
Mr Oombcy is ",.Uy .'p.bI" 0( no _ '''''' romt<i=o'oon fu< you.
rn.o.Ln,. ,h." fu< me. The cump'''''''''''n CII'runc on." ! mtend" to be
... : bu. quit< jus' DvrnI:>o:y. in t'" pietU,udo! of hu ""'_I
h,d i, from hit own hI'" J'"'mloy bt ha$ gubtn.wn '0)'Ou.
btc,use'" kno .. 1 am no! .grtt.obl. 'oyou. md bta_ "",ntends th."
I moU bt a pun""""'m fOr you. ron'Um.lCY' and btsIdc$ !lu,. btnuse h.
... lIy doeo ton>odo lIut! 1.1u. f'>id "'I"\ .. n'. am "" .mba<i'OJor ,,-born " is
<krug>tory ,,>the dignily . ofh .. ",fr. ' ofhtm.df. 'Ottech ... You may
InlOSinc how n:S.rdb. nf mo. how oln"'" to the J>O'''hilny of my h' Vlng
.ny IndiVIdual ",nl;mr11l 0' Of'""on "" is. when ... m . openly. tha, I
.m ... rmplOj-.. d. You know how prrkctly inddl"",n, '0 your!:' ht: IS,
"'hm hr 'IlK,' .... you ,,"h "",II .1"tV<:I<'Tl8"'"
Shr "',,<hed h'm .. But """,,'<hn! hrr'<IO;.nd he U\O' that
,h .. indic,tIOn of. k"""'Ied8'" on hi< f'>". of """'"tlung ,lwlud br.
''''rrn ""ndf and htr huob.:tnd ... >nd ...,.nN in htt haugl>')" b"' .....
like a poi<oncd 0"",,' (m'9II)
Edilh look..< hke. ' urt loser In 'hIS g.tmc. cviokmly In 'he
rit u.I.l"ral)"zingly (""""l1Iio,,"I. Y" none,hclesoleth.1 n.,mosotial crt>$>-
Ii.., " f !!Uri,a) wi,,,,, .. with "'hteh w i$ con'inually uW by boIh hU>blnd
and wouldbt 10>=. Espi.lUy 00.", aU seem Ln:.t .... hen she actUally. htenlly
elopa .CTOM !hr thn:shold of"',,,,,, .nd rulinn to rtn<ln.""", 6n.lIy "itt.
Corl.r In. french holt! She 1e1is Domb<:y. - I ,,-ill hoIJ no pbu in)"OlU
house t"ITl()""". oron any ..,"'.,..,ocr of 'O-ITl()fT(N. I ,,',U ht '"
no one, 0, Ihe ",fna",), 51 .. " y"u purchased __ If! kp'- my m n.,!;<' -do.y.
I would keep it .. do.yofsh.",c- (617).
Yet. dop;"g. ,h" .. ), .. m()l",aliy h"""lia,,,, Durnbe)' and exposes Carl<cr
to !)om""(' ",urderou. ugc. Arriving ""fon: Corke", the hotel. more
"'I)" d.hbn-.,tly I3kl ron,ml wn., w;o know Ih,u the ' " '' of
Ihrm . '" the", '<>ge1her. ,.ho ... "U ,lut >hr "a and
In ... lIy - "'Iu. door. to 'M" OWl(" ,,"ill be <>pm and ... Iu. dooo-l c:Io:!eJ
and ",him side!hr ky5 aRc on. Th ..... at m.
>uppootd ITl()men. of atlull""-"'I dun. to ",f"", her bod)',150 10 C..,ur.
- In .WI)" ">unt )'QU m. k . - ,h. fin.lIy ."kulate'10 him,
- I h,w my 'riumph. _. Uoa>!. and me on hltnl ,"uti know how you
r'm< he", to-nigh,: you know how you>l>nd"""<ring,hr", Boa .. ,hen
. nd "",eng< me on you ... lfI I ,hrown m)' f.",.,.and gooJ n.m< ,0
,h. wmdo! I moll Jh.",., , .... "'ill .n,""" '0 ",., '0 kn<>o<'
,/1->[ it . "..,1"" r.I>ely-,ha, you ):."OW" 'oo_.nd!ha, he: doeo no<. ""'.,.
,>fIo.nd ""'.,. .... n. l"U.tit nd nukr no <ign. For th" I 1m )w..,.Ion. .. "Jth
."". a' !ht Jead of nigh, For Ih" I h.a-. .. nte\ you he"" '" fm.. """"'. -:os
.,.",..[i<:. For,h ... 1 hn-ebythooo Noth-
"n _.., you "",,'. La.tly, t3U '"y ", .. nung' Look ' 0 )'0'1 .... 11'- .....
,,;d r><! . mikd 'S .. n, -y"" bern be, .. 11 h .. bern mode
,h>! Y()ll .. " in ,hi. 1'\>", _ If I live, I saw my hu.b. nd in ""ri'ge in 'h(isJ
>!"'" ,o_mgh'!- (718- 19)
The ,,,,,,,,",,ir. of .ta''''Y in II", " f 'M Ooml><-p' marnago: ""' .. ,
Jtf'>n ... gnilicantly from 11>< 5"" of,hr m,"Olun=yuhibIl10n and sal<: of
,,-oman Ye hr periprrform.m" spati.h'"",K'" of dot mobile .hrtshold
... 1 would . 11 ., ;tS nt..rn a I"n of Di<:k=s., understanding of US.
11""<1-.nJ cO"""tly 50 - ;tS of BnH.h !!Urmgo:. The forrt of,he perfor.
,,"','" thO! is. d<p<:"ds cruci.llyon ito swsraphte IOCa1ion; both
Carker ."d Ed.,h, lik. pcrp<,nto .. and rcsi$'c", of US. II ., .. 'Y. coum
.mons Ihcir sharprst \>I Clp<>ns 'hese diff.",n,iw of prnorma.
,,, .. hm . ht ,' ",ma" NNtS, f",,,,,.mple. Did<:ru RcprodlKd a U.S_ """ ...
I"p"rac<oum wilh 1M bllnd .id" l:o,,-c_ -: -An inttrntinll
<.ue l$!IOWon In.aI in Ih. Suprt"'" Coun . "'ing ()lll of 1M f"oIkMmg bets.
A grnll.",.n .... iding m h:od .n .gN 1"" of his slaves.
IUbs .. "",) lhough """ It-g>1 f..,"<Iom f ..- )" ..... WhU. ,hu,lrnng.
J,ul;),'" born '0 ,hem. ",ho S""' up m!hr s;lme hbtny. umil w
> f.., e and w,' n, wi,h him to .."ide in l'tI1IU)j,,,,,,. They
),><1 ..... c,-. I children. ond h,,,d ullntol."cd "m;l,h. orig,n.1 owncr dird,
"lItn h" heir au,,",!,,"J 10 "'&:"" 'M"': but the m.gllltute bc:f"'" whom
,"'" \>Ie", MOllgn. dc<1d<d ,h .. Iwt luJ nojurudiction ,n the c_. -n,.. .... 'rIn
.... t,"'I.1ot """"'" a...t Iotr rllIlJmo ;" Ih. ",mnI tJot", , ..
cn,phasis in ,he .mgm.l).
Olden. ";"" ed ,h. noobilo .h..-..hold. includ'ng the th",ohoId of our
",.n as ofbonJaSC or.m.nap.llon. "OJ. (()I"!II1tU'"'' r. .. u", oru.s.
$1""'1, A, the Maryl.nd sh",,'5. hov...:vcr. ,Ius opat,.1 und ..... of
pcrfor", ."v't y i!>clf " .. ',Is to bro supplrmen,ed ,,';th Ihe compl .. , ""cJ,<rJ.
gli(/, st "se or'emporali,y uffe red by <lon"ruc'ion.
1l1e b .. iJ of ,hese .lonlCnlJ I, ",ORc ,h,n d,.""uil:ed ,n like
,h., uf Hani .. Fotobs. "'mong the -inciden,,- ",<...-.led", J>robI'. hmory
of ho.r .,....n f;nnily and .Rc 1hr clu.-..nens .. " ones;
I. Her ".11 m.nummed but ca!"un:d by >b..:"
n .... ld whil" 'r ...... I;ng 'Q norid .
l. Thor gnndmu<""' . n ..... .,....".,. th<: g""ndmoo.ho. ITu In hor "ill,
bu, ,''' tlerolor of, ... -..,U pul ..... up mnuoio:Jn nonc:1 ... iftL She
" . , p"rch.,w by a fnend ofher Inc nmt"'SS. ,,1Kt fret:<! ho .
J. j:;o<obs, broil,,,. c,u[I<"d onlQ Ncw rotk-bQund ship. whICh
'n .... I1 en by a SlQrm .nd h.d IQ put 1nlO a relr1 In 'he SQulh. Rec.
'>gnizcd bec.use: of . newsp'p<"r . d,.....wcmcn' , he Wa S relumt:<! ( 0)
lhe ship in ch.i .... es.-.pcd from d", ch;,ins.nd WoOlm IQ .norc.
bu, wu pUfMICd. raplured. c .r""d Nck 10 hIS nusle . n<!
sold. He /i""ny eK.pcd suc"",,,fully IQ ,t.. North
. The gr:mdmolher -f=<I- I" ... of ho ..,.,. by t...
and purchasmg I"",": ,h""ronnnut:d frttdc>rn. IheTt/On:. dep<nJ.d
011 he. rem'lnlng cl" .. of funh". ddt,.
J . J>cobs r.lI. in I",.., with. f",cborn bl>ck . n ,un. "IIO Prop<><C$ IQ
purch'''' her and ,hough ,hi.' l,n1 e..phdl. 10 frtt hor
W Ihoy c.n Ix- m .. ri.d. berau .. 'h" m>rri' j;c of. 51 .. h;" IIQ 1tg.<J
$landing. He. owner n:fUS<:'! ,o..,U her in", m.,rUge.
6. jacobsc<m>enulo be<:oo,c 1 ... ITUJ( ...... of. ,,h'le IIWI not "'.0.,,,,,,,<.
J Ie pnxnioc> 10 pun:h_ he. and 10 care fo ... he .... child",n bu, is un-
.ble 10 he. "" . ...". 10 seU ht-r.
7. j:;ocobso:c:opcs. bul only ofiC"1")"'rsoflocal cunculmc:II1 is.hIe 10 8'"
IQ 'he North. He. grandm<>lhc. pureh...,. ht.childn:n with money
harrowed fnlm Ihd. falher. jacobs, . ttemp" '0 pureha,., he"",Jf
from her o"""e,",,, unav .. ling
8. 'm, father oflhc child",n. IIOW mam"d to a "hite wOman. -'dopll-
one or ,hem and ha. 1M OlMr -adopled- by hi> .m" ... n . .,,, htn
,,hen they go '0 1,,,,, In lhe Nonh. th<:ir ""110 i> """"",.1>0", b.""wn
Ih" of "'''t"..., and sbvc:s..
9 With the of ,1>0 Fug""'" SLn." Uw in , .so. p:obs.. ,housh
hv,"s: in t'" Non". become. once ag.,n subJect 10 ,he Sotlthern ..
ng'rding'I .. ..,ry.
10. JacO)h", ""'ne.di,,.; his widow and child",n ",wk. ' 0 ",UP'U'" h,,
,I Northe rn friend (Comelia WiU;..) offers to pu""",,", h .. j.cobs. "'-
pudialing 'he equ.,l"n .,f being fltt ""h bemg by - the
right peTSQn.- ",(uses 10 be pu",h:Hed in th .. " . y. bu, , ... fnc:nd pe"
..... ,n her nq;ori"ioru "''''''''''Jacobs, cooucn,. In
p<>reh;,sing hn J.cobs w"'", of Ibis moment. -My "'" acct:<!
,"gly full. I """"mbe,t:<! hQ\o.. my poor f .. he. had lned to buy .......
...hen I _ , sman child IlCmemhorrd hov.. my good old grancI-
"IOlhe. had ."d up hoc m'ngs In putchHc me in "'e' )"ars. and
he"", nflen htr pl.ns h.d .... en (ru<,,,,,,ed. Bul God 10 onIers dr
..... n'.>\anc"'.s '0 k..,p me ",;,h mI fnend Mrs. Bruct. 1.0\..". du,y.
gt"atilude. ,iso hh,d me to he. 'Ide. It IS a pri'ilege 'oser", h.r ",ho
r ilies my oppressed peopk . nd who has bestowed Ike: ",eSllmabk
boon of freedom 0" me ."" my - (100 101
Whtn 1I riet juobs. bro,he . ,he ..... .., John S. p:obJ. north
"uh Ius _ncr '" 18.!S ...... .., friends in N ..... York .d"i..,d
h' m .bou I ,he f""'Sibtlll ) of ck .. g "hcJc In ,ht North. maJo hIS esc;&pe
pI.n Wtth Ih<: m and. as "" wril"'.
[The S'W)'crsj diru:[dJ .. ,he: A"or", th,..., oclock:.t halfp.", fOIl, I w., H'
hr "" bn.>.,d t he oo..t for P"",idencc. iki"g un.N. '0 wnl' n'pelf .. th ..
,il" . nd unwilhng 10 k."" hm' lIl'u,p<"rue. 18"" friend '0 "nte"" fol
1"",,,_ "S;r - I h..,,, kf, you. not to ""urn: ,,"hen I h..,." GO' .. "Jed. 1 will
gi"" Y"" funhe, "l1>f' l1lO11. No lonS"r Y"" ... JMn S . .JMobo..-
TI", note ..... ,n be pul IIltO the f"'O'-<>IIi<e in <imt fur tum to gtt it. !he
n .. t morning. I " .,,cd 011 tum and hIS "ifr:.t d,n"". M lho .""n dock
.. ruck fOur. r Idt the """"',. ( .... _81)
... 10"&"" )'lull, John S. J.col. how cooll y 'h" d"l'mg >l .. -c PC"O"''' ,hi.
ck,lrifyi"g re5ur. o'lioll ofmu" ing in . rormula ofinor! p<:>111CC. He docs
W by !'u, hmg ,d) ' 1 t he m of 1 he ("Ve .... t" ftmg II><
"e, of human ownership. a. contkllS"d 1n. roUlimud 1""'''''.''011 of1o)-
Ilty Ii"" ."'y. -1 bcglO ",n,ai" "",'''''''Went se"",n' - _ ,upp<>:lCd ,., iruulal"
........ amng from Iht pl.," f:act ,h;" .ome hUm:ln bemll$ .. .., .... in fact. in
tl.!S. '" ........ pit .... nd "'" in """'n. hoIh Iogally and owned by
oel'cr human bemgs.
II p.rt of my mO"'" in IhlS chapter h"" been ,., upkm: h""" one com
plex and h' >I,,,,,,.1 CnmC. the holding of African .nd AfTie.n
<kscct>dcd , I, ves in Ihe WCSICrTI Ilcm"pherc. gOTCd i,. (highly dlf
rc"""i.lly) 011 'he muo", of mc.ning th., " .... re posstble for .nyom i" ' ..
po:ril'"'form .. i,." amhl1. Whelhe. Europe.n or Africandcso:enJ.C<l . nd ,n
the Old World " .,,11 OS ,he N",,. Sp"ctfinlly. , ..... " ,uppo<mg ,h;"
during th. tim. Qf .b""ry ... 1(1 for an uncuuunscnb.bI< limo:: .fter it> .bo.
huon p,ob.bly c.,""d"'g beyond ,h" ,he du.,,,, of """n .. ,jously
pOlen' l;nJ,'UI>t""":!s ,1m h.,,, ""<" g""'p"d loosely . 1nCC J. L. A"Slin.
und.r 'hc rubric of "p"ri",,,,,,,;.,,.- mu" "" un<krs'ood contmuously '"
"'lotion '0 th. u.mpbry "f>l .. "ry. They m,,51 un<kr>lood if!
,ho ""y .. It:ut "" mU(:h :l.Sthey are uoo.:rstood already by .... b ...
gil"". atld "",oo.:r thwril:'1 in ",Iollon to th" ....,mpl.ry ;,uc"ocn of COUrt_
,t"p! and of in a
I h .. " "" aummg this.;oj lAy ..... ther th ... ckmorm .... 'mg it;;, Ius
CorullU,ed the dlln" ... iorul groutldmg of. diJcussion ..... , "Im to rugge<t
.. -hy Au",n'qult. nrmrydrpranonoftt.. -dr$01pth., fall...".- 0"""',
and ....... Idnt h .. ., ,he: rfft of h",ng off. un<I.-ntmd;nll
,,( p<'rfo,mall'" fmu from psycholoj;ozrd and unde .... anding
,,( .ff""",., fOrce. and IIUI a,nlS 10 ,hicun our $CtlK of ,t.. ",lotion among
rerformau ...... unrnllUlth., surround and .Uudt 10 nplkil per_
(Of""";,,, ... nd ,he bro;\drr firld of tM f"'rfO<m..>.,h" ell"rru of l;angu.a&,!,
and I h ., 001 ulKlrrt.ktn 'hi$ Out of. dt.i", 10 ckll\O<U' .... '.
hi",,' one con"""""lll:bl O('OM and thtoty COn be fOlUd to Streich. hov,_
ew, ,n",ly. ,,, .. ,, luch dl"P'r>tr ontologic-.I.i,u .. ,,;on, _ritiun .nd challeL
mman,k ",.Ii,m .nd 'he "r ".,,"" .... 'he (O"'"moons of rourt.>hip-
and th" laWI of se,vi,ude 00, '0 dr.m>!; .. alikchhood ,ha,
such 'ca'ms m"tch", mUll .llemptcd cwn 'hough 'hey mayamphfy the
echo "f "'""ry ugly incongrui'y-Indeed. c .. "n where thAt poin'
ma)' "0' ;,..,lfhc Ihdr ",.in olle.
-)I gran rifoul<>. In ,"" lop ... 111.00. So< .Ito C",-.ft. 1"""'. "el>< I<a d '"''
n"",g- l")
1><>j>oI. , .... <"""'" " ..npIro th"",W-' , ........ y. I tIo "'" ... un m..
,I-,c", .. "yWog .... .-nuow< """" "'" Iupdt"""" "I"" 1'" b II .. _
'", . - ... ... "'" _ r" .... ,nq< A p>d ....."., """"'''''''''MY...".,ld be
, ...... ... ,_"'.. elM. C_ .. I'<.Jr

J "I1Iough """ ..... ,..JJ. f'M""' ....... .uy ........ pool _ ......... -,. .. ,.....,. .....
.. K<m. <1< .. , .... "'" ....... '" .wit <nO ......... _ _ Ih< >pO
opm<d "I' "r "'" A_""""" In P""_"" .. ,... io
r""" II .. r ... eI,I>< '"1-'1 eI" F<>Io<.oodt ........... -.. *"" ", ... ...,., ""Th<
.. i<>u< " _ ,<> ""'".,,11< .. h<1l><t- ""' .. )'> J" 0< 110 '" 1< .... 'hha """
." ..... lJl<, .. 0< 1""_ ..-!w, .... ,""" ..,.ru It .....".,...."'" ",
'" .111., "''' 10 >00"' lor '"" r .... ,Iu, " io >p<>km.......... ""., , .. , iosu<.
_(1 . io ,he .n ( .... - '"' n.. l'ooK.uJdUn ........ io -. of_.
><it",,,,,1 .. ,A",,;.,' ...... , .... "'" .... wtat ,I-,c '''''" '" r .... -, ......... ,,_ ol aD
.ot.! "' po.iOt-tt-u, .... foot<- .it eI)'<S ,....,... "" .. "'" "'" .."", ... .it,
""'pIsooof ............. r .... Tht ,_ttKWeO ..... _".,.,.,
....... """Ii<...J ... I,....,. ...... , ..... otdIo. >lflb.. boUt.-
""" fuu<.wIt IT"" ",.o.Irn.I000irnufy """
....t)ud br , .... c... .... f'>1<ttoio&J ",,,", fin< lulfellh< ... "'-
ro. .............. .........."""",, ." ..... '" ........... _ ""'.mO ...... '"
... ...-- .,. pfOnru.", """ othrn ......... __ .oily _.1ifuIy oIr<n
...... "ut" -' . rrIo< .... '0 "'1 ..... -.. ...... io .",.d".I .. IftmO.mdt .. "'"
cu .................. ""',""" ............ -, off""l""'" ondll<mUOll. -,,-dt ,iI<
........ , .... "... ,,-......... from ",. ............,. -oopb of "'" '!'ftdt ..... "'""
". C<IIl<"JI"'" OIl "'" IoN,.......,. .... "" Ih< ..... .. .... .co<I
.. ....m .. '0 lho iIIocubon..y """ eI,'" vt\<"r'I'C< .-!""'" from "'"
.. ithr""'-I'<i"
" ... 0.1 ,,,,. 1'nJ<><-"'" 0'
C""J'ltT J
Wriucn wi,h Ad.!m Fronk
3 few things theory """";S 'Olby.
Or, 10 phra .. i, nlore f.lrly, h .., a", a few bro.>d assumplion< 'h"
Ihr heuristic habils and pmil;ng pnxf<!u",. ofthwry loday (Ihmry 00l
in the prirtUry lheort1itll lUI .. bu, In II .. roulinizing cri<ka1 pro;"". of
-'W1it'd theory": ,heory:>1. btwd project ,h.1 """. Sf"n, II..
Ii<: nd ">lends into hi"ory and . nthl'1lJ"'k>gy: Iheory .ft .. Foucault .nd
C",,," bbu . ftc, F",ud and Lac,n. aflO' !.t"i Str.u<s . f,cr D.rrida. "ft.r
r"mini.",) when i, off.D "ny account of hum.n beings or coltun:s:
The disI.n 0/' any web account from bioloj;ical buis is ,"""med
10 m=I' I. nc .. p..,rudy \\;1111" I'<,nellliol for doin&jUMitc 10 dif.
fc!'t:nce (indi"idu,l. hiStorical. .nd cro <ultural). to conli n&en<y. '0
p" normati"" fore . and to 'he pouibili,)' of dunge.
. Human I,nguoge is ... UmNIO off 'Ik' mos. prodI>ClL"". if tIOI lho:
""I)" pouibk. modd fOr underst.nding ..".....,n' .. iI)n.
J The birol ... I"Nil;.. .. ..,Ia,iotu of .ubj<ct '0 objecl . sdf to ",her
r><!.c,ivc to p.Mi,.." .nd Ih. ph)$ic.l sen .. (1igh') u"d .... 'ood 10
<<>frc'p"nd mOSI do .. l)' '0 ,Iw:.., ,d.lioN a'" don,in. n, org.nixing
to 1M ,,>Ient ,hoi their dlSmanlling "" such IS ., both
In utg<'n' .nd an ;ntenni .... bIc TM.;on ""e"d!! 10
weh ," KI Ha>hionin g. objoclwntion. >.nd
O,henng; In lhe gOlU; '0 ,t.. CO'" of Klfhood c,m,ide"'d
' J a 'ekls or os illusion ",<!uiring ''igila",
COI"ll'spondingly. t .... S1ruaur.olisl ",Ii.""" on 'hrough
bIn.ry p"irings of defined in a diaoitinl n:lation '0 Olio:
.. n",he, and no mon: ,h.n ar!);Inrily U$OXi .. with the 'hings
symbolizn!. h no! only $Urm,.d "'\K'tuull" mome'" bul. if
.nYlhing. hal bttn prop.agatn! IlWWt bro;tdly ,h.ough n rioed
.nd unn:Sling cri'ique _ critique Iha, n:prodIKCS and popularizes ,he
.. r1IlIM .... """,,:u it m.y an undtrsr.nding of ,he """ki"Po
of ,he bIn.rUntS m(nliontd aboo,,, along "i,h $Uch ochcrJ:U pm-
l"k/ plenilUdt. tulun:/ cullun:. n:prcssionj libe .. ,ion.
In ,his chop'c,. ,," disctw. figun: ..... pn:'itnlly wcll""""n. ,h. us.
psycbologisl Silvo" Tomkiru ( '9' ' - '99')' ,,'ho Ottms implicitly '0 duUcngr
,hc.., habil$ and proccdun:<_ lOch.ncngc Ihem nOi from ,hcnntal,;<'
pr6CT11 but from (whol ,," I .. ke 10 bo,) . momem shortly bo,fo,e,hdr instal
lation a.r lheory_ Hc is also. ohr:n. a tiS"", ,,-bum ."",h lW>Iu.and pnxcdu","
would lend 'h.rply 10 rt'buk . In f.ct .... dingTomkills. work on .1Jec1 has
conJis(t1Itiy ir" ... I,-"d UI in 0 pcculiM double m<M:m.nI: to bo, 'c.pormve
10 ,he g"' intcrf$\ of his wriringtttms abo. conlio .... Uy. 10 omke S"'phic
lhe meehani,,,, uf wh., would "'.'" . n i,m;islibiy."y di>crtdit.Uon. y""
don'l ... ," 10 bo, long "'" of theory kindtrg.f1t11 to m.k. mincemu, of.
lel's ""'y. a psychology tha, on .he ol.igI>' (only
SQ4ne,in, ... il'. nine) distinct affeell hlrdwin:d intu Ihe human biological

reI we convincr ourlCI,.., ..... ,. fur ,,,,,,an . he fOrmid.Wly rich
phenomcnology of emo,ion, in TomklllS is in any acciden,al or 5ep"",bk
,0 his highly su>f'c'1 scicnl'.m. If .n)'thing. hi' 5(:cm. '0
in.erp<CI ahern .. i, .. and far roarlC, .ocruilm .he theory , .... would
find hi,lOu,y 10 di.mi ... The .dcn,i,m nf - ,hc'Ory.- indeed. can become
visible in Ihis lighl " a dilt',":n. prod"" of alR"OOJl ,he same. P",,;cu'
lar technologic>.l momc:nl;os Tomkin .... The foct thaI one. ,oday. sounds
cockamamie and lhe othe. vif1".1 common 5(:ruc. or Ih .. One sound> in
cl", .. blyd.",d and ,hot "' ..... Marly fi"t"Sh a. print. mar """.1 t.... .bou. ,he
rrJ,,,,historical righl ..... of -Iheoty" Ihan abou' .he dynamic. of con .. ns
(,,.r,.II,,iorl and cross-disciplin.ry
, j- On" conjoinl of affec, cH" .. we upcricnccd on .he .... r 10 bo,rornir
, dJic'.-J to n:.ding Tomkins: his wriling exci.ed .nd hupin:d .n
",nlell,n!. Oncc. Or\< of u< fell asleep n:.ding and aftc ........ rds ttpI., ....
"I of len 1,;<" tired wilen I'm learning a 1oc.- TIlen: .... many <
Ih,' .... gencroJi'Y' . nd in a section On affect diffcrt'nccs in di
,..,-.,nl .pecie. we tind an e"""'pIt of the ,,riIC.S: -lbc .... rit., .
dom ,i(ot.d 0 50111cwhal wild killen. B.mbi. ,,-hieh had heen rroril:",
m' 3 couple of older Cal . aU of wbom li\"cd l og.,heron a f.rm. B.mb
.. : wild I,nle aruicly neurotic with an ",,,"""'clming fear of >.II .nim.k
jndudinS man. It proved polble lU .IIenuate both his "ildnc$s and. hi:
("ar by holding him lightly a, 100'S's WIS 10 bum OUI Ih. feOJ
!"C'pan><:. I continued to hold him ' ighrly his feor . o h.
PifUJ'C him to nunfe. rful human con,.ct. This was n:pc;ucd daily lOr..,.,..
lime and ",,,mu. lly lhe fear ,ubsided- (Affm t:6, ).'
TIu< "uld:li "'e II deooibe T omldn" wriling: a poten,i.lIy
,ertified ide. or image is ,run up and held fara< many u an:
n"""mry to - burn ou' .he f"a' n:.pon'it .- Ihe" lilt., man)' mon: unlil ,hal
I'ka 0' imol,;<' can I'OCU' in the tat " ' j{hoUI ini.ially ........ ing vt. .. ,.,.
sonlC, ime ..... hok p",.graphs "'pcat; P'l,;<'s.n: l.un up with
.. n,cru: yn,aCticaU) r<: .. mbling one a"other (.-pi"cmical1y mod.r non
rocti", ullcranS (orm - It is pouible th;tt ... .- - If .. om)' .
- Whether< .. :) ... nto,,,I:, no, ogene",1 princ,pIt b,u
.. mp ling_ I"'ing'M poible. Thi, ridl cI . USlr.1 .... riling nunul"t"l"ritir .
"'plcniohr . then KU the ide. in molion ogain. II-;Imbi isn't 1M only tcrrifin!
"jlJ thing in ,hi, piCI U.., .
OuringTomkiru', JIOIldoct ..... 1 H.,,.rd h. u"derw.n ........ n
)"a, psJ"'hoan.lysis (or " 'hieh Ihe immcdi .. e stimulus "":1$ a ..,.,,'" ""..ding
block. 5., ... '" r .. ding block: a symptom "" c'd ne,,,r heard n. "",d bo,fan:. bul
Onl: h.t only '0 M .. il """...,d '0 feci one lu""," i, "'tima,ely. IIffrcr I""'U'}
C" ... .. iso', le .. 1 affcaing for lhe " .. ces il hea..-sohn illl ......... ." prob.
k m .. i.ed ,..,,-b.I pruc .... Tomkins', friend of n,.IIY tkoade . Irving Meun
der. described 10 us in.n howTomklns .... rote. , ix or -",,-en rapiJ
hand"'ri"cn line, 10 a I"'"e "like au,onu'K wri'ing.- a.nd how ..,.,""i ......
If' hi,!:"", .... rpriK. af'cr wri' ing a I<I"!: KClion. he would disc""'r in .
.In ... ..,' a of papt ... ,ho, At h..! .... ""en mon,hl lha,
.. mo.' ><:1 of condusionslTom a diff.",n, .uning poom. If ,be a"oni>b;"gIy
he'erogeneous writing of Ajfm ''''''II? C...ucwlOS"",u often embra> mul_
'iple "",.I'pp'ng YOk<:s '0 atten"'.e teNUl". " is Ir$s ,0 red"", .... numbor
..r \'UICCS ,Ilan 10 conlain ' hcir sp.>ct! of ""'rbp Icsr: sprc..! .,. .... L>rur >re.
lions of ....... mit. Structur:l1 rrpctirion is r.",1y eua ... ' '''''Y- and -'an"
.nd lhe phraKJ in ,,-flich ' hey 'ppc>r .hem.te wi,hout .pparent p;!lIern in
rhy'h"", ",mind one ofCertl'\ldc Stein'$. .flOmCT
whc ceminly knows the plcasumI of Ii ... ;
If you 111:0 to be loolttd", and 1 Ii"" to look at }'nu . ... ., may >Chi.,.. n en_
i'""I"'""", . 1 relationship. If you Irk. .n .. Ik .nd I like 10 lim," '0
you Ik, Ihi' ,o.n be m"!WIlly ..... .roing. If you liltt 10 fed .ndoo<:d .. ;.Irin
o d'""rum and llil:o '0 1'''' my.rms amund)"U . ..... eM! hoIh enjoy 0 po
ticular kind of embr..., . If)'QU Ii"" .0 ... I-Uppnt'ltd and I like to hold )'QU
in my arms ...... ran enjoy ,,,,,h.n crnl>ra. If you lab to be ......... and I
lik ,n kiss)'QU . .. .., may mjoyurh "' ...... Jfyou h"" to be or bo:-
Itn .nd I lib: to sud 00' bit. ,.,.. ... .., nuy tnjor tKh other. If you IiIu- ...
ho"" yoursLn rubbed and J lib: to do this ' 0 you. " .. can.njoy eKh othrr.
If you "")0)' bring hugged and I enjoy hugging you. it ran "" murn.oUy en.
jopblr. If,.,.. enjoy bring domin.-d .noll ""joy (Qfltmlllngyou ... .., ITIiil
.'Ijoy u(h ",lie . If you C"j"Y c<>mmuniC'.ting ,.,... c'p<ricn" and id.:",
"Kl "pi,.'i"", I informod .lwut .h. experience>. idra ... 0<1
"pi tion, of Ollie ... """''I' .'njoy e.en othor. If you enjoy tellin); . bou[ the
P'" I .njoy he' ring about the "'r m. y enjoy ",he . Ify""
enjoy >pulaling .!>o<r,.nd p",dktinl; ,lie (u'u'" .nd I .njoy being"" in-
fo,n>cd , "'.., c.n cnjoyc>ch "' ...... If you ,,;oh.o be lik mt and I .. -ish [0
Ito, .. you imitate mo. " .. can enjoy .... h Othc,. (Affi<t ,,. ,,)
At 1 Sl al <>Ii"" .. p" ... graphs p<rmi. ......... to 10 e ...
joy. bul pla.ccs to anger. or bcwmc ano.cdOf:i$hamcd. or to
en'cr let"'''' and p<norm script Ila . ... 11 on .fl"cCln.. .... ..,11 :;u pcn:.ptu:o.l
and men""} c'p'd'ics_ ,hey permir 0"" '0 "'" ,10>:
I, .. "'" Url<on1nlO" '''''t t".., i, burh .... ry ooonp!riJi<. may be m.
" l"'hlr uf >0<;,,1 ",u[loruh,p ber.u>c of vary,"" in,,, .. ,,,.nt.< in
u"" n, '''''t he. t)'p< "fin'.rp<.s.-n,.1 Th". you n .. y,....' ... much
""" COn!' and 'ocn' rumm"";"" and I wi"" lu .. Ik. Y .... " 'ilh '0 >t.",
inlo my q-u. bu, I .. hit"", in' imao:y only in the dart. in >cxu.l.m .
braee_ You wi>h '0 be ftd and rarN lOr . nd I ""oh .n uhibi, mpelf and be
at. You .. ish to be hup and to h.a ... your 'kin rubbed. and I "i<I\
'u "",,.1 myKlf only by dioru .. ing my phibophy oIlik. You wt.h.n rnTal
}"",,,,,If 'hrough your Yievo' of the n .. u", of ....... but I can .... .....Jjz., mJ""'1f
<.only 'hrough communicating my l"'swotI fOr.1Ie .. ttl and . ... pc of. com
tcr Ihat .1"""" 'hinu hkt .. mon. You ", .. h.o >mmun"",t. you. m<W
.. lingo .bout me, bu1 I ". n "hin .. ooctalln\irrucy only through a
,,)Il\n>Otlly ... , .. d high <>pinioo .bou, ' h" merit.< of something impc.'
>1""1. .u, h a, I" rtku b tl hoory ur hranch of know lodSe or .n aU! omobile.
J . '.)
,1' We got uu. fir>! taslc ofSil, .. " Tomkin. wtlm .. .., ... ....., looking
"",bI. id , on the 'npk of sI>.me. In K><I<kn L>ntbapc of or
maudlm idees aboul ... .... t is. to 1M the ""'" """1'01""lof
Tomki",,-s f<>TmuL>,1nns for lMir shorpn<'3'S and <bring.
.",,1. amplitude . nd a dc>crip';''' 1t--eI'MidtdntSS that in the dispiriting
rome .. founds .1"""" ,urn::o.I. T<>mlins considers Jlume . long "'rlh ""CT'
""'. ""'pril':. joy, an!,,,, . . di>.<C$S. disgwr. and in his la' .T wri.inS ron
.. ,npL ("di"mcln tu be 'hc b.,ic sr. of .fflJ. He ,n a,
"ne end "f 'he . !feCl f"'1";1Y lugge$ltng .h., the pulsa,lOO'
of around sham . of aIl1hing . '" what dther or dj",n.b!.
..., b.,1c fultetion ., ,he .bUily to be i",.", ... d in the " 'mld: "Lik. disgu>l .
1.1t.",< 1 0p<rale. only .ft" in10",St Or t nj<>ymen. h.J been .. and
inhlbilJ Otl(' OT the o' he. 0< both. The innatt :IoCI;. .. lor of sI>.me IS the ,
n:ducrion of Or joy. Hco\('O any Wrio:ttO (unhn- upl<>ration
which I"'rti.lly ",duCCJI in'.mI' ... .. ill :loCI;''''. ,he k""cring of.he he..!
,nd c)'OlI in sl>ame and reduce (unher t.ploution or KIf.t.<JlO'utt _ ... Such
bomcr m'sht be bcuUK one is suddenly looked at by one ........ is >I"'nge.
or I>.u .. 0"" wishes tn look ol'Comn ... "" "";,h __ her pcnon bu, su.:!-
de"l .. rann", be"ause he is >I",n!,..,. 0<""" UptctN him to be famili.r bu,
he ":ddenly .ppc ... or 0"0 10 Imile hu, found one ,.,
.miling _ O1r:1ng<'" (iI/foCl 1:0 1j).
M I ,uggested in .he im,odu<lion. Tomkin .... cmph.,i, i" 'hi' accoun'
"" Ii;" "' .... 18. n ,her ,h. n 0" 'he prnhihircd or dlsappro .... d ..... (On"""i .. 1
wi,h mo.;v .. ;ng intuition .h., ,he phenomenon ohha .... m;gh, off n .....
w,ys uf 'hon-circui'ing ,m, ...... habit> of though,
1h .. Fouc.ul. under ,he n ..,., of the ""'prnsh'" hypothe_
,is. "A' ,he $Ome .inlC. ,he ofTomki",,. xroun, .1>0 Ottmcd
nialy from the cngulling. ""'or coch .. oIogicai pnhos wrround.
ing .... m. In .he popular discourv " h.,,, il is cur",ntIy most
discwscd: of .he 1tt<JO"')" ..-" .... nlS.nd .he
chology ,h.t . hw""ic:alJy undcrpilt$ ,hem.
rndd. it ""U .hrough .he of self psjd>ology and oo,.<t-"''''tiono
poychology . hal " " fi f'M cnrotmtenod Tomkins; to the drg= IIw his work
h been popuJorUcd. lt hu been as oft"enng a kllld of origin myth (in .hoe
..h. me of.he inf.n, ) fon ruma,i,,, oflhe indi,;du .. ion.nd 1iIi...1on
of. ",If. Tomki",,', thwry of affect origiruled with his dose obstrv.1ion$
of an Inf.n, in '95S, and he _ allk .0 Ioca.e c.rly upr.,..;on. of Wmc at
period (. round iIr\",n mon,hs) befon: the: infant could h.,,, any c<>neqK
of prol>ibition. A$ clJ>bins. manyd"...,loprncn .. 1 ps)'ChoIogisa,
"'spending to ,hi, finding. now consider sh.n .. the affm lha, moo, defines
.h. "P' wh"", in a "'n.., of ",If will tkvo::lop. In Ihe '''"tal of an
relations n.rrati,,,,. Ihis USC ofTomkiru is ,.I ... bI. a, one of
the of ways 'hat ,u,h hJ.s of di<placing Ihe Freudian
.mplud. On o..dipaHlyand rtprffiion. What il ob:.cUT<'$. how,,,,._ i< h<>w
, ublimely .lien Tomkins', own work rem.ins to .ny prnjm ofn.rrating
,he em"!l<'ncc of. core ""If. A rc:.dcr who uncl'rgoc. the four ,"OluIIIC$ of
Tomkin Ajfm I"",Z('y CO"";O"ln(JJ f.d, <>f 'he contingenl
;nvol .... ... , in.inmely wi,h Idcolllylh., Tomkins rome. 10 .. em ,he
f'S)'Chologl" one ,,"Ould 010>, lik. '0 rc:.d . . f, ,, wilh Prou.t. He more
Ih.n C<)umen,,,, both [I\c PrnuJlian fa!oCin .. ion with l""OttOmies of pe' _
"""".out 'he Prous,;.n con.imy .h .. lhe in.e .... 1 of ,uch IUonom;CS
i< ever in m.king grou,,w (or clisconfirm.tlon and surprise.
Ch ..... aeriSlintlly. in Ton,ldns ,1>0.., pench"" .. " .. " .. embodied. .hrotIgh
eX''"'.g.n ..... goti .. ions among ,he: di>"' ...... >mpeting
psychology in .toe Uni.ed Sma frnm ,he ,_ 'hrough and beyond the
'960s: uperin,n".I. dinintl,.nd applied alik<:. Jlpplied. in<t. H PC' _
"",ali,y .hMry: during his many of .".ching" Princeton. Tomkin>
" "Orud ron<:ur", on ,1>0 Ikvclopm<n. of ''''''' fo .. toe Edu-
c.,ion.1 Tn';ng $o,,",,c,,. for u . and """rot<: booIr. on inrcrpttting _
.m, Them:.o,k AI'\"<f"C"l"kN, T .... _ a boo!< tlt.o, "-u. ... Irving F_ Ale .. n.
,k r ,emark.;n hi, biognphk.1 ..... y. ' ''''ry wdl recei, .. d .. . n i,"ellenu.1
"(I"".,,,,,,,n\ bu. I doubt if anyollC .''''' used it;n nnlerto Ie.rn how ' oi", ....
1"'" TAT r<:ml" (in TomkiOl. Sk.l,"U5J). The p",,,.mplion of. cun>o!i-
d''''d "''''[y .n.. ,",-oold Ottm implici. in wch disciplinary Ioc:..
i. hOVo("\'!r ...... rywh.'" in Tomkw. "m. and at both lhe
and Ii,,"' 1c\ .. 1s. by _h .nother disciplinary mobilization H that
of qbc'ne, ia and l yJlenu .Iw:o<y: or. also 1',,,,.,.;,,,1)". ethology. neuropsy-
chology. pertrpcion and cognilion. sociol poycholog)-. and. as weU. a ptt -
;.ci<"nl .. of ... ",admgofFreud. Paul Coodman. G",gory Batcsoo. other
r .. "le poIyma.h figu .... com",nbly marked by lhe Amcriocan p<t,,-.., mo
..... nl. didn', have SO brood a cen.crof gravity in (and rouldn, . the ... m .
... ,hrr. ext .. 'he ",me pra.s<I'" .gainst ) disciplinary po)rltoIogy: the fi, st
rublkat,,,,, of Tomkins', 'hcory of affect was in FrtlKh. In a ,"OIurnc edited
1' d.lfe",n.iy comj",hk figurt.J.orq .... laan .
Subl<lnely alitn. "" found ,his po)'Choiogy. 10 the dC"\"lopmcntil ptt.
sun' l"innf p"'scriptlon of. ",..., .. If; sublimely resistant. "" migh' ha,,,
. dJt."t.!. 10 wch the wbl.imity lies in an ".em-
1'1"'1, nm in . diaJoclir:al otruggk. E,,,n .. re. in U.s.
p!lychology ofttoe cold war period i, [M pl>in .bscoce. not only ofhnmo-
phobi . bu, of any hin. of. hc r ... Ieleology.' Thi< m<mly . ilent and
"" ly ,crupulou. disentanglem"nt is lhe more compelling r,,, Ihe range
"nd h(",og.".i.y of Tomkins', discipli" .. )" iOurce>' ".hoiogy. sodal I"y'
"h"logy. \ycho.", and ><, On .'" eoch structll",d .ruund foundation
, II Y h". r rose. i st '$'U m p. i"n$ . ncl .ch diffe rc:n ,Iy suo A g.; n. how ... "r. Tom
k"" s ""hi ovenlCm to ",s ui, not from. C<)n"'''c-dly atllihomophobic
pmjt ('m, f,.om .ny g.y in,.rc:". for .h .. malt or) bul r.>lheefrom.
.1""", <imply. finding. pl.., o begin.
Tun,kins 'l n:sill.nee.o h ....,..xisl .deologies i. founded in the ""'"
h,,1e teem. of his undcf'M.nding of .ffec .' As discussed in !he introduc
'ion . <onromi .. n. of di.'ingui!hing In the Ii", pia be". ttn .n .ffen
'lot.m dri\'! ')'Slem th .. '\ analogic.lly .mplm.. IS that. unlih: the
driw. (e.g ... 0 "", .. he. to t). "Any .ffect may ...... any .object: Tltil i>
ha,ic sour of romple.i.y of hum.n """;""Ion and (Affl
1:)471. I'unhcrmon:. in. ",fu$:al of ,he [e."", ofbch:oviorisrn. the.ffect
.) .... m:u. "t.oItc nO single 'outpu" " ( J:66): al<o un[iu ,be dm.u.
".lTe,.;." a"'plir".,1on if; tn 'hr mc.n>-cnd dilfe.-ena" (l";7).
" It i> enjo).hle '0 enjoy. It is ud,;ng '0 "" noted. I. i< terrorizing.o
'errori?e.! '0 be: an);"",d. "lfec, Is ",,1f-v,lid.';ng with or with
,"" . ny furth", ..,(,'",nt- h is thes.c: .pific.rioru th.t . ffeq
.uch us.c:fulsite (or ",.istan '" .deologiCiiI pn:lUmptions of th.
m.ny M>t1. hiJlorically tmbcddl in .he diocipline. nf p<)"hoklgy_
The of(wh .. corllt"o Iftm) .1It """"erfully "m.y- of the
first of .hese I""'f'O'l'liont. "ny .A"teI may h,n" .ny .objta: - .1It - may
th .. e""'rg" 'hrough >'OIum .... T",nkinl', L .. s. di<prn:<>blc Locution,
'ccruc:' .. least p;,"ly (rom II>e highly eonlpk., higloJy uplici. b)'tring of
b;oIogic.1 and machine models in his undtrst.nding 0(.1It human bring.
An carly 'Iuestion for him W;1S -Could one design ruIy hurn..anoid mao
chine?- Ru. c,,*, ",ading of. pusogc discussood in I .... in'roduction >hov..,
tlLa I>e COll"'pt "machinc:- W;1S complu one for Tornl<ins:
Whilr purouing 'ht. lint of. hought. J cncoun""cd Wiener's early popcn ""
cybrrnotiC$. , , . fould n<M in _h. pro:tect .. i\houo: \he ron<ql<
0( multipl< _ mhlil'! of Yo.. ying oIoS"''''' '" ,ndcpcndcncc. depcndenct.
in.erd<p<..o.",e . nd (Onlrol md I" .... ro.m ion '" """ anrn .... r.
It w" this <"OrIpllO .. which, """ day in ..... I.1e ,_ mull-cd in
my fim unde ..... nding oflhe role of"", .fI"<"a moch.,.;.." as. "'P ..... bu,
amphfylng <0 I .1mo!1 (eU ...... 1 u( mI' <ha" on nu-pruc .nd eJci -
""ot .... Mn I wddenly ",;.liud 1""-1 I"" panic of one who eoperi<no:s .h.
,uJfuc .. i,,!\ of int.rruptl"" vf h .. ";1.1 .ir supply h., J\OIhing to d"" "h the
. noxi< dri,,, .ign.1 pcr"" [l>;tuS<,: gr. du.ll<a> of ""}ll"n. when f . .. l,
no A hum.n botinS couh.t be . ."J often is. ,boUI
anything undrt 'ho ' u". I, " -, , ht>T. ,,> S<,:e .hal <itement h.d nnth
;"S P""'" to do " 'ith '''' " JlilY or .. 1th . nd thal 'he 'PI"'r<:nt D<g<:ncy
of the d';"e 'Y;I<'" "'0' ""'TOwN from itJ ro-. ,ocmbly ,,'ith .ppropri ..
".,(t..,ry ."'pliti ..... J',,'ud" iJ luddtnly 'ppc,,,,d 10 be '1"'1'''
tlll"r .i<t .uu.lity . s h. bot" know . ...... he ",os< finicky'" drive . e ..
r<ndtred i"'pot.nt by .h.o"" or ''''l<lr or borcdom or rage_ CQu.,t" J09)
Nntc. moot charK1Clistic'ic ,,'UClU'" l\c",. Wh 'pp<'rS to be.
diminution in tM 1'0"-"" usignc:d 10 I"" .. xu.1 d,;"" none ..... 1cso
spondJ 10 multiplication _ a fini ' t .nd roncn:te multiplk ion. i. will
<m.,,);<' - o( po:uobtli.ics lOr .. :rual ",Iev;o"", (rniding in .lIi. c>IC
'n I'" diMinct <W!J;""'C .fftel, o",iolr, boredom. Suu.lity
is no Ion&"" an on/o ff ",ho$t ''''0 poosibil;n .... r<: bbcled E"P1'tSO
vr Ikp'CS', a dri,.,. """ains ch.rac'eriz"d herr hy bin .. y
(r"tenl/impolCm) mood: y"1 its link In .tlcntion. 10 motivation. or indeed
,oJ ."ion ,)Ceun only through cw ... mbly ",ilh.n alTeet .yMem <I .. oi""d
.. ct>Comp.ssln g $eYC1"lt I mort. and mole q; .... Iy different. po:uibilit;'"
th;ln '-"' / off.
W" discuss ,hi, p.uern in Ihe ( .... mewnrl< of Tomkins', h.bit of byt'r-
ins diSil.1 (on/ off) wilh .n.1og (graduated and/ or multiply diffcrcnti.,uedl
models. and "..;, .rgue for l ilt g",at ronco:p!U.I ,,,Iut of
tlli' h.bit. If it scrnu 10 "rhy""": 51ructU"Uy, ","h ...-1La. h,n", already
referred 10 iIS his h.bit of 1a)'Cring biological " 'ith rnxllint Of compu .. r
,nodtboftlle human beinS. "'" mUSt nontt .... lcudo:pr-ea .. ( iIS ,,-ould Tom
kll" indeed .ny SY5ltm. theorist) the fun ..... homoLogy tlLa. might
.... nlify Ihe m.chtnt or compuler wilh digiraJ .... ion. and tht: bio-
organism ",ilh a .... logical tC"(""""m ion. The..rn homology mao
chi .... : :: animal : ..... Iogic:ol (and concomitan' pmikging of lhe
mochin,,/ digit>l j is, ",e a<'S""', ""'1 """,tnul "nKturing presumption fO.-
<ur",nt lheory.nd emerge, espccitl!y otrongly iIS. antibiologism.
1M it ... hod enginetring .nd hod bio\og)', and it k.<k to hod
the"ry. ,uf'P'l'Sing information m..:hines .ndli,';"g 0,);"";'''''' 10 be
diltinct lhey (tn.inly h"'" in munon Ih., N<h oo"m-
poi"'" hcleroS"fICOu, mi"uro: of digilally st","'Oln:d ",;Ih ",,"logicall)'
>t,uClurtd r<:p",,,,n101ion.1 mechani,ms. r"Or Ihal m.ner. Ih. distinction
1;,.,1W 1I digi"l .nd .nal,,); is Itself .nphing bUI absolute: .n>logic.l mea
,men,.", can lx, used . in therm'>$tat or. neuron. 10 lrigg ... n on/ olf
. witch, wh.",., p", .. ni or <:un,uIOlions of ",,/ off ,witchings may, as in
O .. na ld Hcbh'j '9019 modd of firing in th., ",.ul. in Ih" form. -
.ion or complcx .".lOSic ,,,u<lUm .
Ina "!I n.log.nd Pigital Communi".ion: On Neg ion.Sig
n,fic.,ion . nd Me.ning: "nlhony Wi}d"n offerS Ihis .mong tho: "guidi ng
(Kinciplc, " on lhe: subj.ct :
Tho: qI>C,"lIon oft .... an.Log.nd tht: is of rcl .. ion>hip. J\OI otIC
0( <nli.l ...
S .... "rhing from ..... Log to diG".1 j.nd >icc ...-..a I is nerttS>.ry lOr rommu
niullon to '"""" nain .l'f'C' of bounJ..rits. A grt deal of commuruu
I"", _ pc<h:aJ" aU communlc" ;"n _ undoubtedly in,01,..,. coru"'" ... ih-
ing o r ,h .. tYP'"
DIgit.,] thought i> an.J)'Ii< :and ","O.v.I""d: '''''Ios thought io <futkaicaJ
:and mmy I....-d.
A digl .. 1 syltm! io of .. klg/ltt bd oI organiution .and ,kerdOrc of.
Iov.= IogiCllI tkon "" analog <) TIt.c .,.....m ....
" .. miolic frttdom." bu, " is ul'lmat<!y go. .. "",d by ,he NI .. of ,ke .....
log b/"wtcn 'y"'m., ,ubsp .. m., .nd .up""Y'm. in ""ture.
Tomkin'. Il>rory of alfte" in .. llectu.1 momtn, close to
Wilden', in ,hi> """y, cltptnds on. numb .. of kind. of crossing
bf'wn .n.1og and digi,al forms of rq>re>en""ion, For elWllplt, <Orne or
,h. alfcas he ditnwt:s an SlNC'Iured in ,ke IOIIooo.,ng "'31:
I "'"DU1d XCOUnt for ,he in .ffen KI,,",'ion by thn"t ..una of
,Ingle pnnc;plt _ the dtruiry of no",,1 firing, By cltnsi.y I me." the f ....
q"e""y of neur. 1 firing pI" unit of time, My throry POS'U three di>rn:l.
<I .... , of ",iv"n .. o( .ffoe" uch "fwhich funhe mpllfi .. the ""Ultes
which a<li., them, Th ... Slimul.,ion incr,," .. , .rlmul .. ion 10-.. 1, and
.. imula';on ... ,
Thus any scimulw "" ith a <Uddm ....... ond lIp in<:rI: ... Lo
rite ra,. oI neural firing ... i ll innootdy .cti\',,, a .unit '"f'<"'>"- '" "",,"n
in Figu ... 1. if rite '-'1. oI neural 6ring inc ... :oses kso .. pidly. (ur io Kliv20ed,
aad if .. ;o k.H'pidly, tken In,.=< i< inno"Jy >e,,,.,ed. In """" .....
tained in<"-,,,, In th.I<. ... d of neut.,] firing. as wi,h co,,,fnui loud
would inn.,elyae,i .. ,c ... e,-,. lfi, w .. re.u" . i,ICd,nd "ill louder,
I, would i"n .. ely oc,I ... ,c 'he Fi"..lIy. ony .udden<k<tt=
in SlirnuL"ion ,h .. rt<!lI(:i .. ,. of I1C\Iral 6ring. a. in the ..ddcn Ie--
dt.lC\ion of ute"';' .. noise. ,,"Ould in"",.1y Kt1 .... ,he ........ rdtng smile of
CQuo"- Jm
l>by " .. dixt.wion of dist ...... and ""ger , .... ,,-ill bf <rl,.
in theory-minded ," by ,he "" ... ity of O\Ir ... of lilt ... ....-d
-in".t. - in this poWS"1 Or. for ,ha, m,ner . wi,h "'hkh scicn
rc.d.,.. tod.y "'oy rcgiitcr ,he .. ne,-, o( "denSi'y o(
,,<'u .. 1 tiring"l Wh.t " .. "'.n' to poin' '" U. i".tnd. .... y Htbb, un<k,
".nding of ""ur.1 firing d"'re'c, on/ olf(hc""c d'gh.l) .,'tn' triSll"red
by quan'ifiable analog) "imuli i< DIKe ag.,n .".Ios .... Uy q""ntilied.
In Tomki",,. graph. 0>1:. ,he dirntn<ion of'ime. bu, in a "'Or ,h.a, leads
"oun t . r; .. phi<.t "'1''''''''''''"''' of Ih><y of in", .. "",,,'"'''' of . ff",. From Sit .. n
,"Ol_ I. Cor"irigh' Cl Sptinll" I'IIbI"h;ng O""p-my.
10< .. t'-I<w 100"', Uocd by 1"""""""'"
in ,urn , ,, the ",,/ off (digi''']) ":IoC\i.-.OOn- of any of st\"t .. 1 d ... "". a/fcos.
Thu-'n of Tomki ... .,heory could thus bf ocMm .. i.ud "' analog - dig;-
t.>l _ on alog _ dtgit,,] . Wh.a, tha. (digilwing) ochfml mi,..,.. though, io
,hat l<KTlkin's 'heory mille< ''''''ard I ..... }""tl ... J (and in ,h., "' .... an.-
un<kr>"nding of on/ off o( "neu .. l firing- ioqu. limivdy
,he on/off of .ffect . <,i,Olio" i, qu.litalively hiJoOhly differ-
<nti.led -among no fewer ,h.n ""..,n .ffens. (,.,i"':
i. m. ""ru-e . nalogical becou<c. for""", 'hing. '0 ,he d.g ... c ,h.,
'h"", .rc Jiffrmt' .Freet., ,hey ' a claim ,0 bf n:pn:Kn,ed. ncssarily
.n.logically. vi. g .. pII or m.ap.) Tomkins ",-ri,a. --no. Sf"".,.1 adv.ttn"ge
oI arousal ,nluch a broad spectNm oflevtls and chonge:< of It.-ds
of firing is 10 Il\lIk( the indi,;d",,1 ,a" aboul qui,e .. r" Slales of
.ff.,,, ift ,I!If""'" "")'1- ("QUCSt ' J,8: ad<kd).
And t hr "qui .. cliffr .. n, "at .. o( aff.irs. - we ,I\t)uld add, .re n ...... r '0 he
urKkr"ood OJ pu ... I) (Xt ... ""l stat e", ,hough Tomkins ht"" u ... ,he unch.r-
OC'.ri,,;c.l.l1y ';mplif"'cl ... mpk of ". loud ....u." ,0 ""p"' .. nt a ,timut .... in
'he bod) of his ".lrk cltn,;,y of ncunl firing;' .inu.1Iy ...... 'tra dirttt , .. ",.
b'ion oh o me exttrn>.1 ..... n' th., rould bf dioctt,,,1y ... g .. g .. ed as -"imu
Ius." It"heT. it al"'.ady il>Clf ",nCClS!he cumpiu nf '""Jog.:.
nou< and ptrP'".I. propriocqKi''''. and in,(rpm.;.. .. - causes,
dfffiS, fecdbach, moIi"" .. aa.,g,um .... ,"".urn:os moods
along with distinct ,ran.i'OI')' physinl ot ,...m..I .......... Ag.' .... ''''' bcIuv.
iori>U, Tomkin. argue. ,ha, ","".n' ."mulu. for ,m, affffi "S-
,rm indud ... in'e,nal as "",11 a. e", .. nal e'..,m .. concluding firmly ,h., IMte
I, no basis. and cert.lnly not 'he b.,i. imernal '"uus e.lern,]. for a defi.
ni,ional distinc,ion between ",.p<:tnse and .. imulu . Tomkins "'ports on
Ofl ... imulus-nosponsc f"ptrimen,. for ex.mpk,- in , w.y th., qui,e urxIots
,he ponumpti'''' $implicity oftM ape .... "'" of dffiric shock. which cUm.
<:ally had bn consjd,cred ,m, 'nnsp>....,tl) :II"'''';'''' "imuluSl"r c""dkn.
had only '0 listen to ,he ipOn'._exd .. m>tlons 'hrougl>oo' an C,I.
pcrimcn,al seri<:.; M ,,rit .... " '0 brromc "" .. '" oftM diflieulty o(
one and only one .ffcct by ,h. use of what ... rru an .ppropri ... stimu.
lu.," Simply b)' r<:wrding hi ubjects" specch., the momen, .hq rec';""d
electric 'hoch. he offe", carniv.lcl'quc <ieeOflstructiun in ,h. place of 1M
c'I"'"ed ",.,ul"." Among .h. cirrus of ./kc'i,,,, ""p"nse. '0 ,h. "1'1'"" -
enlly se!f-idtn,;.;.l .. imlllus: "Feels Ii4 "'Mn Pap;! sp>nkd";"A hundred
)"'''' 'go you'd be son of. criminal. ,mu!dn'1 "I(you .. -anI" ter.
rorizing pattern you',,,, got it "; .",.. isn, fai. "; "011. you n'. CU' i, out; i",
moddtning": "I'm noo: gett;ng much ou, of Ihis-I hope you .... "; -rhi ... -
pcri"",,,, is .. upid": So tha' '. "'hal !he shock fed. like"; "Mr.lid i, migh'
n.uS- . te me": "I like the .I\uck,": -Imeresting 10 get in tM h.ndsof. psy.
ch"logi"-'; "I. lhi' ,upposed to make me 1 d;dn', W.iJ1, to be
o 'hock Irooper '''y"",.": "Ouch. ,h., ""rtl", you ... d;dn', hurt ": "Feels
like a.port wilh b", on": "It you iOrt of '''gry ,ho: lirsc Ii"","; "Oh,
lord. I'm f.lIing asleep" (1tfJt J " 9J"s>8).
"'" We ",m>rl:cd earlierl"',<:mifi<aUy minded ... de", ""Quid hkdybalk
at ,he ..,.j \1<1 ;""ne .. ofTumk ins 'Hrud.1 notion.,r densn y of ","unl firing."
the n01;on o( neunl firing PC' .... ,,"'. '0 be intelligibly used in
,hi. work, Tomkin. remai". (""" .. he )""1'$ or publicalion o( Itffm Intagtry
CO"...,;".," ... ) "'.i .... nt U) 'he .pcdli<:ation of,,;, ..... "."., (rrrSllmilWy
... I!y 'fiali{nl) """ ... 1 """,i"," this finng is t.king place. Although
Alfrrt 1 .... ,vryC.,..,.... .. Ml .. OIM""';" displa) .. qune a lot u( IntcrtSt in br.rin
localization. 'his one crud.l tI)"'q". densi,y of 11<"ur" fi nng. 1"' ........ in
",,.,ing , h( as. ,h., hu, ., beSI . only "'" poten_
",I fur dc.cloping 10001 qualil"n.: <pc<i>.ljza,iun.
Thi.urtodcmandmgo(,ho: brain i<. .. "'.rg .... impot"nt I"ordtfining Tom-
('""f)' (ruilful ) hmorica! .. I;"ion 10 ,,h.t W( <aU ,"" particular m(>-
,,,enl o( cytx,mctir fold. roughly from the Ia'e 19;fOf'0 the mi<!.,j)6o:>.
II)' "cyberne,ic fold" "'. me.n lhe momen' when scientiM,' understanding
of til< brain.nd other li(. proce .... is marked by ,h. concepl, ,he posoi .
nol,,),. ,he i"'mi""' ..... o( pow.rful.-omput.". but ,he .c,u.1 computational
muscle o( ,t.. MW crnnpu,e", ion', .. .il.ble yet. The cyberMlir (old. llIen.
.. ,he momen, of ,y"'(ml theory _ and .bo. in dirtetly .. b,ed bul noo:
,.km kal ""'",I<>pm,""I. 1M "ructunlist momcm. Indeed. pan of ou ;m
;" 0 deseribe structural;.m. not as ,/ut, ,""Ill",," ,/ut, "'forr
I, ul<'''''''."d''"' II,,, forl ..... 'n,- w dim1/y.o i', bu, ""M' as pan of a
in,ellc(tual olog)' . ... I, (including 'y",cms ,heory) ,h., allowed i,
lu mem mo,e .nd m"", inlcre"ing ,han h"" sUf'o;,"Cd it>
sled: lr.j'c,ory int<> pon'\ructu",li,m.' We .rgue ,hat early cybernctk
of ,he as I" .. nog"""o" . diffcITn,;"lo/t bu, not origin;olly dif_
f<""n'i. .. .,d ,y""m is and ""ry frui,(ul emblcm of many o(
!oO faT un",aIiud pos>ibm,ics of this in'ellect .... 1 mu"",nl!
The cJbo.-mo.:tic fold might be: described as.1OId beN""n po<trn<>dcrn
IS' "nd mookmi>t ""yo of hyputhc<izing .boul the brain.nd mind "1110;,
o(vinuoll)" unlimitcdcumputatio",,1 po .... er g .. "C a newappc.1 to
runcep" ,uch a,, which hod be.n in>lrumem;l!ly avail.ble in nlc-
rh.niedl design for ",'er a cenlury, but whkh. i( undc'sIQod continuing
(e>1 un: of many .y.,ems, ul(\"ding ,m, biologic.l , would h.JI"C intn:xluced
qU\l" 1In.:1"';mil
bl( .... I of complexi'y .0 <kKripti-.-e o r pudicm-e c.leub-
lions. Be. w .. n ,he ,im. wh.n it .. -as un.hi"k;obl. to ...... y wdo <:aleuL>,ions
and 'he I;me ... n"n it bame commonpLace '0 J"'rform 'hem. !hcrt intc-r-
,....,0<1. period ... hen they .. ..,,.. .... ilablc ,obe richly i",.ginN-b ..... "' ..
.. ,II in"'gino:d wi, h a .. ruct u ral eleg.nce . an ;men!i' in conttpIual anomy
o( n"'"n "d modeling, ,h .. were not destined (and seemingly we,.. "'"
n:qui",d)'0 survive the in,n:x!uLtion of 'he 3c,u.1 technology.
The ""oc.,i,,, lis" 'hat moke such. disti""i, .. (C .. II'" of Ihc "'riting o(
.o.JJ;',1 I",,,gay ...... iQIIJ"r .. 10 bear the mark of,his momen, of ,echo
noIogical in"'gi"",ion. Wi.h ,heir m;nim.1 and "1'I'"'",ntly """'ignifying
gr;on'm"ic.1 dilTe",n,i.,;"" .. . ho items 0f1 ,he I ...... go:"u", , he JK"
"bili' y o r r.mdom. "nually infi"lte permulalion. :1001" ul" ""-i.lI. oomc
of it highly thot or unlimited uten. m.rks Lh.
imp<a$ of radical comingtncy On .he possiblo. ou.comes. tilt i",ms OIl
liMs. rar from nndom. art ahn)'$<.rtfully ehosen '0"P"n and indica",
AtW vist .... '0 rtf""l"'" new lriruh uf possible enuillntnu .. ",oI ... d in any
gtncnlir.:ation. can be rtO<l ... either undoing or fUgge>ting.,.... <no.
nomic w","k. Tomkin,', lim prob.bly mOS he long .. in
ProUSt whert. sp"cui>'ioLt .bout someones moti,,, Is in. <c1ie3
or long parallel dau .. , ,h" begin "Whether lIause ... ; or btcau"" ... ,
or lI.u"" .. .. " A pos.modern 'ym." th:ol sec"".o ,i" .. possi_
bilky of unders nding motivt". by plunliring k a, if rncch.InicaUy.
:10:...... wioh ohe >Oint '0 .. man.ic ,ooIs SO irrniltibly L1S.lbL.,
, h.t thq bindone """r m<.>n! i""'gin"i ... dr.nd prolOundly tOlllt Iocd pol--
>ibilitits of .n individwolpsycboiogy. Tomkins'sliMs im-ok. ,lit '''''hnoIog;.
(.1 juggernaut .Ila, would ""' ...... hdm and oIJ.,i.le 'Mir enurntn,ions; in.
'"Oking it. h"",,,,, ... they .Iso momem.rily f= 11 ordisplare it. Nor is ,h.
i,.ue ' implified by h,,'" rcgul.rly in ,hese volume. Tomkins sin.ply "'P"'t$,
vema';m,. few of hi. key that could sugges
machinelike of p ..... in Affro if it
didn', more "rungl)" c\"OI\e the: fM,ho< ofblo"hgt' and ic:s the
ps)'dtic crortocnits of{ ... Ila. T"mkins calk) ".fflumc:c rcripU. - pc.(q>tual
grted. and ocr .......... l wming I"""""yof . ohal.he ,.,on. SO
""'n)' "'-ow .ffordmtts for urnkm.nding.
Th. cpithe. -fold- .. ems .pplic.ble tu ,he (ybernetic momC11. p"nly
bteause systems theory. pred,ely .hrough iu .ropism "' ..... rd .he imag<'
of an undifferemi".d but differenti.ble <wlogy. had . s one of its gn:at
rcpresent"Km.1 st"'ngdu .n .bility to disc .... h ..... thi,,:s how
qu.ntiUti\" di/!;,re"".,. turn in,o i\.., ooes. how digital and .naIog
rq>n:5C11latiom leapfrog or in.erl .,,, ai,h one another ... h.t maw the:
unrxpcoed faul , lines be,"'""n rtgions of.he cakullbk .nd II", ,,,,,,leu
!able (destined 1o ""'01,,, ;nm ch ..... 'heory). and ... I"orth. When: cogni';""
P')<'hology has.tY<! 10 ",ndcr.he mind', proce ... , tran>l"'",nt through
and through from .he point uf vie",' of cognition. when: bth. viorism has
tried to do th. SOme fron'lhc point of -Qu,_ome." whe,..,
p> h .. prufi'cd from ,h. COn<:cptual cieg"lCe of. >ingle bolr
(""pn:>SionJ be,ween a Jingle continu"", "eomciou,,,"",- and ,ingle un'
Consciou5.- Tomkins', ./Iff heory by cunIT .... off.,..,. "..,oloh of .i. of
rrvJuetwe opacity. The ..... Iuriz.a,;,,,, of fc .. :dNck in 'YSlems theory .. al:oo,
.fie< aiL n""css;orily of error .nd blindness as productie of.
>f ......... Think of frank Rosenbl.t" Po:rnptron (luger. )16-
for example. dt>igntd in .his early monw::n, '0 teach it .. lf ...... '" ir.t'N
r,,-d.dythtOUgh' Pn:>CU$ of .ri.l . nd error. Its .hco"'l ical ""nt
i,,'''' ,upp<>.ed oIoleKe",,< .... ilh the ''''''rgt:nce of "ully rnon: powerful
",,,,pule.-slo ",emerge only ",,,ently under the rubrics of conoccrinni.m
.,Id p.",lIci disnibu,ed prore .. ing. A, Tomkins wriles . truly fOrmidable
hum.nlike m.chinc
,,"QulJ in .n proI:W>OIity mjuire ",lativdy helpless fOIlo .-ed by
growing competence tbrough its dilldhood .nd adoIeKence_ In d.on. io.
,,-ould "'qui", 'i .... In .... Inch to learn how to Ie.rn 'hrough ""king ermn
...d corSt<:ting .hem. This m""h is quite de ... nd ;. one oft"" "'Hom lOr
,he limi,.,iol1l of OIlr pst"nt ,o,,,m. ". Their =>10<. ,n:
"Uy u",uMJ 10 C",>lt .,.d nu"u", m""hani,m, which begin in hdples<
r." . mnf",ion .nd The .utornaton de,ign is . n
,,,,,runn.nding I"ren' .... I>o .. ,on pie....! wi,h pn:cuci.y in hi> "",alions.
, ... """n as he has be..,. .ble to "" ..... , human ach ............. into SI""L
p" and dectricity. he if dtligh<ed with the pe"o ... nance ofhi> br.ain doiId..
Such pn:rocity CS$tntially SUO ... ""' ... "",. =Iin, to .he hnl;"I ability of
hi> .utOrnOlon. (AJfI t: ,,6)
T"mkin.emphasi, .h .. . ho introduction of the <08"i.
'h'c b'd alone would not be suffiCient e'"n for powerful (ogn;.ion. Abou,
,II< aIfL'" 'y., .m. he wri.e!.. ' We ha." "", ... d .he .mbigui.y and blind
neSS of .his prim.ry system", Keen,,,"e what we .. to be
the nec''''''''T price which mLlS' bt p"id by .ny l)"Iem ,,hich is . o spend its
""'-",,"energies in a ... of risk.le.rning by making .rron. 11Ioc achitYcmcn.
of cognitr." pt,,,,,.r.nd precision mjuin:. moUY;I,1On;I1 Jp.em no less plas-
tie and bold Cogniti ... midu an: by ohe mol;"", which ohern.
Cogni,;,,, error. which is .... "t ... 1 to cognl'"'' Ie.rning. on be made only
by on<: capable of comminl1lg mo'i""ional error. i.f. bting wrong .bou. his
own ",ishe . heir <aUK" ,"d OU""'"O'- (I:' (4)." Thu. i, is the ineffici.ncy
()f 'he lit between .lfeCl Sy,' em .nd ,he "'1>""I, i\'1: .y ... ", be,,,.,,,,o
";.her of ,h<-sc: .nd 'he drl", .y ... .h., en.bIe.lurning. d"\'1:Iopm<:nt.
wminuity. ililfc.rnti.tKm. F"",dom. pby . lfurtIance. "",.ning itself dem-T
from "-e. lth of mutually nontw'$p""nt f'O'>ibilititS fOT being wTOng
about . n - and, implic.ti,,,I), . bout oneself
.,,. Bu' to ",tUrn!O Figure ,. It is important Ihat the of
lhis , n. logical system refen to mo>rr I!.an It", but al<o to finil"), .. an), "alues
or dimen' ions (as. for in'lOncc. on a m.p: north. $Outh. oast . ,,est.l. lhough.
.5 in . n::; an.logical representation. then- m.), be infinite gradations .Iong
the finit<:l}' speCified dimenSion . A common enough "nd ban.l enough fe.
tut"/; of ver)" many Yet it seen .. to uS tha, fo,an affoci theory
to be Structured a, thi$ One i$ by fi"iuly ,""n)' (Kj ",I." is al 'he
he.rt "f 'he resiStance it from. or illumin>!ion it can off., to.
the Curren' 'hinking routines of "thcor(' The 1"I;<i".nc. occurs because
there ,",emS to be SOme Strong .dhe,ion b,""",en 'he ,"!",cifica,;on "finitely
Ill.n) (n>l) val ues" and tlu.' word innatr. (Though
in work this adhc,ion prove >pecta<ul .. rly '''enuable one_
, "cnu>tcd, perhap'. preci.ely by the lalering .nd COnl,an' mu,ui! in,er
ruption of biolog;cal .nd m.chinc model,.) S<>mchow it', h.rd to hold on
to the e<mcep' of eigh' '" 'hirteen (.nd )'c' not infini'e) cl1Jfmti bnds "f-
of . nphing import. n, wi,hllut h"'ing 0 modd romcwlwre in
'he "icinity_ This adhe,;,m m'f well be " hi'torici! de"dopmcnt: as Ihough
' orne momen'Um of moderni'y (call;, mono,hd,ml call it 'he Reform.
,ion' colli' capi,,,1 ist ra,;on>.1 i2a,;on?) h .. so evacua, ed 'he spact
be,ween 1 and infini,y ,ha, ;, m.)" n'quirc 'he inerti,,1 friction of a biolngi.m
'0 own ,uggt" ,hopossibili,}' of reinhabi,ing 'hat 'p"ce. We h .. " no ,nteTtSt
wh.te,,,r in minimizing 'he continuing histol)' of .. rut. homopho
bie. or olhe",,',. .b",i"" biologisms. or lhe urgency of 'he exposures of
them, th.t hal" nnde the g"",.men of $0 m.n)" cont( mpo",cr projc<1' of
critique. At SOme timo. fcar. w;,h in",lia,ion of an .. ali<"anti
biologiom os 'ho unsh;fting cen,r.1 ,enet of ",hwl)'." ,h. I"", of conceptual
,cce.s to.n emire ,hought realm, 'he an.logi< realm offinitely (n>l )
",Iue,_ Acoe .. to this realm i, impol'"nt for . mong o'her 'hings. enabling
'political vi.ion of difference 'hat migh' rc:U" bo,h bin"ry homogenita,ion
. nd infinitizing trivi.li2arion.'
For.n example nf how fore, under Ihe n:CCnt romilles of ,hw,y,
we could look to '991 s",dy by Ann Cve,k",kh. ,\h_ml F"di"g" f/'noi"i,m.
,11;, CUil.',. ,,"J Vktc",," Stn..a';onal" ... We choo"" ,hi. not b<--
p US< the book is unimdli),,,,n, or unustful- it is "nything but - bul b<-.
p 'J:'e ;\5 achie'"ment seems to depend on . n exempbrily do"r and
,.,,,d r.,"tion to the se", .. I,heoretkal (Urren" (psychoan.lytic. Marxist,
F()ucauldi.n) th>! underlie it.' It is further unusual only in ba<ing'ts a'b""
", on' on theory of . ffeet th., it m.lC$ an ".phcit c"n,,,rpiece ufthe book
Th>! centr.1 thcory. whose gool i, -a poli'ics of aff<:c' tha, doe. not TtS' on
J 1\" conception of .ffeo" (15). is. howe"er. only curooril)'
No< only do I . "ume th1l ' he link between <en'>tional "''''liS .nd bodily
>to n" tion, i, <nn>1TUClOd rather ,h,n natur.l. I . Iso .u me that t h. ,!'?' rtm
n"' u" I""" of bodi I)'''' nWiun or. ffcct ;, i,,,, If coo"ruoion. Like "". u.1 i'y
and mher phy,ie>1 proce...", affect" nu' a p,-.,-discu"i,"t en'i'). ' f." ,h ..
is olien oh..-urtd hy the ",,,.,truc,ion of . ff"clS Or bodily """,",,,ion ... NIU-
r,l .... rurthermore. if affcct;,"" r",pon"" .re not naw",1 a, .hey ...,m
to ix' , ,I><n ,I>< (On<truction of . ffeel" natu,,1 migh' ",'.\1 be p.a" "r,l><
di><ur<i, .. that perform' 'h" ,,"Ork of wh .. Fouc.ult h., de,,,,ribed
" 'Ilt disciplining of the body_ Di.apline is pov. ... rf,,) prtci .. ly be,au,. i,
fun, tion , ,hough it were n.,unlTO,hcr 'han impo .. d_
Alth"u!,'" Cvc,kov;ch undertake. ,Iti. inquil)' in the of
,ffect ' (,he ti,l<: of an carly chapt .. of the book). i, i, nn, immediately deor
why r ca, her n'inimal specifiC) t,on t h., .ffcct ;s "diseursi," I)' roos, fucted"
r., hor Ihan ""n>lural" .hould the ,IO'u, of' ,heory. Unle .. , ,ha, i .. pre
';",Iy IhM specification ;, tod.y understood to con.d,u," a'1)1hing" 'heor)".
Ra,her , han broaching or,ummarit;ing an .ctual theory of . ffea. the" sen-
tene,", in>le. d ",heuriu: affee," in the stnse of rounding up affect .nd herd
III g it in 1 0 'he big t em of wh at is alre .dy unde"t ood '0 coos,i, '" e t he hod)" of
Th"or)'_ The !>rJnd on lhat body is relen'lessly legible: "'heory"" h., become
.IIl'''>' 'i"'ply <",,"cnsi,,: with 'he daim (you con't ). i, often cnough)
I,', 11,>1 "",",.1. li n e.,r.ordinal) here presen'ed .. self-e"ident: -Th.
v, lue II),r "al ue' ) of. theory. like 'he value of historicol analy>;'. re.;d", in
its abili,y t<:> challenge ,ulllp'ion, abou, 'n>tu",' " ).
Its 'u!;gt>led in in,roduction. 'hi' ",n .. .,c . ntibiologi,m might be
to co'Komi, wi,h s<:,eral h.hits of a'),"'lllcn' tha, " 'ill ... nd in
... ..,mi"gly porodo>ical rd. , ion ", .I>c .u1(d principk; of C""ku.-ih.
,. Fouo uJdj:m "'p",c,lio ... of",he" "'1'",$1;"" hypothnn" ",ill..., traJU.
formed vinually iru'.n,:mrou. ly iro,o bin;lrid. highly rnoraliK;.:
.Ikgolirs of"'" sutJ"",..;,." ,,,rsus .he I>cg.:rnonic. '''"''"
p""'er. - If .!feC( is hi<l:onc.lIy it on ...
Fouoult .u&l:" .... uf ",.""Iily under .he ruk of 1M "'l'''''';''' hy.
po,he.i . no< .he mech.nism for ,he li!>tu.ion of ,he ..,lf hll, iru,e.d
the mechani.m for !he rorll. imncn nd discipline of.he ""If- (31).
- If .ffe" c.n be ..,ura of cui","ce. i. i, .1.., .. m""hani,m for
power"' (40) ... Foucaull ', suggestion i. nm eIferior 'Q
power n .. all. 'ha! [h..., c>n!>t bo.h ,,,hidt$ for rnistanc(
vthid .. for ,he imposition of p"""r- ( ).
A !>Oml""l drp",o[ion of"'" quuOOn of (""",;.;.1 'ru,h btrom<:.o the
ground for frtquen. invoca, ions and do.CC\;,.,,liU scrutinin of <up.
P'*d ,ruth cWIm by Otbtts- cbinu p;lnphrutd and pmcn.ed in
.he mos. ab$olu,e ,erms. Ont ofthe" piVOl'&! ,,"OfIb for Cvt[Jr.o,ich'.
argumcu. is -guann[U_- for "11'It links bet"ttn penon.aI
.nd soci.>Ilr.II'ISfornution an. by no mc;\tU gu.;>rao.ecd" (I); ..",., V i.
1<I!' """,I need not he defended iro oWer .0 guar.lntU "'" posoi-
billty of sociJ.Itransformali",," (.,); -Affro ... ,,''''>01 be counled
on 1<> gu.rantee a lex!". sutJ,,ersh.., .(ndtnde' ('41. The ontologi-
c.1 oplions . ,." ",duced <0 gu ..,nce ,,,<Sus no gu .... nlee; e,'m ap.rt
from ill oddly consumerist sound. ,his r.diol coo .... ning of ,.,,1.>.
lion. <0 l rulh me.ns .h.1 .he epis .,mologiol $t "''' of C'''lk",-i<h',
.rgun .. " . .h.n !>ting ligh'en<!. is ",""'"red ",,,r IDO'" insi>-
lonl. Ch .... fOo- iJ\s" nce ..... IItscrics .flec mucb ckduc-
Ii", ,,'Ork th>.. F",dric dISCUssion of mH$ cuJ'Urt'" -sus
pi<:ioIUly iro its """"fI{ion of affw- The susp;oon
",sid"" in ,he" ",.ding .,.". no! In .he .."d 'ox'. bu, it .. a common lit
",I<>pmm'. 'he .. , .ngo: from .n.icmn.i:.aIiSl .oonto-
Iogi'l pri, e .,."'_
l . P"rh. p" mOJt oddly for a -,heory 0( .ffm: ,hIS one ha. no fulings
in I . Itjf'" i. tre od.$' uni.ary nlogory. ,,; .h. uni '") hinOlY
.nd unil>ry poliriC5. Th.", i. no .!won"lic. 1 fOOl1' for an)" differcncr
lx ..... oon being .. <oy. 'n1u""d. diSj;,mcd . .,h.m,d . nd enr. ged_ lIy
.n. logy wi .h Fouc.u], s n.''''li"" .hou, J!'x""lil}". C""'lko.i<h
'0. mod.rn -hisroryof 'he cOOSl,uc. ion of afkn U n .. aoingt"ul. one
""idont ... in the eigh,unth''''ntury """,Is of ..,n<ibiJity and
mo:n lil}" and in.he mtph;uis on fulings in Romantic poetry- (Jo-
,Jl). """Iings_ bu, ",",.kntly no ""nicoLor (=lings. The ... blinw. 10,
.nother uamplt. is ",he high_culru", vcnion of .ffnt -
W,) (.ny portirul.> And C .... , k""'ihs implication .hrough.
nu, is th gerun.", diffe",n!i.'od. no! in rel a.ion 10 'he b...u of
.ff"". ,hey m.)" .. -oke or generale. but moro s;mply by .h. presence
(I' . bsence of ..,m, ",;fied , .. bsl.nee nllod Aff"" ..
Surely the .bsence of different .!fOCtl f,om .hi, -.heo,y of "ffco" i. no
.. It "'pre",nlS. Hule.d . lhe"o",.ical decision: if wh is pre_
""nlt'd (ould r>OI fin.lly be ' heory ifil made any <kfoni.ional room a. aU fo,
quali,",i", cliffe",nc"" .mong .ff"" ... Wouldn. i . f.or.1I (,," imogine "'"
qui""in g f, om any '" "U-driIled g ... d"",u.:miR;lr). wouldn -, i. risk C>SeIt.LaI_
,Sm'O undemand . ffcas"" qu,li ",,,,ly fTom each other? Y"", i.
(om inly would. In r..". or we .re right in hypothesiringl .... m., enti",. atU-
logi.Uy struerured [hough' realm of 'Ullin is 3\ ..
,oday o nly in 50fT\( ",I.>tion 1'0 biological modeU . nd .ha, the cunccpc. of
ha"e by nowhc.-omc ,hoorttioUy
am.lgam C<! .hrough some hisrorical proce ... fhon i, aU tho ..,....,
i" the wo,ld th -.heory ",uou,."d in .he fi l"ll >round hype,,"ig;_
1" "1 .",I ",n.i . 1;,01 and 3nt;n. ,u ... li sm win .,ringe",ly "'qui", Ih. ,"crificc
"f difference. among, in Ihi. c=. .. m .ffec.s. The hygiene
or rU'", nl .mic.scnti.IUm ..,. mingly &pendJon rigorous adl""""". to th<
(trron,,<>u.l)" machineiden.ified) modd of digil.l. on/ off rtprt<Cn.a.ion:
inoof .. '" lhey.,." -thcorizw: .ffcas III"" ,u,n In,o Affro_
I'u. W( .-cpc al!his historic.1 momenl .ny <kfini, ion;o[ i","OOOOn of
'''''Iogially ronu;""d. '1uaH, ;..., difforences. iro lhe form of fou't?
". 1., .. doo:s indttd run .he risk of rtproducir1g. bioIogizing ..... n.
'",h.m. Bu ...... risk is f..- fTom being ob\'ia,w by ", .. n.he mosI scrupulou.
prac. icc of digi liz.o.ion. Tl>t emcnt"lism I ..... adhe= '0 digi .. l models is
"'uc.,, .... >d diffen:n.1y from .he .,.."", m of .h ..... Iog. But ... this mo-
nIC"'. i, is problbly.U.he mort d.>nl!"rou. for ,h01 _ p",c;",ly bee."..,.
'''I<.le, .he CU, rt", rou.ines of".heory: i. is no. "'rognizahle as.n sen.i;t]-
i>rn." e< is di<placcd. unJ.:, these ,outi,, ". from 'hl' .n.loglc p=ibiTi,)
of fini,<ly m" I II pi, q"" liM' iw J petS '0 prior who<e n "oJ iffr,-
,.,i. ,,,1 nn:arn or origin. ')' mm .. or .""'Sy is being ,umcd (infi nirdy) 0"
or ", . To _ I."er as less "eO$(n.i.lisr" "",r.phori<$ ,han .h. for"""
rdk<ts. ",. a'lo'Uc, hobin.ol of digi,.1 model. wrongly
"'Iuoted Wilh .he m"hino: """. rnodtls "'rongly "'Iuared
ForU.1mple. although doesn'r di$cUM the wnli6c under.
, .. ndings of affi:c ha. r:Kirly undc<pin he.argumen, . "rn.o.yof affea"
is highly congruent wi.h "p'"icul.r.heo<y of ."""ion "'at Iw bornc
wieldy acapred wi'" lhe Sf"l'ad of cogni.i, ... f'S)'ChoIogy- Il"Iodttd. her us.
of "'is lheory wi. hou. rila.ion would _on ,0 ,(:5li{y '0 i,s h2v;ng 1>""",
part of the "rom""""",n"," cooucnsus of CUI"l"\"T1' 'heo<y_ I. also l.pr_"U,
H i. happens, the curren. (though JlilI con' e5Icd) rommon Je_ of cog.
ni.i, ... tcicna, as ",Owed by ils (ompie.d)" uncri. ical r<:production in tbo
'987 CO"'l"'fti<ln , "'" Mi..J:
n... >ing'" ....,.. important ronuih .. uion [.0 t"" study of omorionl ... "'H
made by $chachtn , , . , Ie ,ha, onlyo generals .. ", oh is-
CCl"aJ .10 .... 1 woo ttKeuary for the .lp''',.rICC' of emotion: I-C_ rhar dill"efCt\,
emotional ape';el".' orise OUt of Ihe sa"'" ,-;,.ce ... 1 Ne ..
o .. utMd ,hat, gl, .. n a ,,><. of viKcr.J aruu .. l. an indioidual will dcKribe hi;
fe.ling> in ,or"" oftl,. cogniliu ... (lhuul. .... ,.. pa>' <%1"'"'''''''' .m;ronlTlCn
ol ' ignal.) ... U. blullhelinl(: .. .. Vi>< .. .J aroo .. 1 w .. .na .. nee .......
rondi linn for. upcrict\CC. bull"" quali. y "f rh morioo d.p<nded
on cognill_e, ... Iu.,ions ..,f Ihe ' ''<rna1 world and ,h. inl"",a!
.1>Ie . . . . Currrnl wisdom would IUU"" Ih,. ony . ny int ...
ruptiun of O1pl" i"". or 0( in,."dt<l .crions, prod",,<. umlilfercrni .. cd
v",c",1 t. u"'''omK).ro .... l. TIle IUhK<jU<n1 .morion " 'ilI thm
do1"'nd I)r1 ,h. I)r1going cogniti, ...... Iu "'" (n .. ""ing 'pp"'rsai) of
h. co rrt", ".,. of .If.i n ... , [ E mo. ioru I' "'" ntaUoI rily of our
prt sapitn. 1"", bu. r.,hcr 'hq ar<: ;mporun. ch. r><trristi of.n .ern>"
..,.trl>ing. and .hink"'g human being. Nowlry, ditctqt'ncy,.nd 'n ..,-up
,;0" gonenr iK .... 1 ... span .. whil. our cogru'"'' .yst.m int<rpttlS "'"
world o htur""'ng. <l"'ng. frighning. or joyful. The hu.,..n world is fuR
of .mo.iono "'" bau..- ..... anlnWo a. ""arr, bu< r ... ir is,.;u
full of r"', .1.,. or .htur"", .nd rqrI<l .... i.h co."'''' .nd 1""'1* .hal
produc< dioctq>Oneres.nd inc.""!"-........ (G"'II"'Y "9_:W)
(t', 10 Kt wh .. m. kc. , his Iheory of.ffec, ",.m ... congenial rn
"Diocn:pancic nd In'errupti"",," in an un<!iffe",,,ri.'ed no", of
"'fI)'J.$.l * have:. ", ... uringly tnCth'ni(:l.l. Morx <o.k-li"'" sound: no dan-
wh.:it("vc:r, h."" of cocoon I. ring rh. f.II:ocy tim. "'l""ntorion migh.
br" .ny nonarhilr'ry rrlot ion .0 the ,hing Further"""". rhe
!f"ce fot" discu"';"" _ial con>lnKtion 0( affw 5"'" guarant.ed by the
"",.,io<> , not ",ninuh.t hurt-) the r.w mar ...... 1 of
ou' .l"OUS>l is inlini,dy m.U .. ble by fuUy "(\II,u ... ,ed oognili'" f:>eulty.
If any.hing. .... e amiripal< Ihal .hi. :Kcoum "ill JOUn<l JIIUtlC""cprion'
.ble 10 critic.1 rheory .h., ic mighr be u",(ul .0 ... nurk Ih.a. ir doo!s
ITI"n (r" pY no _ ) " coun'erin, ui." .. (oe. So ask you",,1f "',s:
Howlo" g itt."", you afrer hcing2llo .. l.-.etlCd in lhe nigh< by (. ) . ouddon
luud nal", or (h) gt1ldualsuu.1 arousal.o cogni, i, .. 1y ".nalyze" "ap-
praise" rhe cuttt1l! of" wdl enough '0 -'gn ,he "ppropria"
,!""It to ),,,ur Tha, ii, , .-t>a. i$ ,ht I<mponllag /Tom , .... moment
of ,Ieep inlC1"l"ll jl(ion 10 {"sulmquonn rnomcn. wh ... you can
...-.... rher wh .. you're expc:ricncing i$ IlIruria,ion or rcrror?
N", it d" n', ti.her of US '''ry long, cilhe. _
RUI r<:g;. rdlus of w"". he. Ihis cogni.i .... :occoun, of emoxinn i. IfU. "t,.,
Yo'. wan. It, cmphuizc is Ih .. il i$ nOli, .. ....",idlin th. n an 'OI.Im.Hkc
T"mkin'" ,hot locales in I"" body $O!I'e imporl'''' p. rt nf .he
.",,,nll ,IHTcrrml em"'''''''. "Undifferrnrillcd ,is<er.l.roul" is in no .. n ..
I", N.J,,, .h.n di lfcrcmia ,. d amusal, for .1I rhe Oifor.l C""'f"' n-
iM'$, ,,, i.Darw!nill '"1.'I!rnCSIIO dip.seldal" Homo sapie ns from "our pn:-
!;I l' ie nl Th. i",plied biology i . how., .. r, differcnr: it i. for more
lhoroughl)' In.hued with. C.rte.i.n mlnJjbody duali,m. In "undif
fere"'"l<d viKenl aroupl" .uggo.:sr$' mark.dly lumpish.
>nd bodily e'Knee. one: unartku!'ted by mUOuttS
Of l"O("O$(s ;,wolvi"g feedh:ock . nd <ep.....-n ion. Those
'rc .ll.nribulcd. in"ud. 10 a diJrit>C1. disembodied . nd .empon.Uy "'g'
"'S.IIed "cognition: For all i,. . nribc:haviori .. in .. n.ion. ouch "" ""cowu
rkpcnrls in.plkldy on the .. ria bc:h.viorist scgr<:gation of .. imul .... from
'"'pun'"", cwn .. it prop.ogaru .1> .. conc'1"u.1 "g""V'''''''' hutr\.1niJr
COmmon Jerue.
11 would be pl.>usihlc 10 s.... , <>C'y of , ,,..,,,rieth-century rheort'ie.J
language. ,II ."..,mpli. cons""'''' " 'ilh rhis one, 10 deloxify ,he ucCCS of
hody, tnought , and fro1ms by ,"" m .. l"p'" .-n,i.1ist risbof ana
log n:p"' ... ot.,i<>n '0 ,he ,iogle. u"" .. ....",'i.IUi ema,,,,, of one or
another = , ofh"ilch. We don', .. ,,'" 10 minimize ,he importan. pruduc_
""ness. or "'''0 " 'ha, nn be .he .mazing .ubdety of, hough' ,ha, ""k.:s ' hi.
form, lIu. i,', "ill like a snMer oreopior ,h., C;rn reproduce any ... ..,rk of Oft
in ,hades of g"'Y' How",.". infini'esimally subtle ilS di$(riminatiotu
may be. thert art crud.1 knov,'lcdg<'$ il ,imply unJc.s it ia
equi pped to de.1 wi, h the com:ely rtduCth-e pos>ibili,y ,hat red is diffe,""n,
from ye llow is differell"g. in from blue.
The .n,ibiologism of currrn',hc.>ry u>umes. as pi(!. ,h<ot it', the:
of any 'heory from a bioIogicii (or. by mislaken implimion.:an
.""Iog) basis,,,,, aloM Can make.he possibiloly of doing
dilfert1tct (indiridu;ll. hislorical. and CJo$Huhu",I). I" contingency. (0 per.
forma,;'" forre . nd 10 ,h. of <"'n8": Ve' ,hert is no '""asort 10
bodi", .. 'N' the necewrily analog models of ,he color whee! or. sal', ,he
periodic ,abk "f, h 1. m. nto con"",in . n unde .-s,. odi ng of di ffe .. nct. con-
'ingency, pc:rfi >rm' li'" force. or ,he possibili,y of change. Indctd, we",..,
been ' rguing t ha, ,hey may be irrtplaccably cruci. 1 forKct .. '0 certain im-
pornon' =g.:. of diff't",tKC. Thert is not. choKe .. .iling '0 be, in
tvalua'ing thc"",fical mOlkI$. be"""ttn H$Cn .... lisnt mil no ... ,uialism. If
lhert:' a chuict: if is be''''"T) dilfertntly <UuCtUrtd residual...entialioms.
I\u, ... -by be limited to the digiflll model nf 1M choIct t A n:pertoire of risk.. a
( olor whttl nf di!fie,..", risk .. a periodic I3b1c of lhe Infllli,dy "..-ombinable
.I,,,,e,,,s of ,he affect ')'S'cm. a ro"'plcx, multilayered ph)'II" dough of the
. nal og and ' he digi I: 'hese .re ' he ",odels ,h .. Tomkins's \lurk m.l:es u.
c.ger to deploy,
..... I( as Tomkins describes il . III<: lov. .. ring of ,Iw: .,.,lids, ,Iw: Joy,..,ring of
Ihe.,..., .. lilt hnlglng of,he Iw:ad it ,Iw: att"ude of i, mapho be tha,
of ",.dlng: rtading maps. maguine .......... 1$. ,0mlG. and he ... 'Y ,-oIumt5
of F"ychology if not billb<rds and t"'ffic sign<. W. (t hoM: of us for whom
",ading wo. 0< it a crucial form of in'.roClion wi,h ,hr world) know ,he
forcefi eld c"'. ';nK powc,oflhi, attitude , 'he kind nf .);.In ,ha, she.< ,extu. 1
."en.ion con "..,,,,, amund a re. ding body: a noisy bus ,ution or airplane
em be excluded from eomclou,ne ... :on impoUible ongoing se."" ",fu..-d.
dull igroorro. .'\00 """'" of lhex .. "'holIy corn
pu:ord by ccrtoin pocmidou, under.landing of ",ading .. &cap<
1;-.:.0' what? n.. - rt.l world," O$tens;bly. IIw: of ' . Cting- or
"l"'rfurmlng- in ,''', ",wid, Yel ,It is reading pm,u"' :Ii .
,;00' ., leaS! as much.., i",...,. .. ",101\. as public as ;, dna ill a ....wr
"...,d do 10 transform .ltis "inncr life- experience ,oan audib!c perfuo-nun
is b<gin !"Coding .Ioud. E,..,n tltis may not be Freud,..frn; OUr
fucinuion with .;ghl of . child en'i",ly flugh' up \I;,h pl.y-
,ng ' " "prim"y narci .. ilm: . , if some,hing .bout SUSl>in<d and in.ense
en, limply Is 'heatric.l . , .. nc", ,hem,d,,,, entrandng. The addi
,it>I,.llkin ,himmering I. if shrink.w.-apped around a bodyandbook. or
.. oJ)" and playinglwork ing .,wironnYn' . oItarply and me. rl y d.e lincalu ,he
eonjunaion or composilion. m.aking 6gu",lnot escape or denc"""n,"",
:ot,cn'ion. in .. "",.
How clooes 'he sham. rrtOti\'a .. a ,hcorttic.l pro;ect ,uch as ,II<:
p"' .... ," one' It i. "riking in Tomkins', wri'ing. shame is the Cl:emplary
,He" for then,-y. In"".d. the nOlion of ",heory " firsl tone'Se! in volume 1
of ),ffm Imaz.oy C""<Cio.,"W 'he ",clion ProduCtion of a TOfal
!lind by Apparently lnoocuowt and WeUin'tn,1oned Partn
,.1 ACt;"n: 0 "vignctlc- featuring as "our II<:ro- ' a child "'ho .. destined 10
h .. " c"''''-y affi::Ct 'Olally bound by shame" 12:ullj. Tomkins It)-po<iw:sizcs.
":[ "f I:ttnJo: .. inS:ore""" ;n ... ltich dilld is 00' of upre,.jn8 his
.. ci,c.",cn ,. dr.,,,,,,,- ang<:r. fu,-. disgust. and .... .." shame: 'hrough ino-"..,.
;ngly skilled. rompr<""iOn. summarizing. naming. ordering. ou,-lI<:ro
,ht"" KtncS In,o a .hame thWf)'. Cognili"" and aff(cti,,, (fur
Tom' in,. ' he," mo'h'nisml invoke "'''' y kinds of in'erd.pendent ,r. ",,'
form .. io",). " .n 'heory ha.'wo co"'ponen,s: " FiM. i, includ ... n ex
I ",in.,;on of aU inc on,;ng inform"ion fot iu rt ic>'ancc ,n a puticularaffcct.
In ,hi, casc. sh."", and con,empt. Th .... ,II<: cogoi, i'" of >Ita"",.
s.."COnd. it includ", a .. , of $l""tltits for rol''''8 with a nriety of shame
.nd con'cmp' con'ingcncie" '0 avoid sit,,,,,, if possibk or 10 .""n"'''' its
imp.Ct if il cannot be avoidcd- (a:J'9- ' 0), Tht: .. III<: theoo-)'.
to"rt ""I"'n.i,.., i, is for the pe""n who holds ;, ( Aff= 'heory muOf
h< elfeCti", to be we.k")." alld 'he mort its omennu nuke ' tll< ,
r"lo", "l aspe<t> "f any si,uation , , ,become in con'pe,irlon wi,h
'''It.or ... nl peelS of,1I<: same si,u.,ion" (. : aj ' ): 'hOI i>. 'he more
" f"n ,.,., ,h<-nris, ,n,sn'c"!:",u,,, i""'gines . ...., .. or upon _ .harne.
lIu. " 'hy i, oItame ,.,., Clt.mp1c her<:' Why is ,t.. c""""P' of -.ffi::cI
l heo<y.- """.nt ,n be qui,e !:""",,ul in i1> definition U " .; mplilicd . oo
po .... "Crful .... ,,In, .. y ofa larger of .ffeel c" l"' ricncc" (A}f<tr fi ....
de,.,lopcd in chap.ers on humilialion! ln the K1:lion called "Shan", fron,
Shorne Thffil)'- dirdy folkm'ing the "igneu e .bo>.,. Tomkin, listS
I"""ibk . ltem'l i"" .heories. coch of wMch would. in lhe ... me situ'lion
diSlrt'SS. fcor. or enjoymenl : bIll IDame', aemp/. ry .... t US
US bdiCYI: .hal. f'<>r Tomkins. no! only Jh>me b.n also lheoty rome from
<iUmt .ho:ory. 0 ... ""son this m.y he . ...... is Ix,>wc shame . nd tMory
a", p ...... lly . n.logous II a nain """'1 of digi ... liu.ioo. Wildtn write$: -A
ge ... 1t is formed by.he derision 10 spiIic dilkrmce. SO" .o
form <IiI"""r"" hel ... ..,n fi8l're .ndground_ "ll>cre is in elft .decis;o., _
which may he Mur.l. orconscious. or 0< .... biNal. or \tarned.
or """,,1- 10 inUOOlKt f'lnicubr boondMy or inlO an analog COl).
Any .heory. 10 Ix hoory- IO II I ..... pani>.lly or lernponrily spec_
ify do"""in - require, or produc:cs figu"'/ ground ",laOOns. (ho: function
of whOi Tomkins all, . he -cognil;"" .n.crtr\;l of. Iheory. Slume. along
wi.h conlempt ("di ... ndl ") and disgus<. is unli"" lhe other <i.I affcru of
Tomkins's gr.phic.l ..,..-uen tion of a .ho"ory ofinn",e .cti .... Orlof ./fcc<
(Figure !land is not in f."lncluded in this graph_ Whe", .. uch of theOthen
- st.rtk. inlerest . nger. dis.rtiI:, and joy- is "",iv'led by a
''(rrqueMy of neu ... 1 firing pt, unil lime' "'prr5(nled by ' Iraigh. line of
son ... (po,ltI .. ". .. i ..... orum) slop< ., like disgu.t . nd contempt. is
. ni">led by .he duwingof I boundary line ur b""er. the ""i mroduqtion]of
parlicul,r '>r fran'e in.o an ."alog con.inuum. Th is.
in .. ol ...... Cell .lt . the duck 10 in.erest's (or
Withoul "",ilive .ff'"<: I . h.", ,an no ID.",,,: only a <cene Ih., offe ..
)'OU mj"ym.,,1 yourin ",,, can you blush_ $imilmy. only
SOInt.hlng you .hought mighl ddis'" or satisfy can disgust. Both ""'se .f
f""" prod""c bodily knowledgcs: disgu" . , when "Pining ou. bod-lasting
food, "'cognius.he diff.",n betw.,,,n inside.nd outside lhe body.nd
wh., should.nd should not It, in: as prNIriou. hypern:lkJtivity
of.1l( sorf""e of Ihe body. nn lum one inside oul -or 0lIlSi<k in. v.,rdden
" 'rites: "In order IOn .y .. em 10 to.. optn .0 2n em'ironmenl .. . l he .,.Sfem
mus. be cap.oblt of punc,u",ing itso:lf OS disfinc< from th.t n,.,i.-ontrten< ""
as to ..,Ira wilhin i{ " (' 74). ShIm" 1$ one of 1"'- de> .. "h<>ot
digi mech.nism works '" "punc<u.t!e ,he "" .. en,] .. dmina_" Per-
h.p< .Iong .... i.h con'empt . nd di'G"". i. Can bt $'A,lm poin< lor .ho: indi-
,,6 Thw/oll'gFn-/,.
onm.glttg ,y"ems. of conscious"", .... ofbodi , uf theori ... of
",11". - . " Individuation ,h" dt-citks n,,1 n,"<:o ... rily an identity. bul a fi8l' -
ra<ion, dis<;nclion. or mark of punclu>lion. And unlike contempt ordisgu ...
,h,,,,,, io ch. n<:leri>:ed by its f. ;)u", =r .0 "'t>OUMt its ob;c<l C.,ho:riJ. il<
,dation 10 ' he desi", f, .. pIc .. u", a. ",(:)1 OS I"" nC'Cd .0 ",'<lid p.o.in_
p - WillI does il me.n to f.U in 10>., with. wrileT? Wh does il "",.n. IO,
.Iu. m.".,r - o< nuybe ... r ohould ..... "futt <:I", rotIld il me.n-Io (.thea
,n' .. mila r " ,y I .ho:ort1ic.1 momo:n. not oncs"".,,? Ourednorial """' on
Tbmkim "'presents only , pan of. ",*a ",,,,- dime ......... I<.cep chang
under our lunds. Some of wh .. ".,'", up .0 is lhe dnar)' literary
(n.IC.1 10>.,<. discourse: we U':lIn. 1<' prop>gat" among ",.ders node> of",
, rpion fOf ,,lu. we tab- an unf.mili.r.nd highlyucitillgsct of "",,-es
.nd .on.lities. "" people who in I......., wi.h .... nronc: "ish at tho".ume
lin ... 10 10 otlle" .., !orinK !.>wJ. " .,',., .IM> 10 do
""'''tlhing " ., h. ""n'. hem lU Mgin Itt",: to YJo,..""",. p<m:ctly
Tomkins 01: 10 u",""il leU sJ'4"gt..d " ilh unp. t hologizing. a.
Ihe ""01" lime umeltologiZing rdkctiuru Ott "Ihe .xpr=i .... : on d"'$'ro-
p),ili . on Ihe .eachers Innsf.",nce: on , ho" rich life of "''''Jd.y .hcori ...
,,,<I h"", .,.p<n\ivd y Iheories .urn in.o Theory.
We h. ", /)0;"" ""I)' conscious of ",i,hing'o defer. ccruin momem of
,,<comnin!;. nol onl)' OUI of prolcc'i",noss for Tontkiru. but Uut oh ",me
Lh.lI. if 'he deferrol p""""d I"",ibk, .he Itrms of .h., mighl M
..;,hly . 11"",d. We h",,, ddcrrcd.lpCClfic.lly. the ronfrontOlioll belween Iny
<co,, nlltur>1 P"''"'f'''''i", .nd To mkins', hypo."".is Ih" [he'" i, . kind of
. 1I,'n i .... "bl" of .he clomonts. con'prising niac componems. infini.ely ",.
<omb.n. hlr but ...,'" cd In .ho: hu rn.n bud)' i" nine distin(ri,., Ind irttdudble
"' )'S. A, :lOme 1",,,1 "''' h"," not d.:mand.:d of ou.-..:h-es.h., Yo., I scer-
taln ... hot""r .... btli",., Ihi. hypothesi' 10 M ,rue: " " h .. ., fdl Ih ... ho:",
w""II' much 10 It.m first by obsc"';ng 'h" au.onomk ner..-OuS ... em of
of It In the .erms of too.y'. lhrol)'. 'I"h< moraliic
h'g;"nc by which .ny ",.&rofl00.y is un( .... Untgc.bI) em .. led .0 conde
' .: .. nd <u Ill( .hoUghl of .ny mom"m in.ho: 1' ... 1 (mlybcnpnia/lJlhe tttrn<
it globally .. 10 anyone ,,ho m ... tcro .he aPl'Iic.,ion of (""0 or
dlSCfediung que .. ion . 11_ "",,-IS,on.l. by conrr,>I."""' diffirol. 10
..... """nKl and hi",,' u .... b.umly sptcioll%Cd of"",. a", ,he .""" (III, in
any g;'"en case ,,'ould one 10 ask: Wit", ,,"'as it possiblr to mini Or
do at a c.-nain JTJOn>Cnt of tho. pn< , ... , it no longer is1 And how
!"""biliri ... to be: round. unfolded . .n....'Nl0 "'"'"' and Jr..w:tir and_k
,,",W voicn.nd """". in the diffe ..... t d..aplin.ry OIogy 01 b-
d.d<:. distance?
We Stt Tomkin . lik. !'",uJ. U 0 diKipli,uril)" .<ssi'"e figure in l'-')1:hol.
"S)" . writerofhOlerogt'neou. cne"!:ie. wh ..... insighlS
to be: in,erlined wilh Stlr.ignorance. in,ul,,,d In cOII!r"diction. and in-
.<lricabl)" inlerlo,."w wilh tho specul.t;,,, scic",. of hillill'l('. He is also,
,ht", F",ud. a fiSU'" 'hrougll ........... ,,"Ofk.1oI of Jltirplydilf=m,
rom!"'t'ng. and often conflicting ;"terp<e'''"e poll to bc: de:am:L
That h;'tO<}' of ",adings of F",ud has rTUdc on i11'lJ"Ol1a'" intellectual ad-
, .. nt"", for lho. n."nt;.,h nNry: it continue. to be emting 10 introduQ:
Tomkin", worI:. invigor.l1ing.nd fruitful U woo find It. to , de" ... inN by
th .. hi.tory,
eir_ from "fumtJn. . - ........... C .............. "",ri<!
.o.n upllrit n.ompl<:
n.., """"h .. 1H<h.ud> ......... .....,.. If,n. ..
p"""",, . n <><.1 ... ,,,.,, ill .... klng. "omng. or .... .u.:,..."'g 1'''''' ortn. body or"",
o,ll<, or 10. """" .. body 'nJ In ll<u'g =1=1. biOI"" or ... .Il ..... .., .. J
.,. II>< orn. . n..,,.. <on bo no Joubo. th.ol lU<h ,,'\$h ...... <O<ttn>On. . II ;,-.
" F>=<l OUW""'. ""' .... "'r ,.",00'" '" th. r....puy onJ oubot.l!n.l,<d '0 "'"
.... ,.oJ ... moJooof .... 0.01 ,,) ....... ,,""". M""'J.-....I a.k>lu ,.:11.......,
... mp<nr._ ....... ... o<oI_pO< .. M .. "" ......... _
do .......... ish. Sou.! ""<m>U ................. 1tftIo _If ... ...-.o....y
....... yof mwoo"""',ol-..i.oII<rt.O .. rlyKiI ..... "' .... prinw ........... hr .. n;dro
,iI< ....... lw-o>grhl""'",,r\ot< "' ..... hrr....-.
.u>d '"I'!""'N. to 11.. ok .... timuLI!N. '0 dinSong, '" b<In,o:
"''''lopong, '" .>nit<J ... 'h" ,n. d"""".,;"" . nJ lb,,..,,, \><I _en II><
,,,If.nJ or"'" i> tOt , ... mom<nl .. ..,..,.nJ<d. . I'ot f"uJ. Iii< .,rli<, mod .. oJ
.on,,,,,,,,",,, """"..J 1o.>,;.:.1ly inf..,.."". H< roo lJ ,""' .... ''''i'''l'I''"..rn> if, .oJ."
lI""'"hty_ly in>oI'.l, .. ,lory ...... mcOON 10 th. b<pI.l' .on.! '"
.., oJuk uI on.! """, ... lor .... .. 0>drprnJ<m ",1M ><If.
tmpt;<;, ... I'D.-,. ... _ ''''''..!yIfI><'M:_
J<p<nd<nl. gr<NY .on.! bIinIl '" ,n. '9"" ......... uI lit< 100< ;ta. and. .. W<lt
to'" ,,'.n.n<kd ... _1opm<n< anollO b< I'<f"'lX Of K 10 ""'. (T_1I!fr<t.
" .... -.. )
," ,I>< .b ....... of Tomklno, _'. < .... ,I>< !><roK';" 1<doc.r"'" """" o.df at
h,,,,'" ,,,,,, in "'on <>pIi<it Iy 10.>>1 ........ An <>amp!<" Don>1<I1. N.""""",', SJuo .. ,
. .,J f'\iJc, <I<JkmJ 1o Tomkino. ",Ili<h ineluo.l<, , u<h po"'iU" lbo ''''0 foUo"iIlg,
I,,,,,,><ci,,,bk in T_k ... ' " 'titong:
J ... , .. mo>t bI< ","", c>n bo ;"'0 K_ by ....... s<..I. ""lll'" ;..Ii .
..!uUI ....J to form roup!<> 11 .... ,., of. ................ _motU. loh<tml io. II><
. ........ ,1>0! .. " .... '" '0'" -..... "" tb< _ of J!<..I .. _ lit< lora ,!tot "",.
,; .. . So ",r.n ' 0 tht .".><OO<t \><I........ """""'<>. "' ....
",i''''pn><a>''''I ... ,_ .. , he ...... lttoIIWmoIt. """ .. d,"m .. ..,.,w
i"'<"""' ..... .-..1 tnUlu in 1'""",,., ..... ,.-..I tll< .. """ ........ of, ... 1_ )
Tl .. ", "" . Ju1u v.' hok ""'t! ",., ". Ill< .. , .. min, r..,. ,,(.n E<h.,nl MUMh
1"in';ns. I .. h.U of Pit ...,'. C ..... .... 1-.< Rigl""",;,h 01" Uon. rd a.m-
.. 6.', "&< t{ AuiIl" 't ...... "" ''''' lO<"!ur<d "" ... 110 -P>< ",<.K in ,"" b>th
'"""'" th.1 .. """ .. """"""' b.od><l0 but m.J honibI)' 01" Al M. (.>6)
0" tlm. > V ...... Ilou<umbd''''gn<ioIttlw>tttKt\l< ............. , .. ..-;"'<mI.
" 8 J.r"""g ",."' ..... _.1 lit< ....,. ........... that k bt<om<> .. to<hrd 10 Iion'>ry
"""'r ( ..
I o\.U><ful<n>dy .... 'A ..
.. c...,,1"''''' J."p'! ""'" "",,<>>h -"""ld "" mucb ""'"' On'''''''''''8
,h. " "'"'" I"''''n' "'''p1JI<l., 1101 Ilwy .. 'OUid .t.u 10,. "".in d!""'''''''''g<>. They
""",\,j b. <' 1"'101< of no< ''''''P'''ing 1<0< ' ll< J..ip' lot long P<""J. of limo .... h'"
",ho" ''''''1''''''' ...... ..,.,Jinl ""''''11''' 10 tIwm: .''''n 'h<y ...... . iT.,.! or """'1
"",to fl"""".-.... lwir .","'in .... d<c1ri<ity: ........ """'" tritJ """""""full,. 10
""""hrn ... ooM>I< rroJ:<kml. dIty 11 ..... oi<I"_d. Of . hm 'h<y hK ..... ""'""
.. -.t. "'=-<mr>gf .... m/'IJm In ohort. dwy..,.,u "'" , ... oio<ni>oJ-
.. 4 u-.,o.,;.n of on ... ...., 110".... buo. mh ... ",,1 ......... Iy ..... '"
....... <o ..... " . ......... wnpi<> +r' , ..
1, H<n<JK. 1<0< ""''1'10, ."""S'" "'" cunrk' d<.oo..;.;.."
h<1 ," . .... 0J'" . 1 ...... nJ ,, -. l ... d >y>t<m. of """"'''5 In -",",n" ""hut<. II< 01<.
.... nh<, , he ",. 1 r,,, ",'"",Iy <oo",,,;n3 wd.1 . ott !'>y<1Io/Os;".1 ,)..,..-
by tll< -ri<h n.lrol"wnc .. ,. ",,,Jd.- Nt tIw >00<"'. 1"'1'"1.0,. ,nJ 1""'";,,
""':"'"1 "'l"'i'>oIosr (",,) .-..1 .""rz<' d ................... by ,"'h><A 'A" ' '''J!< ofjioi'",
_ f. ",) ,,,oJ"',,. n unJ tI" ..... .xt<J On", . <""" ot t-uri>m> ..-.1<, II>< p"" .
....: ot rnun<>1h<dm. ""'''''''t..m ........... m.oI _ . oad d .. ' '''''f'''''" Iornul
""",,,urn oflilon.
TIll, <h>yt ' ... """"'''' 01,1'>< ...;.x.J 'V"'"' in ,onl<"'I"" IIIJ 'hou&h'
n.! inronicy i> on .... mpt '''_ funl'>< .......... .oioI1Iy ADorn " -""'PI<
_ from ..1o -'." in E,.....-". .. >7
.. Wily. n '", born ..u.J. _. fino bool .. "" ................. """,,,,,,,,,,, "I!o-
_ "' . ... "",, , .... ocfu 1Iy ....... (ond, 01_, "'" .............. to. Itt"'" """ fa.
c ....... ... "'hcrm.on.u"""" nlly .. rN .. 1lItot """'''''''01......,. .....
........ Iy """""""* ..
.no 1\:11 'WI)"' __ Fir>t . .. ." .... -.-....11\:11 ..... """' .. . c;".w, "'-'o.r.ofifrool..
Ins"'odtto in ....J.:I<n i'<'l"u.1 .......... 'P""'J ..
p<M"" ,I'>< fi", """" tri, ... oJ pr...n.llI .. miP.;,,""" .... ,
... cW,<tMlyllcf.miIWiu.!; if " < h..! o..oipul<d . number of'h<1:ori>uobou, ... -t.a..,
"""r ",od<" "ill . Ir<..!y h .. " "";gr><d ,1'><",,,,1, ... a I"ni ".lI m ... gy """"id
hOI. h><I no , or wc, .... 5<rotwl. -"'Or. I, ",.Itt< "'"'" ,,, look . , C'""""'-
."h', bool - ''''''''8 ,I'>< "''''Y <><h<r ".,y ...... rrHsI" look ., .. Iy .. . 6nr
booIt. <Wit;",,"'!: ;" <lW<"....,... ... ""', .... n to ... """'I!I' ..t.ooc >n>rnD<m:J ...
..... d ...... <i>, .1'>< """"""1 ortr.MmiI1ibolioy (.....". ...... mic W"'<'"""""" wd
.. "'""'" diJcipIint rJu< .. "" ...t,<ct to. ..
,. .... '< <mrm-' ,hrou,r;h' PLao, """"'ompIc, tbc ........... tbc
booIos..-oI, ..... tbc ... ru.-01 ... ""T 6. from btInj; -......110 to. <qUi>-.I<c<. "l1>II
point .. -......... 10 .,1Iy T omoohy r..,..1oI. M ........... ' ol ...... -.m.;.
p<rfonnc.d in I blley. -SauoJ Oricnro ...... .nd rbt "oliac .. i8dosr:
00. "1ho disun<bon ... lui" de ... ." bc-t .. _ , ho """'''''' b.oIf ..... tho
m ... ' to. __ mI I" be, IT'giI<Jiscmcr"", bc-t .. fttl rranoIOo.....- ..... ..
11..... . 'J'<ria1iu<l 1),PC<>rm .. ion. CopIlnonr _.,.mbIt-J ,.;Ill LIJrru t..-
> .... hn< . I'd urgrnt_ ... " " ""mbkd "'IIh ... 11""", t.." .. informed
. n<! "",. .... . . . "''''pliliCltion ,,>nSfoo- .... ,;0" "",,'-It.. hliod; " , ..fonn>ooo
""Ow, , "pI,I;"' I;"" WooIJ b< , '11,
II . TonI.'", .UW." d", ,he "''' If< of . """"", " .. nJllh io not how ""u it ,,-n.Ir
.. iY< , +fro '" lind> rlfro. but .he ,;.. ..... "'f'<>IoI;1 ol <h< domoin "'"
"'P""'" m<1lIo.>I ol ..... """""1! ...... fl .. ,""""", ol
.... k rhcuo-y ;. ...... ,ho, .-" ......,. of ", 10 no. " ..... oIim ...-.thou, ... ..-: .-
.... ol.., _ _ "1';" !he pIrr ... " LooIt book " '.,., _ f"" <r<IOI- ..... dO-
.Irk .. -....... ro ...... if o&.;J.., .. ,o .. ood .... - -.....
"""'I ... d.oc.....,- W/t . II .... io ... 1It "'- ,his 'ioto<r 1o .. ....ncvJ.d<>-
"" .... pcrlu ... ........,.undc .... oodooindudo...,. ... .... _ .. __
firM It_ rbr ........ driId. ......... .ai.s ....... -
".--, .......... w..- p""1I'>- .h<n apon<Itd ....,.., to ... 10001< riJrn, bi<y<ic .,.
... ' C.,.....s.,,,hc < ... .. '11<<< "'" .... lit thoury 11'''''''''''' -!f,t.. inJMdw.I .... _
fiM I"" ",Jc,. ",'II<"by h< n """" II'>< ,,"'" "-;'hoo, foe ... , ... ,_ (bo"'" of '
0<fI<, ,iu" fo.,u"" , ,,,", Irrt ."""-< ill ."",-""nll b<-
rem,. ' 001' """" dilfu><. ' JnJcf ,II< .. n>t\Jr,1Otl> .h< ,n4"IJu. 1 migh. be foI.
Ii'.' , 0 ..-oOlill .... y OU<CI'''''! 'II<n '0 SO OUI only 1.0,< ","p .. -t.rn '",fIi< .....
1rj:I>t. fi...lly, Ire .. ""Id ........ ...ode. , n.! ifhrs bow< _ .. tob< Iu'lly. hc_id
",01< "'"",;" , drcpc-r .... 1 ... - <+<
"""'"I rlI<oty .. not """" tI ... , .. .,1It tIot<>oy ......... ,,,'",,tho""'"" _
"""" of "",,_ oII<ct: 1'><,., ".., in ... , 'l"ft ,Iw "f'I"""'<, 1Io<h <be <_
....",.... of tho thoury ond tho P""""""" " .. "'SO<> Iu!-. ' ho"!;<'l- n.. _ ...... Irao
Ie .. ","" ' OCOUOl' """l' """" rIun.g> .... " .. th" """'!: r. .. is ,).,..,..
'" Jr_ tho Iir>c rlul <'f"nd. hi> 'h<uy', dom>in
dolt ... ,""" in, l'OI1J c . .. ..... "tr.- .lnAIog
<>1<" .. " " ""","",untO. ' "'m<l Wil.lcn ,n.:! tIrrt holl" '0 rpc<-ify """ doffi:._
"",. 1><,,,.,.." "',, k aM """'g ,"""""'- ..... ,hoot y'. dam ... CO" ... ,hoogll' of
.. of '",,,n, ,,<h In .... IOS'" ,,,1.0,i00i '0 ,I'>< orhcn .M "p'M,bl< onl)' by
"Uf<J ''''''gy. '' >l""'g 'hc<><y'. don .. ;" dig""" ' ""'" highly m&'niz!
.oJ "f"oJ ..... by .... kIg;'O .<...,,,1 of .. >In ...... h' .. Ir, ,,'uk Ih.o<y <DJU,,-
.." _ '<fT';" unlik< ... y" Iw"'''rirf'l'''''' <",', ....,."un..j dbotc" ....
.. ..;;ruti< . ... 1y ,;",w. 0.- mombl.." """'til 10 _ '" .-. in iu _ iI ,,'ill
.""",. up n. iI. sbooldn>. .......... ilrImb; .,.". >n>Ios do<> "'" P"""'''
,ho:- ,!'m., 11<,..,,- "'..,. ' No' Of ... ,.,....,. ...... """"""' ..... : on< 0.
) . a in <be....a..s. bu.-""" <_ ... " (WiIo.Irn
.Io..f' .... ooo,"" t'ing ... ..,. .-""l''''''''g. bo<._ .. "", .,-. ..,.
Sometime back in ,be middle of the of the AIDS epidemic. I
w",' picking the brains of. mend "f mine. the uti,'is, ..,ho!.or CIndy Po,
IOIl . baul the probable n.", .. 1 hi""ry of H'V. TIlls was at time when
>pt<ula,;on WJS ubiquitou bou, whether the virus had b.en deli!:>e" .. dy
engineered or .p .... d. whether ,,, . "'p",,,,nled a plO! or r;qoeri ment b)" the
US military that h.d gonm oul uf COttlrol. or ""rhap. 'h>l w.$ behaving
"",e,I)" .. it wa. mC' nlto. Afler he.ring a lot from he,.bout the !,'<::ogr ... phy
Jnd emnomiC$ "flhe global traffic in blood produCI<. llinany. wilh some
eag""'css. asked Patton what she thought ofthe: , inister rumors about
lhe ,"iru" origin. 'An)' of the early >lepl in il< <pread could hal" !:>een cith.r
. idenl.l ordeliberate: 'he ... id. "flut I just hal" ,rouble gelling intere<ted
in th ... I mem. even we ,u"" of .'''ryelem.nt of. rorupirJCy:
Ih., lhe Ii"" of Africon< and African Americ'''''''' ",orlhl.,.. in lhe o)"u of
tl>.: United SlaIe" 'hat ga)' me" .nd drug u:rs Ott held che.p whott they
" 'en't "'ively hated: that the militory delib.ra,c1y ",""."h .. way. 10 kill
nnnwmb.""" whom i, sees as enemies: that people ill power look
0" the likelihood of """rophi" cm'ironmeltl.1 and l")pUlalion change,.
S"pposing we we"" e"c, so of.n 'ho,e lhing' _ wh .. would we \:now
then lh" we don', already kn",,"-
In tho yea", , i"ce th., co",,,,..,,;,,n, I',," b,ooded 3 101 "'''' ,hi> ""1"''''''
of P.u",, .. Aside from a stony p<$Sim;"",. I think wh .. ,
I \-e fOund enabling about it iJ ,h., i, ... gge>lS ,he poosibili.)" of unl"'du,g.
of diSt" .. ,,!;l i"g from thcir impacted and (>\ ... histori"'l ...
,io" '0 urI> othtt some of the 5Cf"''''c of the imollcnual bag-
,hat many of u. ",rry ........ nd under a ubd such as "tilt Mr!t1o<tltU'iQ
"fsuspicion." Panon', comment Juggtst< tI'a! for ' 0 1>.... an "'"
mys,ified. ang ry vicwoflarg< and genuinely Iyltcmic noc
or ""oo""rily enjoin that peoon to .ny in of epist .
moIogical or "" .... i .... const<juens. To know ,Iu M origIn or opnad. of
.. " ...... lilfkdlly .. I'h. Iu, .. from a .u,eaj'ioled
knowledge is, i urn. OUt. sepanblefrom .he quc .. ion of whe,hcflh. ener.
Sic. of. gil"n At oJ :K.i'"t in.dlcc.u.1 o. group might !Its. br .... d in ....
,udng and of ourh. pIot. "l1w..")" migh . but ,"'n again.
, .... ")" might no . Though edlieaUy ""y frau gh'. ,''' choice .. noo 5<' lf .... idm.;
whe,her <II" not to untkrul<e .hi, highl)' compel]'''g t,."cing.ndc"\X"Urt
project reprc,",n .. a Ilr.tegic and lor.1 derui<m. nOt n=narily a ca!.gori
(allmperatWc. P."",,, rtSp<><UC ' 0 mr 5ttmcd '0 open a loF" for """'ing
from. he ratl"" ft..,ed quC$lion 1J a .rue. and
"""'can ,n know? ,o.he funhcrqoxs'ion<' What doc,
pUII"i. of i,. 'he h"'ing and expo,Ing of it. 'he ... c';,ing of knowl
edge of "'hat one .I .... dy krK .... 1 fI ....... in short. is ptrfor"",m ...
and .. docs one '''''''''' .mong it< ca...,.,. .nd elf""""
1 sul'f"'S'" .his ought .0 IICcn, 'I";t. an u" ... "",rubic epiphany: ,ha.
d .... ... ther .han ';mpt) II it is by now ''''Y toulin .. to di$<Oove<_
Yet it that lot of ",.t force ofsuch has bn blun.ed
th ....... gh ,he h.bnu. l p"'cti<el <>f ,he somr rorms of theory thal
luI'( gi"'n ouch currtllC)' ,o.he fOrmubc the"""h ..... In putiru.
lar. It Is I"-"'iblc th.t .he ''''Y produ"'i"", ,ntk.1 h.bit< cmbodi<d in " ..... ,
P.ut Ric""ur rncnl<)robly ra iled 'IH:: of ,u",,",ion" _ ",;de-
'1"":0<1 cri,ical habiu indttd. pemaps by now ntarly ' Y"""1""'''' with
critimm itself- may h .... Iud In unintm.ion..tly stultif)ing ,ide e/kcl:
'ht:)' m.y h.,,, made it r.,lH::r ,h.n mon: possibk:.o unpack ,he 1(lC.>1.
con.lngent ",I.,i"n, be,ween .n)" si,..,n picce of kn""'ledgc ."d it< naml'
,i,,,/cpi>lcmologic. l cn.ailmrnt. for'M ""eker. 0< tcUer.
Rironlr in.rudud the cate),""Y of ,he her .... ncu'ioo .0
dcs<ribe 'hl" posi'i"" of M.n. F.-cud. anJ ,he .. 0/1".
_pring in a conte .. ,h., .1", inrl"d" J ,uch aitcrnat;"c discip)""r)" hermc'
<l C'''1o . he philological and theologi,.1 <>f of
His ;ntc'" in ,,!fering ,he ti"mcr of .he,", fo.-mul i"", " "as de.
","pti"" and t.",nomic r her.h.n im"" .... ';' ... In til< con,u, of "'CCn, US.
"",ical .he ory. .... ' ...... Mati. Ni<tZSCM . nd F ... ud by .h.""",I, ...
..... ,.k .... as KIS';' uring a I"""Y ""ffit:icm gmc:.Logy for the m";n<lrt.m of
N,'w H;"oridst. deco ... ,ru,,;, ... fom;niJ(. '1ueer . nd,k oiti
(t>nt. to apply a hermeneutk. is, 1 beli ....... ",;doly undc ... tood as
"",nd .. ory InjunClion ...... r ,b;t.n. poo>-ibilit y .mong otMr pC>;.
The phrol.'" now Iu, somr,hing like ,he ..cmI of Frednc "'mrso.",
hiSlorictu" - and.lil:.c ,h 0"". i, into its lit ... pooilion in
,he t,bk,s Alw4Jl hi s,ori,ize, Wha, could hal.., less lodo wi.h
his,,,rici/:ing than , ... commanding. atcmpoul.d-...,rl> "alWay'", I. reminds
me of .... bumfXr Slide ... th., inSIrtJCI people in ",her 011 ,0 "Question
,Iu,hority." Excelkm adrice. w . .. cd 00 .nyone ",t.o docs " .... ,.
t'''' they're ord.",d In do by a "rip of paper glued.o an .u,omobile! The
tn'per.!i"e framing ""ill do funny ,hings '0 herrrw::neutics of SI.1Spici<M1.
NOT surprisingl). the mClhodological cemr;t\i,y oJ 5UspK;on to "' .
n:nt criliGll prwicc: b;t.. imoh ... d a concomi,.n. pm.;lcgi"g of ,he ron
" (par.noia, In .r.c 1m, of " ... .,d'. e,,,,,)" <)tl ,he paunoid
Or, S,-hrd:>er. ,hen: i. di><usslon of what " ... ud considcl1 "striking .imi" between So:hn-bcr. sptema,;" pcrwnltOf)' dcLu.ion and fn:ud',
""'n 'hcory. Freud ","as indeed g..:...,...liu. farnou..,. . b;t., "' M ddu'
.ions of p" .... noloc. h.,,, .n ""ern. l simil.ri. y and .mer",,1
ki"l hip'" 'he ,y"e",s of our philosophe r." _ .nlong whom he included
hl"'''''1f (lZ:79. For an his ... i. m.y be true tl\;o. ,he. puta",,,,
congruence be' '''ern parmoia and.heory WU unp:al.ouble to F.-cud: if ....
110",,,, .... it ;, nn longer v;.:.. ... d as u"P"b bic. n.c . rt;.;ul .. ton of SIKh a
"'''gr uene. "")' ha", been Inc,i,.blt . t ' LI )'; as Riroeur not ... "For
M . ... N;",:zsch . nd Freud, ,h. fut>d.mcntala'rgory of CottKiou>ncss is
,be ... L\t;"', hiddensho"," 0.-. ,f you p ... fer. JimuL\tedman,fntcd .. .. Thw
' .... dh\inguishing charactens", of Freud nd N;"tUChc is ,he gen.
e",1 hypot .... ;, ronceming bOlh .he procc .. off.l", con.oau'ncss and 'he
n""hcxl of deciphering. The , "'0 g<ltoge,her. ,ilK. 'he m,m of suspicion
'ar,.;., Out in rt ....... ,he ..-o.-k off.l .. ficarion of, ... man of guile" O)-}4).
The man of ""spicion doubleblulfmg.he: man of guile: tn,he: b;t."'" oJ
,hinke .... M .. Freud. pa ... noia h by now condidl)' bn:om< Ie .. a di.
." .h .... p ... ription_ In 0 w"rld nn n"ed l>t dol".i"".I to find
of systemic oppreSSion. to theorize OUt of .nylhing bul P"r:ot'loid
crilicol ".nCe has come 10 '''''m n .... '..,. piOUS. orcompl.i",-nl . I my .. lfh...,
no wi,h to re,urn to ,he u,e of "par'fl'Oid" .s a pathologizing,
n.u, it .. emS to me. great loss wkn paranoid inquiry romes 'o"'em "'"
tirely coexlensiv. wi,h cri,ical theore,ic.l inquiry ratbe. than being
as one kind of theore.ical proctice among otber . It.
na,i, ... kinds_
Evt:n aside from .he prestige tha, now anacbe, to a hermeneutics Qf
suspicion in cri,ical 'hrory as a whole. queer >ludle, in partkular has hod
distinctive history of in,imacy wi,h Ihe I"'",noid imper.tive, F"ud. Qf
rour.., . 'raced every inStance of paranoia 10 the repression ohpenfirally
s;lme'$e' deSire, whe,her in women orin men. The ,raditional . homopho.
bic p'y,ho. n,ly,i, use that has gen"olly been m.<k of Freud', assocta-
tinn ha. been tn pathologiu homOS(' as paranoid OT 10 conside, parr
noi di"in<li,,,ly homOS('xu.1 disc _"" In Ho'"""' .... ,,'i D<sirr. how.-." . >
1971 h"ok tr-an,I"ed imo English in 1978. Cuy .. turned to
Freud's formulations todraw from ,hem. rondU.>ion th., would nOl repro.
duce Ihi, damaging non "qui,u,_ If paranoi a .. flec," the rrprwiM of SOme -
Sn de,i"" .. asooed. 'hen paranoia is uniquely priYi/egW
r,,, illuminating not irsdf, as in IhI: F",odian tradi'ion.
bUI rather prt:<iscly ,he mechani'm, of homophobic and heterosnis, en-
forcement .gail1$t i'- Wha, is illumin.t.d by an undersl.nding of
is nol h"w hiJmos<.u.lity works. bUI how homophobia .nd he,erosniSIn
work -in ,Imrl . if on. understands Ihe", oppre",;ons 10 be 'p'emk. how
,h. world wt>rk'_
P:tranoia thus bec. me by ,he mid-'980, a pri"ikged objt "f antihomo-
phobic theory, How did it .p .. ad so quickly from that sta,u, '" being ilS,ioned "'''hoJology' I have been looking bock inlO my own
writing of,he wdl OS ' hOI of some othereriti<;>. 'rying 10 re, .. ce
that ' ransition _ one ,hat ""ems wurthy of ",mark nuw bu' .. cmed at ,M
time, I think. !he mOlt n.,ural mOl'/: in 'he world. f"JrI of'he explana'ion
lies ;n a property of par.noi. i,,,,lf Simply put. paranoia tends 10 be conlO'
gious; mnre .pecifically. is drawn toward and lends '0 coostrua
' ymmetric.l rel.,iuns. in particular. symme'rical epistemologies . .... leo
Be""'ni wri'es. "To inspire in' e",,, is 10 "" guaranteed . paranoid ..... ding.
ju" '" we mUSI inevitably be su'picious of thc interprelation. we in.pi .... ,
P,ranoi. is .n ille>c'p. blc in,erp""ill' doubling or pr,,,,,,,,,. - <,13-11). It "","
" hkf (,,,,d. if becomcs onc) to ,"ch. thief: i, mobilize. guile
,g.;"st ,u'pidon. suspicion against guile: "il takes one 10 know on., ' A
""wid friend, wbo believes I reading her mind. knows ,his from read_
",il\e: also a suspicious writer, sh. i, alw.)" ,uming up 01 crime "'ene'
of plaSi.ri>m, indifferen,'y pe'pe'ratoro, as victim: a li'igious colleague
. ! ",<'il. she no, only im, gincs me '0 be as familiar wi,h ,he I.",. of libel
",he is. but eventu.lIy makes me become so_ (All thcs<: cx.>mple . bi" ,he
"-,,y, . n: fictitious. )
Given that paranoia seemS 10 have. peculi. rly intimate rel"ion '0 'he
phobic d),n.mics around homosexu.lity, 'hen. i, may h"", been "roctur-
.11)" incvi"ble that the ",.ding p",,,iS ,hat became mOS' "'ailable and
f,uilful in amihomophobic "'"rk would often in lurn h.,-e becn p ... noid
""co' muS! h,,'c been historical .s well oS Slru"urol ",aSOns for this
de,elopn""m. however. because it i, ,,, account on >lroouralt.rm.
for the f"'quem privileging of para noid methodologies in recent
criti" l projects such as feminiS! theory, I"}-.:hoan.lylic theory. deconstruc-
tion, Mdrxist cri'icism. or ,he New HhlOrici,m, One ",cenl discuion of
p'"n"ia itwoh, '"a popular m. xim or ,he latc 196<: 'jo" because you're
p"ranoid doe,,, 't ,h.,y'", no! ou' 10 get )'ou (Adam. In faa. i,
Ins quite plausible th .. som. ' ... rlion of' hi.. oxiom (pcrh,f'" "E '" n p> ra..
noid <an have uttered hy Henry Ki><illgetj is." inddibly in...,;bed
in the brains ofooby boomers ,hat i, "ffcrs u.the ronlinuing illU.>ion of pus.
"""ing' spedal inSight int" 'he cpistemol"!;ic' of My imp"'''iun.
_g,in. i, tim we . re liable to produc/: ,hi.; ron" .. i,,,, formulalion as fierrdy
.. if it h.d . ,,,,If' eviden' i"'pc,,"i'" force: Ihe nmation that e'-en paranoid
havc ",,<mies is wielded as jf its absolutely nec .... ry coroll.ry " 'ere
'he inj"nction "so yeo "a" "'w, It< I""",,oi,' '""0"8"' "
'he truth value ofthe original axiom. assuming il 10 "" do"s,,',
.ctu.ily m,ke a paranoid imperative ,elfC\iden\. Learning that "jU<l be-
come )'"u're p.ranoid d"",n', mean rou don't hal" somebody
migh' deduce that being pannoid is nm.n effect;", "'ay 10 ge, rid of ene
lil ies, Rather ,h." concluding "'50 you an nc,'Cr be par:",oid enough: 'his
PC''''n migh' inSle.d be moved '0 r-eAoct "bul ,hen. jUst because )'Ou h.,..,
enemic, doesll " mo.n )'OU h3"e to be par.noid: ThaI is '0 sa)". onCe again:
f<" "'meone 10 have .n umn)<tifi"d "i<w of s)"stem;c opp",,,i"n, doe, not
ill trill.' ie" lIy m """ ..-arily join t hat pcrson '0 .ny .peci fie,,,, in of cpist. mo,
l"l\i,.IOf nacrativc To be ",heT Ih ..."okl (.nd or COut>c.
we' ll need '" define thiS term much mort> ,"refully), to mho<
paranoid form, of knuwing do<. noll , in it5Clf. entail. denial of the n:alry
"r gr.vity "f . nmity or opp"''''i"n. we to und.rstand I"'",-noi. in such a way as to situate it as
one kind of epistemologic.1 pr.ctice . mons other . ltem.ti,,,, one.l Bo_
.ide. Freud'" the mOst u .. ble r,,.mulation. r,,. this purpose "'1)uld "'ern
to be those of Me!'ni. Klein and (to the ,,",ent that p ... noi. repreSi"" an
./feCti,-e as well .s <Ob"';t"" mode) Sil n Tomkin._ In Klein. I find p:onku.
l.rly congeni.l her uSC of the concept of !"'"hoM_ the ",hizoid/ p:oranoid
po,ition, the depressive position -as opposed to. for ex,mple. n<>rmat ivt'ly
ordered <tng", ,uble ""'<1"'''. or diasoO>tiC /"""o""li,) '>1'<'- ;\, Hin.hel-
wOO<l write' in hi, Vinio"a,y of Kltiniall Tho"gln. "The term 'position' de_
scribe, tho ch.,.cteristk postu", tha! !he ego t.kes up with re$pCct to ito
objec" __ ( Klein] .... .nt.d to con'"y, ",i,h the ide. of position. 3 much
mnn: flexibl e l oandfro process be,we.n one and the oth<r th.n is nor.
mally meanl by reg",,,,ion to fixa,ion points in th. dC\'t:lopmentol pha",,'
(J94)- The n.,ible 10.nd-fro implicit in Klcini"n f"Jitio"-, will
oc meful for m)' diS(ussion of pJranoid and reparati,,: critical p'<UI"''', nOl
as theoretical ideologies (.nd n", as st.ble pe,-"",alily Iypes of
criliCl), but .. cbanging .nd .. rogenrou. stan, ...
The interest of concep< lies, it "'-"Cm' 'n me. in hersceing
the paranoid po'i'ion .Iw.y. in Ihe o>cW.,ory context of a ''CT)' diffe",nt
possible "It<:; tho <lepre.i,,, position. For Klein', infant ur adult. tnc p:or>'
noid po,ition - unocr1tand. hly m.rked by h .. ..,d. en"y, and anxiot),-i. a
position of rriblc . lenne,. to Ihe dongers posed by the h .. eful and e""i
ous parI -objects that One dcfcnSi,cly projects into, ,,,,,,, Out of, and in
gem from t he world around Onc_ By contr .. t. the d'pr=i'''' position i.
on .nxiet).mitigating .<hie,..,mcnt th.t the inf.nt or . dult only sometimes,
and often only briefly. 5ucceeds in inhabiting: thi' i, the;on from ,,h;ch
it is possibl" in l um to use one's own resources to assemble or ""'p:oir" ,n.
munlerou. part -obje". into something like. ,,'hole-though, I .... ould .m
ph"ize. "ot ""''-'''rily all)' p=xisting ","ole_ Once .. sembled to one'.
own "",<ifications. the more sa'isfying obje" is a,'aiI3bh: boIh to iden,i
fied with .nd to olferone nourishment .nd comfort in lum. Among Klein'S
n'me. for the rep.rati,'C process is 10\..,.
Gi>'fn the instahiliry.nd mutu.l in"'ription buil, into the Kleini.n n<>tion
of positions. I am also. in 'he preS<'11l project. intere".d in doingjustiu to
th< "'par"i'" pr.ctiCes thot. r ronvin"ed. infuse self-",'m"<:diy
parano id crilkaJ PIOjCCl5, as well ., in the par.n<>id exigende. th" arc ohen
",'cc""y for nonpar. noid knowing .nd utter.mcr. For "xample, Panon',
,Jltn re.ponse to m bo", the otigins of "". drew on lot of research.
her own .nd Other people' . ",uch of which required being p:o",noi ... II)'
; trucwred,
f"rcOllvcnicnce ' ... ke, I bonow my critir.l enmplesas I proceed from
tWO influential studies of th. decade, one rough I)' ps)-cho.;mal)"lic and
tht other roughly New Historicisl - but I do SO for more than Ihe of
convenience, as bot h an: books (Judith Hutler', GrnJa Tro.b/, . nd D. A.
,\l\lIer's Th, I\'ovd o"d '"' who," Un"ali,y 10 tM d""lopment of my
own 'hought, .nd that of th. criti,,1 m",-emenlS th .. mOSt intereSt me. a",
",""'pic" of their remark.b!. f,,!"Ce .nd exempl.rit)'- Each. :os well. is inter
."ingly l ocated in a tadt or o,ten,ibly marginal. but in hindsighl origina')'
ond ;loth rcl.tion to diAcrcnt .",ins of queer theory_ Finall)', I draw
.;en ... of permi"i,,,, from the f. (\ thot ncitbce book iun)" lonsen-ery "'p'
resen",i"" of Ih. most rcccnt work "f eithce "" th.t ob",,,.tions
about re.ding practices of eilher ",H,k rna)'. I hope, e",ape being gl ued
" if . Ilegorically to t he name of the author_
r would like to begin by ,,-,uing OUl5ide the >Cupe uf thi' disc"",ion
any ovcrl.p be'ween par.muia per '" on the one hand. and on the other
h. nd the ""e. ". rioml)' called dementia praecox (by Kraepelin), schizo-
phreni. ( by Bicuicr). m. mo", b",nerally. ,Iclusionalily or psych""i" As La
pl'n"he PonlO1i. nott. hi'tory of p,),chi .. ry has attempted ""iow
m'pping' of thi> o,erl.p: "Kraepelin differentiates dearly between p . ... -
noia on (he one hand and the p.,. noid form of dementia praecox on 'he
,nher: Illculer Irt,." p ... noi. 0.' , ubcatCh"'') of praecox. or
the gruup of schi,oph",nia" .. for Freud. he i. qui,e p"'p"red to se. ccr
"i" paranoid forms of demen,ia praec", broughl under thc he.d
of par.noi .. . . [for example, Schreher',] co .. of p" .. noid demen';'" i5
""' "nti.lly. p.r.noi. proper! and therefore nOI a form of schizophrenia] in
F1"I;ud. eyes" (>97)_ In Klein', I; .. r writing<, meanwhile, 'he occurrence of
r,)'<hot idike ment.1 eve"" i, .. en., uni,,,,,.,1 in ","h children and .dult .
,,-, th., ",hanism' such os p".noi. haw " dur ontological priorit)' ",,,r
di'h'llO>tic calcgorics ,uch a, demen'i . The ITason I want to in,ist in .d-
"""ce On ,hi, m",,, i" once . gain. to 'ry to h)'po,heticolly disem.ngk the
9"""i(," of tru,h ,'alue from the question of perfoem.ti"" effec._
I ... y;ng 'he m.i .. "'-.ns for p;l"'f\OId pr=i, ,, .. ,,,
<han 'M ,h'11OOrsuspicions can be: dclu.:ioru.l or MmpIy
w"'''8- JOme of the ..... in "Cason. for pr=icing p>nl .
S">tegic:< m.y be: "'Mr thln.he ro-ibility ,''', ace'::
o.rur knowLedge, n., "'prtsm. d " "j', .mong <.>Iher w.y .. of ""di
finding, and kno .... ledge, P .... noi. knov,'. some .hings "'-"U
othen poorly,
I'd like to undw.k. now like. composi sk.,eh of "nat 1
"IC.n by p;l",noia in thil COO""ctiOO_IlO('$ tool of difftf'en,;'l ol;.,g..o,u.
but'$ a tool forbe:,tcrsing dltrtf'entiaJ. of poetic . Mynuin
PoInnoia i< dnriril"'''?'
P .... noi.a iJ 7rjIaiw .nd .. ,.....n.-.
I> .... noi. iu """'.t .Itt,")'.
PoIr.,,"'" " a theory of afficu.
P"o"oi. piocci in f.lth in '"'1'"J."'.
.AUNO'A ..
Th .. p"ranoi> is .n,icip;l10ty i< <:k.r from "'''')" a('C()Un' ,nd Iheory of the
plltnommon_ The- fit$( im""",ri\l: of p<IT.noQ is TIom- ...... lor "" NJ JIll'-
ptUtJ. and indel. 1he an:Dion .0 surprise ... erru '0 be: .... h .. (erum .. "'"
in"mag bc:,w"en pannoi. and know 118" p." ... , indudi ng bot h epist"""".
phili nd skep'i<:i,n" D. II . Miller nOle. in Thr tII<>W/ dlUl rhr "Sur'
pri .... _ . is precisely wh .. tho p"tonoid se.::b '" elimi"ate. bu, i. is .I..,wh ,
in .he CYCnt. he 'u,,';.'" by ",.ding a frigh,ening inc<:nt",,: he un n.,,,,
bc: par>noid ."""gh"
Th. unidi"""ion.Uy futu"Con.n'ed of pan ...... gcn,,,.,o.
p"ra<iOJli<a[ly,' ",L>,ion 10 'cmporab'y 'hll bulTO'oO"S both 1wJ;.-
" .. n! .nd fOrwood: ,he", must be: no hod surprixs..nd bee ....,
le.ming of ,he J>Ol>ibili,yof a bad would i,,,,lf roru,i,u'e bad sur-
prise. paranoia "'qui",.,h.t bad ne",S bc: .lw')"1 al",ad)' knov,n. n. Miller',
a" ol)'" !so .ugge'l$. the '(",ponl progress .nd "'1:"'" of paranoia ."',
in principle, infini ,. . Hen.::c "" 1 suggc>I. 8u,l.r, ,eptoled .nd KOU'-'
Ing!)" lh"'"ugh d.moomr.,ion. in G<t<olrr r",.!oIr th ... he", ",n h",,, been
'10 momen, prior .0 ,he in,l""mon of th" luulizing I ...... of I:<'nJcr
"nee; he""c hcr IIn"'$<'ng vigil.o.",c roo- t"'<elI in othc hwri>u' ""riling of
,,(>St.lgla fOf_SUm an impossible prior momrnl. No time could be: '00 nrly
Ii>< "",,'s h,,,,ng . I,,,.dyknoo;...lI. for its having.h:adybo;.,n . hat
w n1elhing Nd would happc:n. And no \o$lI could be: .00 in the fUN", 10
"...,d \0 be !"""mpl;'''1y ofucountr:d .
In ,,,,ling, .s I h,vr .I",.dy, .h. con.agious 'rupilm of p.raflOi, ,oward
.yn,mettic.l.pis,ernologic., I ha,,, ",Ii.d on Ih. double sen"", of I"'ranoi.
., ",nui"" and mlme'ie. J>.",noi, .... rru 10 "",ui", being imitatl 10 be:
undcrood, and iI. in lurn,""'ms 10 undersnnd only by omit.tion, Pol",.
noia proP""" bolt. r4n do (10 ..... ) I ("u.l.!....,..... and ilKJlhi",
."'. ran ol" (I" mt) I ru do first - 10 my.df. In n.t N""tl,,..j I'" Polio:.-.
;, much mo", ".plicit th.n F",ud in embracing l he ,,,in p"'I""'irion.,"',
011" und",rs,."ds only by on.",,1 f praC! iei ng p.ranoid knowing, .nd
th .. 'h" way pawlOi. has ofu,rderslanding .n)"lhlng il by imitoting .nd
embodying i . Th.t p"""lOia ",fu"", \0 be: 01'1)' tornrr" "'''Y of knowing "'"
thing Im",,'n, but iJ ch.ra<loriud by.n ioui..-cn' tropi,m 10wArd O<CU.
both posi11on1. is \\inily dra ..... 'izr;d from Ihe opcni"B pal:<' of ,his
definitive <Iud)" of p.nncri.1: , ron,..-.mI ritll "8u. Offir .. " be:girtS wi.h
.. , a1w.yo-olrudyeondgunsing ""monc bou, how "['ow ,1M: blonde>!
(or bluJb.r) ",hoL>.rly ",ork' fe.n gctting into trouble: inctuding ,rouble
"with adv" .... riu whose p.rlicul.r "'lOrks i1 k.eps bwy.ntic;p"ting"
("ii), As ,h. book'$ fl,,.1 p.ragraph nOl.S 0.;,1 C0l'l',>jirW, Mille"O<)
"",,,,)wh.,,, ... pm ..... in which Ihe """,,liIU'.S hin,-
... If .g. i nst' discipli"" by .s:ruming th., discipline ;n his ""'n nan,." (no)
,,,- e>"n h i. ""'n body ( '9' ).
It >ttTtl$ nO wondc., 1Mn, 1h.:i,l"r:moia, once ,he topic .. broached in
nondiagnos'ir (""'U1. smslogrow like. cry .... 1 ina h)-pt .....
1ion, blOIling OIl' .ny ",nse of the poo.s;bility of ,Item. In" ..:.y. of undo,..
".nd;ng or things .0 ulldot$(.nd. r wiU s.>y '""'" bter.bout """'" impli.,..
lKltlS ofth" ,mus of par.noia .s, in rhis sense, in" ';"bly " .. .-ong th.ory."
What may bt "",n mm. Imporl.nt is how """,ely .h< ",;"""idsm of p ....
"<,Ii , dl"Cu m "'ribe:J its po. cnl iat as m of pol i'ie,l or t <tnlgs Ie .
,\ . I poin'ed nUl in '!1116 .... y (in ,,hio;h my implicit ",f.",nce w .... as
it happell$. .0 On<: of' 'ht I"e' coIl..,,I on n.t N",n .>0;1 <lor /Wi).
"The problem .... '" b nne "mply 1110' 1"" ...... ;..10,,,, of ..... ". fOr _ in
"""ain I.ns,,'gc what is not' n.. probkm;, n.\K,r ''':11. of :011 fonn.
of I""c. I"nnoi. is ."" mos. asn:. ic. J.,w d,," ik,n,,,.,,, /au, foP'" Its ob-
]I . . .. lb: gorgrous n .... I ..... wuri< done by Ihc Fouc:&uIdW> p.>raooid.
... n.r.".rning''''' .irn"hneous of i",.i.Ullort< 'n.o a COflKCUl"-.e"n. diagram of spinning "Kal'" ;and ,c'''p'urn. is.1so "'"
pa, .. noid Jubjtct. proffer of h'mstlf.nd his rogniti'" It",. now '.,.dy
for i. can I>"'""n. in .br ..... y of bl.nd,.h..,.,n. or viokncc. '0 an
ord .... of' hings mo""" rIu. had unln .Mn bcktd only n .... tibility . body.
(Coh ........
Al.he ,;"K ofb.::ing .wfully reduct;"". J hi< .n.;op.,ory. mi.
me,;c mcch. n;In' may .Iso shed lighl on ... riking f,,.,ure of recen' femi"",
nd qutc, Uk. of p")"Cho.n.lysi .. La"n id.. few ",.u.1 P")"Choan.>lySlS
WOIJld dre.m ofh.<ing as rigorously in.;'ltnl .,.re m.ny <>J>!>O'ilional th .,.
rills _ of "'hom is '"Cry far fJom Ihe ""'" '=n.
ing I he i""oo,.bl . irtt<!utiblc. uncil"l"llmN,is.bk. omnil"""'"1 <"CIltnli.y.
, .....,. f")'Chi<; juncturc. of 11K facts ( ...... "' .. , fOctitiou.) 0( -... .zual differ
ence- and ".he phallus.' From such oIitn u.oIogkal ... "Ork. it ... "OUld b.<
hard", learn !h., _ IT"m Freud """ .. rd. i""luding. for t:c.mpIoo. II ..
wrilings of MeLoni<: K!cin- lhe hlst"')' of psydlO.1n.1ytic Ihoughr oIFcrs
richly di",,'l.'t:II . tools lOr lhinking .boul .:speru of penon
... "",,,,,ioo,,,,,,, . ffo". filialion. soci.1 dyn.mieJ, .nd stmalily ma .
Ihough ,eltv.n u.he ""perience of g<'n<kr and queerness. often nOf
("n,r. Uy o'g.niltd around "se,ual diffcn:n<e- .. . 11. NO! lh. llh""'rt: n<'C'
essarily prior '0 -..,.u. 1 Ihey m.y 'i mply II< conccp<ualized ..
wlllCwhrn- 10 Ihe of i . ngenlially or ... l>led 0,
ra,he, un""blcd to il .
Seemingly. lhe rest,voirof ,ueh .hough, .nd could make an
impo".nll'r1(JUl"(c fOr ,"'oris .. ronuniutd '0 .hinking .bou, hu .... n lh,.,.
OI ... , .... i'" .han Ihrough lhe I>"'judidoWl gtnde. rei6c.!1ons It..! an: com
I1"\l)fl in as in 01 ..... projts of rno<km pIliIo5opIt}.nd sO
ence. Whiollw h.ppened iru! I think . .. oorn.tlhing like Ihc fol ..... ing.
Firs! . hrough ",h.l rnigh, bt calltd a proem ofyjgibnl ",onning. femi
n ..... ,><1 qUttrs ...... c righlly undc .... oo'hh no.<>pic ora",. of 1">,1>0.0"'-
Iylic .houghl an II< dl>red a priori immu"", 10 Ih. inAue""" of such gtn
<Itt ,dfialion .. Second. hu"",,,,- .nd. II ...,enlS .0 ""'. unnccc ... rily and
ofl.n dam.glngly _ the of ,uch. priori i,"",ul1I<). lhe .b>cnco of an)'
g" nonp"'judi<i.l point of heginnillg f01" .hough. wi.hin
I",)",ho.on.l ys;. h .. led to lhe wide"P"'.d 'doJ,,1on b)' $0<1", think,.. of an
mimet;" st ...... egy w"'reby. "yliltd viole""" of
, !lffe"'''';''ion mllS! .tw.Y' be rrtn'",td 'II" stlf4l.l_-.l_C\"n. "'he", """ .
c>$olry. impostd_ simplyun .... ground Ih i. an "",,,.be ""'-
I r <Ioo'! "",n! .0 sugges<. in lhe word "mimt\;,,: !h., lhost ..... o f
... lyllC gcndt,calegorie> "",td b.< eilhe, uncm;"al of or idmlicallO
. he onSi""b. BUller mong ",hen. has ughl un much leud .. dening....,
of"mim.'ic.-) BUI. fortnmplc. in .hi< po$I lacani.n lradillon. ps)"Choaru.
1,lK lhough h .. is no! in Ih. Ii". plact nnl ... Uy organi,.d. .round pilaU;"
:,.,ou.l difference - muM seemingly be , ... ",I"ed. wilh how", .. , dislOning
"',ulti. Intn t h .. hefo'" j. can bf: pullO any mher usc .
TI>< conlingen. poosib;li'ie, of .hinking ",he<wise Ihmugh """xu.1 dif.
on: . ubordin"td 10 t he para...,;d imp'" .,i" Ih.l. iftht of
.u, h rcific,'ion ",nnol be dtfinili,,,ly in a<lvana:. i. muSI a.
lu" n....,r arri,,. on any ron<cp.".1 SC'C"" IIJ Q ."..,.,ut. in a pa..anoid vie\o.
ic i< rnO", dongtmm forsu"" reilic jon ",,,'.0 II< uNnriOpaltd .han
." II< unchaJlcngrd.
II l! for ""5U!lS like Ih"" Iha . in .he "fSilva" Tomkins. p.> .. noi."
01 ht exampl. p'" nccnenu of "'hal "]"omk ins ",fu.'>!o as '" rang'f.
fCr! Ihoo'y' - in thi' a >lmng h"mi!i.tiOl1 or humilialionfcar 1h<."O,y.
Chapter J "'pl. ;n,. T<>n,kin" ll .. oflhc "",,,ng theory" - ind."d.
hi, u"" "rl he lerm "" Ihwry- .1 .11 _ h.$ S<lnle.hing of . double ,.Ien"". H.
t;a<. beyond Fn:ud', n:OITtiOll on pos.<ib!c Iillt,lori'i" 1"1""", . say. paranoia
"nd heQt"y, by T omk ins's .emurll. "'h ich is ... rongl)' m.rhd by c .. I)
""lies' in."r1:$! in ftt<!bad processes. aU pcopI<:'. cogni.j,,,j .lre<1;",. ....
' n:: according 10 al.ern .. "". ch.nginS- ..... "gic nd hypo!MI;'
cal .rre<1 lheorin. As. re .... lI. ,"'re .. "Otdd. be fJom II ..... on no on,oIogkal
d;ffcn::nce bel .... ..,n.he .hororizingoosof a Fn::ud..nd I ........ of.say. one elhis
.".1)"$ .... 11. Tomkin. docs nO! suggtot .ha, 1M"" is no "", 1t>"C1 of ",Ike
'>on in F",udslheOTJ. bu ha, .ffro ilstlf. ordinary .ffe<1 ..... hile i....,.ruribly
<"'po",.1. i .. 1so ccn, ... lIy sh'p<d. 'hrough Ih. proc ..... by its ac
re ... 10 ju" mch m<I.Ic,.,I .. In Tomkins.IM is no distance a<
, II hoc.wccn alfect .heory in .hc .. or Iht i"'puI" cxpli<i. !hcori2<inS
''''"c ,<,ien,i" nd philosophers do arownd . ffeet>. "nd . lft<l.htory in .he
1Iu""", "''1''':>''''1 ''''>peJN """ ...... ' 1101 ,
. . "'1'1>0." .""",,,,,. 1" .. 00 ..., ,("",'-'
JO - "4' SUO"" "'11
'"'I' 'flU' JO 4'1""''1 ,u"', ""I' l,n",s. JO JO .. .,
051 .... .... ''''14' .. ' ;'IU'" ,u.wnil. u' ...... $'1 >311"4." Ino
I"'lI 0, >J!I"d .... """'.'11 "U spo'" ""l-" Ina .",,;Mj .... Sf , ..... "4'
're',lJU ><I' JO u, $. poo, ... ""un "'I UD '''In)
"P .(I ;!.l,IUHl "I' r"p iJoWN "'w4,ll""""S.>O ,u,wniI. "l"U "'Il
'"'I' p.lOI.I '! 0> 00, ""I Ploo_" _ Jo4, n" ' '\1 od,,,, >d '"1I1n,,
"4' '.!O<J - J,J,P""" .0(........ 00, '"4' ,..oddn. '.""P I 'p',"q!' ",p ,'I'r!"
>JOUI 10 l'>llW :uow "" ....... up 1114' u, s:I!'" ><I'
P'" 4'IU' 1'-''''..0, ,)U""," ,u.qdwn!" no nuoo'lP",d "4' "'I
P,>U;lu><l., ""I"' w , .. ,s.q '11I:>! 4'" SUO!.dumfn "",os .t."" ''I' ;!,\OJd
"04' "4'" !iU!4iAuo 01' ,," 0)'0 do,. I.un,o dP4 '\"4' U! '1""' "
... <.( ...... J>po'" 'Oil' ",nprul< .Yo,....,"' ue '"'I' su>dd'4 '! M04" "'LL
(fro" Ijfy) l"'J'IU>!1' I'->J ""I' P'" ..... put P'lX-!"'I' At"P!nb "'I
II., , .... '-') .... "rl!<<od .. '"'1," '"'" '" uo<'OUUOJUl lI1l!,,,,,,L.'Il! JO ,{ ... " Poo!u
,.s.... '11 ""'4' n" ....oq.,"11 .. , ''''''!lU'N! ',"w,u, >4' JO uOIIU'P"l
.. "li 10w uo!'"!W<.IJU) JO "'q 0.", '''4'
"! "'>4' Jl 10 r'"'13'I"'I' ""'1.('''' 1I""{PWO' "1"'''''' '1 "''''I'
Jl ..... u"'''UO\U 1.w .... >y/O "tlU
AWXl. ><I' >tQ!Od.w s "''''''''''''I,'' p>Xld "' ........ ,.U. ,tpO-I >lU
0' lJo]" ' I'l!no<! >tUli 50 '\IO!"",'I' ,. "oJ!' J'4!U.s.... "1 4S'4
".'p JO .n.,.,:!!'!", . "10"'''"' Ju IU,U!'UW' '""']l11'l."0<.><l ",
""'1" '101' '''')N03' u' .... "",oddo .. . '"","!(!"'"4
1'> "'(' JO 'IU.LO,UI >lI' "! =11'"
''1'" "''''"!' O<t" 1"'l 'IU."..><I'I"'l """'" "'. <f.l\'I-" .w, .... Iqn.-
u''''"'''1 "",,0,9,,1O! ... ,!.>O,.! ""4' '<'I' '(I"" lOU ""w "'" '!4' A\I "''''>4'
"",'O!l!w"lj :J!'''!)Odouow u! UO),",,!u. 1Uo,,:MO'! "')4' "'I' p!" " ' " 4 ',\\
.(tli"""'l1 Su!>,! ,Uo.><jl
SIIO.Il<. PU"\lx"" "I'! ... "1 JO >lnr"""l' nq '1L>!Sot'''
_no, 11.'1-"""''''' li",""1 0.>>>" .'11" ....... '" " 4,.IOJ
put "")1.1>1'" JO 'POW 's\lU!II ' J'41<l '$! ,\.!0'4,l"1I" <I V
""'4' 1J!0 lJ,HU" 0 P'U" ''''"'I ' ..... 1I:J! 4, ....
419=lIl1U!!"","'1 "'I' rulwo.u1l1'!'I-" 1."".1:1_
JO >lI'JO ,,"=Is "N"""'uo;JU" Aj,u",odd. puo P_llO=>d;U ''I' >' "
-""'.1:1" ""',.li .... 1" "'I' JO ''''"J'IOo'' 1")='" qSn"'lIl UO<'
01 .... s..' K <I! JO ",,,,''(!OJ lI",nu!,um "'(11" >n,,!., .q '''UD
.!."" ... td '1I"'i"",,. ul .,,!.lI.uo'II' ""'11' . .(p ... 'os ' ''''P ' !
$SO!,," .... Utow"" 0, '1"'!lI!P $! I! '1".11" ",,u
.", ,;mwd ,,"nJ""" ..... ,"l" 10Il .( ...... .uo,.., pur '" ,,300111
1" ''''I' .'t",,':>.IOW <.w)U uD -"I 0] -"I 1111",
rifo" '"'I' ""1- 001 .\juo ""I 0, ......,j W '! 'P;>""ul - """'lI,ul
$I .uo,.., SI>OJII II' '"'I' >OIl '! UO!SYlpUO' os op Ol ' n") I! '"Jos
_U' J;,jIJQJ.I' " ",w>q "'0'4' 1I0" o'I,wn4 'u"""'I,wn4
JO li""l'J"'!O lI:1nw 4' ,,:Il1O.1l1lJU!WO,""I UIO.IJ J.) ,uoo". '14"V
(K if." "1/l 'u><id"'l .. n ... .,.,Uq' :uopq f.JIJU>li,,!,uro Ij.llll JO
""!,odp,,,,,, 3,lOW puo """'" "'I'I"""! 'P'4," 0' , ,,,,,03 '4' 0 ' 10 'pur4 >UO '4'
"" .,,,,>!':><1., JO U,..."Ul "oJ I'JlunQ.lx >q '" "'''''!J" l.,
;uow pur :uow ""rl'u, " 4:>!4" "" u.,,, ''I' '" """'" '! ,(,<4' UO!" !liw",!
.. _ ..... ......s a....,.J .. ' ""''","w'''.! '" .u>wou .,,,w,,,:!>ow
I"'" JlOW """"'" " ...... ,,'"f'b"' UI <l.lodmd " 4JN." tu>wou><jd >4' JO UO!I
uOIj''''u.oq >fU'I ........ ' ... " ... " '",,>wOu,qd .'""u. 'Oj.\too
,uno".. uO> .\.ro,'4"'l' 4"4_'''>1lu,,,, >4' o,L P' .. "I .... >4 UOJ "'0>4' -'\Ill
-u>p< ..... JO ,,,,\\Od .u<>'tlJoldu '4' 4'!'f" .'q "',,-,OJ!', "I"\>IUW,,,
'" <!'U . "",nos UOWUlO:J W<UJ pur ""'flO ''I' wOlJ ><JO "><J"''''' "' .... >4 ,,'
4"!4'" -'" WIU=ck "Pi-" " :lu!JUno>:le JO >f<lN""
"",",," "'I
.... ;,j JO Am'4' ""V_ I! '"'I' U)'wop '4' JO '(So,ooo,
$'<I. ;nrs ''I' mq 'OJ.II" .... !l!<O<I S]>uy '0 '''.11" .... S]>""'" '! II"''' ""'4 'n"
"'Y" 'IOU S! ""Uo..j, liUOJ" "Z!J'lXJ"4' "41\\ -"!>Y pu. ');Im!
<poq "" lo."'l - 'JUd.,.JO "w(>(tO> 1"".dJ)lJQ;l "1 "$I ''''1'- '{'''''II Suw,.
JO I"'" 4""'" li'1.IW1< >lI1 JO ;4.,uoApC ""I' 0,
... "'....., "I IOU", ,.o"uro 'II' r"" ''''0'41 . ..... 41!'" f! U! "'0'4'
liuw" JO '41 ',('1'-',<>)0<1 -tOOPiA!PU! Au" JO ')!! r",U>l" ' 4' >1nl
-1lSuoo 0, "419u"'l< puo ''''''' .II1P JO s:>!JO"41 "".110 1'''"1'''
'''-'''1JOJ><lwnu " "1frIOO.H! s.SI.l!'tIUl>,L.(q pur ""I<l Suowe
Uo.q, 1.11" JO PUH :ouo S! 'I " 1 ,(J1SS.P 0, ""I" "''I {l:>O<1 li""",!> Oil 110' 1'''''
'llJoolfl .... '4' .. """'1I13u<lJ1I "'.II) ,UJ\lJ"""4'" S!<lo SO '! ' 1<1
"'.,li'um 01 'W)I JWes ''I''. 'U'4" "! .. ou .... ed II"' O. l
w"!! , ,""410 puo """" J!'4' 4"," (""" 01
lIu.,{" pur lJupu:>< , ,.I .. Ul "II >f<lcd lpot' "'I' JO XU><
obi.or dieu. ond p;onache, These .'" .0 1or.I.nd Ia'fl>tnl
,h", might want lo Sly ,Mt. plc!thor>. of only IooKIy
Ihcori<-s tw becn "wiled '0 $btl,,:< in the hrP"rtroplued cmbn,r" of tho
boob 'heory. In n'Wlr "''2)''' ",m an .,....,""'""nI is all
!O .he good pIe urable . nd highly .n irui<lCIIcc
,h .. ",,,r},.hin,, mc.n, O<K 'hing somehow permits. sharpc:ned of.D
,he "i.Y. there .'" of nle. ning il . II", one nOi read .n InfinM number
of st"d"ms and other cri,ics' den" .. iw "'phrasingi' of Lhe book', grimly
!lrong lh.eory !O $Ce . s ",,,U. SOme limi""ions of ,his unmiculoted rd .
,ion bc,wttn !lrong and .heori .... As !I .... ng theory. :tnd as locus of
",n"xOw poranoU is noth,ng if not ",.ch.l*. Tht """,-...fully
"'nging.nd red",,;"" folU 01'$1 rang th.eary can rn.tL: ,.ulo1ogic;oJ hini ing
hard loid.ntify....,n as il =kes it rompclling.nd , ...
i. Ih .. bo,h wri .... and rude .. un da=gingly mi,=ogn'u " .. hcth.e. and
wh"", real concep'ual ",ork il gening dont. and ""h., ,h., wOTk
migh' be.
IS A '"GOU 0' ,..UlAT.V. HHCT,
W1tik Tomkins amoog a numbcrol' qu.>U""i'''1y af
fects. ... also r .. r so'"" purposes group' aJfcas ' Joo.cly ... either
posi"''' or ... " .. il", I .. ,he"" 'er m . p;oranoia is cMr>c,.rizcd not only by
"'ingo Slrong .hc",),uopp<,,,,,d to. ,, .. k one, bu, by bting. theory
or. "'gati''e .ffect. This pm,,,,. impo"'''' in .erm, of ,h. oV'Torching af
fe"i"" g""IsTomkin. su, U PO'en,i, lIy COnniclinS wi,h uch other in .... ch
Indi.idu,!: h. di .. In the fiTO' pi..,. be'W.,.n .h.e goal of
"".king '0 minimiu ""S"Ne .Ir"", :rnd .h., of ",.king 10 mmmiu posi.
Iii.., affect. (Th" ot "'r. rnpc<11,,<,ly mon: $OphisI k.,...! b'();lh h.e ;';'miliD.,."
,h ... If"", inhibirion be: m,nimtud and 'M' 'm '0 P"'"
ceding Ih...., goal< boo: mUimiud.) In ....,., most ...
'" sm.ll.nd .ub,,", (,hough (umubti"<'ly """,'enul) ncgotl .. ioru bctwttn
.nd .m<.><>g t h...., g",I., btu ,he mushrooming ... Ifconfi,ming .m,ngth of
monopolistiC oh,,'idpa,ing neg"i,. affc(, ron ha,.., . ccording
'0 Tumkin . 'he dice! "f ("tiroly blocking 'he po,en,i.lly ",I<rati"" &",,1 of
",oking posi'i,-" .ffell. "The only..,....., in whkh (, ... p;or.noidl m.y sui'"
for pu.iti,.., .ffect . , all j, for the mi.1d which il protnU<'S ag. in" humili.>
tion: h.wn' .... "To kutriotuJy the """tg)'0I' ......... "'.;j'l.fI' .... u;'" a/Kct.
(.,hL"- .Mn >imply enjoymg it w"'n the occasion arifc:J. is tnti"'lr ou, of
[I>< 'lu<>,Ktn" (Affic! w).
Simil.rly. in K1e,n', from 1M '?J$:tnd ,_ il
In .... ".1 adtic"..,,,,,,n, - a distinct. often risIt) positional an in
(,'" ,)f adull , .. _ ,nw.rd SUSl,inN lid,,,! '" pInu"rt (through ,he
I\'paT"i,,, st rot egie. of, he dep"''''''' po.i,ion). '" t hc" han COIl,inue '0 pur.
"," Ihe .df.rdnfordng Ix,""", ,,,Ifdcfe.,ing " .. Iegic. for fi'rt.rnlling pai"
ntlered by ,I>e paraooidf Khizoid posi'ion. It , prob.bly m()tT ,,'u.\ for dis
cu,..ions of ,he dcprci"" pooi'ion in Kkin to cmph .. izc ,h., 1M' posi'ion
in'''b'.11'''''' "Ihinl f"OWbllj,y - in ,t.. form of a guilty . mpolh.e'i< vi<:w of
.h. oth...- a' .. on good. tbmag...!. in'q;ral,.nd ""{,,,ring and diodting
loll' and C:O"'. Such ",hk.1 po .,ibility. how ......... IS fouodr<l on.nd rout ....
sin' wi,h tt.. subject , nIO\", ,nward WNI ... 1t call> "co ... of tt..
5/'lr: of,.n ""'1 ,n provide ,he ""If with plc .. u", and
"<Jon,hmen. tnvlronmcnl 'hot i$ pc:rcci''1'd no' I""icul , rly offcr-
Klein', .rxI I"mki.u, con .. pt .... 1 m"'''' h.", more .. >phistico.ed
.nd. in an import..", wiy. 1m tendentious tb.." Ih.e COf",sponding alSump'
lion. in F .. ,,,d_ '1" bcgin with. Fn:ud _king and pain
... nid.n<c 'ogether undtrthe robric of the "'pposedl)primonli.lp1c ....
pnnciplt:." a.lhC>ugh 'M IW<) motnncuuld OOI,htm..,h.." diIrcr.'
s.,c'Und, il is p;oin.fom;ul1ing stra.egy alot>C in F1"<'Ud ,h .. (as anxitty)
"xtetlde<! inlO Ihe "h ...... mcn' " .... Ii,y
pn n ciple." Th;. Ic", 't. P 100lu '" oe king as .n .Iw.p P""u "'. hi . un"", min-
.ble, inuh .... "lble unJorgmurxl wellspnng of ,uppuscdly "n.,u",l " mO'
'ill'. one , h.1 pre:l<nlJ only ,h. questi<>n of how '0 L:ep i" irrcpn:ssible
n.uUi.i""5 con'rol. I'\:rh.p' ..... n mon: probkm.tlc:oUy. ,his Fl'eud
i.n >chem iltntly tM alII""'" poranood ;mporni,..,. the imposoi
bili,y bu, aloo ,he ,upp<.>:lcd ""c<SSity of p.oin and ""'priIc. as
",..,.Ii'y" _ .. !h. only and fl'I<l<k. mot"'''. ronltn, . and proof of
11, Freud. Ihen. would be no room - c. <cpt n example of
ror tho Prou"i.n .pistemology whereby Ihe nar,.,t<" of A ",,-
du'n"'_. wlm red. in Iht bl' ",\un", -;o.1Iill& .ach <>ther wi,hin me a
h",. of tru,ho cortc ."inS hum,n PO"""" and .. ,er , OO cond",,: ncc
"I;niU'l; tlu:m ... tru,h> in..,fu ... ,......,...", "'[110(.1 n:" .. ,,1 ..... j<Jy"
(6:)OJ: ,,'''ph.uls ad.kd). In.he !"unoid F ... udi.n t'J"I,c"""""sy. if is im
plou 11!>Io: ........ );h 10 ,uf'POO" ,,.,,nh .ould be cwn .n occitknl :ol occasion
of }<"I' 1n<:<>n<elv.bIc 10 Imagin< joy as a gu.r.lrllor of \rulh. Inde!. rro."
any point of vitw I, is circular. or ....".,thu.g. '0111J'PO'<' llul one', pk ..... ,..
a, knoY.ingJOmCtNng could be ,m" ITU,h of ,ho kno...I.
edge. 6u,. >trong 'hoorr of posil;".., affect, JU,h as ru.,.. ,.". -....
'0 m""" ,,,,,, .. ni u. n ..... Rtx<>iotd, is no _It' ,alllological,lun ,ho strong
'heory of "'SoI';"'" off Nt "'P"'""nted by. for <ample. his p"r.noi.l in n.
CQI"I".. ( Inde.d. 10 tho ellenl tlul ,h. pursuil of f""ilh..., aHt is far I ..
likoly to ",.utt in the form3lion of,..,ry strong theory. II ""'1 'end .. ,h.,.
I ... towmll'Utology. ) Allow cll illcory I" ""'11. diff.",nl pri me moti,..,.
a, .ny "I<- Ihe . mldp"ion In 0". , . se, ,II. provision of plcasure
in ,h. <)ther - and nel ,""'rc.n b<: caned n",,,, ",.II"ic Ihan ,h. olhor. h 's not
c .... n nccc,.arily ,rue th., ,h. ' wo mau diff.",n, Judgments of -",:oIily";
II 1",'1 .h., one is and ""cs ,he gl . .. as h.1f emply. while lhe
<lth"" ill optimistic and 5ttS il OS h:olffuU. In a ... wId fuJI of km.pain. 0U>d
0f'J'f"'lIS""" both epistemologi.cs are liuly 10 be based on <lecp p=imilm,
1"-' "'p" .. 1;...., moti", of ""doing plcasu",. afl ... 11. arrivn. by Kkins:o:::.
COIJnl. <>nly ,,;,h ,he a<;hicv<:mcnt of. <lepr"""'" po&ition. BUI .. iw e.adt
lools r"r which .. again .o .. y. <he mot;,.., each Ius for wti,,!_is bound
10 d,ffer widely. Of . he tw .... hmo."C"'''' i, is 'mly p" .... noid thaI
h., 10 'hon;>tlgh a pracri<c of ru..,""";ng '1> affi:ell,.., molh" and force and
"'""Iu ... ding as Ihe '"Cry .. uff of ' TUth.
Wh.l<wr Kroum il may gl'" of I,. uwn p"u noi. is chane
,trll:ed by pbcing. in practice. an ""'51 on the of
kn"",'Icd8" per ""-kn"""lcdge in 1M form of tlul'S ,,-by
I"",noid knowing i> 10 ... m,;"",. ukt .he ddmtilulionaJiud
pe,*", on 1M $I"'''' ... -hlt bc:'n)"Cd and plot,ed by cis< in
,he eily. stm IIfg<S on you 'M lingtr,..orn doss;er brislling ",ith his pre'
cious correspon .... ....., .pa .. noi.l lOraU i., vaunted $uspicion as though
its wort. would be accomplished if only il could firuliy. Ihis lime.
8'" lu itO<)' lruly kno,..". Th a fully inl, lated' rould .. ill rcm:Un
indlffcn:n, .". 'nim"'al. O!" mlghl h.,.., "" hdp to oITcr. is h. n.lly ,reated as
poo.i bll l,y.
It ', ",.ngc , hat. he .. nenru,lc. of sU'l'ici<>n ",,,uld _prear "" 'TU>,ing
,M uf ""p"'u",. 001 Nic!:l: ... (lhrotl!;h lbe: genc:ology of
",orais), Marx (throtl!;h tht .hwry of ldeology), .nd Fn:ud (th""'gh.1to:
,11<"<>1')' of iJeab and ilI.wons) alrcady "'p"'5tIl!. In phrost. "ron
'"(fb""'" proccdu .... of .... my .. lfir-:,tlon" (J.41and I""""''''''' a Sttming bilh.
,""'plicable in their ""'Tl l<rrm. In ,he drccts of llKh pnx:o:Wing. In ,he
".tluen';;'] final p"ge> of Gnodn- T"",bk ror enmpit'. Buder ollCn a pro.
argumenl In favor " r dtn'ystlfia,ion OS -Ihe .-rna'"", fixus
for say .nd lobi.n practicc" (n 4). ,..ilh such d.lrm llut "drag Implicitly
"mli he In,imi>"C "ruelu'" of g<nde. ;I5f:If" ('Jl); .""C St " and g<'"
Po.', by me' ns of a perfortmncc" ( .lII); "g<nde, p"rody "'W/<
,hJ lthc ol' is inal idenlit y , i. an 1",llOllon" (.,}Ill; "g.ndcrpcrfonnance will
OWl ", .. I ", ..... 1 In. p<rform .. lvi'l' of gender '15f:lf" ( '}II); "parodic "'pe,i
,iun , . 'rr">M> 1M ph.masma,;c "r . !>;dlng idenlily" ('4' ); ",,,,, paro-
dic rcpel;'ion of ger>der <XfW<' . he illusion of geoder identity" ('$): .nd
"h)' perbolic uhlbiliomor',he ru'u ... )" , . . ......... 1 in (undamcn .. lly pIwt-
.""".tlc .".,,,," ('-47) as "..,U as -'-'l""i"3 ,u fund.!.mem.1 unrutu ... lnM:s-
all ctnphasM added).
Wh" ",.no the p" .. noid impu,"" in pages is. 1"'"DUId$i.Y. less .. n
, .... """.. , m ,.dlu;,.., mimc>is ,han , .... Ittm,ng in OPOW"" The arch
""'picious au,hor of TIt. N<nri ..J M ia al..-, !-peaks. in 'his .-. fO!" lhe
l''''lorol. of m;my Irs. In,eno"ting ",nt crilics ,,hcn he off"", 10 pro>"idc
",he 'fl,,,h' of inc", .. " d "isjbillty ... '" rcnde, mud.m w...lplin".
Iook:m in its own right " (D. A. I>lille . ix) - as though tu make something
" i' iblc a, i f not , mer. h"" . kip. and jump from ge.
' illg i, rol,,,d, at Ie ... a '1"P In ,h., direction. In t hl, ""'peCI
at I., ... lhough not in ",,,,ry 0"". Milledn Thr ,\ '.",I.nd ,It, Polio, wri,,,sa,
on e.emplary New Historicist, FOr. '0 a ,tanling .. lent. Ihe .nicu1nions
' If Ne ... ' HilItoriC'ist ..-hnlar>hlp ",I)' on ' M p"",lg< "r a .ingle. ,, ... ,"''''hing
n. r .. , I"" ". posing and probierno.izing hiddm violcncu in ' M genealogy
of ,t.., mod .. n Ilbe",,1 oubj=:.
With .ht p"$SO&" of t ime Ii"". I .... N" .. ".-os nt\O'. if. be
<""Hng .,.,>itr 100tt the " .Y' <lu, such. p" .... noid pro:jt of may
be: 'no.-. hl$'oric.Uy specific Ihan I. scems. -rht' modern Ilbe 1 ,ubject ":
h)" n",, II or ought to .... m. any. hlng bu!.n oi:wiou,el>oice .. Ihe
"niqu. lerminus .d quem of hl'lOricol n ..... 'I' .. . WII.", Or<" :ill Ihese sup-
I"",-"d mooe rn llocnl , ubjects?1 d>tly cncO"nt"r gr.d" ... "udents
Ih h at unveili" g .he hidden hl,l"rio.1 ,'I"lcn:> ,h .. unJerlle . ",cu-
!.e. ulIi,,, .... li>1 )ib .. humanism. Yct Ihest ,.uaem' ...,n.:nl )'urs, un.Iii."
,he r....m.titt )"n. 0/' ' hd, t .... Mrs. Iw." !lttn 5pWI """",I)' in
phobic Rcag.nBush.ointOl1Bu,h Amaica "'Mn: "Iibenl" it.
"boo <.ttgory.nd "'*"'"' ",codor hurn:onism" is routintly " "'Icd
rn:orgirul n:ligi<Mls SCCt. while rn:ojority of tM popul.lion d .im. as in di lUt in'<!'Course wi lh multiple imL.ibl< e"tilies such as .ntt:
5>l m . nd God.
Furthermore. the force of . ny inl.rpr'''i,,, projtCI of ""'yj/lnghiddn, .....
!trlU would Ottm to depend on a cuit" .. l (0I11",,\. likto the one assumed in
Fouc.ult's uriy ,,-orb. in which ,ioItn", "..,.,Jd M dcprned .nd h
hidden in the fi .... pi...: . Why 1M rusesof f'O""rin.:::
try "....".. 1 .ny gh"tn tnOI'IlCnl . .., pernt' of young bbck InCn arc ....
meshed in m. perul SYSleml ln lhe Unt .. d 5mn.nd Immuliona)ly, "'t.ilt
the,,", i. ple",y of hi<kkn vialen Ih .. n:qui",' e"f'O>Urt lhert i, .Iso. and
tnerc ingly . n ethos when: form, of ,;nlcnce th .. "", hypcrvisihl. from
the ,"" may be offered as cmpbry .pe<lade tather Ih.n to lit
unveiled as (IC.Ild.Io", sec",l. Hum:rn righ .. <ontr'O'l"trsy .round. r.... ...
ample. tortuK .nd dwppc.nn<es in A'l,'.,nrina or the u!ill: 0/'"""" .. pe ..
1" "1 of ethnic ekansi"g in FIosni. rn:orb. not an 0/' praiccJ .ha.
had "'-'Cn hidden 0, n:ltunlacd. b,n 0/' diKem>t fr ......... ..,..b; <f
'isi!);li' y. Th:n i<. ,ioIcnec 'ml from 1M ""xi"ni"3 cannpl .,.
fa<ul.r. poimcdly add",...,d. me.nt ..... public w'mingO'!' 10
n .. mbe.., of p.nkul.r (ommunity i. <omb>led by to dup14n- D,.;'
""i;",,! (I' ", .. 11 "" ' imply its aperture of visibility.
A fu rther problem wilh crilical pr.>ctke" Wh., dQe, I
tin of 'U'pKiOl1and ""posu'" have ,o .. y 10 soriol form.,ioru in which ,u;.
bility itst If >mI ilu,,, mIlCh of lhe viok""" lllw: poonl of ,he reLrts ... ,crn(11'
of chain gan&< in ..".., .. 1 ...... ;, Ins ,ha, convjcu M ""I"""d (0
perfurm II;ord labor than .m, !hey ""I"i=1lo do $0 under ,he goon of ,bI:
public. and the cn,h".i .. ", for ,S;ngapott -$Iyk j .... i llI;o! "'as popubrly
e"P .... "'d in lhe Uni,ed . round 1M caning of Mkh.d F.y ....... led .
growing t h,1 ""Upublkiud .h.ming " ign,. is ju>! wh .. 'M dMtnr
ordtred for ",,,kitr.nt youlh. Ilc", i. One "," Inok. of his,orical
..e; i , used 1o be ''!'?OnenlJ of upilal punishmenl who.rgued 1M'. if
pncticl"d at .ll. ", ulions ,hould hc dono: in pubIk 11<>" 10 shame ... It
.nd '1"''''"'<>1'1 by lhe . inng of prtviou>ly hidden judi<1.1 v>olen_
" i$ flU lon",r opponctI' S bo.u dea,h penalty chttrk...J.o"- flushed "-,,h ui-
ptul .mbilion .. who con ,.;do;r thaI ,he P"'P''' pi .... foruutions i> on
Wh.l p"'" now lhe cuhuril crilia' II;oN-""OI'I -.m It m.:o/ting
.Ll o behind ....,-m ... i' ... n ....... nce< . he hidden ,nen 0/' opprnsion and
.,1""' rT
. ,
p<t'S<'-"110011. .
The paranrnd ,,,,.1 in elposu'" ... mmgl) depends. ,n ><!di.oon. 011 .n
, " rcoervoir of in Ihose who make up the oudien<;e fort he .. un-
rt'i lir\g'. Whal is the b.sis for . .. uming ,hal il wiU .. "p"sc or di"u",. n"'-cr
roil.J mOl;,. te . nyonc to I.arn ,h. ,. given wei.1 m.nif.$Iation is ."ili
0'1. ..,If-con' .-..dictory. Imimh ... ph.nt .. m"ic. or ..... n "iDlen,! As Peter
po;n" OUI. '1'niciJm or "enlightened f.1se cor>!Ciowness - fme
('OIUriou,.-.e , lha, knows iuclf lo be false. i" filicncsl .1Kody Kf\eD>"1y
t..tlfcrcd" _ alrtady "'p",scnts "tbe uni>"CrSilly wKksprtad " .. ). in ... -hich
,."Iighlened penple Ie<:!0;' Ih>l lhey are not ,aken for Jude,," ( s). How
tekd,ion-,u",""d would someone II"", to 10 fi nd i, ,hocking ,h., ide
DIOSit', contradict Ih.mltl", . ,bal $; m"lacu don't h"," origin'ls. or that
b'C!'H.h-r "'pr.",nlot;ons . reo . "ilid".!' My own gue" is Ih .. ,u<h populoe
""nicism. tbough undoubledly wid.'f"'C"d. ;s only OM .mong ,h. M,en>'
;ncou . compe' ing 'Mono:. 1m' constitute the men,.I.:co1ogy of mo,O<
P.W . So .... upoXs. some dcmp.ific;olions, some bearings of wju>e."do
ha\" SKat cffi:Clual I'otu (th ..... gh often of an u"" ... icipatcd kind), M.ny
Ih.I .., j"" >-< """ ond (anvincing ha,,, IKIne al an. ho.-.. ..-.:r . nd as long
.. 'hat iss", we must admil \h .. tM rffi<:aey and diJ'KIK>na)iIY of such KI5
[,(".Ie 'omewh.", elK th. n in Iheir relation to knowlcd),'C pcr.., .
Writin!; in 19118 _ th .. il. IWO fun lerm. of", in the Uniled
St .... - D. A Miller P"'PUItS '0 fun"w Fouc.ult in dc"'pI;fying "the in
It"",..,.nd contin"ous 'paSlonl' care ,h.tliberal oocirlY P"'P"""'IO tA"
of ... h alld ,""C.-yOM ofiu ch.rga" (oiii). As if! I' m. lot Ie," worried about
hcmgl"',hologittd by my .MI'pi'! ,han .boo. my , .. n .... ing health
n..""S" -and Ih.l, gi,,,n ,he g..,at good luck of he.lth ..,.., .. """
., ,IL Ihc beginnIng of lhe I" ",,'01,. II>< g<l'"rnmen' of lhe UnitW
S"'c. _ and, in" ... ";ngl),. thO><." of other ..,.e.ned Jibe .. 1 dcnl()(TUie!;-
h be,'" po,;,;,,,ly rushing t" dl,,,,, ;"elf of ."swc",b;j;,y for co'" to ilS
rh>rgc . wit h "" OIhe r inst it,,,i ,,,,, p'Of">Sing to HlI the g.p.
TI,;, d",..,lopnlCnt. how'"".r. is 'ht I ., ,hing '''yune could h., ... 'pee",J
r""" ",.ding New H\$loriris. pm...-. which curuli,u'e< full ",n,,.log) of
lhe ..... ul., wdf .... slalC Ih .. peaked in ,he '96O:J.1ld (9)'OS. along ",;,h a
""'I=igh' proof 0/' "'11)' 'hong> mu", beconx: and """" lha, rm-
ever. No onC ,." hlan .... a ""rile, in lhe nO' h.ving fO"""en u..,
dfw' ofthc Republic.n,' 'W4 Com.aci " 'i lh America. BUI if. as Mille,-
uy" ... is ,,h.llk par.noid IttU ,oclimirule.- it m""
be adminfil IhOl, ., a fOfm ofpa!";lnoi.>. 'he H"ton.;;sm f. i1s spec.
'3cuLtny. While lIS of - ,hings ' ''' gnting ""ors,,- is
immune 10 refulalion. any mO<C spiRc predicl;".., val"" - .nd as
.. gu.bly ny ,.llIe for ""'king oppositionaJ been nil. Such
...:uk.aling f.ilu", '0 change is. 1fXnO\"", as 1\.., diKuMed. en-
Iln::1y in the rulu", of Ihe pa .... 'oid procus. ,,-00..,
that of the New 1-1 i)!Qridsm iu..U) only ""pand. ;os exh unan'icipotN dioas-
"" secms to Ikmorutr:lle '""'" condusj',,1y I hat. guess \\-IIat. ".... aut .......
10( , ....... gII.
To look from. prt"xnl doy ''''''''8''.1 Ric:hanll-lo&tadl<."s irnmcns.:h-
inAuenl;;,1 I!l6J QSay -Tht Paranoid Sly .. in Amtrit::ln is to
lhe <"em of. p""..,rful discu""" change. Ilof .... dtd. essay is a prime Q .
pn'uion of ,be ,ompbcenl. wtrcn-e libe ..! con """"h'l procriaUy beg1
fonhc kind of pa!";lnoid Ikmy,,;ficalion in which. fOTu.ompie. D. A. Miller
educates his ",.dcrt. liS sty'" is mechanic.ny ...."nh.ndcd: Hofstad, findo
I'".anoi. un boIh letland right: .n>OT1g abolilion",,- .nli M. """, and an';'
C.,holic nd .ntiMormons. n>1;,. .. IS.nd popul;' nd .hose who beHet ..
in ofb.lnkers '" munitions mak.n: in .nyone who doubu th ..
lK w ... l; iIled by lone !,'unm.n. "'in Ihe popul" lotl.wing prns. in ,he
wmempor.ry Americ.n righl wing. and On IXllh .id". of the !";Ice (onlfo,
(9). .. c"eS0ries .. em 1o c",,,ra lot of pcople,
lhe", ren,ai,,! nonNhtiess presumptive "we- _ 'pp .. "n,ly Still pnctkaUy
.""'1""1( - ..... ho ran "g"'c 10 virw ouch from ClIlm. undcrst.nd-
ing, .nd cnmml'"s>ing middle ground , whon' "we" can allasftt that. fot
mple, though "innumerable Ikdsion.of ... the cold be f.ulIcd:
'hey rep,.,...,nl "simply lhe mUlakes of wtilmeaning mcn- (6). Hofs .. dl<1:
h no trouble adm;ning thai p.ranoid pwpk or """",,,,,,nlS can pcrcetvc
Ir ue , hing::<. thoogh -. dbu.tnN .,yle U ... possible oignal thOl may II>
to di .. orled Judgmenl, jllSt as in an an ugly .. yle 1$. cue 10 fund.omcnrol
<lor..". 0(1 1.- (6):
A few SImple .nd ",L,,;...,1y _ .""",,,,,,,,ni.>I <Iampl .. "'"l' nWte {[he d&
,inct'" 1Jo."."en "." .. ,'" .nd "lie) wholly d .... Shortly aIR. the..,..s;.
no,"", of Pr.:sldont Klcnncdy . '''' do.1 of publicit) ..... to. bill.
to '1g11l<n foderal (0",1"01. <l\'e' Ihe ..,1. off,,,,. rm.lhroug11 the tn.i1. Wh<1,
he.rings we .. being h.ld on ,he me.,u ... th,... men d""", '.SO<> miles '0
w .. rungton from Ihgd.d. Ariz"" . to te .. ify .gain>< il. Nov.' there . ,., ...
gumen ... g.inst lhe DOOd bi!l which. """"""r unpt ... u ....... 00< m.,. finJ
Ihtnt, ... "" the enlorof ("""""tional pohtical ",."""ng. 6", 00< of lbe Arl
.onano oppos<d it with "m' might be cotUidercd p: .... noid
'.-gum""lS. insisting lho. it ..... "a further '''''''1'' br' oubtn1il-" 1"""' " "
"",kc us port of one .. orld sodalitric go<"t1"flmcn,-.nd thot iI th ... l1rncd to
-, ...... duos-lhot _1<1 help "ourencmin" 10sci<c p".,u. OI
I """,'1 docny lhat person could gn noMalgk lOr. l inK: .. n.,n poranoid
gun lobby rhetoric: soun<lod JUSt pbin nuny - . -';mpIc ond ",b';""!y non
ronlrow:rsial" cnmple of "distoned judgment" - .,he. ,han ICp'cxnting
lhe ,]n1(l$' unconlnled plalform of a domilunl po!iricaJ party. 6U1 the,;pee
l.cul .. of HofsuJter'l isn'l only.n int!r:x ofhow f .. 1M
Amrrican poIilical has shlftc.l ,,,,,.,.td lhe right ,9'6J. If,
lign of """. such par:lnoid 'hinlling ha. bt:<;nnw: at ...."ry point
in poiillcal '{"'CIfUm. In a funny w.y. I fcd closcrtoday.o .h:1I paranoid
..\rizon." ,ha" I do 10 ,hough. or dn I "",an becau..,. I
.d", ,hOI lhe homuphobic w!lite<up",maru, Chri.
Ii,,, Idenlily mililia mcmbu ",ho would as SOOn blow me a""r " look
'1 me. PcICf Sloterdijk does not m.Ke pHd!!h .. 'he wisN'up populo<
'ynici,m or -enlightened false conllCiousncss" ,h .. he con,ide ... now It> be
nra. uhigui It>uS is, p ... noid in 1{'uetUn:. But Ihal (on<lusion
"'Cm' i"""'pablc. MS'ubly, .uch ",,,.yd.y. , .. her incohcr
' nl cy"id, n, 1$ ",h.1 pannoialoul;s like when il function $ weak thC1>r)"
r .. h<r ,ho" "ro"g ,hcory. To kcp ocriving on Ihi. hypcrd<my .. ififil, pac"
",,>d ,",ene with ,he -news- of a hermeneulics of ""pic"", ... 3ny rote. is
for diffe",nt act from what such uposu",' would h".., been in ,he 1!)60s.
.,.. Sub...,rsh..,.nd IkmystifyinS porody. N>pKiout arth:oeologK< oflk
'he <IoI(ctlon of hid<len pallerllS of violence .nd their e"l""""':
., I bt...,n .rguing. IhcK InRnitcly doabI nd .cxt.ablc protoroh of
Un'"ciling ha-" become the CO .. "mon curn:ncy of cuhu l and historit:iol
>lud,c>. Iflhc,.., is an oIwiow d.nge-rin lhe tri"mph;llism of. paranoid her
"'en<u,ia;, it 1$ ,h .. Ihe bro.Jd """"' ...... I ... 'CCp ofl\JCh """thodoLogie,1
aswrnl"ions.,ht cu,.,..,n, ... pro{ession ... 'ide .g"'c ...... , ... 'ha, <
>liM" .. hislOriciz.>,ion =y. ,fi,
unque.noned, un!ntonnOlUlIy 'mf'O'"nsh 'M ofli,ulry_criti
1"'<>1"'<1;"'" and , kill., The ''''uble wi,h h.Uow gene pool. of <!Xl",
ttl diminished ability to ""pond 10 o"vironrnrntaJ (e.g .. political ) Ch"';'e.,"
Ano.the . rna", ... xcurot. WI)' of drscribing .M!""sent
I"'ronotd conscnsus. ho.,., .... IS ,hOI ""her thon nttirdy displ..:ing. it
oimply ho"" requirtd a emain di","icuLo,ion. dt.:r. ...... I. and
tion of other waY' of knowing. way, ItS> "';"n,cd .round nupicion. tho,
. '" .cru.lly being pro"ic.d. oficn by 'he $;1rnr ,heorill$ and a. pm of ,he
me projcm. The monopolist" of p.1",noid knowing 'p,e"' i.
<.l1y disallow n)' e.plidt "' 10 "'I"''''th .. moti"" .. no _. '0 he
."icuJ .. cd ,han sul!;eo 10 ..... thodinl uprooting_ R.:p""';"" moth .... ""
,My bomo .<pIiO . a .... in:Idmissibk in I"'ranoid 'heo<yboth beause dq
..... about plOHU", ("""' .... Iy amhe,i<;") .nd beause ,My ..... frankly. "",_
lionn"" ("m.",'y ",fo.mis,").' What ",akrs plusu", .nd 'nl<'lto",,,oo SO
-m ..... "1 0 nl y lMC c'cI u.i\".n<1$ 0 r s f.i, h in dem)., ifying UPOSU""
only iu cru<lond conlempmous ,h .. the "n. thing Locking fot
global """,,ulion. uptosion of b"'ntkr role . or it pcopk's (!hat
is. olll<'r rwr"''') h2\ing 'M p"inful.lI"ts oftll<'i'''I'P' O"lotl. p"" .... y. or
dcludrdntss SU fficinttly .ua.-b>tcd 10 make the p.;>in <<mSCiOIU (;15 if othu.
wise i, wouJdn', h ...... beon) :ond inlolc",bl. (H ifinwkublc Jj'uuions "',,'"
fOnlOU' for g<:ncroling .. U.n, .. ,Iulioru).
Such ugly p",,,,,riptions .'" nO! "" olfcrrd by 1nO$' po",noid
.hcory. bul a 10. of contempoury .heory .. J1"",,,d
4S if by .hem. The kind of aporia t....., ahad)' diKU<.5Cd in Tv
.M Micr. ,,M .... "'Mrs a", impellc:d .hrough 0 grimly monolithic stnJ(-
'u'" of '''-ong p"r'noid theory by success;", tng;>gt'me.n .... j'h ,-"d.
olt.n 'PI"''''nlly tr...nly pl.a"' ... orient.d . "'ri,.,h- .nd intd
I<ctu.1 oolieimion . '1'1""" in 0 lot of other good cri,icum a. 'wd. I ar-
uinly i. a. charac.erizing a fairamoun, of my ""'n "'ming_ Dots
I, ="., ,,h.n luch projl$ misd"('tibc IM"""I,..,. or.rc misrc>gnized
by ",.ders) I ,,'OUIdn't ... tho, 1M fore. of any p""'erful ... Tiling can
.... r .u.'n compk '''''''I'''-n""y '0 i,so.J( or is 1o XC(>O,!nt lOt itself
""ry od"'lu .. ely a. ,h ""' ... ;'" ""..,1 of. he wtiting. Bu, $Uppo:>Se one .. kc<
..,ri<>u,ly ,m, "",ion, lik. 'he one .rticulated by Tomk ins bu. lik. oth ..
.v.H.hl. On<'" .h.t ",,,.yd.y .heo,}' .. ti"tly .lfe", ""'tjd.y knQ\\-I
t<lt,"" .nd elpcn.ncc; and suppose Ihat O!M' doc..,', ..... Il! .0 drno,. much
""tolo;; .... 1 disunction bet",,,,,n :IOdem;" theory ond.....yday .heory; and
"""'" lho, one h ... lot of concern for ,he qu.ali,y of DlMr poopIc'nnd
., <>wn pnctic'" of knowing ond "",ri."<ing. In ,h .., . i, "'QuId
"',c ,.-
n,..k" sense _ if one h.d 'he choict _ n!l"o cultivate the ncl$i,) of a sy.-
... If_a=I . .. ,ing splil be:,,,,,,,,n ",h.t one is doing and the ",asoru
...... docs
Whik p.1ronoid .htorrtical pnxtcdings both depend OIl and rctnk>rtt
the ",rUCtIlr.l1 dominontt of monopolistic "$lrong 'heory.- ,''''''' m>y also
be: bcnefi' in .. ploring tM .w-.mely dyn.mic. and hisloricolly con-
'i"sem ""p Ih., I.mng ,heo""icol <on,I'uCI. inle.OC. Wilh w.ak om. in
,"" crok>gy ufknowing-an plonl ion .hat ob"iously Cln 'I procd with
ou' a ""pc"ful in'eR'S! in "" eak as .... eh .... rong lMon:.ical oct . Tomkins
offers for more models for approaching ouch a pro;ca 'han r,.. bo:tn abl
to .,umm;l.rize. Bu he history of criticism 'an abo be ,-;n.'td H
n:p<rtrure of .Ilornal;, .. modt-ls for alJov,'ing .. rong .nd ",o.k theory '0
interdigi13le. WhO! ."uld belle. "'I"" -weak .heory.lillie be:tttr .han
.. rip.ion of Ihe phenomena which i. purpons to uplain:' .hon 'he de
valued and ncar Om" ..... nl New Cri.ical;lill of im.gin .. el .... read
ing" Bu, ....... , wn al",ady tntO in Emp"-'" and ButU is lrotc in a dilkr-
ent ..... y .0<1.,.: .h .... a", irnponanl pncnom.:no1ogi<aland lheon:t.ical raslu Cln be: xcomplisbed only ,h,,,ugl> local Ihcurits and!'l(ll1a tam<><>-
mi." the potentIally mechanisms of their ",I"ion to s'ronger
Iheorie, mme .. of art .nd lopecul,ti"" thougl>l.
P.",,,,,, . as I h.", poin.ed OU'. "'prtOl:nlS no' only a s.rong affect theory
bul Tong ntgdli\'t afli;a theory. Thr of tl>< $lrtnglh of a gh"H
"'cory (or ofth. ",blions bc:l ... ..,.n .. rung and ... '.ak 'heorr) may be
onhogon.llO.he question of ilS affen;,.., """It. and Nch moy be: capable
of .<plon'ioo by dilf.",m """M, A Slrong thoory (i.e .. I wideronging .nd
.-.du<tive one) ,h.t w., IlOl m.inly orS.nizcd around an' iru,mify'
ing. and olfth. neg.ti,.. of hum ilia. ion would rt.lembl. p.ra
llOio in 501"tle 1'01pe<:" bUI differ from it in oth .... J think. (orenmpk. ,n.t
'ho, mighl be I f.i,cho,octeriz ,on of.M pttding 5e(lion of.M 1'"""'"
chapte . BecaU.IC ..... n he .pttilkauon of p"ranoi.;r.;15 a ,heOt)' of nega.u... af
feClle ..... open the dislino:tions be:' .... ""n or .mong ntg.a."" .fkas. tMrc is
th<- . ddilio.,,1 Of'1'"nuni'y of po::rimtnling wi,h vocabuLot)" th., will do
JUSlice '" "' id lfeer;,,, r,ns". "s,in. not ()nly with the affects: i.
.. In abo b<- n:iryillg ir>dtt<l. cot"''''' to h.", ooIyo<><. tot;tlizillg "'<>do
of rositivc "ff(ct .Iw.y< in .. f .,ure<! p<itiOll. A diJturbingly la I
., ..... m. oftheol)' ""em< explicitly to the proIifeution of
'Jir "",, t .... o. of cUUIY. sublimity. . .l""W/"'U, ruspooon. abJKflOn. knowingncss. horror. grin,
$Otisfaaion. or righteous indigrmion. It's like the old joke: "Comts the .........
IUlion. Comrade . ""'Yone gl't$lOUt roaSt bo-.( "'''I)' day." "But Comrado
I don't like roast beef." "Comes the ",,-oIu.ion. Com.--ade. youUlike
betf'- COIt"ItS the Com..w. you'O to. ,idled pink by <ho.c <Ie.
construct;'" joku; you1I (rom ennui minute you'", flOt ,","",.
ins Ih ..... e 'pp.ntu,; )"ou 'II defini,ciy wanl hOi ><:x '''''''''y to 'hiny titntJ
doy. You 'U to. miliunL You' U tlC\Tr "'-w. tOlell Ocleuu and
GlUttari. "Not tonight. durl. I h.rt a headache.-
To rttagnize in p.>r:tnQi d"'ino:ti>"ly rigid ",Iation !O temporality. at
once " ntidp.>'ol)' .nd ,-etro;octi,<. . b<l'It all to 5urpri$c. i, :':1$0 to
glimpse ,he line .men ... of <>ther pos5ibili.ics. H 0"'. """"J". Klein i. of mort
htlp than Tomkons: lO n:ad from. "'P .... t;.., p<nilion is 10 $U.n:ndcr W
knowing. 'rWous p.>r.>noid determination ,hat no honor. ho\o'C'o'<T appar-
emly unthinkable. sh. 1l 10\1'" come to the ... dcr ... 'leW; to I "p;o ... m,,1y
p ... i'ioo"l<d n:atkr. il can SCem ",.Ii!ric and nc$U'Y to sur-
priM:. Ikcous< ,hen: can be terrible surpnsa. . ht", can oIso be
good ones. ofte" I fractoring. tno"",ric 'hing to c.:rpcri<n<'e.
il.mong ,lie <nergic. by whkh the repar:>t;""ly p<itioned ",.de, trits to
organize the frasmen ... and pan objttL< she or '"'at . Bea u>c
Iht ... der h"" room to ",;tlize that the futun: may be diffi:n:nl from rn.
P"'Rn'. ;t is 0100 possible for her 10 ......... IU(h profoundly p.>inful. pr0-
foundly relieving. c. hkally cruci.1 poosibilit its as Iht past. in t urn. could
h."" h.ppe ned differently from 'he way it .Clu.lIy did.'
Whc", docs ,hi, argument Ie."" f""l:i<:<u of'luUT reading. in p;orticu'
La.! With the ",I.,;,.." dtt",pftW of Ihc '1un1lOn of d,f!"rrr>"
.nd $ox .... I-.. m.""ss. - .nd wi,h ,hc po<&ibiJityof fTI<I'I'ing frorn I F",udiar>.
homophobi.ccntcrt:d unde ..... nding of paranol. to OIh.r understandings
ofit. Ioke Klein', or Tomkins',. ,h.t .'" not p;ortirol.rly", less
d""".u';"'nted .IfCCl-oritn'td. l.m.1oo $Oggaring m....he ",,,0>.1
lrucriptlon of'lur thought " 'ilh tM topic of p.>r.""'" may be Ins nte<!"
sary. 1 ... definitional. Ie .. compl.tdyconsti.ut;,,, than e.rlirr wnting on it.
''''1 much in,\udin!: my Own. h:.. ... umccl_ A ",.,.... ecological ,i.-wof pJ-""
",,,. ,,'ooldn'[ offer the sa".. .... nsh.uuriral. 01""", .u.armtir .... 1
r,,,.,lcging of g'J / i.>OCJ ,h .. ;, offered by a F",udi.n v;Cw .
On the other hond, I think i, willi,"". ulln I bener pusi.ion to
do ju>';"" 10. weal, h of cha .. cteristic, rultu ... lIy ",ntraJ pr.a(tlcc. many
,,f ,,hich ca" ""U to. ,aUed .--ep.>nt,i,,,. that eme,"&" from,!""", Hf"'riencc
bu' invisible or illegible under. p.> .. noid optic. A. Joo<1>h Litvak
,,'ri.eo. for exa"'pk (in. !",r<O".1 communication, '996).
1< ....,ms.o mt .hat tht imf""<W"CC of "m;m,kts" in q....,r ",.o.ding and ,,"riI.
ing _ .. ha.1ot to do ,,; ,11 Ioof<,ning 1M t Um.oflc. incvit.bIc .... ming
, 'Hmectioo bel"'ee" mi>t. kc, and humil;',ion. Wh;o, I m n il th.t. if a 101
nr quccrcncrgy. !.ly amun<! adoI.orcnce, go.,. into what Banhcs ,.11 - I
,""Ioir-k ... i",chigcn'" (a in "If I "",,, '0 he a, 1e.1t let me be
br.,nicr than elK"). accounting In 1>'1;"' p.a .... ro. "' .......... cnGI'
mom ... Ih. "''1 ';8""u .. of <m.nMSO ( ...... " ....... 11" """rt$).
.10. o( energy. l>tor 01'. goc. in.o ... I"...:ti imcd .. laking the
tmor 0 ... ol error ... making the making of miol.k"" ><:xy. au';"". ,-,,"n
mgrut....,ly ptI"'...nul. Doc ... ', ",.ding q ...... mtan Ie.rning. among oth<r
.. , tha, mht.kts con 1>< good ntlxr ,h.n bad $Or!''; ... ?
11 ' ppt'Of'riotc, I think. ,h., [hese insight> w,"uld bo- tk:wlop
me"" rat hen han clcfinition;tl Ort ranshistorior.1 ones: ,hey a"",' t ,hings ,hot
....oold in .... i t.hly Inhe", in ,he of "'''I')' ,,-ornan.Joo,;ng "'"OffWI
I)f man. 5a)'. For if . r,,, .hown. p.>ranuid ",adin!: pracricc is
do. d), ' ied 10. notion ofth. inc,lIable. ,h.",.", Olher f tu",. of
"'ading tha, can .ttune i, rxqui.ildy to a heartbe of contint;cncy.
Th. Ikg,>td. dcf"".;, ......... 'i'" Itiffnts.s of. paranoid tcmporalioy . fier
.n. '" whkll )"It<nby c,m't be Illowtd [0 h .. " dilfertd from ,oday and
tl>morr"w muSt hi: e""n "'0,., w. tok .. ill ,h.pc from. gen ... ,lonal
,i W 'hot ', "harJc'triud by d;,t inttly Ocdip;ol "'gul.ri,y .nd .... p"';t;,. "CntSlI:
It h.oppc""d to my rathe". f.,h ... it haPl""cd to "'y ra.her. it is happen'ng
to me. it will h'pp"n.o my oon. and it will Mppcn 10 my $011', son. But isH',
" . (c.t" .... or queer posSibility_only ontingent f.a,u",. but a real one,
"rt" ,hat in 'urn .. ."ng,hens the forre of ron.ingenc) it&Clf_ til .. our
"n .... 'i"""l ",I .. ions don't 01" .. ) .. proo:cd in th;, 1"'''''''1'1
Think of 'h" (piph.:nic. "x' ..... garnly ...,... ... 'i'" final ,-oIume ofProu ...
'1\ "hieh ,I>< .fr a long wi.hd"", .. l from onciety, gon to party
,,11",. I,,' a ' fin. think. ",,,,yone;, 'I'0rti"g d.bor.t. ,o<[urn pn!tend
ing'" l>< ..... ien!. ,hen ",ali,,,,, ,kn 'hey Uf\' old . nd..., il he-.nd ;s tht"
a.""Hed. in half .Iou" du.lrn:1 m""monic shock>. by dim. ctk "'ric:" 0(
j<,.indn';ng -,ry,k. " .bou, ,he rtl .. ion of ",,;rin8 '0 lime. """"to,
"YI $G. bul i.n, il wonh pointing 0 ... ,h., ,h. mmplc'e 't"'Polll
diso"''''' 'io!, ,h., Ini,i"o:< him in,o ,hi> .. 0'1' spac. ""ould been
impoaibk in a phrJ(fo",;lk. in on<: wlto had "",."",'hik
embodying. in ,he form of ,....."..bly id .. "ilio:s and,.,.....
,he "'gul.r Irrh.1 of child",n and griindrhild"'''l
And now I beg'" '0 uncknoand ",'ha, oId.S" ,,-.. - old ago. "hid\
of all ,he ",.Ii,;o, ;, ,Il00 OM of "itich .. .., lOr loop in OUr
pu""y looking., e.dondo .... <11,ing OUr "'tIerS. Sing
our mrlMb m.rry.nd ,hen In their tllm thr dulJrm ofour fnrntk. and Y"l.
ei,her (rom fe.ror from ..... ". IlOl wtdcr'''nd,ng , all thio memo, l1ntiI
rhe d>y .. 'hen "'e bd,old an 11,,1,,'0 ... " oilhouene , .. "ttidJ t.acho:s us that
"''C a", living in ........ world: ,It< d.Jy ,,-hen. grandson oIa "''''''''' ...
once a man "itom "'" ,,,,.t .. a con<emptl<2ryol
00 .... smiltl a' ,huugh " " maing fun of him bee ...., it ..,..",. that
we art old enough to be hi! gr. ndfatltu_ .nd I beg ... to unde<stand tOO
"-II,, ck"h n, nt .nd I",,, . "d ,h. j<'Y' of tit< >piri'u.! lif., II-.. lUOlUlness
of 'UH'Mg, 1'0<>11<>" tc. (6'JJ4- " )
A mo ... I'('cel\\ conlingency. in 'he brutol of SO nuny
queer li fo 'f'''"' has dcroUlini.o:N 'he 'cmpo .. 'i,y of n .. n) of .... in w'1'
,h., only inl"",i fy 'hil dfe,' . I'm ' hinking. "' I .. y thi .. of tit"," very qunr
friendlhip$ I "'t. One of my frie"ds i1.ix,y; 'he ",heT lwo are bOLh thirty.
."d I, a, f"rtyfi, . m exactly i" .he middlr . All foor of us . n:' acadenri<>.
and we h:t,., In common .1", or in'''''''II, enorgi . nd ambition.;
.aeh had. OS "",U. "ariously inu'n'" aCli"ist in''t''n",n ... In "normal - go ...
or.,io". 1 n.rrOl;,.,. o ur ;dc"'ifinlion. wi,,, e..,h other ... -ouId be .!ignrd
wi,h an expect., ion ,h .. in . nod,e:rfif,un )-e. rs. I'd be sitU.,N comparably
'0 ",he .... my friend is, my thi"n-e""oId friend< ,,-ouk!
be , Itualtd com". .. bly ' 0 "he", I . m.
Ru, "-e.", ;til ''',lre ,h.a, tlte: gfOundo of such fncn<bhipl todoy.'"
fO differ from ,hal model. They do 10 in in ... r cilic .. and for I"""f"e sobjt<'t
to r0ci5t violel> . nd for people lr<I .... "".I.h u n: . nd lOr 1""'1"" in
indu>lr>o:s. .nd for n,a"y Olhers: ,n.,- do 50 for my friends.nd
me. Spectfi lly. ''''lng " 'ilh ;ad, ... nn-d bn:.osI ('1>1'. I h.a,.., of
<,,'r bdng ,he age my older friend is now. My frie,1Mb who.n: th,iny an:
""".lIl' unlikely .,.,r 10 experienc. my pre",n, . m,ddle age: one '" I .... ",g
" . d,anced ,.nccHau>t:d '"' ",asoil't environmen'al I ... uma (basi,
. he g"'w up on lop of. ,wic wl e si,e); the o.her is living wi,h H1\'.
friend .... Ito il very h .. lthy sixty i> much the bkelicst of u. to be lim,s
fitiren from nOw.
I,', hml,o .. y. hard ..""n to knov,'. """. tIteK relationship' are dlff"",,,,
11"'" ,hose .tu",d by people of ago on' land>CJpe"tto.e per
",i, con""'l'= on common disapp"aring-poinl. I . m sun: Itt
mOl't in,e",dy wh"..,,'Crelsc we Juto,.' ... -e 1uto<o- tl", .. ,." ''''''''
' 0 bullshi' . Uu. wh.1 ;. meo", 10 idenlify ,.i ,h each other m .... also b ,-ery
cliff,"","'. On .his Kt .... an oldt:rpenon dotsn', ""..,. } ..... nger .. ..,""""'"
,,'110 ,.',11 !IOrne<by be whe", she now is. or via ''Cr$!._ No ortt is...,
p.tng on rhe family the .. a sen><: in "itich our .... ,","tll-O< ...
borely """,lap. Tlttre' unoUter in ,,-hlch they $lidt: "I' more 'n\lm ..
.Ioo,.;sidt: 0' ''' .lIOIher ,h.n an .ny ,h ", ........ ing r"",ord :>otding
to ,h .... gubr Kkcdule of the gc: ... ntion>, It i> ortt :mother immedia.ely.
""" .nother a he prtsent full ..... ofa """oming whose arc m.y ....
nOJ funhe" whom we earh mU", Ie ." best.o "1'I""1t<00. fuUill. and hear
AI> tc. \w,IIt""I. II stems 10 nH: ,h.t ... I.,cd p,"ctire' of rep" " ;'" know-
ing rna)' lie, b .... ly ",rogni,.od .nd lillle .. plortd . ,he he ... of many hi>lO-
ric, "f gay, lesbian . ltd queer in'crtenuali'y. The qyeer--idcmificd p"d",e
"I' for moy 'Do mi,""'''!,'1li"d wh.n i, is .iowcd,
"' BUlltr . tld others view II . hrough par.noid lcnsts_ A. "" ""1: ... n. camp
, - f ro<h-
i. Ill"" oftcn undcrot""d as uniquely appropnate to "'" prOJec .. 0 po> ,
demYSl iflCalion, ond mocking eo:pos"'" of ,he demen ..
. nd , _ m('lions of . domin.n1 rol."",. Aoo,he degn:. to which camprng
I> nlOli"".d by 1<lV\: sntt oflen to b underslood m.inl) ,he degT of
It , ,df.h."ng compl idty " 'il h .n 0W","';ve " u. quo_ Sy Ihi> """,,n'. ,h.
.... y gUr of ,h" p.a .. noid iml"' lso: in camp s.,i'ln:MJgh to an
.... lrton of ,he culture; ,he p.ann<Md ;ttS,lt<tic on vie'" here ;, ortt of m",,'
m.I, .. clog.nee.nd COf'Op,ual OnOmy.
The d""i", of. rcp.a,,'i'" impulse. on ,I-.. othtr hand, i> add,,;" ... nd
It. fear. a ... liIlie OM. is tIt" lhe cultun: .urrounding i, is in:odt:.
qll',e or illimlcal,,,;u nunll"': it w:anu 10 :wormbic.oo pleni<udt:
on.n ,ha, " 'ilI 'hen h . .... ",,,,,,,rca '0 oIkr ,o:an inc"""t. self. To
vic,.. ... mp as. 8 Olbe, I hinll". 'N, historicaUy apia.
.... ion of. nric.yof .. praruc.:. is .odo bt.ta jwli<c.o nunyof tho
of dlssic clmp penormo"",,; tile >lUlling. juicy display.
,of .. crudirion. lOr .he p ... ;o.we. olicn hil.""", antiquon-
an"m. 'he prodigal produa,an of ah.....,.ti,,, ,he """"f"
It..,h",en, to ma"Sin.1, "' .... OT Icli", .. , prodUet.; the 'kh.
h;gllly ;n,errup';"<' .. tTe,,"" vnicly; Ihe im::p"'ss iblc r. s<:;,u.ion
riloq u;"i< UI'" rimenu, ion; he ... posi. ions of plnl:n. w;!h
pas[. and popular ",ilh high cultu",. As in tile writing of D. A. Mille .
of surplus be:.uly. surplus stylisti< iMnt ..... n'. unupbiMd upwelling.
of ,h"" ... Ind longing comtn '08"'lIerand IlIinwn .be amal-
gam of """,..nul in such wod as ,ha, ofRoNId Fi!banlt, Djuna
Jo-ph Cornell. Ktllll,,, h Ang<",\n l udlam.Jack Smit.h.JoIm
W.,e .... and Holly HugMs.
The \'try men.ion oflhesc names. SOme of .hem ..... hing.o almost
Irgendtrily "par. noid" pe,sonali,; ... 100. Klein', ilUi".n,. that
it i, no< people hut mutable 1"";'ioM-o.-. I would ,,.nllo :<ay.
,h .. con be: diridcd be:.wecII dl<' and tt.. ... ""r.I;",,; it isf<)m(1irncs
,t.. most p' ... noid.tnding ,,ho an: able '0. and nttd '0. deYdop
and dissrnt;na", . M richc", rtpa ... ,r." practices. And if the ""r.anoid o.-!he
dtp!ft'i"" p<l$itions opent" on ,mallL..- Klle Uw! lhe LcvtJ of indMduol
typology. ohcy ol"'rale II ... on. larger: ,hat of sh. ",d h;'tories. emc:'K"'"
rommun;,;e ... nd the ""e.vins oflmene .. ual discoul1C.
Like P"'Ust. ' he rep".,ive n:.dr, "helps and . gain"; i, is
no! only impomnl bUl p<>JJibl, to find way. of .!tendinS tu such "'1" .....
I;ve mofi"<,, and The voc:abuLory for.n i<ul ing. ny ....adds
n:"" ... tive motive 10 ..... rd. 'eot 0.-. cultu", .... Iong bn '" <>ppy. 'O$'
lhe,i< dcf(nsi,.., nli.intellect",,!. or "'Klionary II ... it'. no ... '(K><kr
few oi' ;es...., " 'i!ting 10 d.,.cribc: ,hci,ar'lu.;m:ulC( "ith such mocr.TS. TIle
prohibi, ;,,, problem. howcvc . h .. bc: .... in the limimions of prc$Cn< the<>'
re,ic. 1 ''OCabul.riu "lther lh.n in the "'p'"';''' mofh" itself. No Ie .. aoJIC
.h,", p ... noid posi,i"n. no Ie ...... Iisti<. no Ie ... ,urh.d 10 . proje(f rJ
. u,vi" , I ... nd ne;,her leu nor more delu.ional or f.m. , ntat;c. 'he "'p> ....
ti", ", .ding position un\ ditT.",nl .. nge of .Ir", .... ambitions. and
';,ks. Who, we ['In bc: .. le.m from wch ptactic"" ...... pt' ...... p<. ,he many
""Y' ",I..." .nd cornmun"if. sue.""d In en ... <ting 5<I0Il.",,"':. from II>< ott
f"" of .. (\l lture _ (""n of . culture whooc: ._"td dc:JI ... h;os bttn
"''' 10 5< ,hem.
,-,pbn<br . 0.:1 1\1>,,,1;,, ;n ,I><" '""Y "nd<. " .... .,., no v..""pi.: .oo..' ,." F",ud .. -..
""'g ,,,,',,,, ef !hi ' ''h<1I'''''ph'''''' "Mu ....... 1><"fuoT bt ron"n! ,,"h,
p<Jt<fJ <,<onomo< <l<1irI!t.,., .rod ;W:<'P' ,ho, rk""''' . od ""rl< ""'" "" no!h", "'0
, ...... ,I>< ......... ,.,., .,r'l"""i,,';'" ,""'go> inro 'l"'b",,,,, .. "",1 And """" .bon _
.....r-""",Utioo ..
... ,,1< bf iii II<. F.....d c ..... 10 .. , C<WdidobI< <rnpIwo> '"' , .... s .... dtl5t.t1ty """"""
,.-..,I on ,h .. ",,,,,p' Ie p"""i.It ..... 1"< ....... ,... ,,,\lao'l""'_" , .. Ch>por< J..
... lIm Fr...k ,od I _ Toonl.," .. """ '"' .!It in ........ , .... "Y to mpon.J 10
,lit> ,, .. -olf"""ltil ,ho probI< ...
. ,-".. ''''pliOl ....... nh .. rn<h l> Ik""'; .... Id< ,h ... "" "",dt ", ""
H, CWI" "'.fItrJ,",I"""' migh' b< on< good r .. ",pIt of,ho \.0" ...
""".:0 ,r'<f< '''' ' I\<,.,.ni, .. ," __ ... "" '" ",,,h. "'" q"'" '0 ,ho .. ".,n .... ,
,1\'0\);' '00 ".. ."" Ii<. ".d, bit, roolw. '" oIw p;ou' .... ilk ... '" of A .... "'" "PJ"'iRr<d
"11'''' ,,1>, .... ,h. "V_
J- rh.nk;", T,-.... C ......... ""I"*' .. ,.hoJ_ "'me_
I .m ,hink ... S t.. ... ofT""""'" Gout..!. .. ( .... p<roon.ol <OftI"'I.''"'''''''''
,_I uf Emily DKUuor!'. poem ,Iut h<v'> "'IIop<' io .... ""'" _"" ,,-.d.r.,,_/
Thot pord>t, in ,ho "",1_ " (,'" I""'" no. "S'). Gould ... """" '''''' tIr " "'I""""
,,(11,,,.;"11 hop< .'" ,.,lw, ,..., ,boo< of 1'0'"''0''''''' ""'" " ';,I, rho tIif-
, ..... ",,,",, , ... 1'I""ntlp"'"''' t< .... .,r p""UoN'''''' I"" in ,he fo,",. , ,I><.-oh.n
in tI .. p-
I d.),,', , ... .., !o "yp<,.,\u, ... "'. "tho -"''Y ;\ .. ,u,Uy <!od " hoW" '" 'o.lm. bow
, '''"'S ,Iw ""'"""y <Iiol" .".,. bt-_ .. "hilt """ Tho ",.1m
,of ... po ""'" ... , JiJ., it. _ ...... t>nlonMlly "''''' ,,01 .n.J"... """
., .unl..r.Jrt ....... ..... ""._ .... ............
tht ..... ,'" c .. bt """
M",tu.1 Moun, A ..,. .... or ............ ".",.. ..... """,,," ohoo -. ...". of

Clwzrtrr 1
Wh.1 don I, meln when bring ,m.l!. ,,'oun<k<! .nimal. into t he
house, MOSll"'oplc dep"sit< "" olfering. or gifts. 11<" ... ", .. ,.
in. prl)' n",.nr ", pIc_ Or propiliatc U', tM nt' hum.ns. But aC-
cording to rm: .nthrupoj'>gisl lil ilabt,h Thorn , -Ca', m.)" be
,"'" m ittg t he role of edU<llOr wil en, hey brinS I""Y indoors '0 ,h.iT II U m<llt
Uwnt"r' . . . . A mOlher C,lliam I ching hcr killen. from ,he morru:ntlhey
' l,iTt foll o ..... ing hor .... L.;utr ,he gi''''lh"11'I " ,nd"on p,."i<"c by flipping
,. io,; m. in t h. iT d ireCI; un. eXa" I)' al C>l in pl.)". Mother en, ""en bring
! "'{lund,d] prey mck 10 ,heir nut. orden. so that Ihe;r ho",ebound kine'"
('r> p,.<tkc, cs.pccl.lly If the I""Y i. of m.n."..,.bl. me. So pcThap> nts
wh" ",Ie;asc living p"'Y in our hou"".", '''}"ing '0 gi'" U$ some pr.ortict,
tu h""" ottr homing . kill.- <'OS).
1"''-'" w;,1\ em or I"'d.!.'<>gy. Th,mu,', suptXK;,ion he",
ntay be ""s<:uling in se,,, .. 1 wa)'s. First the", ;, 'he ... .-ci ... ir ,,, .. ound.
" .... h.d thoughl'" be or .dmi.-N ..... ..;_!"''''n'al fi),OUtts
", OUr c.ts. "" art C.$[ inst d In 'he wit of clunuy "",",born< ",!"Inng
' PC<i:1I edua,ion. W.,....,. we hr'" _ .""n from this ,..!uc"ion.
Wi,h all ,he eo,', $lag<' ....... ), .. men'. "" .. em <:>pi:IU)' ""pid in
h .. i ng fa,kd '000 m...:h oJ rerognw, ,1M: >ant as one of pcd.ogog)'. 1." true
'h.o, ".rn 0,,1)' wnw ".., arc a'" ""ing H<;M' Iw...,
.... 01' <""fu..,d the iIIorotion .. y >eU of gift giving .,Id tuchingl A furth.,.
opct<h:oct problem hen: in""I>.." imi .. tkm: the <at .. umed(but howCOuld
,..., know!) th .. iu o ..... n m"""mtnU "..,'" templ.u:. lOrou. numicry,
than ".,.,.,,, to be room for 0< graciowJy ot<q>led by us. A
Imcnded to evoke a sym".,.,. rinl ruponse Iw insIe.od C'O'OW a mmplc,
The:n ', if".., had n:rogni.ed \lie ca. 's projt'ct as pc<Ugogical. it',
pms;blc we ".ould not hav< responded appropriately b)' -honing OUr h"",.
ing u.iIIs - on the brol<en, .witching p.ey. Possibly".., do not "",nt to Ie'm
the lelSOn OOr cal is t. aching. Hen:, in an i. another rn;..
to kc about mim",i" rhe cor ', a:<sumption that "'t identify wirh ir 51 rongly
t nough to ...... nt to acr mOre like it (c,g., .at Ii,.., rodent.). For . human
tdut. ,o<, the c. t, un. ucct:<sfulp"d.S08Y .. son>!e ...... ith pknly of .... ..:: ry.
dly nightm ..... n.., .. are Stude"" "'00 .... thci. tnclltr' t...rd wud
:oJ .."vile offering in rheir honor - I ddt"'tcful """ ro boot_ Th....., a",
milt, .. udenrs , ... 00 lcapt the formw.tiorn: g""efully. os . gift,
but wi.hour .hinking .0 mimk the proctss of thd, produo:rion_ i\"o daub!
th;..Jc.cnbcs. rommOn imP"""'" !Xed by po)rno. ... iym.nd pryr:holho:n.-
pislS" ""II. T.lehing pri'ilq,'t'd ondcrgr.odul..,., I :JOft"IClimt$ had. chill
ing intimOlkm th:1I ..... hile I ",lied 00 thei, "" i'" to mirror".,.,.od my sl<iIIs
nd knowledge, they ... " .. motiVoted iruteld by Otting me ... ca utiort-
.ry wh.1 might bl:rumc of them if thcy " ..,,,,n'l cool enough, sieck
enou);h, . dapt. ble . nough to 'K'P" from th" thick" of . ",demi. into.he
coq:" ".\<' wo.ld.
And bl:sidc ' he fntstra.ion< of the foline ped.!,..:>guc a", Ihe mo", ",bo.
Ing oneJ "f . he ",upid hum." owner, 1,. SO of len to" late when "'. firn>Uy
'l'Cognille tilt "'l$i5l ' oc,- (mOIlS<: nipping) of Student/ patien .... 10""
of ped.gogy .imed . t us . nd in"iting our mi".,.,sil. W. "'-"Y ",onder oftu
whether.od hoow "'e could h ... "<! to .um in.o.M p;trticular
leaclltr/ tllt .. "", needed by e..,h one. the .. implia<ion ..... been:
TI')' II my ""y- i( you'", gomg'o leach me. Or e-...::n: I .... .., something
mo", in.porta,n '0 'e..,h you . han you h ... " ' 0 ICach me.
"'mong the reb.;"", of ne.r-mi .. ped.g<lg) I dIKIW in thi< ch. p,e"
olwiou,I)' the foundational one .ran.pi",. be.ween A,i ",1 Euro.-\meric
Ott the , ,,hjcc t of Buddhi.<m itsdf. 0 ,,,. p." .wo d.(';Id , cwn as <he
lo"g-".ndinK prc .. of Buddhi>t clemcnt in US. cult"", n... be.:ome
r'I"<>slvdy vwhk, critical .. hoI,mhip has upIored tilt vas" .yst.mic m;"
"ndcn\ondings .nd cross-pu']><>KS th .. secm to underlie Ihil
rod'gog}'. An "Ameliean Buddhd' " ",ade, of the crili(:al sriK:>U. ..... ip might
""II be rhlSlcned 10 learn in ...... ' many. crucial. our i""",iblc ... her
.ccc .. '0 the AsIan tat .. pnctitts. .0.1 underM;1ndings has been rompro.
",,>led t he history of .heir .ransmission .0 1M WM!. Donald Lopez. for
,'umple, ... mm.nus his empl.ry Inthology of critical essay> by de<:1a.-
t1'g , h.t ..... h" h .. become to modem W." .. n ",.de", iI only .
- h}'!)O!tat iu d obje<:t, called 'Buddhi'n' : - which, "bee. u)C: it h.d bl:en "",.
.t NI by (;urope, could . Iso be by il - (i). Among diston ion.
manifesl in ,uch hypo".ti .. tion h ..... bet" a n ..... iv< of decline th dele
gitimatu . h. modern . nd the .... . l\;Icul .. in Buddhis. srudic.; .n .agemess
n' >ttribu. e W."'ern .0015 \() Asian "p"""'nraTion; histories of
,crmplici.y wi. h nativist .nd coloni.1is! projt'ctS In J'l"n OJ ""U OS fosrisl
..... in II'ly: .rrog;ont .nd ignoran. d.;ms. such as Jung .. 10 speak fOT an
e.wtic Orien.ol p.oyd>e: .nd. double-binding enlist".,.,n. of Huddhisu
In the inoomp;tlihk roles ofinfonn>nl lOll guru tOKhob", m:.n the w ....
Wha. is fu",e of ""d> '''ry Ho .. , .. and 10 ...-hom do
lhey ","ucr? Comn""" >Ie_ "'gj,""'1S that tlltir impact " 'ill f,,11 un non srudent. of 8uddhi"'" """" lightly Ih. n on KhoIa'" in the field .
NOI only a .. the: .. "udle. (most of rllt'" pul>liohcd by "";,,,,,,ity
prom.) I.", 'C<Ce:<sihle to nonschob rs. bul .he prime mo' ",,' for ",.ding
Ihcm. ", nlo<> likely III differ, To put it c.uddy, ... demie Kholars of Bod-
,thi, n. or. ,'ocation:tll), aimed .t p., h, h"",'cwrosymptotic. to, ,':o.rd
knowled!,,,, of 'UbjoCl(') th .. would e,,,r di>tor1Cd b)' iguo-
"nee," p"'oumption. 00.1 w;'hful thinking, or by <ha
though. pan.,.". of WM!<:TT1 culto ... On the: OIher h. nd, tho .ttach""'''1 of
lhe I"1OtUCademk ",ad..,- .0 .1It tNth , .. I .... of ",:>dings on 8udJhism may
"' .. on I good deal"""" progm"ic ba$. The: '!ueJ'''''' I hi> (""COWl' )
K(urotC or m":>ding? "'"y gi,.., "" ay fur the .... ade",.o lhe: quc<tion WiD
til;' (p""'tice) ,,"0<1< or "-on', ;.!
The hiStori",1 place and momenl in ..... hich ,he blttr,!u"",,km is asked.",
di"incl;"" 01..,. . ppropriately desrnbed in tern. s of pluuliSlic, free marh. -
like f"", .... nli.lly oul .. ODdC.;"1 (Ott Ikrgrc), Mort .-ceeml)".
Ihc oo",<wh" " igm" i,.ing nthriu of ">lelf.hdp'- -N.", Age: .nd -therapy'
Ii ",," h.Y<' . ugge<red an ovell 1 ... ",.".:c, . blt ", k ... nichc >l"'dl,,,, r' '''' for
iluddhi.t nonA.I,n It Is fro",
,hal nlcllt Ih., the pn:sent eme,};e . nott<pcciali$t tdt,.
0'<>1"" fi,,, Y"u engaj,""""m With Englishlangu.,I,'" "Buddh"'-
n"sng from ma.,market to Kool ... ly. My lim. selfhelping !nOti", fortho,
... as fnnkl y promjXed by <nving in rniddL:
' ,1,"" dlagno;>sis of me,.sutk AI this chapter sho ... s, how.".".
In Ute Buddhis. of death and <l)1ng JIf'O'-ni inutricalli..:
... ..,11 from an idemllic;t, ;on with pedagogintl passions and antinom ... that
recur IhroughoulliH:
The dominant .chobrly topos. and indeN. oftm.'" ",,'ftha;ption. i:tt
popularlu.ions of 8uddhUI lhough, is wptariooc ..... hether 3Udt
ad> ptatlon is haile<! or decrio:d. II Implies tha, an ANn original is or
!>fing ada", ed for the ._n' ''lly d1/k",nt habi ... ..,mibilirirs, Welunsdtau-
ung of the W .... 8y IM .. tm lokn. a COmmon drfcn ... 0{
pr"xticn Is .h.t lIuddhisln hasof.en. hisloricatly. bttn changtd by. as much
as it h clt:,tngt'd. ,he varied cuJtu"" tllCOolnte",d in il5 perip.lIetic histoty.
This chapeer. by fuc:u<ing on pedagogy., both lopK and ",I.tion. a._
'emptJ ""methlng d,Rtn:n. from soch a I, suggest< Ih>t ad.:tplano..
is 110' the only mod.1 for W.sI.rn eocoun.c" wi,h popularized Budcllti:oI
IrachinSJ i\d.pl1tlon how an origln,1 is being ahen:d. modi-
fied. fittrd (,,,. a diffen:nt u .... maybe ",,,n dee.n,cre<! . duwn ou, of an
e.tlinorl!i, by the gravilotion.1 pull of an .lien body. T",. emain degn:e Ihe>!: of this l"po.1s u,mlll.blt . Funhtrmotr. th"n: is plenty ofBuddhis.
scriplural ""rr'nl for il: Iht <>non. 'Utros. and J"uka ''''''u all con.
tlin e .. mples _ , .. ry privileged oncl - ofle"chi"gs th" h"" bern .. dlcaUy
. d'pled 10 ,heir audi,ol'J' '"ril::d e'p.dlie nd f .. tnes of ",fe",nee.
In 'his eh'p,.r. howe, .. r. I "'an! 10 Iry OUt rno",. diffen:n. ",soutU$
from Ihe g"''' ''''asur), of Buddhis, phrnomen<>logies of le.mlng and
!Cuhlng. What if. for .... equally canonical topos ,u.;h as 7tIg"i
do""ribes """"" dytumics of Wes'ern Buddhin popuLlIizo'
lion beno r t h.o ....... (he one d,n:aionallopn< of ... Cn,.lnly. if "
bener .... ile<! to ,''' lubjectivity and lhot CptsiemoioglCai In<erru of t:ho..:
",00 consume ti-o($1t popul.rlullons.
A subsidiary aim oflhis <""flI.r ilI.o mu .... '" "''''''' ron...quen<U of
,,-n.., is by n.QW. 'N"m about lui..., n:llg"' ... lhought: II has "a,,;.-.d'
and bttn influen. i"" In W ... em 'hough. III nun)" fuo-"", .hrough many clif
f""'n, ..... "r n,any "''''urico. Th .... by !MM' a lIuddlw.l cncoun''''
', ', cultun:- mu>! .1.., be ",\dc"wod OS an oncounter ",i,h a
,,', ,
p,l,n'p ...... or /\sl.n <ur",,,I, .nd inOu.""". (and vice '-e .... ). For uample .
... "",ri<:.ns "f,rn .hop for II uddhill botJIu; on I he ... 1 fhe II' ,helves in popul
t>o<tk .. on:s, But if the marke,ing rubric of ... has.n almos lann
i"bt)" Amerinn JQund. isn'l '''''I .. In port becau,,: harkens.""
t tl lhe e.rly oin<,..,nlhcemury impubt: of Emerson, SctfRd,ancc and
Wh"man', "Song of My ... If"1 An impulse . h>, is, aln:adycoruciously in
,'(II,,,J Indino::t .nd inJin:aln .. wi,h Buddhlsland Hindu
O-r The: book I mroumore<! in my Buddhist upIorati<>n. and ""'" Ih>t
rrob'hly. in some uncnmined .... ) ... ,1111 my 1","It"",":", "i,h
8uJJhism asa 'opic. wuSogpl Rmpoc:hot I bcs' ... Umgpoput..n>.atK>ll. TItt
TiN-td" 8Dok tf LM,,& .. J Dyi",. ConsIruacd as:an alomdcd gklss on the
stH.lkd Tiltnu IIooJo ofrltc Dtoul, il moo-<: bro.adl)" a beginntr' ;n,ro'
JUClion. n Tibe,an lIuddhism and m.).:t,lhe .. m (on ,hot back
""".of 1he 10 be -a for lift: and death. . . M dofinilive
n.W I{'irilual cla5Jic fi .. OUr lime.: .
. \luI\! Ihan lIuddh;sm ..... The""v.w. mcdiwi<In- uther Ruddht!ol
",dition, I"., achie\"d wldelp",.J populo ri'y among non-..... i"" Ameri-
.. '" in ,h" ,wrmicth relllury- Tihelan Buddhism risks ",cming inc",,; '
e.hl" fmn' Ihe <"hur.) drcum".netl and hi>lOry of;1< ,hi.n d",-.:Iop'
"'en'- I'<;rhaps ,h. r lc .scr focul on ",edil.';on in the "Ihcr tradilion' g;''''
,h,", an lIl usio" of Ir.I1ip.",ney and uni,,,rsal .ce"nibili,)" Ihat Tibe .. n
I!<JdJh!sm i>,k$. I'<;rhap' Ihe ",1.t il'C: geog .. phk .,cce"ibilily Qf Japan and
S.""he ... Asia I ." ". Tibetan lIuddh!!m nI"'" dc_I)' (in WeSt-
"..., "ye.) wilh lhe local. wilh op"ei,k. uf 1' ''I;u.go. <u,"om. his'ory. -be-
lI"f: in ,nor( ( lhe e.rlier lIuddhok>gi",' would h .. " it). "f ,uperstirion:
1'hr Dabi I . .,n "'t;ul.rly . ,_.,.11 0"" .he wmld. "My is kind
nt, ... But '" move beyond Ih ...... mingl)' pellucid inlrodoctlon is promjHly
h>enc ...... nler pra<:liceunJ CO'lmol<Jgluwttos.. weirdness- from" Western
of ,'ie,,' _ can .... m nUt lrn:Junbir.
iloVl' 00.:. Sogyal neg",I ... the,,,,. of losing n:aJers In 'hi< <
g.>pl The Of"'ning pongraph of the prtfxe i< noml;',,!;. artt<ting:
I " ," hom In Tibel . nJ I ,,-aJ ... rnomlu old ,,-hom I enkK<! ,t.., """'"'"
,try"'" my -",my .nll Ch!>ki l.<ldrO. in ,t.., P""'-w,", ofKh.",.
In T,"'" we ""," un;quo , radmon of finding ,ho n:'",,"In'liom of
m .. 1<''' "'ho h,,,,, p. ""d Thq .n: (hosen young and gi ... n speciaJ
.dur.IIOn '0 luin lhom 10 burnt thr ,(>Chen of lho I "'"as gr..."
the: nom<: Sogy.l . ....." though i, ... u only btt>" that my mult'
me.S In, illCllrn. ,ion o(TenOn Sogy.l . ",y .. ic who wooo,," 0(
hu (WIn 'tach ... and "' .... , of the: Thinttnth Ihl.oi Ltrru..
My maste,. j> ,,""" ,.0 lOr. T ........ . nd ... "'""."Y'
",.",.d to ,und a good hud . 110\ .. o,hr .. i". (rowd. H. had sit"" h.;,
CUI .... '1 ohort nd kind .,... t"", glo ... .. ith humor. His "1'$ .... '" Ions.
lib! lhart oJ thr 8uddh.a. (>:i )
Thi. f.i,)".le li1' optni"s a ",.dc, diwricn'ingly inlO on unf ..
miliar .y ... m of .n.logut nd inom.tiQru.. s.ralcginlly ...,.. .... ",. til<:
,..,adt,, point of "ieY.. is simult.MOtUIy .trad><:d 10 ,h. mQ", ndical <hf.
orie"t.,ion of th. ,"thold (h;. p,,,,nts "nmorllioned) ,,ho o",ered
Iht m""" .. cry: acquired a m ..... ." and undtno.-cnl obsru,.., of
being o. "chO$Cn- I><: rould ( ,,.Ik or lalk.
Th" ",., of 'he p",foct follown ,imil.nlt.legy of p .... lld ioitlalion .. As
"'.de" .... gtl info,n ... l;"n >u<h u . In Tibe' il _ "",,,.tnough simply 10
""'" .ht name of an inc'rnalion, you hod ' 0 urn tnpl. 'hrough
your i(. "'mg and ,hl'QU),-h yourspiri,,,. 1 p ... nM:t: " (xi). At' he sa",. ,i"'t . n
othcrck"'tltt of ,h uthori.1 repr ... n ... a child "ying fO n,aU >enJ<:
of its confusing .urround;ogs and st"us: "I ....... child .. .. The
nex, ,im. I hid<:. my ,morn= in,o ,he room. did thn:. p .... I ... 'ionJ
10 my ", .. I." and dr.gged "'. OU' . I n:n .. mbe. thinking,:u I w.u ""uled
oul of Ih. room. how .. it ....... ,"", hr did not ... m 10 be arr.Ddor my
"",",cr" " nnge""" ,he mild ... ml 10 htlong
boIh 10 hi. unu,u.ltulku .... ul .nd. allho .. me lime. '0' mO'"
.... nscna:s (or givcnncss) Ih ... world P"''''''' 10 anyone: un, .. ncd in i.-
\l.bum Ttbetan child.
Sogyal Rinrochc. p,."f.ce , .h"". ulTcI'J' past ,en", in whirh. child is
.ccultunted by filS .nd .. am alongsKk .n implicit 1t:TUe in ",hI<:h
"''''kr is. Sogyol"s Ingenuous diction .nd >en'"""" .. run"", bm ..... l. the
two ,"!,"'ther, But the double ;niti .. ion .Is" procttd. undo, Iwo othe . ""' ..
.rching ;oCgio<: .. On. U. dUlinctivc emotiorullonali'y. that of gra,;",""
mind wi,h ,,,ode ........ l"h<- .... "",. '0 whICh ,hat 10 .... aloxhc:f. is the
ron,inulng influenc" of my m." . " " Ewl')'>ll<" him R,.,..,.-Iot. ',hr
Pr<"-;,"Ui One: whkh i. Iho Ii,\<: gi,,,n to" rna",,' . nd when he ....... ?""",n,
til' ulher ... "her would be in t"", woy. His p",",ncc w.u >0 I",
p<t'S"i .... INI m.>ny aflCctionoldy nllcd him tht PrimordW Buddha" (,on).
In lhe: I\OrFol'o," ehiltlhood ht il ""SO'1' prcs<:ncc: "Usu.I!) I 01"1" ncr< '0
my,. on a ,m. 11 bed aI,h. foot of hi I own. 0"" sound I shall n""'::r
forget .. the clkking of,,,. bead. of his..aLI, hi. auddhLiI ros;>ry. as hr
whispered his pntyt'l'$. Whn! I ... "n' '0 slup he ........ 1d ht Ihe"" 5itWlg and
1'''''liclng: and when I .wok. in Ihe h." WOUld. ah.dy be aw. k.
and ,illing and pnaicing .gain. ",,,rflo...,,ng .... tlh and I"""':r. AI
I ned my eyu and ,...., him. I "..,.,Id ht tiUed ... " ... rn, .nd
h::;"""', He had .uch an .ir of pe'(O .boUI hi", (llil ). Equ.lly. u'cnd"'g
1x .... oOO hio de.,h 10 Ih. pet .. n, 'en", of , he ",adtr'. inili.tlon. "Jamyang
KhJ""'St .. lhe groond of my life:. and .he inspiration of .his book. He .... ""
the ;nc.rn.t;o" "f. m'"'' who h. d I,"",formed Ihe pntctice or Buddhi.m
in "urcountry" (xi). "I h""e hurd l h .. ...... Itr said Ih.1 1 "0II1d holp
(IIn,inue his "",n; . and ec:rtainly he aIY."y_ tn: .. ed melikc "" (WIn son. I
1i.""llh .. wh .. I h.", be." .ble to ..:hko." nov.. in my ,,"Ork . nd the audio
cnee I """" to ",.eh. is . ripening ,,[ tht bl.ssing h. g;ow mc" (lii).
And ' he p r-.f..:e ends: " I pray .hu book .... m ' ...... mi' 5OI1It1hing '>fhis gr-.a,
wiodom a nd rompo"ion 10 ,hc world. Ind. through il. )"Ou lou. "t.c""''ef
YOII .... eon (OmO into th. p", .. nce "f hi.< wisdom mind.nd find. bviog
"",nlion .... ith him" (';v).
Allhough ,I><:", ........ in m.ny de, . ils in II><: pn:f= tN. will puz:tlt ."
",.<k, ""f.mili.r with nbcta" Buddhiil .radition . ilO simple w,1I
.Ire.dy h, .... in,-01, .. d re'd." in" of compk:<. "-",,pod
,..,[.;IlKms. The: m<>bib,) of ach<, .... ttden, po5II"o",ng IS em
b"ditd Ii ... , in Sng)"'1 hi",",lf. who begin. the p,."f;oct , . nd ends
it .s ... "'i,hout 'P1""'''' in ,I><: qual"y of ru. dept'n
on h., """, .. er.- Indttd . Iong ,I><: "'''y ht ""_ beeo "!'<Cognozed" as
. n inorn ., ion "fh!. ",.".r', ""." lcacher. Which o{them.lhen. y,iU ht tht
",.d<r', m .,,,r! AP1" "'''tly some proco ... of ' .. nlriloquisnl fimp ...
be .... ...," them .... " ..... ,""III><:,.., u no nud .ocboo<lr. indeed no ..... yof dis
crimtnat ing. belweCn Sogpl Rrnpocl><: tl><: <tudcnt/ I .. chcr.nd th.,
Rinr"d,c in whO$<: r.di.l1l p",,,,,nco no (On be """. In f.CI. For
me: he " ... lhe Buddha. of I"'" ,I><:r-e"'''' no que .. ion in "'y mind. And
"''''Y''''''' .1.., <ff<ognizcJ it a. "'cU- (xiii ).
This si.u .. ;u". thrives on p"rsorw.h.y.r.d inti .....
",loti"". At .hu;ome time. i. functions .. " po ... ' .... _
ful wI .. ..,nt of individu.l itkntity.
TIw:: dissolu.ion of idon.i.y Is " commonplace .bou. "Buddh;"m: <0 bt
Hu. in fa.: . h .... id "bo.11 8uddhi$m p.' It "'>d
1I00hing 11 iii .ent'l. Rother .hon in.o "8uddhism." ...,.Ik, who
begin' .his book is. by me.", ofhcr di.sorienmion. in'c'p<II into" rich
di .. ol""n. rd "'yof p<d.b"'!:y i.self. In .his world i. 'hough ...,.
I ion p<d.gogic>l - and for ."", ...,.,.,.,. radially .ranoindi\id_
".1 "Wh...,,,,..,, I sIl ..., Ih.:i. '\lnospl>e", of my ma>lu wi,h 0Ihen. thqQn
.., ..... ,IIt .. me profour.d fling i """"", in me. \Vh;o hen
Khymu. inspire in An unslukable in.he .cachings. and.
conviction in .he ... land duma.ic impo"""'" of.he fNs.u" (:liii).
.,,. Admitt edly. it', e:t.'Y ." .he c= .h .. ptd'Sugk.1 ",I.rion iJ suI>-
<cnl ... 1 10 V.j,.y.". Ruddhism. or "1.",.;'m" .. nintl(l:,,,h-
confU,), c:illtd i . bun! "n uccptional pmrninoena: givf:n ,,, the
loma/ guru initi:llory.tacM, NOI only \'.jr.p ..... bu he wh,,'" of Mab
)"""" BuddhiJrn. """'"tI..,r. i:s radially >d(dtJincd in ltnt1>..
Who. ,he Mah.:iyana (g..., e, ""hick) is "g"''''o,' ..... n . fl<: U . ....., the
sh""aJr.a-y,,n .. lld the p"-'yck. p"": ...., "Ieut. .. "hide-< "'hoR
heings, the shr.vah. .oJ pr )"h, (1OIil>')' ....... k.
"ned olle.) . re studen" or au,odid.c,. unly. wh" achie\'t n! ... .n. for . heir
own olone,
The idc:al. by di ...... a"",h"" '0 .he hodhis", ....
"Of>!: .... ho .spir<S .0 'M ''''uullen, of Buddluhood .r.d dtvOIes himsdf to
.1!ruiftic de<:dt. cspeoally dttds .hal CllUSC to uin
('), Thus. .......... b, andpr ... ho bodIlisan,-,.oo ",mains
>luden. and .spinn . dvlSlOd to "be .ho pupil of",..,.".,.,. .11 the tim<'
(S1midev. 40). For bodhis.nv . ho.o...,..", . he pt<bgogic.l in'pen';""
of o ioning o.h.,, enli..;h,enn.c", .ake. prioriTy,,,,,,. ow. o"e'. 0""
'pirl,u.1 .dv.neem.n" .. defers en'erinS ni ... .". .11. r aU
OIh," .. n,;';n. being< h.,-e It .. ned.o do 50- Thorn Cleary', ,ransl .. i""
uf boJhi",,,,. a. 'enligh,ening: heing" (. ) wi.h i OOubJ. rd"f-
enee .n ar.d g ....... ing IT10fr ""ligh.enc<J """ .. If. Sttrns
.n apr "-'y'o c'l""" (tn, ... 1 ronde ...... ion. "-hich don mon:.o iden-
'ifr Tilt bodhis;o v.s posi.ional :ucs a. ped'gogic.l """ \h.:in '0 >pecify his
,,.. her pI:ocem..." on .hHe :un, F"rthermore . ny 1"'"",,.con.mi!mCTI"o
... Buddhism i"'-01 ...... loc ion in ,be bodhisa" .... dim<rt<ion>; the
.. p".h" along.he: plane forrntd by .he:>< :Uri is not "'so:nN for
.he >l"riIWllly """.net<!. TI>e defining figure of M.h,)""n. Buddhism. the
b"dhi .. in l Ufn i. defined . l m"" 'imply bein!; who.., commi'men.
10 pcdag<lgkal ",I, . pproache. ,he horiz"" of etemi'y.
Although (or becau .. ) .c1f_c:>ident, i. m.y .110 be: "'o<lh emph izing
,h'l. Jik Plato'. di.logurs, ,ht vastly more voluminous Buddhlir su.ra. in
f .... compns. nothing bul strinof dr:ima.izt<! ofinslrucrion. Fu.-
,he, . mong.he muhi.udtnous forms.nd Jc.,..,is of beings .ho. populote
,he SUfrH_asu .... !:>odhlSan ..... and Bodhisa" .... Mws,m' "" hnhmu.
cl""a1 and de .. .pUlr;lS. d ... gons. gandha ....... g.rudo .. gods. hou ..
,nagic. lIy produeed bein!;'. monks. Nonre.u""''' and Qnc'-"'fUmcfS.
protyehs. i ... and Srl,-,k . !I'''''''''-tme''''', p4>' -
n"n" wishes for anything mo", precious .h.n to ",co;".., Dh.,m ching>-
In Mahayan. tcrip'II"'S. SCcnes or.tachlng.O<I Ie.rning .'" uruwrsally de
si",d ends as much:as.ltq a", instrumem.1 mems.
w- In ,s.., ... when I!liubo..h p.lmtr publht..,.,! In Th ()idl the tir>t
"an,l.tion from. SUt"- in." Ihe English hc:r Immediate: readrr
s!lip romprised a group of her lIos.on. "'. TnnKcnclt .... liI. frir:nds, 1hc:
..,Icc,;"n ' he chose from Eu);"ne: Ilu, nouf's F",nch I<."sl.,iun of ' he:
S ul r . wh n e: sh. ring the c:rn ph .. i. of. hot 'u' r. on ht II It i ma'e: uni. y of Bud.
Jhisl nunclhclc:ss dlSlingui<h .... e.",fully .mong the: .. ..,hk"'s of
Buddhism. (Ire m.y ralM' h.,.., mptified lit, ",.de". gi""n lhat at
,ho. poin moot scholarly among .lItm distinguished ber"..,...,
IInhman and 8uddhist . p.,.bod). """'-e,..,r. took.he: .rouble: of upbining
.0 'IItm in fOOlno.n 'hat. for ... mplc:." Pra.)..,kiI_8uddh.:i ";,;. kind of
,dfi,h Buddha. who posscs..:s w;.lIoul cndtavoring.o sp<C.d iC
(" Pre.ching" 39J).
lIu, t his cliscrimination i. i.",lf in t h. service of. p n .0 .he nOli'
.mplitude of .he Buddh'. pedaAY' "I "" I.w .0
m ures. .f .. r h.ving ",cognizcd thcir incIina.;OI'lS: he: .. 1' in
""It",;"". -I proportion my langu.go: '0 the subj<ct .nd .he: sr"'ngth of;
I, i>. 0 . s if. d"ud .... ;slng lhe u"i,..,,.... i, <It-
,;rdy. hid ins .11 ,I>< c.rlh . ... in .n urnf""m m.n .... r.n ....
"' ... ofw .. cr . "d "'spltn<\o", ,,i,h ,he lightning ,,ltich =01'" f"n>m i,.
<ide<. i, malu:l II>< nnh "'joK<:. And 11K me<I;";"ol plana ,> Iuvc, bur..
from ,he ... "flhi> t.nh. lhe IM!rbI. ,IK """'"" d", king< ofth.
liulc.nd g"'" ,1M! diffc",nl IIft<Is, and ... ny 'lling whirh maka "",".
du .... : oil 11M! ,,hich ..... 1Ound in ,1M! mounuin .. in lhe co",""", '"""
1M 11K IKrbs. 1M bu","" ,I>< !Itt .. Ihi> doud Ii.n. <hem ... ith;o,..
" PI upon I .... dry e.nh. and mom.,.,. .... tm<Iic:in.l pIanrs:"lnd
'his hornogeneow " "cr of I .... cloud. 1M I><rbI and II>< bu>beI pump lip.
:according \Oil$ Ju obJt .... "boorbing tho "' ... Ierg{ tho
cloud b)I 'Mir uunks. lMor Iwig. their I>Jrt.. !heir their boughs,
'MIr I", .... tho ' ..... 1 tnfdKjn.J1 forth n."...,..and .. 01\<
",cording 10 il' ""'''!;lh. ocrording 10 dctinorion. and conlOrrnably 10
n.J ru re of, ,,IKntt it. "P""JIlI. pruduca , distinct &uk. and -..
,hclcu d .. ", II on. homogt_ ",'.r like th'l ... hi<h leU from <he doud.
So. 0 the lIuddh. _ Inlo Ih .... <>rId. lil< cloud ,,Itich """=
.h. un;",... ... and leoche. 1M ' ru. doarino to <1T"ureo. (" Pncadting"
.191 \lSI)
[Ilt "."s""."ce of .uch p.ll-S>I;.'" for Transn:ndental ..... ok ...
would nol come from its promi", of "tcue doclI'ne: bu. from it> fOeu. on 0
difticuh problemalic .I ..... dy Inllrn.1 [0 Ihdr Rom'"lk pn:"ccuf"Iion with
Bil.{""/:, h"w mode or ""hlng could "urtun: ind;yiJu.1 f" as w.lI
., ,h. COn, mo" "ce<ls of wed';"g il .
For if ev<:, Ihe .... w",. group as m.d for ped.gogy a, ,h. dram.tis PC"
SOn of'hc su,u . it mull h."" been [ho T ..'l$. Wim ,he a
'"p<iou of Th(Jol"c,u. eilCh "fthem s<cmcd 10 attach hor or his mosl viI.1
hop< 10 ""nc praai of ,iva '''''' I"'dag"Sy- and in coc" ca .. 10 one
,hat. Indcpe"dcn, of uni\",.,i,y or chun:h ""dcnt;' );"g. aai\"dy
lhe cl.lm of au.horily i" f"..". o f that of upcricnli..1 dcn .. OO. Abo as in
tl>< ,,orld oflhe .utrn blu much,,-., unusual in the West. the .. .mgt" of
,h<:$c praclicCll_ from the T.ntplc School to Ma'!i:""'t Fun .... Corwc .... 'hc Con",rd School of Philosophy - invoh'N pcople from toddler"o
to ,he . gt<l . ,,i,h no portkubr . i"gk<I ..... ;n uniquely
for cd""""on. ThUll. lhal aope<"t ofthe M . lup"" ide.>J .rut ",(.,...,10 dilicr--
cnli.,c .. 'he level of iden,l,y be'''crn tcao:her and I","",," "",ncidcd ...
,hdr ide.1. F,!",n when .dul,. taugh' child",,,. a< Ellube,h I'c.body
,,n .. Rtronl Srl><I<II, a c.ktailcd il<COUI11 ofllro""", Alcot'' shonlived
,<-n'pk School, "a teacher !le\cr should forgC1'h>t Ihc mind I>< is din:oing.
""Y bo: on. larger scale than his 0""": thn il5 ..,n,ibi]i,it. .. m.y be decl"'r.
,"<>de""'. wider: th .. ill im'gln.,ion may be infinitely more .."pid: ,ha. ii,
inteUcct ... 1 powerof propordoning .00 may be more p""-nful
.mI he should the hum,lity to fttl himself 'I,ima in , .... pbcc of
,he child. and tho magnanimity to I.xh him how to dcknd hi"""lf .g:oirm
hi" ""' .... (i.e. 'hc xhe .... ) influence" 8""""" IOI""''N
,hc principle. "To Icach. endeavouring to ""' ...... " ,he ftom
imr!kiI belitf" (J 'S). Another of his solfinjuncliono: ,0 I",aling
pupils wi,h uniform f.mni..rity.'OO fNtientt . nd wilh lhe gn: .. w kind
n ... ,cndcrmss. and re>pKI "
In the Transandcn,.I"-,, ("" ..... I and infor ..... 1 edui:OIion.1 manifi;soO$
,ho", is no ",f"","ceo to oc, ... l Mian prxticr. of tCl(hing: "''''' thcir basis
i" a famili.rilY whh acnptun::s II very In lhe rSj<>S the
H,ndu ."d ;n'cn$u of.1te Tnnocrndcntolm. "'"ere ", .. "whelm
ongl) medi.ted by thllK of Europc:.n Rom.ntkism. Ye'lIK (orm$ .al<t:n by
Cern,"n .nd in,e"," in Asi. in Ihi' period were pcd..gog;.
,.lly im.gmr d i" dH'i".",nl "'''-''' . C'>"ive mel hods in ,," .. h philology
."d religion h.d ",.ulled in a YK:W of Indio. in f"rtkular. o<.tt.: ",",cmal
m;g;" or "cr.dle" ofC",ck. Chri"i," . nd indeed.ll Europe'" language
.r><l religion (H.lbf,,,, 6,).
Thll '. reabody". n:fcn:n<:c is 10 Orien!>li" philology'" ,,ell domCll
lic "'nlimen' when wrilCS: "The", is no.hing in lrue educ., ion which
], ,, ""I ilS germ;n 11K n",.rn. 1 II:n,imen, : . ltd ",,"ry would find
"",'" of 'he iplriwal phiIOlOph) in her own .lfc<"Iion . If mind would
but "''''' Mr he"" .... When an inadfi!u .. c long pn .....iling.
h .. adultera.ed in m."y ..... ys. ,he norunll.ngu'b'" of ,he heart
a"d imagination. il is cspi'lly r>ect"SSOry ' 0 rtC\OI) w.oh. in the undefiled
well .. .. f fccllng .nd Ihou(;h' . wh( ntt l.ngu. g<' firs, arosc. I""'" Jlrong and
lU.ciblc mother.wonIs which g .... w .... 1 of lhe philosophy of inn.J'. ideas.
and which. since ils dlir>e. been obscu",d .nd kicked . .. ;Ie ;n un"'
g. nJt..! .pcbble.. in .ho.: d""y "heclru,, of cu"om "(/Imn"J ,8t-8.). She
"""<1>, oi milordoublc n .... t;vee of . pirilual <101'ogC11y and phylogeny in ",.
rn:.rk ing' "Th. JUgt" of' rue ",1,Sion. pcrl1a"" D ntteS1Iarily pan'heUm.
And b.byh...oo Is ,he righ' .ime forp.mhd.m. II will die out. and g"''' pI"'"e
'" Christi.n the",m. as is rulizcd- (.S).
Al'huugh A!i.o as CIUsbcd by
. <ul"",mn" ... d ,rumuuons and idols ,h.t h.,,, degraded the rae. bcloo.-
.87). and in 1;pit. of Mr mo: ,han Chrini.n:d!ilia.
,ion. Wo. rUJQI1iog from - til( geniWi of'M primin,,, Iangu.8f'1;
-""', in Western rnano<helsm a ndical f.II!'rom u.. opinl\r.d
;M.l;'m of ,he .lICkn. Eas,. Fortuna'ely. [he .. 'me,,",nc<i " ..... ,
booh.<hoc: .nd Ako .. vicw as ,IS mrittl ptdagogical rttmbodimm. in a...u.
r;a] Cr(cce: -l"ht ,,,,,,-",,,icaI philooophy of Annogoras "'as ,he
in C r(cce. of ,he ",ligious philosophy of ,he .osI. Mind Is God. Aid u.. Pat
[cacher of Ptricle.l and Socratc5. And hence sprong up in A,ncn.. u.. pnc.
,k.1 philosophy of ,hYSrJ If 'he human bring if gener;nion of cha,
Spirit " 'hich P"'ded ,he of maner. (10 ",asoned Socra'n.) Ibm
iu ""'n .. i.e. of iudf. mWi' be: ,he point from which
.u 'hing> 01.., an: '0 be vie ... "d; .nd wit hou, affirming any 'hing. he btgan
to inquin: h'miIClf, .nd to Ie.d others to inqu;"'. into ,he d&inction lit_
""c'n ,h cciden,,1 and the ",al- (t89). Tht v;.,w of Chrmian BiIJ.-.rg ,ho,
Meon and Peabody . nd Fuller. pracrice .. tI>t Temple School ""'-es to
[he Eo>tw .. d!ooking I'lat" moll' ,han i,s Socr:ltinlly dialogic form. ron-
cciving. in words. -,h ... U OIM .. oul, arc potentially ..... 11:"J .....
was :lctua"y: ,h .. t'''ry $(I ul i n inc;lrnotion of ,h. infini,e: that i, ne<-"tl
will 'hink dearly till it m"n .. lly tr.nscended tim nd spo: ,hat i, n<,,,r
will j;, el in harmony wl,h itself until i,s IICllsibility i, commensurate wi,h aU
!>ting. ('\11).
....... Thu . although it WOl ,he rom .... tra tr.nsl.,ion in English. by the ,ime
Thr Di.1 publilbed "'.bodys p.>gcs frocn 'M lOtu, Sutra. - . lmo<, ' de
cade .fit. her Rtrnnl <f. XltMl - . ho Trarundn".lisu ",,'" .... 11 "" ..
,h., e'poure '0 Ru<idhilm "'''s Kan:cly ... 1. They kntw tNt, [be
AlICkn, C"",ltJ" .. "II as ,ho German Rom..antia. their two nuin pain"
of iden,ifica,ion In - WH'ern- cullu", ..... nl(e prolifically of Asia as likely
pi ... of inteUectu.l. linguiRit. ond spin,ual origin (Halbf ... 1- 1). 69-,)8).
Li,,1e as ,hey ""'" in. posit"'" ,oitnow .bou, SuddhiR and Hindu .hought,
'heir """n .hought. o. ,hey rne.., ""U. " ... not innoccnl of bo, 10 a grNt
'''' To"d",,& F/".,
tent al rudy ronstitutod 11)' i,. ",.,y would "",n h""" posi,ed M,h 'he
M .. -We all rom. tn.m the Ea.t - .11 tho[
"., v.lue most hOi co"", to uS r .... 'm ,be E .. ,. and in going '0 ,he Ea", . ..
"''Crybody ought to flthat he is going t o h;,'oId home: full of memoric<,
if only he can read them" (19).
Without dramatWng ,he Cermanic ."",.nninef;s of MUlItt. imal:", I
would like [0 I"wc .nd .d,.>Qv.ledg in this N .... England n"IOm<n' " "''Y
,ndieui", hermeneu,ic si,u.,ion. It Is. I btliel'C, still . ha, of many Western
raised lnquin:n who IIC<:k encounten ... ,th Asian ,hough', a.o"att at once
both of. blanketing ignor.nccc and u.. $;In>( tin>( of tilt m'a)"'; mady
m,emal pos i. ioning of Asian ... i,hin -W"" ...... -;n,dknu:al and spirim:al cul
, ure.
"J"h(", Isan "merian bntnd ofpopularizing Buddhi
Rinpodle. Lama Sury.o D ... medita,lon music) called Sound< Trot. I ustd
'0 ,hink this .n unfonunate choice of fOt spiri. u:al ,eaclting>. imagin-
ing it spoken wi,h a skeptic.1 shrug: ., ,rue. bo' . .. - Mo: rttCntly.
though. rYe no<icedthat for.1I ium"dc$!.y. -sound$uuc' iugooddcscrip-
,ion of how it 10 .SilCm '0 or lum from ,,,achings. It describe.
an of recog>1it ion- .' be$!.. of surpri<ing n:cogni'ion. AJ
if[hc 'emplaTe oftru,h i hady 'here in,iok the liitcner. iu """n linea
",rms by ,he encounT .. wi,h ,"""hing .hat it ClIl af'P"'hrnd
"', wi,h ,he Transcend.n,.li" . ;t', h.N to know how to think abuu,
' his her mclleUlk .i'''>l ion. It w"uld be pl.usible to diSCll'di' such - Ieam-
ing- a. comple,dy .. utnl"gical. the projection of Wcstern (ommonplace .
our . Ir dr -known. ontO tho gl.moriting SCreen of. f.n,asi.d Oricn[ . Or
thi , encounter could be dcscri!>td as. SC<:'ne of .dapwion. where the Wes,
ern con,umer sclecu from. contplex Buddhist tradition only ,hose ele-
ment< th .. ,yn'ntellicaJly .111 ... '0 .pcc:ifH: si,u.tion.l nd>. and ann-
g,",ly label, 'M ",.uit Suddhism- t out COurt.
Another possibility is ,hac tho IICnst of re<:cl" .... i'ion .rises from bring-
ing '<>gC[her ... j'h '15 Suddhist onginallO"", hiorically 8uddhist Klu now
naturalized by II. con,inued IWI:";n ,hough', Fo<cxamplc. any
emphamon nontluallm1 Is 1101)1( to sound '1"Uc' ,ome.and I'm not ,he Ii ....
'0 ..... " 'ried '0 ,raee a '!Optsm ,,,..-.. .1 'M nondu.lloistorically [hroug,.
dKon>" ...... ion it< modern p"'dcceuors '0 a ",riN of prng=--
'i,,,I}' ",(}rc ipul"i>" Asi.n CO''''CI. through "'rio",
Chri"i.n h<""kl. nco-PI,wni,m, Cnos,;rum. PI.IO, the p",.$ocntict.:o.nQ
This genulogk21 pcrspccti ... hov.'"",,,r. opens ofllo t""O kinds of infi.
ni,,: ttg"'''' One is his'oriut .t the ti"'" of the Trit/U(endcn,.Iist!; .. """.
,ht", ""<I' a nrong tradilion (il gou]).ad a'lc;u, 10 the
of "",,,,,b'ive lhat sho", the u""' ..... pe and goaI_ Thill,
wha, begins as an empiricist of ;,ue lleCtUaI histlN)" quickl)-- turns 10
veniginow mirror,pby of ... ha, may M quite (.m:mll:uic hmoriogropItiQ
involving hermetic, noteric, Muonic, theosophical. occult. Rooicrucian.
and othersuo:h We .. ernbaKd ,t"OditionJ. AI .he .. "", time: . the pe"P""i ..
of penon.1 histlN)" is equally fnwnling. I( Sound. Trut lapc:s .... nd <rut
'0 me: , il con-I be: simply MaUlt they K1Und like: dcroouuuction: alter aU,
.. ttat made decons,ruction IOUnd .... rar as I Ciln ",,,,mbcr (10.- ,,-ba,
'hOI" worth), nondu.lisl" 'GChings h.,,, alwotys IOUndcd ' moot to me.
"further possibility in ,his hermeneutic situation is tha, the 'eachings
one gnvitaftS 10 sound .rut bc:cou"" .hey ,roe, and ,ha, ""ruin ptq>Io:.
Eastern and Wesrern. simply .hem a. such through ""me: kind
of individual access 10 an ahislorinl, Stra'um of 'he phi-
I",ur"ia ,..,..,,"IJ.
Eo<h of thue d;"ergem "'''Y' of ";ewing the si,uOliun has il$ own his-
,ory .nd schol."hip, .nd coch maku diffe",nt .ppeals U) .he .... bj<c
,ivt: gmundings of e.periencc.,hough., and poli,ic . They h .. " in common,
howe vcr. tIl>( they Ie .. ", untouched the .pp."'mly l. ulolugkaJ n.IU" of
the peJ'W>gic.1 scene itself. By the criterion of "sounds true.- one can
'l'I'a",n1ly learn only wh .. one .Iready knOYo',-whcther one know. it
throughonc" "own" na,ive OII,u"". Ihroogh Iong ... rm OIlturol introjecti<>n
of hiRorinlly forcign ide ... or through di""'t intuition_
lIuddhist is hardly the only kind that enters on .his familiar
hWTlcneulic ci",k, The Heidcgg<:ri.n p.arado.-c! irnpusoo! of being
,bit 10 le.rn only ",rslotu of ,,'hat you aJn::.dy ...,.,... or find only whot
you h .. ", a""'o<Iy ".ml to IooIt for is both thcomiroUy ond W"ategiroliy
familiar ocnw the dis<ip/ines scholarship. Hen: the hc.-mcncu-
tic "'Ut<>logy is .""oyo ,..,.il.bIt as" fulcrum of ddegi.imiuUon. ye' M\""
fuUy in'CSntc<l in the pr;\(tlCt "f any diKiplina'}' P""",,01- Foo- hoIa-' >Uk!
it bc:? ", m<HI. i, tS itflelhn ut>;=. ofstudy.
In 8uddhi .. ,hought. hOYo"'",r. the "l'I>"",nt tautology of
k"ning wha, )'Ou .I",dy know do .. s not ",em." <on>litu,e a p.>",do..
,>or.n imp.:" ... nor a ... ndal. It is .>0' .. ."n " problem. If anything. it i, a
Jd(bt:me and drfining practice,
Wh(n mi .. be:,h p.lmer "".body""" day walked right sm.d into. "" ...
;he w"" ... Iunlly ;ukcd "'Mther she had not S(f:n it in her p.>th. - I A\O' it:
shr Man .. , f. mous for rcplying, "bul I did not "'41i{' il" (Rond.l16.). If
,he >,-ory points '0 a ruIn Tramcc:ndc:nt.l fur.zineu. i, also indicates her
i[11cre)l in a distinai",ly Bud<ihut optning out of 1M psyddogy and
l>Om''''''logy of kno", ing, In mod ...... Wes'em romn"", >mK. after:tll. .0
kam lIOTl'IC.hing is 10 cross. simple """' you"'" "" ..... J i. you
it. and then you ... ,11 a""'Ys know il UIltil you for1P it (or ma)iIt fr-
r .... it). In this ....:.del. leaming ,ht sa"", Ihing >gain make",. much "' .....
.. getting the same: piua deli",,,,d rwit:e.
Colloquially. lhough only colloquially. ""'" Engl .... differeruim:s
.n""'g. "y, being aposed .u. g""" ide. or proposition. <Itching on to;',
..king it 5t1"iously. h.wing I, sink in. a,,,d wrapping )'Our min<! around it_ To
,I>., degree that these: nn Ix diffe",ntiated. of wurse. the probLem OflllllOl-
''!:)' disa!'?" .... In 8uddhls.t . hought ,h. 'P"Cc "f SIIch diffi:n:n<u is centrol
Talher .han tpipJ><>oomenal. To go rron. rr.zIiting il. in
PcJI>ody"1 formul .. ion, is .. en al. drru<ly prucoosu.1 un<krtaking ,hot em
"4ui", )'C. rs 0' life,ime!. Evt:n to -tolerate - 'he ide. that
,Illhing. ore unborn, fore mplc -e>'en for . I>odhi,."". -invoh-es
"'p.rate evolu,i,,,,ary "'gc."r knowing the .. me ,hing (Thurman. l-IoIy,).
And on. 'J devt: lopIng u ndem. ndhlg ofform pus.s i uch distinct milc ..
., ' he ..,ting of form: the ",dng of a ,e",.! form by otiC " 'i,h Ih<: concep'
of intern.1 .. ne>J: Ihe physico! of libe: .. lion from form
.nd its ,ucceosrul ronsolidotioll; the full ent",nce into the infini.y of space
'hrough tr.",cending WIlceptioru of matter: lhe full into 1M
of consciousness. h"'ing 'r.nscended the spIIe", of the infinity of
'poce: the full in'o ,he inAnil y of nothinb",eos, h"ing trarl>nded
tl><: 'pMre of ,he ,,,fini,y of conscioWncu; and tht full entIOnCe imo tht
>pt,., .. of neither (onsciowneu nor haYing ,nrtSCCndcd
of nothingno. ('53).
" likely ",ason Fluddhiom pI.ces itS rich psychology of a. fron,
and cmter in 'hIS n.her lIun depre<.ting arty IPJW"nt cin:ularily_ ..
rn<< \Ioh .. rn .hought Jots. b that the f.oct of ttrogn'tion itself .. an
.. "",II as a m.:a,IS of lIuddhist knowing. In m."y Mm.,.. ... mani/6la
I""" 1r4/i{'lIi"" fuboianli,,,/y mum Buddha
",Uu", of mind, pn.1Iomnu. 1m, guru. opp.ririons in u..:
b. rdo - 41 "01 <II htTlI"m ""ml! Clearly. ,ue h """'gn' tion <:I n be: no f'C"Tfunc:.
tory co),'IIil"'" .""n._
A now fold. ,m,n. in the Transundoemalm, and;"
>onto(: of Our(>Y.1I. Wa.."... to BuddhiK ptd.:agogkal think.
ing may be: moot at rUk of decontatualizing it. riding
overi" rultunl di/f""'n<". OWn ruoSting it;" i""'8<_
the wOtst Oricm.n,ing "i,a id.nt ifi.d by "'Wl! crilic.1 schol.rsh'p_j "'t
to ,h. dog"''' th31 .h" c.n "PP"'m,nd il Ihrough Buddhlt' ',:rlW: of know.
ing ""her Ih;on a WtSlern OM. eo."",...,Iy, from wilhin the fr.l!nCWoR; 0(
Buddhisl rnpn:t lOr ",aliza. ion as both de_ proc"" and Kli,,, prac.
. lheorized "'holany . k"l"kism as 10 w helm,r Buddhum Can bc: knov.1I
by erners m.y ",,,ul its Own depen<kncc On.n Ihin We ... rn
phenomenology of knowing:
Wh."" .... r I ",-.n{ my <:I, to look . t IOmething iru,rua;"" _. full moon.
"'y. ora ph() ofh ..... lf _a p",diClOblc ch" ... ogfilph) enWes. I poinl
., the th,ng I wanl h"r to look .t, and >M. row..d 10 ruriosity. fius
I"",ion on the lip of my alcndl indes finger and begin< to u"",", i< "'ith
dc6<:1te sniffs.
E'''rr lime this SCme offalled ptd.:agogy gelS "n ..... d (and i", frequen .
be<:luse I .m no be ucTOII"arning nollo poinllhan my'" is .1 learning no.
to ,niff ) the t"'"O of U, .... c.ugh, in. pcdogogiul probl"m,"ic tN.1 has (asci-
nated .... Buddhism Sakpmuni. In ..<1. ill .1In1cal name
in Buddhisl " 'riling is " at tm, moon." and it "I"'IIS on. of
isma .bou. both and lhe nonlinguistic Ih., bcca"", <0
Western ",,,h.,,.nd only in th" t ....
It seems th" to Pe.body. BwtuOn Alcou. and many
other ."",t..", ,he rogni. ion! n::tIiz>.ion as-
pect of Buddhist pNaSOlly. discugcd .boo<. . alkM-ed b- "gnificaru mis-
rognilion ,boo<. all in ,he of .heir .".'n hope for a ",.mless ptdagogy
of affirmati"" identific.,Ion. A. Thom .. no'eed points ou! in Tht
Enco."u. 11'1tn B"J,lhu .. : """n <nOs1 im.",,,1 Americ.n. his
t<>riclUy ""illed n>O$' ofthc cruciolUy ... g .. "" tip<. of Buddhism. from
th" beginn,ngs of European Indology. b-in ... .nu. and a.:.pu" nprcni<>n<
of the .. P"'fe ... ncc In Cb<sical W""crn ocholarslUp P"'stntl
"ony .... 11 ofino..,.juli,y ' o bolh the Uindu .nd Buddh .. t assumption !lUI
the happk" fale is not 10 be born (or reborn). S<ohopenh.uer and th" btu
Freud ukk, to find a in nonbein); w.s .houghl. for 10"' .... awn. to
fAil oulside the definilional bournk .... Ih. hUm:lln. Tho monism of Ih" Tran
""ndentalisu.liMwi:sc. ",fused the .... hoIe negalioNl ,urn in Bud
dhism: lhe in. uilion , h.1 n .. u .... n<! """. and solidity an iUusion
of Ih. sen,." never emerged onlo. teaching of empliness.
Si m lI.n y. the e. gt'f T uruunde nla I ill pp",t..",ion oflc. ming as a fonn
of rognilion n"""r gnpp"'d . s h."" m:IIny Buddhist. Ir..di,iom. wim the
corresponding '1""stion of how- indIeed "ilnhcr-Ic.ming migl" pro
al in ,he .""""" of 5pOII"r"H:ow; "'cognilion. Tho and
long duU'ion of bodhisal1va pedagogy . f,er aU. point to us diffirulty a.
ckarly as narmi, ... of ,udden enlightrnment point 10 ils gru' ';mplidl)'.
Bronson AlcOl", sense of men,.1 Limits .tt;>cht<i =lu,;,."ly to tM diffirull)'
of conceiving.nything ntg;ative. As Ptabody noon. in one les:Ion ",t.. won!
""'" ",11 rcferrod 10 ilS origin in tho words ........... Mr. Ak"oo asl:ed lhem
if Ihoy could think of all, or if t!ley did not think of ""'I!It 01" "'" In
oNcr 10 be able to get the .bslI"'t ide. of no,hing. . . . Mr. Aicon thinks It
wile 10 let <he chlld...11 Ie.m tt.. Limits oftM umkm. n<!ing byocasion.lly
[""lIng tMm" I!.tmI
For llenelf. as for Akon.lhe tulU'" itself few
ped. gogical problems: If anylhing, ;1 offerd providenlially 'pI mr:dium
for 'plnlual instruClion ... L.nguage: ,he wrole. "being of bo. h natun ...
",' materi.l. m.U, .n ekmrnlal !phe'" for Ihe inlellectual Uf".
Ix-yond lhe material : in shan. mal:t:s a melaphysiaJ world . n .... hich ,he Ii
nIt" .nd I h" Sf"rits (ommUr"H: " 'ilh other finilO spints and the
0",, (/ ...... ",ts 9J), E' .. n Ic-ss probIemalil:cd. hov. .... "r. was the lheot-nical
prim,ty of a reoorlto th" no", .. rbal. o>.(mi"., me' hod: ("""'i. lly, pointing
.tlhings. Alcott', Ceneral M;u:iITU include Ihe innruclion "To ,."h mn
cipally. Kn(>Y.lcdgr .... Ihings. flO( of words .nd To '....:h. illu .... ting by
,.ngible ot.;eCIJ" ( J (8). O""r< ho ye ..... and undo. ,he incre ... ng
influence of the Cennan Roman.ic .ducalor frocbol. Ptabody g ...... C'"n
mute e",phatic .bout indi'Oling "'hings": - It \, a firsl principl. th the ob
ject. motIon. or action. should preceoc .h" .... ord !lUt n.",el ,m,m. - . It i,
I ...... of .h., arc . he 10"" of '''''''gill " (Un""" 48).
8uddhiS\ ptdagogr .. for tc.. san),"\Iinc about bo<h say;ng ,lUngs and
I .hem. A> 1Mlher H,it-h fUmm;lnus. "Employing"P"cch:os.
,killful me.ns. the Buddlu >pOke m;lny ... iUCh should only ""
a. 'the 6ngo:rthat poin.o.he: moon: not .he moon i...,lf. The: Buddh. <aiel
., h.;,v<: not ugh ingle .... on! during.he fortyni"" ,.., .... of my
pIT.chin!;." The .utra, of.en .dmonish uS to rely on me.ning ... ther than
on me,.., words .... Rcade<1' should bo:.r in mir><! th .. it if not .h. WOrds
lhe:msd-n but the: .n.dune", to ...-ords ...... lsdmg"' ...... The:crucial func.
ioo oftM lUI' ...... fing .. pointing.o.1I<: moon should he: upheld" (ill Ij n. 10). The: impliCl.tion Of'M fingo: r/ moon im>g: iI.h., pointing
m.y invite IfiS mi.unckrsunding .h.n spch. but th .. il$
tk concretcnCI$ cannot shield it from ,h. Illppery .h., ,urround
referenc .
To put the;s.u. .no.her way. 1M lc:lJ"tl(f - my cat, Ay_
Is misl.king the kind of speech X1. or ..... can JUS! ay the: kind o f act, th.t
pointing Is: for me he ",b.n. illocurion if "to in.din : .... hile: lOr her. "
i. -'0 proffer: II iI.he: Ume kind of mu kl: ,h S.cpMn B.lchelor find. in
the c",cd.l ."".ment of .he Buddh.s four noblo ''''tm PJ",lId. proposi.
,ional "'lip (" 'Ufe is Suffering." 'Th" o(Suffering I. C .... 'ing - .... d
.., on -I. r.ther .han '1 act;".., ar><! performoti'''ly diJfen:n.iio d iftjwOllfioru
(10 - MnJ.-m.. .di"8 anguish. kl/;"8 f}' of il$ <>rigi ..... m<liCiooglts ccss>rion. and
OIlrr...ring 1M path": . _, ).
Pernaps the mOSt "'''1 M ..... , Buddhiml h.u . tied 10 ""go'
tiote the "fin"",r pointing", ,he moon" issue i.,hrough ,hc: <>SIcn,;" .. tm-
guage of,nu,n ... or suchnc .. (Sk. A. Kukai "11><: Dharm.
i. Ot)"<>nd .!"' .. h. but wi,hou peNh i. cannot bo: .....-.:-all. Suchn ...
transccndo forms. bu, without dcponding on fornu i, canlIOI be realized
Though one m;ly.t tim by ,.king the finS"c poin'ing a, the: moon
'0 bo: !he moon l\Self. ,hc: buddha', ... hieh gui<k pcopIo In:
less" (in H.1:c4-a '4S- "' ). When Buddh. is '0 as .he T.,h1gat>
Or - thus cOme - one. or when> Iwtlf,h.ntury, ,.tv;..,. thai
even momentary con mpi.tion of 'he .uchnt$>" of ordinary .hings is
guarantcc of .petdy enligl".,nmen, (S,one IW). ,II<: ge>1urc of indic:uion ;,
being used in ., IuS! doubk ..... y. I, .1Iudc1.0 the supp<>Std ,d(.tvidcnct"
r><! of.he phtnomcnon poin,I a,. but " lhe- u .... " .... (0 its
ineff.bili,y. ungnspobili.y . nd indcC<l emptiness of .df. ... 'ure. - In its dy-
n.mic "p .- in W. T. d. Ilary', forn",I ;".,. thum ... i, "m.nift<l.';on.
the phenonl."on. ,he .... 1m of F. cu- (.67). In .his ><:n .. it cnuld Ix: com
10 "hceiry: Oun<Sc<>t",,, ... ."..J fOr ",-hlch
borfOWS .o,,"igna'. the <IIr pcrf ..... indi.-idu.liry" of.IOr ....
.mple. -.n hour . day . o<aoon ... ' deg"" of heat . n im.miry" (Dclcuu.
Jnd Parnu 91). In i" 'WLe >spcct- in Buddhism. on .h. OIher h.nd. de
Bory .. yl, Suchnc<s i, 'he Void. the noumenon. ,he "'lim of Principle:
... nd in 'hi5 5C'tuC of tmptin .... sue hnel$ may correspond to Dcleuu',
II<:cccity: :as anything ....... ,.,hilc pcrttprion. invoI ..... nt"im.r in-
ui","" idCl,.iry nor. spIi. t.m...,..., pet;.. .... nd pcn:riVl .
Thu"""", oeems. then. to >rnp>C' intO a single pu ... - ,hc t.-lin<
pedagogic.1 "'cou .... of po; the doublt """ .. men, an
t,ve .ttract i()I1 .0 pl"nomon. in . II,lIdr in'me><urablc. pen
fi<i' Y. and 'he same ,ime an tvKu.';on of.he ow.",n' onlOlogkal
grounds of, heir specificity .nd. indd. ,heir being. The: (ndless vibrancy of
,hi< ",..,....n. double m",..,"""" suggnu ",il ,he um. nuy ..... n
".hen he offt .... asan imagt of "mptinn-s. he inside of a be 11. T .,hall. mort: .
'''''''. besides in,'Olving form wi,h em?'ine .... in"oJ'fl ,11 forms ... ith .n
".hers. nondu.lly: -cach w;,11 .he .".,lity ofall th .. i, and encom
p.ssing othe" within ; .. df (S'Otlc. 1<>,).
Hence. finoll). in the vjev,. of IhusncA ",,,n rho di<lirw;tion bo: .... fin
,,= and moon di<Sol ...... and w,.h i. .11<: immemori.J injunction
agains' confuringrh.rn. A$' Z"" abhor noteS. "n.. ...
poin'ing '0 t he moon Is !he. moon. and ,he moon iI ,h. finger ... they ",.JIZC
. Jeh other" (Luori. 8) . A .OiIn commen"ry ... ,,,,: Wh.n ,ht monk
a,ked .00u, the m ning of ',he moon: the m ... 'U [ f. Ycn j .nsv,e",d "0
poin. at' : whtn $OItleonc d ... skcd .bou, tht me.ning of',o .- .h.
m ... te. ",pliW ',he moon: Why ""U it. fO? n.. dttpcsI "' ...... mg. prob.
ablv. w .. ,n the Enligl"...,C<I mind of ,II<: Ch.n maII"r .... hett . htn: ......
no'distinr .ron bo: .... n ... il .. ,he ordi ... ry mind called '1(I p<><n f and '.11<:
moon: To him. the ... I .. ion betw n .he tWO " ... similar 1(1 ,he ",Inion cf
.n occ.n.O Its ..-....... (Hol .. dn 49)
H""..,,-er lib-r.ting eOllCCptU.lly. ,hOllgh. tht of such com
plc.1y ",.Ii d me.ning ,nUl ".hus and "s",h - '00 indic>les' kind of ped.
gogkal ir ... dudbiH,y_ It...,ms , Q mc.n ,h .. Buddhisl pedagogy offe" no
""'''- de"",nt.ry minim of undcnunding. Wt."" lhe poin1ing gnturt t]u.
;,; the default lOr inarticulate ,.:tdl'ng .!",ad)" , .... If >rnpNc1 ,hc: diffICUlt
le,,,,,n. it m.y ht ca;c of If you h.w ,,, .<1:. y"u'l! nc\-er ."0"". (NnI in 'his
life. a"y"'.y.) III <ontr." 10 ,he &:m<.><:Cdt;< "pumi,m of edu
lion In assuming .h vo:ry Iuson 'an bo di,idtd inlO muTe bite1iud.
t:vt:T moTC OS$irnilabie bits, !he .... -udQm traditions of 8uddhUm. b ...., of
.IKir holographic 51ructu"'. h.o", ' 0 a$SUnle th't 51uden .. h.vo: aln:..ty .......
mounted. fairly high threshold of =ognition.
"'"" In tlK Un;."; St .... it ..,ems.o fallen 10 tlK
populariul"$ofZen . fterWorid War Il. '0 bogin to .nkulate the "mralny
In many forms of Buddhism of this radic.1 doubt .hal !>uic ... aliz ion can
be rommunic .. ,d at .11. Mier .11. if Zen proctice Cannot prom;'" '0 bring
"ne methodically O>'r t he high le.rning .h",shold of SOlori. il a. least offen
dio.lnct pra"iC'S. su<h as w", .. ling ",ith koans. (or dum .. izing and per.
h.f'S I .... impossibility of methodicall rning. Fun .... rmore. <he
'mischola5lic;sm of Zen .nd the of'en anliintellectu.lilm of the roon ... ,,.
culture merged in a durable consciousness of tt.. limits of artkuLo.
<ion. The 1$I6OS t..yday of the .. ttpIon'ions .... """" .han ..... Transcen-
d.ntaliJ,, hey<4y. " ... """ when of school ilU(iru.ions boa"",
.he \'fhlcle of olmost rom, of ulopi&n ;".",o.mem; if 8udJhist apIo-
.... ioos peripheral to die ",wlcnt ,hey nonethclea bod>
enabled and "'cno .... bIed by it.
As Ihis form "f neg.tion g:lined prominence among Zen pofIulariurs.
;t . 150 "'ade k1u. such as emp!ine$$ more imdligible 10 Amerhru ,h.n
they h.d been and showed th .. 'heir ;mpon.n ....... p<"d.gogie;;olas much
., metaphysical. The influcntial and p"'gmatic.lIy det.H.d Tlu ... Pillllrt of
" . for amplc. publi$hed in '96'I.nd in.rodudng ,..kle .udienee tobtKh
lilt pro.' icr and .hffiry "fZen te.ehing. ad."ice like .h., of
flint<oi, There is noo:hing in to ",.lize" (in I\;Iplca ... '9-1).' Po<I;.
, reade .. respondc<l wi.h ">dted recognilion '0 .1It "'''''' of
and leaming u impouibl<! t .... lu..lonely ",.t..", .hey ore noo: in f.oct
conflictua1. 1<$ Ahn .. " l"OIe in 1957: "The basic: posilion of Z.n ........
I. hu noth,nG .0 .. y. nothing to teach .... Therefore lilt r ...... ,. <loa no<
ht'lp .he ,tudent in any ""y . . .. On .t.. romra'1. ht' gun ou, of his v. .. y
10 put oI" .. " ... nd barriel"$ in.he .. uden, s pa.h" (,6J). In their pu....,n.
Zen proctitionel"$ o(.he '950" and ' l/6OS .fTC .... on .n ".ho< of ""litary u ;"
w"i.1 heml" of ,he soul. I\;Iple .... (or Inn.nce, qUOlC$ Mumo .... a<hie"
for working on. li ...... kOlIn; Do not e"',,'rue />Iu;u nOlhlngn'$$:;md do
oot il ;n t erms of cxi"cnce or non ... i!t,n" . [ You muil reach ,he
point whe ... you redias 'hough )'0'1 had . ..... nodhoI iron baU dI.t
you e;;onnoJ disgo:>'l;C despite your ... ( 76). Through much of theit
lropism ._.nI . he non a (debra. ion of "ll>tt, will pow ..... (95); to
rh.ot .xten . Zen popul>nun o/f",..,d \'frJion of Klfhood ... "hose "'l>1ion
10 .mptin'$$ and nonbcing ..... h.onlly cle ....... th.n the Traruc.ndtnt.lim
had been.
IIoth . he .fIlo",,,,,,,na of.he .$I6OS roontcrcuhure and the .. ....., of po-
Iitic.1 discouragem.n. a. iu collapse ... ..,'" among ..... conditions for d.-.-d.
upmcn. o (.hc conscious d)ing in Engbnd . nd Americ f,c,.
'980. Closer influcnces bttn 'he widening Tibo .. n di p""". the high
yisibility '" oS emergency . nd 'he .l",ady ongoing """,,",en! for hospice
.nd pallia tive On. elfect of .h udden .ppe.rance of A. PS among
young. edue;;o.ed. articul .. " rrlCn (among lilt many .... hom it .ffecu) -espe
e lly be,"" uK ' he diseosc .. bo<h g ... dual.nd"" f .. - has been t ....
e;;orving o ul of. rohunl in !he WO$I in .... hich to -nicul.t. tt.. subjcc
livily of the dying.11ris un,il .he '980s ... ,t..r imperiously IOreclo!cd
11) he melodramas of modern mcdic.ol <101, .... '1. has """. 0150 become in
creasingly .,-.;l>bIe <0 some O!hen f.cing tM of dca.h. and
,"deed to 10m(' of .h. aged. In.",..,stingly. though n has non.c Df.he com
muni.arian .rnbition of some ,<,I6o<o' poli.ics, .he coruo"U$ dying """ .. ",,.n.
has f .. g", er involve"",nl with t .... Buddhist pedagogy of """",If.
iI is nO! surprising lhatthOSC ofu! now m""ing ,hrough.his
, ,,bjec.iYhy have .n unusu.l sense of permission to e.plo'" "'p<"<U of Bud
,Ini,m .ha. w .... mo" troubling 10 American, of.bc nine.unth ccmury. To
b. l ure the""'" still '""ucou. voices adjuring UI. tLptriolly in the of
.. Welil mindbody medicir>e: .h.t It.. 1,$1 people ... ho should
I>!' to lopsc from .n "n",mininG ... gimen of posi ...... thinking. Bu.
when ..... mQ5( damning of ,lit West. tpitlltu .bou. Mian nega
lwily_ pessimism. qu;",;sm. extinction. uhal1Slion- aln:ady form an in
pan of any day, .. ",am of conlriou ....... "-NI .. nction
"'mains .",inst tIpioring rnQTC of.he vibrant realms of ' nt'- in Buddhist
The bardo th nen,," from di.gno.;' unlil <loath males !lOme
"'''k ou, Buddhi .. teamings; in m.ny lIuddhist tuchings. ....... ... "r. it i> also
itself vie .... "'; .S.n "",h;ng d ..
"'.tius diotanoc be.ween knowlcdb"" ond ",.Iiz.lion as dlkiently.,
di"lI" osis with a fotal di<c.", Ali .<I .. "rt;",<I. i. ,10" <Once".",,. ,he mind
wonderfully (_n if by .h.nning i. ) and "",I:cs .irid the: di".
tana betwttn hwwi..,.; .h.a. ont will die and mditins if. "Tho: "fftel "only
heightened by the Ih.a. coch of w. ..... had foc-
the: Idea of dying. Whet he. by deprnsion. hyOleri., hypochondria,
or e" ... :nt;"[ dnmas; these: ront .... , surkl)' wi.h tho: _mingl)'
Ime 0pl.<;')' of on< 'J own dca,h to <ogmti.", knowing, A ",.Iity when
I w ha lLhy, I .ssumed ,h.t P" .... I'. w.lgcrcould only be >Cen auomething

The writings and pr'ClKu around consciou, dying >Cern to bring
.estheti< of " .. he. Zenlike mini"",lism 10 the ocho:",,;'" lush pro/ikra-
tion of Tibtt.n 8uddhisl,eochings. From &lba R:.m O.ass, &. H"" N_ in
' 97'. to Stephen levine', I'''''' Dia! elc-."CIl )"'US, .0 Sogyal Rinl'orn6
Ti""'K /IooIr Dyill,ll dc'",n yur< .h ... h .. ,.he OCOOUnt ofme
bard<> t.achings grow. exponentially mo", det.ik<! and Yet "'''n
Sogpl. as "" h.,." setn, keep> his reader grounded In an almo.t child.
ish ,hetori.,.1 ,impliei,),; ,h., ... ems a mode in ..... hkh .he reader"an """"
freely through ,he cultural .t>d orllological dislocations of the jour.
ney. To go from Sogyal" 10 olmos. any Otho:. Tibe,." .u. in English,
mon,,>".:r - to the many boob ,h.a. are not :shaped by 'his P-lnieut... Anglo-
Amc:ricm T ibe",n (OnVUAtion .bou, dying- is:srill to be brought up >hart
by .he denseness of an alLeri.), a .... 1tkh ""'" he h.d Inrel),
In .... Iling the .estheti< of the ... wri,ing; Zcn],J'e I do I'lOl ",fu to the"
.onality. All of them, including Sogy.r .. 'f(' brimming w;th emo-
Iionol e'prc" i,,,n(ss. The Zen a,l"' - mayb< betic' ailed T,,,,lih _'1"
pt ... in the utremdy high ,.Iue p!=d on economy of means."Tho:
Buddh ... """n "'kill in mea",," which a",'ays rcw ... 0 I"'d:igogi<al mean<.
an .ake ..... agan"y d.bor ... e fOrms throughout the ... In ,his mod-
.... projerll"or.eoching and kaming.o me. byront ..... . quic. xrionoc"'=
II('g .. i,,, action Sttm'o "'P"':<o:n. skill. n.., 'l1etnpt is.o .. ,o.k;os """h
:as po<Sibk, in fo.mula.ion from Vimal.l:Ini. "by
and unLCochability (Thurman. Holy 86). No one fail' to die; best. on"
con get ou. of 011"" ...... y.
Thu . the instruc.ions (urdying are 'rluall)" ,he sa"'e ., .he insuuClion'l
(01" ..... orking with the dying. IIo1h .eaching .tld I(>rning In this ,ituation
invul,,,,'he ""'" pasoiYc and minimal of perfunna"", ... "Opening to" (.
pe'''''' or f""di<amcn. ). "opening .round- or "ooliening around" (0 .. " of
p,un). I",,,,,in!- ,.du..tion patience in.he :<o: _ of ,..,,,,,01"
lying open. shared Imathing: thoe pr.>CficltS of nondoing. tome of them
sounding hardly It>Of(' .h;tII I'll"". rommonplacu. Kem '05Uppon
"",S""ric ... ....., of.he ,..,al fa,. "no the threshold or cninguiohcd iden
lity. As Sandra Butler wri.('$. " II ..... been .he of caring
for those who ..., dying, .hci. flesh dec.ying hei. mioo.lraf'!"'d in fail
ing bodie,. ,heirh"""pounding,lifc b<ating.g.ifUt n .. row nbs, that has
taught me ,he n.-u.",y ,Hene .. betw""n word.. 'he I"u>c ...... h.'" b",.th
emctges . h. soun-dlessn" .. of cooncaion" (4). And i.- su.prise, though i,
mouldn'. bc: . h.a nondoing ''''rging on u,inctiO!1 would be the condition
of possibili.y for ram,...i"",,,'p in .h .... ",.Ims of un"",king.
As a pedagogical his ... If.effacing m,nim:olism
"Ea"cm" and WeSle.n" infl""", .. in. _ ' (.mil;.,.. hiMoricallCedback
loop. In '3J6. (or u.mpl<, dcsctibing he,. ambi.ion 10 off spirirual .nd
politi",1 COn ..... 'i,,'" for .dult wOmen in lIo$Ion. lhe Transcendcm.l;'t
Margaret Fullcr w., of even hein!; in,dligiblc u, he. rorrespondem
.. ,h. ,fruck. nnte "pp".cnLly new, "I know i. i.< v.:.y
TO lay ."ide t he .he 1\ c. o( vague gen." tics, .he can, o( criticism and
.he deliate disdain, ofF sociay and fca.-k:$s me.".he Hght .Id.ough i,
flow from the sun o( .ruth. Yet, ... ,,; ....... , $uoc:h b'."",n",. roural:'" nothing
C;tII be dooc. oc 1 cannot b,,, hop<: 10 .... m.ny eal"bie of if ..
GencraJ >ilene. or.ide .alk> "uuld paral)""" me. l:should /Cd and
if r ,,"'..., .0 be h ... nguin!; '00 mum. In fi ... mer in,n"" ... I h.",
been able to it c .,. and evcn pie.""". 10 t,,'enty fi,,, out of.hiny'o
be" their part, .0 '0 define, LO >talc and examine their opinio"".
If I ,oul d nut much nOW 1 should <oruidc. mysclfun,u<cess(ul.nd
should "".hdraw" (in Kornfeld, !/8"99).
By ,he.nd or,he ecntul)'. on the Othe.>d, Robert ThUTlnm',
ra.hers; mU description o( a Buddh.', ",,"II pcdlb-ogy of ",:If .. Fracemcn . in
=r.'i4/ nkcaR g"'" the impn:..;on ofbc: ing as in (.mil
il rty American cultural form< .. are therapy groups or commine<: faau",
to ... , "Thus. Buddha embodimcm ",.s.uppDK<!,o be. m.nif .... 'ion o(
<omp.,,;on wi,h n" mher pu.1""" ,han to upcn people up'o .heir own
higher p<>tcn'ial. .. . A Buddha h .. nosolid ""nsc ofn'er ........ do. ___ A
Buddha', energy is entIrely with.nd for u. when we i. ; 'here i. in
i. no energy scoop or "J'I'<""'d lOoo"",,'n .... 5uc:h. bc:,ng. "'-ha, .. "'.
hi, or bo!, fonn, i, the focal node of fieLd in which ocher Mings find mu,i
m.J ro. .he" "",-n ow.!utionlry advanamcn g..rung d,.
nmi<.lly inc",,,,,,,d imP"O'-W and
in.i);h". feding much ben ... ofien ruing 10 lhe OCCUH:>rl .nd doing' nd
unders,. nding much bener " (ll- n ).
I Jon", ' 0 Amefk.n JOUnd ofThu'mon. writing
brands I . .. appropriati\..,. InSlead, its ""Y wlly.ofbeing
il in an ongoing. bul ""'). dy ... mk <<In',,,,,.
"lion wilh. among. tv(n wilhin 2 v ..... Y of Asian
OJ""" Wh .. can mean 10 lhe poiming fin&erand tht indicaled moon
as finally iJufpanbk? I undel"S!.and Ihis imlgr: as pan of. conlinuing Bud.
dhisl on how melns 10 A inugr:. >UCh
as seeing .1It journey as lhe dcsti ... tion. mam iI: mougtt 10 see
mc.ns and encb a, inscp.nble. BUI with on .... 1
scrne of leaching. and in I"" comul of . he long. highly .dJ:conocious
I. ;tdilion of Buddhist hermcrw:ulic.J lhoughl. il is 2pp"rcndy coruiden:d
net'"""'ry 10 emphame nonidcmily of ped.gogical means and ends on
rouri .... bosit. ond only .... " Iy 10 Irwou 'heir ;"...p" .... bility.
The p"d.gogy "fillness and dying. howe"", . a. I al",.dy ,u);l,'CSIed.
brings means.n<! er.d,lnl" unacCUllo"",d ",I"ion> wilh each other. and
dnmOlize. how h. rd Can be '0 assib'" I.bob of pupil. ,e.d"'r. and
,c.ching 011 .ny mble b.,i,. The inv.lid Vim.I, ltini. foro;ompl . is s:oid '0
.. m.nire .. himself if .ick" "(lU' oOhi.] vcry , kill in libe,.,h.., lechnique"
(Thurm." . ' ,). The bmiu 'caching; '''' .. d.alh i''''''f . s "Ihe key 0'
1001 In dlscm-er . nd [opponuni liel for liberation).
"d m'll Ih. full." p<.>ssible use " f th.m - (Sog)"'J It i. a
in Ih. conseklu, """"nlCnl - bu, also ""'''' a rommonpl...,e-
Ih'l. in Cicdy S. u"ders, words. "5oo""ror I".r.ll who "'or\: with dying
!''PIe know . rece,ving [from ,I>< ,han lI><y.", gi"ing"
(in Sagya! In). In f.ct. ,he", is a ... ofpopub, ""ri . ..... l books ",ith
"1,,,,1,1: lAJ<Jou frrmt ,,,, Dyi,,&.nd F;NlIGiji.ab(lul how I><.l!hyJ>'!'l< can
k am {rom olher ptQfIle '. dying. Th.", is n..,n , ).., .. Iong program
,hat invol "'" p"'lending 0 oo..,...J{ 1"'1 one .... a f,tal disc...., (In ..... }"'r).
ThUJ. " 'hik IhI' sid .. bnl or dnthbnl is lnllnualJ)' pmdocN at a pm"
lege<! scc .... of Icaching. I"" ... ignmenl of pro..nk.1 mit. is wutablc
.nd so is 'he .... gnmenl ofme'nJ.nd ends. Do ,lIn ... :and death const:i.
"'I" skillful ""'aIlS '0 som" fU"horen<!, or a", 'hor probkrm 10 be o"h..,d
by "'ing (mher) skillful me,,,,! To practke living mi"dfuUy as if in the
const.n' p<t"scnre of death: 10 bo .hIt 10 die OJ onc has li,,,d. wilh run
.ciousncu :and dig"ily: '0 be .ble, lik. Vim.l.lln;' '0 or ,each .boul
emptiness Ihrough proximi. y 10 de.lh: to ""riclKe lhe bomo. of Ik.rn
.nd bt;(:oming in luch , way as 10 ",hi""" f"",dom from imolunla,), ",.
b.nh _ 'bese goal! a'" not mUluaU)olelu,i"". bullhey'''' ..,,,,,inIydiMinct.
Among . hem aU il ,. hard 10 loll .. "hkh finger IS poinling ., which moon.
The wri. ing of ,..., oomciouI dying """..,men' . ...,.., ,h;a. ofSogyai
Rinpoche ......... a .. ional commilmen' dc<igned '0 make it
eng.ging . o n:aders of v,"'ou' or n<Il"Ot. T"hoe ... OSC. lhat
is. of ' he undcd<UbIe closeness of ends aOO m ...... indttd of .heir .... r ....
ocp.nobili. y. is a consi".m h.lInurk of tltis """"mcno - in fact. lhe most
powerful In.nif"",.,ion of irs economy of me ...... Who, ", irreducible
,n lhe Tibc,an arhinS'. how.""r. n"" in ,heir moot W .. ,emfrimd!y >n'
sj"" an: . helr I""gm:tlic tmphOJis "" rdoinh.oo Ihci.rcon6drnl namu;"'"
of lhe subjti"" of dying.
When I wilh he.1I1ly pwpI<: .botI, illness in lhc ron
Ie" or,h!. m",."mcnl . OUr discussion b",aks ouddy on lhe.hoa!s of
rei""", n. ' ion: 0" I bc:litv( In ,hotl Th. p"n<>n ,,;,h whom I'm opcuing
say, $he coold """,r do so. These in,crloculions ' end '0 be: isolating ond
dcfcmi..-c on bol h
From a p"dag<>gio l poInt of vitw ... !'Ole. lhe Tibe:l>n le.ching
on ' hc b.roos and rebirth .u irrepressibly rich. The fr.mew"rl< of n:bi"h
co"s ' he si,,!:lc hum.n life in ' he of . mueh longer. \l"y comple>
Ie"ning project . h>llt.d of cun>tiluling' .in!:l". mo",e,,1<>,,' m. ".rd ....
on b .. i . Chri"i.nily - or n,," ungraded. lik the
,,"cui .. version- 'he individuaI1if.,im<: ill ""'''' lik )"" of one. school
ing. a yur preded ."d fullo .... ed IlyOlhcr..hoo1 yearnl lhe 'ppropri. ,e
level . Rdncarn .. ion diff .... from K"la or coIleg . t.ov..." .... in ....". (TU'
d.l way . Ev.ry summ.r . Imoo t\-"ry ,,"lkn' I.,..,. almos, ,U memo.y
of who hc or s/l(. i$. Come Scplembor. most h;n" fO'll"',.n """. "'" n"Cn
enrolled In Jehool. Although in principle 'hcn: is an ortkrly sequence of
gndc ..-cry few "ulkn .. """.., Ihrough il in ortkrl)' instead,
lhey drop Nek ro "" gn"'s. !Tom kindeog."en. or "'P"'"
fourth ,ralk KYenI lho ..... nd Ii ....... (".,.,., .'" no IOCiaI promotions. Buo:
Ihe on""al >nulOSi. I:tp< p"opIc from feeling<l 0< di.w",aged by
fa,)u",. ) Slutlcn .. <1.11". . ... ... tll. on ' hc purpose of thtit eduu,ion. Some
i"" ,... n' ir to go (In r""",,,,,, dhl;king il . ..,< i, as preparing Ihem '0
I""", oohool bthind for O1hers doo', ,hink .bou, " ","Orld ouI.ide
""huol .nd look f01 ....... nl'O going b.1ck 10 ,hcird.....,. in Ih" role oh",d"",
lei.rher. I" foct. benUSl: of,he memory probkm. many in e.rb
Idi 10 .perul .. ., ,h., 01" ,lIdr cLusm.lcs .h.dy .... u<ltn'
A, Ictas' .. present. I can', SC:e ",.Iu, ill:not ;, ,,"OU1d nukt rill"'rlo bdinot
0< di<btlicv<: suc:h an KrQUm. mosl .nd I Ay is lIut aporu,..,
10 i,. including less sbpttid veniom.lw ... a.nnged the landscape of <Qn.
ociousness ,luI surrounds. for 1M. lSJue5 of dying. Sptri6caIly. ,he Iondscape
Iw hecome.1ot mon: sp.cious. I ... mcmbertht ""I)" painful q.isr:emologi
ral/ psychologiul knol, ,hat IIUCd '0 be able to wriggle ;"'0 bul not OUt
of Am J ,..,.Uy afnid of du,h 01" notl HowClln I teO 1M diffi: ... ncc OO""n
f.,ip wilh liYing and "unction to dyingl How do [ kJXN,. if myronlidenr
.theism will withe. like" Io.r untkr a boo: wind? Do I ..,..lIy. mrlly ... ..w:c.
n"tTI1\OW. th .. F"m morTal?
The coru,ricri"g. obS/:ssion.l ""U"" of IIv ... question. is probaI>ly evi-
den, enough frum srup.' ,he $ingular. as though ","I
"'''',..,. specimen '0 be immobilized ",dotr lhan. vagra", piar. hoIder. A
WOrK mark nf their unskiUful",," is llul .... hik ohsc"",d " ilh them. ",-en
I r.)und them numbingly boring.
The que'tion Do I .. lotIi ..... in ,..,birth? mig'" not work.., dille"'nlly
from t ho$l.: 0 . indeed, be murh mo,.., Inte"'l!ing. R<'ponding 10 1M irujs.
nrc on .c-birth such . s Robert". S'epllc" SlIchelo"
1997 book. lI. d.lhI,," 11'11110"1 &/i"'. ,riel '0 ."kul, te a Jr.n,c of ncilher
btHeY'''/: nor didx:lieving. Ihlrhdor "'!,'llfl for. prindpu,d . gnostic'.m as
Ihe bt" .... y of n<:goti.,inS bel,.."en "ruponlibilily 10 'he fut .. "," on ' he
ooe hand ( ,t)) and dkhes and doj;nl3, of OIhe. epochs" on ,l>c other
Yel he depends on .n oflen unqu""ionC<! empili'
dsrn. E,,,,,, 10 lpecul.te .bout rebirth. he rompl""". "kod[l j lll far from
Ihe Buddh", ' S"'' ic and pragm>lk perspecl i"".nd in,,,. con>ident ioo
of nlellph)"sical ";cwo ,ha, Cannot be <kmonsrra,cd 0< ",f,"C<!. proo,""" IX
di$p<"O'"n" ( )Ii). "An .gnOlfk Ruddh ... would not reg .... 1 the Dharma ..
SOUl of " "'wers' '0 q .... lions of where "" nme (tom .... he", ,," Of<
going. wha, h.pp"ru .frde.,h. He wouId..,.,k ouch kJXN,'lcdgt in tl>c .p'
propri domains: .. ,tnphysia. evolutionary bKlIog)' ...... ro<Ocna. c,c.-
( ,8). ( I to loam ,h .. dixiphnn " .. <L .......... , h>p-
pe". after <ltath.) And "",n .t itS Ict'l! I"'"'8ramnutic. B cl>cb, agnosti
rilm is n",ked b)' hi ""n:!li"g disd.i" fOT <""''''''''OIl. He dCf""<""tcs btlicf
in rebirth. fill" ex.mple. as "the consoIa,ion -
For.lI i\$ dalm to Opt",,"1 . nd notknO",ing. ,I>cn. R.alcl>clot, book
olten )/I.res Ihe oflho$<: ligl".l'"inful psychic knou such as Do I mrny
... Ii{t . I It ;sol" ... nd immobilius ,he ..,If in. "milar w.y. for e.!'
.mplc. Despite .U his contemptuous Ulols<' of tI>c word. [ do nor .... Pf>OSI:
,hal S.'dtdor. "'ho spr.ks 0( -Ioog( ingJ to .pp" .... 1M .nguish of..u..ts."
re.lly considen llui. consol.' ion' ronltmptibk ,hillS 1'''''), if io
evidenlly he ,,'110 mlll'l\eI"'rdesi", or .... nt romolation. Hi> aistenti.Jl de
nunds on, ""II. """ ....... are u"""ying: I>c lOr"'y -faU
ure '0 summon forth the courage '0 ri$k nondogm>lic and
"'a .... e - on -Ct"Ul:ia1 nisl.o,;'1 nuncrs - ()8.). "Agnooticism is no uro ... for in
decision'-"""""'t is" ... nly reminded "If anything. it io an.atyfi forxtio',
(j.8). ToconstruCI and 'his """,Ur ml1$CUl.arfigu'" isan cIpt"';,,,
undcn. kin/:. Among ,lit thlogs sacrificed is comciousntso oi imper
m.nence. or even emptiMSS-. by ,,hieh ,he figure m'gh, recogniu itself as
not perm.""mly ",her llun the "",hel$" who h .. ",. r><I of more mmpas'
lion". In Ihil ""1't. ,he continually cirrulaling ptdagogy of
'he ."n>'Ciow dying movement SCcmSITlotJtt fltlible. mul!idirectional. ond
1 dont know ,h. , muhiplt sanuark bin'" <OU/ld .11 ' hal (onsolingany
,..ay. Wh.t is mon: '0 me i, the , killful" ... ofthe Tibetan ,uching<
.J. prC$cncc in the world of ptople de,"ing wi,h mortality. Being and le>tn
ing to> sclf ore bol h Ie .. ,,,,olhering in space tha, already holds am
. n'ctamorphOfis . nd "", ... hifting rel,'y_ indeed. ' hat holds
. hem .. Ihc crudble ofoll phenomena.
Simply to be ",ilh Ihis I<.ching m. ke, far mo", di/Jerence 'h<tn "'(mld
either brolirving or it . Take. for u.mplc. II>c g>me or medi,a
,ion- IIO likclylo arisc wilh ,I\( , ..,hing 0( rebirth-of piooring J"OUf life.
cYCn )'<lurch ... c.c . mhcr",is. Ih.n .. il i!. So nuny quel!ioru em ... s". reI
. l\(lr emergence is no' into. COlI, ... of bl.ome or sc:lf.hI"""". nor oi will
0< "'sol....,. The is mo,.., likc_,,h<t. ? Wish? SOme .... he ..... 1 lust. lib
era,c.l by both f'O'Iibilily and impoosibilily . nd C'J"'a.lIy by .ht ",utn'"
unlel ....... d...,.. .0 ..,If.
Suppose: I.m 'hinkingaooul SO""" good 'htngsl h .... .., ...... "'rdone bea ....
of shyness. fOl" ."".na. 'K" bcr::.UIIC of being so ""'tlC .0 physical di.rom.
fOr, . I nOW .h.ot.he '1uesrirm WIlaI ,,"OUid "",,, rmdt ,......, qual;,,,,,
dilT"", '''I ... to of a hiSlory and .ven beyond. i $urpri .
ingly """'y one 'n 1,"'''''''!c.rId follow. Many ",flea;"n. "'" .ble to open
.rotInd" i, as ,hey """", bc(n bdo",. never "'MII 'M qu"",;"" "'"U
... lIy ,he sh .. ningly conscri<"!...:I. d=<tologk.1 one .bouT ..... The .... !10
much coml'" nionoblt 5fCt in the im> gin.bk. IIl1eb .. y dilkrmcc 0{ bring
",hom 1M I "'ill roever know . rId ,,110 in 'urn need neve, "" , .,.I':r
.bou, 'M Ihrnd spun in,o its (M"n. cbaracteri:stk COUr.
age. Docs il make 5C1IJt lo;uk ... ... 1 .... such 'cact.ings conc:ern , ... pttSenl
or , ... futun? FQr at koSI KNllt pcopk. Ihrotlgh numberofhmorios. ron.
ccivingl hc BuddhlSl 'eachlngs pedagogically Iongolkrnl a ... ..". 0 kctp
.. cognizing lheir elusive ends in ''''i, :skillfully in!>","", .... ms.
TIm .... y .. ""I of,,," ........,..,.of my fnr,.J.-! -." _ S<hly ... -ho ""'" bitt
u. on Yom ""1'1"" of"-
I. Th<.1CW of 'M Ohor"", .. full<l>tnmI.tIy ....... "" tr _ bMdly I""" untIuI-
Ions:<d .. ,I>< ... " ... """"""Y bood. "'Y.JiII< _ .........
,du< ........ ,,,,,>1.. ,,,, fT."" ,"" l.oou. Suon ( .. n" Ilu...l.t.rm. ("""",lor .. in.
... ,,,0l>I0 ............. ",oJ ,,,. """'.1'I>t'ftin,I; ''''I:< ,rthnKJ ..... ,
.... BaddI1.1i<1dI ,h.>, "'"''''!'It''' ,,,. 80d.!h,0 _ by m ...... ofb<>dl ..... "' __
, ... , do '" 11). ""' ..... ofUgk ,t.. ... 'hOI do '" by ""'.n, of,,,,, tr<. of ....tigh'''"'''''''':
,,,", .. do '" by m<'no of, "" phy,,; .. l 1><.", Y ood 'M ""ot., of til< T ."'lpu: """"
,h.>, do '" by ...... N of,<iiglO\ll robto: '""'" ,h" .It, .., by m"nl oHood: , ..... ,lu,
do '" by no .. ". ,,( "-" <r: ,hos< ,jut do '" by"""'" uf """" th .. do '" by
"",,, ,u ofl><>us<o: '''''''' 'hO! do '" by n><... of " .. n>ion . ,_ ,h .. .Jo '" by m ....
of m.ghl ."o,n",,,n,,""" '"" do, '" by .... _ of <mp'J'I" ''': ""'" th.>, ,Jo..,by
m<on I of 'W''' ;" ,h. ' k( (,n TIl urn"n. U..,. And in rh< rut" "" SI; M ..... it
>m>" ,hw", !It"",i"",,,. ""I><. 'hro..g, .......... 1>ms Iikr rh< P"r .... .I!<Xt<tWooo
of . "m<Do: fot fit!.,!; \. nt,obIt !.oN. ;' 10 hk< ,,,,,- All..",,,", b<-.og<"I>o.und
btb< s.......-. 'Il< k"'8 <>I""""" ..... 110.... ,I>< "' ..... <OIot - rh< >10< 01
",..s.. of ........ 1><, '''''r "" .. ,lIougtu l<1ft>iIy. Of ...m-.... thoouj;l><>
hindt-Kd in 'M dGctn ... ' n ,I><....,.. .... ,. lGod .u....,.. !><.nj;<
-..,,, ...... -hn/on- ,,,,," ohooj;hu of ......... -r .... >1-
'odInw .... '" """""" .. occr .. ID.I>< """"_ . 110.... """'"",<>I th< _
of """"'",,1<," (f_
._ It ""'.I' .. btou."' ........... .........w;" ...... _ .. ...-.(-.p< ... __ prd>-
(JH _ .. An.! ...... ,Iwo ,ew.., of_.,..,onpI<> .... uk-n __
....... _-.l.'.odulc ... ........ .. -....&J
" '.");< ""'" .. ad,'r in .. -odt .. '" h ><Iuh._ . foniori. whh tho- dyioS - ",1><, ""n dIiI.
drtn. I' .100 1I< .... """' "'''g , .. , ,I>< T" ....... in adult <.!oo;>tiuo
""l' b< "" ""'" """, .. , .. I ,,(,hoti, Itg ...... """""&I' I'<.body . .. ><uol)inj; ,,,rh
in C.rmany. bon"", ,I>< poonr of tb< ....-....ful
__ "' in .... VnI .. d St ..... tM Tr .-I>il< ......... _""' ... '0 <"""""'-.g.
"""f'<"tlV<Ij>l. ,,"ri'uolly "",,n,I adult. of tbnt "".,. dn. .. .,.
_ <>rig"'" "",.rgwbIy'" 1> .. inIlu<nti.II_
1 Th< rat< of _tOft Aic.,.,., T.mpI< School .... y ..... , '" tnJic>tion 0I __
,hot q"""_ of ",b;nh .'" I>< in the "''no Th< ,"""",m of porbti< <nI.;;,rn "", .... -
guIkd,he odoooIin ,. _ _ .. ....... ny .. ,t"hrt"" ... nr....,.,of .... _ >oopOOo.
""" <hd.ibot'tlt" j llo>ndo .. I ... ""obcody., ""'" ......... ...,- , .......... rn<d _ .
ceoofully , .. ""oJ 011" ,he """.-.-., . .. ,.. rh.ot th< ""'" ........... _ .-tor ....
.. hool". dit<uHion> <II ""bit-.h" dod _ ...................... boot .odto<t-..w.h. 51><
dttWd ,h,o, AIroo, , ... /;/n ,ho: ""Onn>t.oI dGct""" of 1"<"" ..... _ >nJ ........ -.. but
"""' r o\kot, iI'd<I btc;.... ..... bonh ;. ".pntu.oI oct r", """" ... =-.
m<m For my " ...... 1'" . I """"" "'" 'M 10 rh< <1liiy w.,.of,"'K<i,o- <11<-,.
of.",,",: ...t , .... k .. tb. 1"< . >iot<nC< ""' .... in "" ''''''''''''Iiry.
....J tho, ..-hocIIl-'b,,, Iomdi m ..... '0 .dI: """ "'" ,...;,,]y i< dw aoo-r;". <L
Ch"n;"";ry r. """ by puOl.,... (Irl Rund.o , .. Th< .....n..-of ... or>n4-d with
.. ...,.""rion..-.nd.ol is .. mtrol)' "nku>&- ....... oh<r_ by 80>, ......... ofd", .ljOOOI"
by bt<r iii .. ,,,,,,,, .

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