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Subject: World Studies Grade: 5 Length: 1 Month- 30 minutes a day

Objective: Students will learn about life in other countries. What holidays they celebrate, what kind of food that they eat, what their day-to-day activities are.

Materials: One class computer One class projector World Studies book Notebook (1 per student) Pencils (1 per student)

Procedures: Students will start off by getting assigned a pen pal by me from a different country. They will then read about that country that their pen pal comes from in their World Studies Textbook. Then they will brainstorm what they think a student, their age (their pen pal), from that specific country does on a day-to-day basis.

The students will begin to email their pen pal, taking turns through the dayto-day timed schedule that I will have set up.

Those students not using the computer will continue to work on their story and read about their pen pals country of origin through other books that I will provide them with, noting anything important that they might want to ask their pen pal about or that they might want to incorporate into their fictional story.

After emailing back and forth and doing more research the students will create a story of their actual pen pal.

After creating a realistic story based on their findings the students will compare the two stories that they made.

The students will then take what they learned from their pen pal, and what they learned through the texts and share it with the class as a conclusion.

NETS-T Standards: o This lesson promotes student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students conceptual understanding and thinking, planning and creative processes. o This lesson designs and adapts relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. o This lesson demonstrates fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.

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