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Sample Resignation Letters

Dear [Recipients name]: (Choose one) I have decided to tender my resignation. y last day !ill "e [date]. #lease accept this letter as my notice o$ resignation% e$$ective [date]. &his is to $ormally noti$y yo' that I am resigning $rom [company name] as [title]. [Date] !ill "e my last day o$ employment. (Choose one or more) (&han) yo' $or the opport'nity to !or) $or s'ch an o'tstanding organi*ation. (&his !asnt an easy decision% "eca'se I am grate$'l $or the re!arding employment Ive had !ith [company name]. +'t a$ter long ho'rs o$ consideration% my decision is no! $inal and I have accepted a position !ith another company. (I hope a t!o,!ee) notice is s'$$icient $or yo' to $ind a replacement $or me. I$ I can help to train my replacement or tie 'p any loose ends% please let me )no!. (I made this decision% not "eca'se Im 'nhappy !ith the opport'nities yo've presented% "'t as a strategic career move. Its "een a great pleas're !or)ing !ith yo' and representing the company. I !ish yo' and [company name] contin'ed s'ccess. (Choose one) (#lease $eel $ree to call on me i$ I can help ens're a smooth transition. (&han) yo' very m'ch $or the opport'nity to !or) here. (Sincere than)s and "est !ishes $or the $'t're. Sincerely% [Sign here] [-o'r name% title]

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