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Digital Media Assignment Conclusion Kaitlyn Hall Dont Text and Walk Who did what?

? o Both Alexa and I filmed the video and each starred in it. Alexa created the rough draft of the story board and I took the time to place make the final copy on the computer. We both also took turns editing the video on wevideo. What was challenging? What wasnt? o What I found was challenging was working wevideo at first. It took some time for me to get used to using the editor on the internet. I didnt really like the website that was request for us to use. o The easiest part of the project was the actual filming of the clips for the project. It was simple and took under an hour to get all of the film that we needed. Also creating the storyboard was not difficult. How would you do it differently next time? o If I had to do this project differently I would use a different way edit our video and create a vodcast. How would you incorporate a vodcast into your content area o Middle school students are always looking for fun ways to do math. I would have them create a vodcast teaching a topic to the class. For example, if the topic was slope they would create a vodcast about how slope works and how you can find the slope. How did your group work together? o Alexa and I worked very well together. We were able to both work on the project together and if we were not together. Out partnership was very successful and I would definitely request to work with her again in the future.

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