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When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States in 1932, not only the United States but also the rest of the world was in the throes of an economic depression. Following the termination of World War I, Britain and the United States at first experienced a boom in industry. Called the Roaring Twenties, the 1920s ushered in a number of things - prosperity, greater equality for women in the work world, rising consumption, and easy credit. The outlook for American business was rosy. October 1929 was a month that had catastrophic economic reverberations worldwide. The American stock market witnessed the Great Crash, as it is called, and the temporary boom in the American economy came to a standstill. Stock prices sank, and panic spread. The ensuing unemployment figure soared to 12 million by 1932. Germany in the postwar years suffered from extreme deprivation because of onerous reparations it was obliged to pay to the Allies. The countrys industrial capacity had been greatly diminished by the war. Inflation, political instability, and high unemployment were factors conducive to the growth of the embryonic Nazi party. Germans had lost confidence in their old leaders and heralded the arrival of a messiahlike figure who would lead them out of their economic wilderness. Hitler promised jobs and, once elected, kept his promise by providing employment in the party, in the newly expanded army, and in munitions factories. Roosevelt was elected because he promised a New Deal to lift the United States out of the doldrums of the depression. Following the principles advocated by Keynes, a British economist, Roosevelt mustered the spending capacities of the federal government to provide welfare, work, and agricultural aid to the millions of down-andout Americans. Elected President for four terms because of his innovative policies, Roosevelt succeeded in dragging the nation out of the Depression before the outbreak of World War II. Subiectul 1 A good title for this selection would be a) b) c) d) The Twenties The End of World War I The Great Crash The Depression

Subiectul 2 The 1920s were called the Roaring Twenties because a) b) c) d) social economic affairs were prospering women were advancing in the fight for equal rights there was little unemployment people were celebrating the end of World War I

Subiectul 3 When Roosevelt was elected a) b) c) d) the nation was in a deep depression there were 12 million unemployed workers the nation needed help from the federal government all of the above

Subiectul 4 The Great Crash refers to a) b) c) d) the end of World War I the Great Depression a slump in the stock market high unemployment figures

Subiectul 5 In the postwar years, Germany a) b) c) d) had a booming industrial program had difficulty paying reparations was optimistic about the future none of the above

Subiectul 6 You can infer that the author of this selection a) b) c) d) thinks the Depression could have been avoided blames the Depression on the Great Crash thinks that the appeal of Roosevelt and Hitler was similar disapproves of Roosevelts New Deal

Subiectul 7 Both Roosevelt and Hitler were successful in their bids for leadership because a) b) c) d) they had dynamic leadership qualities their nations needed innovative economic policies their nations were suffering from a depression all of the above

Subiectul 8 Hitler is compared to a) b) c) d) the Nazis the old leaders of Germany Jesus an army general

Subiectul 9 Roosevelts New Deal advocated a) b) c) d) government spending to provide employment providing support for the poor and the unemployed government aid to farmers all of the above

Subiectul 10 Four terms of office as President of the United States would mean a) b) c) d) eight years four years sixteen years until he dies

Subiectul 11 He never forgot ............ he witnessed during the Great Depression. a) b) c) d) the hardships the distress the unemployed the poverty-stricken

Subiectul 12 The Great Crash in the stock market ended the ........... in American industry. a) b) c) d) loud noise boon


Subiectul 13 A nation in the ........... of revolution will not welcome outside interference. a) wars b) throes c) agonies d) enmities Subiectul 14 Many of the unemployed suffered extreme .................. during the Great Depression. a) b) c) d) depression dislocation discrimination deprivation

Subiectul hopeless amiable onerous rosy


The country parson in the nineteenth century didnt find his duties ........... a) b) c) d)

Subiectul 16 Germany after the war had no industry to enable the nation to make reparations to the Allies. a) provide compensation X b) offer rewards c) make returns d) give reasons Subiectul 17 You need an atmosphere conducive to study if you want to succeed in college. a) b) c) d) customary promotive conforming ornamental

Subiectul 18 The hurricane that hit Florida in 1926 had a catastrophic effect because so many homes were constructed of wood. a) categories b) disastrous c) frightening d) blowing Subiectul 19 Lady Donnas butler ushered in the guests during the cocktail party. a) b) c) d) introduced showed in pushed entered

Subiectul 20 The reverberations of the shot that killed the Crown Prince of Austria were heard around the world. a) echoes b) reverses c) trials d) reviews Subiectul 21 After winning the football game and drinking too much at the ensuing party, Hector felt terrible. a) issuing b) entering c) victorious d) following Subiectul 22 His embryonic genius developed in his adolescent years. a) b) c) d) great embroidered incipient mature

Subiectul 23 The audience heralded his appearance on stage with thunderous applause. a) b) c) d) hailed rewarded clapped protested

Subiectul 24 Mary has been in the doldrums ever since she broke up with her boyfriend. a) b) c) d) despondent tired elated diverted

Subiectul 25 Jack mustered all his energy to win the marathon. a) extolled b) lost c) arranged

d) gathered Subiectul 26 Millions of Americans were down and out in 1932. a) b) c) d) illiterate imprudent divided impoverished

Subiectul 27 The engine roared, and the vehicle leapt forward. a) b) c) d) made noise made a very loud noise went very fast, making a loud noise made a rusty noise

Subiectul 28 Mr. Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls. a) b) c) d) recommends suggests supports proposes

Subiectul 29 Insurance claims are expected to soar. a) b) c) d) to step up to accumulate to increase to augment

Subiectul 30 Abruptly the group ahead of us came to a standstill. a) b) c) d) hitched stumbled stopped disappeared


Subiectul 31

Glancing at the bits of wood and the metal that ______ around him, the man _____ and _____ the mattress into his house. a) lain; panicked; carried; b) lay; panicked; carried; c) laid; panicked; carried; d) lay; panicked; carryed. Subiectul 32 Yesterday I _________ him a visit. I ________ the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He _______ me into his room and hurriedly ________ a large parcel under his desk. a) paied; rang; lead; hid; b) payed; rung; led; hid; c) paid; rang; led; hid; d) paied; rung; lead; hide. Subiectul 33 A match was _________ at Stilton where both men ________ for an hour. The public ________ a great deal of money on Mendoza, but he _____ for a second time. a) held; fought; betted; loost; b) held; fight; bet; loose; c) held; fought; bet; lost; d) hold; fight; betted; loost. Subiectul 34 The Indians _______ more about nature than the white men. a) b) c) d) new; knew; knowed; knowing.

Subiectul 35 S-a purtat de parc nu i s-ar fi spus nimic. a) b) c) d) He behaved as if he wouldnt be told anything. He behaved as if he wouldnt have been told anything. He behaved as if he hadnt been told anything. He behaved as if he wasnt told anything.

Subiectul 36 He speaks as if he_______ sorry for not having come earlier. a) b) c) d) would be; were; should be; be.

Subiectul 37 They were discussing the details as if the program of the visit ______ agreed upon. a) b) c) d) would have been; will have been; was; had been.

Subiectul 38 The baby is crying as if it ______ hungry. a) b) c) d) were; is; had been; will have been.

Subiectul 39 Shall I say anything about it? a) b) c) d) I had better you would keep quiet ". I would rather you would keep quiet . I had rather you would keep quiet . I would rather you will keep quiet . 40


She would rather you _______ so lucky at cards yesterday, when you ______ everyone penniless. a) had not been; left; b) will not be; left; c) will not have been; left; d) have not been; left. Subiectul 41 Ill pay you by cheque monthly. Id rather you ________ me cash weekly and _______ this week. a) will pay; start; b) pay; start; c) paid; started; d) will have paid; started. Subiectul 42 Can we sleep in your garden tonight? Id rather you ______ to a hotel and _______ the night there. a) went; spent; b) will go; spend; c) will have gone; spent;

d) have gone; spent. Subiectul 43 The board of directors recommended that he ______ the company as soon possible. a) b) c) d) join; joins; ought do join; joined.

Subiectul 44 She didnt dare to speak lest he _______ her voice. a) b) c) d) recognises; should recognise; would recognise; will be recognising.

Subiectul 45 Nu i se pare ciudat c ngenuncheaz n faa ei cnd oricum o s-l refuze? a) Doesnt it look strange to you that he should be going down on his knees to her when she is sure to refuse him anyway? b) Doesnt it look strange to you that he shall go down on his knees to her when shes sure to refuse him anyway? c) Doesnt it look strange to you he will go down on his knees to her when she is sure to refuse him anyway? d) Doesnt it look strange to you he would be going down on his knees to her when s sure to refuse him anyway?

Subiectul 46 A replicat c e mulumit cu soarta lui ca nu cumva s ncerce fratele lui s-l fac s-i schimbe casa. a) He replied he was content with his fate lest his brother will try to make him change his house. b) He replied he was content with his fate lest his brother shall make him change his house. c) He replied he was content with his fate lest his brother should try to make him change his house. d) He replied he was content with his fate lest his brother could try to make him change his house.

Subiectul 47 There is somebody at the door, __________? a) isnt there; b) isnt it;

c) doesnt it; d) is it. Subiectul 48 The class raised their hands, __________? a) b) c) d) didnt it; did it; didnt they; did they.

Subiectul 49 Most of these machines have to be taken apart to be cleaned, ________? a) b) c) d) havent they; dont they; mustnt they; arent they.

Subiectul 50 Abia de exerseaz de dou ori pe zi, nu-i aa? a) b) c) d) She hardly never practises twice a day, does she? She hardly ever practises twice a day, does she? She hardly ever practises twice a day, will she? She hardly ever practises twice a day, shall she?

Subiectul 51 He _______ to give a definite answer until he ___________ his father. a) b) c) d) didnt want; has asked; didnt want; had asked; didnt want; will ask; didnt want; asks.

Subiectul 52 He ________ her he ________ the book as soon as he ________it. a) b) c) d) told; will return; read; told; would return; had read; told; will return; will read; told; returns; reads. 53


As soon as he arrived, he ________ the window. a) has opened; b) must open; c) has to open;

d) opened. Subiectul 54 She _________ a very good job not long after she ________ to the States. a) b) c) d) has found; has moved; found; has moved; found; moved; will find; will move.

Subiectul 55 I ________ no doubt at all about this flat being too small for us, but now, I__________ second thoughts about moving house so soon. a) have; am having; b) have had; have; c) have had; had; d) m having; m having. Subiectul 56 O s te ajut cnd voi avea timp. a) b) c) d) Ill help you when Ill have time. Ill help you when I have time. Ill help you when Im having time. Im going to help you when Im having time.

Subiectul 57 When you _______ a ticket you _______ it to a machine which _______ it in, __________ it and ________ a barrier. a) buy; are showing; is sucking; is recording; is releasing; b) buy; show; sucks; records; releases; c) are buying; are showing; is sucking; is recording; is releasing; d) buy; show; suck; record; release. Subiectul 58 The film of War and Peace ______ very long. It _______ over four hours. a) b) c) d) is; lasts; is; is lasting; is being; is lasting; is being; lasts.

Subiectul 59 The prices of many things in the shops _________ .The problem is that I ________ by my firm, so I cant buy anything.

a) b) c) d)

have reduced; have not been paid; are being reduced; was not paid; was reduced; have not been paid; have been reduced; have not been paid.

Subiectul 60 Im sure he ___________ the newspaper. He wouldnt be so upset if he hadnt. a) read; b) is reading; c) has read; d) had read. Subiectul 61
A: _______ here today? B: Yes, but he only ______ for an hour. A: What _______ in that time? B: He ________ some potatoes.

a) b) c) d)

Has the gardner been; stayed; has he done; has planted; Was the gardner; has stayed; has he done; has planted; Has the gardener been; stayed; did he do; planted; Wwas the gardner; stayed; has he done; planted.

Subiectul 62 I ________ you everywhere, he said. You _______a word or _______ any sign of life since you left. a) ve been looking for; havent left; given; b) have looked for; havent leaved; heavent given; c) have looked for; havent leaved; gave; d) have been looking for; havent been leaving; been giving.

Subiectul 63 He said: Would you come to my birthday party on Sunday? a) b) c) d) He told me to come to his birthday party on the next Sunday. He invited me to his birthday party on Sunday. He invited me to his birthday party on the next Sunday. He told me that I should come to his birthday party on Sunday.

Subiectul 64 They ___________to get at him every morning though the doorman _____ them he may not be available for another ten days. a) have been trying; told; b) tried; has told; c) have tried; has told;

d) tried; has been telling. Subiectul 65

Oh, John, we ________ in touch for a long time and Im glad you _____ because I _____ worried. Where _____ all this time? a) were not; were ringing; was; were; b) were not being; rang; have been; have been; c) havent been; rang; ve been; have you been; d) havent been being; have been ringing; was; were. Subiectul 66 I ________ hard and one of my teeth ____ with a crack like a pistol shot; I ______ in such agony as I _______that night. a) was biting; was breaking; never was; was; b) bit; broke; have never been; was; c) have bitten; has been breaking; was never; have been; d) have been biting; has broken; have never been being; have been. Subiectul 67 It was the first time she _________ lobsters, but she ________ her late husband _________ them. a) had eaten; said; had always loved; b) was eating; was saying; always loved; c) ate; said; would; always love; d) has eaten; said; had always loved. Subiectul 68 Cnd a sosit trenul, Tom atepta de o jumtate de or. a) b) c) d) When the train arrived, Tom has been waiting for half an hour. When the train arrived, Tom had been waiting for half an hour. As the train had arrived, Tom had been waiting for half an hour. When the train arrived, Tom had waited for half an hour.

Subiectul 69 Mr. Grant ________ in when his wife _______ him off because he ________ anything. a) b) c) d) Had hardly got; told; hadnt caught. Had hardly got; had told; hadnt caught. Hardly had got; told; hadnt caught. Hardly had got; had told; didnt catch.

Subiectul 70 De abia jurase acuzatul c spusese adevrul i numai adevrul, cnd un tnr a intrat ano n sal i l-a acuzat c minise tot timpul.

a) No sooner had the prisoner sworn he had told the truth and nothing but the truth than a young man strode into the court room and accused him of having lied all long. b) No sooner the prisoner had sworn he had been telling the truth than a young man strode into the court room and accused him of having lied all long. c) No sooner had the prisoner swored he was telling the truth and nothing but the truth that a young man strode into the court room and accused him of lying all along. d) No sooner the prisioner had sworn he told the truth when a young man strode into the court room and accused him of lieing all long.

Subiectul 71 Le-am cerut s tac fiindc ncercam s aud ce spunea omul acela. a) b) c) d) I asked them to be quiet as I was trying to hear what the man was saying. I asked them to be quiet as I was being tried to hear what the man was saying. I asked them to be quiet as I tryed to hear what the man said. I was asking them to be quiet as I tried to hear what the man said.

Subiectul 72 It ______ a while for me to notice, but then I did. Everyone ______ at me. What had I done wrong? a) took; was staring; b) was taking; was staring; c) takes; stared; d) was taking; stared. Subiectul 73 When I _______ her last week she _______ a new blue dress. a) b) c) d) saw; had been wearing; saw; has been wearing; saw; was wearing; have seen; was wearing.

Subiectul 74 While I _______ up my bicycle tyres, a man ______ in over the wall and ____ me the way to the police station. a) was pumping; was looking; was asking; b) was pumping; looked; asked; c) pumped; looked; was asking; d) pumped; was looking; asked. Subiectul 75 All his friends approved of his decision.

a) b) c) d)

His decision has approved of by all his friends. His decision was approved by his friends. His decision was approved of by all his friends. His decision had been approved by all his friends.

Subiectul 76 John showed us the way to the village. a) b) c) d) We are showed the way to the village by John. We are shown the way to the village by John. We were shown the way to the village by John. We have been shown the way to the village.

Subiectul 77 The For Sale notice _________ so I suppose the property _________. a) b) c) d) will be taken down, has been being sold; has been taken down; has been sold; would be taken down; will be sold; had been taken down; will be being sold.

Subiectul 78 The tiny village of Frinley ______ to possess a curse tree. Because the tree ____ in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley ________ now. The tree _______ near a church fifty years ago but it is only in recent years that it _______ an evil reputation. a) has been said; was mentioned; has now increased; was planted; has gained; b) was said; has been mentioned; has now increased; was planted; has gained; c) is said; was mentioned; has now increased; was planted; has gained; d) is said; has been mentioned; has now increased; has been planted; was gained. Subiectul 79 Its just struck midnight. Its high time we _______ and _______ all these things as a) b) c) d) left; took; had left; had taken; left; had taken; leave; take.

Subiectul 80 Citeti aceast carte de dou luni. N-ai terminat-o de citit nc? E timpul s o termini de citit. a) You are reading this book for two months. Have you finished reading it yet? Its time youll finish it. b) You have read this book for two months. Didnt you finish reading it yet? Its time you should finish it. c) Youve been reading this book for two months. Havent you finished reading it yet? Its time you would finish reading it.

d) Youve been reading this book for two months. Have you finished reading it yet? Its time you finished reading it. Subiectul 81 Everybody thinks its time she _______ the Nobel Prize for her work in medical research. a) b) c) d) will be awarded; was awarded; has been awarded; had been awarded.

Subiectul 82 Its time you _________ your mind whether you will congratulate her on her birthday. a) will make up; b) shall make up; c) made up; d) should made up. Subiectul 83 My husband has just bought himself another car, Jane told me. a) b) c) d) Jane told me her husband had just bought himself another car. Jane told me her husband has just bought himself another car. Jane told me her husband just bought himself another car. Jane told me her husband did just buy himself another car.

Subiectul 84 They wont be trading coffee any longer; instead they are considering buying tea, Mary answered. a) Mary answered that they wont be trading coffee any longer; instead they are considering buying tea. b) Mary answered that they were no longer trading coffee and we were considering buying tea. c) Mary answered they had not been trading coffee any longer; instead they had been considering buying tea. d) Mary answered they wouldnt be trading coffee any longer; instead they were considering buying tea. Subiectul 85 Oil floats on water, the boys father said. a) b) c) d) The boys father said oil floated on water. The boys father said oil floats on water. The boys father said oil will float on water. The boys father said oil has always floated on water.

Subiectul 86 Why dont you stay for dinner, Ann? said Martin. a) b) c) d) Martin suggested that Ann should stay for dinner. Martin said that Ann would stay for dinner. Martin asked Mary to stay for dinner. Martin wanted to know why Ann didnt stay for dinner.

Subiectul 87 He asked me if I _______ to go for a walk with him. a) b) c) d) would like; was liking; like; will like.

Subiectul 88 Se ntreb dac va reui s plece din ora la sfritul sptmnii. a) b) c) d) He wanted to know if he will manage to go away over the week-end. He wondered if he would manage to go away over the week-end. He wondered if he will manage to go away over the week-end. He asked himself if he will manage to go away over the week-end.

Subiectul 89 Mama a dorit s tie cum se simte fiul ei i dac va fi dus la spital. a) b) c) d) Mother wanted to know how her son was and if he should be taken to Mother wanted to know how was her son and if she would be taken to Mother wanted to know how was her son and if he was taken to hospital. Mother wanted to know how her son was and if he would be taken to hospital.

Subiectul 90 Prietenul lui se ntreba cine sunt, ci ani am, unde locuiesc i ce studiez. a) His friend wondered who was I, how old I was, where I lived, what I was studying. b) His friend wondered who I was, how old I was, where I lived and what I was studying. c) His friend wondered who was I, how old was I, where did I live, what I was studying. d) His friend wondered who was I how old was I, where did I live, what was I studying.

Subiectul 91 He wishes he ________ harder during the previous term. a) has worked;

b) c) d)

would work; will work; had worked.

Subiectul 92 Pamela wishes she _________a postcard to her family when she was on holiday. a) b) c) d) had send; had sent; sent; would sent.

Subiectul 93 I wish I _________ into that supermarket today. I spent all my money though I should have spared some for tomorrow. a) hadnt gone; b) didnt go; c) didnt have to go; d) werent going. Subiectul 94 How I wish she ____________ while Im trying to write my homework; shes too old to understand me, though. a) will stop talking; b) would stop to talk; c) had stopped talking; d) would stop talking. Subiectul 95 If only she ________him the truth! He wouldnt have left in such a hurry. a) b) c) d) would have told; told; had told; would tell.

Subiectul 96 If only he _______so unaware of what is going on! a) b) c) d) will not be; were not; will not have been; didnt be.

Subiectul 97 If only you _______ me earlier!

a) b) c) d)

have told; told; had told; would tell.

Subiectul 98 If only you _______ more patient with her when she was alive! a) b) c) d) had been; will be; will have been; are.

Subiectul 99 If the horse ______ the race, they _______ a lot of money. a) b) c) d) does win; lose; shall win; wont lose; wont win; wont lose; doesnt win; will lose.

Subiectul 100 If you _______ to the party tonight, ______ Marks new girlfriend. a) b) c) d) doesnt go; you not see; go; youll see; had gone; will have seen; are going; can have seen.

Subiectul 101 Nothing _______ to make her change if she ________ to. a) b) c) d) is going; doesnt want; will; wont want; can; didnt want; is going; wont want.

Subiectul 102 If he insists, tell him the truth. a) Should he insist, tell him the truth. b) Would he insist, tell him the truth. c) Had he insisted, tell him the truth. d) Should he have insisted tell him the truth.

Subiectul 103 Nu poate fi poliist. Nu l-am vzut niciodat n uniform. Dac ar fi poliist ar purta uniform. a) He cant be a policeman. Ive never seen him wearing a uniform. If he had been a policeman, hed have worn a uniform. b) He cant be a policeman. Ive never seen him wearing a uniform. If he had been a policeman, hed wear a uniform. c) He cant be a policeman. Ive never saw him wearing a uniform. If he were a policeman, hed wear a uniform. d) He cant be a policeman. Ive never seen him wearing a uniform. If he were a policeman, hed wear a uniform.

Subiectul 104 If I ________ to win $ 20,000,000 in a lottery, I _________ a new house and a new car and I ______ everywhere. a) were; would buy; would travel; b) were being; would be buying; would be travelling; c) would; bought; travelled; d) would be; were buying; were travelling. Subiectul 105 If the minister _______ here, he _______ the allegations. a) b) c) d) were; would refute; was; refutes; were; had refuted; would be; would have refuted.

Subiectul 106 If they _________ him president, he ____________ the company. a) b) c) d) appointed; would ruin; will appointed; might ruin; had appointed; would ruin; appointed; would have ruined.

Subiectul 107 If you _________ so proud, this ______ happened. a) b) c) d) had been; would not have; had not been; would not have; would not have been; would not have; wouldnt be; would not have.

Subiectul 108 __________ any comments, they ________the project.

a) b) c) d)

Should anyone be making; wont abandon. Should anyone make; wouldnt have abandoned. Should anyone make; would still not abandon. Would anyone make; wont abandon.

Subiectul 109 I _________you this book provided you ________ it by the end of the weekend. a) b) c) d) lend; will return; borrowed; return; shall lend; return; shall lend; have returned.

Subiectul 110 ________ the poster lower, people _________ to see the details. a) b) c) d) Had they hang; would be able. If they have hung; would be able. If they would hung; would be able. Had they hung; would be able.

Subiectul 111 Ive never been to London before, but I was to Greece last summer and Im going to Paris next week, she said. a) She said shed never been to London before, but she was to Greece last summer and was going to Paris the following week. b) She said she had never been to London before, but she had been to Greece the previous summer and was going to Paris the following week. c) She said she has never been to London before, but she had been to Greece last summer and is going to Paris next week. d) She said she never was to London before, but she has been to Greece last summer and would be going to Paris next week.

Subiectul 112 Every now and then dieticians will remind us that the best way to lose weight is to develop healthy eating habits, the woman complained. a) The woman complained that dieticians would remind us every now and then that the best way to lose weight was to develop healthy eating habits. b) The woman complained that every now and then dieticians will remind us that the best way to lose weight is to develop healthy eating habits. c) The woman complained that every now and then dieticians would remind the public that the best way to lose weight is to develop healthy eating habits. d) The woman complained that dieticians will remind us every now and then that the best way to lose weight has been to develop healthy eating habits.

Subiectul 113 Im no longer your best friend, he told the girl. But Im not your enemy either, so Ill give you a lift tomorrow. a) He told the girl he was no longer her best friend but he wasnt her enemy either, so he would give her a lift the next day. b) He tells the girl he was no longer her best friend yet not her enemy either so he agrees to give her a lift, the next day. c) He told the girl he is no longer her best friend but not her enemy either, so he will give her a lift tomorrow. d) He tells the girl he is no longer her best friend but that he isnt her enemy either so he was agreed to give her a lift the next day. Subiectul 114 A rspuns c a uitat pe cine ateapt de dou ore. a) b) c) d) He replied he has forgotten whom he had been waiting for for two hours. He replied he had forgotten whom he had been waiting for for two hours. He replied he has forgotten whom he has been waiting for for two hours. He replied he forgot whom he had been waiting for for two hours.

Subiectul 115 We _______ a lot of them in the following weeks. a) b) c) d) shall have seen; have seen; shall be seeing; am seeing.

Subiectul 116 Im sure the landlord __________ this bar. Its already as if it were closed. Nobody gets in any longer. a) is going to close; b) will close; c) will be closing; d) shall close. Subiectul 117 Lets read it all over again: on day 1, we ________ to Paris at noon and______ a night-flight to New York around midnight. We then ______ day 2 in Manhattan and ______ for Rochester on day 3. a) get; take; spend; leave; b) are getting; taking; spend; leave; c) ll get; take; are to spend; to leave; d) shall get; take; shall spend; leave.

Subiectul 118 Ive sold my car because I _______ cycling to work from now on. a) b) c) d) am going to start; am starting; start; will start.

Subiectul 119 If the elevator should stop between two floors, press the emergency button, the caretaker said. a) The caretaker said that if the elevator would stop, I was to press the emergency button. b) The caretaker said that if the elevator should stop, I was to press the emergency button. c) The caretaker said that if the elevator will stop, I was to press the emergency button. d) The caretaker said that if the elevator will have stopped, I will press the emergency button.

Subiectul 120 Lets not tell anyone, said Jane, till we are quite certain that the report is true. a) Jane suggested that they shouldnt tell anyone till they would be certain that the report was true. b) Jane suggested that they shouldnt tell anyone till they would have been certain that the report was true. c) Jane suggested that they shouldnt tell anyone till they were certain that the report was true. d) Jane suggested that they shouldnt tell anyone till they had been certain that the report was true.

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