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To whom it may concernI am writing this letter as a recommendation for Isha Aggarwal, who recently was an intern with

the Norditropin brand team this past summer and reported to me during her time with us. Isha brings a wealth of enthusiasm to any project she is involved in. She is dedicated to ensuring a positive outcome, and will continue to work on any project until this outcome is met. While she picks up quickly, she also is very comfortable modifying her original work to make sure that any project she is involved in hits the mark. During her internship, Isha interacted with many different levels of leadership including Sr. Director team members. In each interaction, she was professional, courteous and highly regarded. In fact, in several different situations she led meetings regarding her projects, which was highly unusual for an intern to complete at Novo Nordisk. Finally, I consistently witnessed Isha to be engaged in every aspect of the Norditropin brand teams projects. She provided her perspective in each meeting, and was willing to take on extra work to help the team meet its objectives. I would highly recommend her for any position you are considering her for, and would be happy to give additional feedback via a live conversation if it is of help.


Scott Coleman

Sr. Manager, Norditropin Marketing

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