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Susuz Birakmam



Seninle tattm ben her mutluluu brakp gidersen bilki yaamam mrmden,canmdan,ne istersen al gl susuz seni aksz brakmam ..... dm diyorsan,gne olurum yanarm sevginle ate olurum dolarm havaya nefes olurum gl susuz seni aksz brakmam .... gnlndeki derdi siler atarm mit pnaryla coar akarm k gstermem sana ben hep baharm gl susuz seni aksz brakmam.... dm diyorsan,gne olurum dolarm havaya nefes olurum

don"t let the rose be !ithout !ater, !ithout love f you say " "m cold", !ill be the sun burn !ith your love, become fire full in the air, become breath don"t let the rose be !ithout !ater, !ithout love take your heart"s pain a!ay flo! !ith the spring of hope don"t let you live !inter, "m al!ays don"t let the rose be !ithout !ater, !ithout love yanarm sevginle ate olurum gl susuz seni aksz brakmam ...

don"t let you be

don"t let you be

spring don"t let you be

I Don't let the rose be without water, I don't let you be without love lived every happiness !ith you f you !alk a!ay kno! that don"t live #ake my lifetime, my soul !hatever you !ant

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