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The Flood in Toba Land

Once upon a time, lived a young man. He lived alone in his humble house. Every day he worked in the farm land. One day the young man took his fishing rod and went to fish in a lake near his village. Then, he caught a big fish. He was very happy. When he was going to sell fish, suddenly the fish talked. It was a womans voice. The fish asked him to release her and to put her in the water. After putting the fish in the water, he went home. The next morning, the young man went to see the fish. He was surprised to see that there was no fish but a pretty woman. She was the fish. The woman said that she was willing to be his wife, but he had to promise not to tell anyone about her origin. The couple lived happily. They had a handsome son. One day, their son made his father very angry, he told his son about his mothers origin. The woman was sad because her husband had broken his promise. She cried and cried that her tears formed a lake. The lake was called Lake Toba. The place where the farmers wife stood became an island, that was Samosir Island. Since then the farmers wife and her son had vanished.

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