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of stem cells. As seen in the | ‘and Ethical Arguments found on ‘, “al ofthe suc- cesses {from stem cell research] to date have come from adult stem cells or cord blood stem cells.” Funding from Propositicn 71 using other Contributing Writer Ever since the Los Angeles rop. 71: tax concerns spike, ethics take backseat same cells can also help repair tissue totreat diabetes. fot only does Myers’ research hold potential, itisone of the least cemtroversial formsof stem cell e- search; all stem cells involved in this research only involve cells found n he umbilical cord and the eagle emer jslative Analyst Office, about $300 million in grants would be dis- ‘persed in each 10-year-period and principal and interest, the pay a Lee otident at Ch ‘would deprive other forms of re- search in stem cell research field and may even diminish the success of other ‘ells have no possible way of be- coming a fetus. ‘State Long Beach, supports the concept of stem cell research, however her main concern is the ‘vast amount of money involved. However, funding from ‘the proposed foe Been tarpayer oncy ope) “[Prop 71] is a $6 billion forembryoniestem cell research. forms of stem 4 Measure” will “S3billion on just researching Opponents have led attacks cell research drain on taxpayers. cembryonie stem cells is alot of ‘themeasureanguingthat This spring, College students will ‘money," Leung said. Prop. 71 ex- pects us to solely base our re- Sources in one field of study rather than focus on other areas of research that need it mos. $3 te sh P poration, ase. — definitely get hie preety fGundation, hard. Once it is time to Sort are ror > a rage Hea of fen: Michael ™MOMEY has to come from Myers said that the rag x Myers, a ‘amount of money being funded is $378 grantto somewhere. Money ing’ bbe used for the funding education would next two ¥e85= aye ro be drawn out and fees may become even potential of alin : rend fe Uairerntys admit more expensive just to pay { piel ue stem cells found system. It’s about what peo the proposition have raised at in Wharton's Teast $14.5 million from various ‘wealthy donors such as Bill Gates the loan” believe is worth investing in and EBay founder, Pierre Tris so ccdined con gpEah ian eeoetreealle Onidyar. However, opposition entree not " Myers said. ‘Tim. , a representative for JohnsonClark Associates, ease in animal groups such as the US. Confer- modele, how- fence of Catholic Bishops aud Cali- fornia Nurses Association have raised about $150,000 to cam- ‘paign against the initiative. ‘The proposition has been highly contested due to its unde- niable support-for researching ” sly embtyonie stem eal Tis” Currently the els that Myers factor has led many groups to de- is researching have the potential, nouncothe measure as unethieal (0 repalr neurons an srt ts ‘and unfair for alternate research sues, but Myers is hoping thatthe inWharton’s Jelly are as effective as other types of stem cells in cur- ing diseases such as diabetes, Prkanson’ and Alcheimer facts. TAX ever, only 2 percent of the popu- lation over 65 years of age si suffers from the disease...that may sound like a small percent- age, but it is actually millions of people.” ‘ven so, ethies have taken a backseat in the issues concerning Proposition 71; mere opponents of themeasure have decried the price Rosales firmly disputes such which is a public affair agency that has been helping campaign ‘against Proposition 71, described the money proposed in the mea- sure as unreasonable and can af- fect college students profoundly. “[Prop 71} is a $6 billion drain on taxpayers. College students ‘will definitely get hit pretty hard. ‘See TAXI2 “What they are pi flawed for two reasons: Most pat- ents held on stem cell research are already held so it would be difficult ‘oobtain one at thispoint. Secondly, ‘no research program has provided significant monetary return to its research and Prop 71 does not ‘promise the creation ofnew obs and patents... paying back the loan is allbased on the taxpayers even cur- ‘ent or future college students, to pay back the loan,” he said. Sie needle against. ‘has hindered due to Gow. Amold ‘Schwarzenegger's suppor, Rosales said, “Well, if we lose by one vote, ‘we know who to blame” Continued from Page 1 Once itis time to pay back the loan, the money hasto come from somewhere. Money funding edu- sation would have to be drawn out and fees may become even more, expensive just to pay the loan," he said. ung According to the Legislative ‘Analysis ffi, supporters of Propo- ‘argue that through cia el eamtiot pot of ‘embryoniestem cell research, more money can be produced to alleviate the burden on taxpayers such as sreating more jobs in the biotech industry and obtaining patents.

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