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New practices in Knowledge and Information

Management Techniques
“M-learning & E-learning Software for Microprocessor Using
P2P, Mobile Computing, Cross Compiler and Simulation”

Miss Bhavna Khatri

(Lecturer, SDITS Engineering College Khandwa (M.P.))

Email-id: -
Contact no- 09425086395, 0733-2233196


The Microprocessor is one of the most difficult core subjects of Computer

discipline. While learning this subject, student is always interested to
watch the effect of every line of the assembly program on flags, registers,
program counter, stack pointer. That is the students are interested in hand
on experience along with teaching. For teaching this subject, the tradi-
tional teaching methodologies like blackboard, overhead projectors are
inadequate. With the help of latest technologies & E-learning the teach-
ing-learning process can be improved.

This paper describes the new innovative E-learning and M-learning methods
with the help of recent techniques like simulation, peer-to-peer computing,
mobile computing, cross compiler etc.

Keywords: E-learning, M-learning, Mobile Computing, Simulation, Micro-


1. Introduction
The Microprocessor is one of the core subjects of Computer and Electronics
discipline. Through out India in all the institutes this subject is taught through black-
board teaching method and laboratory practical using microprocessor kit.
The microprocessor executes the programs written in assembly language
but this process is not direct. First the assembler converts the assembly programs into
.bin files and then these. .bin files can be executed on microprocessor. During execu-
tion of this converted assembly programs (i.e. .bin file containing Hex Code), each
line or instruction of the program affects the values of registers, program counter,
stack pointer and flags. Thus to understand the working of assembly language pro-
gram and in turn understanding the working of microprocessor the teaching environ-
ment should display
• Instructions
• Memory address of instructions
• Registers
• Flags
• Program counter
• Stack pointer
• Block diagram of the microprocessor

To understand the concepts of microprocessor thoroughly the student

should understand how the data is flowing inside the microprocessor. Thus the tradi-
tional teaching methods like blackboard teaching or teaching using overhead
projector are inadequate for explaining the concepts of this subject in a proper way.

This subject needs hands on training with the help of microprocessor kit
along with the teaching.

The input to microprocessor kit is always Hex code converted assembly

language program i.e. .bin. This kit never shows directly all the parameters men-
tioned above. But simultaneously all the parameters cannot be displayed. Thus the
teaching-learning process hampers in the classroom as well as in the laboratory.

To overcome the difficulties of teaching-learning process there is a need of

integrated E-learning and M-learning solutions. In this paper the new innovative E-
learning and M-learning technique has been described, which uses the recent techno-
logies like simulation, peer-to-peer computing, mobile computing, cross compiler

In the beginning the solution has been successfully developed for desktop
computers with the help of simulation techniques, assembler and cross compilers.
In the second stage the web-based solution has been implemented for borderless edu-
cation. In the third stage the collaborative environment has been introduced using
peer-to-peer computing technology. In the final stage the M-learning solution has
been introduced.

2. First stage: Desktop

2.1 Pseudo Simulation Technique using Flash

The simulation of assembly programs can enhance the teaching-learning

process considerably [1-5]. Thus Macromedia Flash 8.0 has been used to develop the
visual simulations. It’s a pseudo simulation technique. The simulations has been de-
veloped for every important concept and tested over 5 batches of 20 students each.
This helps a lot for understanding the data flow inside the microprocessor during the
execution of assembly language programs. The feed back of the students shows over-
whelming response. The figure 1 shows the simulation of assembly language program
using Flash.
Fig 1. Simulation of the Assembly language program

The content development using Flash is time-consuming and difficult job.

SWF Scout is an Active X library for SWF flash movies generation from Visual Ba-
sic, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#, ASP & ASP.NET. The Visual Basic is Rapid Applic-
ation Development Tool and thus with the help of this Active X very easily the flash
contents can bee developed [6].

The Switch version 2.0 is another good RAD Flash tool, which has been used
extensively to accomplish this task [7].

2.2 Pseudo Simulation Technique using JAVA

The Macromedia Flash provides Action Script for visual programming. As

compare to Java it has limited capabilities. Thus for complicated simulations the Java
has been used.

The three-dimensional effects the Java 3D API have been preferred.

The programs written in VB can be converted to Java using VB-To-Java

software [8]. The VB is a RAD tool and thus few simulations have been written using

2.3 Assembler and Simulator using C Language

To develop the pseudo simulation of the assembly program is a time con-

suming process. Thus it is not advisable to develop simulation for each and every as-
sembly program. To develop more practical solution for each and every program the
Microprocessor Simulator has been developed using C language.

The students are more interested in running the programs on Microprocessor

kit. To solve this problem the 2-pass Assembler has been developed which generate
the .bin and .prn files (Figure 2 ). The bin file has been supplied to the Simulator,
which Simulates the Microprocessor (Figure 3, 4, 5). The Assembler translates the as-
sembly language source code into object code or machine code, which can be ex-
ecuted by microprocessor.
Through this Simulator, while executing the assembly language program, the
students can watch Registers, Flags, Program counter, Stack Pointer, Code and data in
the memory. The program can be executed in two modes i.e. single step and burst

While developing this software many issues like e-pedagogy, memory reten-
tion techniques, software engineering for content development has been considered

Fig 2. Main Screen of Assembler

Fig 3. Execution of first instruction of the assembly program

Fig 4. Execution of third instruction of the assembly program

3. Second Stage: Web Based solution using RLO, SCORM & LMS

The E-learning system based on “On Demand training, any time training,
Anywhere Training” is the need of the hour. The Web based E-learning product en-
hances the capability of e-learning system [16-20]. Thus in 2004, the entire product
has been redesigned. Instead of C language, the java language has been preferred [21-
22]. To implement the project using Learning Management System (LMS) the con-
tent should based on Reusable Learning Objects (RLO) [23-28]. All the Flash files
have been redesigned and converted to RLO according to the SCORM (Shareable
Content Object Reference Model) standard [29]. The LMS is the costly affair and
hence Open source LMS like Model [30] has been preferred.
Start simulation

Ask starting address & initialize location Counter

Ask Execution Mode

Yes No
Flag i = 1 If single Flag i = 0

Read memory contents from address specified by Location Counter

Identify the instruction

If HLT Stop


Call appropriate routine to implement the

instruction & increment the location accordingly

No Yes
Accept key Check the key pressed
If i = 0

Memory Watch Process H/W interrupts
If Key


Change execution mode

Fig 5: Block Diagram of Simulator

The best free soft wares for developing the SCORM compatible RLO have
been provided by RELOAD Content Package and Metadata Editor, Learning Design
Editor and Players. RELOAD is part of the X4L (Exchange for Learning) program
funded by the Joint Information System Committee (JISC). THE JISC promotes the
innovative application and use of information systems and information technology in
further and higher education across the UK. These software have been used to de-
veloped XML based, SCORM compatible RLO.

4. Third Stage: P2P Networking for Collaborative Activities and Web


According to Howard Gardener’s Multiple Intelligence theory there are 7

types of intelligence. To satisfy the intra-personal type learners the there is a need for
collaborative environment for E-learning solution. In the recent years many peer-to-
peer based as well as client server based collaborative tools has been introduced like
Groove Workspace, WebEx, Net podium, Center wheel, eRoom, NetMeeting,
Place Ware, Flypaper, Go ToMyPC, Customized, CentraWheel, Web Line, InfoWork-
Space2.5, Presence-AR, Evoke Communications Intranets etc. Out of Groove Work-
space uses the client server and peer-to-peer technology very effectively. It uses the
client server technology for student tracking mechanism and peer-to-peer technology
for other collaborative activities. Generally the collaborative tool provides facilities
• Calendar and Scheduling
• Discussion Options: Audio conference, Video conference,
BBS/discussion board, Polls/surveys
• Instant messaging, chat.
• Information management: Document library, Image library,
Bookmarks, Knowledge base, News/Events.
• Html editor, send e-mail to members, Virtual scratchpad, user
defined database, notepad.
• Other features like Email notification, Full search facility, Rate
content facility, Email client, Online help,
• Calculator
• Security: User login password, Group access and User access
• Application sharing
• Data sharing
• Distributed Document management
• Distributed project management
• Distributed Software development
• File sharing
• Automatic Presence Detection
• Remote Desktop access
• Virtual Workspace
• Web casting
• White Board
The Groove Workspace provides most of these facilities except the video
conferencing. Using this tool most of the collaborative activities have been imple-
mented [32].
In addition to this the Groove Workspace software can be used for web
based teaching. The facilities like navigate together, audio conferencing, instant mes-
saging etc. are very helpful for this purpose.

5. Fourth Stage: M-learning

After the Television the mobile is the next revolutionary technology, which
has tremendous penetration power and becomes the technology of masses.

In 2005 more than one billion persons have access to this technology. These
devices have many advantages like ubiquity, convenience, instant connectivity, per-
sonalization, coverage, better battery life, localization of product and services. The
size and cost of the computers is reducing and the power of mobile devices is increas-
ing. The PDA is the smallest version of the computer whereas the smart phone is the
latest version of the mobile. The computing power of recent smart phone is far better
than PDA (figure 6). Thus the next generation E-learning will be M-learning (i.e. Mo-
bile learning) [33-37].
Figure 6: Handheld Devices

The last decade witnessed the exponential growth of E-learning tools and
technologies. For desktop computers there is an technologies of desktop an ample
choice for E-learning technologies. The mobile devices have smaller screen, limited
memory etc. Thus all the technologies of desktop computers cannot be used as it is
for mobile devices.

To take the advantage of mobile devices the entire software’s have been re-
framed and modified using new techniques and technologies. This is very challenging
and innovative work. These applications have
been tested using series 60 Symbian Operating Sys-
tem based Nokia 6630 device [38].

Fig 7: Nokia 6630 Mobile

The Java (J2EE), C++ and .Net are the common language for developing the
application for the mobile. But it is little bit tidies job. Recently the AppForge’s has
launched the new software for mobile programming namely “Crossfire Mobile VB
version 5.6.1” [39]. This is an add-on for Visual Basic 6.0. Using this Visual Basic
6.0 can be utilized for developing the applications for mobiles. The figure 8 shows
the screen-shots of this software. This software supports multi-platform development
without changing the code with the help of Crossfire Clients, which are required to
execute the applications at mobile devices. To do this job, this software supplies
crossfire clients for various types of handheld devices. For Symbian Operating Sys-
tems it directly generates the .sis files. Using this software, it is far easy to develop
mobile applications as
com- pare to all oth-
er pro- gramming lan-
guage. Thus this soft-
ware has been pre-

Fig 8: Screenshots of AppForge’s Mobile VB

To play Flash files on mobile devices, the Adobe Macromedia Flash provides a
special player namely Flash Lite 1.1. Because of limited screen size and
memory capabilities of mobile devices the Flash Lite cannot support all the cap-
abilities of Flash version 8. The Flash Lite compatible content can be generated
using Macromedia Flash version 7.2 or higher versions.
The Flash Lite supports only Flash 4 capabilities thus all the SWF files
previously developed couldn’t be converted into Flash Lite format. Sometimes
these files have been converted to AVI file format and then converted to mobile
Compatible AVI files using Smart Movie Converter [40]. In addition to this the
help of Mob clip software has been taken to convert the SWF file to .mo file to
view on mobile phone devices [41]. This project will take another one year for
final release.
6. Results

6.1. First Stage

In the first stage itself, it has replaced 60% classroom teaching and more than
80% laboratory work. Without the help of teacher students have learned the subject,
initially, students have faced the difficulties for understanding few concepts. Later on
in updated version these simulation have been modified and got better results. Still
this software could not replace the teacher fully. Without the help of this tool gener-
ally 80 hours teaching was required for covering entire syllabus. This tool has re-
duced the teaching time up to 45%.

Previously the second/third year students had always executed the assembly
language programs in the Advanced Microprocessor lab during specified class hours.
Using this product they can do the assembly language experiments at any time, even
at home. The student’s feedback shows very encouraging results.

6.2. Second Stage

The creation of independent RLO is a difficult task and many simulations have
been restructured to achieve this goal. The second stage has increased the conveni-
ence and time efficiency. The concepts like “knowledge On-Demand” and “Know-
ledge Any-Where” have been implemented in this stage. In true sense the borderless
education has been provided in this stage.

6.3. Third Stage

Up to the second stage 80% teaching-learning process has been automated.

Teacher has imparted the remaining 20% knowledge through the traditional teaching
methods like blackboard or overhead projectors. But geographically scattered stu-
dents this manual teaching facility was not available. In the third stage using the col-
laborative tool Groove web based teaching this problem has been solved.

In the classroom students learn through collaborative activities too. In the

stage this facility has been provide through the collaborative tool “Groove”.

6.4. Fourth Stage

The fourth stage facilitates more time efficient, convenient teaching-learning

process with the help of mobile devices.

Through this software the basic aim “hands on training along with teaching”
has been achieved successfully. This E-learning product has substantially reduced the
teaching load of microprocessor and produces very satisfactory results. It has in-
creased the student apprehension level substantially. This is a very time efficient tool
and saved approximately 45% teaching time. Using this technique it is possible to
teach geographically scattered students and create the collaborative environment. The
mobile learning phase of this software has enhanced the capability of this project and
facilitates to use the spare time of the student very effectively.

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