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CICS LONGWOOD Spanish 1 S se puede!

UNIT 4: Me gusta
El nombre: La Fecha:

Daily Objectives

Unit Speaking/Writing Objectives

Puedo identify 5 activities that I like to do.

Puedo identify 3 activities that I do not like to do.

Puedo ask and answer what I like to do.

Puedo ask and answer how much I like to do something

Describe what I like to do, with whom, why.

Puedo ask and answer with whom I like to do activities

Puedo ask and answer when I like to do something.

Puedo say how often I like to do something

Puedo say what I like to do and why Describe what my friends and I like to do, with whom, why.

Puedo ask and answer what does he/she/we like to do

Puedo understand when someone says what they like

Puedo tell what someone likes to do based on what I read/hear

Puedo compare/con -trast likes and dislikes.

Grammatica: Puedo use gustar in all 5 forms

Grammatica: Puedo use encantar in all 5 forms

Grammatica: Puedo connect ideas with transition words

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