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ELO Project #2 In this project you will be assigned a bacteria or virus (microbe), do some research on it, and share

your work as a story. Don't forget to refer to the work done in the unit to see how it may look. ou will write you story from the perspective of your assigned virus or bacteria, from the perspective of the infected, a doctor! anyone affected by your bacteria or virus. "tep #$ %ackground Information! your story must tell us the following$ #. &ame of your virus'bacteria (you can also come up with a nickname). (. Is your microbes generally beneficial'harmful or both) *. +hat'where does you microbe infect (host and specific organs'organ systems)) ,. -ow does your microbe reproduce) .. +hat effects on its host does your microbe have) /. +hat is the life cycle of your microbe) 0. -ow does the body'host work to battle your microbe (name specific parts of the immune system or other systems as needed)) 1. +hat, besides the immune system, can be done to prevent or fight infection (i.e. vaccinations, lifestyle choices, medications)) "tep ($ 2ell your story3 4fter you have gathered your background information, you will synthesi5e it in the form of a story. %e creative3 ou could write a narrative, a play, a comic strip, a 6ower6oint with a voice thread, a graphic novel, a video etc. Do not forget to save your source information! you always need to give credit to your sources3

%onus$ 7ome up with a 8theme song9 and illustration to go with your story.

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