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Colgio Desembargador Dilermando de Meireles Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa Turma: 8 ano Prof: Calina Turno: Vespertino Data:

Avaliao 1- Complete a regas usadas para o How much e How many: How much usado para algo ______________________________ How many usado para algo ______________________________

2- D o significado das palavras: Cheese = Watermelon Dinner = Water = Lunch = Breakfast =

3- Complete com there is, there are, is there e are there: A _________________ a cat under the bed? B__________________ four pens on the table. C__________________ two birds in the nest? D_________________ a mouse in the box.

4- Escreva os cardinal numbers: 10= 15= 22=

5) Qual a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase. My father _______________ on the sofa? a) was sleeping. b) were sleeping. c) were sleep.

6) Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase. a frase ________ the boys ____________ TV an hour ago? a) Was watch. b) Was watching. c) Were watching.

7) Transforme os verbos para a forma Past Continuous. Work= Study= play= Listen= swim= drive=

8) Escreva as frases na forma interrogativa negativa past continuous. You were dancing beautifully last week. Int.: __________________________________________________________________? Neg.: _________________________________________________________________.

9) Complete as frases, transformando os verbos entre parnteses no past continuous. a. They ________________(listen) to music yesterday morning. b. David ___________________ (study) English hard last night. c. Mary _________________ (come) back home early.

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