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1. Define a structure. Ans. A structure is a collection of variables of different data types which are referred under one common name. 2. What is the need for structure ? Ans. To store any information in the form of record which contains information of different data types, the structure is used. 3. Differentiate between structure and class. Ans. tructure !lass All members are public by default All members are private by default ". Differentiate between array and structure. Ans. tructure Array !ollection of variables of different data !ollection of variables of same data type. type. #. What is nested structure ? $ive an e%ample. Ans. A structure within another structure is called nested structure. &'. struct date ( int d,m,y)*) struct emp ( int eno) char ename+2#,) date do-)*) .. /ow to refer the structure elements outside the structure ? Ans. The structure elements are referred usin' the structure variable name followed by the dot operator. 0. When the memory is allocated for structure ? Ans. The memory is allocated for structure only when the variable is declared of that type. 1. When does the structure assi'nment ta2es place ? Ans. The structure assi'nment is possible only when both the sides of the assi'nment operator has the variables of the same structure type. 3. What is typedef statement ? &%plain Ans. Typedef statement is used for definin' an alternative name for the datatype. typedef int a) 4n this statement a is 'iven an alternative name for int data type. CHAPTER NAME : STRUCTURES

15. What is 6define ? &%plain Ans. 4t is used for definin' constants and functions. 4t is a pre7processor directive. &'. 6define p 3.1" 6define str 89aharishi :idya 9andir; 6define cube<a= a>a>a 11. What is the advanta'e and disadvanta'e of usin' 6define ? Ans. Advanta'e ? When we want to ma2e any chan'e in the constant value we can chan'e it only in the statement and it will be reflected in the pro'ram which uses the value. @unction overhead is avoided in 6define macro. Disadvanta'e is that the function can include only one statement. Data types will not specified any where in the statement. 12. What is self referential structure ? Ans. A structure which refers to itself is called self referential structure. &'. struct student ( int sno) char name+2#,) float av') student >ne%t) *) CHAPTER NAME : CLASSES AND OBJECTS 1. /ow encapsulation is implemented in !AA ? $ive an e%ample. Ans. &ncapsulation is implemented in !AA throu'h classes. &'. class item ( int itno) char itemname+2#,) int Bty) float price) public ? void accept<=) void display<=) float totcost<=) *) 2. Define a class and an ob-ect. Ans. A class is a collection of ob-ects with common characteristics and behavior. An ob-ect is an individual entity with its own characteristics and behavior. 3. What are the ways of definin' the member functions of a class ? Ans. There are 2 ways of definin' the member functions of a class. 1. The function definition can be 'iven within the class. 2. The function definition can be 'iven outside the class usin' scope resolution operator. ". What are access specifiers ?

Ans. Access specifiers specifies the accessibility of the members of the class. They are private, public, protected. Crivate 7 members can be accessed only within the class Crotected 7 members can be accessed within the class and by the derived class. Cublic D members can be accessed within the class, by the derived class and by other functions. #. &%plain inline function . Ans. 9ember functions which are defined inside the class are automatically inline. The users can define their functions as inline by includin' the 2eyword inline before the return type in their function header. .. Discuss the advanta'es and disadvanta'es of inline function. Ans. Advanta'e ? @unction overhead is avoided. Disadvanta'e ? $oto statements are to be avoided. 0. What is nested member function ? $ive e%ample. Ans. A member function call 'iven in other member function definition is called nested member function. &'. class sample ( int a,b) public ? void !alc<= ( coutEEaAb) * void accept<= ( cinFFaFFb) !alc<=) * *) 1. What is a friend function ? Ans. A non7member function 'iven the privile'e to access the private members of a class is called a friend function. 3. Differentiate between member function and non7member function. 9ember function Gon7member function 4t is a member of a class 4t is not a member of a class 4t can access the private members of the class. !annot access the private members of the class.

15. What is the purpose of the scope resolution operator ? Ans. <i= 4t is used to access the 'lobal variable which has the same name as that of the local variable. <ii= 4t is used to define the member function outside the class.


/ow the memory is allocated for ob-ects ?

Ans. Data members occupy different memory allocation and member functions occupy common memory allocation. 12. &%plain nested classes with an e%ample. Ans. A class within another class is called a nested class. &'. class student ( int sno) char name+2#,) float av') public ? void accept<=) void display<=) *) class admission ( student s) public ? void in<=) void out<=) *) Why it is a bad idea to declare the data members of a class under the public cate'ory ? Ans. 4t is because the data members contain the information which has to be protected from outside and data abstraction to be retained in the pro'ram. What are the types of member functions ? e%plain. Ans. <i= Accessor functions 7 4t allows the user to access the data member. 4t do not chan'e the value of the data members. <ii= 9utator functions ?These member functions allows us to chan'e the data member. <iii= 9ana'er functions ? These are the member functions with specific functions li2e constructin' and destroyin' the members of a class. CHAPTER NAME : FUNCTION OVERLOADING 1. What is polymorphism ? /ow it is implemented in !AA ? Ans. Colymorphism is an ability of one ob-ect to e%ist in different forms in different situation. 4t is implemented in !AA throu'h function overloadin'. 2. What is function overloadin' ? &%plain Ans. @unctions with the same name with different function si'nature. void func<int=) void func<float=) void func<double=)



3. What is function si'nature ?

Ans. 4t is the function ar'ument list. ". What is an abstract class and concrete class ? Ans. The class which is meant only derivation that is the base class is called an abstract class. The derived class is called the concrete class. #. $ive the steps involved in identifyin' the best match. Ans. <i= &%act match D searches for an e%act match with respect to the data type. <ii= 9atch throu'h promotion 7 if e%act match is not found the inte'ral promotion ta2es place. <iii= 9atch throu'h standard !AA conversion D if the step <ii= fails then match throu'h !AA conversion ta2es place ie. 4nt Dfloat and float Ddouble etc. <iv= 9atch throu'h user defined conversion 7 if step<iii= fails the typecastin' occurs in which the user can do the conversion. .. What is an ambi'uous match ? Ans. The callin' statement matches for more than one function definition is called the ambi'uous match. 0. &%plain default ar'uments versus function overloadin'. Ans. Avoid usin' both default ar'uments and function overloadin' which will result in ambi'uous match. &'. 4nt calculate< float p, int tH",float rH5.5#=) CHAPTER NAME : CONSTRUCTOR AND DESTRUCTOR 1. Define constructor. Ans. A constructor is a member function which has the same name as that of the class and is used for initialiIin' the data members with initial values. 2. What are the different types of constructor ? &%plain Ans. <i= default constructor D a constructor with no ar'uments <ii=ar'ument constructor D a constructor with the ar'uments <iii= copy constructor D a constructor used to copy one ob-ectJs value into another ob-ect. 3. Differentiate between constructor and member function. Ans. !onstructor 9ember function 4t is a member function with the same 4t can be of any name. name as that of the class. 4t cannot have return type. 4t must have return type.

". What is a compiler constructor ?

Ans. When the user defined constructor is not 'iven by the user then the compiler invo2es the constructor of its class. 4t will be overridden by the user defined constructor. #. $ive two situations when the copy constructor is called automatically . Ans. <i= When any function ta2es an ob-ect as an ar'ument by value. <ii= When the function returns an ob-ect. .. What are the two ways of callin' a constructor ? Ans. <i= implicity call 7 sample s) <ii= e%plicit call 7 sample sHsample<=) 4n e%plicit call to a constructor temporary instances are created. 4t lives in the memory as lon' as the statement is e%ecuted. 0. $ive the special characteristics of a constructor. Ans. <i= !onstructor does not have return type. <ii= 4t cannot be static. <iii= We cannot ta2e the address of the constructor. <iv= 4t cannot be the member of the union. 1. What is destructor ? Ans. 4t is used for destroyin' ob-ects created by the constructor. 3. Differentiate between constructor and destructor. Ans. !onstructor Destructor 4t is used for creatin' ob-ects 4t is used for destroyin' ob-ects 4t can ta2e ar'uments 4t cannot ta2e ar'uments 4t is labelled with the class name 4t is labeled with the tilde symbol and the class name 15.What are temporary instances or anonymous ob-ects ? Ans. 4t is a temporary ob-ect that lives in the memory as lon' as the statement 'ets e%ecuted. 4t is created when an e%plicit call is made to a constructor. 11. $ive any two characteristics of a destructor. Ans. <i= it doesnJt ta2e any ar'uments. <ii= it is used for destroyin' ob-ects. 12. $ive the order of constructor and destructor invocation in a nested class. Ans. @irst the constructors of the classes used inside a class will be called and the classJs constructor. Destructor invocation is -ust the opposite of the constructor invocation.


1. Define 4nheritance. Ans. The capability of one class to inherit the properties and behavior of another class is called inheritance. 2. $ive the advanta'es of inheritance. Ans. <i= !losest to the real world. <ii= reusability <iii= transitive nature of inheritance. 3. What are the types of inheritance ? Ans. <i= in'le <ii= 9ultiple <iii= 9ulti7level <iv= /ierarchial <v= /ybrid.

". &%plain the types of inheritance. Ans. <i= in'le 7 one base class and one derived class. <ii= 9ultiple 7 many base classes and one derived class. <iii= 9ulti7level 7 inheritance in different levels ie. !lass K is derivin' from class A and class ! is derivin' from class K. <iv= /ierarchial D one base class and many derived classes. <v= /ybrid 7 combination of any of the forms of inheritance. #. What is visibility mode ? Ans. :isibility modes specifies the accessibility of the base class members in the derived class. ..&%plain different visibility modes. Ans. <i= private D private members are inherited but they cannot be accessed by the derived class directly. Crotected and public members of the base class 'oes as the private members of the derived class. This visibility mode stops the inheritance. <ii= protected 7 private members are inherited but they cannot be accessed by the derived class directly. Crotected and public members of the base class 'oes as the protected members of the derived class. <iii= public 7 private members are inherited but they cannot be accessed by the derived class directly. Crotected and public members of the base class 'oes as the protected and public members of the derived class. 0./ow constructors be used in 4nheritance ? Ans. !onstructors and destructors cannot be inherited. 4n the case of the ar'ument constructor, when we write the definition of the derived class constructor, we have to pass the ar'uments inclusive of the base class members, because the derived class ob-ect is only be created in inheritance concept. &'.

class A ( int a)

public ? A<int %= ( aH%) * *) class K ?public A ( int b) public ? K<int %,int y=?A<%= ( bHy) * *) 1. What are virtual base classes ? Ans. Kase classes which helps us to avoid two copies of the base classes in the derived classes are called as virtual base classes. 3. Discuss some facts about inheritance. Ans. <i= When the 'lobal variable, the base class member and the derived class member is with the same name, the 'lobal variable is hidden. To access the 'lobal variable the ?? LM is used. To access the base class member base class name??variable name is used. <ii= We cannot deny the access to certain data members. &'. class A ( public ? int %) *) class K ? public A ( A??%) *) Ky default as per the public derivation public 'oes public. Kut we have made the % to be in private of derived class which is not possible. 15. &%plain constructors in nestin' of classes. Ans. 4n nested classes the constructors of the inner classes will be called first and then the outer class. class A ( int %) public ? A<int=) *)

class K (int y)

public ? K<int=) *) class ! ( A a1) K b1) public ? !<int m,int n=?a1<m=,b1<n= ( * *) CHAPTER NAME : DATA FILE HANDLING 1. Define a file. Ans. 4t is a collection of related information. 2. What is a stream ? Ans. 4t is a collection of bytes. 3. Game the streams associated with file related operations. Ans. 4nput stream and output stream. ". Game the stream classes associated with file related operations. Ans. ifstream, ofstream and fstream. #. Which header file is used for file related operations ? Ans. fstream.h .. Differentiate between te%t and binary file. Te%t file Kinary file 4t stores information in A !44 4t stores information as bloc2 of data or characters. records. !haracter translation ta2es place. !haracter translation does not ta2e place. 0. What are the ways of openin' files ? Ans. There are 2 ways of openin' files. They are <i= usin' constructor and <ii= usin' open function. 1. Differentiate between openin' files usin' constructor and open<=. Nsin' constructor Nsin' open<= To open multiple files in succession To open multiple files in succession usin' the same ob-ect, constructor will usin' the same ob-ect, the open<= can not wor2 because the ob-ect has to be be used. created.

3.Differentiate between ios??app and ios??ate Ans. 4os??app 4os??ate

The file pointer will be positioned at the end of the file and insertion can ta2e place from the end. Associated with ofstream 15.Differentiate between ios??out and Ans. 4os??app /elps us to add the contents to the file without erasin' the e%istin' content

The file pointer will be positioned at the end of the file whereas the insertion can ta2e place anywhere in the file. Associated with ofstream and ifstream ios??app 4os??out /elps us to overwrite the contents of the file.

11.Differentiate between ifstream and fstream Ans. 4fstream @stream 4t is meant only for readin' the 4t is meant for both readin' and writin'. information from the file &of<=, read<= &of<=, write<=,'etline<= 12. Differentiate between ofstream and fstream Ans. ofstream @stream 4t is meant only for writin' the 4t is meant for both readin' and writin'. information from the file Write<=,'et<= &of<=, read<=,'etline<= 13.What is the purpose of ios??nocreate ? Ans. ios??nocreate mode will not create the file if it is not there. 1".Differentiate between 'et<= and 'etline<= in files. Ans. $et<= $etline<= $et<= can read a character and a strin' $etline<= can read a character and a from the file and the delimiter will be strin' from the file and the delimiter available in the input stream. will be removed from the input stream by the complier. 1#.Differentiate between see2p<= and tellp<= Ans. ee2p<= Tellp<= 4t is used to move the put pointer to To show the position of where the put the respective position for writin'. pointer is in the file. 1.. Differentiate between see2p<= and see2'<= Ans. ee2p<= ee2'<= 9oves the put pointer to the respective 9oves the 'et pointer to the respective location for writin'. location for readin'. 10. What is the prototype of eof<= ? Ans. int eof<=) eof<= returns a non7Iero value when the end of file is reached otherwise Iero value.

11. $ive the use of remove<= and rename<=. Ans. remove<= is used to delete the file from the system and rename<= is used to rename a file with a proper name. CHAPTER NAME : POINTERS 1. Define a pointer. Ans. A pointer is a variable which holds the memory address of another variable. 2. Differentiate between pointer and reference variable. Ans. Cointer variable Leference variable 4t is a variable which has the memory 4t is an alias name 'iven for a variable. address of another variable. 3. What is a heap memory ? Ans. The unallocated memory is called as freeOheap memory. ". &%plain !AA memory map. Ans. The memory map is allocated as follows ? <i= !ompiled code. <ii= $lobal variables <iii= tac2 <iv= /eap memory <v= #. What are the types of memory allocation ? Ans. tatic and dynamic memory allocation. .. What is dynamic memory allocation ? Ans. 9emory which is allocated durin' run time is called dynamic memory allocation. 0. Game the operators used for dynamic memory allocation. Ans. new and delete. 1. Which operator is called as the dereferencin' or indirection operator ? Ans. > operator. 3. What is a wild pointer ? Ans. NninitialiIed pointer is called wild pointer.

15. What is a null pointer ? Ans. A pointer variable which is initialiIed to GNPP is called null pointer. 11. Game the operations performed usin' pointers. Ans. 4ncrement and decrement operations and assi'nment. 12. What is the base address ? Ans. A pointer variable holds the startin' memory address of a variable. 13. Differentiate between the followin' statements ?

int >pHnew int<#=) OOstatement 1 int >pHnew int+#,) OOstatement 2 Ans. tatement 1 declares a pointer variable p and it holds the address of the memory location of where the value # is stored. tatement 2 declares a pointer variable p which holds the startin' address of the array of siIe #. 1". What is memory lea2 ? Ans. When the memory is allocated dynamically usin' new and it is not deallocated usin' delete, it will result in memory lea2. !onsider the followin' statements ? int a+25,,>p)pHa) What is the difference between a and p variable ? Ans. a and p are the pointer variables. a is a pointer variable which always holds the startin' memory address of the array, but p is a pointer variable which can be made to point to any memory location. 1.. What operator is used for referencin' structure elements usin' structure pointer ? Ans. structure elements are accessed usin' structure pointer followed by the 7F operator. 10. What is this pointer ? Ans. 4t is the pointer used by the compiler which points to the ob-ect that invo2es the member function of a class. CHAPTER NAME :ARRAYS 1. What is an array ? Ans. An array is a collection of data of same data type referenced under one common name. 2. What is the need for an array ? Ans. <i= The datas are stored in continuous memory location. <ii= The elements are referred under one name with the subscript number. 3. What is a subscript or inde% number ? Ans. The number which is used to access the array elements. The subscript number in !AA starts with 5. ". What is a tac2 ? Ans. tac2 is a collection of elements in which it follows the mechanism of Past 4n @irst Mut <P4@M=. 4nsertion or deletion of an element ta2es place at only one point which is the top position. #. What is a Queue ? Ans. Queue is a collection of elements in which it follows the mechanism of @irst 4n @irst Mut <@4@M=. 4nsertion ta2es place at the rear end and deletion ta2es place at the front end. .. What are the different types of arrays ? Ans. <i= one7d array and <ii= multi7dimensional array. 1#.

0. /ow an array is represented in memory ? Ans. 4t occupies continuous memory location. 1. $ive the difference between linear and binary search techniBue ? Ans. Pinear search Kinary search earches for an element in the entire 9inimises the comparison by dividin' array from the be'innin'. the array into two halves. The elements can be in any order. The elements must be in either ascendin' or descendin' order. 3. What is overflow and underflow ? Ans. The number of elements inserted has reached the siIe of the array is called as overflow condition. Deletion in an empty array results in underflow condition. 15. $ive the formula for calculatin' the address of an element in row7ma-or and column7ma-or form. Ans. Low D ma-or form ? Address of the A+i,+-,element H KA A & +n+i7l1, A+-7l2,, !olumn7ma-or form ? Address of the A+i,+-, element H KA A & ++i7l1, Am+-7l2,, KA D Kase Address, & D &lement iIe , n7no. of columns in the array , l 17lower bound of row, m 7 no. of rows in the array, l2 D lower bound of column. 11. Write the steps for conversion of infi% to postfi% e%pression . Ans. 1. 4nsert the parenthesis based on the priority of the operators. 2.When the left parenthesis is encountered push it on to the stac2. 3. When the operand is encountered place it on the postfi% e%pression. ". When the operator is encountered place it on to the stac2. #. When the ri'ht parenthesis is encountered pop the top most operator from the stac2 and place it on the postfi% e%pression and remove one left parenthesis from the stac2. 12. Write the steps for evaluatin' the postfi% e%pression. Ans. <i= Cush the operand on to the stac2. <ii= When the operator is encountered, pop the top 2 elements from the stac2 , perform the operation and push the result bac2 on to the stac2. CHAPTER NAME : DATABASE CONCEPTS 1. What is a database ? Ans. A database is a collection of related data. 2. Pist out the advanta'es of database. Ans. 1. Data redundancy D duplication of data is avoided. 2.Data consistency D ensurin' correct values are entered by the user. 3. harin' of data D because of the usa'e by many users. ". &nforcin' standards 7 to have a proper way of communication #. Data ecurity D to prevent unauthoriIed access. .. Data 4nte'rity D to chec2 in the related records in the database. 3. What are the various levels of data abstraction ? Ans. &%ternal level, !onceptual level, Chysical level.

". Game the types of users usin' the database . Ans. <i= &nd user <ii= Application Cro'rammer <iii=

ystem Analyst.

#. What is data independence and e%plain its types ? Ans. Data independence is that when any chan'es made in one level should not be affected in the other level. Types are ? Po'ical data independence D Any chan'e made in the conceptual level should not be affected in the &%ternal level. Chysical data independence D Any chan'e made in the Chysical level should not be affected in the !onceptual level. .. $ive the types of data models . Ans. <i= /ierarchial data model D records are or'aniIed as trees ie. Carent7child relationship. <ii= Getwor2 data model D datas are represented as collection of records and relationships amon' the datas are represented as lin2s. <iii= Lelational data model 7 datas are represented in the form of table which consists of rows and columns. 0. Discuss the advanta'e of relational model over the other models . Ans. 4n networ2 and hierarchial data model insertion and deletion of records is a difficult process whereas in the relational model it is easier because the information is available in the form of rows and columns. 1. Define the followin' terms ? <i= relation <ii= attribute <iii= tuple <iv= cardinality <v= de'ree Ans. <i= relation D it is a table in which the data are or'aniIe in rows and columns. <ii= attribute D a column or field in a relation. <iii= tuple D a row or record in a relation. <iv= cardinality D no. of tuples in a relation. <v=de'ree D no. of attributes in a relation. 3. Define the terms ? <i= primary 2ey <ii= candidate 2ey <iii= alternate 2ey <iv= forei'n 2ey. Ans. <i= primary 2ey D it is a set of one or more attributes that identifies a tuple in a relation. 4t contains uniBue and not null values. <ii= candidate 2ey D all attributes which Bualifies to become a primary 2ey. <iii= alternate 2ey D A candidate 2ey that is not the primary 2ey. <iv= forei'n 2ey D A primary 2ey of one relation if used in other relation it becomes the forei'n 2ey of that relation. 15. What is select and pro-ect operation ? Ans. elect operation selects the tuples that satisfies the 'iven condition. Cro-ect operation is a subset of select operation which specifies particular attributes for selection. 11. What are the conditions for applyin' union operation ? Ans. 1. The relations must be of the same de'ree. 2. Mne tuple should be in common in the relations.

1. What is QP ? Ans. QP is structured Query Pan'ua'e D it is a lan'ua'e which is used to create and operate on relational databases. 4t was developed at 4K9Js an Rose Lesearch Paboratory. 2. What is DDP, D9P ? Ans. DDP is Data Definition Pan'ua'e D has commands for desi'nin' the relation structure. D9P 7 Data 9anipulation Pan'ua'e D has commands for operatin' on the recordsOtuples in the relation. 3. What is a constraint ? Ans. 4t is a condition to chec2 on a fieldOattribute.


". What are the different types of constraints ? Ans. Crimary 2ey 7 which contains uniBue and not null values . NniBue D which allows null values and different values. Got Gull D allows the user to enter values e%cept null. !hec2 D chec2s the value for a condition Default Dassi'ns the default value for an attribute. #. What is the purpose of distinct 2eyword in the select statement ? Ans. 4t selects the different values from an attribute for display. .. Differentiate between order by and 'roup by clause. Ans. Mrder by D Arran'es all the tuples based on a particular attribute. $roup by D $roups the tuples based on an attribute. 0. Differentiate between where and havin' clause. Ans. Where D it is applicable for all the tuples in the relation. /avin' D it is applicable for 'rouped records in the relation. 1. Differentiate between drop table and delete command. Ans. Drop table will remove the entire table from the database if the table is empty. Delete command will remove the records from the table. 3. What is a view ? Ans. :iew is the virtual table created from the e%istin' base table for display purposes. 15. Differentiate between alter table and update command. Ans. Alter table will alter only the desi'n of the table. Npdate command is used to update the values in the records.

CHAPTER NAME : COMMUNICATION AND NETWORK CONCEPTS 1. Define a networ2. Ans. A networ2 is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers. 2. What is the need for networ2in' ? or Discuss the advanta'es of networ2. Ans. Getwor2in' helps us to do the followin' ? <i= Lesource sharin' ? helps us to share the datas, peripherals and the pro'rams across the networ2. <ii= Leliability ? The files can be stored in different systems on the networ2. 4f one copy is lost due to system crash still the file can be used which is stored in the other systems. <iii= !ost factor ? C!Js have better price and performance. o itJs better to have one user per C! whereas the datas are shared on the networ2. <iv= !ommunication medium ? 4t is easier to share the messa'es to different people all over the world which speeds up the cooperation amon' the users. 3. Write the disadvanta'es of networ2. Ans. <i= The systems are to be mana'ed by the special person to run the networ2. <ii= 4f it is not mana'ed properly it becomes unusuable . <iii= 4f the software and the files are located on the central system called server, if the server fails, the entire networ2 fails and it is very difficult to share the files. <iv=@ile ecurity is more important because if connected to WAGJs full protection is reBuired a'ainst viruses. ". &%plain evolution of networ2in'.

Ans. 1. 4n 13.3 the first networ2 was developed called ARPANET ie. Ad !"#ed Re$e!%#& P%'(e#)$ A*e"#+ Ne),'%-. This networ2 was desi'ned to connect computers at different universities and N. . defense. 2. 4n mid 15Js another a'ency, the N!)i'"!. S#ie"#e F'/"d!)i'", created a hi'h capacity networ2 called NSF "e) which allowed only academic research on the networ2. 3. o, many private companies developed their own networ2 and lin2ed it with the ALCAG&T and G @Get and that was named as I")e%"e). #. What is a node ? Ans. A node is the computer attached to the networ2. 4t is also called as wor2station, terminal. 4t see2s to share the resources of the networ2. .. What is a server ? Ans. The main computer which facilitates the sharin' of data, software and hardware on the networ2 is called a server. 0. $ive Ans. <i= on the modem 9aster7 the different types of server ? dedicated server 7 The system which is purely meant for servin' purposes networ2, to help wor2stations access data, software and hardware. &'. server, file server, print server. The networ2 usin' such servers are called lave networ2.

<ii= non7dedicated server D The system on the networ2 which plays the dual role of the server and the wor2station is called as non7dedicated server. The networ2 usin' such servers are called Ceer7to7Ceer Getwor2. 1. What is G4N ? NIU is Ne),'%- I")e%0!#e U"i) is a device attached to each of the wor2stations and the server. 4t helps the wor2station establish all connection with the networ2. &ach G4N attached to the wor2station has a uniBue address .The G4N manufacturer assi'ns a uniBue physical address to each G4N. This physical address is called as MAC Address. 9A! Address is Medi! A##e$$ C'")%'. Address. G4N is also called as TAP 1Te%2i"!. A##e$$ P'i")3 or NIC 1Ne),'%I")e%0!#e C!%d3. 3. What do you mean by switchin' techniBues ? Ans. The switchin' techniBues are used for transmittin' data across the networ2. 15. What are the three types of switchin' techniBues ? Ans. <i= !ircuit switchin' <ii= messa'e switchin' and <iii= pac2et switchin'. 11. &%plain the switchin' techniBues Mr Differentiate between any of the switchin' techniBues. Ans. <i= !ircuit switchin' D The physical connection is established between the source and the destination computer and then the datas are transmitted. 4t is used when end7to7end path between the computers is needed.

<ii= 9essa'e switchin' D 4t uses the techniBue of store and forward. The data are sent from the source computer to the switchin' office and then to the destination computers. 4n this techniBue the data are stored in the dis2. There is no limit on the bloc2 siIe of the data. <iii= Cac2et switchin' D The data is divided into different pac2ets in this techniBue. Cac2et means the datas are divided into byte format. All the pac2ets of fi%ed siIe are stored in the main memory. 4t places a ti'ht upper limit on the bloc2 siIe. 12. Define transmission media or communication channel. Ans. 4t means connectin' cables or connectin' media in a networ2. 13. What are the types of communication media ? Ans. The communication media is cate'oriIed as 'uided media and un'uided media. <i= $uided media includes cables and <ii= un'uided media include waves throu'h air, water or vacuum. 1". What are the types of 'uided media. Ans. The types of 'uided media are <i= Twisted pair cable <ii= !o7a%ial cable <iii= @ibre optic cable

1#. What is twisted pair cable ? Ans. The twisted pair cable consists of two identical wires wrapped to'ether in a double heli%. The twistin' of wires reduces crosstal2, which is the bleedin' of si'nal from one wire to another which in turn can cause networ2 errors. 1.. Pist out the advanta'es and disadvanta'es of twisted pair cable . Ans. Advanta'es ? 1. 4t is easy to install and maintain. 2. 4t is very ine%pensive. Disadvanta'es ? 1. 4t is incapable of carryin' a si'nal over lon' distances without usin' the repeaters. 2. 4t supports ma%imum data rates of 1 9bps without conditionin' to 15 9bps with conditionin'. 10. Pist out the types of twisted pair cable. Ans. 1. Nnshielded twisted pair cable 2. hielded twisted pair cable. 11. Ans. Differentiate between Nnshielded and shielded twisted pair cable. hielded twisted pair 4t can support #55 9bps bandwidth

Nnshielded twisted pair 4t can support only bandwidth



4t has interference communication.


4t offers 'reater protection from interference and crosstal2 due to shieldin'.

13. What is coa%ial cable ? Ans. !oa%ial cable consists of a solid wire core surrounded by one or more foil or wire shields, each separated by an insulator. The inner core carries the si'nal and the shield provide the 'round. 4t is widely used for television si'nals which supports hi'h speed communication. 25. Pist out the advanta'es and disadvanta'es of coa%ial cable . Ans. Advanta'es ? 1. Mffer hi'h bandwidth upto "55 9bps. 2. 4t can be used for broadband transmission. Disadvanta'es ? 1. &%pensive when compared to twisted pair. 2. 4t is not compatible with twisted pair. 21. Pist out the types of coa%ial cable. Ans. 1. Thic2net ? This type of cable can be upto #55 mts lon'. 2.Thinnet ? This type of cable can be upto 11# mts. Pon'.

22. What is optical fibre ? Ans. Mptical fibres consists of thin strands of 'lass that carry li'ht from a source at one end of the fiber to a detector at the other end. The fiber optic cable consists of 3 pieces ? <i= the core D the 'lass or plastic throu'h which the li'ht travels. <ii= the claddin' D which is the coverin' of the core which reflects li'ht bac2 to the core and <iii= protective coatin' 7 which protects the fiber cable from hostile environment. 23. Pist out the advanta'es and disadvanta'es of fibre optic cable . Ans. Advanta'es ? 1. 4t is immune to interference either ma'netic or electrical. 2. 4t supports secured transmission and a very hi'h transmission capacity. Disadvanta'es ? 1. 4nstallation is very hard. 2. They are most e%pensive. 2". What is microwave transmission ? Ans. The microwave transmission are used to transmit without the use of cables. 4t consists of a transmitter, receiver and the atmosphere. Carabolic antennas are mounted on towers to send a beam to other antennas ten 2ms away. The hi'her the tower, the 'reater the ran'e. When the radio wave freBuency is hi'her than 3 $/I it is named as microwave. 2#. Pist out the advanta'es and disadvanta'es of microwave transmission. Ans. Advanta'es ? 1. 4t offers freedom from land acBuisition ri'hts that are reBuired for layin', repairin' the cables.

2. 4t has the ability to communicate over oceans. Disadvanta'es ? 1. 4t is an insecure communication. 2. The cost of desi'n, implementation and maintenance is hi'h. 2.. What is radio wave transmission ? Ans. The transmission ma2in' use of radio freBuencies is termed as radio wave transmission. 4t has two parts ? the transmitter and the receiver. The transmitter ta2es the messa'e and encodes it onto a sine wave and transmits it with radio waves. The receiver receives the radio waves and decodes the messa'e from the sine wave it receives. Koth of them uses antennas to radiate and capture the radio si'nal. 20. Pist out the advanta'es and disadvanta'es of radiowave transmission. Ans. Advanta'es ? 1. 4t offers mobility. 2. 4t offers ease of communication over difficult terrain. Disadvanta'es ? 1. 4t is an insecure communication. 2. 4t is susceptible to weather conditions.

21. What is satellite means of communication ? Ans. atellite communication is a special way of microwave relay system. 4n this communication, the earth station consists of a satellite dish that functions as an antenna and the communication eBuipment to transmit and receive the data from satellites passin' overhead. 23. Pist out the advanta'es and disadvanta'es of satellite transmission. Ans. Advanta'es ? 1. The area covera'e throu'h satellite transmission is lar'e. 2. The heavy usa'e of intercontinental traffic ma2es the satellite commercial attractive. Disadvanta'es ? 1. The hi'h investment cost. 2. Mver crowdin' of available bandwidths due to low antenna 'ains. 35. &%plain other un'uided media . Ans. <i= 4nfrared ? This type of transmission uses infrared li'ht to send data. &'. T: remotes. 4t offers secured transmission. <ii= Paser ? The laser transmission reBuires direct line7of7si'ht. 4t is unidirectional and it transmits data at a hi'her speed than microwave. 31. <i= <ii= Define the followin' ? Data !hannel ? 4t is the medium to carry data from one end to another. Kaud ? 4t is the unit of measurement for the information carryin' capacity of the communication channel.

<iii=Kandwidth ? 4t refers to the difference between the hi'hest and the lowest freBuencies of a transmission channel. <iii= Kroadband ? /i'h bandwidth channels are called broadband. <iv= Garrowband ? Pow bandwidth channels are called narrowband. <v= /ertI ? @reBuency is measured in hertI. <vi= Data transfer rates ? The amount of data transferred per second by a communication channel is called data transfer rates. 32. &%pand the followin' ? Ans. bps D bits per second Kps D Kytes per second 2bps D 2ilo bits per second Sbps D Silo Kytes per second mbps D me'a bits per second 9bps D 9e'a bytes per second 2/I D 2ilohertI 9/I 7 9e'ahertI $/I 7 'i'ahertI T/I 7 TerahertI

33. What are the types of networ2 ? Ans. <i= PAG D Pocal Area Getwor2<ii= 9AG D 9etropolitan Area Getwor2 <iii=WAG D Wide Area Getwor2 3". &%plain the types of networ2 . Ans. <i= PAG D mall computer networ2s that are limited to a localiIed area is 2nown as PAG. <ii=9AG D The networ2 which is spread over a city is called 9AG. <iii=WAG D The networ2 which is spread across countries and continents is called WAG. 3#. Differentiate between PAG and WAG

PAG WAG Diameter is not more than a few pan across countries and continents. 2ilometers :ery low error rates /i'her error rates.

3.. What is topolo'y ? Ans. The layout of the computers on the networ2 is called topolo'y. 30. Ans. <i= Pist out the different types of topolo'y. tar <ii= bus <iii= rin' <iv= Tree <v= 'raph <vi= 9esh

31. What is star topolo'y ? Pist out the advanta'e and disadvanta'e of it. Ans. tar topolo'y consists of a central node to which all other nodes are connected. Advanta'e ? 1. !entraliIed control 2. Mne device per connection D failure of one node will not affect the networ2. Disadvanta'e ? 1. Pon' cable len'th 2. !entral node dependency. 33. What is bus topolo'y ? Pist out the advanta'e and disadvanta'e of it.

Ans. 4t is linear topolo'y which consists of a sin'le len'th of the transmission medium onto which the various nodes are connected. The bus has terminators at both the ends which absorb the si'nal, removin' it from the bus. Advanta'e ? 1. hort cable len'th 2. Lesilient architecture D means which has a sin'le cable throu'h which all the datas are transmitted. Disadvanta'e ? 1. @ault dia'nosis is difficult 2. @ault isolation is difficult D if a node is not wor2in' in the bus it has to be rectified at the point where the node is connected. "5. What is rin' topolo'y ? Pist out the advanta'e and disadvanta'e of it. Ans. Godes are connected in a circular fashion. The data can be transmitted in only one direction. Advanta'e ? 1. hort cable len'th. 2. Go wirin' closet space is reBuired D ince there is only one cable connectin' each node to its nei'hbourin' node, no separate space is allocated for wirin'. Disadvanta'e ? 1. Gode failure causes networ2 failure. 2. Difficult to dia'nose faults. "1. What is tree topolo'y ? Ans. The shape of the networ2 is that of an inverted tree with the central node branchin' to various nodes and the sub7branchin' to the e%tremities of the networ2. "2. What is 'raph topolo'y ? Ans. Godes that are connected in an arbitrary fashion is called 'raph topolo'y. A lin2 may or may not connect nodes. "3. What is mesh topolo'y ? Ans. 4n this topolo'y, each node is connected to more than one node to provide an alternative route. "". Define modem. Ans. A modem is a device which allows us to connect and communicate with other computers via telephone lines. 9MD&9 D 9Mdulator D&9odulator "#. What is LR7"# ? Ans. LR7"# is Le'istered Rac2 7"#. 4t is an ei'ht7wire connector, which is commonly used to connect computers on the local area networ2s. ".. What is &thernet !ard ? Ans. &thernet is a PAG architecture which used bus or star topolo'ies . The computers that are part of &thernet, must have an &thernet card. 4t contains connections for either coa%ial cable or twisted pair cable. ome &thernet cards also contain an AN4 connector <ie. Attachment Nnit 4nterface D 1# pin connector that can be used for attachin' coa%ial, fibre optic or twisted pair cable=. "0. What is a hub ? &%plain its types. Ans. A hub is a device used to connect several computers to'ether. /ub is also referred as multi7slot concentrator. /ub can be classified as active and passive hub.

<i= <ii=

Active hubs ? These electrically amplifies the si'nal as it moves from one connected device to another. Cassive hubs ? 4t allows the si'nal to pass from one computer to another without any chan'e.

"1. What is a switch ? Ans. A switch is a device that is used to se'ment networ2s into different subnetwor2s called subnets or PAG se'ments. 4t prevents the traffic overloadin' in a networ2. 4t can filter traffic in the networ2. "3. What is a repeater ? Ans. A repeater is a device which is used to amplify the si'nals bein' transmitted in a networ2. #5. What is a brid'e ? Ans. A brid'e is a networ2 device that connects two similar networ2s which supports the same protocol. #1. What is a router ? Ans. A router is a networ2 device that connects networ2s which supports different protocols. #2. What is a 'ateway ? Ans. 4t is a device that connects dissimilar networ2s. #3. What is a protocol ? Ans. 4t is a formal description of messa'e formats and the rules to be followed for communication in a networ2. #". &%pand and e%plain the followin' protocols. Ans. 1. /TTC D /yper Te%t Transfer Crotocol D is an application level protocol used for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. 2. @TC D @ile Transfer Crotocol D is a protocol used for transferrin' files from one system to another. 3. T!CO4C D Transmission !ontrol CrotocolO4nternet Crotocol D 4t is a protocol used for sendin' and receivin' messa'es which are divided into pac2ets. ". P4C D erial Pine 4nternet Crotocol D 4t was the first protocol for relayin' 4C pac2ets over dial7up lines. This doesnJt support dynamic address assi'nment. #. CCC D Coint to Coint Crotocol 7 4t is the 4nternet tandard for transmission of 4C pac2ets over serial lines. 4t is a layered protocol which contains Pin2 !ontrol Crotocol <P!C= for lin2 establishment, Getwor2 !ontrol Crotocol <G!C= for transport traffic, 4C !ontrol Crotocol <4C!C= permits the transport of 4C pac2ets over a CCC lin2. ##. What is Data'ram ? Ans. A Data'ram is a collection of the data that is sent as a sin'le messa'e. #.. What is Wireless communication ? Ans. Wireless refers to the method of transferrin' information between a computin' device and a data source without a physical connection. 4t is a data communication without the use of landlines. &'. two7way radio, fi%ed wireless, laser or satellite communications. The computin' device is continuously connected to the base networ2.

#0. What is 9obile computin' ? Ans. 9obile computin' device means that the computin' device is not continuously connected to the base or central networ2. &'. CDA, laptop computers, cell phones. These products may communicate with the base location with or without wireless connection. #1. What is $ 9 ? Ans. $ 9 stands for $lobal ystem for 9obile !ommunications. 4n covered areas, cell7phone users can buy one phone that will wor2 anywhere where the standard is supported. $ 9 users simply switch 49 cards. < ubscriber 4dentification 9odule=. $ 9 uses narrowband TD9A, which allows ei'ht simultaneous calls on the same radio freBuency. #3. What is TD9A ? Ans. TD9A means Time Division 9ultiple Access is a technolo'y which wor2s on dividin' a radio freBuency into time slots and then allocatin' slots to multiple calls. .5. What is 49 ? Ans. 49 stands for ubscriber 4dentification 9odule which is a chip that 'ives a cellular device a uniBue phone number. 4t has the memory, the processor and the ability to interact with the user. !urrent 49s have 1. to ." 2b of memory.

.1. What is !D9A ? Ans. !D9A stands for !ode Division 9ultiple Access is a technolo'y which uses a spread spectrum techniBue where the data is sent in small pieces over a number of discrete freBuencies available for use. &ach userJs si'nal is spread over the entire bandwidth by uniBue spreadin' code and at the receiver end the same uniBue code is used to recover the si'nal. .2. What is WPP ? Ans. WPP is Wireless in Pocal Poop is a system that connects subscribers to the Cublic witched Telephone Getwor2 <C TG= usin' radio si'nals as a substitute for other connectin' media. .3. Discuss the advanta'es of WPP ? Ans. <i= 4t does not suffer from weather conditions. <ii=4t offers better bandwidth than the traditional telephone systems. <iii= 4t supports hi'h Buality transmission, si'nalin' services. .". What is 3$ and &D$& ? Ans. 3$ stands for Third $eneration also called as N9T < Nniversal 9obile Telecommunication ystems= is a broadband, pac2et7 based transmission of te%t, di'itiIed voice, video and multimedia at data rates upto and possibly hi'her that 2 mbps <me'a bits per second=, offerin' consistent services to mobile computer and phone users where ever they are in the world.

&D$& stands for &nhanced Data Lates for $lobal &volution is a radio based hi'h7 speed mobile data standard. 4t allows data transmission speeds of 31" 2bps to be achieved when all ei'ht time slots are used. .#. Define 9 . Ans. 9 D hort 9essa'e ervice is the transmission of short te%t messa'es to and from a mobile phone, fa% machine andOor 4C address. ... /ow the 9 is bein' sent ? Ans. Mnce the messa'e is sent by the sender, it is received by the hort 9essa'e ervice !enter < 9 !=, which will 'et into the appropriate mobile phone. To do this,the 9 ! sends the 9 LeBuest to the /ome Pocation Le'ister </P9= to find the roamin' customer. Mnce the /PL receives the reBuest, it will respond to the 9 ! with the subscriberJs status ? <i= inactive or active, <ii= where subscriber is roamin'. .0. What is e7mail ? Ans. &7mail is &lectronic mail is sendin' and receivin' messa'es by the computer. .1. Pist the advanta'es of &7mail. Ans. <i= low cost <ii= speed <iii= waste reduction <i.e. paper= <iv= ease of use <v= record maintenance .

.3. What is :oice mail ? Ans. The voice mail refers to e7mail systems supportin' audio. Nsers can leave spo2en messa'es for one another and listen to the messa'es by e%ecutin' the appropriate command in the e7mail system. 05. What is chat ? Ans. Mnline te%tual tal2 in real time is called chattin'. 01. What is video7conferencin' ? Ans. A two7way videophone conversation amon' multiple participants is called video7 conferencin'. &'. 9icrosoft Get9eetin' is the software which supports video7 conferencin'. 02. Define the followin' terms ? Ans. <i= WWW 7 World Wide Web is a set of protocols that allows the user to access any document on the internet throu'h a namin' system based on NLP. <ii= NLP D Nniform Lesource Pocator is the distinct address for each resource on the internet, which acts a pointer to information on the WWW. <iii=Domain Game D The characters based namin' system by which servers are identified is 2nown as Domain Gamin' system. &'. .com, .'ov, .edu <iv= Telnet D is an internet utility that let us lo' onto remote computer systems.

<v= <vi= <vii= <viii= <i%=

Web browser D 4t is software which the WWW client that navi'ates throu'h the World Wide Web and displays Web pa'es. Web erver D 4t is a WWW server which responds to the reBuests made by the Web browser. Web site D is a collection of web pa'es. Web pa'e D The documents residin' on web sites are called web pa'es. Web /ostin' D is a means of hostin' web7server application on a computer system throu'h which electronic content on the internet is readily available to any web7browser client.

03. $ive the types of Web /ostin' . Ans. <i= @ree /ostin' <ii= :irtual or hared /ostin' <iii= Dedicated /ostin' <iv= !o7 location /ostin'. 0". Define the followin' ? Ans. <i= /T9P 7 /yper Te%t 9ar2up Pan'ua'e D 4t is a document layout and hyperlin2 specification lan'ua'e which contains pre7defined ta's that let us control the presentation of the information on the web7pa'es. 4t supports only static webpa'es. <ii= T9P D &%tensible 9ar2up Pan'ua'e D 4t is a lan'ua'e for documents containin' structured information ie. Which contains both content and some indication of what role that content plays. The ta's are not predefined and it allows the user to define the ta' and their semantics. 4t supports dynamic web pa'es. <iii=D/T9P D Dynamic /yper Te%t 9ar2up Pan'ua'e D The lan'ua'e which uses the combinations of /T9P, style sheets and scripts that allows documents to be animated. <iii= <iv= Web criptin' ? the process of creatin' and embeddin' scripts in a web pa'e is 2nown as web scriptin'. cript D 4t is a list of commands embedded in a web7pa'e. cripts are interpreted and e%ecuted by a certain pro'ram or scriptin' en'ine.


Types of cript ? <i= !lient ide cript ? This type of scriptin' enables interaction within a web pa'e. They are browser dependent. Copular !lient side scriptin' are :K cript, Rava cript, C/C </yper Te%t Creprocessor=. <ii= erver7 ide cript ? This type of scriptin' enables the completion or carryin' out a tas2 at the server7 end and then sendin' the result to the client7end. Copular server side scriptin' are C/C,A C <Active erver Ca'es=, R C <Rava erver Ca'es=.4t is not browser dependent.

0#. What is a free software ? Ans. @ree software means the software is freely accessible and can be freely used, chan'es, improved, copied and distributed by all who wish to do so. Go payments are needed to be made for free software. 0.. What is Mpen ource oftware ?

Ans. Mpen ource oftware can be freely used which means ma2in' modifications, constructin' business models , but it does not have to be free of char'e. 4n open source software the source code is freely available to the customer and it can be modified and redistributed without any limitation. 00. Pist out the criteria for distributin' open source software. Ans. <i= @ree redistribution <ii= ource code <iii= Derived wor2s <iv= 4nte'rity of the AuthorJs ource code <v= Go discrimination a'ainst persons or 'roups <vi= Go discrimination a'ainst fields of endeavor <vii= Distribution of Picense <viii= Picense must not be specific to a product <i%= The license must not restrict other software <%= Picense must be technolo'y neutral. 01. What is @PM ? Ans. @PM refers to @ree Pibre and Mpen ource oftware or @ree Pivre and Mpen ource oftware. @PM is used to refer a software which is both free software as well as open source software. Pibre or Pivre means freedom. 03. What is $GN ? Ans. $GN refers to $GNJs Got Nni%. 4t emphasiIes on freedom and thus its lo'otype is an animal livin' in freedom. 4t was initiated by Lichard 9. tallman with an ob-ective to create a system compatible to Nni% but not identical with it. Gow, it offers a wide ran'e of software, includin' applications apart from M .

15. What is @ @ ? Ans. @ @ stands for @ree oftware @oundation is a non7profit or'aniIation created for the purpose of supportin' free software movement. 11. &%plain M 4. Ans. M 4 is Mpen ource 4nitiative is an or'aniIation dedicated to cause of promotin' open source software. 12. What is W3! ? Ans. W3! is an acronym for World Wide Web !onsortium which is responsible for producin' the software standards for the world wide web. 13. What is a Croprietory software ? Ans. 4t is the software that is neither open nor freely available. @urther distribution and modification of the software reBuired special permission by the supplier or the vendor. ource code is not readily available. 1". What is @reeware ? Ans. The software which is available free of cost which allows copyin' and redistribution but not modification whose source code is not available. 1#. What is hareware ? Ans. hareware is a software, which is made available with the ri'ht to redistribute copies, but it is limited ie. 4f one intends to use the software after a certain period of time, a license fee should be paid. ource code is not available and the modifications cannot be made.

1.. What are the problems encountered under networ2 security ? Ans. 4t can be classified as <i= Chysical ecurity holes <ii= oftware security holes <iii= 4nconsistent Nsa'e holes 10. What are the protection methods followed to secure the networ2 ? Ans. <i= AuthoriIation D lo'in7id <ii= Authentication D password7protection <iii=&ncrypted mart !ards D 4t is a hand held card that can 'enerate a to2en that a computer can reco'niIe. &verytime a new and different to2en is 'enerated. <iv= Kiometric systems D fin'er7prints <v= @irewall D 4t is a system desi'ned to prevent unauthoriIed access to or from a private networ2. 4t can be implemented in both hardware and software. 11. $ive the types of firewall techniBues. Ans. <i= Cac2et filter <ii= Application 'ateway <iii= !ircuit7level 'ateway <iv= Cro%y server. 13. What are coo2ies ? Ans. !oo2ies are messa'es that a web server transmits to a web browser so that the web server can 2eep trac2 of the userJs activity on a specific web site.

35. Differentiate between /ac2ers and !rac2ers. Ans. The !rac2ers are the malicious pro'rammers who brea2 into secure systems. The /ac2ers are more interested in 'ainin' 2nowled'e about the computers and possibly usin' this 2nowled'e form playful pran2s. 31. What is !yber Paw ? Ans. 4t is a term which refers to all the le'al and re'ulatory aspects of internet and the world wide web. 4nformation Technolo'y Act, 2555 is based on the Nnited GationJs !ommission for 4nternational Trade related laws<NG!4TLAP= model law. 32. &%plain !yber !rime ? Ans. !yber !rime are the crimes committed with the use of computers or relatin' to computers, especially throu'h the internet. !lassification of !yber !rime ? <i= Tamperin' with the computer source documents <ii= /ac2in' <iii= Cublishin' of information, which is obscene in electronic form <iv= !hild Corno'raphy <v= Accessin' protected system <vi= Kreach of confidentiality and privacy 33. What is 4CL ?

Ans. The 4ntellectual Croperty may be defined as a product of the intellect that has commercial value, includin' copyri'hted property such as literary or artistic wor2s and ideational property. 3". What is a !omputer :irus ? Ans. !omputer virus is a malicious pro'ram that reBuires a host and is desi'ned to ma2e a system sic2. 3#. Pist out the dama'es that the virus can cause. Ans. <i= to ma2e the system unstable. <ii= destroy file allocation table. <iii=can create bad sectors in the dis2, destroyin' parts of pro'rams and files. <iv=can destroy specific e%ecutable files. <v= !an cause the system to han'. 3.. What is Tro-an /orse ? Ans. A Tro-an /orse is code hidden in a pro'ram such as a 'ame or spreadsheet that loo2s safe to run but has hidden side effects. 30. What is a worm ? Ans. A worm is a pro'ram desi'ned to replicate. 31. What is CA9 ? Ans. CA9 refers to electronic -un2 mail or -un2 news'roup postin's. 4t is the unsolicited usually commercial e7mail sent to a lar'e number of addresses. 33. Discuss the ways of avoidin' pam. Ans. <i= to create a filter that finds and does somethin' to email that you suspect as spam. <ii= Got to re'ister with true id on the internet.

155. /ow to prevent viruses ? Ans. The followin' are the points that we must remember to follow to prevent viruses ? 1. Nse Picensed software. 2. 4nstall and use antivirus software. 3. !hec2 for virus when usin' secondary stora'e devices in the system. ". Seep antivirus software up to date. #. Always scan files downloaded from the internet or other sources. 454. W&!) i$ 2e!") 6+ GPRS7 General Packet Radio Service, a standard for wireless communications which supports a wide ran'e of bandwidths. it is a second 'eneration <2$= and third 'eneration <3$= wireless data service that e%tends $ 9 data capabilities for 4nternet access, multimedia messa'in' services, and early mobile 4nternet applications via the wireless application protocol <WAC=, as well as other wireless data services. 458. E9:.!i" 4G. 1$ <or 17$= refers to the first7'eneration of wireless telephone technolo'y. These are the analo' telecommunications standards that use di'ital si'nalin' to connect the radio towers <which listen to the handsets= to the rest of the telephone system, the voice durin' a call is is modulated to hi'her freBuency, typically 1#5 9/I and up. 45;. E9:.!i" 8G.

2$ <or 27$= is short for second7'eneration wireless telephone technolo'y. 2$ cellular telecom networ2s were commercially launched on the $ 9 standard and were si'nificantly more efficient on the spectrum allowin' for far 'reater mobile phone penetration levels. 2$ technolo'ies can be divided into TD9A7based and !D9A7based standards dependin' on the type of multiple%in' used. 45<. E9:.!i" SMTP !"d POP; P%')'#'.$. The SMTP 1Si2:.e M!i. T%!"$0e% P%')'#'.3 protocol is used by the 9ail Transfer A'ent <9TA= to deliver the &9ail to the recipientUs mail server. The 9TC protocol can only be used to send emails, not to receive them. The POP 1P'$) O00i#e P%')'#'. ;3 protocol provides a simple, standardiIed way for users to access mailbo%es and download messa'es to their computers. When usin' the CMC protocol all the &9ail messa'es can be downloaded from the mail server to the local computer. 45=. De0i"e V'IP. :oice7over74C <:o4C= implementations enables users to carry voice traffic <for e%ample, telephone calls and fa%es= over an 4C networ2. :o4C uses 4nternet Crotocol for transmission of voice as pac2ets over 4C networ2s. 45>. De0i"e Wi?Fi !"d Wi2!9. Wi?Fi < Wireless @idility= is a mechanism for wirelessly connectin' electronic devices. A device enabled with Wi7@i, such as a personal computer, video 'ame console, smartphone, or di'ital audio player, can connect to the 4nternet via a wireless networ2 access point. WiMAX <W'%.d,ide I")e%':e%!6i.i)+ 0'% Mi#%',! e A##e$$ = is a communication technolo'y for wirelessly deliverin' hi'h7speed 4nternet service to lar'e 'eo'raphical areas. 4t is a part of a 8fourth 'eneration,; or "$, of wireless7communication technolo'y, far surpasses the 357metre <1557foot= wireless ran'e of a conventional Wi7@i <PAG=, offerin' a metropolitan area networ2 with a si'nal radius of about #5 2m <35 miles=. Wi9AT networ2s can deliver 'ood :M4C Buality 45@. W&!) i$ 2e!") 6+ We68.57 Web 2.5 refers to added features and applications that ma2e the web more interactive, support easy online information e%chan'e and interoperatibility. ome noticeable features of Web 2.5 are blo's, wi2is, video7sharin' websites, social networ2in' websites etc., Tools are available free and widely used by people some of them are faceboo2. Voutube, Klo''er, Twitter etc., 45A. E9:.!i" PAN. Getwor2 or'aniIed around an individual person <typically involve a mobile computer, a cell phone andOor a handheld computin' device such as a CDA= is called CAG <Cersonal Area Getwor2= 45B. W&!) i$ 2e!") 6+ Re2')e L'*i"7 Lemote access is the ability to 'et access to a computer or a networ2 from a remote distance. 4n simple words Lemote Po'in means to access other computers on the networ2 or on the other networ2 by the use of telnet or rlo'in command

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