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Bethany Weller Dr. Emily Beard Happiness Photo Essay 4 November 2013 Sear h !or !

a es " love to #ind happiness aro$nd me. B$t% not al&ays in the onventional &ay. " en'oy &hen " see #a es inside o# typi al% everyday items. Be a$se o# this% " started to do a s aven(er h$nt% to #ind #a es aro$nd mysel#. Whenever " sa& a hidden #a e% " &o$ld stop and ta)e a pi t$re o# it. " #o$nd #a es d$rin( lass% aro$nd my dorm% and &al)in( aro$nd amp$s. Whenever " see one% " (et e* ited abo$t it. +he thin( " love abo$t these #a es is ho& " mi(ht be the only person to be able to see it. "t,s all a matter o# perspe tive and manip$lation. Some o# the #a es are -$ite simple to see. others may be more di##i $lt. " did this topi not '$st #or me% b$t #or everybody. " (et e* ited &henever " see a hidden #a e some&here. S$ h a small thin( brin(s me so m$ h happiness. " &ant to inspire others to be on the loo)o$t #or somethin( that brin(s them happiness. "t o$ld be somethin( that is obvio$s% li)e a ertain olor or somebody smilin(% or somethin( that re-$ires a bit more e##ort% li)e the hidden #a es or people helpin( others. +he #a es sho& that happiness an be -$ite literally all aro$nd $s. Sometimes it,s very obvio$s and everybody an see it% b$t sometimes the happiness is hidden and not everybody is able to see it. Everybody sees

di##erent hidden #a es more easily than others% '$st li)e ho& &e all (et happiness #rom di##erent so$r e. Hidden #a es% -$ite li)e happiness% are all aro$nd $s. We '$st have to ta)e the time o$t o# o$r b$sy lives and loo) #or it.

Analysis The pictures I have chosen are all different, and yet all quite similar. All of the images have hidden faces in them, which were not necessarily planned. Some people may not be able to see these faces. People may see a different face than what I saw when photographing the picture. That is all okay because it is all about the perception of what you see. The hidden faces are e actly that!hidden. It may take a few minutes of looking at the picture in order to see the face that is hidden within. "hen looking for the faces, I used my phone camera to take all of these pictures. #ven though it does not take the best pictures, there is one advantage to using a phone camera. This one advantage is quite simple ! I could locate a face at any moment. I could be at my dorm, in class, or walking around. Thus, I simply used what I always have near and that thing is my phone. I did not do any kind of editing for my pictures, because I wanted the pictures to represent the natural world around us, and show that the faces came directly from everyday life. The faces represent something that you can$t see that is always right around you % happiness. The pictures are in order from what I believe to be the easiest faces to see to the hardest. I did it this way so that people can ease into the finding of the faces. There are some pictures where the faces are quite simple to see, so I placed these at the beginning. It may be quite difficult to see the faces in some of the pictures, so I placed them closer to the end. The reason for this was to encourage people. If I start out with a picture where the face is really difficult to

find, they may get discouraged and stop looking at the rest. I hope that ordering the pictures in this way would make people en&oy finding the faces and try to find even the most difficult ones. There are many pictures where I sat and looked at the ob&ect for quite some time before I could make out the face. These are the pictures that I put closer to the end. There are even some pictures where you have to be quite creative in order to figure out the face. In my search for faces, some I saw right away. 'thers took quite some time. I loved the scavenger hunt that this made me go on. I knew from the start that I couldn$t &ust use obvious faces, but to go outside of the obvious and do cra(y, obvious ones. Some of these pictures the faces are very easy to see, some because it)s something really common and many people talk about, and some because they are &ust very obvious. These ones normally were not the most fun ones to find, but they are ones that are important in easing people into seeing the other faces. In order to get people to see the harder faces, they must see the obvious ones first. *ou don$t want to &ump headfirst into something that you aren$t positive about, you want to slowly make your way deeper. There are some pictures where someone can see more than one face. These pictures show that different people can interpret the same thing differently. This is part of the fun of taking these pictures for me. I en&oy trying to find all the different faces I can. The face that a person sees may say something about them. If you see a smiling face, you may be in a good mood+ if you see a sad face, you might be upset. ,y favorite part about this pro&ect is that I have faces from such a wide variety of things ! from food to decorations, to hinges. -o two pictures are the same. That was another goal of mine. I wanted a wide variety of pictures in order to show how happiness is in so much.

-ow, all the pictures I chose aren$t smiling faces, but they all have a reason behind them. Some are goofy faces, and goofy faces make people happy. ,any of them you can take different ways, like kissing or confused or goofy. This goes back to different people seeing different things. It also shows that, like happiness, many other emotions are always around us. Although I took pictures of faces in ob&ects, the main purpose for this pro&ect was to show how happiness is all around you, you &ust have to find it. I used the faces to symboli(e happiness. "hile the things I took pictures of aren)t necessarily things that make people happy, it shows the wide array of things that bring someone happiness. "hile a toothbrush holder may not bring someone happiness, perhaps nice smiles do. .ire alarms in themselves rarely make someone happy, the comfort of knowing that they)re safe might.

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