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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnt do than by the

ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. !ar" Twain This #uote means a lot to me. $ used to be scared of trying new things but $ learned that in life you have to ta"e ris"s and go after your dreams and goals. Explore, Dream, and Discover what life has for you and dont be afraid to try new things or to go after your dreams. Explore the world and discover what it has for you and $m sure you wont be disappointed. !y name is !elissa %ernande& and $m 'ar&as newest graduate. (or those of you who might not "now me $m that #uiet pregnant girl who would wal" from class to class trying to accomplish her goals in life. )ne of the reasons why $ chose to come to 'ar&a was to graduate early. !y goal was to graduate before my babys arrival and $m glad to say that $ made it. Than"s to 'ar&a high and the teachers and staff for helping me accomplish my goal. *ow that $m done with high school there are many more +ourneys to accomplish in life. $ will soon have the big responsibility of becoming a mother. $ loo" forward to continuing with my education, $ plan to attend -.. in the spring of /012. !y dream +ob is to become a nurse. 3hy4 3ell, because $ li"e to help other people and would li"e to help those who are need of medical care. Than"s to the people who have helped me through this +ourney. (irst of all $ would li"e to than" my parents, especially my mother, who encouraged me to "eep going to school and made sure $ was always at school getting my wor" done. Than"s, !om and Dad. -lso to my boyfriend for being supportive at all times. Than" you, Dr. 3ebb, for allowing me to attend 'ar&a %igh, !s. -viles for all her help on 'overnment and Economics and for having healthy snac"s, !s. .adag for helping me with English class, and last but not least, 5eonard for always stopping and as"ing how was $ doing. Than"s to everyone else at 'ar&a for the help and support. -nd remember6 throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, and Discover.

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