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1eacher name: !

"#$ &'()*+#,+"
SLudenL name: ________________________________________
CA1LCC8? 4 3 2 1
ConLenL Covers Loplc ln-depLh wlLh
deLalls and examples. Sub[ecL
knowledge ls excellenL.
lncludes essenLlal knowledge
abouL Lhe Loplc. Sub[ecL
knowledge appears Lo be
lncludes essenLlal lnformaLlon
abouL Lhe Loplc buL Lhere are 1-
2 facLual errors.
ConLenL ls mlnlmal C8 Lhere
are several facLual errors.
CrganlzaLlon ConLenL ls well organlzed uslng
headlngs or bulleLed llsLs Lo
group relaLed maLerlal.
uses headlngs or bulleLed llsLs
Lo organlze, buL Lhe overall
organlzaLlon of Loplcs appears
ConLenL ls loglcally organlzed
for Lhe mosL parL.
1here was no clear or loglcal
organlzaLlonal sLrucLure, [usL
loLs of facLs.
!-.,'/+0'1 2"34+), 5 6(738"19*')#
CrlglnallLy roducL shows a large amounL
of orlglnal LhoughL. ldeas are
creaLlve and lnvenLlve.
roducL shows some orlglnal
LhoughL. Work shows new
ldeas and lnslghLs.
uses oLher people\\\'s ldeas
(glvlng Lhem credlL), buL Lhere
ls llLLle evldence of orlglnal
uses oLher people\\\'s ldeas,
buL does noL glve Lhem credlL.
ALLracLlveness Makes excellenL use of fonL,
color, graphlcs, effecLs, eLc. Lo
enhance Lhe presenLaLlon.
Makes good use of fonL, color,
graphlcs, effecLs, eLc. Lo
enhance Lo presenLaLlon.
Makes use of fonL, color,
graphlcs, effecLs, eLc. buL
occaslonally Lhese deLracL
from Lhe presenLaLlon
use of fonL, color, graphlcs,
effecLs eLc. buL Lhese ofLen
dlsLracL from Lhe presenLalon
- lease Choose -
uaLe CreaLed: :3; <=> ?@<= <@5AB 1/ CDEFG

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