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Acerca de la infinita nostalgia que provoca ese sentimiento de involuntaria ciclicidad.



Hugo Morales Murguia

The whole piece is developed over a generated mask in AC Toolbox that controls both density and gesturallity of the piece. The Toolbox controls via midi through a midi to voltage converter the devices in the analogue studio. The devices used in the analogue studio are: 5 V-FUG, 5 VC Filters and 5 Ring Modulators. A Multi Midi Controller Object is use to generate the mask. This is generating four exponential masks that increase in both density and pitch. The multicontroller takes a previously specified expo-mask to convert them with its own values.

Using two exponential generators, one of 100 events going from 1 to 100 and a bottom one going in straight line, creates the mask shape.

A Multicontroller repeats this mask with different values:

The clock unit and rhythm varies strongly from 1 to 5, here the display of a ten seconds Multicontroller mask is displayed:

The sound material is then edited and specialized by using MAX/MSP in four channels using different trajectories according to the density of the gestures that this controller creates.

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