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Experiment 5.4: Relationship between u, v and f.


: __________________________________________________________________________

Problem Statement: What is the relationship between u, v and f for a convex lens?
Apparatus : Screen, power supply, metre rule, ray box and lens holder.
Materials : Convex lens with focal length of 15 cm.


Draw the arrangement of apparatus as shown by the teacher.

Arrange the apparatus.
Adjust the position of the lens until u =40.0 cm.
Adjust the screen in order to form a sharp image on it. Measure and record the image
distance, v.
5. Repeat procedures 3 and 4 for u = 35.0 cm, 30.0 cm, 25. 0 cm, 20.0 cm and 15.0 cm.

Table of results: Tabulate the experimental values of u, v, 1/u and 1/v.

Graph : Plot a graph of 1/v against 1/u.

Discussion :
1. The relationship between u, v and f is given by 1/f = 1/u + 1/v
a) Explain how you can obtain the value of f from the graph.

b) What is the value of the gradient of the graph?

2. What is the information you can obtain from the points where the graph intersects the axis
if u and v are measured in metre?

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