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Saturn Diner Slippery Meeting

By Kimberlyn Beebe

PAGE ONE Panel 1 Half page panel is a front view of the diner with a sign across the top in red saying Saturn Diner, which looks like your typical 60s diner except for the space vehicles parked out front. One space ships taillights are lit up as it parks in a parking spot. 1 SFX: Ka-shhhhh Panel 2 It shows the inside of the diner as if you were on one end looking down to the other end. Several booths line the windows to the right and a counter with bar stools lines the left. There are figures scattered around alien and human. In the back the sunlight is shining on Sara, sitting in a booth by herself. Panel 3 Frankie the cook hands an order through the window to Dinky the waitress. 2 Frankie: Order Up! PAGE TWO Panel 1 A small panel is a close up of the top of the door opening with the bell ringing. 1 SFX: Ding ding. Panel 2 Lenisus stands in the doorway looking over at Sara from the original angle of the inside of the diner. Panel 3 Lenisus sits at the bar, with a menu in hand and looks towards Saras direction. Dinky is behind the counter and greets him. 2 Dinky: Hey Lenisus. Shes not on the menu. 3 Lenisus: What? 4 Dinky: Your usual? 5 Lenisus: Uh, Okay. Panel 4 Dinky serves Lenisus his food and stays to inquire about his work. 6 Dinky: Found any big stories yet? 7 Lenisus: No, there arent many scandalous stories around town.

Panel 5 The panel is a view from down the counter. Lenisus head is down in disappointment. He scoops a spoonful of mush on his spoon. Dinky leans in. 8 Dinky: You should talk to Sara. 9 Lenisus: I dont think wed have anything in common. PAGE THREE Panel 1 Sara sits in her booth with her back to wall facing the full length of the diner. She has a bottle on hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes sitting on the table with about thirty napkins. She cleans her fork carefully. 1 SFX: Squeak squeak. Panel 2 Frankie leans in the window from the kitchen, his muscular arms seeming to take up the whole window. Lenisus looks up surprised and drops his fork. 2 Frankie: Man, youve got to. Im tired of seeing you stare at her. 3 SFX: Clink 4 Frankie: Its everyday. Panel 3 Close up of Lenisus trying to pick up his spoon, but it slips again. 4 SFX: Clink Panel 4 A close up of Lenisus hand shows droplets are appearing all over his palms. Panel 5 Dinky leans on the counter with one hand while the other is on her hip. 5 Dinky: He right. Its now or never. 6 Lenisus: Okay. PAGE FOUR Panel 1 Lenisus stands and wipes his brow with a napkin. Panel 2 The right panel is a close up of Frankie leaning out the kitchen window as Dinky watches Lenisus walk away off panel.

1 Frankie: This is a disaster in the making. 2 Dinky: I know, but I feel for him. Panel 3 Lenisus passes an occupied booth. The occupants, one alien and one human, stare at him. The alien covers his mouth. 3 Human: Is he finally going to? Panel 4 Lenisus stops in front of Saras table, his hand on the back of his neck and she doesnt look up from wiping down the table. 4 Sara: Yes? PAGE FIVE Panel 1 Lenisus introduces himself to Sara. She continues to arrange her silverware. 1 Lenisus: Hi, Im Lenisus. Im the local reporter. 2 Sara: Hello, Im Sara McCduffy. Panel 2 A close up of Lenisuss hand pulling away from his neck with strings of goo attached. Panel 3 Dinky brings over Saras food and Lenisus wipes the goo on his pants while Dinky is in Saras line of sight. 3 Dinky: Here you go. Your usual. Panel 4 Sara inspects her food. PAGE SIX Panel 1 Sara finally looks up at Lenisus. 1 Sara: Youre pretty timid for a reporter. Panel 2 Lenisus looks at the floor under her gaze. 2 Lenisus: Im not used to talking to attractive human women.

Panel 3 Sara averts her eyes to her food, which she starts to cut. 3 Sara: Half human. Thank you. Can I help you? Panel 4 Lenisus rubs the back of his neck again. 4 Lenisus: May I join you? Panel 5 Sara points to the end of the booth, the farthest point away from her. PAGE SEVEN Panel 1 Lenisus moves to sit and his hand slips a little as he slides in. The plastic cover over the booth gives a little noise, but Sara doesnt look up from her food. 1 SFX: Eerrp. Panel 2 Dinky puts Lenisuss pie and soda on the table. 2 Dinky: Here you go Len. Hows everything Sara? Panel 3 Sara looks at Dinky. She smiles. 3 Sara: So far, its fine Dinky. I havent started yet. Ill let you know. Panel 4 Dinky turns to leave the table and pats Lenisus on the shoulder as she leaves. PAGE EIGHT Panel 1 From the perpendicular view of the booth, Sara sits with a forkful raised half way to her mouth and Lenisus sits with his back straight up against the back of the booth. 1 Sara: What can I do for you Lenisus? 2 Lenisus: I just wanted to talk. Panel 2

Lenisus tries to pick up his soda, but it slips out of his hand and hits the table with a small sound. 3 SFX: Clink. Panel 3 Straight on Sara, she inspects a piece of orange Saturn vegetable. 4 Sara: About what? Panel 4 Close up on Lenisus face. He is watching her with a puzzled expression. 5 Lenisus: Uh what are you doing? Panel 5 Close up on Sara as she cuts him a look. 6 Sara: Im checking to see if it is clean. Have you seen the videos on how dirty restaurants are? You wouldnt believe it. PAGE NINE Panel 1 Lenisus tires to pick up his glass without testing it and the glass tips and spills all over Sara. 1 Lenisus: Damn! Panel 2 An angle on Sara as she jumps up and tries to wipe the soda off her clothes and tears forming at the corner of her eyes. 2 Sara: Oh, no. Oh, no. Panel 3 Lenisus jumps up and reaches for her. There is goo hanging from his hand. She is concentrating on her clothes. 3 Lenisus: Sara, Im so sorry. Panel 4 Sara looks to him and sees the goo and screams. 4 Sara: Dont Touch Me!

PAGE TEN Panel 1 Dinky rushes over and uses a rag to wipe off Saras shirt. Lenisus backs away. 1 Dinky: Sara calm down. Its only soda. Panel 2 Lenisus stands at the counter searching his wallet for the correct bills. Frankie is in the window chuckling. 2 Frankie: Nice one Len. 3 Lenisus: Thanks, Frankie. I love to be your entertainment. Panel 3 Dinky comes up behind the counter and takes Lenisus bill. 4 Dinky: Why do you get so nervous? 5 Lenisus: I dont know. 6 Dinky: Shes fine, just a little crazy. Panel 4 Dinky puts her hand on her hip and she points in Saras direction. 7 Dinky: Lenisus, you need to get in your reporter mode and go over there and tell her your goo isnt harmful. 8 Lenisus: But9 Dinky: Now! PAGE ELEVEN Panel 1 Lenisus walks over to the booth with his head held high. Sara holds her hand out to say stop. 1 Sara: Stop! Dont come over any closer! Panel 2 Lenisus moves to right in front of the booth holding out his goo hand. 2 Lenisus: Sara. I know you are a hypochondriac, but my goo isnt harmful. 3 Sara: What? How do you know? Panel 3 Lenisus pulls an electronic pad out of his pocket.

4 Lenisus: I am a Lysolonian. Our goo has antibacterial properties. Panel 4 Lenisus lays the pad down in front of Sara and she reads it. 5 Lenisus: Thats a report from one of the professors from Saturn University stating what I just told you. PAGE TWELEVE Panel 1 Sara looks up at Lenisus tears are still in her eyes. 1 Sara: Im sorry. 2Lenisus: Apology accepted. Panel 2 Lenisus turns to walk away Sara reaches out but does not touch. 3 Sara: Would you like to talk about it? 4 Lenisus: Not now. Panel 3 Sara sits in the booth with her head down ashamed. Lenisus looks down on her. 5 Lenisus: Maybe tomorrow when my embarrassment subsides. Panel 4 Lenisus walks out waving at a smiling Dinky behind the counter and a stunned Frankie in the kitchen window 6 SFX: Ding ding. THE END

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