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Advanced portfolio

My target audience for my production

My target audience will be aimed at people who are close and around my age as I feel like I can relate to them more but also apply my personal experiences and knowledge into the production to give a sense of realism and truth behind what Im aiming to do rather than just a standard director, my primary audience will be around 17-20. it will have high comedy in also so can also be applied to the older generation as a secondary audience of people around 20-28. They will be able to watch it and also relate in the humour allowing them to join in on the production and enjoy it alot more. It is aimed at boys/lads more however not in a sexist way as females will also be able to watch and take pleasure in doing this but as alot of it will include content and narrative about being a rebellious lad. This will mean that a younger male audience will relate alot more the narrative. My main aim is to show the antics and mischief you can easily slip into as a younger person but also for the people on the straight and narrow path who get labelled and judged by society just because of their image. My target audience will more than likely have minor Sunday jobs and still in education living and spending alot of their time on the streets with their mates messing around taking every day as it comes.

The demographics of my audience will be low income, lower class, multi cultural but mainly afro Caribbean, young youths who have a bad education. The main area of people who I am aiming at as a society is people/groups of friends who live in cities and like to come out more at night with friends E.G London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool. They will live in crowded homes in council estates with younger and older siblings to deal with and also being none home owners. No one in the family will have good or high employed jobs and will be put into class E of the socio economic category. They will be more afro Caribbean as as a society label races as being more mischievous than others so fits in better for the social realism of my production. Alot will have poor education and been expelled or just hardly attend school.

The psychographics of my audience will be angry characteristics, strong attitudes, strong morals and values. They will be angry because they will have to struggle there way through life to get to the top and not have the advantage alot of other people have. Their attitudes will be positive and good as they are around there mates alot so will know each other inside out constantly joking around and making life feel happy and easier than it actually is. Their parents will drum a variety of morals and values for them to keep E.G going to church every Sunday. This will help them be more accepted by the community and maybe just think abit more before they start committing crimes. The PG certificate for my film will be a 15.


Out of 50 people age groups

13-15 16-18 19-21 4% 6% 8% 20% 8% 24% 30% 34% 66% 22-28 29-35 36-40 40+

male female

This will give me a good knowledge of who I should concentrate on more. I have a wide variety of people so I can gain many different views and opinions from different aspects and lifestyles of people which will hopefully make my production very successful.

This will give me a nice range of gender however I have more males which is a good thing as my production is aimed more at them. It will give me good feedback also to what females think and their opinion on what they think about trailer production.

economic group
A B C1 C2 6% 4% 10% 44% 20% 16% D E

avarage spend at cinema

6-8 3-5 9-12




From this I can see the largest is group E which is my primary audience so is a good thing. This allows me to focus directly on them and gain a good response. I have people from every group also so I can compare and contrasts my findings due to the fact of peoples different lifestyles and what they see as normality.

This lets me know how much my viewers are willing to spend, if it's worth it or not to produce the film in 3D and Imax or whether my audience won't bother to spend more money in the cinema to watch the difference.

how many genres do you prefere

several one

how many genres should a film have

several one





This will give me a idea of the range of what my audience might like, so say if some was to only like one genre the chances of it being my genre might be unlikely , this might tell me to include more than one genre.

This will let me know to include one genre or several, the majority would like several though so I will more than likely include action, drama, and comedy.

favorite genre
horror comedy 4% 6% 22% 20% classic action sci fi thriller

how long should a trailer be

1min 2mins 3mins 4mins

6% 16% 22%




This gives me a knowledge of the most popular genres so including one of them would be a good idea for me. The genre I have chosen is also the most popular which is a good thing as hopefully it will be more successful.

This will give me a good knowledge of how long my trailer should be so it don't get boring but also is long enough that the viewer is intrigued in what the clip is about and make them want to watch even more.

would you like the trailer to reveal the narrative

yes no

favorite film
shawshank green mile scarface goodfellas merry poppins

12% 8%





This will give me a good knowledge of how much of the film I should include in my trailer without giving the main plot away, obviously some of the key elements will need to be in so there is a attraction to the product.

This will give me the knowledge of what sort of films are popular and there genres, this is always good information to have and to analyse then apply, all this films are very successful also.

are your friends intrested in the same genre

yes no



This tells me that I don't have a very large range of different movie lovers but that most groups of people fall into the same category of genres which they like, this allows me to concentrate on specific genres rather than alot.

Genre ideas:
urban drama comedy action

Urban- A low budget very very realistic and believable narrative. Usually involves local council houses and estates as scenes and settings to help bring the feeling of what's happening is real. Don't have fancy special effects and big explosions in but the dilemma of the story more than likely involves just the characters staring in it rather than for a example the world ending because of a alien attack.

drama- A film genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, infidelity, moral dilemmas, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, sexuality, poverty, class divisions, violence against women and corruption put the characters in conflict with themselves, others, society and even natural phenomena. Drama is probably the broadest movie genre and includes subgenres such as romantic drama, sport films, period drama, courtroom drama and crime. Comedy- A genre of film in which the main emphasis is on humor. These films are designed to entertain the audience through amusement, and often work by exaggerating characteristics of real life for humorous effect. Films in this style traditionally have a happy ending (the black comedy being an exception). One of the oldest genres in film, some of the very first silent movies were comedies, as slapstick comedy often relies on visual depictions, without requiring sound. Comedy, unlike other film genres, puts much more focus on individual stars, with many former stand-up comic transitioning to the film industry due to their popularity Action- A film genre in which one or more heroes are thrust into a series of challenges that typically include physical feats, extended fight scenes, violence, and frantic chases. Action films tend to feature a resourceful character struggling against incredible odds, which include life-threatening situations, a villain, or a pursuit which generally concludes in victory for the hero. While action films are a reliable source of revenue for movie studios, particularly if they feature well-known characters in history or fiction, relatively few garner critical praise. Possible explanations include their two-dimensional characters and the perceived lack of intellectual content in the genre.

Vladimir propp Characters: Marcus-hero Reece -damsel in distress Shiloh- damsel in distress George-villain Thanh-donor Tim-helper Carl-dispatcher

Levi strauss Tim being shy- Marcus Reece Shiloh being loud Drugs- posh people Rich- dressing in rubbish clothes Young-mature smart

Tzvetan todorov ROADMANS Followed all the steps in order Started peaceful as Marcus Reece and Shiloh run the block Learned others weren't trust worthy Got robbed and owed big money Seek revenge and get back to the top.

It all starts out in a normal council estate based in Birmingham in the time of around 1999, the streets are quiet and most people want to stay out of trouble, there are 3 main lads who run the estate in terms of which house gets kicked in and robbed to what drug is sold by who on which corner. Their names are Marcus Reece and Shiloh, Marcus is alot of the brains behind the three however all are significant as each other. Everyone knows there faces and fear to say their names let alone try stand up or against them. All the youths on the estate know its easier to join the crew and start making some good money than they would get from signing on as thats what most people on the estate actually do. Most of the youths are around 17-22 and still live at home with their single mothers as the fathers have been missing for years or in prison. The 3 top lads Marcus Reece and Shiloh organise everything that happens on the estate with meeting with big drug dealers to distribute to the streets and handling the money side of it, so if someone dont pay up theyll organise the youth to go down and collect what is owed to them. The significant gang icon is to wear a pair of brand new airmax in the best condition as this shows respect to everyone in the crew and significance that they are making big money to go out and splash which no one who aint involved in the organisation can afford to do. It all starts to go wrong when the 3 top lads take in one of the youths from the streets whose mother dies and has nowhere to live. They let him stop in the flat they use to store the drugs and money in however as he was surrounded in it constant it all got too much and the temptation of being able to have it all for him was too much. George learns the ins and outs of how everything works as Carl is the main youth and dispatcher for the youth giving them orders of were to sell making all the estate used wisely. George picks his time correctly as he waits for a huge delivery of drugs to be dropped into the house and sets himself up for a small Brazilian group from the other side of the town to come and rob it as he thinks he will get a 50% cut however when they have the drugs he gets beat up and told if he returns they will send a anomalous letter to the top 3 lads of whats really happened. One of Marcuss close allies from another part of the town whos involved in the drug circle tells him that some Brazilians are trying to shift alot of drugs for cheaper than usual for a random reason. The top 3 lads then set up a robbery to go down check the drugs, and if there the same kill and take back whats theres, they do so and realise it is there drugs which have been robbed. They then t orture the last member in the house to tell them who informed them of the drugs as he tells them George before they leave him to burn in the bullet riddled house. George realises that Marcus Reece and Shiloh will know its him so tries to kill Marcus on the same night he gets home from taking back the drugs. Marcus is completely unaware of this as all he can think is how he was betrayed and that he will have to kill George on the following day but also make a example out of him, George ends up attacking Marcus in his house from behind and just as he is going to shoot him dead Marcuss little cousin Tim shoots George who hears whats happening from the spare room and saves his life, Tim is anti drugs and hates his cousins lifestyle but believed that blood is thicker than water.

Vladimir propp Characters: Marcus-hero Jess -damsel in distress Shiloh- villain George-hero Thanh-donor Tim-helper

Levi strauss Poor-rich Drugs- posh people Rich- none powerful Young-mature smart

Tzvetan todorov YAYO Followed all the steps in order Started poor as Marcus and George are getting sick of being at the bottom. Learned the quickest way to the top is illegal. Get involved in a dangerous drug circle. Become major wanted drug lords.

It all starts out in New York in the times of about 1970. Two good mates Marcus and George lead a standard life sharing an apartment in the city, working all the hours they can get to pay rent and try enjoy the smallest of luxuries they can afford with their low wages from there standard job as cocktail makers in a nightclub. Life seems well as they dont realise they are not going anywhere or moving up in life, bu t seem to be in a repetitive circle being fully distracted by the attention of females giving them interests and affection at work every night, when one day they miss the rent pay from being hung over from the night before and get kicked out, forcing them to move into a hostel for somewhere to sleep until they are back on their feet. Thats when it hits them as they realise that a big step up and change in their lives needs to b e made as they are sick of being at the bottom. Marcus has a close friend called Tim who seems to lead a good lifestyle constantly driving a new sports car every week and living in a good house with a pool and beautiful wife, however never seems to do alot of work. He asks if he and George can come in on what he does as Tim explains he is a local but high drug dealer. All three speak over a few weeks and decide to make the empire three times bigger and all getting involved. They start selling and as Marcus and George sell high amounts making alot of big money quick for everyone, it dont go unseen as the higher drug lords notice so Thanh who is the lead of them ask to see their newest prodigies in person . They go to a high end private bar to meet the top heads where there is a 1,000 door entry which was triple their old jobs month wage. Here they all speak in person as the high ranked drug lords begin to love the two city boys who have a quick and funny sense of humour speaking also of how theyre going to change the way drugs are sold forever mentioning selling amounts which would be suicide. George never really thought the risks through and Marcus believed in he who dares wins, whats the worst that could happen besides being caught. So its agreed that the two lads are supplied with the drugs to then move on and make a profit for everyone, everything goes well as they both finish the move with a million to split between the two of them. At this point they have got in too deep for Tim as he dont want to associate with the scale that th e once cocktail boys are now doing. They begin to get brave and the ego of not getting caught kicks in as the amount of money and drugs that they had each was ridiculous, banks stopped accepting money as it was too much to pass, super cars became boring, mansions were getting trashed at parties and blowing 50 grand a night in casinos became normal. Marcus helped a girl he knew from growing up called Jess and gave her everything he had, her problems all disappeared with the click of a finger as she now even owned her own club and beauty salons to run when she felt bored. Everyone felt invincible, fear was just a myth to them, the top was below them, and general awareness was lost a long time ago by now. They did it, they had everything they ever dreamed about, but now it was accomplished life got boring as all targets was surpassed. Drugs started to take their toll on them, however the main problem was there cockiness and the grief and aggravation they caused for everyone taking over the city and leaving nothing for no one else. All the smaller gangs and mafia lead by Shiloh decided the only way to take them down was to all join and do it together, so thats what happened in a huge gun war at Marcuss mansion where they had a mini war and killed the 2 lads .

Vladimir propp Characters: Marcus-hero Jess -damsel in distress Declan- star George-hero Tim-donor Tim-helper Jack-hero Levi strauss Young-ambitious Young-mature smart Powerful-helpful Tzvetan todorov Followed all the steps in order Started as the lads are poor but have high ambitions Wanted money quick to part hard Realised Marcus has a skill which can help Got into big debt with drug lords Won the poker game and went on holiday

It all started out in 2013, Declan is a huge famous Dj that everyone around the world knows and loves, two local lads George and Marcus, who are 17 lead ordinary life styles doing what most teenagers do which would be school, football, partying and hanging out on the streets. George has a massive crush on the girl who lives 4 doors down from him called Jess, he knows everything about her however he believes she dont even know he exists. The lads are in class listening to the radio with their other mate Jack as they hear about a huge gig in Ibiza and Declan is going to be the main star of the show. They research it and then learn its a 5grand trip, the lads between them accumulate 300 howev er this is nowhere near enough to go. Marcus is a quality card counter and can scam a lot of people out when he plays poker without them even realizing. There is a local betting game going on in 3 days at the pub at the end of the street down stairs. The only problem is its a grand ent ry with a prize of 10grand! But the boys are still 700 pound down and the only person who will borrow them the money that quick would be Tim. Tim is a local debt collector and loaner, so if they borrow the money and lose there going to be in big trouble. They all agree to do so and Marcus gets some practice in a few days before they go down to the poker night. They are playing for hours as Marcus is left last with a opponent, it comes down to the last bet as they all go all in, make or break for the lads as they are all trembling by what the result will be. It turns out they win as the cards got counted well. Everythings going well as the holiday is booked, theres a bonus as they found out theres a extra place an d a group decision that George should ask jess to come with them for the biggest gig everywhere. As he gets to the house to ask a group of lads jump him, jess runs out with a gun she keeps in her house as she realizes whats happening, the relationship was formed on the spot instantly as she helps carry him into her house and they express their passion for each other. It was finalized that she was coming and everything was set. The day they were going to the airport to fly the lads where together with jess, as on the way they see the lads and gain revenge by battering them and taking their clothes leaving them stranded naked on the roadside. Most went to plan as the boys lived up and love every minute of the holiday.

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