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Music of Indian: Quiz

Name: ______________________


Direction: For numbers 1 -5, fill in the correct letter names for each instrument. [1 point each]

1) Harmonium ___________

2) Sitar ___________

3) Dholak ___________

4) Santoor ___________

5) Tabla ___________

Directions: For numbers 6 10, fill in the correct answers. [2 points each]
6) The harmonium has small brass ___________________ that vibrate inside the instrument.
7) What are the two kinds of music the tabla is used in? 1) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________________
8) How many strings are on the sitar? ____________________________ How many frets are on the sitar? ____________________________
9) [True or

False] The santoor is played by hitting the instrument with two hands.

10) [True

False] The Dholak is played on its side.


Directions: Listen to the following excerpts and identify which instrument is being played.
The excerpts will be played twice. [1 point each]
11) __________________________________________________
12) __________________________________________________
13) __________________________________________________
14) __________________________________________________
15) __________________________________________________






Extra Credit: Indian music is taught by ____________ tradition. (Hint: When material and traditions are taught by
words from one generation to another).

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