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Haley Butcher Organization


Our mission is to benefit the lives of terminally ill children through music and art. We strive do this in a variety of ways- through fundraising, community outreach, and our special case projects.

Haley Butcher Organization

420 Orange Ave. Ste 6 Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Phone (714) 457-8132

Healing through Music and Arts

Haley Butcher Organziation Phone: (714) 457-8132
420 Orange Ave. Ste 6 Long Beach, Ca. 90805 Phone: (714) 457-8132

Haley was born on April Fools Day, 1994 and lived an exuberant life until she passed away on November 7th, 2011. Haley suffered from myelodysplasia, a rare blood disorder that affected her bodys ability to produce new blood cells. Music was very important to Haley and she is the cause for our dancing and changing other sick childrens lives.

We believe strongly in the healing and comforting power of music and art. Because of this, we help to fund music and art therapy programs in Southern California. Additionally, we provide resources for other comfort giving programs such as pediatric palliative care and social service programs.


Because of the many contacts we have in pediatric medicine, we are often presented with cases where doctors ask us to bring light into the life of a very sick child. Other times we are approached to help fund a special project that is directly related to sick children. Using the resources we have, we strive to bring happiness to as many patients as possible.

We are an event driven organization. This means that the revenue that we bring in from concerts, exhibitions, festivals, and special events is our main source of income. We strive to engage, entertain, and inspire through music and art, all the while fundraising for our projects and bringing awareness to other organizations with similar charitable causes.

Seeing a childs face light up when they hear or play an instrument is truly amazing. I never want to see the day when a music program no longer exists, - Samantha Dietrich, founder of the Haley Butcher Organization.

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