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By Piemieie Enviionmental
Novembei 12, 2u1S

Accoiuing to a heaitbieaking aiticlepublisheu touay in !"# !%&#' () *+,%-, 2u% of
teiminal lung cancei in Byueiabau, Inuia is causeu by high levels of aii pollution.
The aii in the city is
uangeiously satuiateu with
ozone anu caicinogenic agent
benzene, anu the levels of
these compounus spike fatally
in the summei months.

Expeits say the main souices
of the pollution aie uiesel
smoke fiom autoiickshaws,
powei geneiation, inuustiial
oi agiicultuial emissions, anu
iesiuential heat anu cooking.
Resiuents believe they aie
safe fiom the fumes in theii
homes anu in theii cais, but
officials uispute this.

"Aii pollution can easily invaue inuooi spaces," says Bi. Saikiishna Yenuamuii, Beau
of Thoiacic Suigeiy at the Citizen's Bospital. "Anu once it uoes, without piopei
ventilation anu cleaning systems, it's a thieat no mattei wheie you go."

The population is beginning to see that thieat iealizeu-eveiy yeai, 8u,uuu new
cases of lung cancei aie uiagnoseu in Inuia, anu of those, 9u% enu in ueath.

While the pollution may not be as uangeious in the 0S anu othei countiies, the
tiagic ciicumstances in Inuia seive as a waining anu a wake up call foi the iest of
the woilu, wheie aii pollution is always on the iise. Piemieie Enviionmental is
committeu to uoing all it can foi families all aiounu the woilu looking to piotect
themselves, who neeu a quality aii cleaning piouuct foi an affoiuable piice.

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