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Syndrom Metabolic Defenition

Syndrom Metabolic Defenition

Metabolic syndrome refers to a group of risk factors affecting the overweight and obese. (Lien & Guyton, 2008).

Syndrom Metabolic Defenition

Metabolic syndrome has also been called syndrome X, insulin-resistant syndrome, dysmetabolic syndrome, and cardiometabolic syndrome. (Lien & Guyton, 2008).

Syndrom Metabolic Defenition

Metabolic syndrome is characterized as having the following risk factors: 1. hypertension, 2. insulin resistance, 3. dyslipidemia (hypertriglyceridemia and low high-density lipoprotein levels [HDLs]), 4. and abdominal obesity (Lien & Guyton, 2008).

Syndrom Metabolic Defenition

Obesity is considered one of the main risk factors for developing this syndrome. However, there are a very limited number of studies that measure standardized adiposity and its impact in developing metabolic syndrome (Ordovas & Corella, 2008).

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