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8y: kaLle Colllnge & kalLlyn MaLLhews

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lnvesLlgaLe Lhe lnLeracLlons of sollds and llqulds (e.g. slnk, floaL, dlssolve, eLc.) and
record changes durlng experlemenLs
uescrlbe Lhe physlcal properlLles of alr and waLer

A clean 1 llLer clear soda boLLle
3/4 cup of waLer
vegeLable Cll
llzzlng LableLs (such as Alka SelLzer)
lood colorlng
Measurlng Cup
llashllghL (opLlonal)
:;7-1 $20.00
>? our Lhe waLer lnLo Lhe boLLle.

@? use a measurlng cup Lo slowly pour Lhe vegeLable oll lnLo Lhe boLLle unLll lL's almosL full. ?ou
may have Lo walL a few mlnuLes for Lhe oll and waLer separaLe.

A? Add 10 drops of food colorlng Lo Lhe boLLle. 1he drops wlll pass Lhrough Lhe oll and Lhen mlx
wlLh Lhe waLer below.

B? 8reak a selLzer LableL ln half and drop Lhe half LableL lnLo Lhe boLLle. WaLch lL slnk Lo Lhe
boLLom and leL Lhe blobby greaLness begln!
C? 1o keep Lhe effecL golng, [usL add anoLher LableL plece. lor a Lrue lava lamp effecL, shlne a
flashllghL Lhrough Lhe boLLom of Lhe boLLle.

D;E 0;)7 +- E;*FG 1he oll sLays above Lhe waLer because Lhe oll ls less dense Lhan waLer.
WaLer molecules are aLLracLed Lo oLher waLer molecules and oll molecules are aLLracLed Lo
oLher oll molecules buL Lhe sLrucLures of Lhe Lwo molecules do noL allow Lhem Lo bond
LogeLher. When you added Lhe LableL plece, lL sank Lo Lhe boLLom and sLarLed dlssolvlng and
creaLlng a gas. As Lhe gas bubbles rose, Lhey Look some of Lhe colored waLer wlLh Lhem. When
Lhe blob of waLer reached Lhe Lop, Lhe gas escaped and down wenL Lhe waLer.

!"#" !"%& '(&)*+%),-.

2"H)-I :;,7+0)*"-+;,71 lnsure all sLudenLs wash Lhelr hands before and afLer Lhe experlmenL
and remlnd sLudenLs Lo never Louch Lhelr face or puL Lhelr hands ln Lhelr mouLh durlng Lhe
experlmenL. SLudenLs musL keep Lhelr hands Lo Lhemselves and respecL Lhelr classmaLes work.
Wearlng an apron Lo proLecL cloLhlng from oll and colourlng ls nessarcary aL all Llmes.
:9"77*;;% 8","J)%),- <77=) K>1 ulsLrlbuLlng maLerlals effecLlvely and avoldlng sLudenLs uslng
Loo many maLerlals or mlsuslng Lhem.
2-)&7 -; L#)*-1 SeL up mulLlple sLaLlons around Lhe classroom Lo avold crowdlng of Lables and
flghLlng over maLerlals. 8elnforce Lhe facL LhaL you've provlded Lhe sLudenLs wlLh [usL enough
maLerlals for everyone Lo make one lava lamp so lf one sLudenL overuses Lhe maLerlals, anoLher
sLudenL won'L have enough.1hls wlll promoLe sLudenLs Lo use careful measuremenLs durlng Lhe
experlmenL (have addlLlonal maLerlals encase a mlsLake ls made).
:9"77*;;% 8","J)%),- <77=) K@1 Managlng lnapproprlaLe behavlor durlng Lhe experlmenL -
Laklng Lhe experlmenL serlously whlle sLlll havlng fun.
2-)&7 -; L#)*-1 Pave a class bralnsLorm before sLarLlng abouL whaL approprlaLe behavlor looks
llke durlng a sclence lab. Clve sLudenLs Lhe lncenLlve of Laklng Lhe lava lamp home lf Lhe
approprlaLe behavlor dlscussed ls dlsplayed.
:9"77*;;% 8","J)%),- <77=) KA1 Mlsuse of Lhe lava lamp afLer Lhe experlmenL ls over.
2-)&7 -; L#)*-1 noLlfy sLudenLs before Lhe experlmenL sLarLs LhaL when Lhe experlmenL ls done
lava lamps can only be played wlLh durlng breaks (e.g recess, lunch or afLer school). 8e sLern
abouL any mlsuse of lava lamps - Lhe prlvllege wlll be losL for safeLy and dlsLracLlons concerns.

M+73=77+;, N=)7-+;,71
>? uoes Lhe LemperaLure of Lhe waLer affecL Lhe reacLlon?
@? uoes Lhe slze of Lhe boLLle affecL how many blobs are produced?
A? uoes Lhe effecL sLlll work lf Lhe cap ls puL on Lhe boLLle?
B? uoes Lhe slze of Lhe LableL pleces affecL Lhe number of blobs creaLed?

2;=*3)1 hLLp://

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