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statespc(a,b,c,d,x,ps,num): If you have the state matrices a,b,c,d of a discrete system, the present state of the system, and

the input, x, to the system, this program will give the output of the system for the first "num" discrete values of time k. See figure 1 for a two delay example. The matrices would be larger for more unit delays. for example, if the system had eight delays, the "a" matrix would be an 8x8, "b" would be a column vector eight units high, "c" would be an 8 element row vector. The matrices a,b,c,d,x,t for the example are grouped with the program. The "t" matrix is the initial (present) state. Simulation for num=10 gives y(k)={0,6,15,25,35,33,25,15,5,1}.

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