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Joshua Gute ENG 1102 Reading 2 Discussion Questions

After having read Bartlett and Holland's work, please respond to the following. As you are responding/defining terms, please paraphrase and use your own words/sentence patterns; do not simply copy straight from the text. 1.According to the text, how do the authors define an actor? artifact? figured worlds?
An actor is someone who plays a role in the figured world, In the article they refer to Habitus which is when history is brought to life in a person, This may include the actors use of artifacts. Artifacts are tools of selfmanagement; this is a vital tool to the actor to display its significance in the figured world.

2.How do Bartlett and Holland define a literacy practice? What counts as literacy?
Bartlett and Holland define literacy practice as the encounter between structures and habitus. I relate this to a child learning, the common literacy practice is to send them to school because this is what history shows to be effective to become literate. Literacy is just being able to read and write, although there are many levels of literacy.

3.How does figured worlds come into play concerning actors and artifacts?
The figured world created is what determines who become the actors in this world and how they are viewed in this paradigm. The artifacts help grow the figured world, and represent the actors character.

4. List three questions you have concerning the content or your understanding of this article.
How will these findings in literacy studies be implemented in modern society to make changes?

How do you set guidelines for the figured world techniques? They can be very subjective to interpretation

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