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Scientific Computing Assessed Task #1

Philip Colbran (pc501), Homerton College

The graph (fig. 1) displays the share value for 3 different companies (Apple, IBM and Microsoft) had shares been invested in rather than buying an iPod in October 2001. As can be seen in the table below (fig. 2), investing in Apple would have been by far the most financially beneficial option.

Figure 1 Graph displaying share value against time

Figure 2: Table

Apple IBM Microsoft

Net share worth at present/$

17925.03 714.78 514.56

Appendix: MATLAB Script

APPLE = dlmread('apple.csv',',',1,0); appleshareprice=APPLE(144,2); applesharenumber=(399/appleshareprice); x=APPLE(1:144,1); yA=(APPLE(1:144,2)*applesharenumber); plot(x,yA,'r') IBM = dlmread('ibm.csv',',',1,0); ibmshareprice=IBM(144,2); ibmsharenumber=(399/ibmshareprice); yI=(IBM(1:144,2)*ibmsharenumber); hold on plot(x,yI,'g') MICROSOFT = dlmread('microsoft.csv',',',1,0); microsoftshareprice=IBM(144,2); microsoftsharenumber=(399/microsoftshareprice); yM=(MICROSOFT(1:144,2)*microsoftsharenumber); plot(x,yM,'b') xlim([2001.6 2014]) legend('APPLE','IBM','MICROSOFT')

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