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--- Assassin's Creed 2 Revisited HGEC v1.

1 --created by XiNAVRO =========== Description =========== This is an HGEC version of theRoadstroker's Assassin's Creed 2 Revisited. Unlike the previous Assassin's Creed 2 Ezio's Gear, there is no addon version - standa lone only. This is because theRoadstroker has added a female version of the armo r into the original mod that was designed by himself; which is quite beautiful a nd unique, but it sports a different design from what Ezio wears in the original game. It's a matter of personal taste really - if you love Renaissance blouse o n females like I do, then this mod is for you. Note that there is no male version included; you need to get the original mod fo r that. And since the Revisited version is intended to replace the previous vers ion, it is NOT RECOMMENDED to use this mod with AC2 Ezio's Gear HGEC. The spawn location of the chest is almost the same, so you may have issues if you do. =========== Version 1.1 =========== Several changes were made, and unfortunately that means no backwards compatibili ty with version 1.0 (only textures remain untouched). First of all, the armor is split into pieces - shirt, unhooded shirt, pants, glove and cape. Now you can e nchant them separately, or mix and match the colors (if you REALLY want to). The cape is also provided in two variants - this option was not in theRoadstroker's original mod - you can now equip the "flipped over" cape instead of the regular looking one. ============ Original Mod ============ + Assassins Creed 2 - Revisited ================ Previous version ================ + Assassins Creed 2 Ezios Gear HGEC ====================== Where to get the armor ====================== The armor is inside the Chest of the Auditore Family, 3rd floor of Abandoned Hou se at Cheydinhal. ======= Credits ======= theRoadstroker for the original armor.

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