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Beyond the Quick Fix

It is a comprehensive change model by Ralph Kilmann which specifies the critical leverage points for organizational change.

Total System Change Model

This model has five sequential stages: 1) Initiating the program: It includes securing commitment from top management. 2) Diagnosing the problems: It requires a thorough analysis of the problems and opportunities facing the organization 3) Scheduling the tracks: It involves intervening in five critical leverage points, called tracks. 4) Implementing the tracks 5) Evaluating the results Change programs take from one to five years to complete

The Five Tracks

A. The Culture track enhances trust, communication, information sharing and willingness to change among members B. The Management skills track provides all management personnel with new ways of coping with complex problems C. The Team building track infuses the new culture and updated management skills into each work unit D. The Strategy- Structure track develops either a completely new or a revised strategic plan for the firm E. The Reward system track establishes a performance based reward system that sustains all improvements by officially sanctioning the new culture, the use of updated management skills, and cooperative team efforts within and among all work groups

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